Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan


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Towards Women’s Agency and Child Rights 205TABLE 6.6Monitorable Targets for the Tenth <strong>Plan</strong> and AchievementsS. No. Indicators Target Set Current Status1. IMR 45 by 2007 and 28 by 2012 57 (NFHS-3) 58 (SRS 2005)2. MMR 2 by 2007 and 1 by 2012 3.01 (SRS 1997–2003)3. Gender gaps in literacy Reduce by at least 50% by 2007 21.70% (Census of India 2001)4. Gender differential in Reduce by 50% by 2007 Ratio of female wage/male wage reduced to 0.59 for rural andwage rates0.75 for urban areas (NSSO, 2004–05). Therefore indicatingincrease in gender differential in wage rates5 Literacy All children in school by 2003 0.95 crore out of school children6. <strong>Five</strong> years of schooling For all children by 2007 Drop out rate for Primary level—29%; Middle Level—50.8%(2004–05)Source: Selected Educational Statistics, MoHRD, 2004–05.TABLE 6.7Health Status of Children in India vis-à-vis in Other E-9 CountriesCountry Name Under-5 mortality Progress towards MDG for %ageof under-5s GDP per capitarate (per thousand) reducing under-5 and Infant with stunting (PPP US$, 2001)1960 2001 Mortality Rates by two-thirds (1995–2001)Bangladesh 248 77 On track 45 1610Brazil 177 36 On Track 11 7360China 225 39 Far Behind 17 4020Egypt 282 41 On Track 19 3520India 242 93 Lagging 46 2840Indonesia 216 45 On Track – 2940Mexico 134 29 On Track 18 8430Nigeria 207 183 Far behind 46 850Pakistan 227 109 Far behind – –E9 Average 218 72 29 3717Source: The State of the World’s Children (2003), UNICEF; Human Development Report (2003), UNDP in ECCE in E-9 Countries:Status and Outlook. Prepared for the Fifth E-9 Ministerial Meeting.6.97 A study by International Labour Organization(ILO) in 2002, 17 found that children of HIV-infectedparents are forced to face significant decline in incomeand heavy discrimination. Children orphaned byAIDS, especially girls, tend to become vulnerable toprostitution due to their disadvantaged socio-culturalstatus. In India, of the 70000 children in urgentneed of ARV treatment, only 1048 (1.5%) are currentlyreceiving this lifesaving therapy. 18 NACO with supportfrom UNICEF, Indian Academy of Paediatrics, ClintonFoundation, WHO, and the GoI has recently launcheda new initiative that had, till May 2007, reached out to4100 children needing ARV.6.98 India also has the largest percentage as well asthe largest absolute number of vitamin A deficientchildren. Water-borne diseases afflict a large numberof children leading to numerous child deaths. Only42% of Indian households have access to pipedwater (NFHS-3) and in the absence of potable water,children continue to suffer from stomach ailments.Diarrhoea, often caused by unsafe drinking water or17Assessing the Socio-economic Impact of HIV/AIDS on People Living with HIV/AIDS, ILO, 2002.18Stop HIV/AIDS in India Initiative, 2005.

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