150 dpi - Hans Hepp GmbH

150 dpi - Hans Hepp GmbH

150 dpi - Hans Hepp GmbH


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helps……in the car tooHANS HEPPDressings andfirst-aid material

DIN 13 164-BFirst-aid boxes for carsDescription of productIn Germany, the Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung (StVZo) (theregulations governing the use of vehicles on the road) requires thatvehicles carry first-aid materials in compliance with DIN 13 164. Ourknowledge and striving to provide the highest quality of protectionfor the user is reflected in our comprehensive range of first-aidboxes for cars shown below.First-aid boxes for cars DIN 13 164-BRef. No. 12240• Contents: Comply with the applicable standard DIN 13 164Ref. No. 12220Ref. No. 11350Ref. No. 12250• Material:• Colours:• Dimensions:• Weight:• Information:ABS plastic box, heat and deformation resistant,impact resistantThe first-aid box is available in many colours, e.g.black, dark blue, grey, red, yellow, light blue,green. The identifying markings are applied usingthe screen printing process. The coloured ink ispetrol and diesel resistant.Approx. W 260 x H 170 x D 82 mmApprox. 0.75 kgWe produce first-aid material in-house and makethe plastic first-aid boxes in our own injectionmoulding shop, which allows us the flexibility tosatisfy the customer’s specific design requirementswith the highest quality of customisedcolours, imprints and logos. As our box complieswith the standard, we can add the referenceto DIN 13 164-B.The DIN 13 164-compliant contents are clearlyarranged in a fold-away bag with 6 sections andcan be taken out easily.For protection during delivery the first-aid box issealed up in a transparent film.The use-by date of the sterile products is indicatedon a sticker. The first-aid material shouldalways be kept up to date and checked atregular intervals, especially in Germany, whereproviding first-aid is a legal obligation.Ref. No. 15398HANS HEPPDressings andfirst-aid materialGeorgswerder Damm 16D-20539 HAMBURGPhone +49 40 78 04 68-0Fax +49 40 78 04 68-99e-mail: zentrale@hanshepp.deInternet: www.hanshepp.deIssue 2004

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