E-Governance for Good Governance Madhya Pradesh

E-Governance for Good Governance Madhya Pradesh E-Governance for Good Governance Madhya Pradesh


Call Center– Operational from 25 th Sept 2008– Serving as a tool <strong>for</strong> good governance– 325 services of 20 departments on board– 4000 calls per day - 300 complaints register per day– 30 lacs calls received till date


e-UparjanComputerization of WheatProcurement SystemDepartment of Foodand Civil Supplies<strong>Madhya</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>

Queues of trolleys

To strengthen the Procurement operations(under MSP) in the State. To develop the unified database of farmersof the state.• Develop the nearly real-time reporting mechanismat different level. To facilitate Farmers of the State <strong>for</strong> selling grainson MSP. Procurement <strong>for</strong>ecasting and Identification ofgenuine farmers. Transparency and citizen interface. Develop the real time alert mechanism <strong>for</strong> farmers<strong>for</strong> procurement operations

Implementation ApproachFarmerRegistrationHardwareProcurement andInstallationEPocurementApplicationDevelopmentTrainingManpowerRecruitment

ScopeThe scope of the project included: Registration of Farmers – To develop the unifieddatabase of farmer’s,Hardware Supply and Installation – Hardware will beprovided at procurement centers .Application Development - eProcurement Application willbe develop by NIC with some level of customization.Manpower Recruitment - Recruitment of Data EntryOperators and Runners at society level.Training – "Train-the-Trainer" approach will be adopted.Project Management - For monitoring and evaluation

Decision Support System –Availability of in<strong>for</strong>mation on stocks of wheat and rice in thestate will help the decision makers to take policy decisions tomaintain sufficient stocks required <strong>for</strong> public distributionsystem.Monitoring and TrackingSMS alert mechanism <strong>for</strong> FarmersTransparency and citizen interfaceDevelop the nearly real-time reporting mechanismSystem generated ordersDevelop Offline connectivity

E- Uparjan – Process BriefFarmer RegistrationWheat Procurement5CSCs / Kiosk2Procurement CenterProcurement TransactionPer<strong>for</strong>medand Receipt is givento Farmer61FarmerSlip withRegistrationCode is givento Farmer3Farmer goes toProcurementCenter on DateFarmer4Amount is credit toFarmers AccountBankAdvance SMS alert sent toFarmer intimating about theDate of ProcurementDepartment of Food and Civil Supply

E- Uparjan – Concept of Bike RunnerState Level UsersDistrict Level UsersUp Load the Transaction dataDown load file from system and upload tooffline moduleProcurementCenter 1ProcurementCenter 2ProcurementCenter 3ProcurementCenter 4ProcurementCenter 5ProcurementCenter 6Procurement Centers without ConnectivityConnectivityDepartment of Food and Civil Supply 23

Responsibilities of DIOs and DEOs‣ Hardware verification at procurement Center level .‣ Offline Application Installation at Procurement Centres.‣ Ensure that farmer data is timely uploaded to procurement center system (laptps) .‣ Ensure Data Cleaning in respective districts .‣ Part of Patrolling Team during procurement season .‣ Trouble shooting and application support as and when required.‣ District level officials , Data Entry Operator ( Society ) and Motorbike Runner .‣ Assist district level officials in understanding of application features (if Required)‣ Regular report generation to provide decision support to Collectors and monitoring.Department of Food and Civil Supply24

Department of Food and Civil Supply 25

• हाई टेकपूर्व में IT के प्रति धारणा• बडे िकनीकी संस्थानों हेिु• सामान्य जन से दूरर्िवमान में IT का उपयोग (एर्ं लक्ष्य )• अन््योदय का पयावय• सामान्य जन हेिु

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