Equivariant Cohomological Chern Characters

Equivariant Cohomological Chern Characters

Equivariant Cohomological Chern Characters


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if we defineT H (K q (BH)) :=⎛⎞ker ⎝ ∏K q (BK → BH): K q (BH) → ∏K q (BK) ⎠ .KHKHIf (X, A) is relative finite or if K ∗ satisfies the disjoint union axiom, then thesemaps ch n G(X, A) are bijective.Remark 5.7. We mention that this does not prove Theorem 0.1 since we cannotapply it to K ∗ := K ∗ ⊗ Z Q. The problem is that K ∗ ⊗ Z Q defines all axiomsof a cohomology theory but not the disjoint union axiom. But this is neededif we want to deal with classifying spaces BG of groups which are not finiteCW -complexes, for instance of groups containing torsion (see also Remark 1.2and Example 1.3).A proof of Theorem 0.1 will be given in [11].Example 5.8 (<strong>Equivariant</strong> K-theory and Mackey structures). In Example1.7 we have introduced the equivariant cohomology theory K? ∗ given bytopological K-theory. Recall that it takes values in R-modules for R = Z. Noticethat for a finite group H we get an identification of KH 0 ({pt.}) with thecomplex representation ring R(H) and the associated contravariant functorK q ?: FGINJ → R - MOD, H↦→ Kq H({pt.}) = R(?)sends an injective group homomorphism α: H → G of finite groups to thehomomorphism of abelian groups R(G) → R(H) given by restriction with α.Induction with α induces a covariant functor H ↦→ R(H) and it turns out thatthis defines a Mackey structure on K q ? .For rationalized equivariant topological K-theory K ∗ ? ⊗ Z Q the equivariant<strong>Chern</strong> character of Theorem 5.5 can be identified with the one constructed in[12] for proper relative finite G-CW -pairs (X, A).6. Multiplicative StructuresNext we want to introduce a multiplicative structure on a proper equivariantcohomology theory H? ∗ and show that it induces one on the associated Bredoncohomology BH? ∗ such that the equivariant <strong>Chern</strong> character is compatible withit.We begin with the non-equivariant case. Let H ∗ be a (non-equivariant) cohomologytheory with values in R-modules. A multiplicative structure assigns to aCW -complex X with CW -subcomplexes A, B ⊆ X natural R-homomorphisms∪: H n (X, A) ⊗ R H n′ (X, B) → H n+n′ (X, A ∪ B). (6.1)25

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