Basic Principles of Homing Guidance - The Johns Hopkins ...

Basic Principles of Homing Guidance - The Johns Hopkins ... Basic Principles of Homing Guidance - The Johns Hopkins ...


BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HOMING GUIDANCERadome bse(radome error)bseApparent LOSTrue LOSSeeker centerline (Seeker gimbal angle)Missile body axis bser (slope)Using the fact that the seeker dish angle can be writtenas = c + b, we obtain the following expression for thederivative of the measured tracking error:. m= l . – (1 – r)ḃ – ċ . (33)Using Eq. 33, we can modify the block diagram shown inFig. 5 to include the dome distortion effect (via Eq. 33).The result is shown in Fig. 11. Clearly, the boresight errorcreates another signal path in the missile guidance loop.To obtain an alternate view of this parasitic loopand how it can affect guidance performance, we revisitEq. 32. Referring to Fig. 3, we note that the seekergimbal angle can be expressed as b = – c and thatthe measured LOS can be written as l m= + m. Alsonoting that it is typical for r

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF HOMING GUIDANCERadome bse(radome error)bseApparent LOSTrue LOSSeeker centerline (Seeker gimbal angle)Missile body axis bser (slope)Using the fact that the seeker dish angle can be writtenas = c + b, we obtain the following expression for thederivative <strong>of</strong> the measured tracking error:. m= l . – (1 – r)ḃ – ċ . (33)Using Eq. 33, we can modify the block diagram shown inFig. 5 to include the dome distortion effect (via Eq. 33).<strong>The</strong> result is shown in Fig. 11. Clearly, the boresight errorcreates another signal path in the missile guidance loop.To obtain an alternate view <strong>of</strong> this parasitic loopand how it can affect guidance performance, we revisitEq. 32. Referring to Fig. 3, we note that the seekergimbal angle can be expressed as b = – c and thatthe measured LOS can be written as l m= + m. Alsonoting that it is typical for r

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