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PAT December, 2012; 8 (2): 68-75 ISSN: 0794-5213Online copy available atwww.patnsukjournal.net/currentissue<strong>Publication</strong> of Nasarawa State University, KeffiComparison <strong>and</strong> Prediction of Morphological Characteristics of Frizzled FrizzledFeather <strong>and</strong> Naked Neck Chicken in Derived Savannah zone.*Ige,A.O 1 .,**Salako, A.E.,***Yakubu,A.,*Ojedapo,L.O.,*Adedeji,T.A., <strong>and</strong>****Adeoti, T.M*Animal production <strong>and</strong> Health Department Ladoke Akintloa University of <strong>Technology</strong>, Ogbomoso Nigeria.**Animal Science Department University Of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria.***Animal Science Department Nassarawa State University Lafia Keffi Nigeria****Department of Agricultural <strong>Technology</strong>, Polythecnic Ibadan, Saki Campus1 Author for Correspondence:igeazeemng50@yahoo.comAbstractEffect of major genes on morphological characteristics of indigenous chickens in derivedsavannah zone was studied. The two major genes were adult frizzled feathered <strong>and</strong> naked neckchickens. The traits measured were Body weight, (BW), Chest circumference (CC), ShankLength (SL), Body Length (BL), Thigh Length (TL) <strong>and</strong> Comb Height (CH). Naked Neck(1.69kg) chickens showed higher body weight (P>0.05) than frizzled feathered (1.44kg). Shanklength, thigh length <strong>and</strong> body length showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between thetwo genes studied. Body weight predicted using chest circumference gave the highestcoefficient of determination (R 2 ) in both genotypes. Further addition of body measurementshowed significant improvement in (R 2 ) in both genotypes.Body weight was positively <strong>and</strong>significantly (P

PAT 2012; 8 (2): 68-75: ISSN: 0794-5213; Ige et al: Comparison <strong>and</strong> Prediction of Morphological ….… 70of Osogbo (Capital of Osun State). It lies approximately 4 0 15' on the longitude <strong>and</strong>latitude 8 0 7' North of the equator (Oladuntan <strong>and</strong> Oladimeji 1999).Data CollectionThe study was conducted on 98 adult local chickens comprising of 56 frizzledfeathered chickens <strong>and</strong> 42 Naked Neck chickens. They were extensively managedwithin the derived savannah zone of Nigeria. They were individually assessed for somebody measurement. Body measurement taken on each animal were body weight (BW),Shank Length (SL), shank width (SW) thigh length (TL),body length (BL),body girth(BG) comb length (CL) thigh <strong>and</strong> comb height (CH).Live body weight was measured inkilograms using weighing scale <strong>and</strong> others body measurement with use of Tailors taperule (cm) <strong>and</strong> vernier caliper (mm). The reference points <strong>and</strong> procedure for bodymeasurement were as prescribed is elsewhere in Ige et al (2006) <strong>and</strong> Gueye et al(1998).Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance Pearsons correlationcoefficients were estimated between body weight (BW) <strong>and</strong> all the bodymeasurements, using general linear model (SPSS 1990).The following statistical model was usedY ij = m + S i + e ijWhere Y ij = Estimated value for body weight or body measurementm = Population MeanS i = Fixed effect of genotypee ij = Residual ErrorThe generalized prediction model adapted is as follows:kwhereY ij = a + åb i x i + e ii=kY i = Dependent variable (body weight)a = Intercept on the y-axisb i = Partial regression coefficientsx = Independent variable (i.e the linear body measurement)e i = R<strong>and</strong>om error, identically, independently <strong>and</strong> normally distributed with zeromean <strong>and</strong> constant variance {N, D (O, s 2 )}Results <strong>and</strong> DiscussionTable 1 show the mean values for body weight <strong>and</strong> body parameters studied NakedNeck chickens showed highest values for body weight (1.68kg) than frizzled feather

PAT 2012; 8 (2): 68-75: ISSN: 0794-5213; Ige et al: Comparison <strong>and</strong> Prediction of Morphological ….… 71chickens (1.44kg). This is in line with report of Fayeye et al (2006), it also agreed withworks of Ige et al (2006) <strong>and</strong> Nwosu <strong>and</strong> Asuquo (1980). Average shank length of2.8±0.23cm <strong>and</strong> 2.0±0.11cm (P0.05) between the two genotypes, however higher value wasobtained for Naked Neck.Average chest circumference of 12.4cm <strong>and</strong> 12.3cm for Naked Neck <strong>and</strong> frizzledfeathered was not significantly different (P>0.05), this is in line with the report ofOluyemi <strong>and</strong> Ogunmodede (1976).Genotype has no significant effect (P>0.05) on comblength <strong>and</strong> comb height in this study.Table 2 showed the phenotypic correlation between body weight <strong>and</strong> bodymeasurements in both genotypes. The correlation were positive <strong>and</strong> significant (P

PAT 2012; 8 (2): 68-75: ISSN: 0794-5213; Ige et al: Comparison <strong>and</strong> Prediction of Morphological ….… 72Conclusively, this study established that Naked Neck chickens were heavier thanfrizzled feathered chicken <strong>and</strong> no significant differences was observed in correlation<strong>and</strong> regression study between the two major genes, further studies should be extended toprotein <strong>and</strong> DNA level, to establish genetic diversity between the two genes forconservation <strong>and</strong> breeding purpose.ReferencesKaizer D. (1990). Improvement of traditional poultry keeping in Nigeria. Inproceedings. CTA Seminar, 3 rd International Symposium on poultryproduction in hot climates, Hameln Germany, 12 June 1987.FOS (Federal Office of Statistics) 1986 Annual abstract of statistics. FOS LagosNigeria.Obioha, F.C.,Nwosu, C.C., Gowen, F, Etim, D.B.,Obanu Z., Themel<strong>and</strong>i E.<strong>and</strong>Onuora G.I. (1983). Comparative meat yield <strong>and</strong> arthropometric indices ofthe Nigerian native chicken <strong>and</strong> an exotic strain world Review of Animal<strong>Production</strong> 19 (1): 58-64.Obanu L.A.; Obioha F.C, <strong>and</strong> Nwafor W.A. (1994). World Rev. of Anim.Prod20:53-57.NRC (1993). Managing global genetic resources. Livestock committee on managingglobal genetic resources. Washington DC, USA.Bessei, W (1989). Preservation of local poultry stocks. In genotype environmentInteractions in poultry production. Report of a meeting, Joiu-en-Josas, France, 9-11 May 1989. Colloques delINRA, No. 50 p 175-158.Ibe S.N. (1993).Growth performance of normal, frizzle <strong>and</strong> Naked Neck chickens ina tropical environment. Nigerian <strong>Journal</strong> of Animal <strong>Production</strong> 20:26-31.Ebehart D.E. <strong>and</strong> Washburn W. (1993). Assessing the effect of the Naked Neckgene in chronic heat stress resistance in two genetic population. PoultryScience 72:1391-1399.Horst, P. 1988. Native fowl as reservoir for genomes <strong>and</strong> major genes with direct<strong>and</strong> indirect effects on production adaptability. In Proceedings, 18thWorld Poultry Congress, Nagoya, Japan, 49 September 1988, p. 105.Ige A.O., Akinlade J.A., Ojedapo L.O., Oladunjoye I.O., Amao S.R,<strong>and</strong>Animasahun A.O. (2006). Effect of sex on interrelationship betweenweight <strong>and</strong> linear body measurements of commercial broilers in aderived savannah environment of Nigeria. Proc 11 th Ann.Conf. Animalscience of Nig. Sept 18-26, 2006. I.A. R.P T Ibadan pg 231-2331Gueye E.F, A. Ndiaye <strong>and</strong> R.D.S. Branckaert (1998). Prediction of body weight onthe basis of body measurements in mature indigenous chickens in Senegal

PAT 2012; 8 (2): 68-75: ISSN: 0794-5213; Ige et al: Comparison <strong>and</strong> Prediction of Morphological ….… 74chickens. Paper presented at the workshop of African Networkfor rural poultry development, M’Bour, Senegal, December 1997, 8pagesTable 1: Mean values for body weight (BW) <strong>and</strong> linear body measurement of NakedNeck (Na) <strong>and</strong> frizzled feathered (f) chickenGenotypesTraits Naked Neck Frizzled feathered SignificantBody weight (kg) 1.69±0.27 1.44±0.34 XxBody measurement (cm)Shank length 2.8±0.23 2.9±0.16 XxShank width 0.75±0.13 0.69±0.20 XxThigh length 1.09±0.98 1.25±0.35 XxBody length 4.5±0.35 4.27±0.63 XxChest circumference 12.44±0.55 12.3±0.54 XxComb length (mm) 12.2±0.54 13.0±0.07 XxComb height (mm) 1.39±1.51 0.34±0.41 Xxxx (P0.05)xx = Significant (P

PAT 2012; 8 (2): 68-75: ISSN: 0794-5213; Ige et al: Comparison <strong>and</strong> Prediction of Morphological ….… 75Table 3: Regression equation on the basis of body measurement for frizzled featheredchickenRegression equation R 2 SignificantBW = -2.12+1.23SL 0.38 XxBW = 0.81+0.10BL 0.03 XxBW = -2.08+0.293CC 0.69 XxBW = 0.39 +0.42TL 0.22 NsBW = 1.86 +0.66SL +0.35SW 0.23TL 0.11BL 0.83 Xx+0.21CC +0.25CL 0.03CHBW = -1.9+0.053SL +0.30CH 0.50 XxBW = 1.9 + 0.5BL +0.3CH 0.69 XxBW = - 2.13 +0.23BG - 0.88SW 0.64 XxBody Weight= BW, Shank Length= SL, Shank Width=SW, Thigh Length=TL, Body Length=BLChest Circumference=CC, Comb Length=CL, Comb Height=CHTable 4: Regression equation on the basis of body measurement for Naked NeckchickenRegression equation R 2 SignificantBW = 5.47+1.46SL +1.35 SW 0.98TL 0.13BL 0.3CC+0.0037CL 0.14CH0.82 xxBW = - 0.32 +0.43SL +0.45SW 0.47 xxBW =- 1.714 +0.27CC 0.63 xxBW = - 2.87 +0.33BL +0.47TL 0.513 xxBW = 2.26 +0.16SL 0.26 xxxx (P

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