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General Conditions of ContractIn addition to the above, the CONTRACTOR shallabide by the safety code provision as per C.P.W.D.Safety code and Indian Standard Safety Code fromtime to time.117 Care in handling inflammablegas:118 Temporary combustiblestructures:117.1 The CONTRACTOR has to ensure all precautionarymeasures and exercise utmost care in handling theinflammable gas cylinder/inflammable liquids/paints etc. asrequired under the law and/or as advised by the fireAuthorities of the EMPLOYER.118.1 Temporary combustible structures will not be built near oraround work site.119 Precautions against fire: 119.1 The CONTRACTOR will have to provide FireExtinguishers, Fire Buckets and drums at worksite asrecommended by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. They will haveto ensure all precautionary measures and exercise utmostcare in handling the inflammable gas cylinders/inflammable liquid/ paints etc. as advised byENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. Temporary combustiblestructures will not be built near or around the work-site.120 Explosives: 120.1 Explosives shall not be stored or used on the WORK or onthe SITE by the CONTRACTOR without the permission ofthe ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE in writing and then only in themanner and to the extent to which such permission isgiven. When explosives are required for the WORK theywill be stored in a special magazine to be provided at thecost of the CONTRACTOR in accordance with theExplosives Rules. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain thenecessary licence for the storage and the use of explosivesand all operations in which or for which explosives areemployed shall be at sole risk and responsibility of theCONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTOR shall indemnifythe EMPLOYER against any loss or damage resultingdirectly or indirectly therefrom.121 Mines act: 121.1 SAFETY CODE: The CONTRACTOR shall at his ownexpense arrange for the safety provisions as required bythe ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE in respect of all labourdirectly employed for performance of the WORKS andshall provide all facilities in connection therewith. In casethe CONTRACTOR fails to make arrangements andprovides necessary facilities as aforesaid, theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE shall be entitled to do so andrecover the costs thereof from the CONTRACTOR.121.2 Failure to comply with Safety Code or the provisionsrelating to report on accidents and to grant of maternitybenefits to female workers shall make the CONTRACTORliable to pay Company Liquidated Damages an amount notexceeding Rs.50/- for each default or materially incorrectstatement. The decision of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGEin such matters based on reports from the InspectingOfficer or from representatives of ENGINEER-IN-CHARGEshall be final and binding and deductions for recovery ofsuch Liquidated Damages may be made from any amountpayable to the CONTRACTOR from all the provisions of72

General Conditions of Contractthe Mines Act, 1952 or any statutory modifications orre-enactment thereof the time being in force and any Rulesand Regulations made thereunder in respect of all thepersons employed by him under this CONTRACT andshall indemnify the EMPLOYER from and against anyclaim under the Mines Act or the rules and regulationsframed thereunder by or on behalf of any personsemployed by him or otherwise.122 Preservation of place: 122.1 The CONTRACTOR shall take requisite precautions anduse his best endeavours to prevent any riotous or unlawfulbehaviour by or amongst his worker and others employedor the works and for the preservation of peace andprotection of the inhabitants and security of property in theneighborhood of the WORK. In the event of theEMPLOYER requiring the maintenance of a Special PoliceForce at or in the vicinity of the site during the tenure ofworks, the expenses thereof shall be borne by theCONTRACTOR and if paid by the EMPLOYER shall berecoverable from the CONTRACTOR.123 Outbreak of infectiousdiseases:123.1 The CONTRACTOR shall remove from his camp suchlabour and their facilities who refuse protective inoculationand vaccination when called upon to do so by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE's representative. ShouldCholera, Plague or other infectious diseases break out theCONTRACTOR shall burn the huts, beddings, clothes andother belongings or used by the infected parties andpromptly erect new huts on healthy sites as required by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE failing which within the timespecified in the Engineer's requisition, the work may bedone by the EMPLOYER and the cost thereof recoveredfrom the CONTRACTOR.124 Use of intoxicants: 124.1 The unauthorised sale of spirits or other intoxicants,beverages upon the work in any of the buildings,encampments or tenements owned, occupied by or withinthe control of the CONTRACTOR or any of his employee isforbidden and the CONTRACTOR shall exercise hisinfluence and authority to the utmost extent to secure strictcompliance with this condition.In addition to the above, the CONTRACTOR shall abide bythe safety code provision as per C.P.W.D. safety code andIndian Standard Code framed from time to time.73

General Conditions of Contractthe Mines Act, 1952 or any statutory modifications orre-enactment thereof the time being in force and any Rulesand Regulations made thereunder in respect of all thepersons employed by him under this CONTRACT andshall indemnify the EMPLOYER from and against anyclaim under the Mines Act or the rules and regulationsframed thereunder by or on behalf of any personsemployed by him or otherwise.122 Preservation of place: 122.1 The CONTRACTOR shall take requisite precautions anduse his best endeavours to prevent any riotous or unlawfulbehaviour by or amongst his worker and others employedor the works and for the preservation of peace andprotection of the inhabitants and security of property in theneighborhood of the WORK. In the event of theEMPLOYER requiring the maintenance of a Special PoliceForce at or in the vicinity of the site during the tenure ofworks, the expenses thereof shall be borne by theCONTRACTOR and if paid by the EMPLOYER shall berecoverable from the CONTRACTOR.123 Outbreak of infectiousdiseases:123.1 The CONTRACTOR shall remove from his camp suchlabour and their facilities who refuse protective inoculationand vaccination when called upon to do so by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE's representative. ShouldCholera, Plague or other infectious diseases break out theCONTRACTOR shall burn the huts, beddings, clothes andother belongings or used by the infected parties andpromptly erect new huts on healthy sites as required by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE failing which within the timespecified in the Engineer's requisition, the work may bedone by the EMPLOYER and the cost thereof recoveredfrom the CONTRACTOR.124 Use of intoxicants: 124.1 The unauthorised sale of spirits or other intoxicants,beverages upon the work in any of the buildings,encampments or tenements owned, occupied by or withinthe control of the CONTRACTOR or any of his employee isforbidden and the CONTRACTOR shall exercise hisinfluence and authority to the utmost extent to secure strictcompliance with this condition.In addition to the above, the CONTRACTOR shall abide bythe safety code provision as per C.P.W.D. safety code and<strong>India</strong>n Standard Code framed from time to time.73

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