Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan Eleventh Five Year Plan

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Health and Family Welfare and AYUSH 103and PHCs for developing medical rehabilitationservices• To train medical and rehabilitation professionalsin adequate number for providing secondary andtertiary level rehabilitation services• To introduce training programme on DisabilityPrevention, Detection, and Early Intervention atdiploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate level• To provide Rehabilitation Services in MedicalHospitals and evolve strategy of care in the domiciliaryand community set up.PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF DEAFNESS3.1.180 As per WHO estimates, in India, there are 63million hearing impaired, with an estimated prevalenceas 6.3%. A larger percentage of our population suffersfrom milder degrees of hearing impairment, adverselyaffecting productivity, both physical and economic.The objectives in the Eleventh Five Year Plan will be toprevent avoidable hearing loss; identify, diagnose, andtreat conditions responsible for hearing impairment;and medically rehabilitate all hearing impaired.3.1.181 The strategies during the Eleventh Five YearPlan will be:• Strengthening service delivery including rehabilitation• Developing human resources for ear care• Promoting outreach activities and public awarenessusing innovative IEC strategies• Developing institutional capacity of District Hospitals/CHCs/PHCsfor ear care servicesOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH3.1.182 Exposure to chemicals, biological agents,physical factors and adverse ergonomic conditions,allergens, safety risks, and psychological factors oftenafflict working population of all ages. People alsosuffer from injuries, hearing loss, respiratory, musculoskeletal,cardiovascular, reproductive, neurotoxic,dermatological, and psychological effects. Such risksare often preventable. The illness resulting from suchexposures is not identified properly due to lack ofadequate expertise. The work up of the cases by physicianslacking skills to identify such illness leads to unnecessaryuse and waste of scarce medical resources aswell as their own time. Freedom from occupationalillness is essential in today’s competitive world whereworkers’ productivity is an important determinant ofgrowth and development.3.1.183 The objectives of occupational health initiativeduring the Eleventh Five Year Plan will be to promoteand maintain highest degree of physical, mental,and social well-being of workers in all occupations;identify and prevent occupational risks of old as wellas newer technologies such as Information and Nanotechnology; build capacity for prevention, that is, earlyidentification of occupational illness; create an occupationalhealth cell under NRHM in each districtheadquarter, well-equipped to be able to promoteprimary, secondary, as well as tertiary prevention;and establish occupational health services in agriculture,health and other key sectors for placement ofworkers in suitable work and propagating adaptationof work to humans.3.1.184 During the Eleventh Five Year Plan, followingstrategies will be implemented to reduce occupationalhealth problems:• Creating awareness among policymakers on the costof occupational ill health including injuries• Ensuring use of technologies that are safe and freefrom risks to health of the workers• Sensitizing employers as well as workers’ organizationsfor their right to safety and the implication ofinjuries in their lives• Instituting legislation and ensuring proper enforcementfor prevention and control of occupationalill health and compensating those who suffer intractableillness due to work• Building a national data base of occupational illnessand injuries• Monitoring and evaluating programmes and policiesrelated to pollution prevention and control• Establishing surveillance and research on occupationalinjuries and building capacity in healthsector to be able to participate in preventing workrelated illness and injuries• Enforcing safety regulations and standards• Introducing no-fault insurance schemes for allworkers in the formal and informal sectors

104 Eleventh Five Year PlanBLOOD AND BLOOD PRODUCTS3.1.185 A well-organized Blood Transfusion Serviceis a vital component of any health care delivery system.An integrated strategy for Blood Safety is requiredfor elimination of transfusion transmitted infectionsand for provision of safe and adequate blood transfusionservices to the people.3.1.186 During the Eleventh Five Year Plan, theprogramme for Blood and Blood Products to be initiated,will have following objectives:• To reiterate firmly the government commitment toprovide safe and adequate quantity of blood, bloodcomponents, and blood products.• To make available adequate resources to develop andreorganize the blood transfusion services in theentire country.• To make latest technology available for operatingthe blood transfusion services and ensure its functioningin an updated manner.• To launch extensive awareness programmes fordonor information, education, motivation, recruitment,and retention in order to ensure adequateavailability of safe blood.• To encourage appropriate clinical use of bloodand blood products.• To encourage R&D in the field of Transfusion Medicineand related technology.• To take adequate regulatory and legislative steps forME of blood transfusion services and to take stepsto eliminate profiteering in blood banks.Pilot Projects3.1.187 During the Eleventh Five Year Plan, a few pilotprojects would be taken up that will be eventually,depending on the success and experience gained,upscaled and most put under NRHM/NUHM. Theserelate to:• Sports Medicine• Deafness• Leptospirosis Control• Control of Human Rabies• Organ Transplant• Oral Health• Fluorosis• Disability and Medical RehabilitationNational Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)3.1.188 It has been planned to strengthen the NationalInstitute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) as theNCDC to fulfil its role as an apex institute in the country.The NCDC will have two main divisions underits head. One division will look after communicablediseases while the other will look after coordinationof non-communicable disease activities. Budgetaryprovisions have been made for this.Health FinancingFINANCING HEALTH SERVICES3.1.189 The existing level of government expenditureon health in India is about 1%, which is unacceptablylow. Effort will be made to increase the totalexpenditure at the Centre and the States to at least2% of GDP by the end of the Eleventh Five YearPlan. This will be accompanied by innovative healthfinancing mechanisms (Box 3.1.21). The providersin public health system are not given any incentive,which affect the quality, efficiency, and drives themto greener pastures in the private sector. Therefore,incentives that link payment to performance will beintroduced in the public health system.3.1.190 The Eleventh Five Year Plan will experimentwith different systems of PPPs, of which examplesalready exist. The State Governments may have anentitlement system for pregnant women to haveprofessionally supervised deliveries. If properly implemented,it will empower them to exercise choice,as well as create competition in the health servicesector. Contracting out well-specified and delimitedprojects such as immunization may also help increaseaccountability.3.1.191 The problems of indebtedness due to sicknesswill be handled by sensitively devised and carefullyadministered health insurance. CBHI is a promisingidea. Existing experiences in different States showthat well-managed prepayment systems with riskpooling could be effective in protecting people from

104 <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>BLOOD AND BLOOD PRODUCTS3.1.185 A well-organized Blood Transfusion Serviceis a vital component of any health care delivery system.An integrated strategy for Blood Safety is requiredfor elimination of transfusion transmitted infectionsand for provision of safe and adequate blood transfusionservices to the people.3.1.186 During the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, theprogramme for Blood and Blood Products to be initiated,will have following objectives:• To reiterate firmly the government commitment toprovide safe and adequate quantity of blood, bloodcomponents, and blood products.• To make available adequate resources to develop andreorganize the blood transfusion services in theentire country.• To make latest technology available for operatingthe blood transfusion services and ensure its functioningin an updated manner.• To launch extensive awareness programmes fordonor information, education, motivation, recruitment,and retention in order to ensure adequateavailability of safe blood.• To encourage appropriate clinical use of bloodand blood products.• To encourage R&D in the field of Transfusion Medicineand related technology.• To take adequate regulatory and legislative steps forME of blood transfusion services and to take stepsto eliminate profiteering in blood banks.Pilot Projects3.1.187 During the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, a few pilotprojects would be taken up that will be eventually,depending on the success and experience gained,upscaled and most put under NRHM/NUHM. Theserelate to:• Sports Medicine• Deafness• Leptospirosis Control• Control of Human Rabies• Organ Transplant• Oral Health• Fluorosis• Disability and Medical RehabilitationNational Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)3.1.188 It has been planned to strengthen the NationalInstitute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) as theNCDC to fulfil its role as an apex institute in the country.The NCDC will have two main divisions underits head. One division will look after communicablediseases while the other will look after coordinationof non-communicable disease activities. Budgetaryprovisions have been made for this.Health FinancingFINANCING HEALTH SERVICES3.1.189 The existing level of government expenditureon health in India is about 1%, which is unacceptablylow. Effort will be made to increase the totalexpenditure at the Centre and the States to at least2% of GDP by the end of the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong><strong>Plan</strong>. This will be accompanied by innovative healthfinancing mechanisms (Box 3.1.21). The providersin public health system are not given any incentive,which affect the quality, efficiency, and drives themto greener pastures in the private sector. Therefore,incentives that link payment to performance will beintroduced in the public health system.3.1.190 The <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will experimentwith different systems of PPPs, of which examplesalready exist. The State Governments may have anentitlement system for pregnant women to haveprofessionally supervised deliveries. If properly implemented,it will empower them to exercise choice,as well as create competition in the health servicesector. Contracting out well-specified and delimitedprojects such as immunization may also help increaseaccountability.3.1.191 The problems of indebtedness due to sicknesswill be handled by sensitively devised and carefullyadministered health insurance. CBHI is a promisingidea. Existing experiences in different States showthat well-managed prepayment systems with riskpooling could be effective in protecting people from

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