Basic Principles of Homing Guidance - The Johns Hopkins ...

Basic Principles of Homing Guidance - The Johns Hopkins ... Basic Principles of Homing Guidance - The Johns Hopkins ...


N. F. PALUMBO, R. A. BLAUWKAMP, and J. M. LLOYDand depend on flight conditions, booster assumptions,and other factors. A critical component of implementingthis law is computing an accurate estimate of time-to-gowhen the missile is still thrusting, which depends on thecomponent of missile acceleration along the LOS. Theguidance calculations can be made on board the missileor off board, with acceleration commands passed fromthe weapon control system to the missile where they areconverted to body coordinates.For exoatmospheric flight, drag is no longer an issue,but long flight times will result in curved trajectories asa result of gravity. From the current position, the Lambertsolution (see Ref. 7 for a simple synopsis) definesthe necessary current velocity to reach a terminalintercept point at a given time. A guidance law can be“wrapped around” the Lambert solution to progressivelysteer the missile velocity vector to align with the Lambertvelocity. Then either thrust termination or a slowdownmaneuver can be used to match the magnitude ofthe velocity of the Lambert solution when the missilebooster burns out.CLOSING REMARKSThe key objective of this article was to provide arelatively broad conceptual foundation with respectto homing guidance but also of sufficient depth toadequately support the articles that follow. First, wediscussed handover analysis and emphasized that thedisplacement error between predicted and true targetposition, _ e, can be decomposed into two components:one along ( _ e ) and one perpendicular to ( _ e ⊥ ) the predictedLOS. Thus, because the relative velocity isalong the LOS to the predicted target location, the erroralong this direction alters the time of intercept but doesnot contribute to the final miss distance. It is the errorperpendicular to the LOS that must be removed bythe interceptor after transition to terminal homing toeffect an intercept.Next, we developed a classical form of PN and notedthat a primary advantage of PN, contributing to its longevityas a favored guidance scheme over the last fivedecades, is its relative simplicity of implementation. Infact, the most basic PN implementations require lowlevels of information regarding target motion as comparedwith other, more elaborate schemes, thus simplifyingonboard sensor requirements. Moreover, it hasproven to be relatively reliable and robust. This particular(and somewhat unique) treatment of PN was takenfrom a 1980 APL memorandum written by Alan J. Pue. 1We also discussed how PN can be mechanized for guidedmissile applications, with a focus on LOS reconstructionand guidance command preservation. With respect tohoming guidance, we itemized the primary contributorsto guidance performance degradation that can ultimatelylead to unacceptable miss distance.The onboard missile seeker has a limited effectiverange beyond which target tracking is not possible. Tosupport engagements that initially are beyond such arange, midcourse guidance is used to bring the missilewithin the effective range of the seeker. Thus, in contrastto terminal homing, during the midcourse guidancephase of flight, the target is tracked by an externalsensor and information is uplinked to the missile. Thekey objectives during midcourse guidance are to guidethe missile to a favorable geometry with respect to thetarget for both acquisition by the onboard missile targetingsensor and to provide acceptable handover to terminalhoming. Many of the terminal homing conceptsdiscussed here and in the subsequent articles on modernguidance and guidance filtering in this issue also areapplicable to developing midcourse guidance policies.Thus, mainly for completeness, we briefly introduced theproblem of midcourse guidance.REFERENCES1 Pue, A. J., Proportional Navigation and an Optimal-Aim Guidance Technique,Technical Memorandum F1C(2)80-U-024, JHU/APL, Laurel,MD (7 May 1980).2 Ben-Asher, J. Z., and Yaesh, I., Advances in Missile Guidance Theory,American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA(1998).3 Locke, A. S., Principles of Guided Missile Design, D. Van NostrandCompany, Princeton, NJ (1955).4 Shneydor, N. A., Missile Guidance and Pursuit: Kinematics, Dynamicsand Control, Horwood Publishing, Chichester, England (1998).5 Shukala, U. S., and Mahapatra, P. R., “The Proportional NavigationDilemma—Pure or True?” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 26(2),382–392 (Mar 1990).6 Witte, R. W., and McDonald, R. L., “Standard Missile: GuidanceSystem Development,” Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig. 2(4), 289–298(1981).7 Zarchan, P., Tactical and Strategic Missile Guidance, 4th Ed., AmericanInstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA (1997).8 Stallard, D. V., Classical and Modern Guidance of Homing InterceptorMissiles, Raytheon Report D985005, presented at an MIT Dept. ofAeronautics and Astronautics seminar (Apr 1968).9 Miller, P. W., Analysis of Line-of-Sight Reconstruction Approaches forSM-2 Block IVA RRFD, Technical Memorandum F1E(94)U-2-415,JHU/APL, Laurel, MD (22 Dec 1994).10 Nesline, F. W., and Zarchan, P., “Line-of-Sight Reconstruction forFaster Homing Guidance,” AIAA J. Guid. Control Dyn. 8(1), 3–8(Jan–Feb 1985).11 Lin, C. F., Modern Navigation, Guidance, and Control Processing, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1991).12 Abedor, J. L., Short Range Anti-Air Warfare Engagement Simulation,Technical Memorandum F1E(86)U-3-031, JHU/APL, Laurel, MD(10 Nov 1986).40JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 1 (2010)

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HOMING GUIDANCEThe AuthorsNeil F. Palumbo is a member of APL’s Principal Professional Staff and is the Group Supervisor of the Guidance,Navigation, and Control Group within the Air and Missile Defense Department (AMDD). He joined APL in 1993after having received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Temple University that same year. His interests includecontrol and estimation theory, fault-tolerant restructurable control systems, and neuro-fuzzy inference systems.Dr. Palumbo also is a lecturer for the JHU Whiting School’s Engineering for Professionals program. He is a memberof the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.Ross A. Blauwkamp received a B.S.E. degree from Calvin College in 1991 and an M.S.E. degree from the Universityof Illinois in 1996; both degrees are in electrical engineering. He is pursuing a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.Mr. Blauwkamp joined APL in May 2000 and currently is the supervisor of the Advanced Concepts and SimulationTechniques Section in the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group of AMDD. His interests include dynamic games,nonlinear control, and numerical methods for control. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Justin M. Lloyd is a member of the APL SeniorProfessional Staff in the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group of AMDD. He holds a B.S. in mechanical engineeringfrom North Carolina State University and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University. Currently, Mr. Lloydis pursuing his Ph.D. in electrical engineeringat The Johns Hopkins University. He joinedAPL in 2004 and conducts work in optimization;advanced missile guidance, navigation, and control;and integrated controller design. For furtherinformation on the work reported here, contactNeil Palumbo. His email address is neil.palumbo@Neil F. Palumbo Ross A. Blauwkamp Justin M. Lloyd Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 1 (2010)41­

N. F. PALUMBO, R. A. BLAUWKAMP, and J. M. LLOYDand depend on flight conditions, booster assumptions,and other factors. A critical component <strong>of</strong> implementingthis law is computing an accurate estimate <strong>of</strong> time-to-gowhen the missile is still thrusting, which depends on thecomponent <strong>of</strong> missile acceleration along the LOS. <strong>The</strong>guidance calculations can be made on board the missileor <strong>of</strong>f board, with acceleration commands passed fromthe weapon control system to the missile where they areconverted to body coordinates.For exoatmospheric flight, drag is no longer an issue,but long flight times will result in curved trajectories asa result <strong>of</strong> gravity. From the current position, the Lambertsolution (see Ref. 7 for a simple synopsis) definesthe necessary current velocity to reach a terminalintercept point at a given time. A guidance law can be“wrapped around” the Lambert solution to progressivelysteer the missile velocity vector to align with the Lambertvelocity. <strong>The</strong>n either thrust termination or a slowdownmaneuver can be used to match the magnitude <strong>of</strong>the velocity <strong>of</strong> the Lambert solution when the missilebooster burns out.CLOSING REMARKS<strong>The</strong> key objective <strong>of</strong> this article was to provide arelatively broad conceptual foundation with respectto homing guidance but also <strong>of</strong> sufficient depth toadequately support the articles that follow. First, wediscussed handover analysis and emphasized that thedisplacement error between predicted and true targetposition, _ e, can be decomposed into two components:one along ( _ e ) and one perpendicular to ( _ e ⊥ ) the predictedLOS. Thus, because the relative velocity isalong the LOS to the predicted target location, the erroralong this direction alters the time <strong>of</strong> intercept but doesnot contribute to the final miss distance. It is the errorperpendicular to the LOS that must be removed bythe interceptor after transition to terminal homing toeffect an intercept.Next, we developed a classical form <strong>of</strong> PN and notedthat a primary advantage <strong>of</strong> PN, contributing to its longevityas a favored guidance scheme over the last fivedecades, is its relative simplicity <strong>of</strong> implementation. Infact, the most basic PN implementations require lowlevels <strong>of</strong> information regarding target motion as comparedwith other, more elaborate schemes, thus simplifyingonboard sensor requirements. Moreover, it hasproven to be relatively reliable and robust. This particular(and somewhat unique) treatment <strong>of</strong> PN was takenfrom a 1980 APL memorandum written by Alan J. Pue. 1We also discussed how PN can be mechanized for guidedmissile applications, with a focus on LOS reconstructionand guidance command preservation. With respect tohoming guidance, we itemized the primary contributorsto guidance performance degradation that can ultimatelylead to unacceptable miss distance.<strong>The</strong> onboard missile seeker has a limited effectiverange beyond which target tracking is not possible. Tosupport engagements that initially are beyond such arange, midcourse guidance is used to bring the missilewithin the effective range <strong>of</strong> the seeker. Thus, in contrastto terminal homing, during the midcourse guidancephase <strong>of</strong> flight, the target is tracked by an externalsensor and information is uplinked to the missile. <strong>The</strong>key objectives during midcourse guidance are to guidethe missile to a favorable geometry with respect to thetarget for both acquisition by the onboard missile targetingsensor and to provide acceptable handover to terminalhoming. Many <strong>of</strong> the terminal homing conceptsdiscussed here and in the subsequent articles on modernguidance and guidance filtering in this issue also areapplicable to developing midcourse guidance policies.Thus, mainly for completeness, we briefly introduced theproblem <strong>of</strong> midcourse guidance.REFERENCES1 Pue, A. J., Proportional Navigation and an Optimal-Aim <strong>Guidance</strong> Technique,Technical Memorandum F1C(2)80-U-024, JHU/APL, Laurel,MD (7 May 1980).2 Ben-Asher, J. Z., and Yaesh, I., Advances in Missile <strong>Guidance</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory,American Institute <strong>of</strong> Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA(1998).3 Locke, A. S., <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> Guided Missile Design, D. Van NostrandCompany, Princeton, NJ (1955).4 Shneydor, N. A., Missile <strong>Guidance</strong> and Pursuit: Kinematics, Dynamicsand Control, Horwood Publishing, Chichester, England (1998).5 Shukala, U. S., and Mahapatra, P. R., “<strong>The</strong> Proportional NavigationDilemma—Pure or True?” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 26(2),382–392 (Mar 1990).6 Witte, R. W., and McDonald, R. L., “Standard Missile: <strong>Guidance</strong>System Development,” <strong>Johns</strong> <strong>Hopkins</strong> APL Tech. Dig. 2(4), 289–298(1981).7 Zarchan, P., Tactical and Strategic Missile <strong>Guidance</strong>, 4th Ed., AmericanInstitute <strong>of</strong> Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA (1997).8 Stallard, D. V., Classical and Modern <strong>Guidance</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Homing</strong> InterceptorMissiles, Raytheon Report D985005, presented at an MIT Dept. <strong>of</strong>Aeronautics and Astronautics seminar (Apr 1968).9 Miller, P. W., Analysis <strong>of</strong> Line-<strong>of</strong>-Sight Reconstruction Approaches forSM-2 Block IVA RRFD, Technical Memorandum F1E(94)U-2-415,JHU/APL, Laurel, MD (22 Dec 1994).10 Nesline, F. W., and Zarchan, P., “Line-<strong>of</strong>-Sight Reconstruction forFaster <strong>Homing</strong> <strong>Guidance</strong>,” AIAA J. Guid. Control Dyn. 8(1), 3–8(Jan–Feb 1985).11 Lin, C. F., Modern Navigation, <strong>Guidance</strong>, and Control Processing, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1991).12 Abedor, J. L., Short Range Anti-Air Warfare Engagement Simulation,Technical Memorandum F1E(86)U-3-031, JHU/APL, Laurel, MD(10 Nov 1986).40JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 1 (2010)

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