Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan


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62 <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>TABLE 3.1.4Disease Burden Estimation, 2005Disease/Health Condition Estimate of Cases/lakh Projected number (2015) of Cases/lakhCommunicable DiseasesTuberculosis 85 (2000) NAHIV/AIDS 51 (2004) 190Diarrhoeal Diseases Episodes per <strong>Year</strong> 760 880Malaria and other Vector Borne Diseases 20.37 (2004) NALeprosy 3.67 (2004) Expect to be EliminatedOtitis Media 3.57 4.18Non-Communicable ConditionsCancers 8.07 (2004) 9.99Diabetes 310 460Mental Health 650 800Blindness 141.07 129.96CVDs 290 (2000) 640COPD and Asthma 405.20 (2001) 596.36Other Non-CommunicableInjuries—deaths 9.8 10.96Number of Hospitalizations 170 220Source: NCMH (2005).persons increased manifold. National AIDS ControlOrganization (NACO) is working closely with RevisedNational Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP)for promoting cross referrals for early diagnosis andprompt treatment. The strategies of National AIDSControl Programme Phase II (NACP-II) have yieldedpositive results. The HIV prevalence is stabilizing andStates like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,Maharashtra, and Nagaland have started showingdeclining trends. The State-wise distribution ofnumber of AIDS cases in India during 2006 isshown in Figure 3.1.5. The lessons learnt have beenutilized in formulating NACP-III, which will beimplemented in the country during the <strong>Eleventh</strong><strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.3.1.20 Tuberculosis remains a public health problem,with India accounting for one-fifth of the world incidence.Every year 1.8 million people in India developtuberculosis, of which 0.8 million are infectious smearpositive cases. The emergence of HIV-TB co-infectionand multi drug resistant tuberculosis has increasedthe severity and magnitude of the problem. RNTCPhas achieved nation wide coverage in March 2006.Since the inception of the programme, over 6.3million patients have been initiated on treatment,and the programme has achieved all the proposed goalsin terms of expansion of Directly Observed Treatment,Short Course (DOTS) services, case finding, and treatmentsuccess during the Tenth <strong>Plan</strong>.3.1.21 A National Vector Borne Disease ControlProgramme was initiated during the Tenth <strong>Plan</strong> withthe convergence of ongoing programmes on malaria,kala-azar, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, and dengue.Source: National Health Profile (2006).FIGURE 3.1.5: Number of AIDS Cases in States, 2006

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