Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan


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210 <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>high expectations from the ICDS scheme along withlack of proper training, implementation, monitoring,and financial resources are the reasons why ouranganwadis have been unable to deliver. At present,the AWW is expected to perform 21 tasks. In additionto this, given her proximity to the people in thevillages, she is often used for non-ICDS duties. So, inthe <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> targets for child nutrition, healthcare, immunization, early childhood education, etc.will be set for AWWs. Since the condition of childrenand their problems vary from region to region andeven within districts in the country, these targetsand objectives will be district or block specific.At the district-level a committee comprising theDistrict Collector, District Health Officer, womenPanchayat members, and mothers groups will beset up to decide the targets for ICDS. Performanceof the ICDS centres will be evaluated against thesetargets and well-performing centres will be rewarded.Besides, streamlining the work and expectations fromthe AWW, the new ICDS will also tackle issues ofprogramme design, implementation, and financialallocations.6.117 In the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, community involvementwill be the strategy for ensuring better functioningof ICDS centres. Communitization of education hasproved to be a success in Nagaland. Involving thelocal community not only creates a sense of ownershipand facilitates monitoring, it also ensures that theprogram-me is tailored according to local needs.A Village Committee comprising mothers or representatives‘of mothers’ groups, AWW, ANM, ASHA,women Panchayat members will be constituted to lookat issues like appointment of AWWs and helpers(which should take place through an open Gram Sabhawith at least 60% attendance), content of SNP, procurementand preparation, meeting the targets setfor the ICDS, and organization of monthly Motherand Child Health Days. The AWW will be answerableto this committee and the committee should havethe power to recommend to the district-level committee(which will have the power to remove nonperformingworkers) removal of the AWW, ANM,ASHA, or helper by a simple majority. It is this committeethat would be entrusted with the proper use offlexi-funds being suggested for AWCs. Since many ofthe issues are interlinked, the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> proposesthe merging of this committee with the VHSC.6.118 The modalities for the feeding componentpresent some choices. One approach is to rely on hotcooked meals according to local taste and provided atthe anganwadi centres. Preparation of meals will beentrusted to SHGs or mothers’ groups, as per decisionof the Village Committee. An alternative approach isto rely upon RTE micronutrient fortified hygienicallyprepared food. The decision between these two optionsneeds to be based on a careful evaluation of prosand cons and will be an important part of the proposedrestructuring. The choice between the two couldalso be left to decentralized decision making.6.119 Since malnutrition sets in before the age of two,it is very difficult to reverse the process. It is this agegroup (the under threes’) that is often left out of theambit of ICDS. Most centres only provide some formof nutrition to children in the 3–6 years age group.It is therefore, important to recognize the differenttarget groups under ICDS and to understand theirvarying needs. Malnutrition and the cycle of ill-healthoften start with the mother. The first task of theICDS will be to ensure the health nutritional status,ANC, and immunization of pregnant women. Itwill also address the need of proper counselling,iron, folic acid supplements, vital for the health ofboth the mother and the child. The AWW andASHA will promote exclusive breastfeeding for childrenup to six months of age. For this purposesome form of Conditional Maternity Benefits couldbe introduced in the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. Lactating womenwill also be counselled and provided with adequatenutrition.6.120 The second important target group for checkingmalnutrition is children in the six months to threeyears age group. They need proper care and growthmonitoring. Currently, the ICDS programme only providesTake Home Rations (THRs) and in some cases,weaning foods for these children. To tackle malnutritionthe <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will introduce an intensive malnutritioncontrol programme within the ICDS scheme.Under this, 6–8 hour crèches for children under threewill be provided in the most nutritionally backward

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