OSAG 2.0 Standard Ammunition Tables Revision A5

OSAG 2.0 Standard Ammunition Tables Revision A5

OSAG 2.0 Standard Ammunition Tables Revision A5


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Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 2 (34)Table of Contents1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 32 References .......................................................................................................................... 33 Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 34 Optical Coding Structure.................................................................................................... 65 Ammo Group <strong>Tables</strong>.......................................................................................................... 75.1 Ammo Group Example .............................................................................................. 75.2 Ammo Group Table A................................................................................................ 85.3 Ammo Group Table B................................................................................................ 96 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table Characteristics................................................................................... 106.1 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table Introduction............................................................................... 106.2 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table Numbering ................................................................................ 106.3 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table Notation .................................................................................... 126.4 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table Abbreviations............................................................................ 127 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table ........................................................................................................... 13<strong>Revision</strong> HistoryAll versions are intended for proofreading only. The changes and their respective rationale arepresented in separate revision history document.Version Date DescriptionA1 2008-03-12 First official draft versionA2 2008-06-10 Changes as proposed by Saab Training Systems AB to theInteroperability User Community (IUC).A3 2008-10-22 Changes as proposed by Saab Training Systems AB to theInteroperability User Community (IUC).A4 2010-02-22 Changes as proposed by Saab Training Systems AB to theInteroperability User Community (IUC) for the most part as a resultfrom introducing ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic” in Germany.<strong>A5</strong> 2010-09-16 Ammo types according to ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic” 2010-07-01Error correction in “Truck bomb” ammo numbering resulting ammorenumbering from ammo no 2173Document footer rephrasedDocument IssueThis document is issued with the partipication from the following organisations:CountryMinistry of Defence / Armed ForcesGermanyFederal Defence Forces, GermanyAustriaFederal Ministry of Defence Austria / Armed ForcesThe Netherlands The Netherlands Ministry of Defence / Armed ForcesNorwayNorwegian Ministry of Defence / Armed ForcesFinlandFinnish Ministry of Defence / Armed ForcesUnited Kingdom Ministry of Defence UK / Armed ForcesSwedenSwedish Ministry of Defence / Armed ForcesThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 3 (34)1 IntroductionThis <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table is based on the simulated ammunitions, used by the initialInteroperability User Community (IUC) members. The ammunitions originate from the IUCmembers ammunition tables, which are listed as “References” below. These ammunitionswere then supplemented with ammunitions found in Jane’s <strong>Ammunition</strong> Handbook and otheropen sources. The objective was to achieve a baseline that allows for future growth as well asintroduction of new users without interfering with the interoperability which is of outmostimportance.This <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table was reviewed and commented in draft versions prior to release,capturing the aggregated needs and the extensive live simulation experience within the IUC.2 ReferencesThe following optical coding document references are used when constructing the<strong>Ammunition</strong> Table:Description STS Reg.No. Rev. DateOptische Schnittstelle für AGDUS und GefÜbZ H GE 2073607 A1 2009-11-27<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> BasicInterface Design Description (IDD) NL 8899 000-015- A 2008-10-14ConfDuSim <strong>Ammunition</strong> and Controller Codes AT 8899 900-341 G 2008-09-03NACMTC <strong>Ammunition</strong> and Controller Codes NO 8899 900-241 M 2009-03-10<strong>Ammunition</strong> Codes KASI Finland FI 8899 900-041- C2 2008-02-25AMMOSystem Specification DFWES Applications UK 8839 901-921 G 2009-09-24FMV BT46 Systemspecifikation SW VO Mark 37179:27378/052.2 2005-04-263 Acronyms<strong>Ammunition</strong> related acronyms:Acronym Description NoteABM-KETF Air Burst Munition Kinetic Energy Time AP detonating in the air as sub projectilesFuseADM Area Defence Munition ADM is designed for close-in protection, as forexample in tight jungle conditions or urbanwarfareAP Armour-PiercingAPAM Anti-Personnel/Anti-MaterialAPCR Armour-Piercing, Composite Rigid Similar to HVAPAPDS Armour-Piercing, Discarding-SabotAPFSDS Armour-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized,Discarding-SabotAPERS Anti-PersonnelAPI Armour Piercing IncendiaryAPimp Armour-Piercing, Improved <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only.This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 4 (34)Acronym Description NoteMore lethality than an AP. See Note APimp.APtop Armour-Piercing, Top Attack <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym onlyDPICM Dual-Purpose Improved ConventionalMunitionsHE High ExplosiveHEair High Explosive Air Burst <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. Exploding in the air.See Note HEair.HEimp High Explosive, Improved <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only.More lethality than HE. See Note APimp.HEAT High Explosive Anti-TankHEBB High Explosive Bunker Buster <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only.HEcani High Explosive Canister <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. The canister cartridgeprovides a short range anti-personnelcapabilityHEDP High Explosive Dual PurposeHE-FRAG High Explosive Fragmentation Can be considered as APERSHEI High Explosive IncendiaryHEMP High Explosive Multi-PurposeHEMPair High Explosive Multi-Purpose, Air Burst <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. Exploding in the air.See Note HEair.HEMPdd High Explosive Multi-Purpose withDelayed Detonation<strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. HEMP with delayeddetonation. See Note HEMPddHEMPimp High Explosive Multi-Purpose, Improved <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only.More lethality than HEMP. See Note APimp.HEMPimpair High Explosive Multi-Purpose, ImprovedAir Burst<strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. Exploding in the air.See Notes APimp and HEair.HEORT High Explosive Obstacle Reduction TankHEP High-Explosive Plastic US acronym for HESH below.HESH High Explosive Squash Head See Note HESHHVAP High Velocity Armour Piercing Similar to APCRHVAPDS High or Hyper Velocity APDSKETF Kinetic Energy Time Fuse <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. ABM-KETF in direct hitrole.KETFair Kinetic Energy Time Fuse Air Burst <strong>OSAG</strong> acronym only. ABM-KETF detonating inthe air.KVKK Kevyt Konekivääri Light Machine Gun in FinlandMPI Multi-Purpose Incendiary See Note MPIMRM-CE Mid-Range Munition, Chemical-EnergyMRM-KE Mid-Range Munition, Kinetic-EnergyNLETH Non-lethalPKM Pulemjot Kalašnikova Modernizirovannyi Heavy Machine Gun in FinlandPPHE Programmable Prefragmented HESABOT A carrier designed to centre a smallercalibre projectile in a larger gun barrel.When the SABOT round is fired, it is normallydiscarded after leaving the muzzle.SLAP Saboted Light Armour Penetrator Small arms APDSSTAFF Smart Target Activated Fire-and-ForgetTHBAR Thermobaric See Note ThermobaricTPDS Training-Practice, Discarding-SabotWB Wall Breaker3P Programmable, Prefragmented andProximityAs in KSGR40 3PThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 5 (34)Note APimp. APimp stands for “AP improved” and is used in categories in which the effectspectrum generated by the different calibres and weapon platforms is too wide for one APcode only. APimp has a higher lethality than an AP, a result of longer barrel or modifiedpropellant and/or heavier or stronger penetrator.Note HEair. The HEair (HE Air Burst) acronym is used for fused HE ammunitions, set todetonate in air.Note HEMPdd. The acronym is used for HEMP ammunitions with delayed detonation, i.e.detonation not at but after impact. It can be achieved by use of, for instance, point-detonationfuse with delay. (Zünder mit Verzögerung).Note HESH. HESH rounds are thin metal shells filled with plastic explosive and a delayedactionbase fuse. On impact, the plastic explosive is "squashed" against the surface of the targetand spread out to form a disc or "pat" of explosive. A tiny fraction of a second later, thebase fuse detonates the explosive, creating a shock wave that, owing to its large surface areaand direct contact with the target, conducts very effectively through the material. In the caseof metal armour of a tank, the compression shock wave conducts through the armour to thepoint where it reaches the metal/air interface (the hollow crew compartment) and where someof the energy is reflected as a tension wave. At the point where the compression and tensionwaves intersect, a high stress zone is created in the metal causing pieces of steel to be projectedoff the interior wall.Note MPI. This cartridge is effective against airborne and light surface threats at ranges up to2,000 meters. The Multipurpose Concept projectile with delayed reaction carries the effectivenessinside the threat with large fragments and incendiary effects.Note Thermobaric. The lethality results from a thermobaric overpressure blast rather thanfragmentation. As a result of the thermobaric reaction, all enemy personnel within theeffective radius will suffer lethal effects.Additional AcronymsAcronym Description NoteAPCArmoured Personnel CarrierERAExplosive Reactive ArmourGLGrenade LauncherIFVInfantry Fighting VehicleIUCInteroperability User CommunityNMISS Near MissRCLRecoilless RifleRHARolled Homogeneous ArmourRPGRocket Propelled GrenadeHand held anti-tank grenade launcherReaktivnyy/Ruchnoy ProtivotankovyyGranatomyot.TNT equivalent Trinitrotoluene equivalent The explosive yield of TNT is considered astandard measure of strength of bombs andother explosives.This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 6 (34)4 Optical Coding StructureThere are four basic types of ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>” ammo number related optical codes. Theycan briefly be described as follows:1. Real-TimeIt is typically used by scanning Laser simulators when in real time simulating ballisticprojectiles or guided missiles. The targets typically receive:• ammo number• player identity• projectile or missile position when passing or hitting targets• engagement distance, distance from fire simulator to target simulator• detonation distance, distance from detonation point to target simulator• cant angle2. Fire-and-ForgetIt is typically used by scanning Laser simulators when simulating Fire-and-Forget type ofweapon systems. The targets typically receive:• ammo number• player identity• hit probability• time until engagement• engagement distance, distance from fire simulator to target simulator• detonation distance, distance from detonation point to target simulator• cant angle3. Short-Time ScanningIt is used by scanning Laser simulators against target systems without retroreflectors. Thetargets typically receive:• ammo number• player identity4. Short-TimeIt is typically used by Small Arms Transmitters and includes ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic” ammonumber compatibility. The target typically receives:• ammo number• player identityThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 7 (34)5 Ammo Group <strong>Tables</strong>The two ammo group tables are an overview of the <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table.There are two ammo group tables defined:• Table Ao Short-Time• Table Bo Real-Timeo Fire-and-Forgeto Short-Time Scanning5.1 Ammo Group ExampleTo reduce the number of ammo groups, the ammo types with similar lethality are grouped asillustrated in the example below:<strong>OSAG</strong> Ammo GroupAPHEATHEMPHEAmmo TypeAPAPCRAPDSAPFSDSAPFSDS-DUAPSEAPEPHVAPHVAPDSHEATHESHHEPHEDPHEMPAPAMAPERSDPICMHEHE-FRAGHEINote: HEDP has two modes, enabling use in HEAT as well as HE roles which is why it islisted under two Ammo Groups.This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 8 (34)5.2 Ammo Group Table AThe Ammo Group Table A includes ammunitions encoded as:• Short-TimeThe “Near Miss” column indicates which “Near Miss” number is to be used with given ammohit number.Ammo GroupAmmo No.HitAmmo No.Near MissAmmo Type or CommentMachine Pistol, Sub-Machine Gun4.6 75 57 BALLPistol, Machine Pistol, Sub-Machine Gun9 76 57 BALLMachine Gun5.56 Cal. 0.223 51 57 BALL7.62 Cal. 0.30 58 59 BALLAssault Rifle5.56, 7.62 Cal. 0.223, 0.30 56 57 BALLSniper7.62, 8.6 Cal. 0.30 72 59 APHeavy Machine Gun, Sniper andAnti Material Rifle12.7 Cal. 0.50 71, 64, 54 65 AP, BALL, HEMPGrenadesHand grenade 50, 66 59 HE, HE40 Grenade Pistol/Rifle 73, 74 59 HEAT, HE40 Grenade Launcher 53 59 HEHorizontal Effects Weapon (HEW)Improvised Explosive Device (IED)IED light, TNT < 5 kg 68, 48 59 HE, Short range, remote rangeIED medium, TNT 5 -20kg 69, 49 65 HE, Short range, remote rangeIED heavy, TNT 20-100kg 70 65 HETruck bomb, TNT > 100kg 52 65 HEHEW Off Route Anti-Tank 60, 61 65 HEAT, Short range, remote rangeIndirect KillAnti-Personnel 62, 63 59 Inside the vehicle, back-blastNon-Lethal and Less LethalAnti-Personnel 55, 67 57 Tear gas, rubber projectilesNear Miss Small ArmsLight small arms 57 NMISSMedium small arms 59 NMISSHeavy weapons 65 NMISSThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 9 (34)5.3 Ammo Group Table BThe Ammo Group Table B includes ammunitions encoded as:• Real-Time• Fire-and-Forget• Short-Time ScanningAmmo GroupAmmo Type or CommentSingleBurstAssault Rifle and Machine Gun5.45-6.5 5.56, Cal. 0.223 AP, BALL Yes6.8-8.6 7.62, Cal. 0.30 AP, BALL YesSniper5.45-8.6 5.56, 7.62 Cal. 0.223, Cal. 0.30 AP, BALLSniper and Anti Materiel Rifle12.7 12.7 Cal. 0.50 AP12.7-14.5 12.7, 14.5 BALL, HEMP14.5 14.5 APCoax: Tank, IFV, APC coaxial gunMain Gun: IFV and APC main gunHMGIFV: Infantry Fighting VehicleAPC: Armoured Personnel CarrierHMG: Heavy Machine Gun5.56 Cal. 0.223 AP, Ball Yes6.8-8.6 6.8, 7.62, 8.6 Cal. 0.30 AP, Ball Yes12.7 Cal. 0.50 AP, APS, Ball, HEMP Yes14.5 AP, Ball, HEMP YesShotgun, Grenade RifleLow-velocity launched ammo20-50 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 43 APERS, HEMP10-67-Gauge 10-, 12-, 16-, 20-, 28-, 67-Gauge APERS, HEMPAutomatic Grenade LauncherAGL≤35 20, 30 HE, HEcani, HEMP, HEAT>35 40, 43 HE, HEcani, HEMP, HEATCannonFast-firing, automatic guns

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 10 (34)Ammo GroupAmmo Type or CommentAnti Tank MissileRussiaHE, HEAT, HEBBUSHE, HEAT, HEBBEuropeanHE, HEAT, HEBBInternationalHE, HEAT, HEBBHorizontal Effects Weapon (HEW)Improvised Explosive Device (IED)Light IED light, TNT < 5 kg HE, Suicide BomberMedium IED medium, TNT 5 -20kg HEHeavy IED heavy, TNT 20-100kg HEVery Heavy Truck bomb, TNT > 100kg HEHEW Off-Route Anti TankHEATHandgrenadeHandgrenadeFragmentation, Concussion, StunEngagement AlertTo inform the target about an engagementVarious simulated functionsShort-Time ScanningPossible Short-Time Scanning functionsNear Miss ≤8.6 5.56, 7.62Near Miss >8.6 12.7, 20, 30, 35, 40Universal KillHelmet off KillAdditional Simulated FunctionsVarious simulated functions6 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table Characteristics6.1 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table IntroductionThe ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>” optical code is backwards compatible with the ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic”.All ammo numbers of the latter, 1 through 79, are found in the first section of the ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong><strong>Standard</strong>” <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table. To those numbers, the ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>” adds severalhundreds more numbers allowing simulation of numerous, previously not supported, weaponplatforms and ammo types. In addition to growth potential, these ammo numbers also allowthe users to as for example:• Achieve interoperability between all seven IUC countries• Separate between weapon systems in the battlefield• Supporting training against simulated OPFOR weapons.6.2 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table NumberingThe following tables summarises the ammo numbering that come with the ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong><strong>Standard</strong>” and to what simulation types they apply. As can be seen following the rows of thetables, the basic number series 1 through 280 is repeated with different prefixes. This reflectsthe ”<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>’s” support of multiple simulation types and what can be described asadded attributes to the simulation of the different ammunitions.As for example a HE ammunition, can be simulated and optically transferred so that thetargets can recognise that it was a direct hit, a fly-by or that it was fused and thus detonatingas an airburst.This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 11 (34)Another example of improvement is that, for interaction with simulator systems without retroreflectors,the simulation of all Real-Time simulated ammunitions also are supplemented witha corresponding ammo number for Short-Time Scanning simulation.The referred child ammo numbers are supplemental numbers providing further potential. Eachparent ammo number has one or more related child ammo numbers. It is possible to fine tunethe lethality or for specific training purposes alter the parent ammo lethality using child ammonumbers. Child numbers are free to use as for example for national training purposes, but canbe decoded as its parent ammo number at multinational training.Again the sequence 1 through 280 is repeated and the intention is that the respective childammo numbers shall be used for ammunitions that are similar in their lethality characteristicsto their respective parent ammo numbers.The following tables summarises the ammo numbering:<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong>Real-Time<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong>Direct<strong>Standard</strong>Burst Air Burst UnarmedDetonation<strong>Standard</strong> Parent 2001-2280 4001-4280 6001-6280 8001-8280<strong>Standard</strong> Child 3001-3280 5001-5280 7001-7280 9001-9280<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong>Fire-and-ForgetShort-Time Scanning<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong>Direct<strong>Standard</strong> Direct DetonationUnarmedDetonation<strong>Standard</strong> Parent 12001-12280 22001-22280 8001-8280<strong>Standard</strong> Child 13001-13280 23001-23280 9001-9280The “<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong>” also adds child ammo numbers to the Short-Time portion of the“<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic” ammo numbers. Each of the Short-Time ammo number has five childammo numbers as described by the table below.<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong>Basic<strong>Standard</strong><strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong><strong>Standard</strong>Real-Time1-2426-2931-46Fire-and-ForgetShort-TimeShort-TimeScanning25 and 30 47-76 77-79<strong>Standard</strong> Parent 47-76<strong>Standard</strong> Child 1547-1576<strong>Standard</strong> Child 1647-1676<strong>Standard</strong> Child 1747-1776<strong>Standard</strong> Child 1847-1876<strong>Standard</strong> Child 1947-1976This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 12 (34)6.3 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table NotationThe <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table below presents ammo numbers with calibre/weapon and ammo type.Columns 2 through 8 indicate what ammo number have equivalents in previous optical codingsystems used by the respective IUC member nations.For ammo numbers noted as xxx, the triple x indication refers to the three least significantdigits in the ammo number. E.g. the three digits ‘001’ in ‘4001’ originates from the three leastsignificant digits in the number ‘2001’.6.4 <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table AbbreviationsThe below table defines the optical coding abbreviations used in the <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table.Abbr. Optical Coding Type SimulationPrincipleTypically ascanningtransmitterCommentR Real-Time Two-Way Yes Ballistic projectiles and guided missilesF Fire-and-Forget Two-Way Yes Fire-and-Forget weaponsC Short-Time Scanning One-Way Yes Against soldiers without retroreflectorsS Short-Time One-Way No Small arms weaponsThe below table defines the country abbreviations used in the <strong>Ammunition</strong> Table.Abbr.GEATNLNOFIUKSWCountryGermanyAustriaThe NetherlandsNorwayFinlandUnited KingdomSwedenThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 13 (34)7 <strong>Ammunition</strong> TableAm.No.GEATNLNOFI UKSWCalibre orWeapon<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoTypeDescription<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic CompatibleReal-TimeFire-and-Forget1 R R AP 120mm 2500m AP3 R R HE 120mm HE4 R HE 120mm delayeddetonation5 R R AP 105mm AP6 R HE 70-90mm HE7 R R HEAT 105mm HEAT8 R R HE 105mm HE9 R AP 35mm Cannon AP Single10 R R AP 20mm Cannon AP Single11 R RBall 5.56mm MG vehicle, burstof fireHEBall Burst12 R HOT, anti tank helicopter HEAT13 R MELLS, GILL, Spike, Bill 2, -direct hitHEAT14 R TOW, Bill 1 direct hit HEAT15 R MILAN HEATDetonation behind the wallCOAX16 R R HEAT PzF3 HEAT CG84 HEAT 551, HL PAR 66/7917 R ABM 30mm direct hit HEair18 R R HEI 20mm Cannon HEMPSingle19 R Non-Lethal Weapon, vehicle Ball20 R <strong>Ammunition</strong> without effect NLETH Non-lethal ammo, rubber projectiles21 R R AP 20mm Cannon, burst offire22 R R HE 20mm Cannon, burst offire23 R R Ball 7.62mm MG vehicle, burstof fireAP BurstHEMPBurstBall Burst24 R R HEI PzF3 heavy HE HEI25 FFire-and-Forget middle, 70mmhelicopter rocketHEAT26 R HEAT 40mm, AGL HEAT27 R HEI 40mm, AGL HEMPSingle28 R R HEI 35mm Cannon HEMPSingle29 R HEMP 12.7mm / HMG / BMG HEMP30 F PARS LR, MELLS, GILL,Spike, (F&F heavy)HEATHEIHEHEIHEICOAXTRIGAT LRThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 14 (34)Am.No.GEATNLNOFI UKSWCalibre orWeapon<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoTypeDescription31 R HEAT PzF3 heavy tandem HEAT CG84 HEAT 75132 R R PzF Bunkerfaust33 R ABM 35mm time fuzedHEBB34 R Bill 1 Top Attack HEAT35 R Bill 2 Top Attack HEATHEBBBunker buster, CG84 HE 441 direct hit,PAR 66/79 direkt36 R PzF middle air burst HEair HE CG84 HE 441 air burst, PAR 66/79 Hoch37 R AP 12.7mm / HMG / BMG AP38 R Bill 2 soft target HEAT39 R HEAT PzF light HEAT RGW6040 R ABM 30mm time fuzed HEair HE41 R AGL ABM 40mm time fuzed HEair HE42 R ABM 120mm time fuzed HEair HE43 R Ball 12.7mm HMG / BMG Ball44 R AP 30mm AP45 RPzF middleHEAT46 Not yet used NLETH SpareCG84 HEAT 651, L-HL PAR 66/79, Ammowith tracer<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic CompatibleShort-Time47 Not yet used NLETH Spare48 S S S49 S S SIED light, TNT < 5kg, remoterangeIED middle, TNT 5 - 20kg,remote range50 S HEMP Hand Grenade HE51 S S SBall 5.56mm MGHEHEBallHEW Mine Hit, Remote rangeNO: M19 Anti PersonnelFI: M19 Anti PersonnelNote M19HEW Mine Hit, Remote rangeNO: M100 Anti PersonnelFI: M100 Anti PersonnelNote M100Machine GunGE: MG4, 5.56NL: C7/C8/Minimi, 5.56NO: HK416, 5.5652 S Truck bomb TNT >100kg HE Truck bomb53 S Grenade-thrower HE Grenade thrower54 S S SHEMP 12.7mm HMGHEMP55 S Non-Lethal Weapon, tear gas NLW Tear gas56 S S S S S57 S S S S SBall 5.56 / 7.62mm AssaultweaponNear Miss – light hand heldBallNMISSHeavy Machine GunNO: 12.7mm MPNO: 12.7mm Sniper MPFI: 12.7mm ITKK MP, (Sniper)Assault rifleGE: G36, 5.56GE: G3, 7.62AT: StG 77, 5.56NO: AG-3, 7.62NO: HK417, 7.62FI: RK, 7.62, (Assault weapon)UK: 5.56mmNote MP2Light Small Arms Weapon Near MissAT: StG Near MissThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 15 (34)Am.No.GEATNLNOFI UK58 S S S S S S59 S S S SSW60 S S S S S61 S S S S62 S S S63 S S S64 S S S S65 S S S SweaponCalibre orWeaponBall 7.62mm MGNear Miss – middle hand heldweaponHEW Off Route Anti-tankKill, short rangeHEW Off Route Anti-tankHit, remote rangeIndirect kill, againsttransported personnelIndirect kill, back blastBall 12.7 mm HMG / Longrange rifleNear miss heavy hand heldweapon<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeBallNMISSHEMPHEMPKillKillBallNMISSRealAmmoTypeDescriptionNL: C7/C8/Minimi Near MissNO: Near Miss (Fine calibre)FI: Near Miss (Fine calibre)Machine GunGE: MG3, 7.62AT: MG74, 7.62NL: MAG Inf, 7.62NO: MG-3, 7.62FI: MG-3, 7.62FI: KVKK, 7.62, (Light Machine Gun)FI: PKM, 7.62, (Heavy Machine Gun)UK: 7.62mm incl Chain gunMiddle Small Arms Weapon Near MissAT: SSG / MG74 Near MissNL: MAG Inf Near MissNO: Near Miss Heavy (medium calibre)DM-12 PARMOff Route, HEW Kill, Short rangeAT: PzAbw RiMi KillNL: HEW Vehicle KillFI: 125 OKR, (125mm HEAT)SW: Psgr Mina SidverkandeOff Route, HEW Hit, Remote rangeAT: PzAbw RiMi HitNL: HEW Soldier KillSW: Psgr Mina SidverkandeIndirect Kill e.g. inside the vehicleAT: Ind AusfallNL: Ind KillBackfire from a recoilless weaponAT: Ind AusfallNL: Ind Kill (AT4 back-blast)AT: ÜsMG HitNL: Browning .50FI: ITKK, 12.766 S S HEMP Hand Grenade HE AT: HGR67 S68 S S SNon-Lethal Weapon, rubberprojectile, concussiongrenadeIED light, TNT < 5kg, shortrangeNLWHEHeavy Small Arms Weapon Near MissAT:ÜsMG Near MissNL: Browning .50 Near MissNL: Accuracy 8.6 Near MissFI: Near Miss (Heavy calibre, 125mm OKR)HEW Mine Kill, Short rangeNO: M19 Anti ArmorFI: M19 Anti ArmorNote M19This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 16 (34)Am.No.GEATNLNOFI UKSWCalibre orWeapon<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoTypeDescription69 S S SIED middle , TNT 5 - 20kg,short rangeHEHEW Mine Kill, Short rangeNO: M100 Anti ArmorFI: M100 Anti ArmorNote M10070 SIED heavy, TNT 20 - 100kgHE71 S S SAP 12.7mm HMG / Longrange rifleAPGE: G82, 12.7FI: ITKK APS, 12.7NO: APS, 12.772 S S S S SAP 7.62mm / 8.6mm SniperAPSniperGE: G22, 7.62AT: SSG69, 7.62NL: Accuracy, 8.6NO: NM-149, 7.62 (Sniper)FI: TAK, 8.6 (Sniper Rifle)73 SHEAT 40mm Grenade Pistol,AG36HEATGrenade Pistol/Rifle74 SHEMP 40mm Grenade Pistol,AG36HEGrenade Pistol/Rifle75 S SBall 4.6mm Machine Pistol,MP7BallSub-Machine GunNO: MP7, 4.676 S S SBall 9mm Machine PistolMP5, Pistol P8BallPistol, Sub-Machine GunGlock 17 WikipediaNO: MP5, 9mmFI: MP5, 9mm<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> Basic CompatibleShort-Time Scanning77 Vehicle HE78 Vehicle MG COAX79 Anti Tank HEReal-TimeFire-and-ForgetShort-Time Scanning5.45-6.5mmAssault RifleMachine Gun<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoType5.56mm Cal. 0.22320015.45x39mmAP Single5.56x45mmM995 AP4001xxx5.45x39mm5.56x45mmAP BurstM995 APThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 17 (34)20024002xxx20035.45x39mm Ball Single 5,45mm M74 (USSR/Russia)R 5.56x45mm Similar as ammo no 56SW: Ak5SW: Ksp90.223 Remington / 5,56 NATO (USA)M855 NATO Ball, M193 Ball5.45x39mm Ball Burst 5,45mm M74 (USSR/Russia)R 5.56x45mm Similar as ammo no 56SW: Ak5SW: Ksp906.8-8.6mmAssault RifleMachine Gun7.62x39mm<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeAP Single APRealAmmoType.223 Remington / 5,56 NATO (USA)M855 NATO Ball, M193 Ball6.8mm Cal. 0.277.62mm Cal. 0.304003xxx20044004xxx200520067.62x51mm7.62x39mm7.62x51mmAP Burst6.8x43mm Ball Single Ball Similar as ammo no 586.8x43mm SPC (Spec. Purpose Cartridge)7.62x39mmR 7.62x51mmSW: AK4SW: Ksp58SW: Psg90SW: Ksp m/39SW: Ksp94M59, M61, M64, M80 Ball6.8x43mm Ball Burst Similar as ammo no 586.8x43mm SPC (Spec. Purpose Cartridge)7.62x39mmR 7.62x51mmSW: AK4SW: Ksp58SW: Psg90SW: Ksp m/39SW: Ksp94M59, M61, M64, M80 Ball5.45-8.6mm Sniper 5.56mm Cal. 0.2237.62mm Cal. 0.307.62X51mm AP AP/SLAP SW: Psg907.62X54Rmm8.6X70mm5.56x45mm Ball Mk 262 Sniper7.62X51mm Ball M118 Long Range7.62X54Rmm8.6X70mm5.56mmCoaxMain Gun<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoType2007 AP Single4007xxxAP Burst2008 Ball Single4008xxxRealAmmoType5.56mm Cal. 0.223Tank, IFV, and APC coaxial gunIFV and APC main gunR Ball Burst GE: 5.56 MG fahrzeuggebunden (Feuerstoβ)This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 18 (34)6.8-8.6mmCoaxMain GunHMG<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoType2009 AP Single4009xxxAP BurstRealAmmoType7.62mm Cal. 0.30Tank, IFV, and APC coaxial gunIFV and APC main gunHeavy Machine Gun2010 R R R R Ball Single AT: TURM MG EF (Leo, JaPzK, Ulan: SingleCOAX)NO: COAX 7.62 SingleFI: ALL COAX, 7.62mm KK, SingleSW: MG 7.62mm (Vehicle)SW: Ksp58CSW: Ksp m/39SW: Ksp944010xxx22010xxx2011R R R R R R R Ball Burst Small Arms (M16, M60, Coax), VehicleMountedGE: 7.62 MG fahrzeuggebunden (Feuerstoβ)AT: TURM MG DF (Leo, JaPzK, Ulan: BurstCOAX)NL: Leo YPR, COAX 7.62NO: COAX 7.62 BurstFI: ALL COAX, 7.62mm KK, BurstUK: COAX 7.62mmSW: MG 7.62mm (Vehicle)SW: Ksp58CSW: Ksp m/39SW: Ksp94C C C Vehicle COAX 7.62 Ball NL:Vehicles COAX 7.62NO:Vehicles COAX 7.62FI:Vehicles COAX 7.62&12.712.7-14.5mmSniper RifleAnti Material Rifle<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoType12.7mm Cal. 0.5012.7x99mm AP SW: Ag9012.7x107mm2012 14.5x114mm AP2013201420154015xxx12.7x99mm Ball SW: Ag9012.7x107mm14.5x114mm12.7x99mm HEMP MP SW: Ag9012.7x107mm14.5x114mm12.7mmCoaxMain GunHMG<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoType12.7mm, Cal 0.50Tank, IFV, and APC coaxial gunIFV and APC main gunHeavy Machine Gun12.7x99mm AP Single AP M2 Armour-piercing, M8, M20R R GE: 12.7mm / sMG / BMG / üsMG (AP)FI: XA-203 OWS, 12.7mm ITKK, SingleR12.7x107mmSLAPAPM903 SLAP, M962 SLAPT12.7x99mm AP Burst AP M2 Armour-piercing, M8, M2012.7x107mm2016 12.7x99mm APSSingle4016xxx12.7x99mmSLAPAPAPSAPS Burst APSFI: XA-203 OWS, 12.7mm ITKK, BurstM903 SLAP, M962 SLAPTThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 19 (34)20174017xxx22017xxx20184018xxxR R R R 12.7x99mm Ball Single Ball M82 (Soon in NL), M95 BarrettGE: 12.7mm / sMG / BMG / üsMG (weich)UK: Bluefor .50 CAL BALLSW: KSP 12.7mm (Tksp)12.7x107mmXM1022R R R 12.7x99mm Ball Burst Ball Heavy MG (M2, M85)M82 (Soon in NL), M95 BarrettUK: Bluefor .50 CAL BALLSW: KSP 12.7mm (Tksp)12.7x107mmXM1022C 12.7x99mm FI:Vehicles COAX 7.62&12.7R R 12.7x99mm HEMPSingle12.7x107mmR 12.7x99mm12.7x107mm14.5mmCoaxMain GunHMGHEMPBurst<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoType2019 14.5x114mm AP Single AP4019xxxMPMP14.5x114mm AP Burst APRealAmmoTypeMk 211 MPGE: 12.7mm / sMG / BMG / üsMG (Spreng)SW: TkspMk 211 MPSW: TkspTank, IFV, and APC coaxial gunIFV and APC main gunHeavy Machine Gun2020 R 14.5x114mm Ball Single Ball FI: BTR-80, 14.5mm RSKK, SingleRSKK: Raskas konekivääri4020xxxR 14.5x114mm Ball Burst Ball FI: BTR-80, 14.5mm RSKK, Burst2021 14.5x114mm HEMPSingle4021xxx2022202314.5x114mm20-50mmGrenade RifleHEMPBurstHEMPHEMP20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 43mm40x46 APERS M576 WikipediaM576 GlobalsecuritySW: Grt Ak4 & AK5Shotgun2024 APERS2025 HEMPAGL ≤35mm2026 20, 25mm HE6026xxxHE HE M406HEMP HEDP M203 WikipediaM203:M433SW: Grt Ak4 & AK5HEDP2027 HEcani APERS2028 HEMPM430 Globalsecurity40x46 MEI HellhoundM7910-, 12-, 16-, 20-, 28-, 67-GaugeAGL: Automatic Grenade Launcher20, 30mmHEair HE XM1018, XM1019This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 20 (34)2029 HEATAGL >35mmAGL: Automatic Grenade Launcher40, 43mm2030 R 40X53 HE HE 40mm grenade WikipediaFI: 40mm KRKK, AGL HE6030xxx40X53 HEair HE SW: Grsp2031 HEcani APERS MK19:M1001 Canister203240mm HEMP HEDP MK19 WikipediaMK19:M430SW: GrspHEDPR R R HEIHEDPHEDPXM320 WikipediaGE: Granatmachinenwaffe Sprengbrand (HE)NL: Granat MZFI: 40mm ONTSIRP, AGL HEDPExtended Range Low Pressure" (ERLP)40×51mm2033 R R HEAT HEAT GE: Granatmachinenwaffe Hohlladung(HL)NL: Granat HL

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 21 (34)20384038xxxR 25mm APimpSingleR 25mm APimpBurstAPAPAPDSAPHEIAPNL: YPR, 25mm AP, SingleXM1049M791 APDS-T, M919 APDS-TPGU-20/U API,NL: YPR, 25mm AP 163-3, Burst2039 KETF ABM-KETF direct detonation or fly by6039xxx20404040xxx6040xxx20414041xxx25mm25mm30-34mm CannonKETFairHEMPSingleHEMPBurstHEMPairSingleHEMPHEIHEIHEIHEMPBurstHEMPR R 30mm AP Single APDSAPFSDSAPEPAPIR AP Burst APDSAPFSDSAPI2042 R R R R APimpSingle4042xxxRAPimpBurstABM-KETF air burstM792 HEI-T, MK210 HEI-TPGU-22 HE-I, PGU-25 HE-I,PGU-32/U, SAPHEI, PGU-38/U HE-IFast-firing, automatic gunsFI: BMP-2, 30mm PS, SingleUK: Opfor APC 2, 30mm APUK: Opfor APC 3, 30mm APPGU-14/B APIFI: BMP-2, 30mm PS, BurstAT:Ulan, 30mm KEFI: CV9030, 30mm ALIKNO: CV9030, 30mm APFSDS-T, SingleUK: Bluefor 30mm APEPUK: Bluefor, 30mm APDSNO: CV9030, 30mm APFSDS-T, Burst2043 KETF ABM-KETF direct detonation or fly by6043xxxKETFair2044 R R HEMPSingle4044xxx6044xxx20454045xxx6045xxxRHEMPBurstHEMPairSingleR R R R HEMPimpSingleRHEMPimpBurstHEMPHEMPMPLDHEIHEMPMPLDABM-KETF air burstFI: BMP-2, 30mm SIRP, SingleUK: Opfor APC 2, 30mm HEUK: Opfor APC 3, 30mm HEFI: BMP-2, 30mm SIRP, BurstAT:Ulan 30mm MZNO: CV9030, 30mm MPLD-T, SingleFI: CV9030, 30mm MP-TUK: Bluefor, 30mm HEPGU-13/B HEINO: CV9030, 30mm MPLD-T, BurstR HEMPimpair HE GE: 30mm ABM tempierbar35-39mm CannonFast-firing, automatic guns2046 R R R 35mm AP GE: 35mm BMK Hartkern (KE)NL: 35mm APFI: 35mm ALIK, AA MunitionThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 22 (34)2047 R KETF ABM-KETF direct detonation or fly byNL: 35mm AP6047xxxR KETFair ABM-KETF air burstNL: 35mm HE2048 R R HEMP HEI,HEMP6048xxxHEMPairHEMPGE: 35mm BMK Sprengbrand (HE)FI: 35mm SIRP, AA Munition2049 HEMPdd HEMP Delayed detonation40mm CannonFast-firing, automatic guns2050 R 40mm AP SW: Pil 40mm (Strf 90)2051 KETF ABM-KETF direct detonation or fly by6051xxxKETFairABM-KETF air burst2052 R 40mm HEAT HEAT SW: PSGR 40mm20536053xxxR 40mm HEMP HE SW: SGR40mm A (Strf 90)40x46mm40x53mmM406HE , M381HE, M386HE, M441HEM383 HE, M384 HER R 40mm HEMPair HEMP GE: 40mm ABM tempierbarSW: KSGR40mm (Strf 90)SW: KSGR40mm 3P (Strf 90)HEMPPPHETHBARM397 Airburst , M397A1 AirburstMK285XM1060 Thermobaric Round2054 40 mm HEMPdd HEMP Delayed detonation20556055xxx205620576057xxx

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 23 (34)20582059R R R R 84mm HEAT 1 HEAT 84mm Carl GustafCG84 HEAT 551CCG84 HEDP 502 (HEAT role)GE: PzF3 LGSAT: HL PAR 66/79NO:HEAT CG84SW: 84/48 SLPSGR 75, 84mm (Grg, Psk84)Also as ammo no. 3183mm84mm85mmSMAW HEAARockeye, SMAWAT4 fas.org, AT4 WikipediaM136 AT4 HEATAT4CSRPG-7 WikipediaRPG-7: PG7V85mm Type 69-190mm90mm RPG, RCLMatador (PZF-90) MP HEAT RoleMatador (PZF-90) MP HESH RoleM371E1 HEATR 94mm RPG, RCL HEAT 1 HEAT UK: BLUEFOR LAW80UK: OPFOR LAW8094mmType 69-II, Type 69-III (RPG)84mm HEAT 2 HEAT CG84 HEAT 75193mmRPG-7: PG7VL2060 84mm ADM ADM CG84 ADM 401 (Area Defence Munition)Direct Detonation6060xxx84mm ADMair ADM CG84 ADM 401 Air Burst2061 84mm HEMP HEMP Tandem warheadCG84 MT 756 (Muti Target, behind wall)AT4 AST (delayed detonation)20622063206484mm HEMP HEMP CG84 HEDP 502 (delayed detonation)AT4 AST (mouse hole role)90mm HEMP HEMP Matador (PZF-90) WB (Wall Breaching)PzF90 (delayed detonation)84mm HEMP AS CG84 ASM 509 (Anti-Structure Munition)Direct impact role90mm HEMP AS Matador (PZF-90) AS (Anti-StructureMunition) Direct impact role84mm HEMPdd AS CG84 ASM 509 (Anti-Structure Munition)Delayed detonation role90mm HEMPdd AS Matador (PZF-90) AS (Anti-StructureMunition) Delayed detonation roleThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 24 (34)20656065xxx206695-109mm AT Gun RPG, RCL105mmHE107mm HE HE-FRAG OF-883A105mm HEair Air BurstRPG: Rocket Propelled GrenadeRCL: Recoilless Rifle105mm HEAT HEAT RPG-7 WikipediaRPG-7: PG-7VR107mm HEAT BK-883RPG-27 WikipediaRPG-29 WikipediaRPG-29: PG-29V2067 105mm HEMP HEMP Multi-Purpose Munition2068105mm HEBB THBAR RPG-7: TBG-7VRPG-29: TBG-29V≥110mm AT Gun RPG, RCL2069 R R 110mm HE HEIHE6069xxx110mm HEair Air BurstRPG-27: RShG-1RPG: Rocket Propelled GrenadeRCL: Recoilless RiflePzF3 WikipediaPzF3 (110mm)GE: PzF3 Sprengbrand (HE)NL: PzF3 HE2070 R R R 110-112mm HEAT GE: PzF3 Holladung (HL)NL: PzF3 HEATFI: 112mm APILAS, RSKSKO2071 HEMP HEMP Multi-Purpose Munition2072 R R 110mm HEBB HE PzF3 110mm Bunkerfaust (delayeddetonation)GE: PzAbwHdWa BunkerfaustNL: Bunkerfaust≤76mm GunTank, IFV and APC<strong>OSAG</strong>AmmoTypeRealAmmoType2073 AP APAPCAPFSDS2074 HE2075 HEAT57, 73, 76mmIFV: Infantry Fighting VehicleAPC: Armored Personnel CarrierThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 25 (34)207677-94mm GunTank, IFV and APC82, 84, 85, 90mm90mm AP AP 90mm fas.orgM77 AP-T, M318 AP-T, M318A1 AP-TAP AP M332A1 HVAP-TAP APC M82 APC-TAP APFSDS M690 APFSDS2077 90mm HE HE M71 HE, M71A1 HE-T207890mm HEAT HEAT M348A1 HEAT, M431 HEAT-T2079 90mm HEMP208020816081xxx20822083208420856085xxx95-103mm GunTank, IFV and APCHEAT HESH M691 HESH-T, M692 HESH-TP100mm100mm AP APFSDS 3UBM10AP APHE UBR-412B , BR-412B, JPSV, PSVAP APFSDS UBM-2, UBM-8AP HVAPDS UBM-6R 100mm HE HE UK: Opfor APC2, 100mm HE100mmHE HE-FRAG 3UOF10, 3UOF11HE HE-FRAG UOF-3, UOF-412, UO-415HEair100mm HEAT HEAT 3BK-5M, 3UBK9, 3BK16M, 3BK17M104-109mm GunTank, IFV and APCHEAT HEAT BK3, BK5, JPRSV, M69HEAT HEAT-T Type 73, UBK-412RHEAT HEAT UBK-2, UBK-4, UBK-4M, UBK-9M105, 106AP TPDS M724A1AP APDS M392 APDS-T, M728 APDS-TR R AP APDS AT: 105mm KE JaPzK APFSDSNO: APDS-T 105mmR R R 105mm APimp APFSDS GE: 105mm KENL: KE 105NO: APFSDS-T 105mm105mm HE HEAPimp APFSDS M735 APFSDS-T, M774 APFSDS-TAPimp APFSDS M833 APFSDS-T, M900 APFSDS-TAPimp APFSDS FP105, Olin 105,HE HE M494 APERS-THE HE M393A3, M546105mm HEair HE APAM2086 105mm HEcani Canister M1040 Canister2087 HEMPdd HEMP (Delayed detonation)2088R R R R 105mm HEAT HEAT GE: 105mm HEATAT: 105mm L-HL JaPzK HEATNO: HEAT-T 105mm (Leo 1)R HEAT HEP-T NO: HEP-T 105mm (Leo 1)HEAT HEAT M456 HEAT-T , M662 HEAT-THEAT HEAT-MP XM815 HEAT-MPHEAT HEP M393A2HEAT MRM-CE www.defense-update.com MRM2089 R HEMP NL: MZ 105This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 26 (34)209020916091xxx2092110-116mmTank, IFV and APC115mmR 115mm AP APDS UK: OPFOR MBT1, 115mm FSAPDSAPAPAPFSDS-THVAPFSDS-TUBM-3, UBM-9UBM-5R 115mm HE HE UK: OPFOR, MBT1, 115mm HE115mmHE HE-FRAG 3UOF-37, UOF-37, UOF-6HEairR 115mm HEAT HEAT UK: OPFOR MBT1, 115mm HEAT117-122mmTank, IFV and APCHEAT HEAT-T UBK-3, UBK-3M120, 122mm2093 R R 120mm AP APDS NO: Leo, APDSSW: Leo, Pil 120mm (Strv 121)2094R R R R R R R 120mm APimp APFSDS M829A1/A2/E3 APFSDS-TGE: 120mm KE (Leo 2)AT: Leo, 120mm KENL: Leo, KE 120 APFSDSNO: Leo, APFSDS-T 120 (Leo 2)FI: Leo, 120mm APFSDSUK: Bluefor Challenger, 120mm APFSDSSW: Leo, Pil 120mm (Strv122)APimp APFSDS DM63A1KE, DM53A1KEAPimp APFSDS DM43A1KE, DM33A1KEAPimp APFSDS Advanced Tungsten KE Cartridge2095 120mm APtop STAFF XM943 STAFF, top attack2096 120mm HEcani Canister M102820976097xxx22097xxxR R R HE HE GE: 120mm HEFI: Leo, 120mm HEFI: 120mm AMOSSW: Leo, Sgr 120mm (Strv 121 & Strv122)HE HEORT M908HE HEMO M933, M934HE HEMP DM12A2MP, M337R 120mm HEair ABM GE: 120mm ABM tempierbarC C C HE HE NL:Vehicles HENO:Vehicles HEFI:Vehicles HE2098 R HEMPdd HEMP Delayed detonationGE: 120mm HE mit Verzögerung2099R R HEAT HEAT M830A1 HEATNO: Leo 2, HEAT 120mmFI: Leo, 120mm HEATRUK: Bluefor Challenger, 120mm HESHHEAT MRM-CE www.defense-update.com MRM2100 R R 120mm HEMP HEMP AT: Leo, 120mm MZNL: Leo, MZ 1202101≥125mmTank, IFV and APC125mmR R 125mm AP APDS FI: T-90, 125mm APFSDSUK: OPFOR, MBT2, 125mm FSAPDSUK: OPFOR, MBT3, 125mm FSAPDSAP APHE BR-471BAP APC-T VBR-472This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 27 (34)2102 125mm APtop21036103xxx210421056105xxxR R 125mm HE HE FI: T-90, 125mm HEUK: OPFOR MBT2, 125mm HEUK: OPFOR MBT3, 125mm HEHE DPICM Type 83125mm HEair HE-FRAGHE HE OF-1, M76, Type 54HE HE-FRAG OF-56, OF-56-1, Type 462HE HE-FRAG OF-462, OF-471N, OF-472R R 125mm HEAT HEAT FI: 125mm HEATUK: OPFOR MBT2, 125mm HEATUK: OPFOR MBT3, 125mm HEAT≤94mm Mortar, Field Gun andArt.RocketsHEAT HEAT BK-9, BP-463HEAT HEAT-FS BK-6M, BK-13, BK463UM, 3UBK-9HE Type 7150, 51, 52, 70, 76, 60, 81, 82, 88mm70mm HE HE-FRAG Artillery Rocket FZ LAU-97: FZ-71HE PFHE Artillery Rocket FZ LAU-97: FZ-85HE HE Artillery Rocket Hydra 70: M151R 80mm HE SW: SGR80/GA 80mm105mm HE DPICM M915, 105mm70mm HEair HEHE DPICM M916, 105mm70mm HEair Cargo Artillery Rocket FZ LAU-97: FZ-10070mm HEair HE Hydra70 www.fas.orgArtillery Rocket Hydra 70: M151:time fuzed210621076107xxx70mm HEair MPSM HE Art. Rocket Hydra70: M261:remote fuzed70mm HEair HE Art. Rocket Hydra 70: M255:remote fuzedHEAT70mm HEAT AP Artillery Rocket FZ LAU-97: FZ-4970mm HEAT HEAP Artillery Rocket FZ LAU-97: FZ-58R 73mm HEAT HEAT 73mm 2.75inch Rocket95-149mm Artillery, Mortar,Field Gun, Artillery Rocket100mm HE Type 71105mm HE DPICM M915, M916107mm HE HE Type 63 rocket100, 105, 107, 120, 122, 130mm122mm HE 122mm ARTY DFR R 120mm HE HE AMOS WikipediaFI: 120mm AMOSSW: SGR120/GA 120mm (GRK)120mm HE DPICM OGR 120 PR122mm HE HE Firos 25/30 rocket130mm HE APHE M46130mm HE APHE-T BR-482B130mm HE HE Type 59, M79, OF33130mm HE HE-FRAG OF-482M130mm HE HE HE-482M122mm HEair HEThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 28 (34)2108120mm HEAT HEAT SW: Psgr 120mm STRIX (GRK)122mm HEAT HEAT Firos 25/30 rocket2109 130mm THBAR M79BB21106110xxx≥150mm Artillery, Mortar,Field Gun152, 155mm HE HE 152mm 155mm152, 155, 160, 165, 175, 180, 203, 240,305mm155mm HE DPICM M483A1, M864, Type 66HE HE M107, M549A1, M795, M795E1, M864R R HE HE FI: 155mm SIRPSW: SGR 155A (Haub 77)160mm HE HE F-853A, F-853U180mm HE HE G-572203mm HE G-620240mm HE F864280mm HE 675305mm HE 724R 155mm HEair HE SW: SGR 155Z (Haub 77)2111 THBAR2112R RAnti Tank MissileRussiaAT-49M111AT-59M1132113 AT-99M12021142115RAT-89M112AT-99M120AT-109M117AT-109M117MAT-109M117M12116 R AT-119M1199M119M21172118RAT-129M117AT-129M117MAT-129M917M1AT-139M131AT-149M133AT-159M123RussiaHEATHEATHEBBHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATHEATSpigot“Fagot”Spandrel“Konkurs”Spiral-2"Ataka"Songster“Kobra”Spiral-2"Ataka"Stabber“Bastion”Stabber“Kan”Stabber“Arkan”Sniper“Svir”“Refleks”Swinger“Sheksna”Swinger“Sheksna”Swinger“Sheksna”Saxhorn-2"Metis-M"Spriggan"Kornet"Springer"Krizantema"AT-Missiles WikipediaBMP, BMD, BRDM, manpack mounts; canbe fired from AT-5 launchers9M113, BMP, BMD, BRDM, manpackmounts; can be fired from AT-4 launchersFI: BMP-2, PST082UK: OPFOR APC1, ATGW 2UK: OPFOR APC2, ATGW 2125mm gun launched; T-64B and early T-80Ataka Army-technology.comHAVOC, HOKUM, HIND E/F launchers100 and 115mm gun launched; T-55, T-62,MT-12, and BMP-3100 and 115mm gun launched; T-55, T-62,MT-12, and BMP-3100 and 115mm gun launched; T-55, T-62,MT-12, and BMP-3UK: OPFOR APC3, ATGW 3125mm gun launched; T-72, T-80, T-84, T-90 UK: OPFOR MBT2, ATGW 2UK: OPFOR MBT3, ATGW 3Uses the same missile as the AT-10115mm gun launched; T-62Uses the same missile as the AT-10115mm gun launched; T-62Uses the same missile as the AT-10115mm gun launched; T-62UK: OPFOR MBT1, ATGW 2METIS-M: 9K115-2Kornet Army-technology.com152mm. Tripod or vehicle-mounted; thermalviewer effective to 3500m150mmThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 29 (34)2119AT-139M131FAT-149M133FAT-159M123FHEBBHEBBHEBBSaxhorn-2"Metis-M"Spriggan"Kornet"Springer"Krizantema"AT-16 HEBB Scallion"Vikhr"2120 AT-16 HEAT Scallion"Vikhr"Air to ground systemAir to ground system2121 AT-16 HE Time fuzed direct detonation6121xxx2122AT-16 HEair Time fuzedSA-149M36SA-169M313SA-189M392123 SA-249M342212421252126Anti Tank MissileHEHEHEHEUSGremlin“Strela-3”Gimlet“Igla-1”Grouse“Igla-M”Grinch“Igla-S”SA-14 WikipediaSA-16 WikipediaSA-18 WikipediaSA-14-16-18-24 GlobalsecurityAGM-65 HE HE Maverick WikipediaMaverick, 57 kg hollow charge with contactfuzeAGM-114K HEAT HEATHellfire IIHE HEAT 135 kg high explosiveHellfire WikipediaUS, Swedish, NATO, and Israeli useAGM-114N HEAT MAC Metal augmented chargeAGM-114KII HE HEMP External blast frag sleeveAGM-114M HE HE-FRAG Blast fragmentationAGM-114L HE LongbowHellfire2127 AGM-BGM-XYZ HEAT JAGM JAGM WikipediaJoint Air to Ground Missile2128 HE HE-FRAG2129R R R HEAT TOW GE: TOWAT: TOWNL: TOWBGM-71D HEAT TOW 2BGM-71A HEAT TOW Basic TOW. TOW Army-technology.comR BGM-71C HEAT TOW ITOWFI: ITOWTroophan 2HJ-8EHEAT Predator Direct AttackHEATHEATRed Arrow8Copy of TOWHJ-8 answers.comCopy of TOW, ChinaBaktar-Shikan,Pakistan HEAT License production of HJ-8KAM9/ TYPE 79 HEAT Similar to TOW, Japan22129xxx2130C C C Anti-Tank Weapon HEAT HE NL:ATW HE ATNO: HE ATFI: HE ATWR R R TOW 2A NO: TOW 2AFI: TOW 2ASW: RB55CM220/ BGM-71E HEAT TOW 2AThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 30 (34)213121322133M220/ BGM-71H HE BB TOW 2ABBHE BBPredatorBBBunker BusterR R R M220/ BGM-71F HEAT TOW 2B Top attack.NO: TOW 2BFI: TOW 2BSW: RB55EMulti-purpose variant (MPV) blast fragmentationwarhead, which will convert the systeminto a direct attack urban assault weapon,effective against buildings and bunkers.FGM-172 SRAW HEAT Predator Predator army-technologyTop Attack. UK KestrelR TOW 2B air launched HEAT TOW 2BAeroHEATTOW 2BRF2134 HEAT LOSAT Fire-and-Forget weapon systemLine-Of-Sight Anti-Tank wepon using KineticEnergy Missile (KEM)LOSAT Army-technology.com2135 M47 HEAT Dragon Saudi, Yugoslav, Swiss, Morroccan,Jordanian and other users2136 HEAT Javelin Fire-and-Forget weapon systemJavelin Army-technology.comDirect Attack12136xxxF HEAT Javelin Direct AttackUK: BLUEFOR, JAVELIN, DirectUK: OPFOR, JAVELIN, Direct2137 HEAT Javelin Top attack. Imaging Infrared (I2R)12137xxxF HEAT Javelin UK: BLUEFOR, JAVELIN TopUK: OPFOR, JAVELIN Top2138 Stinger (Fire-and-Forget)Ground to Air12138xxx2139F FStinger (Fire-and-Forget)Ground to AirStinger fas.org.HE Also as ammo no. 25GE: Stinger / GILL (Fire-and-Forget leicht)AT:StingerType 87 HE Stinger copy from JapanAnti Tank MissileEuropeR R HOT 1 HEAT AT: HOT 1NL: HOT BODENHOT Army-technology.comHOT WikipediaSeveral missile versions; anti-reactive armorcapabilityR HOT 2 HEAT AT: HOT 2HOT 3HEAT2140 R R HOT air launched HEAT GE: HOT PAHNL: HOT PAH2141 R R R R MILAN 2 HEAT Milan Army-technology.comMILAN WikipediaGround and vehicle mountsGE: MILANAT: MILANNL: MILANUK: OPFOR, MILAN2142MILAN 2T HEAT Tandem warheadMILAN 3MILAN ERHEATHEAT2143 R TRIGAT MR HEAT TRIGAT Army-technology.comNL: PARS 3 MRThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 31 (34)2144 R TRIGAT LR HEAT Direct attackGE: MELLS - direkt2145 TRIGAT LR HEAT Top attack12145xxxF F TRIGAT LR HEAT Top attackAlso as ammo no.30GE:PARS LR / MELLS (Fire-and-Forget)AT: PARS 3 LR2146 R R R MBT LAW HEAT NLAW,RB572147 R R R MBT LAW HEAT NLAW,RB57Fire-and-Forget weapon systemNLAW Army-technology.comDirect attack. Origin SwedenFI: ShoRatsSW: NBTPsk (Pskott2000)UK: BLUEFOR, NLAW DirectUK: OPFOR, NLAW DirectTop attack, Origin SwedenFI: ShoRatsSW: NBTPsk (Pskott2000)UK: BLUEFOR, NLAW TopUK: OPFOR, NLAW Top2148 R ERYX HEAT ERYX Army-technology.comOrigin FranceHE Calibre 137mmNO: SM-1372149Brimstone HEAT Brimstone Army-technology.comSingle Launch, Origin UKBrimstone HEAT Multiple Launch, Origin UK2150 R R RBS-56 HEAT BILL1DirectGE: Bill 1+2 DirectAT: Bill 1 Direct Attack2151 R R R RBS-56 HEAT BILL1 Top Proximity and top attack modes; thermalsights; export offered.Also as ammo no. 34. Origin SwedenGE: Bill 1 Top AttackAT: Bill 1 Top AttackSW: Rb562152 R R RBS-56 HEAT BILL2DirectGE: Bill 1+2 DirectAT: Bill 2 Direct Attack2153 R R R RBS-56 HEAT BILL2 Top Also as ammo no. 35. Origin SwedenGE: Bill 2 Top AttackAT: Bill 2 Top AttackSW: Rb56B2154 R R RBS-56 HEAT BILL Soft Also as ammo no. 38. Origin SwedenGE: Bill 1+2 SoftzielAT: Bill Soft target2155R RBS-70 HE MK0 RBS-70 Wikipedia. Origin SwedenSW: RB70RBS-70 HE MK1 RBS-70. Origin Sweden2156 R RBS-70 HEAT MK2 SW: RB90. Origin Sweden2157 R RBS-70 HEAT BOLIDE Direct AttackFI: ITO2005. Origin Sweden2158 RBS-70 HEAT BOLIDE Top Attack. Origin SwedenThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 32 (34)Anti Tank MissileInternat.2159 SPIKE-SR Direct Attack HEAT Short Range2160 SPIKE-MR Low Trajectory HEAT Medium Range12160xxxF F SPIKE-MR Low Trajectory HEAT NL: GILL Low TrajectoryFI:SPIKE Low Trajectory2161 SPIKE-MR High Trajectory HEAT Medium Range12161xxxF F SPIKE-MR High Trajectory HEAT NL: GILL High TrajectoryFI: SPIKE2162 R SPIKE-LR Direct Attack HEAT Long RangeAlso as ammo no. 13GE: Spike LR - direkt2163 SPIKE-LR Top Attack Long Range12163xxxF SPIKE-LR Top Attack HEAT Also as ammo no. 30GE: Spike LR (Fire-and-Forget schwer)2164 SPIKE-ER HEAT Extra Long Range. NTD Dandy2165Mokopa HEAT Origin S.AfricaIngwe HEAT Ingwe answers.comOrigin S.AfricaNon-LethalLess LethalAs for example tear gas shells, bean bags,stun rounds and rubber projectiles.2166 R R R Ammo with no effect NLETH GE: Munition ohne WirkungAT: Munition ohne WirkungNL: Ammo no eff.2167≤76mmNLETH21682169217040mm Grenade NLETH M385 M918 fas.orgM385, M918, M203, Mk19, XM32040mm NLETH M1006 Sponge Round (Point), M651 CS40mm NLETH M1029 Crowd Dispersal Cartridge77-109mmNLETH105mm NLETH Stun Cartridge≥110mmNLETH120mm NLETH Stun CartridgeHorizontal Effects WeaponImprovised Explosive DeviceIED WikipediaTNT equivalent WikipediaIED light TNT 100kg HE2174 HEW Off-Route Anti Tank HEAT DM-12 PARM WikipediaM24 mine WikipediaThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 33 (34)21752176RHangrenadeHandgrenade Wikipedia100g TNT equivalent HE FRAG Fragmentation grenadeM67F1AT: HGRM67 WikipediaF1 Wikipedia, USSR Limonka250g TNT equivalent APERS Concussion grenadeMK3A2MK3A2 Wikipedia2177 M84 NLETH Stun grenade WikipediaEngagement AlertTo inform the target about an engagement2178 R Laser Range Fire NLETH A LRF is made against the targetSW: LRF2179 Laser Designator NLETH A Laser designation is done against thetarget2180 Laser Beam Rider NLETH A Laser beam riding missile is engaging thetarget2181 IFF A NLETH Identification Friend or Foe. IFF is done by A(Bluefor)2182 IFF B NLETH IFF is done against the target by B (Opfor)IFF answerAnswer to a friendly IFFNot simulated2183 R Munition Flame NLETH Simulate the fact that the target may visuallyrecognize that a weapon is fired against thetargetSW: Missile firedShort-Time ScanningDedicated Short-Time Scanning functions.May still be used also as Real-Time or Fireand-Forget2184 Near Miss ≤8.6mm NMISS 5.56, 7.62mm Cal 0.223, 0.3022184xxxNear Miss ≤8.6mm NMISS 5.56, 7.62mm Cal 0.223, 0.302185 Near Miss >8.6mm NMISS 12.7, 14.5, 20, 30, 35, 40mm22185xxxNear Miss >8.6mm NMISS 12.7, 14.5, 20, 30, 35, 40mm2186 Universal Kill Kill Universal Killl22186xxxUniversal Kill Kill Universal Killl2187 Helmet off Kill Kill Punishing soldiers with helmet taken off22187xxxHelmet off Kill Kill Punishing soldiers with helmet taken offAdditionalAdditional Simulated Functions2188 RF SAM HE RF Surface to Air Missile2189 Secondary Effects Kill Kill As for example shrapnel from a tank hit2190 Flame-thrower KillThis document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

Optical Interface Specification Supplement<strong>OSAG</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Ammunition</strong> <strong>Tables</strong>Reg. No. Date Version Page8890 080-004 2010-09-16 <strong>A5</strong> 34 (34)Main Gun Danger Zones2191 Short Range Main GunDanger Zone2192 Remote Range Main GunDanger ZoneSpare ammo numbersKillKillAs for example lethality caused by petals orgun overpressure when standing typically upto 200m in front of a tank gunAs for example lethality caused by petalswhen standing typically 200-1000m in frontof a tank gun2193-2280Note MP2. The MP2 weapon can temporary be simulated using the ammo number 56 as in <strong>OSAG</strong> 1.0, but itslethality is better represented when using the ammo number 72.Note M19. Although M19 is an anti tank mine, for simulation purposes a specific long range anti personnel codeis required to give the possibility of adjusting the Laser effect radius and vulnerability. Used on its own, itsimulates a larger type of anti personnel mine.Note M100. Although M100 is an anti tank mine, for simulation purposes a specific long range anti personnelcode is required to give the possibility of adjusting the Laser effect radius and vulnerability. Used on its own, itsimulates a larger type of anti personnel mine.This document and all matter pertaining thereto shall remain the property of Saab Training Systems AB but may be copied and freely used.Any changes in the document can only be made in cooperation with Saab Training Systems AB.© Saab Training Systems AB 2010 ©

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