The Promotion of Gender Equality within Local Development ...

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The Promotionof Gender EqualitywithinLocal DevelopmentProcesses in ItalyCase Studyfor the International ProjectW. In D.Women in DevelopmentDavide BarbieriBarbara BittarelliFlavia Pesce“With the support of the European Union - Programme concerning the Community framework strategy on gender equality (2001-2005)”

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Promotion</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Gender</strong> <strong>Equality</strong><strong>within</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong>Processes in ItalyCase Studyfor the International ProjectW. In D.Women in <strong>Development</strong>Davide BarbieriBarbara BittarelliFlavia Pesce“With the support <strong>of</strong> the European Union - Programme concerning the Community framework strategy on gender equality (2001-2005)”

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Promotion</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Gender</strong> <strong>Equality</strong><strong>within</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong>Processes in ItalyCase Studyfor the International ProjectW. In D.Women in <strong>Development</strong>Davide BarbieriBarbara BittarelliFlavia PesceWith support from the European Community – Programme relating to the Community Framework Strategy on<strong>Gender</strong> <strong>Equality</strong> (2001-2005). <strong>The</strong> information contained in this publication (or in other materials) does notnecessarily reflect the position or opinion <strong>of</strong> the European Commission.

Case study report for theItalian Presidency <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers,Department for Rights and Equal OpportunitiesNot to be quoted without permissionSeptember 2007IRS - Institute for Social ResearchVia Castiglione, 440124 Bologna0039 051

INDEXPrefaceV1. Introduction 12. <strong>The</strong> socio-economic context 22.1 <strong>The</strong> population 22.2 <strong>The</strong> labour market 4<strong>The</strong> characteristics <strong>of</strong> female employment 6Female unemployment 9Female entrepreneurship 12<strong>Gender</strong> pay gap 142.3 Political participation and decision making 153. Institutions and regulation 173.1 Equal opportunities and local development 173.2 Equal opportunities in Italy: regulatory framework and bodies 193.3 Policies and tools for local development 23Negotiated programming, concertization and partnership 23<strong>The</strong> Integrated Project 25<strong>The</strong> Fund for Underused Areas and the Agreements for the Framework Programme 26Other tools 263.4 <strong>The</strong> community programming 2000-2006 273.5 <strong>The</strong> community programming 2007-2013 and the unitary regional policy 28III

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy4. <strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issues 304.1 <strong>The</strong> projects and initiatives aimed at supporting female participationin the local development processes 324.2 <strong>The</strong> projects and initiatives aimed at supporting the introduction<strong>of</strong> the gender mainstreaming principle in the local development processesand program 374.3 An integrated planning 425. Scenarios and perspectives 47Bibliography 49IV

Preface<strong>Local</strong> development processes are not neutralfrom a gender point <strong>of</strong> view. <strong>The</strong>re is now someinteresting theoretical and empirical evidence <strong>of</strong>a strong correlation between <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong>and <strong>Gender</strong> Equal Opportunities.Numerous studies that have been carried outhighlight the strong correlation between economicgrowth and female presence in the labour market.<strong>The</strong>re are also many studies that emphasize theinefficiency in various contexts where discriminationand segregation hinder a better use <strong>of</strong>the resources to re-launch competitiveness <strong>of</strong> thelocal systems through men’ as well as women’skills.<strong>The</strong>se correlations most certainly have twoimplications:(a) Equal opportunities improve local development;(b) <strong>Local</strong> development improves the female positionin local contexts.Such a hypotheses is not based, obviously, on anethical principle (which would also have itsrelevancy), but on evidence <strong>of</strong> a very precise socioeconomicnature. <strong>The</strong> literature leaves little doubtregarding the growing role <strong>of</strong> women in socioeconomicgrowth processes, given the clearpositive correlation between growth and equalopportunities in the labour market. <strong>The</strong> countrieswith the highest growth rates and the highestlevels <strong>of</strong> pro-capita income, also have the highestfemale participation in the labour market.<strong>The</strong> cause-and-effect direction primarily goes fromgrowth to gender equality since higher levels <strong>of</strong>development generally lead to higher levels <strong>of</strong>education, democracy and equality between menand women (L<strong>of</strong>strom, 2001), but there is also apositive relationship between gender equality andsocio-economic growth. Greater female participationand employment imply greater currentproduction, but also a greater future growth,because <strong>of</strong> the effects on the new generations(higher family income, greater investment inhuman capital and health). According to recentestimates (Olsson, 2000), the growth in participation<strong>of</strong> women in the labour market wouldexplain, for the 20 years between 1980 and 1999,almost a fifth <strong>of</strong> the growth <strong>of</strong> the European GDPagainst a negative contribution from the maleworkforces. Even though this data could be anoverestimation because <strong>of</strong> the greater concentration<strong>of</strong> women in part-time jobs and in sectors<strong>of</strong> smaller scale production (for example, in PublicAdministration), in all the European countries, anever greater share <strong>of</strong> the wealth produced andsocial development is incontestably due to thecontribution <strong>of</strong> women.In a long-term perspective, the benefits to sup-V

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italyporting participation in female employment becomeclear even in terms <strong>of</strong> an increase in developmentlevels given that, again from an economicperspective, some virtual circles become graftedand increase efficiency in resource use (Humphries,Rubery et al., 1999; Rubery et al., 1999).When female employment grows, for example,family incomes grow with a positive impact on thecollective demand and tax revenue. Another virtualcircle is the tie between the growth in educationallevels — and therefore the investment in humancapital — and the growth in female participationin training courses. Or, the support <strong>of</strong> femaleparticipation in the labour market makes itpossible to reduce the depreciation <strong>of</strong> investmentin female human capital that emerges followingan interruption in work activity for problemsrelated to reconciliation and/or problems <strong>of</strong>occupational and pr<strong>of</strong>essional segregation <strong>of</strong> thefemale workforce. Again, to give another example,the support to participation and female employmentthrough reconciliation policies, insures,in the medium and long-term, adequate conditionsfor social reproduction, such as, for example thosetied to the growth <strong>of</strong> future generations.<strong>The</strong> benefit <strong>of</strong> Equal opportunity policies is alsoclear, both in the short and long-term, in the areathat is most concerned with social development <strong>of</strong>a given territory because equality <strong>of</strong> the productiveand reproductive conditions <strong>of</strong> men and womenhave a positive impact on the quality <strong>of</strong> life,increasing women’s possibilities <strong>of</strong> choice; risks <strong>of</strong>poverty for the female population are reduced,working conditions <strong>of</strong> men and women and, moregenerally, life conditions are improved.Support for the participation <strong>of</strong> women in activeworking life is therefore a form <strong>of</strong> investment inthe female resource that has side effects forsociety on the whole and for its various components:there is a parallel improvement in lifeconditions <strong>of</strong> men and children. <strong>The</strong> attempts atanalyzing the efficiency <strong>of</strong> Equal opportunitypolicies conclude that this type <strong>of</strong> measure(Rubery et al., 1999) can be considered as a truefactor in productivity.<strong>The</strong> female world is a resource for <strong>Local</strong>development not only because it contributes toeconomic growth <strong>of</strong> the territory and its socialreproduction, but also because it promotes andconfirms alternative approaches to development.<strong>The</strong> experiences <strong>of</strong> micro credit for womenenduring extreme conditions <strong>of</strong> backwardness andpoverty in Southern areas <strong>of</strong> the world, thoughbeing distant experiences, are enlightening. Infact, the microcredit institutions recognize thesewomen as carriers <strong>of</strong> a more valid and effectivesocial promotion than men, finding one <strong>of</strong> thebasic motives for it in their ties with their childrenand, therefore, with the future generations.Beyond the growth <strong>of</strong> female awareness, theeffects <strong>of</strong> microcredit are reflected in the mostvaried environments <strong>of</strong> social and family life andemphasize women’s great attention to the future:from educational and instructional choices <strong>of</strong>children (that favour education and oppose underagelabour) to planning procreation. Furthermore,the women show themselves to be more carefuladministrators than men regarding loans, apartfrom emphasizing, especially in some countrieswhere there is strong pressure to emigrate, thatthere is less <strong>of</strong> a propensity to leave the country(Yunus, 2003).<strong>The</strong> territorial and local dynamics confront eachother with various expectations from the femaleworld related to the configuration <strong>of</strong> thecombination <strong>of</strong> productive and reproductive rolesthat women play in a given territory. <strong>The</strong>seelements must be made known (and shared) inorder to identify the possible solutions in terms<strong>of</strong> policy (and the participation <strong>of</strong> the territory intheir definition).<strong>The</strong> factors <strong>of</strong> the socio-economic context —therefore the local dimension — have a specialinfluence in determining the choices and theparticipational behaviours <strong>of</strong> women, then <strong>of</strong>those <strong>of</strong> men.If we take for granted the unequal distribution <strong>of</strong>VI

Prefacecare roles between men and women as data, it isimpossible to ignore the differences in the femalecondition and problems <strong>of</strong> reconciliation that theydenote, for example, in urban and rural areas, bothin support for participation and in a perspective <strong>of</strong>support for permanent employment. <strong>The</strong> elementsthat differentiate the female condition in the localdimension are related to a myriad <strong>of</strong> otherenvironmental factors: from the economic vocation<strong>of</strong> a territory (industrial, tertiary, tourist, agricultural,specialized, etc.), to the cultural andrelationship models <strong>of</strong> the community, from theavailable resources to redistribute care work,whether institutionalized (infancy services, largecompanies that more easily adopt reorganizationmodels for work schedules, roots in the thirdsector and the spread <strong>of</strong> practices such as TimeBanks) or other, (relationships with neighboursand exchange models, family structures andintergenerational solidarity) to policies on timesand transport.It is actually the context’s relevancy in designingthe terms by which women represent a resourcefor development that suggests that the localdimension is a resource for Equal opportunitypolicies.In fact, in the first place, like the developmentpolicies, the Equal opportunity policies have agreater probability <strong>of</strong> meeting the needs formeasures in as much as the more they are plannedand implemented “close” the population thatexpresses the need, the better. In the secondplace, the local dimension facilitates that policyintegration process that characterizes the essence<strong>of</strong> gender mainstreaming. <strong>The</strong> labour and trainingpolicies <strong>of</strong>ten have a greater possibility <strong>of</strong> beingplanned and implemented in synergy with otherpolicies that support female inclusion in the labourmarket, such as care policies (children, the elderly,the infirm), transport policies, scheduling policiesand all those measures that have an impact onthe quality <strong>of</strong> life and the safety both <strong>of</strong> theworkplace, and more generally, the territory.Finally, the Equal opportunity policies promoted atthe local level have greater chances <strong>of</strong> involvingthe relevant actors (local authorities, enterprises,civil economy, management and labour, thepopulation). <strong>The</strong> question <strong>of</strong> capacity building andmobilization <strong>of</strong> local stakeholders is furthermorea central element in the implementation <strong>of</strong>equality policies, and emphasizes the need topromote women in policymaking processes andat all decisional levels (empowerment), whetherwith the greater involvement <strong>of</strong> women in thedecision-making places or the involvement <strong>of</strong>equality bodies and other women’s organizations.At the same time, the equality organizationsshould be involved in networking processes bothin terms <strong>of</strong> connection with other local actors aswell as connection with other levels <strong>of</strong> government.This could also take place through“concertation”* tables that deal with this issuesand/or protocols, for example, in the sphere <strong>of</strong>territorial pacts in order to provide openly forpromotion and gender mainstreaming in thechoices implemented to foster <strong>Local</strong> development(Campbell, 2003).Unfortunately, although the world <strong>of</strong> womenrepresents a resource for the territory and thelocal context, primarily when a medium to longtermperspective is adopted (Rubery, Fagan, 1999),this topic is rarely analyzed in its complexity andmultidimensional nature, from the gender point<strong>of</strong> view. In this framework, a project such asW. In D., promoted by the Dipartimento per i Dirittie le Pari Opportunità (Italian Department for Rightsand Equal Opportunities) <strong>of</strong> the Presidenza delConsiglio dei Ministri (Presidency <strong>of</strong> the Council<strong>of</strong> Ministers), seems important. <strong>The</strong> project’sambitious objective is, to define methodological* For “concertation” we intend activities in order to involve main stakeholders and reach consensus on a specific issue.VII

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italysteps for verifying the gender policies thatcontribute to <strong>Local</strong> development. This means, inother terms, verifying the hypothesis on thenegative influence which occurs when the Equalopportunity principle is not applied in the localdevelopment <strong>of</strong> a territory and, vice versa, towhich degree the lack <strong>of</strong> local development limitsimprovement in the position <strong>of</strong> women.<strong>The</strong> little involvement <strong>of</strong> women in local developmentprocesses, and the minimal attentionreserved for the gender principle in those samedevelopment policies, continue to be constant inmost European countries. <strong>The</strong> issue is at the center<strong>of</strong> the V Program <strong>of</strong> community action for equalopportunity between men and women in theframework W. In D. was funded. <strong>The</strong> project goesfrom the conviction that it is necessary to promotea strong coordinated action at a European levelto support these issues and make the necessarycultural change in order to concretely apply thegender mainstreaming principle in local socioeconomicdevelopment processes.<strong>The</strong> transnational partnership <strong>of</strong> the project wasformed to include various cultural attitudes andvarious experiences in gender oriented equalopportunity throughout the European Union, aswell as different organizational-institutionalsystems found in the Member Countries. <strong>The</strong>partnership structure <strong>of</strong> W. In D. is as follows:• Promoter with the role <strong>of</strong> direction andcoordination <strong>of</strong> the project activities: Departmentfor Rights and Equal OpportunitiesPresidency <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers, Italy• Transnational partners:European Policies Research Centre (EPRC)University <strong>of</strong> Strathclyde, UKInstitut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques (IGOP)University <strong>of</strong> Barcellona, SpainNational Commission for the <strong>Promotion</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Equality</strong> (NCPE), Malta• National partner: Institute for Social Research(IRS), ItalyIncluding Spain and Italy in the project led to the“typical” problems <strong>of</strong> Mediterranean countries ontopics <strong>of</strong> gender oriented equal opportunity,although they were part <strong>of</strong> two rather differentpolitical institutional contexts, especially in thearea <strong>of</strong> administrative decentralization.<strong>The</strong> Maltese partner allowed for a perspective onthe experience <strong>of</strong> a small country that is stilldealing with numerous problems in the sphere <strong>of</strong>equal opportunity. For this reason the recent entryinto the European Union represents, at the sametime, a challenge and a chance for rapid progress.<strong>The</strong> Scottish partner, finally, guarantees the Anglo-Saxon perspective, characterized by a moreadvanced situation in gender equality terms andtherefore working more on a gender mainstreamingapproach and on a wider concept <strong>of</strong>equal opportunities, open to all forms <strong>of</strong> discrimination.Through a comparative research action, the projectproduced an Intervention model and Guidelinesfor introducing and strengthening the equalopportunity principles in the local developmentprocesses. This tool is intended to meet a doubleneed: to foster and consolidate local strategies thatfavour female participation in local developmentprocesses in the various localcontexts; to define an integrated approach for fosteringthe inclusion <strong>of</strong> gender mainstreaming in localdevelopment processes, shared by all theproject partners.<strong>The</strong> intervention model was outlined starting withthe results <strong>of</strong> the research and from thesolicitations and needs that emerged in the panelsorganized in each <strong>of</strong> the partner countries withthe participation <strong>of</strong> institutional stakeholders,VIII

Prefacerepresentatives <strong>of</strong> the socio-economic partnership,reference people <strong>of</strong> the best practices analyzedand represented a first step for the definition <strong>of</strong>concrete methods and tools for promoting gendermainstreaming as a constituent element in thelocal development processes, as declined in theGuidelines.This publication is one <strong>of</strong> the products <strong>of</strong> W. In D.listed below: Italian case study; Scottish case study; Spanish case study; Maltese case study; Final report <strong>of</strong> the comparative research study“Strategies and experiences carried out in thelocal development processes at a Europeanlevel” ; Model and Guidelines: “A gender oriented localdevelopment model”; Catalogue <strong>of</strong> best practices.Department for Rights and Equal OpportunitiesItalian Presidency <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers - ItalyIRS - Institute for Social Research - ItalyBibliography• Campbell M., <strong>Local</strong> Employment <strong>Development</strong> in the European Union. Acting Together at the <strong>Local</strong> Level: More and Better Jobs,Better Governance, Atti del Convegno European Forum on <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong> and Employment, Presidency <strong>of</strong> the European Unionin Rhodes, 16/17 maggio 2003.• L<strong>of</strong>strom A., A report on gender equality and economic growth, comm/employment_social/equ_opp/information_en.html#emp, 2001.• Olsson H., Social Security, <strong>Gender</strong> <strong>Equality</strong> and Economic Growth, mimeo, 2000.• Rubery J., Fagan C., Smith M., Women’s Employment in Europe. Trends and Prospects, Routledge, London, 1999.• Humphries J., Rubery J., Fagan C., Grimshaw D., Smith M., Equal Opportunities as a Productive Factor, Study for the Policy andPerspective Group <strong>of</strong> DG Employment and Social Affairs – European Commission, 1999.• Yunus M., Il banchiere dei poveri, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2003.IX

1.Introduction<strong>The</strong> following pages represent an analysis carriedout in Italy and briefly show the situation regardingaspects related to the socio-economic and theinstitutional and regulatory context. It alsosuggests a transversal interpretation <strong>of</strong> some“practices” that already exist in our Country, andthat are attempting to combine gender to the issue<strong>of</strong> local development under various aspects.1

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy2.<strong>The</strong> socio-economic context2.1. <strong>The</strong> populationIn recent years, the aging <strong>of</strong> the population andthe growing number <strong>of</strong> foreign citizens havecontributed more than anything else to ademographic and social change in Italy.On the 31st <strong>of</strong> December 2006, the total Italianpopulation was equal to 59,131,287 <strong>of</strong> which 51,4% are women, with an increase <strong>of</strong> 0.6% withrespect to 2005 1 . <strong>The</strong> increase in population is notuniform throughout the national territory due tohighly diversified natural and migratory balances.A migratory movement is also confirmed for 2006,both <strong>within</strong> the Country and abroad, primarilydirected toward Central and Northern regions,while only in the Southern regions and the Islandsa positive natural balance is recorded.<strong>The</strong> distribution <strong>of</strong> the resident population bygeographical division assigns the Northwest26.4% <strong>of</strong> the total, the Northeast 18.9% <strong>of</strong> thetotal, the Central area 19.5%, the South 23.8%and the Islands 11.3%.<strong>The</strong> estimate <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> foreigners in thetotal population is equal to five foreigners for everyhundred residents, and appears to be growingwith respect to 2005 (4.5 foreigners for every 100residents).<strong>The</strong> incidence <strong>of</strong> foreigners it’s greatest in theNorth (respectively 7.2% and 6.8% <strong>of</strong> theNortheast and Northwest), high in the Central area(6.4%) while in the South the quota <strong>of</strong> foreignresidents is only 1.6%.Italy has one <strong>of</strong> the highest levels <strong>of</strong> aging in theworld thanks to progressive increases in lifeexpectancy.On the first <strong>of</strong> July 2006 2 the percentage <strong>of</strong> peopleaged 65 or over reached the significant number<strong>of</strong> 19.9%, (it was 17% in 1996), while that <strong>of</strong> minorshas declined to 17.0% (18% in 1996). Young peopleup to 14 years <strong>of</strong> age make up 14.1% (15% in 1996),the population <strong>of</strong> an active age, 15 to 64 years, isequal to two thirds <strong>of</strong> the total (68% in 1996).<strong>The</strong> average age <strong>of</strong> the population reaches 43years, and the ratio between the older and theyounger generations reaches 141% against the1 ISTAT, National demographic balance, Year 2006, http://demo.stat.it2 ISTAT, Demographic indicators – Year 2006, note March 26 20072

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic context117% <strong>of</strong> 1996. <strong>The</strong>re is also an increase in the ratiobetween the inactive generations (minors up to14 years old and the elderly <strong>of</strong> 65 or more) andgenerations <strong>of</strong> an active age (15 to 64 years), thatpasses for 46% to 51%. <strong>The</strong> structural weight <strong>of</strong>the over 64 -year-olds alone on the population <strong>of</strong>active age passes from 25% to 30%.Furthermore, this process regards an ever morefeminized segment <strong>of</strong> the population that, thanksto its greater longevity with respect to men,represents the most relevant quota <strong>of</strong> the growingcontingent <strong>of</strong> elderly. In Italy the quota stands at58.8%.<strong>The</strong> female population has greatly aged. In 2006,22.4% <strong>of</strong> the women were over 65 (16.9% for themen) and 6.7% were over 80 (3.5% for the men).TABLE 1Demographic and Structural Indicators for the Italian populationIndicators <strong>of</strong> the population structure ( July 1 2006, estimates)Italy%pop 0-14 14,1%pop 0-17 17,0% pop 15-64 66,1%pop>65 19,9Women 22,4Men 16,9Age index 141Structural dependency index 51Elderly dependency index 30Average age 42,8Demographic indicatorsLife expectancy at birthWomen 84,0Men 78,3Average number <strong>of</strong> children per woman 1,35Italian women (2004) 1,26Foreign women (2004) 2,61Source:ISTAT<strong>The</strong> aging <strong>of</strong> the population in relative terms canbe attributed to the exceptional longevity <strong>of</strong>Italians even more than to fertility rates which arestill below the replacement level. Even in 2006,as in previous years, the population benefitedfrom further progress in survival. <strong>The</strong> estimate <strong>of</strong>the life expectancy at birth reached 78.3 yearsold for men and 84.0 years old for women, with agrowth <strong>of</strong> 0.5 and 0.6 years, respectively, incomparison to 2005.According to recent projections, the consequences<strong>of</strong> the aging process for Italy could lead by 2050to a growth <strong>of</strong> up to 34% <strong>of</strong> individuals who are 65years old and more.<strong>The</strong> situation <strong>of</strong> progressive aging <strong>of</strong> thepopulation is obviously due to the lengthening <strong>of</strong>the average life <strong>of</strong> individuals but also dependson changes that have a strong demographic impacton reproductive behaviours. In fact, youngerwomen <strong>of</strong> reproductive age tend to delay maternityand have their first child at 30 if they live in theNorth <strong>of</strong> Italy and 28 if they live in the South.3

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyItaly is, therefore one <strong>of</strong> the countries with thelowest levels <strong>of</strong> fertility, although in the last 10years the trend finally seems to be reversing anddiminishing. In 2006, the estimate for the averagenumber <strong>of</strong> children per woman was equal to 1.35(1.34 in 2005). This is the highest level recordedin Italy in the last 15 years and is the result <strong>of</strong> agrowing trend begun in 1995, the year in whichItalian fertility touched the all-time minimum witha value <strong>of</strong> 1.19 children per woman.<strong>The</strong> recovery seen in the last few years is theproduct on the national scale <strong>of</strong> more similarreproductive behaviours between the variousareas <strong>of</strong> the country, in particular between theCentral Northern zone and the South. <strong>The</strong> resultobserved, in fact, can be attributed to the regions<strong>of</strong> the North and the Central area, considering thatin the period between 1995 and 2005, the averagenumber <strong>of</strong> children per woman passed into thisdivision, respectively, from 1.05 to 1.34 and from1.07 to 1.29. In the same period, on the other hand,the Southern regions recorded a decrease: from1.41 to 1.35 children per woman.2.2. <strong>The</strong> labour marketSupport for participation, particularly femaleparticipation, in the labour market will haveto be one <strong>of</strong> Italy’s main focus points in the nearfuture.<strong>The</strong> activity rate was equal to 62.7% in 2006 anddividing the groups by gender, we can observethat the rate <strong>of</strong> female participation was muchlower (50.8%) with respect to the male rate(74.6%).<strong>The</strong> number <strong>of</strong> inactive women is still very highhowever, approximately half <strong>of</strong> the femalepopulation over 15 years <strong>of</strong> age, emphasizing astrong potential labour force pool that could beactivated to support employment levels and toanswer to the growing friction between laboursupply and demand, even from a merelyquantitative point <strong>of</strong> view.<strong>The</strong> gender gap is defined as a structuring elementin the pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> participation in the Italian labourmarket.FIGURE 1Italy - Activity rates 15-64Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces4

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic contextDespite a strong growth in female participation inthe labour market that has taken place over thelast 10 years, the pr<strong>of</strong>ile for participation by ageshows that the gender gap in the activity rates stillcorresponds to any age group, although withdifferent levels <strong>of</strong> intensity.<strong>The</strong> curve <strong>of</strong> activity rates by age has taken on atypical “bell” form similar to the male one, but atdecidedly lower levels.FIGURE 2Italy - Activity rates by sex and age - 2005Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces<strong>The</strong> highest activity rates in women are found inthe groups <strong>of</strong> 25-34 and 35-44 years old, wherethey reach 66-67% approximately (data from2005), even though they are much lower than themale ones (for men in the groups between 35 and44 years old the activity rate, equal to 94.9%,reaches its maximum value i.e. 14 percentagepoints more with respect to the average rate andalmost 18 points more than the female rate).<strong>The</strong> rates <strong>of</strong> female participation begin to decreaseearlier with respect to male rates, that is theyalready start decreasing in the age group 30 to 34years old, and show signs relating to problems <strong>of</strong>reconciliation, which become a deterrent toparticipating. <strong>The</strong> choice to leave the labourmarket, furthermore, tends to be irreversible, ifwe take into consideration that the femaleparticipation rates after 35 years old progressivelydecrease. However, it’s the women in their thirtieswho have a relatively higher participation level inthe labour market.Despite this, the temporary nature <strong>of</strong> the femalepresence tends to ease over time, inasmuch asthere is an increase in the number <strong>of</strong> women whoremain employed or who look for work aftermarriage and the birth <strong>of</strong> the children.5

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyIn terms <strong>of</strong> gender gap however, the mostsignificant differences can be seen in the moreadult age groups. In particular, in the age groupsover 30 the difference between the male andfemale activity rate is very high, while in the agegroups under 30, participation behaviours appearto be less differentiated (in as much as they aredifferentiated by gender).Among the younger people (females and males)a greater convergence <strong>of</strong> behaviours can beimagined also because the population is becomingincreasingly more educated, especially women,that, as noted, supports the choice to participate.<strong>The</strong> territorial differences for participation in thelabour market and search for employment are stillvery pronounced. In the Northern Central regions,the activity rate for women <strong>of</strong> 15-64 years <strong>of</strong> ageis lower than the male rate by about 20 points,against the 24 points <strong>of</strong> difference in the nationalaverage. In the South, the gender gap exceeds 30percentage points, emphasizing the significantlyhigh number <strong>of</strong> women who does not enter thelabour market.FIGURE 3Italy - Activity rates 15-64 by gender and geographic divisionSource: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces<strong>The</strong> characteristics <strong>of</strong> female employmentIn the last few years women have given a strongpush to employment growth. <strong>The</strong> femaleemployment rate (15-64 years <strong>of</strong> age) has grownby eight percentage points in the last 10 yearsreaching 46.3% in 2006, but still 14 percentagepoints below the male rate. In the last five years,on the other hand, the female employment ratehas continued to grow against a substantialstability in the male rate.6

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic contextFIGURE 4Italy - Employment rates 15-64Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces<strong>The</strong> increase in female employment has primarilyinterested the “service industry”. <strong>The</strong> increase infemale employment is in fact primarily concentratedin such sectors as health, education, andthe services sector in general. This can beexplained by the fact that a large part <strong>of</strong> the socialand personal services are nothing more than thepr<strong>of</strong>essionalization <strong>of</strong> activities that were onceexclusively performed <strong>within</strong> the family and thattoday are performed, as paid employment, by thewomen themselves.Female employment is also characterized by agreater number <strong>of</strong> clerical work with respect tomanagerial positions, entrepreneurial positionsand the pr<strong>of</strong>essions. <strong>The</strong>re are still a high number<strong>of</strong> women workers, although fewer with respectto men.<strong>The</strong> female population has, in general, a lessstable condition on the labour market. <strong>The</strong>number <strong>of</strong> women employed on a short-termcontract with respect to full-time long-termemployment is equal to 14.7% against the 10.5%<strong>of</strong> men (2005).Female employment is also strongly characterizedby part-time forms <strong>of</strong> work. In 2006, the quota forpart-time female employment was equal to 26.4%<strong>of</strong> the total against 4% <strong>of</strong> males and the 13.5% asa whole. <strong>The</strong> use <strong>of</strong> this form <strong>of</strong> work allowswomen greater possibilities <strong>of</strong> reconciliationbetween work and family commitments. Applicationfor flexible work seems to have been aprivileged source <strong>of</strong> female recruitment in Italy,but with riskier job conditions and negligible jobquality in many cases, for example, where theduties require few qualifications, or sectors wherethe greatest risk is insecurity (for example,seasonal work).7

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyFIGURE 5Italy - Employment by sex and economic sector (services) - 2005Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour ForcesFIGURE 6Italy - Employment by sex and pr<strong>of</strong>essional position - 2005Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces8

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic contextFemale unemployment<strong>The</strong>re are still pronounced gender differences inthe area <strong>of</strong> job hunting. <strong>The</strong> unemployment rate,though constantly decreasing in the last few yearsfor both sexes, is still 3.4 percentage points higherfor women than for men. In 2006 the femaleunemployment rate was equal to 8.8% againstthe 5.4% <strong>of</strong> men.FIGURE 7Italy - Unemployment rates 15-64Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces<strong>The</strong> disaggregation <strong>of</strong> unemployment rates by age,shows that the greatest gaps are found in theyoung age groups. <strong>The</strong> gender gap between 15and 24 years <strong>of</strong> age is approximately six points,and four points between 25 and 34 years <strong>of</strong> age,and again in decline in the higher age groups.<strong>The</strong> growth <strong>of</strong> higher education was by far greateramong women than among men, and by now theyounger generations <strong>of</strong> women turn out to bemore educated than the men. This has had remarkableeffects in Italy inasmuch as it has been thisstrong increase in female educational levels tocause their increased presence in the labourmarket (see figure 8).However, there are still gender differences withrespect to the educational level between peoplelooking for work. <strong>The</strong> differences in the femaleand male unemployment rates are in fact greaterin the lower educational levels and ease <strong>of</strong>f wherethere is an increase in the educational level. Eventhough the female component has greaterdifficulty than the male one despite higher educationalqualifications (see figure 9).9

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyFIGURE 8Italy – Unemployment rates by gender and education – 2005Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour ForcesFIGURE 9Italy – Unemployment rates by sex and age – 2006Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour Forces10

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic contextFurthermore, the rates <strong>of</strong> long-term unemploymentare higher for women with respect tomen, in particular in the younger age groups. <strong>The</strong>reduction <strong>of</strong> the gender gap with the increase inthe age seems partly due to the fact that the olderwomen grow, the more they are inclined to giveup the job hunt.FIGURE 10Italy - Long-term unemployment rate by sex and age- 2006Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour ForcesUnemployment (above all among young people)is more concentrated in the Southern regions, andinvolves women to a greater degree than men.<strong>The</strong> female unemployment rate in the South is 6.6percentage points higher for women than for men,while in the Central regions the difference is 3.7points and in the North, 2.3 points.11

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyFIGURE 11Italy - Unemployment rates by sex and geographic division – 2006Source: ISTAT, Ongoing Survey on the Labour ForcesFinally, to complete the female unemploymentpicture, it should be added that many women arein the boundary between activity and inactivity.In fact, 67% <strong>of</strong> the inactive people (2005) arewomen seeking work even though non-actively,or women who are not seeking work but would bewilling to work. This is a particularly importantsegment <strong>of</strong> the population in the sphere <strong>of</strong> policiesintended to improve the female employmentsupply.Female entrepreneurshipIn Italy, there has been a significant change in thepr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> autonomous workers, and in particularamong women. In the 10 years between 1993-2003, in fact, the weight <strong>of</strong> the different positions<strong>within</strong> autonomous employment has shiftedsignificantly, particularly the female employment,adding new features to the pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> independentfemale workers.In the first place, the pr<strong>of</strong>ile appears to be changedin its consistent increase in the number <strong>of</strong> femaleentrepreneurs (female entrepreneurs represent0.8% <strong>of</strong> total female employment against the 2.3%<strong>of</strong> men) 3 but also through a relevant increaseamong women pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, more than doubledin the 10 years under consideration. <strong>The</strong>re hasbeen a net decrease, on the other hand, <strong>of</strong> selfemployedfemale workers as well as assistingspouses.<strong>The</strong> image that emerged was one <strong>of</strong> a change<strong>within</strong> autonomous work, but that primarily3 This is a very meaningful period for the changes that have taken place in the labour market. <strong>The</strong> statistical data collected during the 10 years were discontinuous, there wasa change when the Istat trimester survey on the labor forces became “continuous.” On April 30, 2005, the time-series <strong>of</strong> data was reconstructed only by the main aggregates,without the groups being broken down by age and few <strong>of</strong> them by sex.12

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic contextinvolved the female component and ischaracterized by growth in the number <strong>of</strong> highlevelpr<strong>of</strong>essionals, as shown by the increase inthe number <strong>of</strong> women in entrepreneurial roles andthe more highly qualified independent pr<strong>of</strong>essions,as opposed to a net reduction <strong>of</strong> autonomoustraditional activities, <strong>of</strong> the manual typeand <strong>of</strong> a low pr<strong>of</strong>essional level.Despite the interruption <strong>of</strong> the time-series by theintroduction <strong>of</strong> new methods for surveying labourforces, the trends appear to be confirmed,although between 2004 and 2005 a reduction inthe number <strong>of</strong> female entrepreneurs was recorded,as well as an overall reduction in independentfemale labour.TABLE 2Employed women by position in the pr<strong>of</strong>ession - Average (in thousands )Positions in the pr<strong>of</strong>ession 1993 2003 Var. % 2.004 2.005 Var. %1993-2003 2004-2005Entrepreneurs 50 140 180,0% 82 73 -11,2%Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals 120 288 140,0% 301 305 1,3%Self-employed workers 906 775 -14,5% 931 905 -2,8%Associates in a cooperative 43 72 67,4% 23 17 -23,9%Assisting family member 596 486 -18,5% 325 250 -23,1%TOTALE 1.715 1.761 2,7% 1.662 1.550 -6,7%Source: Data processing by ISTAT<strong>The</strong> change is more extensive and deeper that theavailable Istat data on the labour forces outlines,especially for the fact that the work- and not onlyindependent work- comprises an ever lesshomogenous group that is in constant transformation.Although the autonomous job is not onthe increase, autonomy <strong>within</strong> the job isincreasing: with a general rise in educational levelsand skills comes a widespread pr<strong>of</strong>essionalautonomy among workers.<strong>The</strong> increase in women who lead an enterprise ormanage an independent activity is a relevant andwidespread phenomenon that regards manycountries, even in less-developed areas <strong>of</strong> theworld.In Italy too, female entrepreneurial activity hasseen a visible increase in the last decades. <strong>The</strong>primarily used source for studying theentrepreneurial phenomenon is the databaseMovimprese managed by InfoCamere.<strong>The</strong> most recent data produced by the sourcerefers to enterprises enrolled in the Registry <strong>of</strong>Companies in the Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce in 2006 4 .<strong>The</strong> comparison between the Istat survey data onthe labour forces and those emerging from theChamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce enrolment- despitedifficulties in comparing information on supplyand demand- suggests some elements on theconsistency and nature <strong>of</strong> the phenomenon,beginning with the different meaning that we cangive to the entrepreneurial role, even leaving asidethe specific definitions used by the varioussources 5 .4 Press Release March 5 20075 An important step forward in the availability <strong>of</strong> more reliable data on enterprises led by women was completed with the creation <strong>of</strong> the Observatory on female entrepreneurship,promoted by Unioncamere at the end <strong>of</strong> 2002. <strong>The</strong> Observatory selected as “female enterprise” those in which the participation <strong>of</strong> women is greater than 50%. <strong>The</strong> femaleparticipation rate is deduced, according to the legal form, from the proportion <strong>of</strong> female owners <strong>of</strong> enterprises or capital shares, or that have the role <strong>of</strong> administrator. <strong>The</strong>female presence is divided into three levels: majority (more than 50% <strong>of</strong> associates or administrators), strong (more than 60%), exclusive (100% <strong>of</strong> associates or administratorsor owners <strong>of</strong> enterprises as for individual companies).13

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyTABLE 3Active enterprises and female enterprises by region and geographical area on December 31 2006 - Absolute values and variations %2006-2005Active enterprises Balance <strong>of</strong> 2006 Var. % 2006-2005Region Total female % Total Female Total Femaleenterprises female enterprises enterprises enterprisestotal 2006NORTH-WEST 1.374.610 305.798 22,25% 13428 3936 0,99% 1,30%NORTH-EAST 1.091.809 229.207 20,99% 5.760 2.062 0,53% 0,91%CENTRAL 969.562 243.503 25,11% 11.950 3.986 1,25% 1,66%SOUTH AND ISLANDS 1.722.297 456.411 26,50% 8.642 5.823 0,50% 1,29%ITALY 5.158.278 1.234.919 23,94% 39.780 15.807 0,78% 1,30%Source: Retecamere processing on Observatory <strong>of</strong> female entrepreneurship, Unioncamere-InfoCamere<strong>The</strong> main data from the Observatory makes itpossible to create a more precise pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> femaleenterprises, while little can be gleaned about thefemale entrepreneurs because the only genderinformation from this source refers to “positions.”According to more recent data (December 31,2006), the female enterprises in Italy number1,234,919 (15,807 more than in 2005), growing ata more consistent pace than the total <strong>of</strong> theenterprises (+1.30% the percentage variation2006-2005 against the +0.78% <strong>of</strong> the total). <strong>The</strong>incidence <strong>of</strong> female enterprises on the total <strong>of</strong>enterprises reaches the value <strong>of</strong> 23.94% in 2006.<strong>The</strong> average data always conceals territorialdifferences that cannot be ignored and in somecases are even unexpected: in fact, the highestincidence <strong>of</strong> female enterprises is in the south <strong>of</strong>Italy, with more than 26% <strong>of</strong> the total, while in theNortheast these do not reach 21%.<strong>The</strong>se initial statistics already supply a few cluesregarding the characteristics <strong>of</strong> the enterprisesled by women, more widespread in productiveareas where companies are, on the average, smalland concentrated in the more traditional sectors(Agriculture, trade), while there are fewer in themore heavily industrialized areas where small tomedium sized enterprises are more common.Confirmation on the legal nature <strong>of</strong> femaleenterprise is confirmed by the data: almost 70.9%are individual companies (66.6% altogether),therefore for the most part concentrated in theexclusive form, that is with a total coincidencebetween the enterprise and a female figurerunning it.Nonstock corporations too, appear to be morewidespread among enterprises led by women(19.6%, against the average <strong>of</strong> 17.5%), inasmuchas in their turn, they are a simple form <strong>of</strong> business,adapted to the practice <strong>of</strong> commercial activitiesor small-scale productive activities.Overall, 92% <strong>of</strong> the female enterprises are part <strong>of</strong>these two legal types, while capital corporationsmake up 8.2%, against the average <strong>of</strong> 13.8%.<strong>Gender</strong> pay gapA last analytical element related to women’spresence in the labour market is due to salaryconditions (gender pay gap).14

<strong>The</strong> socio-economic contextTABLE 4Active enterprises by gender and legal type and region on December 31 2006Capital Non-stock Individual Other formscorporations company enterprise% 13,8% 17,5% 66,6% 2,1%Total 710.445 905.044 3.436.245 106.544% 8,2% 19,6% 70,9% 1,3%Female 101.508 241.853 875.330 16.228Source: : Retecamere processing on Observatory <strong>of</strong> female entrepreneurship, Unioncamere-InfoCamere<strong>The</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> a wage difference between menand women is a systematic characteristic <strong>of</strong> thelabour market in all countries.<strong>The</strong> pay gap 6 between men and women is due to,on the one hand, the composition <strong>of</strong> femaleemployment, more concentrated in workplaceswith low wages, and on the other hand, tounfavourable treatment <strong>of</strong> women even wherethere is job equality.Wages for Italian men in 2004 were greater thanthose <strong>of</strong> women by approximately 7%. <strong>The</strong> gap ishigher in the industrial sector, in the strict sense,and lower in the services sector.As regards white-collar work, female wages lackor have reduced benefits such as productivityawards and overtime.Among the more significant effects <strong>of</strong> suchdiscrimination is the so-called “glass ceiling”,where women can see high career positions but donot actually have access to them.<strong>The</strong> average European gender pay gap indicatesthat in the EU <strong>of</strong> 2004, employed women are paidapproximately 15% less than men.Italy with 7%, is at the lowest levels <strong>of</strong> theEuropean ranking together with Malta, Portugaland Belgium, showing that there is greater wageequality between women and men. An apparentlypositive sign is partly tied to the fact that in thelabour markets in which few women are employed,such as those in Mediterranean countries, womenwith low potential salaries choose not to work, aswe have already emphasized.For this reason, the European employmentstrategy introduced the objective <strong>of</strong> substantiallyreducing this difference by 2010 in all the MemberStates. In order to do this, the factors that createthis difference must be dealt with: employmentand sector segregation, differences in training andwage mechanisms.2.3 Political participationand decision-makingWomen are strongly underrepresented in thesphere <strong>of</strong> political, national and localrepresentation, and generally in decision-makingpositions both in the public and private sectors.<strong>The</strong> data on the presence <strong>of</strong> women in Italian6 ISTAT, <strong>Gender</strong> statistics, March 7 2007 – “<strong>The</strong> gender wage gap is the difference between the average earned per hour gross by a man and woman paid by the employer asa percentage <strong>of</strong> the average earned per hour gross by an employed dependent between 16 and 64 years <strong>of</strong> age who works for at least 15 hours a week-”.15

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyParliament (Chamber <strong>of</strong> Deputies) in present-daylegislature includes 108 women, equal to 17% <strong>of</strong>the total. <strong>The</strong> European average reachesapproximately 23% and Italy is in 18th place in theEurope <strong>of</strong> 27, while in the European Parliament,women account for 30% <strong>of</strong> the members.Women represent more than 21% <strong>of</strong> the members<strong>of</strong> the present-day government (ministers, viceministers and undersecretaries), close to theaverage <strong>of</strong> European data (22%) but is in 12thplace in the Europe <strong>of</strong> 27.Furthermore, the women are not represented atall in the higher Central Administration roles, usingthe comparative indicator designated as “Proportion<strong>of</strong> women civil servants in the two highestranking positions (after the Minister) <strong>of</strong> theministries (appointed, elected or nominated) incentral government and the respective levels inthe European Institutions (Director General,Deputy Director General, Director, Principal Advisoror equivalent)”.<strong>The</strong> data does not improve at the lower territoriallevels. <strong>The</strong> presence <strong>of</strong> women involved in politics,in Public Administration, in the economy andpr<strong>of</strong>essions in first level positions is very low atall territorial levels.On the other hand, the presence <strong>of</strong> women inwhite-collar positions increases, above all in PublicAdministration.FIGURA 12Proportion <strong>of</strong> women in the lower house/only house <strong>of</strong> the National/federal ParliamentMaltaHungaryRomaniaIrelandGreeceFranceSloveniaCzech RepublicCyprusItalyEstoniaLatviaUnited KingdomPolandSlovakiaBulgariaLithuaniaEU 27LuxembourgPortugalEuropean ParliamentAustriaGermanyBelgiumSpainNetherlandsFinlandDenmarkSweden0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%WomenSource: European Union, Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Equal opportunities16

3.Institutions and regulation3.1. Equal opportunitiesand local development<strong>The</strong> possibility to integrate equal opportunitiesobjectives <strong>within</strong> local development issue iscomplicated by the difficult definition <strong>of</strong> this field<strong>of</strong> intervention, both because <strong>of</strong> the multiplemeanings that can be attributed to it, and to thevariety <strong>of</strong> policies that can contribute to constituteit. In fact, the design <strong>of</strong> local developmentinterventions, in the Italian tradition, presentsmany differences and it is the product <strong>of</strong> a variety<strong>of</strong> pilot experiences, based on a bottom-upapproach, and this makes it difficult to reach aunique definition.<strong>The</strong> Italian economic development path isdistinguished by its territorial differences and byan idea <strong>of</strong> development strongly tied to a territory’sability to produce wealth.Several studies on the subject - from the analysis<strong>of</strong> the industrial districts to the more recent oneson the local productive systems- have underlinedhow the prosperity <strong>of</strong> an economy is tied, beyondthe competitiveness <strong>of</strong> the individual enterprises,to a more general competitiveness <strong>of</strong> the territory.This means that the socio-economic developmentdoes not exclusively depend on the availability <strong>of</strong>material factors (such as infrastructures) and theexistence <strong>of</strong> a competitive advantage for theproductive system, but also on the so-calledrelational factors which are part <strong>of</strong> local realities(trust in relationships between economic,institutional, social actors, shared regulations andvalues). <strong>The</strong>se are summarized into the concept<strong>of</strong> social capital 7 . <strong>The</strong> main dimensions which canqualify local development are:• the territorial nature <strong>of</strong> the process so thatrelationships between actors have spatialboundaries;• the capacity to mobilize the actors and all theeconomic, environmental, social and culturalresources existing on the territory;• the vertical integration (between the differentlevels <strong>of</strong> competency, both local, national, andcommunity) and horizontal integration (amongthe different institutional, economic, and socialtypes) among different involved actors;• the innovation and learning to assist the actorsinvolved;• the sustainability over time. <strong>The</strong> presence <strong>of</strong>the cultural dimension in the local development7 Social capital can be considered as a pattern <strong>of</strong> relationships between actors that facilitate the achievement <strong>of</strong> cooperative interactions, reducing opportunistic behaviorsand consolidating loyalty and trust in relationships.17

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italyprocesses, in fact, requires more time foradapting to change.In practice, it is obviously more likely that a singlemeasure can only activate one <strong>of</strong> these variousdimensions, and that local development issustained by a number <strong>of</strong> actions and interventions,each one “belonging” to different areas <strong>of</strong>policy that can be activated at local level 8 .<strong>The</strong> previous considerations allow us tounderstand what might be improperly defined asthe Italian approach to the integration <strong>of</strong> equalopportunities in local development processes,starting from an analysis <strong>of</strong> the tools and the mainpolicies that “intercept” the local developmentprocesses.Following such considerations, in Italy variouslocal development support tools have beendeveloped beginning with those activated in thenineties in the area <strong>of</strong> national policies for the socalleddepressed areas <strong>of</strong> the country and, alonggeneral lines, in the field <strong>of</strong> national regional policy(that is, the whole <strong>of</strong> public measures aimed atguaranteeing development and competitivenessin specific territories with economic and socialimbalances), and arriving at the integratedterritorial planning as an implementation tool forthe Community Cohesion Policy for 2000 - 2006.At the same time, a well-developed regulatorysystem was developed to protect equality and tosupport and foster equal opportunities policies:it provides the bases and useful tools to promotegender oriented integration in local developmentinitiatives and to support female participation inthe definition and implementation <strong>of</strong> theinterventions.Staring from the principle <strong>of</strong> equal opportunitiesbetween women and man stated by the italianConstitution, the evolution <strong>of</strong> the Italian legislativesystem is the consequence <strong>of</strong> the several changesthat have taken place in the country over femaleissues. It has gone from regulations aimed atremoving legal obstacles to the principle <strong>of</strong>gender equality, to the definition <strong>of</strong> the existing“gender policies” to promote the full and effectiveparticipation <strong>of</strong> women in political, social andeconomic life. <strong>The</strong> institutionalisation <strong>of</strong> equalopportunities process during the nineties, hasalso led to the creation 9 <strong>of</strong> many bodies in thedifferent “fields” <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities, <strong>of</strong>tencreated ad hoc by the Italian government toanswer to the international and communitypressure and that have been slowly assimilatedinto the country’s government structures.Despite this, one <strong>of</strong> the distinctive features <strong>of</strong> thecountry, is the persistence <strong>of</strong> considerable gapbetween the presence <strong>of</strong> rich and progressiveregulations in the field <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities andthe real status <strong>of</strong> women in Italy - as pr<strong>of</strong>iled inthe previous chapter - especially in the gendercomposition <strong>of</strong> the different political andinstitutional levels and the quantity and quality<strong>of</strong> the female presence in the economic andproductive life <strong>of</strong> the country.<strong>The</strong> current process <strong>of</strong> institutional decentralization,especially with reference to the reform<strong>of</strong> the Title V <strong>of</strong> the Italian Constitution, has helpedto define a governance model <strong>of</strong> development andgender policies focusing more and more on a locallevel. With the proclamation <strong>of</strong> the Law forconstitutional change number 3 <strong>of</strong> 2001, theopportunity for Region to manage the economicsystem was amplified, having their legislativeauthority on the great part <strong>of</strong> the territorialsystems governing issues. <strong>The</strong> subsidiarityprinciple, reaffirmed by the new constitutional8 IRS (Institute for Social Research) “<strong>The</strong> transversal priorities in the 2000-2006 programming analyzed with respect to gender: the experience <strong>of</strong> the Autonomous Province<strong>of</strong> Bolzano”, Franco Angeli 2004.9 Edited by Isabella Rauti, “Percorsi di parità”, Ufficio Nazionale Consigliera di Parità - ISFOL 2005.18

Institutions and regulationlaw, reinforces the role <strong>of</strong> the Regions asinstitutional leaders <strong>of</strong> economic and socialprogramming 10 . <strong>The</strong> new Article 117 also assignsto the Regions/Autonomous Provinces the task<strong>of</strong> removing “every barrier that hinders full equalitybetween men and women in the social, culturaland economic life and fosters equal access forboth men and women to elective <strong>of</strong>fices.” At thesame time the new division <strong>of</strong> competenciesbetween State and Regions assigns to the Regionsa complete “set” <strong>of</strong> matters regarding localdevelopment 11 . <strong>The</strong> new constitutional provisionalso influences the principle <strong>of</strong> male/femaleequality in the access to elective <strong>of</strong>fice, byassigning to the Regions the objective to rebalancefemale political representation.In this scenario the community programming2000-2006 became in Italy an opportunity toexperiment the integration between the policiessupporting local development and thosepromoting equal opportunities in a structuredprogrammed framework, having specificobjectives and intervention models. <strong>The</strong>Community Regulations 2000-2006 foresee theintegration and promotion <strong>of</strong> “bottom-up”development as one <strong>of</strong> the main principles for theimplementation <strong>of</strong> the co-financed programmesand measures and the adoption <strong>of</strong> the equalopportunities principle as a transversal priority inthe programming cycle.Following is a brief description <strong>of</strong> the mainevolutional phases <strong>of</strong> the Italian equalopportunities regulation, the main institutionalorganizations which have been created to developthe current regulatory framework on equalopportunities and the main tools that could beimplemented.3.2. Equal opportunities in Italy:regulatory framework and bodies<strong>The</strong> Italian Constitution sanctions the principle<strong>of</strong> “gender equality” recognizing equal socialdignity for men and women in the face <strong>of</strong> the lawand points out that one <strong>of</strong> the Republic’s tasks isthe removal <strong>of</strong> economic and social barrierslimiting the freedom and equality <strong>of</strong> the citizensand hindering the full development <strong>of</strong> the humanperson (Article 3). In particular, recognizingequality between women and men in theworkplace (Articles 4 and 37), moral and legalequality <strong>of</strong> spouses <strong>within</strong> a marriage (Article 29)and equality <strong>of</strong> access to public <strong>of</strong>fice positionsand elective <strong>of</strong>fices (article 51), the Constitutionhas set out important reference points for thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> future regulation.Up until the end <strong>of</strong> the ’70s, regulatory productionwas directed at the evolution from a “protectivelegislation” to “a legislation for equality” ensuringrespect for the “principle <strong>of</strong> non-discrimination.”In particular, during that decade, coinciding withthe massive entry <strong>of</strong> women into the labourmarket, a debate around Article 37 <strong>of</strong> theConstitution was developed: in addition to theequality principle in the workplace, it recognizedthe essential value <strong>of</strong> the family “role” <strong>of</strong> thewoman.With the law 903/1977, amending the law1204/1971 on the protection <strong>of</strong> maternity, and withthe set up <strong>of</strong> legislation on services for infancy, itbecomes clear that the balance between theequality principle and recognition <strong>of</strong> the specificneeds <strong>of</strong> women must take place throughmeasures fostering reconciliation between workand family life, without compromising orsubordinating the first to the family needs. <strong>The</strong>10 CNEL (National Council <strong>of</strong> Economy and Labour) “<strong>The</strong> social pacts and the local concertation experiences for development and employment in Italian regions”, 2004.11 ISAE (Studies and Economic Analysis Institute), Annual report 2004 on the implementation <strong>of</strong> federalism: <strong>The</strong> “double devolution”: supranationalization and internalfederalism, February 2004.12 Borgogelli F. “Female labour between the law and contract bargaining”, Edition Franco Angeli, 1987.19

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italycare role begins to be outsourced, based on therecognition <strong>of</strong> the social value <strong>of</strong> maternity 12 .Starting in the ’80s, in application <strong>of</strong> specificcommunity directives, and with the push from theUnited Nations World Conference on women 13 ,Italy sets up institutional equal opportunitiespolicies, promoting the creation <strong>of</strong> institutionalbodies in the field <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities. In 1983,<strong>within</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Labour, the first Nationalcommittee on equality and equal opportunities inthe workplace is instituted 14 , with the specific taskto formulate national laws in the field <strong>of</strong> labour,giving explicit attention to the application <strong>of</strong> thegender equality principles.In 1984, <strong>within</strong> the Presidency <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong>Ministers, the National Commission for equalitybetween men and women is instituted. Thisinstitutional consultancy body addresses issueson the female condition tout court, and not onlyin the field <strong>of</strong> labour. With the Law number 164/1990, establishing its tasks and composition, theCommission becomes a permanent body <strong>of</strong> thePresidency <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers. In 2003,the Commission is transformed into theCommission on equal opportunities between menand women and its composition is altered (themembers are chosen from women’s associations,trade unions, entrepreneurial organizations) 15 .<strong>The</strong> law 125/1991 “Positive actions for implementinggender equality in the workplace” marksa turning point for the Italian legislation on thissubject, establishing specific measures for theintroduction <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities principle alsoin the field <strong>of</strong> training and labour market. Suchlaw clearly defines the concept <strong>of</strong> discrimination,specifically taking in the concept <strong>of</strong> indirectdiscrimination, and legitimises recourse to the socalledpositive actions as tools to achieve genderequality between the sexes. To that end it providesfor the financing <strong>of</strong> specific projects presented bypublic and private employers, national andterritorial trade union organizations, andstimulates the implementation <strong>of</strong> positive actionplans in public and private companies. It alsoprovides that every two years the companies withmore than 100 employees must elaborate a reporton the situation <strong>of</strong> their own personnel.In order to achieve such objectives, the Law125/1991, Article 5, provides tasks and functions<strong>of</strong> the National Committee for the implementation<strong>of</strong> principles <strong>of</strong> equal treatment, equal opportunitiesbetween male and female employees(<strong>within</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Labour) which have beenestablished to eliminate sexually discriminatorybehaviours and any barrier that hinders equality<strong>of</strong> women in the workplace, as well as pr<strong>of</strong>essionaladvancement and career. Such law also definesthe pr<strong>of</strong>ile and the competences <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Equality</strong>Councillor 16 at a national, regional and provinciallevel, appointed in order to preside over the femalecondition in the labour market at territorial leveland delegated to foster and monitor theimplementation <strong>of</strong> principles <strong>of</strong> equality <strong>of</strong>treatment between men and women in theworkplace.In this scenario, in 1992 the Law 215 is passed: inapplication <strong>of</strong> the principle <strong>of</strong> positive actions, itforesees measures and incentives to supportfemale entrepreneurship through periodicalpublic tenders addressed to all enterprisescomposed by women or where women make upthe greater part 17 . <strong>The</strong> same regulation institutesthe Committee for female entrepreneurship,13 Copenaghen, 1980.14 Thoroughly regulated by the Law 125/91.15 Currently presided over by the Ministry for Rights and Equal Opportunities and based at the Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities.16 Position already instituted in the eighties that was completely regulated by the following Legislative Decree number 196 <strong>of</strong> 2000, that broadens and reinforces its functions,instituting the national Network <strong>of</strong> Women <strong>Equality</strong> Councilors.17 <strong>The</strong> Law became operative only in 1997. Following the transfer <strong>of</strong> competences in this area to the Minister for Rights and Equal Opportunities, the committee is at presentin charge at the Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities.20

Institutions and regulationoperating <strong>within</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> ProductiveActivities 18 , which coordinates the relationshipswith the Regions and monitors the implementedinterventions. Despite <strong>of</strong> some critical points andimperfections in such legislative provision, whichhave been underlined through the implementation<strong>of</strong> different public tenders, the law has helped todevote attention on the issue <strong>of</strong> autonomousfemale employment and the existing opportunitiesconnected to the enhancement <strong>of</strong> female talentin the fields <strong>of</strong> productive economic activities 19 .Behind the implementation <strong>of</strong> the national law,all the Italian Regions have developed regionallaws in order to provide incentive to femaleentrepreneurship.With reference to the local development dimension,the law was reviewed in the framework<strong>of</strong> the general rethinking <strong>of</strong> the whole system <strong>of</strong>incentives in the face <strong>of</strong> the above-mentionedadministrative decentralization. In 2000, (throughthe Decree <strong>of</strong> the President <strong>of</strong> the Republic number314) some amendments were introduced to theimplementing mechanisms, but primarily provisionwas made aiming at involving the Regions in thedecision-making processes. <strong>The</strong> Regions weregiven the chance to choose criteria for theallowance <strong>of</strong> privileges aiming at adjusting all theinterventions to the programming and developmentneeds (indicating particular areas in theirown territories and/or specific economic activities)and providing an integration to the governmentalquotas resources, allotting funds to financeinitiatives eligible for tax privilege 20 .During the ’90s, a real proliferation <strong>of</strong> equalitybodies took place at all levels: such bodies, inparticular local bodies and administrations,played a primarily advisory role but with differentforms and methods considering their denomination,location, (Regional Committees orCouncils, <strong>Local</strong> authorities) and legislative sources(regional laws, regulations, etc.).In 1996, the Italian government appointed for thefirst time a female Minister for Equal Opportunities,and in 1997 formally instituted theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunities, <strong>within</strong> thePresidency <strong>of</strong> the Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers, with thepurpose <strong>of</strong> supporting the Minister’s activities.<strong>The</strong> institution <strong>of</strong> such a body represented theoutcome <strong>of</strong> the commitments made at the WorldConference in Beijing and the communityindications for the concrete implementation <strong>of</strong> thegender mainstreaming strategy. Among the firstmeasures adopted, the Internal GovernmentDirective (known as the Prodi-Finocchiaro directive7 th March 1997) was aimed at “fostering theacquisition <strong>of</strong> powers and responsibility by womenand integrating the gender oriented issue in allthe general and sector policies.” Even today theDirective is the only regulatory institutional actadopted in Italy in which the gender mainstreamingprinciple is expressly recalled.Again over the course <strong>of</strong> the nineties, the issues<strong>of</strong> equality and equal opportunities shift everfurther towards reconciliation between pr<strong>of</strong>essionallife and family life. In this field the EuropeanUnion measure with specific gender orientedprogramming and measures, turns out to becrucial. <strong>The</strong> community perspective moves from18 Following the transfer <strong>of</strong> competency to the Minister for Rights and Equal Opportunities, the Committee is currently established in the Department for Rights and EqualOpportunities.19 Beyond the Committee for Female Entrepreneurship following the activation <strong>of</strong> the Law, the Observatory for female entrepreneurship at the Department for Rights and EqualOpportunities was instituted, as well as the Committees for the promotion <strong>of</strong> female entrepreneurship in all the provincial seats <strong>of</strong> the Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce; at a nationallevel the National Observatory for female entrepreneurship and female agricultural work is active and presided over by the Ministry for Agricultural Policies.20 Recently, in the new government legislature, the competences in the field <strong>of</strong> female entrepreneurship have been transferred to the Department for Rights and EqualOpportunities: it has started to strategically rethink the regulations on the basis <strong>of</strong> the experiences carried out durig i the implementation years and considering every change<strong>of</strong> the institutional and social economic context.21

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italythe idea that work-family reconciliation is importantnot exclusively for women but, generically,for the quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> male and female workersand the well-being <strong>of</strong> the community.At national level a decisive step is taken with thelaunching <strong>of</strong> the Law 53 <strong>of</strong> March 8, 2000“provisions for supporting maternity and paternityand for harmonizing work, care and family times,”that emphasizes the need to share the father andmother’s choice to suspend work, and underlinesan approach aimed at improving quality <strong>of</strong> life foremployed men and women.<strong>The</strong> same law provides for the concession <strong>of</strong>contributions to companies that carry out positiveaction programmes to develop forms <strong>of</strong> flexibilityin organizing their activities to foster schedulingflexibility that reconciles working and living times.<strong>The</strong> law also governs the tasks <strong>of</strong> local administrationson city schedules, instituting a NationalFund to finance and assigning specific roles toRegions and Municipalities for defining a“Territorial Scheduling Plan.” <strong>The</strong> importance <strong>of</strong>such provisions lies in the idea that schedulingpolicies for reconciliation <strong>within</strong> the broadest citytimesrelated policies can act to improve localservices. <strong>The</strong> entire group <strong>of</strong> regulations governingsupport measures for maternity and paternity wasreordered and reorganized according to theLegislative Decree <strong>of</strong> March 26, 2001, number 151“Consolidation act on the legislative provisionson the protection and support <strong>of</strong> maternity andpaternity.“Besides these measures, the above mentionedreform <strong>of</strong> the Public Administration gains groundintroducing, among others, the concept <strong>of</strong> “genderpolicies” with the Legislative Decree <strong>of</strong> 30 March,2001, number 165 (general regulations onOrganization <strong>of</strong> work for employees in publicadministration). <strong>The</strong> deal provides that “publicadministration guarantees equality and equalopportunities between men and women for accessto work and treatment on the job, handles thetraining and upgrading <strong>of</strong> personnel, ensuring theadjustment <strong>of</strong> training programmes, to contributeto the development <strong>of</strong> the gender culture in PublicAdministration 21 .”<strong>The</strong> last years were distinguished by twoimportant constitutional reforms containingimportant implications for equal opportunities,and in particular in regard to female representationin public life. On March 8, 2002 an amendment ismade to the Article 51 <strong>of</strong> the Constitution,providing for the adoption <strong>of</strong> suitable provisionsaimed at implementing equal opportunitiesbetween men and women in institutional positions.<strong>The</strong> amendment provides for a constitutionalcoverage for all those provisions aimedat the integration <strong>of</strong> quota mechanisms for fosteringaccess <strong>of</strong> women to public and elective<strong>of</strong>fices, and completes the state legislative coursethat already began for the system <strong>of</strong> ordinary andspecial statute Regions 22 .<strong>The</strong> Second amendment, reforming the Italianregionalism (see paragraph 3.1) amended Article117 <strong>of</strong> the Constitution, stating at paragraph 7 that“the regional laws remove all barrier hindering fullequality between men and women in social,cultural and economic life, and promote equality<strong>of</strong> access between men and women to elective<strong>of</strong>fices.” <strong>The</strong> principle <strong>of</strong> equal access for men andwomen to elective <strong>of</strong>fices becomes a bindingfactor for regional legislation. This provisionpushed regional legislators to introduce into the21 Last May, the Minister for Rights and Equal Opportunities and the Minister for Reform and Innovation in Public Administration, issued a directive to promote the EqualOpportunities principle in Public Administration, with the objective <strong>of</strong> fully bringing into force provisions governing equality in the public sector, and to bridge the gap betweenthe considerable number <strong>of</strong> women in the public sector and their limited pr<strong>of</strong>essional progress.22 <strong>The</strong> Constitutional Law 2/2001 on the direct election <strong>of</strong> the Presidents <strong>of</strong> the Regions with a special statute and the Autonomous Provinces have introduced provisionsaimed at promoting equality between the sexes in the access to the electoral consultations to rebalance the representation among the sexes.22

Institutions and regulationRegional Statutes, provisions on equalityprinciples and institute specific equality bodies.<strong>The</strong> overall reach <strong>of</strong> the constitutional amendmentgoes beyond the issue <strong>of</strong> female representationand has contributed to the definition <strong>of</strong> a model<strong>of</strong> gender governance - as well as developmentpolicies - increasingly centered on the local level.As far as the assignment <strong>of</strong> tasks to the Regionsin terms <strong>of</strong> training and active employment/workpolicies, the amendment also identifies particularlyimportant actions for the complete achievement<strong>of</strong> equality between genders.Considering the subsidiarity principle, the Regionsalso have to implement a substantial equality bytaking measures at the local level on the basis <strong>of</strong>the various contexts that configure differentbarriers to achieve such an objective.3.3. Policies and toolsfor local developmentNegotiated programming, concertation andpartnershipAttention to local development issues in Italy, andtherefore to the territory as a central element indevelopment processes, goes back to theexperience <strong>of</strong> the industrial districts. In theseventies in fact we saw the spontaneousemerging on the Italian productive scene <strong>of</strong> a“district production mode” which economicvalidity derives not only from the features <strong>of</strong> theenterprises that make it up but also from thepeculiarities <strong>of</strong> the local system hosting them 23 .This phenomenon opened the road to a neweconomic policy directed not only at theproductive apparatus but also at the social andhuman environment where these were located,even though the public measure came much later.<strong>The</strong> main supporting tools for local developmentin Italy were in fact developed starting at thebeginning <strong>of</strong> the nineties in the context <strong>of</strong> the socalledparticipative planning, initially intended forthe implementation <strong>of</strong> extra measures for theSouth <strong>of</strong> Italy (with the Law 64/86) and with theLaw 142/90 on the local Autonomies thatintroduced the tool <strong>of</strong> Framework PlanningAgreements (APQ – Framework PlanningAgreement). <strong>The</strong> detailed definition <strong>of</strong> participativeplanning comes from the Law 662/96, and is “theagreed regulation between public subjects orbetween the public body in charge and the publicor private parties to implement various measures,referring to a single scope <strong>of</strong> development, thatrequires an overall evaluation <strong>of</strong> their activities.”<strong>The</strong> same law foresees the following tools:• <strong>The</strong> Institutional Planning Agreement betweenCentral Government and Regional Councilaiming at executing a multi-year programme<strong>of</strong> common measures.• <strong>The</strong> Framework Planning Agreement, on theimplementation <strong>of</strong> the institutional planningagreement, defines an executive programme<strong>of</strong> common interest or related measures,indicating the activities and measures to beimplemented as well as the durations andimplementation methods; it also indicatespeople in charge <strong>of</strong> the implementation <strong>of</strong> theindividual activities and measures, thenecessary procedures for implementing theagreement, the tasks <strong>of</strong> each subject and thenecessary financial resources for the differenttypes <strong>of</strong> measure.• <strong>The</strong> Territorial Pact is an agreement promotedby the local bodies, the social partners or otherpublic or private subjects for the implementation<strong>of</strong> a programme <strong>of</strong> measurescharacterized by specific local developmentpromotion objectives.23 Giacomo Becattini, “From the industrial district to local development”, 2000.23

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy• <strong>The</strong> Planning Contract is stipulated betweenpublic administration and entrepreneurs,including large enterprises, consortia <strong>of</strong>medium and small sized enterprises, representatives<strong>of</strong> industrial districts, in order tocarry out participative planning measuresthrough the mobilization, and the territoriallocalization <strong>of</strong> the relevant investments.• <strong>The</strong> Area Contract, operative tool, agreed uponbetween the administrations including localones, the representatives <strong>of</strong> male and femaleworkers and employers, as well as otherpossible stakeholders, for the implementation<strong>of</strong> actions aimed at speeding up developmentand at creating new employment in areas withcrisis situations 24 .In the framework <strong>of</strong> the decentralization processand the transfer <strong>of</strong> roles to the Regions and <strong>Local</strong>Bodies, begun in 1997 with the so-called“Bassanini Reform” 25 , the process begins for theregionalization <strong>of</strong> participative planning tools.With the CIPE Resolution <strong>of</strong> July 25 2003, theTerritorial Pacts become part <strong>of</strong> the regionalplanning and provision is made for coordinationbetween Government and Autonomous Regions/Provinces for the Planning Contracts.<strong>The</strong> basic idea <strong>of</strong> participative planning is toinfluence development, starting with the concreteneeds <strong>of</strong> the community by giving an active role tothe social and economic forces in the developmentprojects <strong>of</strong> the territory, using a bottom-upapproach.<strong>The</strong> “concertation” 26 procedures with the socialpartners are further enforced and legitimized withthe structural funds programming up until QCS(Community Support Framework) 2000-2006,which indicates the social partnership as aregional development “concertation“ methodusing structural funds, thus reinforcing, thoughin a different way, the Italian experience <strong>of</strong>decentralized “concertation“.It should also be emphasized that by changingthe national experience <strong>of</strong> 1998 (the so-calledChristmas Pact 27 ) the tool “Pacts for developmentand employment” was disseminated at local level.With these pacts, both at regional and provinciallevel, the subscribing parties (social parties,functional economies and public institutions) worktogether in order to define real medium termdevelopment programmes and commit themselvesto concertizing the development, through theprogramming <strong>of</strong> the available resources, in orderto achieve pre-established development andemployment goals. In the different Italian regionsthere is no uniform Pact scheme for developmentand employment, but it is possible to find somemore or less structured schemes, as well asdifferences in the subdivision <strong>of</strong> territorial“concertation“ practices.<strong>The</strong> involvement <strong>of</strong> the social partnership basedon a concertative approach is particularlyinteresting in order to integrate gendermainstreaming into the development initiatives,in as much as it opens the road for an activeinvolvement <strong>of</strong> subjects/bodies representative <strong>of</strong>“gender interests” in the partnership. In fact, aclose partnership between the Public Authorities,<strong>of</strong> which the <strong>Equality</strong> Institutions are part, and thesocio-economic and representative groups, inwhich women’s associations must be included,24 With the CIPE (Interdepartmental Council for Economic Plannig) Resolution <strong>of</strong> March 21, 1997, detailed provision was provided for the individual tools selecting the goals,the territorial areas and the implementation methods.25 <strong>The</strong>se are some regulatory measures <strong>of</strong> the years 1997 and 1998, known as the Bassanini Reform: the Mother Law is number 59/97 (Bassanini 1), amended and integratedby the Laws 127/97 (Bassanini 2) and 191/98 (Bassanini 3) put into force with various legislative decrees. <strong>The</strong> Bassanini laws are based on the subsidiarity principle, thatimplies the attribution <strong>of</strong> the generalities <strong>of</strong> the administrative tasks and roles to the municipalities, the provinces and the mountain communities, with the only exclusion <strong>of</strong>the roles that are incompatible with the local dimension.26 by “concertation” we intend activities in order to involve main stakeholders and reach consensus on specific issue.27 National pact for development and employment.24

Institutions and regulationcan foster a balanced local development from thegender point <strong>of</strong> view 28 . During the last years,several concertation initiatives have beendeveloped in Italy, but most <strong>of</strong> them didn’t targetthe gender mainstreaming objective. In the generalframework, the exception is the experience <strong>of</strong> theProvince <strong>of</strong> Turin, which through the setting up <strong>of</strong>territorial Pacts constituted the “local development<strong>Equality</strong> Network” to influence thepolitical agendas on development (see Chapter 4dedicated to the identification <strong>of</strong> the bestpractices).<strong>The</strong> Integrated Planning<strong>The</strong> Territorial Pacts and the Planning Contractsare part <strong>of</strong> the so-called “integrated” programmes,taking place in Italy. <strong>The</strong>y have two commoncharacteristics: the local orientation and theterritory as a reference for the developmentcontext. In addition to the participative territorialplanning tools, in the ’90s some other communitybased local development integrated programmeshave been activated, the Territorial Pacts forEmployment and the actions <strong>of</strong> the CommunityProgramme Leader. Around the same period, arelevant number <strong>of</strong> actions for regenerating andrequalifying the urban areas were developed, bothat national (as Urban Recovery Programmes andNeighbourhood Contracts) and communitarianlevel, such as the community initiative Urban andthe urban pilot projects (funds allocated by theFESR, European Fund for Regional <strong>Development</strong>).According to the equal opportunities objectives,the programme Leader emphasizes the role <strong>of</strong>women in the development <strong>of</strong> the rural zoneswhile Urban, beyond general attention to lifequality, promotes “actions to combat alienationand discrimination through the promotion <strong>of</strong> equalopportunities particularly aimed at women.”An important turning point came with theintroduction <strong>of</strong> the Integrated Territorial Projects(ITP) as an implementation method <strong>of</strong> measuresco-financed under the Operational Programmes(OP) Objective 1 in line with the 2000-2006programming, integration, “concertation“ andpartnership guidelines. In the Central Northernregions, where the Programmes for variouscommunity funds are promoted in a disjointedfashion and without the co-ordination activitiestied to the adoption <strong>of</strong> the Community SupportFramework, models similar to the ITP were widelyadopted through autonomous choices <strong>of</strong> theRegions for the implementation <strong>of</strong> the DocUP(Single Programming Document) Objective 2,creating a much more heterogeneous and complexsituation than that <strong>of</strong> Objective 1.In this context, the integrated territorialprogramming takes on a methodological approachwhose characteristics can be identified by somespecific features found in the territorial andintegrated approach: the specific nature <strong>of</strong> theoperational reference context (small and systemicrather than vast and sector oriented) and theparticipational, decentralized approach involvingthe partnership (the priority need to involve andhand responsibility over to the final beneficiaries<strong>of</strong> the policies).On the basis <strong>of</strong> the dual approach principle, someinteresting experiences have been started tointegrate the equal opportunities principle intothe initiatives activated by the ITP, also thanks tothe support <strong>of</strong> the Department for Rights andEqual Opportunities that assisted and supportedthe Managing Authorities in the implementation<strong>of</strong> the transversal priority in the integratedterritorial projects. <strong>The</strong> most significant experience,documented in the chapter regarding bestpractices, made it clear that integrating equalopportunities into the political agenda <strong>of</strong> the localdevelopment initiatives is an element <strong>of</strong>28 Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities, “A key to the success <strong>of</strong> local development: <strong>Gender</strong> mainstreaming” Paper presented at the Workshop on the 2007-2013programming, September 2005.25

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italyimprovement, modernization, and equality, and atool for creating an environment dedicated tosocially responsible competitiveness.<strong>The</strong> Fund for Underused Areas and theAgreements for the Framework Programme<strong>The</strong> Financial Law <strong>of</strong> 2003 instituted the Fund forthe Underused Areas (FAS) in order to implementthe national regional policy devoted to the socalledunderused areas 29 . <strong>The</strong> main tools <strong>of</strong> thatpolicy are the Institutional Programme Agreementsand the relative Framework Planning Agreements(already introduced with the Law 142/90).With the stipulation <strong>of</strong> the Institutional ProgrammeAgreements the Central Government and theRegions have selected common interest sectors,making an exploration <strong>of</strong> the available resourcesand sharing programming regulations for themanagement and implementation <strong>of</strong> publicfunding. <strong>The</strong> Framework Planning Agreement isthe implementation tool <strong>of</strong> the InstitutionalProgramme Agreement in the intervention sectorsthat it covers. <strong>The</strong> promoters <strong>of</strong> the FrameworkPlanning Agreements are the national State, theRegions and the Public bodies. Such administrations,having sometimes the support <strong>of</strong>private intervention, also deal with the implementation<strong>of</strong> those measures. <strong>The</strong> measuresintegrated into the Framework Planning Agreementsare financed by different types <strong>of</strong> resources:ordinary, communitarian and private resources,additional national funds for underused areas.<strong>The</strong> Department for Rights and Equal Opportunitieshas recently promoted a pilot action aimedat integrating gender dimensions into themeasures implemented by the Framework PlanningAgreements’ tool. <strong>The</strong> DDPO (Departmentfor Rights and Equal Opportunities) has providedthe Regions and the Autonomous Provinces witha specialized assistance and technical support inorder to include gender perspective both in theexisting programming documents and in the oneswhich have to be drafted; as consequent, genderperspective has been introduced also in theactions resulting from those programmingdocuments, including activities for monitoring andevaluating the intervention 30 .Other toolsAmong the main gender oriented local developmenttools, the strategic planning should alsobe included as a key element. It can be consideredas an evolution/implementation <strong>of</strong> theparticipative territorial planning and integratedplanning. <strong>The</strong> Strategic Plan is a complex experimentin local and urban mobilization, <strong>within</strong>which the subjects involved in various roles in thedecision-making processes, attempt to achieve asynthesis <strong>of</strong> the needs and objectives to bepursued in the territory. This essentially happensthrough overcoming the fragmentation <strong>of</strong> therepresented interests <strong>within</strong> the planning process.<strong>The</strong> Strategic Planning “can be defined as thecollective building <strong>of</strong> a shared vision <strong>of</strong> the future<strong>of</strong> a territory, through participation processes,discussion and listening. It is a pact betweenadministrators, actors, citizens and variouspartners to translate this vision into a strategyand a subsequent series <strong>of</strong> projects, variouslyinterconnected, justified, evaluated and shared.Strategic Planning can be finally considered asthe coordination <strong>of</strong> the various responsibilities <strong>of</strong>29 Such Italian areas are included in the Objective 1 and Objective 2 and the areas that benefit from the State Aids, according to article 87.3.c <strong>of</strong> the EC Treaty.30 <strong>The</strong> homogenous productive sphere is the priority tool for implementing the unitary programming provided for in Italy in the period 2007-2013 and based on provisions <strong>of</strong>the unitary programming <strong>of</strong> the national regional policy and the community regional policy (see paragraph 3.5)26

Institutions and regulationthe different actors in carrying out the abovementioned projects” 31 .<strong>The</strong>refore it represents an original form <strong>of</strong> localgovernance, considering that in Italy there is noregulatory direction binding local bodies toundertake any strategic planning process nor isthere any indication regarding the relativemethods for getting third parties involved withlocal administration.Finally, other existing institutes regarding sectorpolicies have detected in the “concertation“ andin the public-public and public-private cooperationas a distinctive element and a successful strategiclever. Among these are the sustainable developmentpolicies related to the elaboration <strong>of</strong> thelocal Agenda 21 and the programming <strong>of</strong> welfarepolicies related to the elaboration <strong>of</strong> the ZoneSocial Plans 32 for which participation and discussioncan be a method for including equalitycriteria as economic and social security, socialinclusion and gender mainstreaming.3.4. <strong>The</strong> community programming2000-2006<strong>The</strong> elaboration <strong>of</strong> the current Structural FundsProgramming, which established the dualapproach as a priority, has proved to beparticularly functional for the Italian territory,above all for the Objective 1 territoriescorresponding to the South <strong>of</strong> Italy, for which theCommunity Support Framework (CSF) Objective 1hoped to determine significant economic growthin the reference territories “to reduce theeconomic-social gap <strong>of</strong> the areas <strong>of</strong> the South ina sustainable way, or increasing competitivenessover a long period, creating conditions for full andfree access to employment, as well as protectingand using as leverage environmental and equalopportunities values.”<strong>The</strong> CSF Objective 1 was subdivided into six largeintervention areas (Priority Axes): natural, culturaland human resources, local development systems,cities, networks and service links. In such acontext, even indirect policies have a particularrelevance and equal opportunities become apriority resource to foster local territorial development.<strong>The</strong> direct policies are included in the“Policy field E”, aimed at promoting femaleparticipation in the labour market, in the field <strong>of</strong>Axis III – Human Resources. 10% <strong>of</strong> the EuropeanSocial Fund resources <strong>of</strong> that Axis was reservedto that policy (it makes up the largest part <strong>of</strong> thetotal ESF resources). <strong>The</strong> mainstreaming approach(indirect policies) was carried forward with regardto the other types <strong>of</strong> measure, in whoseimplementation, special attention was given tothe promotion <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities as a“transversal principle” <strong>of</strong> the CSF. This point wasrecalled both <strong>within</strong> the Axis III, for the actionsaimed at human resources, as well as withreference to the other Axes, given the importancethat the CSF Objective 1 gives to integration <strong>of</strong>equal opportunities in all aspects <strong>of</strong> thedevelopment strategy.At national level, the dual approach strategy waspromoted through the adoption <strong>of</strong> a generalmethodology, the VISPO Guidelines ( Evaluation<strong>of</strong> the Strategic Impact <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunities,1999), <strong>of</strong>fering support both in terms <strong>of</strong> definition<strong>of</strong> the Programmes and in terms <strong>of</strong> an evaluationapproach for all the phases <strong>of</strong> the community31 Roberto Carmagni, Strategic Planning for the cities: considerations from the practices, page 8332 <strong>The</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> the plans was to define local systems <strong>of</strong> network social services that guarantee the essential levels <strong>of</strong> social service.27

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italyprogramming: such guidelines made it possibleto stimulate the inclusion <strong>of</strong> gender orientationand to make the gender mainstreaming principlemore effective at all levels and in all the policyfields. Overall, the VISPO Guidelines are areference framework <strong>of</strong> contents, methodologiesand operative tools, and a support for theprogramming and evaluation tasks <strong>of</strong> theStructural Funds 2000-2006.<strong>The</strong> European Social Fund also finances thecommunity Initiative EQUAL which is an experimentallaboratory <strong>of</strong> the European Strategy forEmployment and another opportunity given byEuropean programming to innovate the system <strong>of</strong>socio-vocational integration <strong>of</strong> men and women.To that end, the Initiative reflects in its contentsthe same duel approach in terms <strong>of</strong> equalopportunities, with the combined definition <strong>of</strong>specific and transversal actions. In the first case,the Initiative provides for a dedicated Pillar, Axis4 - Equal opportunities; in the second one, itprovides for gender mainstreaming in all the otherPillars, as indicated in the same Single ItalianProgramming Document <strong>of</strong> Initiatives (DOCUP).<strong>The</strong> mission <strong>of</strong> Equal in relation to the Equalopportunities Axis as an experimental initiative,it’s not the creation <strong>of</strong> employment for women,such as the ordinary European Social Fund as wellas the various national and regional laws: it aimsto improve the quality <strong>of</strong> the existing occupation,with particular attention to the discriminationfactors creating participation and permanencegaps in the labour market. <strong>The</strong> experimentalnature <strong>of</strong> Equal has allowed the conception andfinancing <strong>of</strong> innovative project proposals on thistopic, centered on the following three macro areas:a) enhancement <strong>of</strong> the female resource in theentrepreneurial and organizational contexts; b)promotion <strong>of</strong> measures aimed at opposing forms<strong>of</strong> horizontal segregation in pr<strong>of</strong>essionalenvironments both <strong>of</strong> women and men; c)improvement in working conditions and reconciliationwith the nonworking life. At national level,in the area <strong>of</strong> the Equal phase II, five sectorial<strong>Development</strong> Partnerships (DS) and 29 geographicalpartnerships were selected, many <strong>of</strong> whichincluding the integration <strong>of</strong> gender mainstreamingin the local development processes and initiativesas a supporting element in the project initiatives.3.5. <strong>The</strong> community programming 2007-2013 and the unitary regional policy<strong>The</strong> Italian proposal <strong>of</strong> National StrategicFramework (NSF) for the regional developmentpolicy 2007-2013 was approved by the EuropeanCommission with the decision <strong>of</strong> 13 th July 2007.<strong>The</strong>NSFdefines10prioritiesrelativetothegrowth<strong>of</strong> human capital, to the research and theinnovation, to the recovery <strong>of</strong> the productivity, tothe improvement <strong>of</strong> the quality <strong>of</strong> life and to theattraction <strong>of</strong> resources and international openness.<strong>The</strong> territorial dimension <strong>of</strong> the regionalpolicy 2007-2013 finds its execution <strong>within</strong>individual priorities, with close attention on theconstruction <strong>of</strong> a territorial programming andproject planning, based on the enhancement <strong>of</strong>specific identities and potentials, found in theurban areas, the rural areas and the localproductive systems.<strong>The</strong> NSF declares equal opportunities (togetherwith the human factor, the quality <strong>of</strong> life, socialinclusion, the environment) as “essential componentsand activators <strong>of</strong> potential developmentand decisive innovation factors.” <strong>The</strong> respect forthe principle <strong>of</strong> equality between men and women(and for the principle<strong>of</strong>prevention<strong>of</strong>everydiscrimination) is integrated in theimplementation <strong>of</strong> measures in the mainstreamingapproach that also leaves space for dedicatedmeasures, with specific reference to some <strong>of</strong> thepriorities highlighted by the Framework. Amongthe components <strong>of</strong> the socio-economicpartnership, “organizations to promote equalopportunities” are expressly recalled.<strong>The</strong> real novelty <strong>of</strong> NSF lies in the prevision forunitary programming <strong>of</strong> the regional, national andcommunity policy and the subsequent temporal28

Institutions and regulationsynchronization <strong>of</strong> the programming andresources <strong>of</strong> the national regional policy (Fund forthe Underused Areas) with the community regionalpolicy (Structural funds and national resources).<strong>The</strong> “seven years period” <strong>of</strong> the budgetcommitment, with funds allocated by the Fund forthe Underused Areas makes it possible toharmonize the programming <strong>of</strong> national resourceswith community resources to foster more strategiclong-term investment projects. <strong>The</strong> unification <strong>of</strong>the tools and procedures <strong>of</strong>fers interestingopportunities to integrate gender mainstreaminginto the whole group <strong>of</strong> measures aimed ateconomic development <strong>of</strong> the country, using as alever the new community provisions on equalopportunities and the non-discriminationprinciple, according to the experiences gatheredover the course <strong>of</strong> the past programming.29

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy4.<strong>Local</strong> development and gender:“best practices” intersecting those issuesIn this section, some considerations arepresented on some projects/initiatives that havealready been experimented with or are in theprocess <strong>of</strong> experimenting with practices that joingender aspects and local development 33 . Obviouslythe chosen practices will not be and cannotbe exhaustive examples <strong>of</strong> the vast number <strong>of</strong>projects taking place in Italy in the last few years;over the course <strong>of</strong> the entire project, a much largernumber <strong>of</strong> practices and initiatives have beenfound.According to the objectives <strong>of</strong> the project W. In D.,the initiatives were selected in order to representthe “efforts” which have been activated in Italyin these last few years to make gender mainstreamingtruly effective in all the policies, even insuch policies considered apparently more neutralthe local development policies as could seem, tothose who do not deal with such issues.Such initiatives have extremely interesting andinnovative characteristics, above all from the point<strong>of</strong> view <strong>of</strong> experimenting with new governancemodels and integrated services for the social andeconomic development <strong>of</strong> the territory and itspopulation, composed <strong>of</strong> men and women.<strong>The</strong> chosen initiatives, furthermore, reflect awidespread and intricate reality throughout thewhole territory, homogeneously involving localrealities in the North, the Center and the South <strong>of</strong>Italy. <strong>The</strong> great contribution to the planning andimplementation <strong>of</strong> such initiatives was suppliedby the community programming that, primarilythrough the ESF, stimulated, as we saw in theprevious chapter, integrated forms <strong>of</strong> planning fordevelopment and close attention to the processesand policies <strong>of</strong> gender and equal opportunities.<strong>The</strong> selected initiatives are presented in the tablethat follows, with the reference to the two macrotypologies, that are strictly related to the two keysto interpretation that the project W. In D. provides.<strong>The</strong>se are:• the participation <strong>of</strong> women in local developmentprocesses, also including thoseprocesses that foster female political participationat various levels, the participation<strong>within</strong> structures/institutions formally delegatedto activate development actions in theterritory;• the presence <strong>of</strong> gender orientation <strong>within</strong>projects and initiatives that, at various degreesand levels, can foster a gender oriented localdevelopment.26 For each project/initiative, an explanatory interpretation chart was drafted as part <strong>of</strong> the Catalogue <strong>of</strong> Best practices. See this product for further and specific details.30

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issues<strong>The</strong> practices detected and chosen cover both <strong>of</strong>these two aspects, bringing to light particularlysignificant experiences and emphasizing thepresence in Italy <strong>of</strong> a particularly rich “humus” forinitiatives <strong>of</strong> this type.Special importance should be given to projectsand experiences that combine both <strong>of</strong> these keysto interpretation supplying examples <strong>of</strong> how tointegrate mainstreaming strategies, policies anddifferent tools despite a legislative directionalframework not always moving in an interconnectedway between local development and genderissues (on this topic see Chapter 3).Many experiences have already successfully beencarried out in the continuous understanding andprogress on a path towards gender equality evenif there are still considerable problems andbarriers.To help the interpretation <strong>of</strong> the transversalanlaysis that is presented in this case study, apartfrom referring to the Catalogue <strong>of</strong> best practices,which includes an analysis and interpretation chartfor each best practice, in the following paragraphsthere is also a synthesis <strong>of</strong> some salient featuresrelative to objectives and strategies activated byprojects and selected initiatives. To the same end,common as well as, positive and critical elementsthat could be common features are alsohighlighted.31

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyProject name Macro type: Projects Macro type: <strong>Local</strong>that foster female participationdevelopment projectsin local developmentthat includegender mainstreamingRETE DELLE RETILOCAL DEVELOPMENT EQUALITY NETWORKWOMEN-ALPnetWOMEN-ALPnet – 1° PILOT ACTIONWOMEN-ALPnet – 2 ° PILOT ACTIONWOMEN AGREEMENTESS.ER.CI. Rewritten Social Contract<strong>Gender</strong> Friendly SystemXXXXXXXXWage analysis project aimedXat wage equalityCReOinRete X XGuiding act on gender equalityin appointed positions in the Regional CouncilXReconciliation actions in the sphere <strong>of</strong> ZoneSocial Plans according to Law 328/2000X<strong>The</strong> experience <strong>of</strong> applying the equal opportunitiesand gender mainstreaming principlein the area <strong>of</strong> Integrated Planning in SardiniaXNetwork <strong>of</strong> Departmental Women ReferentsXIntegrated Regional Programme (ITP) Minor Islands X XRegional Law “Regulations for the gender policiesand life-work reconciliation service in Puglia” X X4.1. <strong>The</strong> projects and initiatives aimed at supporting female participationin local development processesRETE DELLE RETI<strong>The</strong> Rete delle Reti (Network <strong>of</strong> the Networks) isan initiative started in the framework <strong>of</strong> the Equalopportunities Advisory consult, <strong>within</strong> the Union<strong>of</strong> Italian Provinces (UPI).<strong>The</strong> Advisory consult works at national level, incollaboration with the Ministry for Rights andEqual Opportunities and the other bodiespromoting gender policies, in order to ensure anintegrated programme throughout the Countryand, at a local level, to bring national debate intothe territories.Among the Advisory’s committee main objectivesare those <strong>of</strong> fostering an increase in the number<strong>of</strong> women candidates and nominees in politicalelections.<strong>The</strong> Rete delle Reti aims to:• develop synergy <strong>of</strong> actions between theProvinces on gender policies;• support and assist the realities that are not yet32

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issuesactive in this area;• speed up and make visible the gendermainstreaming processes <strong>within</strong> the individualadministrations, in the provincial system andthe Union <strong>of</strong> Italian Provinces.<strong>The</strong> Rete delle Reti represents the first opportunityto survey provincial projects dealing with genderpolicies that will be used as a basis <strong>of</strong> a permanentObservatory on best gender practices, with theaim <strong>of</strong>:• enhancing and disserminate the initiatives ongender policies implemented by differentprovincial administrations;• fostering the transfer and circulation <strong>of</strong>experiences and skills among the differentadministrations;• improving the capacity for action <strong>of</strong> the maleand female functionaries and administrators,through the emulative circulation <strong>of</strong> knowledge;• beginning the construction <strong>of</strong> a “community <strong>of</strong>practices” on gender mainstreaming issues.<strong>The</strong> most important product was the Web portalRete delle Reti, aiming to disseminate anddevelop knowledges on the experiences and theprojects going on throughout the country.LOCAL DEVELOPMENT EQUALITY NETWORK“<strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Equality</strong> Network“ isaproject started in 2002 in the Province <strong>of</strong> Turin topromote and disseminate knowledges on theissues <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities and gendermainstreaming techniques among localdevelopment actors.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Equality</strong> Network brings together in theequality tables <strong>of</strong> the territorial pacts, bodies,institutions and organizations, and proposes asa model <strong>of</strong> intervention to systematically integratethe situations, priorities and needs <strong>of</strong> women andmen in all the decisions regarding socio-economicterritorial development.<strong>The</strong> objectives <strong>of</strong> the project were formalized withthe constitution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Equality</strong> Tables includedin the eight Territorial Pacts <strong>of</strong> the Province <strong>of</strong> Turinand in the promotion <strong>of</strong> the work strategy thatselected a representative for each Pact, with aservice role in the action <strong>of</strong> building the network.Thanks to the <strong>Equality</strong> Tables, the goals and someguidelines for structuring and positioning thegroup in the area <strong>of</strong> participative planningexperiences were defined. To push the initiative,the project proposed that each workgroup:• interprets the <strong>Equality</strong> Table as a new collectiveactor, in which all the organizations, bodies andinstitutions are represented. Active localdevelopment and promotion <strong>of</strong> equality andequal opportunities policies are recognized.<strong>The</strong> strategic objective <strong>of</strong> the table is to systematicallyintegrate the situations, priorities andneeds <strong>of</strong> men and women in all the policies(gender mainstreaming);• selects a reference person/delegate to participatein the “concertation“ table meetings topromote the adoption <strong>of</strong> the perspectiveexpressed by the <strong>Equality</strong> Table in all the decisions/discussionson local developmentprojects and sustainable development <strong>of</strong> theterritory;• becomes catalysts for project initiatives onequality and equal opportunities issue at thelocal level, not to nullify them in a commonproject, but to emphasize their characteristics,peculiar aspects, methodologies and contributeto capitalizing and disseminating the bestpractices experimented and the know-howacquired;• plays a key role in the construction <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Equality</strong> Network at provincial level.WOMEN AGREEMENT<strong>The</strong> project Women Agreement moves from thedual difficulty <strong>of</strong> the female resource, on the onehand, to participate in the labour market (if not inthose traditional feminine sectors) and, on theother hand, <strong>of</strong> the poor representation in thedecision-making places and the places <strong>of</strong> power.Both <strong>of</strong> these problems are closely connected tothe problem <strong>of</strong> reconciling the working dimensionwith the family one.33

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy<strong>The</strong> project intends to create and developconditions to concretely implementing the equalityprinciple in treatment between men and women inthe access to work and training to remove thebarriers hindering entry and permanence <strong>of</strong>women in the labour market or reconciliationbetween family needs and pr<strong>of</strong>essionalaspirations.<strong>The</strong> project objectives are:• to combat all forms <strong>of</strong> direct and/or indirectdiscrimination, toward the entry or re-entry <strong>of</strong>women into the labour market;• to enhance the female resource in all <strong>of</strong> itspeculiarities, in particular in the cultural andsocial sector;• to experiment (with the local bodies, femaleworkers and the enterprises) new services andmethods to organize work and schedulesfostering employability <strong>of</strong> female workers inlocal enterprises and the “reconciliation“ <strong>of</strong> thefamily and working times;• to raise awareness <strong>of</strong> local public and privateactors, with the goal <strong>of</strong> removing prejudicesrelegate women in jobs requiring littlequalification and jobs with low wages;• to improve working conditions and reconcilability<strong>of</strong> working and nonworking life.<strong>The</strong> project is therefore based on two broad lines<strong>of</strong> action:1) <strong>The</strong> experimentation <strong>of</strong> territorial governingtools aiming to create a network <strong>of</strong> local actors(Employment Centres, Equal opportunitiesCommissions, <strong>Local</strong> Bodies, Enterprises, cooperatives,Provinces, services for the people) thatallows a gender approach and to define innovativeequal opportunities models in the governing <strong>of</strong>the territory and the programming <strong>of</strong> measures(methodological and operative tools for a stablenetwork <strong>of</strong> local services oriented to integrationand subsidiarity);2) Experimentation with equality tools aimed atmaking it possible for women to enter the labourmarket and remain in the “active life.” <strong>The</strong>objective is to experiment evaluation andcertification models <strong>of</strong> the informal skills <strong>of</strong> womenaiming to enhance, reinforce, and re-qualify - interms <strong>of</strong> employment supply - the wealth <strong>of</strong>informal skills, at times untapped, that womenpossess, in particular in the social, humanisticand cultural area. <strong>The</strong> experimentation alsoresponds the implementation <strong>of</strong> ad hoc measuresfor the support, motivation and orientation <strong>of</strong>women in the selection phase <strong>of</strong> their pr<strong>of</strong>essionallife, aimed at self-esteem and personal empowermentin close synergy with the EmploymentCentres and the local network <strong>of</strong> services to fosterthe activation <strong>of</strong> new employability circuits forwomen.Network <strong>of</strong> DepartmentalWomen Representatives<strong>The</strong> Network <strong>of</strong> departmental women representatives,grows out <strong>of</strong> the initiative <strong>of</strong> the SecretaryGeneral <strong>of</strong> the Presidency <strong>of</strong> the Region <strong>of</strong> Sicilythat, in April 2002 asked the various Councils andDepartments to select a departmental representativein order to exchange experiences,initiatives and proposals pertinent to thehorizontal principle <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities,constituting a network.<strong>The</strong> network <strong>of</strong> representatives is a circuit throughwhich the principle <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities can beconcretely implemented in the measures financedby the structural funds.<strong>The</strong> initiative provides for the integration <strong>of</strong> theDepartmental Women Representatives Networkwith:- the broadening <strong>of</strong> the territorial network, to theProvinces and <strong>Local</strong> Bodies, aimed at improvingthe policies and actions whose goal is an equalsupportive local development;- the creation <strong>of</strong> an “Equal opportunities RegionalResource Centre” Portal including a database <strong>of</strong>information, tools, data, best practices, methodologiesexperimented in the territory and34

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issuesselected on the basis <strong>of</strong> qualitative criteria.<strong>The</strong> equal opportunities representatives are areference point in the individual RegionalDepartments for the following activities:<strong>The</strong> Council <strong>of</strong> Equal Opportunities <strong>of</strong> the Region<strong>of</strong> Campania widely circulated the approved textthrough the organization <strong>of</strong> meetings androundtables, both at regional and territorial level.• the analysis <strong>of</strong> implementation tenders for themeasures <strong>of</strong> the Operational Programme Sicily;• the drafting <strong>of</strong> proposals for the integration <strong>of</strong>intervention guidelines and award guidelines infavour <strong>of</strong> women and underprivileged subjects,with specific attention to the tools for thereconciliation between pr<strong>of</strong>essional and privatelife, with a view to sustainable socio-economicdevelopment and attention to the gender andthe removal <strong>of</strong> every form <strong>of</strong> discrimination.Guiding act on gender equality in politicalappointments in the Regional Council<strong>The</strong> Regional Council <strong>of</strong> Campania approved(Resolution number 1368) a “Guiding act ongender equality in political appointments in theRegional Council” that provides for the application<strong>of</strong> the equality principle between men and womenin the composition <strong>of</strong> the administrative, managementand control organs <strong>of</strong> the regional publicor semi-public companies or bodies, with majorityor minority share, when the Regional Council ischarged <strong>of</strong> making appointments.<strong>The</strong> inclusion <strong>of</strong> the principles announced in theguiding Act provides for the removal <strong>of</strong> every form<strong>of</strong> barrier such as behaviour, practices, criteria,provisions and pacts, that can hinder or slow downthe equal participation <strong>within</strong> the decision-makingprocesses <strong>of</strong> the above cited organs. <strong>The</strong> act alsoinvites the competent organs to integrate into thebody’s and company’s statutes, provisions aimedat ensuring an equal presence <strong>of</strong> women and menand to provide a monitoring report on theconditions <strong>of</strong> the gender presence in the bodies <strong>of</strong>administration, management and control <strong>of</strong> thosebodies, and the effects deriving from theapplication <strong>of</strong> this Resolution.Among the best practices gathered in this macrotype, many refer to projects and experienceswhose primary objective is to reinforce the femalepresence in decision-making administrative,political and economic bodies.Such experiences for the most part make itpossible or have made it possible to experimentwith models for governing the territory that havestrongly contributed to the constitution <strong>of</strong>networks <strong>of</strong> local actors, where the femalepresence enters not as a minor variable, but askey element to foster and accelerate both theprocesses <strong>of</strong> including gender perspective in thepractices and projects being planned or still to beplanned.That is the case <strong>of</strong> the “<strong>Local</strong> development equalitynetwork“ which has constituted, <strong>within</strong> the eightTerritorial Pacts in the Province <strong>of</strong> Turin, just asmany <strong>Equality</strong> Tables that are characterized as a“new collective actor” in the territorial developmentpolicies that are capable <strong>of</strong> catalysing allthe subjects that, for various reasons and atvarious levels, support gender oriented equalopportunities in a given territory.<strong>The</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> a “collective actor” able torepresent those who strive for gender policies andequal opportunities in a defined territory,represents an undeniably important element,considering also the presence <strong>of</strong> many institutions/figures(advisers, women promoters,equality <strong>of</strong>fices, etc.) who, <strong>of</strong>ten when meetingwith each other, find it difficult to petition thesubjects that, at a technical and political level,decide on the territorial development policies.Moreover, the possibility to have various gender35

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italyreference experts in a network for each specificterritory involved in the Pacts, is significant also interms <strong>of</strong> the reproducibility and sustainability <strong>of</strong>the experiences planned and implemented,activating a gender reasoning <strong>within</strong>.<strong>The</strong> other experiences found in this category arecharacterized in just the same way by having“brought to the network” women operating in thedifferent territories increasing the possibility todevelop synergic actions, to promote the femaleparticipation in decision-making processes andto speed up and give visibility to the gendermainstreaming processes.In particular, we refer to the project “Rete delleReti” and to the project “Women agreement”.In the first case, the most innovative element isthe formalization, <strong>within</strong> the Union <strong>of</strong> ItalianProvinces (UPI), <strong>of</strong> the Equal opportunitiesConsult constituted by all the women elected tothe Italian Provincial Councils. <strong>The</strong> formalization<strong>of</strong> such body at a provincial level is positive initself because it promotes gender sensitive actionsin favour <strong>of</strong> local development in each territory.<strong>The</strong> provinces represent, in Italy, the territorieswhere the possibilities are the greatest (also at alevel <strong>of</strong> competency) for taking measures on thevarious policies (territorial, environmental, etc.)that together influence local development.However, the Advisory also made it possible toconstitute the Rete delle Reti internally (and theWeb portal Rete delle Reti, used to disseminateand increase knowledge on experiences andprojects going on in the national territory) whichrepresents the construction <strong>of</strong> a permanentadvisory structure for consulting equalopportunities networks started on the Italianterritory at the provincial level.Women agreement, promoted by the cooperativeFIDET, also manages a network <strong>of</strong> local actorsdistributed both at a provincial level andmunicipal, with the involvement <strong>of</strong> differentmunicipalities on issues such as the relaunching<strong>of</strong> female employment in the Centre-South <strong>of</strong> Italy(Lazio, Marche and Calabria are the Regionsinvolved in this project) and the reconciliationbetween family and working life.Finally, there are two extremely interestinginitiatives (both undertaken in Southern Italy) t<strong>of</strong>oster the female presence <strong>within</strong> the regionalorganizational structures.We refer, in this case, to the guiding act on genderequality in the election <strong>of</strong> political positions in theCouncil <strong>of</strong> the Region <strong>of</strong> Campania and theconstitution <strong>of</strong> the network <strong>of</strong> departmentalwomen representatives in the Region <strong>of</strong> Sicily.In the first case, the initiative, if opportunelyimplemented, could prove to be extremely importantfor fostering the female presence in allthe decision-making fields, even where there is alack <strong>of</strong> the national legislation that explicitlypromotes the principle <strong>of</strong> 50-50 in therepresentation <strong>of</strong> the two genders.In the second case, the creation <strong>of</strong> a network <strong>of</strong>gender representatives <strong>within</strong> each Departmentin the Region <strong>of</strong> Sicily, allows it to preside from agender point to view over the decisions inherentto the policies to be implemented in all theregional intervention sectors, thus contributing,to the increase in the female presence <strong>within</strong> thestructure. <strong>The</strong> network will only be able to acteffectively once some barriers in the functioningmethods are overcome.<strong>The</strong> lessons that can be learned from projects suchas these are various and bring to light bothpositive and critical elements that could benefitfrom careful monitoring:1) above all they demonstrate the need to “createnetworks,” to get people “around a table” thatoperate at various levels and can benefit fromexchange experiences by developing stronglearning processes. This is extremely importantin a territory like Italy where there is a stronglack <strong>of</strong> homogeneity between the territoriesthat, in the case <strong>of</strong> gender themes, takes on36

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issueseven more meaning;2) the capillarity <strong>of</strong> the experiences and theinitiatives implemented (that even reach amunicipal level in some cases) is a hugelypositive element if we consider the extremeimportance <strong>of</strong> the theme <strong>of</strong> “micro-territoriality”in the sphere <strong>of</strong> supportive project planning forlocal development;3) the “network” makes it possible to berecognized and recognizable as a “politicalsubject” that as such, has more credibility andimmediacy. This is to say, a united front isstronger;4) working in “concertation”, furthermore, is one<strong>of</strong> the primary characteristics <strong>of</strong> the measuresthat promote local development in our Country(think for example, <strong>of</strong> the participative orintegrated planning tools). Activating“concertation” for women becomes a way todirectly appropriate the most suitablemethodologies for fostering a gender sensitivedevelopment;5) at the same time, the effective functioningcapabilities must be carefully evaluated, alongwith the real strength and incisiveness <strong>of</strong> thenetworks promoted and implemented toactually govern and take decisions regardingterritorial development.<strong>The</strong> last element, in particular, unfortunatelyclashes with a gender culture that has not yetspread through the territory and that, despite themany efforts and undeniable results achieved,could slow down the process <strong>of</strong> a real equalopportunities governance at the local level andmore.4.2. <strong>The</strong> projects and initiatives aimedat supporting the introduction<strong>of</strong> the gender mainstreaming principlein the local development processesand programsWOMEN-ALPnet<strong>The</strong> Women-ALPnet Project is based on the ideathat an active participation <strong>of</strong> women in the localdevelopment processes depends on at least fourbasic conditions:• being able to have access to information;• being able to have access to resources;• the chance for real pr<strong>of</strong>essional individualgrowth (thus broadening the chances for apersonal career overcoming stereotypes anddiscrimination factors);• the construction <strong>of</strong> a strong cooperationnetwork to develop gender mainstreamingactions at institutional, social and economiclevel.<strong>The</strong> condition <strong>of</strong> women living in the Alpine Areasinfluenced by the economic and territorial disparitythat characterizes the zone, and becomes evenmore pronounced and noticeable on a reducedscale. This is especially clear in the peri-Alpineand more underprivileged mountain areas, thatare barely connected to urban centers, riskdepopulation, suffer from a lack <strong>of</strong> services, havea restricted labour market- <strong>of</strong>ten tied to seasonaljobs- and where the economic power <strong>of</strong> thepopulation is weak. <strong>The</strong> female employment ratein these areas is lower than the male rate and thewomen are less integrated into the classiceconomic sectors, and when they do work, for themost part they work part time and for poor pay.To change the situation and promote thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> women’s skills and potentials,many regions in the Alpine Area have developed,in recent years: the «Women Resource Centres».<strong>The</strong> Women ALP-net project promotescollaboration between the different «WomenResource Centres» operating in rural areas foreconomic and social life.37

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy<strong>The</strong> final objective is to supply women withtechnical assistance and quality support, in orderto <strong>of</strong>fer them equal opportunities <strong>of</strong> access toregional and local resources. At the same time theproject intends to promote gender orientedcooperation, between the local public and privateactors.To foster active female participation in localdevelopment processes and reinforce cooperationbetween the main actors, public and private, <strong>of</strong>local development, the partnership <strong>of</strong> Women-ALPnet has implemented a series <strong>of</strong> activities anddeveloped various tools, such as:• Italy-Lecco - “<strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> a network for thepromotion <strong>of</strong> employment and femaleentrepreneurship”• Italy-Trento - “A model <strong>of</strong> «Virtual ResourceCentre» to promote female participation in localdevelopment”• <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> a network <strong>of</strong> services betweenthe “Women Resource Centres”ESS.ER.CI. Rewritten Social Contract<strong>The</strong> strategy <strong>of</strong> the project ESS.ER.CI. is to rewritethe “social contract” currently in use, a sharedsupport tool to implement project actions aimedat achieving effective equality between men andwomen for the promotion <strong>of</strong> equal conditions insociety.<strong>The</strong> main objective <strong>of</strong> the project is to disseminatethe gender approach and culture in privateenterprise, social enterprises and PublicAdministration.As regards the intermediate beneficiaries, the aimis to improve the human resource heads’capacities in the so-called diversity managementand increase the <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> services for socialenterprises.<strong>The</strong> objectives for the final beneficiaries are:• to improve the availability <strong>of</strong> family-friendlyservices;• to favor pr<strong>of</strong>essional growth <strong>of</strong> women in smallto medium-sized enterprise and in publicadministration;• to increase their presence in political decisionmakingplaces and create flexibility in theavailable services.<strong>The</strong> project is subdivided into the following MacroPhases:• AWARENESS-RAISING: gender studies events;• REWRITTEN SOCIAL CONTRACT: formal joiningto Ess.Er.Ci.;• EXPERIMENTATION: gender workshops;• TRAINING: paths for gender democracy;• DISSEMINATION: gender events.<strong>Gender</strong> Friendly System<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gender</strong> Friendly System project intends todeal with the little influence that the genderperspective has in the trade union activities andabove all in collective bargaining. Consequently,after a preliminary analysis <strong>of</strong> the problemperformed by the trade union representing thedifferent pr<strong>of</strong>essional associations and by theresearch and training body, the strategy led to thechoice <strong>of</strong> the which follow partners.In particular, the decision to directly involveemployers from the labour market in thepartnership, with an active role, was a concretefield choice, inasmuch as to make a difference tocollective bargaining it requires that the twoparties necessarily share problems and planoperative tools that meet the real needs.<strong>The</strong> enterprises will therefore be the concreteobject <strong>of</strong> experimentation. In particular, a bodythat nationally represents a high percentage <strong>of</strong>cooperatives, as well as small and medium-sizedenterprises, the most widespread size <strong>of</strong>38

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issuesenterprise in the territory, was chosen as employercounterpart.<strong>The</strong> project objectives are the following:• to select the training mechanisms in genderstereotypes in the trade union;• to experiment and disseminate at a nationallevel survey tools, tools for analysis andmonitoring <strong>of</strong> the gender mainstreamingprinciple;• to create pr<strong>of</strong>essional coordination roles in thegender mainstreaming process such as:“<strong>Gender</strong> Mainstreaming Expert” and the tradeunionist ”Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>Gender</strong> oriented Contractbargaining”;• to promote gender mainstreaming in tradeunion contract bargaining;• to open front <strong>of</strong>fice facilities for equalopportunities;• to spread information on services and opportunitiesfor reconciliation to promote agender friendly image <strong>of</strong> the trade union.Wage analysis project aimed at wage equality<strong>The</strong> Province <strong>of</strong> Bologna, in the Triennial Plan <strong>of</strong>Positive Actions 2004-2006, selected wageequality as one <strong>of</strong> the strategic elements toimplement positive actions. <strong>The</strong> actions are aimedat bringing about change and innovative solutionsthat can radically alter some presuppositions thatcondition the respect for the principles containedin the community regulations, as well as thenational ones.<strong>The</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> this project in ahomogenous territorial context, such as theProvince <strong>of</strong> Bologna, has the objective <strong>of</strong> supplyinglocal Public Administration and the Equalopportunities Councillor with the followingopportunities:• to have a homogenous overview <strong>of</strong> the genderimbalances <strong>within</strong> the Public Administration;• to make available a tool that allows for a deeperexamination <strong>of</strong> each Body;• to systematically make available a monitoring<strong>of</strong> the current wage situation <strong>of</strong> the body thathighlights, by each pr<strong>of</strong>ile or category, oraggregation <strong>of</strong> homogenous pr<strong>of</strong>iles, theaverage wage level and the shifts from it, withstress on the wage items that condition suchdifference (for example, discomfort allowance,danger money);• to promote positive actions to support wageand presence in the organization rebalancing,through direct actions <strong>within</strong> the Body(decentralized contract bargaining);• to make available information in trade unionnegotiation, in the decentralized and first level,with the objective <strong>of</strong> promoting actions torebalance the disparity or contain an increasein the existing ones;• creation <strong>of</strong> a network <strong>of</strong> Bodies that throughhomogenous analyses can perform benchmarkson the qualities <strong>of</strong> the personnel andtheir wage levels (analyses both by gender andby whole organization);• to make available a system that enablessimulations <strong>of</strong> the economic impact that thevariation in the established salaries produceson the budget <strong>of</strong> the body.Following this research, the ProvincialAdministration, in order to promote equalitypolicies on these issues, started a strategy aimedat fostering internal actions to reduce disparity orstart up corrective policies, and start an awarenesscampaign on the subject that has been implemented,to promote research in other nationaladministrations and, through direct financing fromthe Province, to carry out research for highlightinghomogenous elements with other bodies.39

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyReconciliation actions in the Zone Social Plans(Law 328/2000)<strong>The</strong> project starts from the idea <strong>of</strong> the issue <strong>of</strong>reconciliation between living and working times,as a central element in the context <strong>of</strong> equalopportunities policies. In particular, closely relatedto the problem <strong>of</strong> women and work are policiesfor infancy, that can more or less facilitatereconciliation between living and working times.In fact, <strong>of</strong>ten an important factor in work decisionsby women when they are also mothers is thewidespread presence <strong>of</strong> care services.In this light, a recent reconciliation measure wasprogrammed and is being implemented, financedwith the measure 3.14 <strong>of</strong> the Operational Programme(OP) Campania 2000-2006 in synergywith the measure 3.21 again <strong>of</strong> the OperationalProgramme (OP) Campania 2000-2006, aimed atintegrating the resources <strong>of</strong> the Zone Social Planswith resources <strong>of</strong> the Measure 3.14 to be destinedfor the various Leading Bodies in the territorialareas on the basis <strong>of</strong> three criteria: the residentpopulation, the population <strong>of</strong> minors between theages <strong>of</strong> zero and five years, the family nuclei.This action aims at activating child care and/orfamily services, allowing families to bettermanage living and working times (includingsupport services and orientation for women whocare for disabled, Social educational services forearly infancy, Home help services, Playschools).<strong>The</strong> project represents an effective and concreteintroduction to gender mainstreaming through aspecific planning and implementation tool forsocial policy at the local level.<strong>The</strong> experiences are examined considering theintroduction <strong>of</strong> the gender mainstreamingprinciple <strong>within</strong> Programmes and projectssupporting <strong>Local</strong> <strong>Development</strong>: they arecharacterized by the presence <strong>of</strong> particularlyinteresting practices.<strong>The</strong> practices that promote the planning,implementation and dissemination <strong>of</strong> physicalstructures to support gender oriented equalopportunities in the individual territories(Resource centers, conciliation agencies, etc.)should be immediately pointed out. In this casetoo, as was previously emphasized with regard tothe Networks, these are experiences that increasethe visibility and recognizability in the territoryand operate directly and locally with thepopulation around specific themes.In the Italian case, these are for the most part theincrease in female employability, support forfemale entrepreneurship, comments and actionson specific themes such as reconciliationbetween family and working life and cityschedule issues.In the case <strong>of</strong> the WOMEN-ALPnet project(promoted by the Province <strong>of</strong> Lecco and by theAutonomous Province <strong>of</strong> Trento), for example, thecreation <strong>of</strong> an Equal opportunities Resource Centre<strong>of</strong>fers the chance to plan and implement actionsthat support female employability in places likethe Mountain Municipalities and the Alpine Zonesdeeply affected by problems <strong>of</strong> development andin which the female contribution (above all interms <strong>of</strong> occupation and creation <strong>of</strong> services) canrepresent a high added value. Furthermore, itshould not be neglected the approach to sectors,policies and themes which have been, up to now,scarcely touched by gender issues, but whichpresent a series <strong>of</strong> elements in which genderbecomes particularly important. We must think,for example, <strong>of</strong> tourism and sustainabledevelopment that combine extremely well withnew employability and female entrepreneurship.<strong>The</strong> reference in this case is also to the projectpromoted by the Region <strong>of</strong> Campania: thatintroduces equal opportunities actions (in thisspecific case, <strong>of</strong> reconciliation) <strong>within</strong> the ZoneSocial Plans. Given the importance <strong>of</strong> those plansfor local development <strong>of</strong> a territory, above all fromthe social point <strong>of</strong> view and that <strong>of</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> life40

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issues<strong>of</strong> the men and women, this is most certainly avery interesting “experiment” that provides thebasis for a “contamination” between the variouspolicies that can equally contribute todevelopment.It is as important to emphasize that these practicesprovoke reflection in specific fields (such as forexample, private industry or trade unionconfederations) on specific themes (for example,career progress, wage or reconciliation). In thiscase we refer to the project ESS.ER.CI, totheproject “<strong>Gender</strong> Friendly System” and to theproject Wage analysis aimed at wage equality.<strong>The</strong> first, promoted by the cooperative CRAMARS,focuses on the most suitable actions to fosterpr<strong>of</strong>essional growth <strong>of</strong> women in small to mediumsizedenterprises and in Public Administrationthrough the activation <strong>of</strong> the various workshopsaimed at examining and analysing a specificmatter among those that most influence femalepresence (in terms <strong>of</strong> both quantity and quality) inthe workplace. Particularly interesting are theworkshops dealing with women’s career paths andthe difficulties women have to face when theyintend to actively participate in public life, suchas the workshop that deals with gender budgettool as an essential element for (re)orientingcompany policies (and not only) with a view togender. A new and interesting element to note isthat the male component <strong>of</strong> the companies is alsoinvolved in promoting and establishing a new“social contract” between men and women andfostering the gender culture <strong>within</strong> the company.<strong>The</strong> second project promoted by the UGL – GeneralLabour Union, focuses on including gendermainstreaming in trade union organizations. Inthis case too, it is an extremely interesting project,considering the importance <strong>of</strong> the trade unionorganizations for the introduction <strong>of</strong> gendermainstreaming aspects into collective bargaining.In this sense, one <strong>of</strong> the objectives <strong>of</strong> the projectis to provide a gender contract bargaining kit, aparticularly innovative tool that makes it possibleto reveal and oppose gender stereotypes and allthose elements that objectively hinder/slow downthe achievement <strong>of</strong> equal opportunities in theworkplace. In addition to the planning <strong>of</strong> the kit,is the creation <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional coordinating rolesfor the gender mainstreaming processes (the maleor female trade unionist “responsible for gendersensitive contract bargaining”) <strong>within</strong> the tradeunion organizations that will be able to experimentwith the project in sample enterprises. <strong>The</strong>re willalso be the opening <strong>of</strong> physical and Telematic front<strong>of</strong>fices in various branches <strong>of</strong> the trade union,dealing with gender sensitive contract bargaining,segregation and life-work reconciliation, actingas an information and advisory point, also for thesocial economic actors in the territory. Particularlyinnovative and positive is the collaboration withthe public institutions, and in specific with the CityHall - Municipio XX in Rome.<strong>The</strong> project on Wage analysis for wage equalitypromoted by the Province <strong>of</strong> Bologna also movesin this direction. In this case the innovation andinterest essentially lies in having analysed the socalled“gender pay gap” particularly relevant inour Country as it is with the rest <strong>of</strong> the countriesin Europe.In this case too there are light and shadows amongthese practices:1) From a positive point <strong>of</strong> view, there is theattention given by the selected projects onparticularly important topics, which haverecived much attention even at a Europeanlevel, such as trade union contract bargainingor the gender pay gap;2) it should be noted however that most <strong>of</strong> thesemeasures operate on policies and strategiesthat regard human capital and the labourmarket. If it is true that this is definitely apositive element, above all in a country likeItaly where the gender gap in terms <strong>of</strong> accessand permanence in the labour market is stillvery high and far from European standards, itshould also be said that it limits the realapplication <strong>of</strong> mainstreaming to specific41

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italypolicies without intervening or, intervening ina minor way, in other aspects that broadlycontribute to fostering development in a localterritory;3) Finally, in this case too, it should be pointedout how the Italian reality shows numerousinitiatives that struggle to become establishedrealities in the territories and to be reallyeffective and long-lasting over time. Almost allthe projects and initiatives selected werefinanced with the contribution <strong>of</strong> communityfunds that, once terminated, <strong>of</strong>ten result inproblems <strong>of</strong> financial sustainability.4.3. An integrated planningCReOinRete<strong>The</strong> initiative was implemented <strong>within</strong> <strong>The</strong>Operational Programme <strong>of</strong> Campania 2000-2006(Equal opportunities Council - Equal opportunitiesService) through Measure 3.14 “<strong>Promotion</strong> <strong>of</strong>female participation in the labour market”.<strong>The</strong> project, directed by the Region, had theobjective <strong>of</strong> promoting female employability byactivating specific territorial services, at the sametime triggering a cultural change throughexperimentation <strong>of</strong> innovative procedures, t<strong>of</strong>oster female participation in all <strong>of</strong> local developmentprocesses. <strong>The</strong> initiative, <strong>within</strong> a singlestrategic framework, joins different types <strong>of</strong>actions that all have strong adherence to thespecific natures <strong>of</strong> the territory. <strong>The</strong> mobilization<strong>of</strong> a broad number <strong>of</strong> actors represents the maininnovative element through the widespread use<strong>of</strong> network methodology.<strong>The</strong> project began with the definition <strong>of</strong> anexperimental Protocol <strong>of</strong> Understanding betweenthe Region, Provinces and Municipalities thatmade it possible to implement Resource andFemale Employability Centres, start up thepartnership networks and institute a team <strong>of</strong>women promoters <strong>of</strong> Equal opportunities.Specialized centers in the economic, agricultural,and environmental sectors were alsoimplemented, as well as tourism and crafts,science and technology, and territorial Workshopsfor experimenting the local strategies for femaleemployability.A regional Network was also activated and theTable <strong>of</strong> social parties makes part <strong>of</strong> it (this is agender “interpretation” <strong>of</strong> the regional Table <strong>of</strong>the social parties, and also include employers’and trade union organizations), the Forum <strong>of</strong>Female Administrators (an organization made up<strong>of</strong> women holding political positions in theterritories), the Committee <strong>of</strong> experts formainstreaming and empowerment in educationaland training processes, 10 partnership Networksat a municipal and provincial level, together withthe local systems (economic, trade union, politicalassociations and women’s associations).<strong>The</strong> experience <strong>of</strong> the application <strong>of</strong> the equalopportunities principle and gendermainstreaming <strong>within</strong> the Integrated Planningin Sardinia<strong>The</strong> basic idea that led the Region <strong>of</strong> Sardinia,thanks to the support <strong>of</strong> the Department for Rightsand Equal Opportunities, to promote and experimentwith the application <strong>of</strong> the equalopportunities principle in local development, inparticular through the tool <strong>of</strong> Integrated Planning,was the awareness that territorial development,understood as a process to increase well-beingfor the community, could be promoted only bytaking measures on the main aspects <strong>of</strong> economic,social, cultural and environmental life, and thatthese could not happen without integration <strong>of</strong> thegender perspective that took into account therespective needs <strong>of</strong> men and women.<strong>The</strong> process <strong>of</strong> Integrated Planning was supportedat territorial level through the constitution <strong>of</strong> atechnical assistance unit, the TerritorialWorkshops <strong>of</strong> the Integrated Planning, activated42

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issuesin each <strong>of</strong> the Provinces <strong>of</strong> Sardinia, made up <strong>of</strong>:experts in local development policy, Provincialfunctionaries and specialists, experts from GAL -<strong>Local</strong> Action Group - (Leader+), experts in equalopportunities policies and gender mainstreamingand specialists from Ersat (Regional Body forAgricultural <strong>Development</strong>). <strong>The</strong> main activitiescarried out were:1. Social economic analysis <strong>of</strong> the 8 Provinces toreveal territorial characteristics and form thefirst hypotheses for possible measures to beimplemented integrated by a comparative genderanalysis.2. Survey <strong>of</strong> the existing projects, to fosterintegration between the existing interventionsand the initiatives <strong>of</strong> the integrated planning.Special provision was made for involving somedevelopment partnerships already in theterritory, made up <strong>within</strong> the EQUAL project (2°phase) with the objective <strong>of</strong> fully takingadvantage <strong>of</strong> the experience already acquiredby these partnerships in equal opportunitiesto promote similar actions.3. Listening to the territory, through interviews,territorial forums, focus groups, that were afunctional activity for defining and sharingintervention strategies and conceiving projectinitiatives. From a gender point <strong>of</strong> view this stepwas fundamental primarily for understandingwhether there was a female identity in theterritory, and to bring it out and, point out the“perception” <strong>of</strong> the needs <strong>of</strong> the population,in particular the female population.4. Definition <strong>of</strong> a reference framework for theprovincial integrated planning, that providedfor the definition <strong>of</strong> integrated project proposals.In the full application <strong>of</strong> the dualapproach <strong>of</strong> the equal opportunities principle,in those projects, that were concerned withvarious economic development themes (e.g.development <strong>of</strong> rural areas, fishing, participativeplanning and requalification <strong>of</strong> urbancenters, relaunch <strong>of</strong> the productive system,tourism, etc.) some positive gender orientedactions were provided for.An important element for sustainability was thesignature, by the project partner <strong>within</strong> theIntegrated Planning, <strong>of</strong> a Protocol <strong>of</strong> Agreementwith which they committed themselves toguarantee the full involvement <strong>of</strong> women in thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> the territory. New networks <strong>of</strong>actors active in equality issues were then createdand/or the already existing ones were reinforced.Integrated Territorial Program (ITP)Minor Islands<strong>The</strong> general objective <strong>of</strong> the ITP “Minor Islands” isto transform the minor Islands from marginal andperipheral communities <strong>of</strong> Sicily into a “network”system capable <strong>of</strong> fostering opportunities foreconomic and social development, focusing onthe recovery and enhancement <strong>of</strong> environmentaland cultural, economic and social resourcesexisting in the various territories, giving priorityto improve the quality <strong>of</strong> life <strong>of</strong> the local populations.One <strong>of</strong> the project’s transversal priorities issupport in achieving equal opportunities betweenmen and women through the integration <strong>of</strong>specific indicators aimed at evaluating theenhancement <strong>of</strong> the local female resource.In the ITP for the first time, experimentation wasdone with a model <strong>of</strong> integration <strong>of</strong> themainstreaming principle right from the planningstage through the involvement and participation<strong>of</strong> the Department to the “concertation“ tables,as Integrated Project partner. <strong>The</strong> aim was that <strong>of</strong>drafting a ITP in which the gender point <strong>of</strong> view isa constituent element <strong>of</strong> the Project itself rightfrom its strategic set-up. Through the task forceactivated locally by the Department <strong>of</strong> Equalopportunities, some ad hoc tools were drafted forthe definition, from the gender point <strong>of</strong> view, <strong>of</strong>preliminary activities for designing the Project:context analysis and SWOT analysis.43

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: ItalyAmong the types <strong>of</strong> actions, the ITP provides forsystem actions (that involve all the territories <strong>of</strong>the Sicilian minor Islands aimed at implementingintegration and systemic development actionswith a supraterritorial value). In this intervention,an assistance regime was activated, to supportthe birth <strong>of</strong> female entrepreneurship through theconcession <strong>of</strong> financial aid for initiatives carriedout in the territory <strong>of</strong> the minor Islands thatprovide for development <strong>of</strong> activities in typicalcraft sectors, infancy care, catering, hospitalityand tourist services. In this field a specificterritorial promotion action was activated, handledby the Region with the support <strong>of</strong> the local TaskForce, on the opportunities <strong>of</strong>fered by theprogramme on the promotion <strong>of</strong> femaleentrepreneurship.Regional law “Regulations for gender policiesand life-work reconciliation services in Puglia”<strong>The</strong> regional Law, proclaimed in March 2007 anddirected at fostering the ”affirmation <strong>of</strong> a newsolidarity among citizens that enhances the genderdifferences” was formulated through a participationprocess by way <strong>of</strong> a territorial “listeningcampaign” carried out through various forums,on a provincial basis, and in which took partrepresentatives, in particular women, <strong>of</strong> institutions,trade unions, and associations.<strong>The</strong> law introduces specific provisions in thefollowing areas:• policies to coordinate times city lifeto define them, an inter-council work group wasinstituted, with the participation <strong>of</strong> the Equalopportunities Commission and the RegionalFemale Advisory and, in concert with the Regional<strong>Equality</strong> Woman Advisor, a permanent partnershiptable on gender policies, which was a place <strong>of</strong>confrontation between the Region and therepresentatives <strong>of</strong> trade union organizations,pr<strong>of</strong>essional associations, employer associations,regional equality institutions, associations <strong>of</strong> localautonomies and the third sector.• Measures to support equal distribution <strong>of</strong> carework and the social value <strong>of</strong> maternity andpaternityin particular through the promotion during theprocess <strong>of</strong> drafting and approving the zone socialplan, the stipulation <strong>of</strong> territorial agreements,named “gender social pacts”, among provinces,municipalities, trade union organizations andentrepreneurial organizations, the school system,local health agencies and family units for actionsto support maternity and paternity and forexperimenting formulas to organize workingschedules in public administration and in privateenterprise.<strong>The</strong> law institutes a gender controlling <strong>of</strong>fice withthe role <strong>of</strong> integrating the gender dimension andsupplying an assessment <strong>of</strong> the programme andthe regional guiding acts, with references to theapplication <strong>of</strong> the equal opportunities principlesand the gender dimension in all the main regionalacts. <strong>The</strong> gender budget is introduced, and theadjustment <strong>of</strong> the gender oriented regionalstatistics, and the definition <strong>of</strong> an annual reportedited by the Region, on the female condition inPuglia.• Representation and participation <strong>of</strong> women<strong>The</strong> law promotes the adoption by political parties<strong>of</strong> plans <strong>of</strong> action to respect the equalopportunities principle, with the aim <strong>of</strong> electingregional government bodies. <strong>The</strong>re is alsoprovision for the constitution <strong>of</strong> the regionalNetwork <strong>of</strong> female elected members and theinstitution <strong>of</strong> a databank <strong>of</strong> women’s curricula.Along with the projects that were presented withthe two lines characterizing the project W. In D., itis interesting to note this further category <strong>of</strong>experiences characterized by the strong interconnection<strong>of</strong> both the aspects. Ifontheonehand, they activated actions to reinforce thepresence <strong>of</strong> women in government processes andto give decisional strength and visibility to genderissues (out <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> them, the institution <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Gender</strong> Authority in Sardinia comes to mind), atthe same time they enabled the introduction <strong>of</strong>specific support actions for female employabilityor, for example, the issues <strong>of</strong> reconciliation by44

<strong>Local</strong> development and gender: “best practices” intersecting those issuesincluding gender perspective in developmentprogrammes and projects.In this case, more than the single projects, theseare complex and structured experiences that weredeveloped together and by degree in specificterritories with the aim <strong>of</strong> fostering the femalepresence in territorial decision-making bodies, bybringing attention to the introduction <strong>of</strong> genderelements in specific projects at the same time.In this case we are referring to experiences carriedout in some Regions <strong>of</strong> Southern Italy (preciselySardinia and Sicily) that, over the course <strong>of</strong> the2000-2006 community programming, activated aseries <strong>of</strong> broad actions that cover a number <strong>of</strong>years and show a constant commitment not onlyin terms <strong>of</strong> gender issues, but also in the possibleinterconnections between these and aspects thatare greatly dedicated to territorial development.One interesting element to be emphasized is, inboth the cases, the use <strong>of</strong> specific tools forpromoting/activating local development actionsin territories, like integrated and participativeplanning with close attention to the possibleimpacts and possible methods with which tointroduce gender principles into these tools aswell.In the case <strong>of</strong> the Region <strong>of</strong> Sardinia, thecommunity programming in particular made itpossible to experiment, in a concertative andparticipative way, with forms <strong>of</strong> integration <strong>of</strong>gender and equal opportunities policies in localdevelopment policies and practices both throughthe introduction <strong>of</strong> specific pr<strong>of</strong>essionals (expertsin equal opportunities policies and gendermainstreaming <strong>within</strong> the Territorial workshops<strong>of</strong> integrated planning) and through a series <strong>of</strong>gender analyses and interpretations in the variousintervention areas in which local developmentpolicies were to be activated.In this sense, this is an experiment <strong>of</strong> undoubtedinterest in approaching specific territorialdevelopment scenarios with gender orientation,using the existing tools available today to thepublic administration, in a different way, to“promote local development.” <strong>The</strong> implementation<strong>of</strong> such an important intervention was madepossible by the presence in the regional administration<strong>of</strong> the Authority for <strong>Gender</strong> Policies forconsultancy and promotion <strong>of</strong> equal opportunitiesand gender mainstreaming in the ManagingAuthority <strong>of</strong> the Regional Operative Programme.<strong>The</strong> case <strong>of</strong> the ITP Minor Islands <strong>of</strong> the SicilianRegion made it possible to activate localdevelopment actions at a micro level (themunicipalities <strong>of</strong> the Sicilian Minor Islands) witha strong involvement <strong>of</strong> the population in theterritory through an intense promoting activity ongender issues as a development tool. Above all,the contribution that female employment (in thiscase in forms <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurship) can give tothese territories in the form <strong>of</strong> an environmentallysensitivedevelopment and eco-sustainabletourism, is considered to be an element that,especially in the South <strong>of</strong> Italy, could have verypositive outcomes.<strong>The</strong> project CreOinRete <strong>of</strong> the Region <strong>of</strong> Campaniaalso moves along these lines. Once again in thenetwork approach, the objective is to stimulatethe female contribution to the socio-economicdevelopment <strong>of</strong> the territory through WomenResource and Employability Centres and territorialworkshops, where the needs <strong>of</strong> the population(men and women) are intercepted, anddevelopment routes and social and economicparticipation are promoted. In this case too, andthis is definitely a recurring and importantelement, these initiatives are carried out in theterritories, even at a micro level, and this is anessential factor for development, in gender termsas well. From here, the creation <strong>of</strong> partnershipnetworks not only at the provincial level, but alsomunicipal, and the ties with the local territorialsystems both at an economic level and tradeunion, political and association level.A further element to point out regarding thesurveyed initiatives is the attempt to join actions45

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italyto foster female employability with actions aimedat supporting female employability even throughinfrastructures, by the creation and/or theenlargement <strong>of</strong> public utility services for citizensin the territory. <strong>The</strong>se attempts have beenpromoted in the Southern Italian Regions not bychange. Here the community programming allowsthe use <strong>of</strong> ESF and EFRD (European Fund forRegional <strong>Development</strong>) in a single OperationalProgramme that enables those actions andinitiatives that can have a greater effect on thosefronts.At the same time, the presence in decisionmakingplaces is seen as an essential element forcontinuing these experiments and contributing tothe spread <strong>of</strong> a gender culture <strong>within</strong> PublicAdministrations, without which such initiativeswould have difficulty in being implemented andsustained over time.In this sense, the Regional law <strong>of</strong> the Region <strong>of</strong>Puglia is significant, and poses the generalobjective <strong>of</strong> “create a system” and making thegender and equal opportunities measure wholeand not fragmented in the regional territory byactivating permanent participative advisory groupscapable <strong>of</strong> taking in and gathering all the needsthat, different actors, at a different level, takeforward in the territory.46

5.Scenarios and perspectives<strong>The</strong> analyses presented in this case study,whether related to the socio-economic andinstitutional-political context or to the surveyedinitiatives and practices, outline an extremelyinteresting scenario that, though lacking in ad hocregulations and provisions that provide for theintersection between gender policies and localdevelopment issues, have made it possible to givelife to consistent experimentations.As can be noticed by the various socio-economicdata, there are still problems that the femalepopulation encounters above all when it intendsto integrate with and stay on the labour market.In fact, these are problems related to being ableto find a job that in terms <strong>of</strong> quality as well (see thestrong wage gap or employment stability thatpresents substantial differentiation between menand women) is adequate and equal.Many considerable results have been achieved,even though a real situation <strong>of</strong> gender equalopportunities in every day life is still threatenedby the fact that men and women cannot, inpractice, take advantage <strong>of</strong> these same rights. <strong>The</strong>persistent under representation <strong>of</strong> women in manydifferent areas, from the labour market to thesocial and political field, shows how structuralgender inequities still persist in Italy.Precisely for this reason, the Italian commitmentto act on those fronts has been strong andconstant, helped by the European Community that,through its own programming strategies, hasstrongly stimulated attention towards some keyconcepts for encouraging development with agender point <strong>of</strong> view. Above all, the concept <strong>of</strong>gender mainstreaming, i.e. the integration <strong>of</strong>gender equal opportunities in the design,implementation and evaluation <strong>of</strong> all the policiesthat allows a gender perspective to become anormal condition and not an exceptional one. And,at the same time, there is the dual approach thathas made it possible to continue to accompanypolicies explicitly aimed at dealing with problems<strong>of</strong> gender inequality, through positive actionsspecifically directed at women.Undeniably, developing such strategies requirestime, but the past programming period (as can beseen from the collected practices) was particularlycrucial for the evolution <strong>of</strong> policies and genderapproaches and for the removal <strong>of</strong> numerousbarriers that still exist in their implementation.This was, in fact, characterized by high number <strong>of</strong>possibilities both in the programming as well asin the implementation <strong>of</strong> policies to promotegender Equal opportunities, thanks also to thelarge push from the Structural Funds and theagreed emphasis, both at European and nationallevels, on the concept <strong>of</strong> good governance, inwhich the decentralization <strong>of</strong> policies and theconcept <strong>of</strong> subsidiarity take on an ever moreimportant role. In this framework the objectives47

<strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> gender equality <strong>within</strong> local development processes: Italy<strong>of</strong> equality between men and women can bepursued through an effective integration <strong>of</strong>policies activated at the central level withregional/local policies.Certainly, it is still necessary that these practicesbecome institutionalized also through regulation,both procedural and administrative, and above alleffective governance tools need to be selected,from the State-Regions institutional “concertation“practices, to the meeting and confrontationbetween institutions and social parties.Despite the undeniable evolution, there are stillbarriers both in the design/programming phase<strong>of</strong> the policies and in their real implementation.In fact there are still major difficulties incontextualization. <strong>The</strong> passage from a more simpleanalysis approach on “female conditions” to amore complex “gender perspective” in all theaspects and in all the policies, implies, in fact, thepassage from a specific and defined study objectto a different form <strong>of</strong> approach for the programmesand policies where gender aspects become anessential element. <strong>The</strong> very large difficulties inprogramming outside <strong>of</strong> the specific Axes andMeasures aimed at improving female employment,in fact represent a tangible sign <strong>of</strong> this lack <strong>of</strong>contextualization together with the still existentdifficulties in programming actions or policiesaimed at systems rather than at individual andspecific beneficiaries. In this case the closeattention paid by almost all the projects andinitiatives analyzed to the concept <strong>of</strong> network andthe creation <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>iles and structures that allowfor a gender oriented presence and incisiveness indecision-making places, turns out to be, in fact,strategic. <strong>The</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> a “gender sensitive”economic development strongly depends on theadoption <strong>of</strong> integrated territorial strategies aimedat promoting employment, production andterritorial services that increase well-being andthe quality <strong>of</strong> life for men and women. <strong>The</strong>“networks” <strong>within</strong> the partnership processestranslate into a tool that insures a broad andbalanced participation <strong>of</strong> women in all levels andin all the partnership bodies inside which,specularly, the active participation <strong>of</strong> all the local,institutional and non-institutional bodies,representatives <strong>of</strong> “gender interests” tied to thewell-being <strong>of</strong> the community and the quality <strong>of</strong>life <strong>of</strong> men and women, can be a reality.Programming with a gender orientation, as wellas using specific methods and tools, requiresgrowth in awareness and capability in theadministrative culture and specific positioningalso <strong>of</strong> the political type. <strong>The</strong> lack <strong>of</strong> sensitivity <strong>of</strong>the local actors on gender themes is <strong>of</strong>tensummed up by the lack <strong>of</strong> a strategic vision <strong>of</strong> localdevelopment processes.<strong>The</strong> general feeling towards gender is,unfortunately, skepticism, over the idea that publicpolicies including a gender perspective approachcan be effective and important. Those that work onthese themes <strong>of</strong>ten feel a sense <strong>of</strong> alienation or,in the worst cases, the imposition <strong>of</strong> “somethingthat must be done.” And this, in fact, is one <strong>of</strong> thestrongest critical points the projects that wereanalysed clash with.<strong>The</strong> challenge for the future is therefore tocontinue on the way undertaken so that thegender mainstreaming strategies can be furtherdeveloped and appreciated in an overall socialgender oriented development.48

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