4 - City of Oxford

4 - City of Oxford

4 - City of Oxford


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97768— iwc•letALttoin<br />


(2) Unless the actual revenues <strong>of</strong> the electric distribution<br />

system for the last three (3) completed fiscal<br />

years prior to the issuance <strong>of</strong> such additional<br />

bonds shall have been sufficient, after the deduction<br />

<strong>of</strong> all expenses <strong>of</strong> operation and maintenance, to provide<br />

an average annual sum equal to or exceeding the<br />

total <strong>of</strong> the following amounts: (i) 120% <strong>of</strong> the<br />

greatest amount that will come due in any fiscal year<br />

as principal <strong>of</strong> and interest on all then outstanding<br />

bonds <strong>of</strong> said <strong>City</strong> which are payable from the revenues<br />

<strong>of</strong> said electric distribution system, plus (ii)<br />

120% <strong>of</strong> the greatest amount which will come due in<br />

any fiscal year as principal <strong>of</strong> and interest on such<br />

additional bonds during their term, in which event<br />

additional bonds may be issued on a parity with the<br />

bonds herein directed to be issued.<br />

(e) That proper books <strong>of</strong> records and accounts (separate from all<br />

other records and accounts) shall be kept, in which complete and<br />

correct entries shall be made <strong>of</strong> all transactions relating to said<br />

electric distribution system, and said <strong>City</strong> shall furnish to any<br />

holder <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> said bonds, upon written request not more than<br />

thirty (30) days after the close <strong>of</strong> each fiscal year, complete<br />

operating and income statements <strong>of</strong> said system covering such<br />

period.<br />

(f) That any holder or holders or any purchaser <strong>of</strong> not less than<br />

twenty-five per centum (25%) in principal amount <strong>of</strong> said bonds<br />

then outstanding shall be permitted to inspect at all reasonable<br />

times said electric distribution system and all records, accounts,<br />

and data relating thereto.<br />

(g) That any holder or holders or any purchaser <strong>of</strong> twenty-five<br />

per centum (25%) in principal amount <strong>of</strong> said bonds then outstanding<br />

shall be furnished all data and information relating to said<br />

electric distribution system which reasonably may be requested.<br />

SECTION 7. That from and after the delivery <strong>of</strong> any bonds issued hereunder,<br />

and as long as any <strong>of</strong> said bonds shall be outstanding, the said electric distri4. 0 '<br />

bution system shall continue to be operated on a fiscal year basis, commencing<br />

on the firEt day <strong>of</strong> July in each year and ending on the last day <strong>of</strong> June in<br />

each year, and the income and revenues <strong>of</strong> said system shall continue to be set<br />

aside and deposited in a Fund which is designated the "ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND".<br />

Moneys in said Fund shall be set aside for, allocated to, and deposited in the<br />

following separate and special funds:<br />

(a) Into a Fund designated the "ELECTRIC INTEREST AND BOND<br />

REDEMPTION FUND" sums sufficient for the payment <strong>of</strong> the principal<br />

<strong>of</strong> and the interest on said bonds which will accrue<br />

during such fiscal year. Such allocation and deposit shall<br />

be in addition to the allocations and deposits required to<br />

be made for the payment <strong>of</strong> principal <strong>of</strong> and interest on the<br />

outstanding Electric Distribution System Revenue Bonds,<br />

Series 1958, the outstanding Electric Revenue Bonds, Series<br />

1963, and the outstanding Electric Revenue Bonds, Series<br />

1967, and said Fund shall be used only for the Payment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the principal <strong>of</strong> and the interest on the bonds herein<br />

authorized to be issued and the said outstanding bonds.<br />

(b) Into a Fund designated the "ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAIN-<br />

TENANCE FUND" sums sufficient to provide for the payment <strong>of</strong><br />

reasonable expenses <strong>of</strong> operation and reasonable expenses <strong>of</strong><br />

maintaining said electric distribution system in good repair<br />

and working order.

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