CONTACT - Paxtonia Elementary PTA

CONTACT - Paxtonia Elementary PTA

CONTACT - Paxtonia Elementary PTA


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IroRlth/JPdRciPal...DearTParents,his school year is rushing byas October comes to an end.October was a busy month for all ofus. Skills Group instruction began,VanGo took place, students said"No" to drugs during Red RibbonWeek, Dads and Doughnuts madea big hit and, of course, all of theHalloween activities kept ussmiling. <strong>Paxtonia</strong> is definitely agreat place to be.FYI-To make sure we provide the bestlearning environment possible forall the students...and to avoid any"hurt feelings" down the road...please note that according to theDistrict Code of Conduct "NoPaltIoBia BIIBlIIBla/'YSchool<strong>CONTACT</strong><strong>PTA</strong>NtJwsltJlltJr8011/JrSkaURUPany -Nov/JRlb/JrI4hstudent shall have visible, acommunication device during theacademic school day." Also, "nostudent shall use, turn on or havevisible, a personal listening devicesuch as an iPod, MP3 player,Gameboy, Nintendo DS, etc. duringthe academic school day." If astudent brings a cell phone or apersonal listening device to school,loss, theft or damage will not bethe responsibility of the SchoolDistrict. (See the Code of Conductfor additional details if desired).During November, I lookforward to the end of the firstmarking period, ParentConferences, an Everyday MathNight, American Education Week,~ .join us for lots of fun at will be sent home in .<strong>Paxtonia</strong>'sFall Roller Skating earlyNovember. :Please Party on Saturday, November 14th. Admission is free. ·<strong>Paxtonia</strong> families are invited to You may bring yourcome and skate at the Olympic own skates or rent roller-skates forSkating Rink in Enola from 4:30 - $1.00 and rollerblades for rental6:30 pm. An adult must remain at $3.00. For directions go tothe skating rink with your child. If www .olympicskatingcenter .com andthis will not be the parent, a for more information, call 732-9168.permission slip must be signed and Karen Bloom and Julie Marolf.presented upon entering. The formsIAbrahaRlliRColRAss/JRlblY-Nov/JRlb/Jr 25thn November 25th we will and grades 3rd - 5th atowelcome James Hayney a.k.a. 2:45 pm. His perform- .Abraham Lincoln to <strong>Paxtonia</strong>. Mr. ance will detail what itHayney will perform an assembly was like growing up in the 1800's,based on Abraham Lincoln's forma- with specific examples and storiestive years. The assemblies will take from Lincoln's own childhood.place for grades K - 2nd at 1:45 pm Denise Lopez--In School Assemblies:1November 1, 2009PT" -- everychild.onevoiceUP8KIonia is dlllinillllY a'flJal plaCIJ 10 bill"and of course, Thanksgiving!Make efforts during this specialtime of year to spend time withyour children. Share with themyour interest in education andmemories of when you were achild. In short, love them with allof your heart and count your manyblessings this Thanksgivingseason.Tom Toone,PrincipalNov/JRlb/JrCal/JRdar0/ Ev/JRtSNov 2 <strong>PTA</strong> Meeting, 7 pmNov 3 No School, Election DayParent/TeacherConferencesNov 4 Kindergarten ConferencesNov 13 <strong>PTA</strong> Book Fairto Nov 20Nov 14 Roller Skating Party,4:30-6:30 pmNov 16 American Education Weekto Nov 20Nov 19 Everyday Math Night,grades 3rd-5th, 7 pmNov 25 Abraham LincolnAssemblydNov 25 No School .Thanksgiving Day "';j ,Nov 27 No School, Fall BreakNov 30 No School, Fall Break

· thatP111everychild. onevoiceIroRllblJ PFAPmsidlJnL..great job - thank you!I'd also like to thank all thechairpersons and volunteers whomade other October committees asuccess. Thanks to all of you whohelped with our Fundraiser, ArtGoes to School, Kid's Stuff Books,and Spirit Wear.Our October <strong>PTA</strong> meeting wasvery eventful. Our fundraiserbrought in approximately $10,500profit. We sold more than $27,000worth of food products! THANKYOU to all who participated byselling or sending in monetarydonations. We fell a little shortfinancially, but the <strong>PTA</strong> Board andCommittee Chairs and Co-chairsare working through a few plans tomake sure each event and activitystill go on and run successfully.<strong>PTA</strong>Mllilling Monday, NovlIDlbllr2ndIhad the opportunity to 'police'the staff parking lot at Dads andDoughnuts. It was cold, it wasrainy - one of those days youwould have just liked to stay inside.What I saw was smiling facesand lots of kids running to getthere early to get the 'good doughnuts'!It put a smile on my face tosee the many dads carrying theirchildren up the grassy hill from theball fields so their shoes wouldn'tget wet. It really doesn't get anybetter than that!So, again, I say thank you forsupporting our <strong>PTA</strong> events,through sunshine and rain, hotand cold, and for understandingour challenges with parking at theschool. Our Dads and DoughnutsCommittee and volunteers did aWe saw a lot of new faces at theOctober meeting - and we'd love tosee you in November - talk afriend into coming with you! Thereare many opportunities inside andoutside of school to help. And,remember, the kids love to seetheir parents at events.I look forward to seeing you atour November 2nd meeting. Themeeting begins at 7 pm with freebabysitting.Enjoy your Thanksgivingfestivities with~- -'friends and family.. . .~dDSincerely, ~~Kim St. Clair,<strong>PTA</strong>President · .. :...INow PlaYing. . .Membership Movie Rewardsstarring ...335 <strong>Paxtonia</strong> <strong>PTA</strong>members! That's right, as ofour October 16th dead-'\line we have 335 people.' who have joined the Pax-. tonia <strong>PTA</strong>! Of course,also means we havesome DVDs to giveaway. The following is a list of theteachers in each grade who earnedthe most movie rewards pointsbased on the number of membershipapplications received.Congratulations to everyone!Thank you to everyone who signedup, and remember it's not too late tojoin, applications will be taken theentire school year! Anita Smith &Denise Lopez-MembershipCommitteeAndlb. winn.rsar6...Kindergarten AM - Miss AllenKindergarten PM - Mrs. LaporeFirst Grade - Mrs. KrausseSecond Grade - Ms BrokenshireThird Grade - Mr. MillerFourth Grade - Mr. StettlerFifth Grade - Mrs. WevodauDimCIOI'YUpdallJplease addMichael Hatcher's J- ~informationStudentto yourDirectory:ra~Hatcher, MichaelHolly Hatcher211A S. Lockwillow Ave.Harrisburg, PA 17112514-1949Thank you! Sandy Kitchen<strong>PTA</strong>80ard PositionsIf you ever thought you would liketo become more involved in the<strong>PTA</strong> and would like to learn moreabout what the Board does and howyou can become a Board member, anew Board will be nominated andvoted in at the end of this schoolyear. Please contact one of the membersof our nominating committee,Jamie Zuvich, zuvichjl@comcast.netor Tina MacKenzie attastefully4u@Comcast.net.Check

.pTIIeverychild. onevoiceThll800k lair is Coming- NovllmbllrAn amazing selection of books isheaded our way! Mark yourcalendar for our Book Fair that isscheduled to arrive Friday, November13th, and will be open throughNovember 20th, during AmericanEducation week. Plan to stop buyand do a little shopping before orafter you visit your child's classroom.Your children will be visitingthe fair during their scheduledSanla'sWorltshoplGet ready for Santa'sWorkshop on December4th and 5th! Beginning Fridaynight, your children may visitthe shop to whisper theirChristmas wishes in Santa'sear and shop for all of theirfriends and relatives. Moreinformation will be comingDads&DoughnUISThankYoulThank you to all the families whoattended our annual Dad's andDoughnuts on October 15th and16th. What a great two days wehad. The atmosphere was relaxingand there was plenty of roomfor everyone to enjoy doughnuts,juice, milk and coffee as well aseach others company. It wasgreat to see so many take advantageof the opportunity to seethe classrooms and interact withteachers.As always, thesedon't happen without theship of local businesses.eventssponsor-Many131h 1020lhlibrary time.During the week, we will also becollecting loose change for Scholastic'sOne For Books Program.Scholastic Book Fairs matches themoney schools collect with bookdonations to three nonprofitorganizations.....that give familiesmore access to books in addition toallowing <strong>Paxtonia</strong> <strong>PTA</strong> to donateadditional books to the library.home with your child as thedates approach. We are alsoseeking volUnteers to be elvesat this event.If you are interested, pleasecontact Cindy Gundy atcindyg7@comcast.net or LisaMcConnell at lisamcconnell1@comcast.net.thanks to Giant Food Store, SwissDairies and St Thomas Roasters forhelping us fund this event.A sincere thank you to all thevolunteers who helped makethis day a success and to ourwonderful faculty and stafffor their tremendous) support.Special thanks for Mr.Tucker and his team forhelping us set up and to Mrs.Thomas and her team for the use ofthe kitchen.Kathy Spinosa & Kelli Belmont,Co-ChairsWe acceptVISA, Master-Card, Checkswritten out to<strong>Paxtonia</strong> <strong>PTA</strong>and cash.If you are interested in helpingduring the week, please giveSharon Steiner, Liane Petras orJamie Zuvich a call.ICII C/'IJamSocialThankYOUThank you to all the <strong>Paxtonia</strong>families who attended thisyear's ice cream social. Hundredsof <strong>Paxtonia</strong> families turned outto get acquainted and eat icecream sundaes and Rita's ItalianIce. Kids were entertained by"The Balunguys" balloon twisters.Many <strong>Paxtonia</strong>moms helped decoratethe kids with tattoos,all while listening tothe latest tunes by"DJ Johnny". A specialthanks to the teacherswho turned out to helpscoop ice cream and tothe many <strong>Paxtonia</strong>moms who volunteered theirtime.Michelle Plouse and MichelleChambers co-chairs

L.. .IITIJ, r7J:iif] /If: Jrff!b1~everychild. onevoice."~,-~~;}~..'. .. ..'PaUli4FromIhll Schoo/ CounslI/or...Tolerance and friendship is theCharacter Education Trait forour second marking period.How can you help promotetolerance? Start by settingboundaries to reduce aggression.Kids who are aggressive at schoolusually act the same way at home.Parents can help by setting clearfamily rules, such as these:, ,No violence. Do1I not allow any..: family memberI to strike anyoneI else.... No swearing".Using wordsthat are obscene or vulgar isnever okay.No temper tantrums. If someonebecomes too upset, he must goto his room until he is calm.No threats. Do not allow yourchildeitherto threatenwith wordsanyone,or withactions.Be kind. Each person should dosomething nice for at least onefamily member daily.Pav attention. If a familymember is talking, you haveto listen without interrupting.Cooperate. Do chores together.Solve problems together.Show respect. Everyone in thefamily deserves this, not justparents.Love each other. Express lovethrough behavior and sentiments.End the day with an"I Love You."Write these rules down. Talkwith your children about them.Then put them into action.Mrs. Wendy Merryman,M.Ed., NCC I~" . ~School Counselor 11""j~..~:Adaptedfrom, , j'. .' I"Teaching Tolerance, Fa1l2004" .'. '.GMIIUngSfromIhll CafllllldaWe are very busy in <strong>Paxtonia</strong>'scafeteria; on an average daywe make between 350 and 450lunches - that's almost half theschool! Our #1 seller is Breakfastfor Lunch followed by chickennuggets. We offer four choices perday with plenty of fresh fruits andveggIes.Once a week letters are printedNIIWlarns Programout with any negative balance onyour child's account. With a negativebalance, your child cannotborrow for breakfast, a la cart milkor snacks. We will let your childborrow for their lunch.On an average day, wesell between 50 to 70 breakfastsper day. The #1 selleris breakfast pizza. Youring <strong>Paxtonia</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> School toyour Karns Fresh Rewards card.You must log onto your KarnsFresh Rewards account by going towww.karnsfoods.com. selecting"Fresh Rewards" and "1 for theschools", and finally choosing<strong>Paxtonia</strong> as your school.child must have money in theiraccounts to buy breakfast. If wehave a 2 hour delay we do notserve breakfast.Adult lunches are $3.00. I youcome in to have lunch with yourchild, we prefer you bring moneyin for your lunch and not take itfrom your child's account.Bon appetite! Yvonne ThomasMter deSignating.our school you will . .' .. ,."earn cash every time . ~ .you shop at Karns and ...use your FreshRewards card. This new programmakes raising money for the <strong>PTA</strong>even easier.GianI A+RllwardsAs of October 4th, <strong>Paxtonia</strong><strong>Elementary</strong> school startedearning cash through the Giant A+Rewards Program. In order to helpour school earn cash, you must<strong>Paxtonia</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> schoolstarted earning cash throughthe Karns "1 for the Schools"program, as of October 1st. You toocan help us earn cash by designatdesignate<strong>Paxtonia</strong> to yourBONUS CARD.You can still designate yourcard to <strong>Paxtonia</strong> by going online towww.GiantAPlus.com. Be sure touse the correct ID code for<strong>Paxtonia</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong>, 01059.Also, remind your friends andfamily to designate YIlSthoo!<strong>Paxtonia</strong> to their REWAii.i5SBONUS CARDs as well. Earn moneyYou may designate foryourschoolM'two GiantschoolsBONUS-to your ~CARD. The <strong>PTA</strong> appreciates yourhelp.

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