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standards citywide - New York City Department of Education - NYC ...

standards citywide - New York City Department of Education - NYC ...


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Grade 6-12 LEVEL 3 continuedInfractions – Seriously Disruptive BehaviorB30 Engaging in sexual conduct on school premises or atschool-related functionsB31 Violating the <strong>Department</strong>’s Internet Use Policy (e.g., use <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Department</strong>’s system for non-educational purposes,security/privacy violations)B32 Engaging in scholastic dishonesty which includes but is notlimited to:a. Cheating (e.g., copying from another’s test paper; using materialduring a test which is not authorized by the person giving thetest; collaborating with another student during the test withoutauthorization; knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting,or soliciting, in whole or part, the contents <strong>of</strong> an unadministeredtest; substituting for another student or permittinganother student to substitute for one’s self to take a test; bribinganother person to obtain a test that is to be administered; orsecuring copies <strong>of</strong> the test or answers to the test in advance<strong>of</strong> the test)b. Plagiarizing (appropriating another’s work and using it as one’sown for credit without the required citation and attribution, e.g.,copying written work from the Internet, or any other source)c. Colluding (engaging in fraudulent collaboration with anotherperson in preparing written work for credit)B33 Posting or distributing libelous material or literature (includingposting such material on the Internet)B34 Engaging in a pattern <strong>of</strong> persistent Level 2 behavior in the sameschool year (Whenever possible and appropriate, prior toimposing a Level 3 disciplinary response, school <strong>of</strong>ficials shouldhave exhausted the disciplinary responses in Level 2. Further,repeated Level 2 infractions are limited to Level 3 disciplinaryresponses.)Guidance Interventions• Parent outreach• Intervention by counseling staff• Guidance conference(s)• Restorative Approaches• Positive Behavioral Interventions andSupports (PBIS)• Individual/group counseling• Peer mediation• Mentoring program• Conflict resolution• Development <strong>of</strong> individual behavior contract• Short-term behavioral progress reports• Referral to PPT (Pupil Personnel Team)• Community service (with parental consent)• Referral to a Community BasedOrganization (CBO)• Referral to appropriate substance abusecounseling services• Referral to counseling services for youthrelationship abuse or sexual violence• Referral to counseling services for bias-basedbullying, intimidation, or harassmentSupports for Students TransitioningFrom SuspensionStudents returning from suspension should beprovided with supportive services to maximizetheir ability to meet social and academic <strong>standards</strong>within the school community. Supportservices may include any <strong>of</strong> the range <strong>of</strong> guidanceinterventions or a combination <strong>of</strong> services as bestmeets the needs <strong>of</strong> the individual student.Range <strong>of</strong> Possible DisciplinaryResponses to Be Used in Additionto Guidance InterventionsA. Admonishment by pedagogicalschool staffB. Student/teacher conferenceC. Reprimand by appropriate supervisor(e.g., assistant principal, principal)D. Parent conferenceE. In-school disciplinary actions(e.g., detention, exclusion fromextracurricular activities orcommunal lunchtime)F. Removal from classroom by teacher(After a student is removed from anyclassroom by any teacher three timesduring a semester or twice in atrimester, a principal’s suspensionmust be sought if the studentengages in subsequent behavior thatwould otherwise result in a removalby a teacher.)G. Principal’s suspension for 1-5 daysH. Superintendent’s suspension thatresults in immediate reinstatementI. Superintendent’s suspension thatresults in continued suspension for afixed period <strong>of</strong> 6-10 school days21

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