DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution

DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution

DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution


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DSE 5xxx Configuration Software ManualLevels DescriptionCrank DisconnectCrank disconnect ongenerator frequencyCrank disconnect onmagnetic pickupCrank disconnect on oilpressureFunction(Only available if using Generator Frequency Sensing)This level dictates the value that has to appear on the alternatorfrequency input (if used) before the starter motor will be instructed todisengage.(Only available if using Magnetic Pick-up Sensing)This level dictates the value that has to be given by the magnetic pickupsensor (if used) before the starter motor will be instructed to disengage. = Engine oil pressure will NOT be used for crank disconnect. =Engine oil pressure WILL be used for crank disconnect in the event ofthe oil pressure exceeding the displayed ‘crank disconnect on oilpressure’ value. The ‘crank disconnect on oil pressure’values can beadjusted to suit user requirements as detailed below.This level dictates the value that has to be reached by the engine oilpressure sender reading before the starter motor will be instructed todisengage. This setting can be used to obtain a crank disconnect muchearlier than if alternator speed sensing is used, particularly if usingalternators fitted with digital voltage regulators as these can take sometime to produce an output.CAUTION!:- If this feature is not to be used ensure that thissetting is set to OFF to prevent premature crank disconnect.Check oil pressure prior to starting -If oil pressure is not required to be monitored to provide a crankdisconnect and the feature is set to OFF; The software will query if oilpressure should be monitored as a indication of engine at rest: = Engine oil pressure will NOT be monitored to check if the engine is atrest. This would be used if an oil prime or pre-lubrication system is fitted,and would ensure that the engine would be allowed to start if oil primewas operating. =Engine oil pressure WILL be used to ensure that the engine is at rest.This is a back up to prevent the start motor from being engaged onto arunning engine in the event of all other speed sensing forms beingunavailable.CAUTION!:- This is a safety feature and should only be set toOFF if it is strictly necessary to disable oil pressure monitoring atrest. Such as when fitted to system which incorporate a pre-lubeoil pump.52DSE 5xxx Configuration software ISSUE 2 02/07/04 AM

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