Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan Eleventh Five Year Plan

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Education 19quality of teacher education through innovativepre-service and in-service education programmes.However, there seems to be no evidence of DIETstaking off, constrained as they are by several factorsthat are proposed to be addressed in the Eleventh Plan.The scheme of Restructuring and Reorganizing ofTeacher Education, a CSS, has built up a large infrastructurebase with 571 DIETs/DRCs, 104 Collegesof Teacher Education (CTEs), and 31 Institutes ofAdvanced Study in Education (IASEs) up to 2006–07.However, in view of the acute shortage of teachers,States have appointed a large number of para-teachersthrough VECs.1.2.29 DIETs have not justified their existence in termsof outcomes despite their existence for about two decades.DIETs were in acute shortage of quality facultyand several DIETs were headless during the Tenth Plan.Structural problems and the absence of linkages withhigher education seem to have isolated DIETs fromcurrent trends in research as well as from the academiccommunity. The quality of teacher training leavesmuch to be desired. SCERTs have also not yet measuredup to their expectations. It appears that qualityfaculty for DIETs needs to be outsourced or else DIETsshould adopt the PPP mode, in partnership withreputed institutions to take up intensive and usefultraining activities. The Eleventh Plan should ensurethat the DIETs fulfil their mandate.1.2.30 A holistic framework cross-connecting variousteacher education institutions ranging from those runby universities and research organizations to SCERTs,DIETs, BRCs, and CRCs is needed. A core team drawnfrom apex agencies and universities should be set upto evolve linkages and to draw up standards for teachereducation, along with a plan for academic support ateach level. This team will also formulate detailed guidelinesfor recruitment of teacher educators, academicresponsibility, affiliation, and accountability.1.2.31 A grading system of DIETs/SCERTs will beevolved through NCERT/State Institute of EducationalManagement and Training (SIEMAT). All teachertraining for elementary education will be broughtunder a single major head. All in-service training, preservicetraining, special courses, training for remedialcoaching, training of master trainers, etc., will bebrought under the aegis of DIETs. BRCs and CRCswill be organically linked with DIETs. All traininginstitutions (NCERT to CRCs) will be properlystrengthened and funded to enable them to conductprogrammes of high standards.1.2.32 The vacant faculty positions in DIETs will befilled on a drive basis. A broad-based faculty developmentprogramme for continuous teacher training andmaster trainers will be in place. DIETs will develop theirown model institutions or set benchmarks in collaborationwith renowned teacher training institutions(TTIs). There will be full-fledged teacher trainingcapacity building from CRCs to NCERT with adequatefunding. A special package for improving teacher educationin NE States needs to be initiated. The RegionalCentre of Indira Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU) and the newly created North East RegionalInstitute of Education of NCERT may be entrusted withthis task. Special support to NE States should also beextended to establish additional teacher education institutions.MHRD will create a teacher education portalgiving details of all teacher education institutions,their calendar of training programmes, curriculum,best teaching/learning practices, self-learning material,theoretical and practical teaching material, etc.1.2.33 The Teacher Education Scheme should beimplemented in partnership with States. Recurringexpenditure on the scheme, including salaries and contingenciesduring the Eleventh Plan period will bemet by GoI to the extent of 100% in 2007–08 and thereafterprogressively reduced by 10% each year to be 90%in 2008–09; 80% in 2009–10; 70% in 2010–11, and 60%in 2011–12 so that gradually the States can take uptheir committed liabilities and hold establishment expenditure.The GoI will bear 100% of the new establishmentand programme components expenditure.1.2.34 The Eleventh Plan would be a Quality Plan inrespect of the education sector. The following specificprogrammes are proposed to be taken up in teachereducation during the Eleventh Plan.• Strengthening Teacher Education by (i) developingTeacher Education Information Base in Public

20 Eleventh Five Year PlanDomain, (ii) creating additional support systems inthe field, and (iii) strengthening academic capacity.• Continuation of existing scheme relating to SCERTs.• Continuation of support to IASEs and CTEs.• Conducting training of Educational Administratorsincluding Head Teachers.• Introducing substitute/stipend scheme for enablingteachers and educational administrators to enhancetheir academic qualifications.• Continuation of support to DIETs.• Augmenting Teacher Education capacity in SC/STand minority areas.• Professional Development of teacher through trainingprogrammes.• Professional Development of Teacher Educatorsthrough Refresher Courses and Fellowshipprogrammes.• Support to NGOs.• Technology in Teacher Education.• Integrating Elementary Teacher Education withHigher Education.NCTE, SCERTs, CTEs, and IASEs1.2.35 National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE) is a statutory body vested with the responsibilityof maintaining quality standards in teachereducation institutions. Performing this task is obviouslylinked to regulating the establishment of TTIsin accordance with specified norms and matchingthe need for qualified teachers. Uncontrolled growthin the number of private TTIs in recent years hasled to unevenness in the quality of teacher traininginstitutions. There has been a mushroom growth oflow-quality private institutions. While NCTE hasbeen very active in southern States and Maharashtra,it is virtually dormant in the eastern States. The existingmechanism for regular monitoring has provedinadequate.1.2.36 SCERTs have been in existence in practicallyall States of the country. Though SCERTs were envisagedas apex institutes for educational research andtraining, the older State-created institutions such asthe State Institutes of Education (SIEs) also continueto function in some States. SIEs and SCERTs will bemerged. New SCERTs could be set up in States that areyet to establish them. Expansion of CTEs and IASEswill be undertaken only on the basis of evaluation byindependent bodies.1.2.37 Pre-service and in-service training programmes,the annual conference of Directors of SCERTs/SIEs,NCERT Awards for innovative practices in teachereducation/school education, etc., have continued to beorganized by the NCERT. Besides NCERT organizesorientation programme for librarians of SCERTs/DIETs. However, NCERT has contributed very little tothe capacity building of the SCERTs. The schemesimplemented by NCERT, particularly those relatingto grants needs to be evaluated by an independentprofessional agency.There is a need to address the teacher training requirementsin polytechnics. Teachers in polytechnics haveto be trained to upgrade their teaching skills due to thechanges in technology. Further, in order to keep pacewith industry, the curriculum of diploma courses willbe revised and its periodic updation made compulsory.VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: REVIEW OFPERFORMANCE IN TENTH PLAN1.2.38 The Kothari Commission on EducationalReforms, 1964–66, had visualized that 25% of the studentsat the secondary stage would go for the vocationalstream. The Kulandaiswamy Committee Reporthad targeted this figure at 15% to be achieved by 2000.According to the recent National Sample SurveyOrganization (NSSO) data, only 5% of the populationof 19–24 age group in India have acquired somesort of skills through VE. The corresponding figurefor Korea is 96%.1.2.39 The CSS of Vocationalization of SecondaryEducation at +2 level is being implemented since 1988.The revised scheme is in operation since 1992–93.The scheme provides financial assistance to States forsetting up administrative structures, carrying out areavocationalsurveys, preparing curriculum guides trainingmanuals, organizing teacher training programmes,strengthening technical support system for researchand development (R&D), etc. It also provides financialassistance to NGOs and voluntary organizations(VO) for implementation of specific innovativeprojects for conducting short-term courses. Under the

20 <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Domain, (ii) creating additional support systems inthe field, and (iii) strengthening academic capacity.• Continuation of existing scheme relating to SCERTs.• Continuation of support to IASEs and CTEs.• Conducting training of Educational Administratorsincluding Head Teachers.• Introducing substitute/stipend scheme for enablingteachers and educational administrators to enhancetheir academic qualifications.• Continuation of support to DIETs.• Augmenting Teacher Education capacity in SC/STand minority areas.• Professional Development of teacher through trainingprogrammes.• Professional Development of Teacher Educatorsthrough Refresher Courses and Fellowshipprogrammes.• Support to NGOs.• Technology in Teacher Education.• Integrating Elementary Teacher Education withHigher Education.NCTE, SCERTs, CTEs, and IASEs1.2.35 National Council for Teacher Education(NCTE) is a statutory body vested with the responsibilityof maintaining quality standards in teachereducation institutions. Performing this task is obviouslylinked to regulating the establishment of TTIsin accordance with specified norms and matchingthe need for qualified teachers. Uncontrolled growthin the number of private TTIs in recent years hasled to unevenness in the quality of teacher traininginstitutions. There has been a mushroom growth oflow-quality private institutions. While NCTE hasbeen very active in southern States and Maharashtra,it is virtually dormant in the eastern States. The existingmechanism for regular monitoring has provedinadequate.1.2.36 SCERTs have been in existence in practicallyall States of the country. Though SCERTs were envisagedas apex institutes for educational research andtraining, the older State-created institutions such asthe State Institutes of Education (SIEs) also continueto function in some States. SIEs and SCERTs will bemerged. New SCERTs could be set up in States that areyet to establish them. Expansion of CTEs and IASEswill be undertaken only on the basis of evaluation byindependent bodies.1.2.37 Pre-service and in-service training programmes,the annual conference of Directors of SCERTs/SIEs,NCERT Awards for innovative practices in teachereducation/school education, etc., have continued to beorganized by the NCERT. Besides NCERT organizesorientation programme for librarians of SCERTs/DIETs. However, NCERT has contributed very little tothe capacity building of the SCERTs. The schemesimplemented by NCERT, particularly those relatingto grants needs to be evaluated by an independentprofessional agency.There is a need to address the teacher training requirementsin polytechnics. Teachers in polytechnics haveto be trained to upgrade their teaching skills due to thechanges in technology. Further, in order to keep pacewith industry, the curriculum of diploma courses willbe revised and its periodic updation made compulsory.VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: REVIEW OFPERFORMANCE IN TENTH PLAN1.2.38 The Kothari Commission on EducationalReforms, 1964–66, had visualized that 25% of the studentsat the secondary stage would go for the vocationalstream. The Kulandaiswamy Committee Reporthad targeted this figure at 15% to be achieved by 2000.According to the recent National Sample SurveyOrganization (NSSO) data, only 5% of the populationof 19–24 age group in India have acquired somesort of skills through VE. The corresponding figurefor Korea is 96%.1.2.39 The CSS of Vocationalization of SecondaryEducation at +2 level is being implemented since 1988.The revised scheme is in operation since 1992–93.The scheme provides financial assistance to States forsetting up administrative structures, carrying out areavocationalsurveys, preparing curriculum guides trainingmanuals, organizing teacher training programmes,strengthening technical support system for researchand development (R&D), etc. It also provides financialassistance to NGOs and voluntary organizations(VO) for implementation of specific innovativeprojects for conducting short-term courses. Under the

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