pdf/7487 KB - GGOS Portal

pdf/7487 KB - GGOS Portal

pdf/7487 KB - GGOS Portal


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GEO and GEOSS: A Brief Introduction2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg,South Africa:Urgent need for coordinated observations of the state of the EarthJune 2003: G8 Meeting in Evian:re-emphasizes the importance of Earth ObservationsJuly 2003: First Earth Observation Summit (EOS-I) inand IUGGWashington, DC with 33 Countries+EC and 21 international Organisations:- Establishes the ad hoc Intergovern. Group on Earth Observation (ad hoc GEO)- Task of ad hoc GEO: initial 10 year Implementation Plan by February 2005April 2004: EOS-II in Tokyo, 43 Countries + EC plus 25 internationalorganisations:- Adopts the 'Framework Document', which defines ninesocietal benefit areas for Earth observationsFebruary 2005: EOS-III in Brussels:July 2003: <strong>GGOS</strong> isestablished by IAGIAG joins GEO asParticipatingOrganisation- Adopts the 10 Year Implementation Plan for a Global Earth Observation Systemof Systems (GEOSS)- Establishes the Group on Earth Observation (GEO) with the task to implementGEOSS

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