Equivariant Cohomological Chern Characters

Equivariant Cohomological Chern Characters

Equivariant Cohomological Chern Characters


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the G-cohomology theory BHG ∗ . Consider a G-CW -complex X with G-CW -subcomplexes A, B ⊆ X. For two contravariant ROr(G; F)-chain complexes C ∗and D ∗ define the contravariant ROr(G; F)-chain complexes C ∗ ⊗ R D ∗ by sendingG/H to the tensor product of R-chain complexes C ∗ (G/H) ⊗ R D ∗ (G/H).Leta ∗ : C∗ROr(G;F) (X, A) ⊗ R C∗ ROr(G;F) (X, B)∼ =−→ C∗ROr(G;F) ((X, A) × (X, B))be the isomorphism of ROr(G; F)-chain complexes which is given for an objectG/H by the natural isomorphism of cellular R-chain complexesC ∗ (X H , A H ) ⊗ R C ∗ (X H , B H ) ∼= −→ C ∗ ((X H , A H ) × (X H , B H )).The multiplicative structure on HG ∗ yields a map of contravariant ROr(G; F)-modulesc: H q G (G/?) ⊗ R H q G(G/?) → Hq+qG(G/?).Let∆: (X; A ∪ B) → (X, A) × (X, B), x ↦→ (x, x)be the diagonal embedding. Define a R-cochain map by the composite()b ∗ : hom ROr(G;F) C∗ ROr(G;F) (X, A), H q G (G/?)hom ROr(G;F)(⊗ R hom ROr(G;F)(C ROr(G;F)∗ (X, B), H q′G (G/?) )C∗ROr(G;F)hom ROr(G;F)((a ∗) −1 ,c)(−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ hom ROr(G;F)⊗R−−→(X, A) ⊗ R C ROr(G;F)∗ (X, B), H q G (G/?) ⊗ R H q′G (G/?) )C∗ROr(G;F)(hom ROr(G;F) (C ROr(G;F)∗ (∆),id)−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ hom ROr(G;F) C∗ROr(G;F)There is a canonical R-mapH ∗ (C ∗ ⊗ R D ∗ ) → H ∗ (C ∗ ⊗ R D ∗ )((X, A) × (X, B)), H q+q′G (G/?) )(X, A ∪ B), H q+q′G (G/?) ).for two R-cochain complexes C ∗ and D ∗ . This map together with the mapinduced by b ∗ on cohomology yields an R-homomorphismH p ROr(G;F) (X, A; Hq G (G/?)) ⊗ R H p′ROr(G;F)(X, B; Hq′G (G/?))→ H p+p′ROr(G;F) (X, A ∪ B; Hq G (G/?)) .The collection of these R-homomorphisms yields the desired multiplicative structureon BHG ∗ . We leave it to the reader to check that the axioms of a multiplicativestructure on BHG ∗ are satisfied and that all these are compatible with theinduction structure so that we obtain a multiplicative structure on the equivariantcohomology theory BH? ∗ .We also omit the lengthy but straightforward proof of the following resultwhich is based on Theorem 4.6, Lemma 6.2 and the compatibility of the multiplicativestructure with the induction structure.27

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