Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan


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Health and Family Welfare and AYUSH 101• Propagating self-screening of common cancers(oral, breast)• Upgrading Oncology Wings in government medicalcolleges• Creating and upgrading Cancer detection and Surgicaland Medical Treatment facilities in DistrictHospitals/Charitable/NGO/Private Hospitals• Promoting research on effective strategies ofprevention, community-based screening, earlydiagnosis, environmental, and behavioural factorsassociated with cancers and development of costeffective vaccines• Creating Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Centres• Monitoring, Evaluation, and SurveillanceNATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR PREVENTION ANDCONTROL OF DIABETES, CVDs, AND STROKE3.1.171 Common risk factors for both CVD anddiabetes are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, andobesity. There is evidence-based information thatNCDs are preventable through integrated and comprehensiveinterventions. Cost-effective interventionsexist and have worked in many countries. The mostsuccessful ones have employed a range of populationwide approaches combined with interventions for theindividuals. Thus, the programme will aim to preventand control common NCDs risk factors throughan integrated approach and to reduce prematuremorbidity and mortality from diabetes, CVD, andstroke. Up scaling based on pilot results will be doneduring the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.3.1.172 During the <strong>Plan</strong>, the objectives of the programmewill be:• Primary prevention of major NCDs through healthpromotion• Surveillance of NCDs and their risk factors in thepopulation• Capacity enhancement of health professionals andhealth systems for diagnosis and appropriate managementof NCDs and their risk factors• Reduction of risk factors in the population• Establishment of National guidelines for managementof NCDs• Development of strategies and policies for preventionby intersectoral coordination• Community empowerment for prevention ofNCDsNATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMME (NMHP)3.1.173 A multipronged strategy to raise awarenessabout issues of mental health and persons with mentalillness with the objective of providing accessibleand affordable treatment, removing ignorance, stigma,and shame attached to it and to facilitate inclusionand acceptance for the mentally ill in our societywill be the basis of the NMHP. Its main objectivewill be to provide basic mental health services to thecommunity and to integrate these with the NRHM.The programme envisages a community and morespecifically family-based approach to the problem.3.1.174 The <strong>Plan</strong> will strengthen District MentalHealth Programme (DMHP) and enhance its visibilityat grass root level by promoting greater family andcommunity participation and creating para professionalsequipped to address the mental health needsof the community from within. It will fill up humanresource gap in the field of psychiatry, psychology,psychiatric social work, and DMHP. The plan willstrive to incorporate mental health modules into theexisting training of health personnel. It will alsoharness NGOs’ and CSOs’ help in this endeavour,especially family care of persons with mental illness,and focus on preventive and restorative componentsof Mental Health. The <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, recognizingthe importance of mental health care, willprovide counselling, medical services, and establishhelp lines for people affected by calamities, riots,violence (including domestic), and other traumas.To achieve these, a greater outlay will be allocated tomental health.3.1.175 During the <strong>Eleventh</strong> <strong>Five</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, the RestrategizedNMHP will be implemented all over thecountry with the following objectives:• To recognize mental illnesses at par with otherillnesses and extending the scope of medicalinsurance and other benefits to individuals sufferingwith them• To have a user friendly drug policy such that thepsychotropic drugs are declared as Essential drugs

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