Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan Eleventh Five Year Plan

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Youth Affairs and Sports and Art and Culture 47There is a need for transparency and accountabilityin the functions of sports bodies. The facilities underSAI would need systematic and scientific expansionand upgradation. The management aspects pertainingto development of various individual sportsdisciplines will also need to be reviewed and mademore effective.BROAD-BASING: INTRODUCTION OF PANCHAYATYUVA KRIDA AUR KHEL ABHIYAN (PYKKA)2.1.26 Broad-basing of Sports is the key to the promotionand development of a sports culture. Theemphasis on sports should be on fitness of body ofevery individual and particularly youth and notrelegated to entertainment and related activities aslisted in the concurrent list. In order to make sportsas mass movement, a new CSS under the title of‘Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA)’would be launched for filling up the gaps at the subdistrictlevel. The objective of the scheme is to createbasic infrastructure and facilities for sports and gamesat the village and town levels, generating a sports cultureamong the rural youth, organizing competitionand non-competition sporting activities at the villagelevel, and developing a competition structure up tothe district level. PYKKA would be implementedduring Eleventh and Twelfth Plan in a Mission Modewith the involvement of the PRIs and the 2.50 lakhRural Youth and Sports Clubs under NYKS and otherschemes of the State Governments in a phased manner.The existing scheme of Rural Sports Programmewill be subsumed in PYKKA. As the sports and gamesis State subject, the State Governments should alsoshare costs and be accountable.2.1.27 For purposes of funding under the scheme, itis proposed to bring in the greatest possible synergyand convergence between various schemes of theCentral Government, such as the National RuralEmployment Guarantee Scheme, Backward RegionsGrant Fund, relevant schemes of the Ministry of TribalAffairs and Department for the Development of theNorth Eastern Region, MP Local Area DevelopmentScheme (and similar schemes of State Governments),funds available to the PRIs through devolution andthe schemes of the State Governments for developmentof sports infrastructure.PROMOTION OF SPORTS EXCELLENCE2.1.28 The broad-basing of sports could graduallyyield a pool of one lakh talented youth at the Sub-Junior, Junior, and Senior levels, who would requiresystematic and scientific nurturing and focused trainingto achieve excellence at the national/internationallevels. This would require multiple measures, includingspotting/identification of national probablesbased on proficiency, performance, and potential;establishment of training infrastructure arrangements;coaching facilities; strengthening scientificand technical supports system; supply of qualitysports goods and equipment; and use of media tobring sports consciousness. There is a need to maintaina computerized inventory of assets relating tosports at State, district, and block levels. NGOs, outstandingsportspersons, and corporate entities wouldbe encouraged to get involved in the creation offacilities to promote sports excellence, in the form ofacademies, etc.2.1.29 Recognizing the role of media in creating sportsconsciousness in the country, all efforts would bemade to ensure their support in promoting and broadbasingof sports, particularly rural sports. The governmentwill have to build in some regulations to ensurecovering of sporting events apart from cricket andtennis to make good lack of adequate sponsorship.Special programmes and capsules also need to be preparedand aired, from time to time, about excellencepromotion programmes such as coaching camps,talent-spotting exercise, selection trials, etc., to generateawareness about the development of sports inthe country.2.1.30 As regards the development of physical education,steps would need to be taken to develop andbring about an integral relationship between relatedinstitutions, including the possible reorganizationof Laxmibai National College of Physical Education,Thiruvananthapuram as a Regional Centre (South) ofthe Laxmibai National Institute of Physical Education(LNIPE), Gwalior, which itself is a Deemed University.This would be in addition to other measurespertaining to synergy and complimentary betweenLNIPE and SAI. LNIPE would set up regional centresin the north east, east, west, and north. Besides, the

48 Eleventh Five Year Planinfrastructure facilities at LNIPE itself would bestrengthened, upgraded, and modernized. The recommendationof NCERT that Health and PhysicalEducation should be a core subject up to class X andan elective subject up to plus two levels should beimplemented.2.1.31 Considering the growing menace of doping,two separate autonomous entities, namely,National Anti-Doping Agency and National DopeTest Laboratory will be set up for ensuring qualitytesting of samples, etc. In view of 2.13% of Indianpopulation is physically or mentally challenged andthe impressive performance of Indian Elite Athleteswith Disability at the international level, a comprehensivescheme would be formulated to ensureplanned and systematic promotion of excellence inthis field.NE States2.1.32 The approved outlay Tenth Plan was Rs 192.50crore for NE States including Sikkim against whichthe expenditure is Rs 167.22 crore indicating a utilizationof about 87%. NE region has a tremendouspotential to excel in sports has been proved by theNational Games at Guwahati in Assam. There is needfor greater investment in improving games facilitiesin this region.THE PATH AHEAD2.1.33 Despite Youth Affairs and Sports being a Statesubject, it has not got adequate support from theState Governments. Only few State Governmentshave their own Youth and Sports Policies. It is necessarythat all States/UTs formulate State-specificYouth and Sports Policies and Action Plan for developmentof youth. State Sports Academies should beset up to select the best talent in sports. Perhaps,Sports could be brought in the concurrent list tosupplement the State efforts. However, Plan expenditureof States will have to step up to arrest the decliningtrends.2.1.34 The total projected Gross Budgetary Support(GBS) for the Eleventh Plan for the Ministry ofYouth Affairs and Sports is given in Appendix ofVolume III.2.2. ART AND CULTUREINTRODUCTION2.2.1 The Constitution of India stipulates that it shallbe the duty of every citizen to value and preserve therich heritage of our composite culture. The art andculture of India are a vast continuum, evolving incessantlysince time immemorial. Therefore, preservationand conservation of India’s rich cultural heritageand promotion of all forms of art and culture, bothtangible and intangible, including monuments andarchaeological sites, anthropology and ethnology,folk and tribal arts, literature and handicrafts, performingarts of music-dance-drama, and visual arts ofpaintings-sculpture-graphics assume considerableimportance. On a larger scale, cultural activities alsoaddress issues relating to national identity in conjunctionwith several other sectors such as education,tourism, textiles, external relations, etc.THRUST DURING PLAN PERIODS2.2.2 Since Independence the crux of all culture developmentplans has been the preservation of culturalheritage with emphasis on the thread of continuitybinding the dissimilarities into a synergistic whole. Themain focus in the early Five Year Plans, up to the SixthPlan, was on the establishment of cultural institutionsin the field of archaeology, anthropology and ethnography,archives, libraries, museums, and performingarts including academies. Since the Seventh Plan therewas also special emphasis on the pursuit of contemporarythe creativity.ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE PLAN PERIODSPerforming Arts2.2.3 The ongoing schemes under the performingarts spanning disparate fields of classical/traditionaland folk music/theatre and dance—showcased byorganizations like Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA),National School of Drama, and Zonal Cultural Centres(ZCCs)—have played a crucial role in supportingand facilitating the performing arts traditions in thecountry. Several schemes continue to be implementedunder the performing and visual arts with a view tosupporting creative individuals and institutions in theirnew ventures/productions.

Youth Affairs and Sports and Art and Culture 47There is a need for transparency and accountabilityin the functions of sports bodies. The facilities underSAI would need systematic and scientific expansionand upgradation. The management aspects pertainingto development of various individual sportsdisciplines will also need to be reviewed and mademore effective.BROAD-BASING: INTRODUCTION OF PANCHAYATYUVA KRIDA AUR KHEL ABHIYAN (PYKKA)2.1.26 Broad-basing of Sports is the key to the promotionand development of a sports culture. Theemphasis on sports should be on fitness of body ofevery individual and particularly youth and notrelegated to entertainment and related activities aslisted in the concurrent list. In order to make sportsas mass movement, a new CSS under the title of‘Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA)’would be launched for filling up the gaps at the subdistrictlevel. The objective of the scheme is to createbasic infrastructure and facilities for sports and gamesat the village and town levels, generating a sports cultureamong the rural youth, organizing competitionand non-competition sporting activities at the villagelevel, and developing a competition structure up tothe district level. PYKKA would be implementedduring <strong>Eleventh</strong> and Twelfth <strong>Plan</strong> in a Mission Modewith the involvement of the PRIs and the 2.50 lakhRural Youth and Sports Clubs under NYKS and otherschemes of the State Governments in a phased manner.The existing scheme of Rural Sports Programmewill be subsumed in PYKKA. As the sports and gamesis State subject, the State Governments should alsoshare costs and be accountable.2.1.27 For purposes of funding under the scheme, itis proposed to bring in the greatest possible synergyand convergence between various schemes of theCentral Government, such as the National RuralEmployment Guarantee Scheme, Backward RegionsGrant Fund, relevant schemes of the Ministry of TribalAffairs and Department for the Development of theNorth Eastern Region, MP Local Area DevelopmentScheme (and similar schemes of State Governments),funds available to the PRIs through devolution andthe schemes of the State Governments for developmentof sports infrastructure.PROMOTION OF SPORTS EXCELLENCE2.1.28 The broad-basing of sports could graduallyyield a pool of one lakh talented youth at the Sub-Junior, Junior, and Senior levels, who would requiresystematic and scientific nurturing and focused trainingto achieve excellence at the national/internationallevels. This would require multiple measures, includingspotting/identification of national probablesbased on proficiency, performance, and potential;establishment of training infrastructure arrangements;coaching facilities; strengthening scientificand technical supports system; supply of qualitysports goods and equipment; and use of media tobring sports consciousness. There is a need to maintaina computerized inventory of assets relating tosports at State, district, and block levels. NGOs, outstandingsportspersons, and corporate entities wouldbe encouraged to get involved in the creation offacilities to promote sports excellence, in the form ofacademies, etc.2.1.29 Recognizing the role of media in creating sportsconsciousness in the country, all efforts would bemade to ensure their support in promoting and broadbasingof sports, particularly rural sports. The governmentwill have to build in some regulations to ensurecovering of sporting events apart from cricket andtennis to make good lack of adequate sponsorship.Special programmes and capsules also need to be preparedand aired, from time to time, about excellencepromotion programmes such as coaching camps,talent-spotting exercise, selection trials, etc., to generateawareness about the development of sports inthe country.2.1.30 As regards the development of physical education,steps would need to be taken to develop andbring about an integral relationship between relatedinstitutions, including the possible reorganizationof Laxmibai National College of Physical Education,Thiruvananthapuram as a Regional Centre (South) ofthe Laxmibai National Institute of Physical Education(LNIPE), Gwalior, which itself is a Deemed University.This would be in addition to other measurespertaining to synergy and complimentary betweenLNIPE and SAI. LNIPE would set up regional centresin the north east, east, west, and north. Besides, the

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