DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution

DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution
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DSE 5xxx Configuration Software ManualSpeed SettingsGenerator Over SpeedOvershootMagnetic Pickup alarmsFunctionThese settings are used to configure the generator over speed alarm:-Pre-alarm - = Generator Over speed will NOT give a pre-alarm warning = Generator Over speed WILL give a pre-alarm warning in the event ofthe generator speed rising above the displayed ‘over speed pre-alarm’value. The ‘over speed pre-alarm’ value can be adjusted to suit userrequirements.The speed must return to below the ‘Over speed return’ seting before the52xx/53xx module will consider that it is back with in limits.Shutdown -This is the setting at which a Generator Over speed will give a shutdownalarm in the event of the generator speed rising above the displayed ‘overspeed trip’ value. The ‘over speed trip’ value can be adjusted to suit userrequirements.Over-speed Overshoot during Overshoot timer-This value is used to prevent nuisance tripping on generators where aslow response governor allows the engine to overspeed slightly duringstart-up. This setting allows the normal overspeed shutdown level to beexceeded by a percentage (up to a maximum of 10%) for the duration ofthe overspeed overshoot timer. Should the engine speed exceed thistemporarily elevated level it will be shutdown. Once the overspeedovershoot timer has expired, the overspeed shutdown value is restored tothe normal level.NOTE:- This is not a delay on overspeed shutdown, only atemporary raising of the overspeed value, therefore overspeedprotection is not compromised.This option is not available when the controller is configured forCanBus J1939 operation.Loss of Speed SignalThe 52xx/53xx module will monitor the Magnetic pick-up input to ensurethat a value signal is received once cranking commences. If it does notdetect a magnetic pickup signal a ‘Loss of speed signal’ alarm wil betriggered. The user can configure the module to either; Alarm butcontinue to operate the generator (only to be used if other speed sensingsources are available), or to shutdown the generator until the fault isrectified.ActionsWarning (Alarm only, No shutdown)Shutdown (Alarm and shutdown)CAUTION!:- This alarms is set to SHUTDOWN by default. Itshould only be set to WARNING if it really is necessary and ONLYif alternative speed sensing sources are available to the52xx/53xx module to use. Failure to observe this may result indamage to the engine and/or starting equipment.54DSE 5xxx Configuration software ISSUE 2 02/07/04 AM

DSE 5xxx Configuration Software ManualEDIT ENGINE PLANT BATTERY TABLevels DescriptionPlant Battery FunctionPlant Battery Undervolts Plant Battery Undervolts - = Low Plant voltage trip will NOT give a warning alarm = Low Plant voltage WILL give a warning alarm in the event of thegenerator plant batery voltage faling below the displayed ‘low voltagealarm’ value. The ‘low voltage alarm’ value can be adjusted to suit userrequirements.Should the input fall below this value the module will initiate the lowvoltage delay timer, if the voltage remains low and the timer expires, alow voltage warning will be given.The voltage must return to above the ‘low voltage return’ seting beforethe 52xx/53xx module will consider that it is back with in limits.(I.e. With an LV trip of 10.0V and an LV return of 12.0V, the plant voltagemust return to 12.0V following a low voltage event to be considered withinlimits.)DSE5xxx Configuration software ISSUE 2 02/07/04 AM 55

DSE 5xxx Configuration Software ManualSpeed SettingsGenerator Over SpeedOvershootMagnetic Pickup alarmsFunctionThese settings are used to configure the generator over speed alarm:-Pre-alarm - = Generator Over speed will NOT give a pre-alarm warning = Generator Over speed WILL give a pre-alarm warning in the event ofthe generator speed rising above the displayed ‘over speed pre-alarm’value. The ‘over speed pre-alarm’ value can be adjusted to suit userrequirements.The speed must return to below the ‘Over speed return’ seting before the52xx/53xx module will consider that it is back with in limits.Shutdown -This is the setting at which a Generator Over speed will give a shutdownalarm in the event of the generator speed rising above the displayed ‘overspeed trip’ value. The ‘over speed trip’ value can be adjusted to suit userrequirements.Over-speed Overshoot during Overshoot timer-This value is used to prevent nuisance tripping on generators where aslow response governor allows the engine to overspeed slightly duringstart-up. This setting allows the normal overspeed shutdown level to beexceeded by a percentage (up to a maximum of 10%) for the duration ofthe overspeed overshoot timer. Should the engine speed exceed thistemporarily elevated level it will be shutdown. Once the overspeedovershoot timer has expired, the overspeed shutdown value is restored tothe normal level.NOTE:- This is not a delay on overspeed shutdown, only atemporary raising of the overspeed value, therefore overspeedprotection is not compromised.This option is not available when the controller is configured forCanBus J1939 operation.Loss of Speed SignalThe 52xx/53xx module will monitor the Magnetic pick-up input to ensurethat a value signal is received once cranking commences. If it does notdetect a magnetic pickup signal a ‘Loss of speed signal’ alarm wil betriggered. The user can configure the module to either; Alarm butcontinue to operate the generator (only to be used if other speed sensingsources are available), or to shutdown the generator until the fault isrectified.ActionsWarning (Alarm only, No shutdown)Shutdown (Alarm and shutdown)CAUTION!:- This alarms is set to SHUTDOWN by default. Itshould only be set to WARNING if it really is necessary and ONLYif alternative speed sensing sources are available to the52xx/53xx module to use. Failure to observe this may result indamage to the engine and/or starting equipment.54DSE 5xxx Configuration software ISSUE 2 02/07/04 AM

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