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<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013PTSA NewsVisit our website: www.LHSPTSA.orgThe Importance <strong>of</strong> Parent Involvement & Staying EngagedW elcome back to school!The National PTSA describes parentinvolvement as crucial to the healthand well-being <strong>of</strong> a child. As a parent,you are the most important influencein your child’s success in school andin life. In this role, you have a freshopportunity every day to get involvedwith your child. Parent involvementin a child’s education allows them toperform better in school, and navigatemore easily some <strong>of</strong> the challenges <strong>of</strong>growing up.As parents move through the LPSschool system, they will notice thatopportunities to be involved in yourchild’s school life become more <strong>of</strong> achallenge with each level <strong>of</strong> school.When they are in elementary school,you could be in your student’s classroompractically every day. Whenthey are in middle school, not as muchopportunity for classroom time, butthere are still opportunities to help outat school. Then they arrive at the highschool and parents may feel there areno opportunities to contribute. ThePTSA wants to welcome you and letyou know that there are many ways foryou to be involved and remain engaged.As parents <strong>of</strong> high school studentswe all share in this community.It is our hope that our community canbe a thoughtful and caring environmentwhich helps to foster social andacademic growth for all students.The PTSA is committed to being theleading resource for parent involvement.There are many ways. Over thesummer PTSA volunteers worked tomove the LHS Student Directory toan online platform so members will beable to access the directory <strong>from</strong> anycomputer or smart phone. Thank youto Shirley Go and Jeanne Hobbs for alltheir time and efforts to get the systemup and running. We also have a verydedicated and talented group <strong>of</strong> parentswho have volunteered their timeto serve as <strong>of</strong>ficers and committeechairpersons to lead the PTSA for the2013-2014 school year. Find a full list<strong>of</strong> positions and names in this newsletterand pass along a ‘thank you’ tothose you know when you see them!WHAT CAN YOU DO?• Join the PTSA. Members will haveaccess to the online LHS StudentDirectory which includes studentinformation, a staff directory andimportant LHS email addresses.Membership dues and donationssupport the directory, newsletter,forums and events, landscaping,teacher grants, and student activities.• Sign up for the LHS/PTSA MailingList (called the Listserv). Westrongly encourage the parents <strong>of</strong>all high school students to sign upfor this communication service. It isthe single best way to be informedabout what is happening at LHS.• Get involved. Attend a PTSA Forum.Join a PTSA Committee. Go to for a list <strong>of</strong>committees, descriptions and volunteeropportunities. Help with theAll-Night Graduation party. Bringsomething for the Staff AppreciationLunch. These are just a few <strong>of</strong>the ways that you can participateand can connect you with otherparents, teachers, and guidancecounselors.• Don’t hesitate to ask. Contact aPTSA <strong>of</strong>ficer or any committeechair to see how you can get helpby going to www.LHSPTSA.org.We look forward to welcoming youback (or for the first time) in Septemberwith Freshman Parent InformationNight, a Welcome C<strong>of</strong>fee, and a PotluckDinner for families new to LHS(see Calendar for details.) The PTSAis co-sponsoring a community forum,“Awareness <strong>of</strong> the Effects <strong>of</strong> ViolentMedia. It will take place on Thursday,October 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the LHSAuditorium. Other Forums throughoutthe year will give us a chance tocome together to explore and discussissues <strong>of</strong> academic and extracurricularbalance and other issues relating to theparenting <strong>of</strong> teens.If you missed some <strong>of</strong> our handoutson Back to School Tips and Guideto Communication at LHS, go toour website, (“Download” Tab) to read and downloadthe documents.We hope to see you at many eventsthroughout the year.Lori Bliss TamboneJen VogelzangLHS/PTSA Co-PresidentsMore PTSAnews on<strong>page</strong>s 10, 11, 123

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013From the Principal <strong>continued</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>page</strong> 2Help Completing FormsIn the opening week <strong>of</strong> school, thestudents will receive numerous formsthat provide updated information.Please help us by working with yourchild/children to return these forms ina timely manner.LHS Website and the AspenPortalWe are continuing to work on thetransition <strong>from</strong> paper communicationto electronic communication in orderto provide timely notification. Thankyou for your patience as we continueto improve various processes. We encouragea daily check-in with the LHSwebsite (http://lps.lexingtonma.org/lexingtonhs); it also includes a quicklink button to the Aspen Family Portal.Changes in AdministrationPlease welcome,Dean <strong>of</strong> Students, Science Building,Ms. Nicole Canniff – Ms. Canniffstarted her career in education 25 yearsago as a Biology teacher. She hasbeen teaching Biology and Anatomy& Physiology at North Andover HighSchool for the last 16 years, where shealso served as Department Head since2001.Science Department Head, Dr.Jacalyn Crowe – Dr. Crowe joinedthe physics faculty at <strong>Lexington</strong> HighSchool in 1999. From 2003 to 2007she served as Science DepartmentHead. She resigned <strong>from</strong> that role t<strong>of</strong>ocus on her doctoral studies at TuftsUniversity and received her Ph.D. in2009.Special Educational Team Supervisor(ETS), Ms. Kelly Mertens – Ms.Mertens has been a special educationteacher in Danvers for the last eightyears. In addition to her teaching responsibilities,Ms. Mertens served as aSpecial Education Team Leader.Handbook HighlightsCell Phone UseThe High School has started an earnestreview <strong>of</strong> the existing Cell Phonepolicy (the next newsletter will go intomore detail). As we know, technologyadvances have the potential to enhanceaccess to the curriculum and to providevaluable educational resources.As we continue to discuss the overlap<strong>of</strong> these advantages with issues aroundequity and appropriate use, we haveembedded a pilot for the 2013-2014school year. Students may now usecell phones in the following manner:1. Students may respectfully talk ontheir cell phones and/or use themsilently in the Commons (cafeteria),the quad, and the main hall duringtheir scheduled lunch.2. Students may respectfully use theircell phones for educational use onlyin the library and study halls.3. Students may use a cell phone tolisten to music during passing time(no texting or talking).School DancesThroughout last year, I communicatedmy concerns about the atmosphere atschool dances. I also kept the communityabreast <strong>of</strong> potential changesin protocols in order to increase thephysical and emotional safety <strong>of</strong> studentsand chaperones. We will moveforward with the use <strong>of</strong> a Breathalyzeras a safety measure and deterrentto alcohol use at school-sponsoredactivities. As the year unfolds, I willkeep the community apprised <strong>of</strong> ourprogress in promoting and sustainingstudent safety. For now, please notethe Breathalyzer Testing Proceduresand Protocol for the upcoming year.Breathalyzer TestingProcedures and ProtocolAlcohol use and/or consumption willnot be tolerated on school propertybefore, during or after school hours, atany school-sponsored activity or eventbefore, during or after school hours,or on school transportation. Studentswho violate the school policy on use,consumption, possession, sales or distributionmay be subject to disciplinaryaction as set forth in the <strong>Lexington</strong>High School Student Handbook.When determining possible alcoholuse by a student at a school sponsoredactivity or event, student safety is theprimary goal. Therefore, an assessment<strong>of</strong> a student’s alcohol use may be aidedby the use <strong>of</strong> a breathalyzer test. Thepurpose <strong>of</strong> having a breathalyzer testavailable is a deterrent to alcohol use.<strong>Lexington</strong> High School will administerbreathalyzer testing at all studentdances and will administer breathalyzertesting at other school sponsored activitiesor events on a case by case basis.The administration will determinethe manner by which students will betested at school sponsored activitiesor events. Students may be tested asfollows:• As an entire group;• As a pre-determined random selection;or• Based on individualized reasonablesuspicion.Administrators may determine thatthere is individualized reasonable suspicionto administer a breathalyzer testto a student based on observing one ormore <strong>of</strong> the following indicators:• Erratic behavior• Slurred/incoherent speechContinued on <strong>page</strong> 64

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013From the Principal <strong>continued</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>page</strong> 4Handbook Highlights• Unsteady gait• Impaired motor control• Glassy and/or bloodshot eyes• Strong foreign order on breath,clothing or person• Angry/agitated state• VomitingIf a student is suspected <strong>of</strong> being underthe influence <strong>of</strong> alcohol or is suspected<strong>of</strong> having consumed alcohol basedon any <strong>of</strong> the indicators listed above,the administrator may administer abreathalyzer according to the followingprotocol:• The administrator will first check thecalibration <strong>of</strong> the breath alcohol testingdevice according to instructionsfor use.• The test will be administered inprivate by the administrator andwitnessed by a staff member• Any administrator who administersa breathalyzer test will be trainedon how to properly administer thetest. The breathalyzer will also beroutinely checked and calibrated.Any student who has a positive result<strong>from</strong> a breathalyzer test will have his/her Parents/Guardians notified and he/she will be sent home in the care andcustody <strong>of</strong> his/her parent/Guardian. If,in the opinion <strong>of</strong> the administration, thestudent is in need <strong>of</strong> medical assistance,LPS staff will contact emergencypersonnel. Parents/Guardians will benotified as well. Disciplinary actionwill be taken as indicated in the <strong>Lexington</strong>High School Student HandbookCode <strong>of</strong> Conduct.Additionally, if a student refuses to betested for any reason, the student willbe subject to discipline and possiblefurther assessment to determine if thestudent has consumed alcohol (i.e.,assessment by school nurse or administrator)in accordance with the Code<strong>of</strong> Conduct for procedures at a schoolsponsoreddance. Parents/Guardianswill be notified to pick up their child.Students who participate on one ormore <strong>Lexington</strong> High School athleticteams are held to a high standard <strong>of</strong>conduct. The conduct <strong>of</strong> these studentathletes is governed by rulesestablished by the MassachusettsInterscholastic Athletic Association,including the MIAA ChemicalHealth Rule and Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct, andthe <strong>Lexington</strong> High School StudentHandbook. Therefore, if a studentathlete tests positive on a breathalyzertest at a school sponsored activityor event, the student’s name will begiven to the Principal and the AthleticDirector who will then considerthis as evidence that the student hasconsumed alcohol. The Principal and/or the Athletic Director will make thedetermination <strong>of</strong> any further action perthe MIAA Chemical Health Rule andCode <strong>of</strong> Conduct.Mathematics DepartmentGraphing Calculatorsat LHSGraphing calculators are a key everydaytool for mathematics learningat LHS. Our school strongly recommendsthat all students purchase aTexas Instruments graphing calculator<strong>from</strong> the TI-83 or TI-84 family. Moststudents get a calculator at the start <strong>of</strong>ninth grade and use it for class work,homework, and assessments in mathand science through all four years <strong>of</strong>high school. Our school also lendscalculators to students who need andrequest them. Math classes will beginusing the calculators in early September.See for more informationabout buying or borrowing a calculator.If you have questions, ask yourstudent’s teacher or contact MathematicsDepartment Head Kevin Kelly.6

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013Community EducationNew classes, perennial favorites andLCE’s speaker series continue thisterm with many new, exciting andengaging topics. Featured speakersthis session include: Peter Diamond,recipient <strong>of</strong> the Nobel Prize in EconomicSciences; Abraham Loeb, theFrank B. Baird Jr. Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Scienceat Harvard University, discussing thePast & Future <strong>of</strong> Our Universe; authorRichard Louv author <strong>of</strong> the bestsellingbook Last Child in the Woods;Kennedy Library Director Tom Putnamwho will share insights into thelife and career <strong>of</strong> Ernest Hemingway;an evening with David Ropeik, theauthor <strong>of</strong> How Risky Is It Really?; joinDebra Samuels, cookbook author,food and travel writer and cookingteacher on her journeys through theculinary world; Gordon Neufeld,PhD. will discuss his book, Hold onto Your Kids: Why Parents Need toMatter More than Peers; Robert Frostsaid <strong>of</strong> Robert Churchill Francis that“<strong>of</strong> all the great neglected poets, thegreatest.” Join poet, author and Francis’Literary Executor, Fran Quinnin remembering Robert ChurchillFrancis and his work; a lecture andperformance <strong>of</strong> El Arte Flamenco withRoberto Rios; and Shake-Scene, aone-person performance <strong>of</strong> Shakespearewith Actor Stephen Collins.SAT PrepThis term includes several College andTest Prep. classes. For students thereare opportunities for SAT Prep withexperienced LHS teachers. The MathPrep. will be taught on either Mondayor Wednesdays by Chris Doucette,the English portion will be taught byKaren Mechem on Thursdays andthe Writing portion on Saturdays.Revolution Test Preparation has beenchosen by the <strong>Lexington</strong> CommunityEducation’s bid process as the soleprovider for non LPS Staff taughttest prep classes. Revolutions Prep’sprograms stand out for their ability toengage students, raise scores and helpstudents develop critical thinking andproblem solving skills. Complete classinformation can be found in LCE’s fallcatalog.College EssaysStudents can receive help on their CollegeEssays <strong>from</strong> Mindy Pollack Fusi,owner <strong>of</strong> CollegyApplicationsEssayCoach.comin Bedford. This oneevening workshop, limited to eightstudents, will meet on either September26 or November 7 at LHS.For ParentsParents are invited to learn more aboutthe College Admissions Process onTuesday, October 8 when Larry Dannenberg,a pr<strong>of</strong>essional college placementconsultant, <strong>of</strong>fers insights int<strong>of</strong>inding the college that is the “RightFit” for your child. Donald Anderson,<strong>of</strong> College Funding Advisorsin Bedford, will <strong>of</strong>fer a one-eveningworkshop on financial aid and collegeat “You Can Afford College if....”on Wednesday, October 23. StudentAthletes and their parents will learnabout Navigating the Student-Athlete’sCollege Search and RecruitingProcess in a two evening workshopbeginning Tuesday, October 15.New classes abound this fall including:A Survey <strong>of</strong> Contemporary Poetry;The History <strong>of</strong> Mathemagic PartVI; Acting Shakespeare, The GreatSpeeches; Acting for Film and Television;Introduction to Mystery andSuspense Writing; Drawing & Designwith Pen and Ink; Weaving; Blacksmithing;Stone Carving; BeginningArabic; Beginning Brazilian Portuguese;Indian Curries Made Easy;Gluten-Free Desserts; The World <strong>of</strong>Fine Teas; Dance Classes and more.LCE’s complete catalog is availableon-line at .Questions, or to register byphone, please call <strong>Lexington</strong> CommunityEducation (781-862-8043). Preregistrationis required for all classes.SAT prep classes startingat LHSSign up now for SAT classes at <strong>Lexington</strong>High School.• English starts Thursday, Sept. 26 andruns for six Thursdays, 6:30 -8:30p.m. The cost is $195.• Writing starts Saturday, Sept. 28 andruns for four weeks 9:30-11:30 a.m.The cost is $130.• Math has two sections starting Monday,Sept.23 or Wednesday, Oct. 25and running for six weeks, 6:30-8:30p.m. The cost is $195.Sign up in the <strong>Lexington</strong> CommunityEducation <strong>of</strong>fice at 146 Maple Street,online , or call (781-862-8043).8

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013National Honor Society Registrar’s Office<strong>Lexington</strong> High School Chapter<strong>of</strong> the National Honor SocietyT he National Honor Society is a prestigious andrewarding community service organization. It providesopportunities to all students with similar values to worktogether and give back to the community. It is devoted toacknowledging high school students who have excelledin four important characteristics during their high schoolyears: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.NHS members who possess these qualities make everyeffort to work for the betterment <strong>of</strong> their community. Thestandards that have been put in place by the <strong>Lexington</strong>High School chapter <strong>of</strong> NHS make it an organization devotedto the improvement <strong>of</strong> community, school, and self.Every high school that is part <strong>of</strong> NHS has its own set <strong>of</strong>rules and standards that are laid down by its advisor. Inaddition, each state with schools that are a part <strong>of</strong> NHShas a state board and state advisors. The job <strong>of</strong> the stateadvisors is to make sure that each school follows the nationalcharter <strong>of</strong> the National Honor Society.All juniors and seniors who are eligible to be candidatesfor the <strong>Lexington</strong> High School Chapter <strong>of</strong> NHS willreceive an invitation to join NHS in the fall. Once the studenthas been selected as a member by the faculty council,they must maintain their GPA, attend all NHS meetingsas well as complete the community service requirementduring the school year. Secondly, they must exhibit outstandingleadership qualities, character, and service duringtheir years in high school. Please refer to the LHS Student-Parent Handbook to find out the requirements for selectionas member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Lexington</strong> chapter to the NationalHonor Society.Over the course <strong>of</strong> the year, NHS students participatein several community service activities. Some <strong>of</strong> theminclude helping with the Youth Exploration <strong>of</strong> Science(YES) program in elementary and middle schools, the RedCross Blood Drive, Special Olympics, AIDS Walk, peertutoring, and Multicultural Night.I am looking forward to having another great year withthe members <strong>of</strong> the National Honor Society. If you haveany questions, please feel free to email me at .– Dr. Parul Kumar, Advisor<strong>Lexington</strong> Chapter <strong>of</strong> National Honor SocietyLHS Request Deadlines 2013-20141) Students and families should submit transcript requestsvia their Family Connection accounts. See your counselorfor details.To insure your transcript and counselor statement reachthe admissions <strong>of</strong>fice at the time <strong>of</strong> your application,please submit your transcript request to the Registrarand your counselor statement packet to your counselorno later than the posted deadline dates.College Due Date ......LHS Request DeadlineOctober 15 ................September 17November 1 ..............September 26November 15 .............October 18December 1 ...............November 4December 15 .............November 18January 1 ....................December 3January 15 ................December 18February 1 ..................January 3February 15 ...............January 17March 1 ......................February 7Rolling Admissions are due three weeks prior to preferredcollege due date.Please bring the following to the Registrar’s Office(Room #152) before deadline date:2) Printed Transcript Status <strong>page</strong> <strong>from</strong> Family Connection• Add the STUDENT and COUNSELOR name to thetop <strong>of</strong> the <strong>page</strong>3) $6.00 transaction fee per college for processing• One check made payable to the: <strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexington</strong>NOTE: You must have your SAT and/or ACT scores <strong>of</strong>ficiallysent <strong>from</strong> the College Board or the ACT toyour college(s)9

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterPTSA NewsPTSA Welcome C<strong>of</strong>feewith Principal Laura LasaTuesday, September 177:30 a.m.LHS, Library Media Room(Main Building, Room 147)Please join Principal Laura Lasa and the LHS/PTSA boardmembers for a casual c<strong>of</strong>fee in the LHS Library MediaRoom as we begin the school year together.Light refreshments will be served.LHS/PTSA Newcomers’ Potluck DinnerTuesday, September 106 – 8 p.m.<strong>Lexington</strong> High School, Commons IILHS students and their families who are NEW to the schoolsystem (just moved to <strong>Lexington</strong> or transferring <strong>from</strong> aprivate school)The LHS/PTSA invites all High School students new to<strong>Lexington</strong> OR to the <strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>, along withtheir families, to the Newcomers’ Potluck Dinner.This is an opportunity for those new to <strong>Lexington</strong> to mingleand share their experiences and potluck <strong>of</strong>ferings. Meet theLHS Principal, head <strong>of</strong> Guidance and members <strong>of</strong> Nexus,a club for students who are new to <strong>Lexington</strong>. A member<strong>from</strong> the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexington</strong> Newcomers Club will also bein attendance.We will provide the Main Course and Drinks, and we willassign families either a salad or dessert as they RSVP.There has always been a great turnout to this event, andnew families find it informative and enjoyable. We wouldlove to see you there!New families will be contacted soon with further detailsabout the event. If your high school student is new to <strong>Lexington</strong>or the <strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> and you do not hear<strong>from</strong> us by the start <strong>of</strong> school, please contact either StaceyPenniman or Judy Tan .September 2013PTSA Co-Sponsors Community ForumSave The Date!Thursday, October 10, 20137:30 p.m.LHS AuditoriumAwareness <strong>of</strong> the Effects <strong>of</strong> Violent MediaWith Panelists: Michael Rich,Nancy Carlsson-Paige, andTom FiedlerJoin us for this conversation about the relationship betweenviolent media and its effect on societal behavior as well asthe development <strong>of</strong> children.Panelists include: Michael Rich, MD, MPH, Directorand Founder <strong>of</strong> the Center for Media and Child Health atBoston Children’s Hospital; author and child developmentexpert, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Emerita, LesleyUniversity; and Tom Fiedler, Dean, College <strong>of</strong> Communications,Boston University.This program is the kick-<strong>of</strong>f to a year-long community discussionabout this topic with several opportunities for parents,guardians, caregivers and educators to learn more aswell as develop strategies for using media in a healthy way.The forum and ongoing programs are being planned anddeveloped by volunteers <strong>from</strong> the <strong>Lexington</strong> community.2013-2014 LHS/PTSA Forums DatesThe LHS/PTSA will sponsor forums on four evenings <strong>from</strong>7:30-9:00 p.m. over the course <strong>of</strong> the year for parents <strong>of</strong>High School students. Please send suggestions for topics orspeakers to the co-chairs at .The PTSA listserv will have the most up-to-date informationon dates, topics and location <strong>of</strong> events. Please be sureto sign up for the listserv!November 14January 2014, Date TBDMarch 19May 2111

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013<strong>Lexington</strong> Education FoundatonBe Part <strong>of</strong> the local “Buzz” –Support LEF’s annual Trivia Bee!<strong>Lexington</strong> Education Foundation (LEF) will hold it’s annualTrivia Bee on Wednesday, November 6 at 7 p.m.in Cary Memorial Hall. In this “bee”–loved annual event,teams <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> School teachers, students and<strong>Lexington</strong> community members compete in a friendlybattle <strong>of</strong> wits for the title <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexington</strong>’s “Queen/King Bees<strong>of</strong> Trivia”! Along with the fun, the participants and theircommunity sponsors help LEF fund innovative curriculumand technology in the <strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Come join the “buzz” <strong>of</strong> this entertaining evening by registeringa team <strong>of</strong> three to compete, or by supporting the Beewith a team sponsorship. If you are interested in registeringor sponsoring a team, or would like to learn more, pleaseemail , or check us out at ourwebsite or call the LEF <strong>of</strong>fice (781-372-3288). Team registrationcloses on October 11.Founded in 1989, <strong>Lexington</strong> Education Foundation (LEF)is an independent charitable organization dedicated to helping<strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> sustain its tradition <strong>of</strong> excellencein education. LEF funds teacher-initiated grants thatprovide supplemental technologies, pr<strong>of</strong>essional trainingand curricular enhancements to all <strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>tudents.LEF is not affiliated with the <strong>Lexington</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>.PTSA NewsLHS Student Artwork Neededfor DirectoryThe LHS Student Directory team is looking for original studentartwork to appear on the home <strong>page</strong> <strong>of</strong> the new 2013-2014 digital directory.Display on the home <strong>page</strong>, and search <strong>page</strong>s in the studentdirectory is a great way to show <strong>of</strong>f your talents to the LHScommunity or to supplement your portfolio.We will consider all submissions received by the deadline <strong>of</strong>October 1.You can use themes <strong>of</strong> communication, cell phones, telephones,<strong>Lexington</strong>, school, friends, or other. We welcomecreativity!Please follow these specifications:• Artwork should be black and white• Hand drawn or computer graphic• Images should be no larger than 150px wide and 72dpi.(Smaller height preferred)• Maximum file size is 100K, digital .jpg format only• Include the following text: LHS Student Directory 2013-2014Please email your file to Jeanne Hobbs at .Guidance and CounselingSenior Parent WorkshopsThursday, September 26, 2013Three sessions will be <strong>of</strong>fered; you only need to attend one asall three sessions will cover the same material.8:15-9:30 a.m. in the Science Lecture Hallor7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Science Lecture Hallor7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium–The School Counselling Department12

<strong>Lexington</strong> High School NewsletterSeptember 2013PTSA 2013-2014 BoardExecutive BoardPresidentPresident@LHSPTSA.orgLori Bliss TamboneJen VogenzangVice-PresidentsVP2@LHSPTSA.orgDeb RourkeKara BrandesKatie CutlerTreasurerBhavani TirupatiTreasurer@LHSPTSA.orgSecretary (Recording)Shubhra ChandraSecretary (Executive)openPTSA Committee ChairsForum Co-ChairsForums@LHSPTSA.orgSharon KendallPeggy GibsonCommunication ChairMary Rose Scozzafavamaryroses@aol.comListserve ManagerPolly Kienlelhslistserv@gmail.comPTSA WebmasterAruna Gandhamwebmaster@LHSPTSA.orgLHS Newsletter Editor & CalendarJean Colejeancole@sch.ci.lexington.ma.usDirectory <strong>Public</strong>ationJeanne HobbsDirectory@LHSPTSA.orgMembershipShirley GoMembership@LHSPTSA.orgGrant Reviewer Co-ChairsJune HsiaoVP1@LHSPTSA.orgIlene BenghiatNominating CommitteeSue SchifferPresident@LHSPTSA.orgLandscape Committee ChairsPat Moyerpat_moyer@comcast.netHospitality Committee Co-ChairsHospitality@LHSPTSA.orgKaren KristinRima PandeNewcomers Potluck EveningCo-ChairsStacey PennimanJudy TanTeacher TreatsStacey PennimanWelcome CommitteeopenStop & Shop A+School Rewards Program CoordinatorSharon KendallWilson Farms Shopping DayCoordinatorJean RicciScience & Engineering FairJudge CoordinatorCarol Huang CuiSchool CouncilParent RepresentativesKim Effron781.862.6686k_effron@verizon.netBob Ruxin781.734.2300ruxin76@gmail.comAnn Redmon781.652.8644ann@gant.orgSuzanne Lau781.863-.2725Suzanne_lau_65@yahoo.comNanying Bian603.521.0169nbian@yahoo.comAll-Night Graduation PartySenior Parent ChairSusan Fostersefoster@rcn.comJunior Parent ChairOPENFOLMADS Board*Kim Coburn, PresidentVicky Parker, VPres. & SecretarySharon Lawlor, TreasurerJayne AdelmanLisa BoehmDiane GarmonAnne LeeRuthie LibermanMeryl LooninSusie MoserAlana OsherAmi StixGwen WongSean HaganJeff Leonard* Friends <strong>of</strong> <strong>Lexington</strong> Music, Art andDrama Students, Inc.14

Dial 781-861-2320 and the 4 digit extension listed. *Indicates voice mail only.METCOFax # 781-861-2620Barbara Nobles, Director .................. 1450Kathleen Carcione, Secretary ....... 1450Cheryl Crowder ................................. 1455Gretchen Segars ................................ 1453NURSES (STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES)Fax: 781-861-2611Jill Gasperini, Coordinator ................ 1574Janet Foley ........................................ 1012Cheryl Johnson.................................. 1014Susan Kaftan ..................................... 1013PHYSICAL ED./WELLNESSPhysical EducationFax: 781-861-2621Eamonn Sheehan, Coordinator ......... 1573Marjorie Bulger, Secretary............ 1560Jane Bergin ........................................ 1028Anne Carey ..................................... *3700Amanda Ciarletta .............................. 1029Vic Cuzzupe. ..................................... 1027Frank Pagliuca .................................. 1025Jason Rajotte ................................... *1019Eamonn Sheehan ............................... 1024Steve Solly ........................................ 1026WellnessValerie Aloi ....................................... 6092Julie Fenn .......................................... 6040Krista Gainty ..................................... 6091Barbara Jezak .................................. *6082Jennifer Wolfrum, Asst. Coor. ........... 6080SCIENCEFax: 781-861-2607Jacalyn Crowe, Dept. Head ............... 3040Patricia Lyons, Secretary .............. 3040Dan Abramovich ............................... 3082Laura Byron ...................................... 4180Janice Compton ................................. 4011Sarah Damassa .................................. 3002Kari Darling ...................................... 4015Christen Francini ............................... 4180Elliot Gimble .................................... 4180Nicholas Gould ................................. 3081Ryan Grams ....................................... 3173Reginald Hobbs ................................. 4180Mike Horesh ..................................... 3002Kelly Kilts ......................................... 3172Parul Kumar ...................................... 4010Sarah Follenweider Legge ................ 4092Avon Lewis ....................................... 3002Charles Mixer .................................... 3002Sue Offner ......................................... 4132Robert Pohlman ................................ 4090Elizabeth Ramrath ............................. 3002Sarah Regdos .................................... 3002Katelyn Riley .................................... 4180Valentina Sountsova .......................... 3171Ceanne Tzimopoulos......................... 4091Jeannette Urquhart ............................ 4180Steven Wilkins .................................. 4012David Wininger ................................. 3002SOCIAL STUDIESRobert Collins, Dept. Head ............... 2183Suzanne Rooney, Sec’y................. 2183Kimberly Hartka, Debate Sec’y .... 2180Lindsay Banks ................................. *2812Erin Barrett ........................................ 1420Samuel Beh ..................................... *2808William Cole ................................... *2864Tammy Darling ............................... *2884Lawrence David .............................. *2832Kathryn DeWitt ............................... *2844Michael Egbert ................................ *2840Brittany Fitzgibbons........................ *6828Patrick Flynn ................................... *2828Matt Gardner ................................... *2816Jessica Goodstone ........................... *2880Julie Kuo ......................................... *2856Brent Lowder .................................. *2888Kaolin McEvoy ............................... *2876Dan Melia ........................................ *2848Katherine Murphy ........................... *2824Sara Sanchez ................................... *2150Ellen Shea ....................................... *2872Edward Unger III ............................ *2892Shane Wilson .................................. *2800SPECIAL EDUCATIONSherry Coughlin, Supervisor ............. 2177Gail Rehm, Secretary .................... 2172EVALUATION TEAMKathryn Garcia, ETS ......................... 2176Kelly Mertens, ETS .......................... 2174Betsy Speicher, Psychologist. ........... 2181Janet Vodvarka, Psychologist ............ 2178Mary Ellen Moloney, Secretary .... 2171Gail Rehm, Secretary .................... 2172MULTIDISCIPLINARY SUPPORT TEAM (MST)Matthew McGee ................................ 6000Nancy Ferguson ................................ 6040Alannah DiBona ................................ 6001John Harper ....................................... 6330Ruth Levanoni ................................... 6010Elizabeth Moughty ............................ 6010Angela Parente, Lead Clinician ........ 6020Merri Rubin, Social Worker .............. 6031INSTRUCTIONAL AIDES ...................... 2172INTENSIVE LEARNING (ILP)Jason Gonzales ................................ *5714Justin Hemm ..................................... 5160Eileen Hirsch ..................................... 5001Danielle Israel ................................... 5160Jeannie Jenkinson .............................. 5190Casey Paoletti .................................... 5150Kate Smith ........................................ 5151Christine Stueve ................................ 5000LANGUAGE LEARNING PROGRAM (LLP)Kristen Grant ..................................... 2450Paul Tiernan ...................................... 2450RESOURCEJanet Almeida .................................... 8290Adrenna Antreasian ........................... 6280Michelle Beauchamp ........................ 2410Erin Boyd .......................................... 6280Renee Bryant (ASL) ......................... 6250Julie Calechman ................................ 3091Melissa Carroll .................................. 2410Michael Doherty ............................... 6270Annmarie Meuse Muchowski ........... 8300Maria Nardone .................................. 3092Tom Quirk ......................................... 6270Leah Small ........................................ 8290Lauren Venuti .................................... 8300SPEECH/LANGUAGEJulie Fouhy ........................................ 1700Deb McCanne ................................... 1701TRANSITIONJennifer Wolcott ................................ 6022Barbara Ostrom ................................. 6033LEARNING CENTERCaroline Walsh Donaldson ................ 1442Veronica Solomon ............................. 1460LEXINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLSAdministration Building146 Maple Street 02420Dial 781-861-2580Superintendent <strong>of</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Paul Ash ................................... ext. 212Assistant Supt. for Curriculum, Instructionand Pr<strong>of</strong>essional DevelopmentCarol Pilarski ........................... ext. 220Director <strong>of</strong> Student ServicesLinda Chase ............................. ext. 234Asst. Supt. for Finance & BusinessMary Ellen Dunn ..................... ext. 215Asst. Supt. for Human ResourcesRobert Harris ........................... ext. 200Dir. English Language LearnersRobyn Dowling-Grant ............. ext. 238Director <strong>of</strong> Facilities & GroundsPatrick Goddard .781-861-2577, ext 8958Director <strong>of</strong> EducationalTechnology & AssessmentTom Plati ..........781-861-2580, ext. 228<strong>Lexington</strong> Community EducationCraig Hall ............................781-862-8043Andrea Paquette .......................................”Central Office Fax: 781-863-5829PRINCIPALSArea Code: 781Clarke-Anna Monaco .................861-2450Diamond-Anne Carothers .........861-2460Bowman-Mary Anton-Oldenburg .861-2500Bridge-Meg Colella ...................861-2510Estabrook-Sandra Trach .............861-2520Fiske-Tom Martellone ................541-5001Harrington-Elaine Mead ............860-0012Hastings-Louise Lipsitz .............860-5800

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