Checklist - VFS Global

Checklist - VFS Global

Checklist - VFS Global


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Australian High CommissionImmigration Section25 Napier RoadSingapore 258507VISA APPLICATION GUIDE AND CHECKLISTVisitors and other Short StaysUSE THIS GUIDE IF YOU INTEND TRAVELLING TO AUSTRALIA FOR TOURISM VISITING FAMILY BUSINESS PURPOSES NON-ONGOING WORK-RELATED ACTIVITY (LESS THAN THREE MONTHS)(includesDomestic Helpers) BRIDGING COURSES (DOCTORS AND NURSES) TRANSIT TO A THIRD COUNTRY MEDICAL TREATMENTRead this information in full to decide which short-term visa best suits your circumstances and to make sureyou prepare a complete and well-documented application to assist the visa decision-maker to reach a clearand favourable decision. Further assistance on choosing a visa is available through the “Visa Wizard” athttp://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/Some supporting information is mandatory, while some is recommended only. It is up to you to decide howmuch of the recommended information you should include, bearing in mind that the decision-maker will needto be satisfied that you are intending a genuine visit only with no risk of you overstaying or seeking to remainbeyond the validity of the visa, of breaching any visa conditions (particularly conditions that prohibit or restrictworking in Australia) and that you have access to adequate means of financial support to cover your stay. Ifthe decision maker is not satisfied the criteria are met then by law the visa application must be refused.If there is recommended information that you are not able to provide, you should include a letter stating whyand those reasons will be taken into account.For visitor visa applications a visa decision-maker is not legally obliged to contact applicants to seek furtherinformation, so you should provide all of your supporting information at time of lodgement. Do not expect theassessor to contact you for further information.Any supporting information in a language other than English should include an English translation by atranslator accredited in Singapore or Australia. Although you are only required to submit photocopies of yoursupporting information, you should have the originals with you when you lodge your application. You may alsobe asked to produce the originals at any time during assessment. Note that Australia has a zero tolerance forfalse or fraudulent information in visa applications.Service StandardsFor applications lodged at the Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC) – allow ten working days fromdate of lodgement (applying 1-3 months before travel is recommended). For applications not lodged at theAVAC, see www,singapore.embassy.gov.au Requests for faster processing will only be agreed to inexceptionally urgent compelling and compassionate circumstances, in fairness to all other applicants whoapply in good time. It is recommended that visa applicants do not make financial commitments paying forflights or accommodation until the visa application has been decided.For further information about how and where to lodge your application and for details of the lodgement fee,see: www.vfsglobal.com/australia/singaporeSTEPS1. Locate the temporary visa below that best suits your circumstances and decide if you are eligible;2. Refer to the numbered list at the end of this guide for the supporting information you should provide;3. Lodge your complete application with fee (if applicable) at the Australian Visa Application Centre insufficient time for a decision to be made before your planned travel.Websites: www.singapore.embassy.gov.au & www.immi.gov.au

SUPPORTING INFORMATION (MANDATORY)A. Your current original passport (NB - if you are the holder of Singapore Permanent Residence [SPR], aPersonalised Employment Pass [PEP], an Employment Permit [EP] or a Dependent Pass [DP], you do notneed to provide your original passport and may provide a copy of the identity page of your passport instead – ifyou are a first time traveller to Australia you should consider providing copies of the travel pages as well todemonstrate your travel history)B. One passport-sized photograph (please attach to the application form). NB - photos that have been digitallyenhanced or altered to improve or change appearance are not acceptable. As the photo is required foridentity purposes, if it does not represent your true appearance, your visa application may be delayed if weneed to ask you to provide a new one. The photo should also meet normal passport size and pose (front onhead and shoulders, no facial coverings or sunglasses)C. Your Employment Pass/ Dependent Pass/ Social Visit Pass/ Work Permit/ Student Pass or IC Card (ifapplicable)D. If aged under 18 and if not travelling with both parents, your birth certificate, a completed Form 1229, and acopy of photo ID for both parent/sE. If under 18 and travelling on an organised school tour, a letter from your school providing details of theproposed trip including accommodation and welfare arrangementsF. Signed employer’s undertaking and applicant’s acknowledgement (in the format available athttp://singapore.embassy.gov.au/sing/Domestics.html )G. Your employer’s (and employer’s spouse) passport identity page and their IC, PEP, EP or DP.SUPPORTING INFORMATION (RECOMMENDED)1. Your previous passport/s that may show evidence of your travel history to other countries – this is particularlyuseful if you are a first-time traveller to Australia2. If married or in a defacto spouse relationship and your spouse is not also a visa applicant, a copy of yourspouse’s passport identity page3. Full names, nationality and passport number of others travelling with you in your group4. If you are a student, a letter from your school or university confirming your enrolment, course duration andleave of absence5. If you are working, a letter (not your leave application) from your employer stating the length of employment,position, salary, the period of approved leave (specify dates) and whether leave is paid or unpaid. If you intendto travel for an extended period, the letter should state whether your job is available to you on return (businessregistration, if applicable). If you have recently started new employment, you should consider including similarevidence for your recent employment and salary history6. Evidence of funds – for example, bank savings book, bank statements, payslips, tax returns. These shouldshow a history of transactions over a period of time and should be current immediately prior to the date of yourvisa application7. If you are not working and are in a spouse relationship, your marriage certificate and evidence of your spouse’semployment and income (as per number 6 above)8. Your flight itinerary and accommodation bookings (not ticket – we recommend you do not purchase a ticketbefore the application has been decided) and accommodation booking9. Information and/or evidence of booking tourism activities you will be undertaking10. If staying with friends or relatives, written confirmation from them that they agree to accommodate you for thespecified period11. A short statement regarding the status of your relationship with your Australian partner, including when youintend to marry (if not already)12. Evidence of your partner’s immigration status in Singapore, length of stay in Singapore and intention to return(for example, ongoing employment)13. A letter from your employer stating your relevant experience for the proposed business travel, the length ofemployment, job title, current salary and dates of approved travel. If your employer is funding the business tripthey should detail the support to be provided, including accommodation arrangements. The signatory’s name,title and contact details should be clearly indicated.14. If self-employed, evidence of the nature and duration of your business, for example, business registrationpapers, website details, business card, and advertising15. A letter of invitation from any inviting party or Australian business stating the purpose of the visit. Thesignatory’s name, title and contact details should be clearly indicated.16. A letter of invitation from the event organiser stating your role in attending the event, whether you willremunerated and to what degree, and how long you will be required to attend the event.17. Evidence of your authority to enter the country of final destination after transiting Australia, for example a visa,residence permit for that country or a passport for that country18. Evidence of onward flight itinerary to continue your journey from Australia to your final destination within 72hours of arrival in Australia (not ticket – we recommend you do not purchase a ticket before the application hasbeen decided) and accommodation booking)19. Flight itinerary for all persons with whom you are travelling in the same group (not ticket – we recommend youdo not purchase a ticket before the application has been decided) and accommodation booking)20. If staying in paid accommodation (for example hotel/resort/serviced apartment), evidence of theaccommodation booking21. If staying in a private home, details of who are the owners of that home and their relationship to your employer

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