Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan Eleventh Five Year Plan

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Nutrition and Social Safety Net 145Also, the overall prevalence has increased from 74.2%(1998–99) to 79.2% (2005–06). Nagaland had thelowest prevalence (44.3%), Goa was next (49.3%),followed by Mizoram (51.7%). Bihar had the highestprevalence (87.6%) followed closely by Rajasthan(85.1%), and Karnataka (82.7%). Moderate and severeanaemia is seen even among the educated familiesboth in urban and rural areas. There are inter-Statedifferences in prevalence of anaemia that are perhapsattributable partly to differences in dietary intake andpartly to access to health care.4.1.77 While analysing the data for States with anaemialevel of 70% among children it was found that, exceptfor Punjab, all other States had more than 50% prevalenceof anaemia among pregnant women. This againreiterates the strong relationship between anaemialevels of mothers and children.4.1.78 India was the first developing country to takeup a National Nutritional Anaemia ProphylaxisProgramme (NNAP) in 1972 to prevent anaemiaamong pregnant women and children. However,coverage under the programme needs improvementas only 22.3% of pregnant women consumed ironand folic acid for 90 days and only 50.7% had atleast three antenatal visits for their last child birth(NFHS-3, 2005–06).4.1.79 The current strategy, included as part ofRCH Programme under NRHM, recommends thatpregnant and lactating women, 6–12 months infants,school children, 6–10 year olds, and adolescents (11–18 year old) should be targeted in the NAPP as per therecommended dosage.Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD)4.1.80 IDD is a major public health problem for populationsthroughout the world, particularly for pregnantwomen and young children. They are a threatto the social and economic development of countries.The most devastating outcomes of iodine deficiencyare increased perinatal mortality and mental retardation.Iodine deficiency is the greatest cause of preventablebrain damage in childhood, which is theprimary motivation behind the current worldwidedrive to eliminate it. The main factor responsiblefor iodine deficiency is a low dietary supply ofiodine. It occurs in populations living in areaswhere the soil has low iodine content as a result of pastglaciation or the repeated leaching effects of snow,water, and heavy rainfall. Crops grown in this soil,therefore, do not provide adequate amounts of iodinewhen consumed.4.1.81 Goitre is the most visible manifestation ofIDD. In severely endemic areas, cretinism may affectup to 5–15% of the population. While cretinism isthe most extreme manifestation, of considerablygreater significance are the more subtle degreesof mental impairment leading to poor school performance,reduced intellectual ability, and impaired workcapacity.4.1.82 IDDs have been recognized as a public healthproblem in India since the 1920s. No State in India iscompletely free from IDDs. A third of all children inthe world that are born with IDD-related mental damagelive in India.4.1.83 The Indian National Goitre Control Programme(NGCP) was started in 1962 with a focus on thegoitre belt in the country. However, the programme ofuniversal iodization was introduced only in 1984, whenall edible salt in the market was required to offer 30 ppm(parts per million) iodine at the production level. Thiswas legalized through the PFA (Prevention of FoodAdulteration) Act of 1988 that also banned the availabilityof crystalline salt (non-iodized) as an edibleproduct. It was accepted variably by the different States,some putting only a partial ban and others none atall. Based on the recommendations of the CentralCouncil of Health, the government took a policydecision to iodise the entire edible salt in the countryby 1992. Since 1992, the National Iodine DeficiencyDisorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) is the newname given to the erstwhile NGCP. This change hasbeen effected with a view to cover the wide spectrumof iodine deficiency such as mental and physical retardation,deaf-mutism, and cretinism under theprogramme. Due to various research reports, theCentral Government lifted the ban on the sale of noniodizedsalt in 2000. The States chose to retain orrevoke the ban depending upon their own assessment.

146 Eleventh Five Year PlanIn 2005, a country-wide universal ban on sale of noniodizedsalt for human consumption has again beenpromulgated by the Central Government.4.1.84 Studies indicate that after a certain level, theprevalence of goitre does not decrease by iodinationalone due to role of various other factors like goitrogensin food, pollutants in water, etc. Definite identificationof the active agents and knowledge of theirbiological and physicochemical properties maypermit public health officials to develop proceduresfor eliminating these compounds at the communitylevel and eradicating goitre from endemic areas.4.1.85 Evidence also provides basis to have a freshlook about: iodine as the sole factor in causality;magnitude of the problem as a major public healthproblem universally; effectiveness of universalizationof iodized salt as a measure that leads to decreasinggoitre and other IDD by itself; and possible negativeimpacts on health like increase in hyperthyroidism andhypothyroidism, and interaction with other mineralslike iron.Vitamin A Deficiency4.1.86 VAD has been recognized as a major controllablepublic health and nutritional problem. An estimated5.7% children in India suffer from eye signs ofVAD. Recent evidence suggests that even mild VADprobably increases morbidity and mortality in children,emphasizing the public health importance ofthis disorder.4.1.87 Vitamin A is an important micronutrient formaintaining normal growth, regulating cellular proliferationand differentiation, controlling development,and maintaining visual and reproductive functions.VAD is one of the major deficiencies among lowerincome strata population in India. Human beings cannotproduce this micronutrient in the body itself. Henceit has to be externally provided. This deficiency is seengreater in preschool children and pregnant and lactatingwomen due to higher need for this micronutrient.In severe cases it can even lead to total blindness.4.1.88 Though the prevalence of severe forms ofVAD such as corneal ulcers/softening of cornea(keratomalacia) has in general become rare, Bitot spotswere present in varying magnitudes in different partsof the country (NNMB 2003). The prevalence washigher than the WHO cut-off level of 0.5%, indicatingthe public health significance of the problem of VAD.There is huge inter-State variation in the prevalence ofVAD among children. It is also a matter of concern thatonly 21% children of age 12–35 months received a vitaminA dose in last six months. Less than 10% coverageis reported in Nagaland (8.7%) and UP (7.3%).Only States such as Tamil Nadu (37.2%), Goa (37.3%),Tripura (38.0%), Kerala (38.2%), WB (41.2%), andMizoram (42.2%) have better coverage, though substantiallylow.4.1.89 In India way back in 1970 a National Programmefor Prevention of Nutritional Blindness wasinitiated to fight this deficiency. The beneficiaries ofthis programme were preschool children (1–5 years).Further, the programme was modified in 1992 to coverchildren in the age group of nine months to three yearsonly. Since Tenth Five Year Plan Vitamin A Supplementationexists as an integral component of RCHprogramme that is a part of NRHM.4.1.90 During the past few years, series of expertconsultations were held among various stakeholders.In view of disaggregated age-wise prevalence ofVAD in children (NNMB reports), all these stakeholdersrecommended extending the programme tocover children up to five years. Consequently, MoHFW,GoI, issued guidelines to the States in November2006 extending the programme to cover up to fiveyears.4.1.91 The programme focuses on:• Promoting consumption of vitamin A rich foodsby pregnant and lactating women and by childrenunder five years of age and appropriate breastfeeding.• Administering massive doses of vitamin A up tofive years.– First dose of 100000 IU with measles vaccinationat nine months.– Subsequent doses of 200000 IU each every sixmonths.

146 <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>In 2005, a country-wide universal ban on sale of noniodizedsalt for human consumption has again beenpromulgated by the Central Government.4.1.84 Studies indicate that after a certain level, theprevalence of goitre does not decrease by iodinationalone due to role of various other factors like goitrogensin food, pollutants in water, etc. Definite identificationof the active agents and knowledge of theirbiological and physicochemical properties maypermit public health officials to develop proceduresfor eliminating these compounds at the communitylevel and eradicating goitre from endemic areas.4.1.85 Evidence also provides basis to have a freshlook about: iodine as the sole factor in causality;magnitude of the problem as a major public healthproblem universally; effectiveness of universalizationof iodized salt as a measure that leads to decreasinggoitre and other IDD by itself; and possible negativeimpacts on health like increase in hyperthyroidism andhypothyroidism, and interaction with other mineralslike iron.Vitamin A Deficiency4.1.86 VAD has been recognized as a major controllablepublic health and nutritional problem. An estimated5.7% children in India suffer from eye signs ofVAD. Recent evidence suggests that even mild VADprobably increases morbidity and mortality in children,emphasizing the public health importance ofthis disorder.4.1.87 Vitamin A is an important micronutrient formaintaining normal growth, regulating cellular proliferationand differentiation, controlling development,and maintaining visual and reproductive functions.VAD is one of the major deficiencies among lowerincome strata population in India. Human beings cannotproduce this micronutrient in the body itself. Henceit has to be externally provided. This deficiency is seengreater in preschool children and pregnant and lactatingwomen due to higher need for this micronutrient.In severe cases it can even lead to total blindness.4.1.88 Though the prevalence of severe forms ofVAD such as corneal ulcers/softening of cornea(keratomalacia) has in general become rare, Bitot spotswere present in varying magnitudes in different partsof the country (NNMB 2003). The prevalence washigher than the WHO cut-off level of 0.5%, indicatingthe public health significance of the problem of VAD.There is huge inter-State variation in the prevalence ofVAD among children. It is also a matter of concern thatonly 21% children of age 12–35 months received a vitaminA dose in last six months. Less than 10% coverageis reported in Nagaland (8.7%) and UP (7.3%).Only States such as Tamil Nadu (37.2%), Goa (37.3%),Tripura (38.0%), Kerala (38.2%), WB (41.2%), andMizoram (42.2%) have better coverage, though substantiallylow.4.1.89 In India way back in 1970 a National Programmefor Prevention of Nutritional Blindness wasinitiated to fight this deficiency. The beneficiaries ofthis programme were preschool children (1–5 years).Further, the programme was modified in 1992 to coverchildren in the age group of nine months to three yearsonly. Since Tenth <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Vitamin A Supplementationexists as an integral component of RCHprogramme that is a part of NRHM.4.1.90 During the past few years, series of expertconsultations were held among various stakeholders.In view of disaggregated age-wise prevalence ofVAD in children (NNMB reports), all these stakeholdersrecommended extending the programme tocover children up to five years. Consequently, MoHFW,GoI, issued guidelines to the States in November2006 extending the programme to cover up to fiveyears.4.1.91 The programme focuses on:• Promoting consumption of vitamin A rich foodsby pregnant and lactating women and by childrenunder five years of age and appropriate breastfeeding.• Administering massive doses of vitamin A up tofive years.– First dose of 100000 IU with measles vaccinationat nine months.– Subsequent doses of 200000 IU each every sixmonths.

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