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Download - AMCO Instruments, SRL

Download - AMCO Instruments, SRL


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Checking the complete systemStandard solutionsOur comprehensive range of ready-to-usestandard solutions is naturally also at yourdisposal. You can prepare standards foralmost every parameter in any concentrationyou wish simply by making the appropriatedilution.Ready-to-use standard solutionsfor checking the overall systemare available for the broadmajority of parameters.Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 10to check COD, ammonium, nitrate,phosphate, chloride, and sulfate inslightly contaminated wastewaterSpectroquant ® CombiCheck 20to check COD, ammonium, nitrate,phosphate, chloride, and sulfate instrongly contaminated wastewaterSpectroquant ® CombiCheck 30to check cadmium, iron, copper, andmanganeseSpectroquant ® CombiCheck 40to check aluminium, lead, nickel,and zincSpectroquant ® CombiCheck 50to check COD, ammonium, andnitrogen in low concentrationSpectroquant ® CombiCheck 60to check COD and chlorideSpectroquant ® CombiCheck 70to check COD, ammonium, andnitrogen in high concentrationChecking the complete systemSpectroquant ® CombiCheckWhen it comes to checking the overall system –test kit, sample pretreatment, measurementinstrument, your own operation and handling –the multiparameter standard solutions containedin the various Spectroquant ® CombiCheckpackages with precisely defined contents of theanalyte in question are optimally suited. Thesestandards can be directly traced back to NISTstandards.Each CombiCheck package contains a standardsolution and an addition solution. When thecheck shows the specified concentration of thestandard solution, the complete analysis systemis correct. In the event of any deviations, youhave to go “trouble-shooting”.Using the addition solution can identifymeasurement errors that are due to the matrix(e.g. the presence of interfering substances).In the case that the recovery rate is insufficient,this interference must be eliminated by dilutingthe sample or by taking the correspondingsample-pretreatment measures.Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 80to check COD, nitrate, andphosphate in high concentrationOrdering informationCat. No.Product name1.14693.0001 Spectroquant ® PhotoCheck1.14962.0001 Spectroquant ® PipeCheck1.71203.0001 Thermosensor for TR 420/6201.71204.0001 PC cable for TR 420/6201.14676.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 101.14675.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 201.14677.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 301.14692.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 401.14695.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 501.14696.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 601.14689.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 701.14738.0001 Spectroquant ® CombiCheck 8027

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