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RFQ No.: GAIL/AB/06/733/3300007249/KKDDated : 21.01.2006informed accordingly.24. Various procedures and method statements to be adopted by CONTRACTOR during any construction or restorationjob as required under the contract shall be submitted to owner in due course of time for approval. No such constructionactivity shall commence unless approved by owner in writing.25. CONTRACTOR shall depute an experienced / competent representative(s) at site during the execution of any job.Any instructions given to such representative(s) shall be constructed as having been given to the CONTRACTOR.26. The order in which the work shall be carried out shall be subjected to the approval of EIC and shall be so as to suitthe detailed method of job execution adopted by the CONTRACTOR, as well as the agreed joint program.27. The CONTRACTOR shall establish document and maintain an effective Quality Assurance System to ensure thatthe work is performed in a planned, systematic manner to the best quality standards and properly documented toprovide confidence that materials supplied and/or work executed by him confirm to the applicable specifications and allthe requirements of the contract document, and the work executed shall perform satisfactorily for the entire period of itslife.28. The owner shall claim all the costs, damages or expenses that the owner may have paid, for which under thecontract the CONTRACTOR is liable. All such claims shall be billed by the owner to the CONTRACTOR, as andwhen they fall due. Such bills shall be supported by appropriate & certified vouchers or explanations, to enable theCONTRACTOR to properly identify such claims. Such claims shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR within 15 days ofthe receipt of corresponding bills and if not paid by the CONTRACTOR within the said period, the owner may thendeduct the amount, from any amount due or becoming due by the owner to the CONTRACTOR under the contract ormay be recovered by actions of law or otherwise, if the CONTRACTOR fails to satisfy the owner such claims.29. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for making available for executing the work, all-requisite constructionequipment, special aids, tools, tackles and testing equipment and appliances. Such construction equipment etc. shall besubject to examination by the owner and approval for the same. Any discrepancies pointed out by the GAIL shall beimmediately got rectified, repaired or the equipment replaced altogether, by the CONTRACTOR.30. The accessing of GAIL#s facilities shall be allowed to authorized person from CONTRACTOR#S side with theprior intimation to GAIL#s Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) Further; the authorized person has to enter the timing ofaccessing GAIL#s facility in the log-book at the facilities with the security posted at the location. At GAIL#s pipelinelocations, having gas installation in operation, smoking & any types of hot-jobs involving welding; spark, ignition, etcare strictly prohibited. Access shall be governed by the safety and security stipulation as applicable for Hydro-Carboninstallation and followed in such installation.31. Within the GAIL#s premises, the representative of the CONTRACTOR shall take care for not tampering with theGAIL#s installed equipment for pipeline, power supply, SCADA & Telecom etc. purpose. Suitable arrangements forpower shall be made available by the CONTRACTOR for operating machines, instruments and tools, as required forcarrying out the job.32. All faults shall be intimated to the CONTRACTOR#S supervisor/ authorized person by either GAIL#s networkmanagement center or the Engineer-In-charge as indicated through telephonic communication, e-mail and through fax.For this the CONTRACTOR shall provide GAIL with the contact numbers (both land line and Mobile) & e-mailaddress if any immediately after award of contract.33. The locations of repeater/cable route are indicated on the alignment sheet to be supplied by GAIL after award ofcontract to a successful bidder, however bidder is advised to visit the sites and ascertain the conditions/route underwhich the work shall be actually performed.34. It is advisable that Bidders must visit site to familiarize themselves with all constraints, restrictions, accessrequirements and available infrastructure. CONTRACTOR shall not be eligible for any adjustment in cost and time, onaccount of any lack of data regarding above. Contractor shall visit the OFC route and satisfy himself before quoting therates.35. The As-built drawings of OFC route & OFC OTDR test reports shall be given to the CONTRACTOR after theaward of job. Also contractor shall carry out the OTDR testing of all sections and the information collected thereinshall be considered as the reference only for carrying out the rectification during contract period. Any changes found inthe As-built with respect to the site condition shall not become a reason for the delay in execution of the job & anyextra claim by the CONTRACTOR.36. While executing the job at site by the CONTRACTOR, penalty claimed against any damage caused to theinfrastructure of GAIL & other parties shall be borne by the Contractor.37. Bidders are advised to submit their quotations strictly based on the terms, conditions and specifications in thetender document and not to stipulate any deviations.38. There shall be pipeline route for the contractor to repair OFC on per cut basis and the particulars of pipeline routeper section are as per the jurisdiction plan. The repair cost is to be quoted in SOR-B.39. If the contractor is working in Pipeline and there is a cut in non-pipeline route ,then EIC along with NMC shalldecide the which one shall be attended first and the time of working the contractor in pipeline section shall not beattributed in monthly down time.40. Period of Contract

RFQ No.: GAIL/AB/06/733/3300007249/KKDDated : 21.01.2006The maintenance contract shall be valid for a period of 02 (two) year from the date of FOI, The date of start of workshall be reckoned from 7th date of issue of FOI.These 7 days shall be considered as mobilization period.41. CONTRACTOR DEFAULTThe CONTRACTOR becomes defaulter on the following conditions41.1 If the party fails to repair single fault/cut and make the OFC link available within 24 hours.41.2 Improper maintenance resulting in down time / consumables/loss of parts.41.3 Loss or damage to owner#s property due to the acts of Contractor.41.4 In the event GAIL receive notice from any statutory authorities or from external agencies on account ofloss/damage to their property due to the acts of Contractor42. CONDITIONS FOR TERMINATION:A) GAIL may terminate the contract if the CONTRACTOR has defaulted more than three times and get the work doneat risk and cost of the CONTRACTOR. No separate notice shall be issued to the CONTRACTOR for getting the jobdone at his cost and risk. The CPBG of the contractor shall also be liable for forfeiture in case of defaulter more thanthree times. The cost accrued by GAIL to get the job done from the third party shall also be recovered from thecontractor (The party to whom the basic order is placed) . This shall be binding on the contractor.B) Not withstanding anything contained elsewhere, the GAIL may at any time at it#s discretion terminate the contractor part of contract by giving 30 days notice in writing to the contractor without assigning any reason.43. PROVISION FOR ADDITION/DELETION FOR MAINTENANCE OF OFC LinkFor the maintenance purposes in the event of addition/deletion of the OFC link to the existing network, the paymentshall be made as per the following:The total retention fee quoted by the CONTRACTOR shall be divided by total OFC length mentioned underjurisdiction (as per "Annexure-A") to calculate retention fee for one Kilometer, which shall then be multiplied by thelength of OFC link (added/deleted) to calculate the Retention fee for the new/deleted link.The payment against the consumables for the new OFC link shall be paid on actual basis to the CONTRACTOR for thechanged scope.44. RECORD OF FAULT/REPAIR TIME:Repair Time: Time taken by the contractor from the time of lodging the complaint to the representative of thecontractor over telephone/mobile phone by NMC/EIC/SIC of GAIL up to the time of restoration of end to end traffic(OFC link/DWDM/SDH link/links etc) after rectification of OFC cuts/faults. The repair time of the OFC faultsmonthly wise shall be circulated section #wise from NMC-Noida by 3rd of every month and the downtime is strictly asper the report of NMC-Noida.To have proper co-ordination for every OFC fault the down-time circulated by NMC-Noida on daily basis need to bedeliberated if required and the cumulative monthly Repair time as mentioned above will be made based on DPR and ifany modification is required it is to be done in co-ordination with NMC-Noida.45. TERMS OF PAYMENT:The payment shall be made against monthly RA bill subject to submission of CPBG for 10 % of the total order valueand statutory deductions as applicable. The payment for Monthly bills submitted by the contractor shall be madeagainst theactual work done on the basis of OFC faults attended by the contractor after completion of work duly accepted andcertified by the Engineer-In-Charge. The payment shall be released within 15 days of submission of duly completedbill.The CONTRACTOR shall be paid monthly retention charges as per SOR-A, the consumables & for OFC restorationwork along the P/L shall be paid quarterly as per SOR-B for respective sections subject to submission of permanentrestoration certificate of fault occurred during period, jointly signed by GAIL#s & contractor#s representatives.No payment shall be made without submission of CPBG and execution of agreement.(A) Retention Fees (For restoration of OFC faults along the non P/L routes only):Payment against monthly retention fee as per the respective SOR shall be released to the Contractor on monthly basiswithin 15 days after receipt of invoice from the Contractor.The amount against the Retention fee is dependent upon the total Repair Time taken by the Contractor for therestoration of OFC link cut/faults occurred during the month per Maintenance Station (retention amount as well ascumulative downtime is applicable only for non pipeline OFC route ). Accordingly, the value of the Retention fee perthe month shall be decided as per the following:I) There shall be no reduction in the retention amount on repair of each OFC cut within 04 hours.II) Restoration time above 4 Hours shall attract reduction in retention amount which shall be as below #a) Beyond 4 hours and within 6 hours , a reduction in retention amount of Rs 1000/- shall be applicable.b) Beyond 6 hours and within 8 hours , a reduction in retention amount of Rs 2000/- shall be applicable.c) Beyond 8 hours and within 10 hours , a reduction in retention amount of Rs 3000/- shall be applicable.d) Beyond 10 hours and within 12 hours , a reduction in retention amount of Rs 4000/- shall be applicable.e) Beyond 12 hours and within 14 hours , a reduction in retention amount of Rs 5000/- shall be applicable.f) Beyond 14 hours and within 16 hours , a reduction in retention amount of Rs 6000/- shall be applicable.

RFQ No.: <strong>GAIL</strong>/AB/06/733/3300007249/KKDDated : 21.01.2006informed accordingly.24. Various procedures and method statements to be adopted by CONTRACTOR during any construction or restorationjob as required under the contract shall be submitted to owner in due course of time for approval. No such constructionactivity shall commence unless approved by owner in writing.25. CONTRACTOR shall depute an experienced / competent representative(s) at site during the execution of any job.Any instructions given to such representative(s) shall be constructed as having been given to the CONTRACTOR.26. The order in which the work shall be carried out shall be subjected to the approval of EIC and shall be so as to suitthe detailed method of job execution adopted by the CONTRACTOR, as well as the agreed joint program.27. The CONTRACTOR shall establish document and maintain an effective Quality Assurance System to ensure thatthe work is performed in a planned, systematic manner to the best quality standards and properly documented toprovide confidence that materials supplied and/or work executed by him confirm to the applicable specifications and allthe requirements of the contract document, and the work executed shall perform satisfactorily for the entire period of itslife.28. The owner shall claim all the costs, damages or expenses that the owner may have paid, for which under thecontract the CONTRACTOR is liable. All such claims shall be billed by the owner to the CONTRACTOR, as andwhen they fall due. Such bills shall be supported by appropriate & certified vouchers or explanations, to enable theCONTRACTOR to properly identify such claims. Such claims shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR within 15 days ofthe receipt of corresponding bills and if not paid by the CONTRACTOR within the said period, the owner may thendeduct the amount, from any amount due or becoming due by the owner to the CONTRACTOR under the contract ormay be recovered by actions of law or otherwise, if the CONTRACTOR fails to satisfy the owner such claims.29. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for making available for executing the work, all-requisite constructionequipment, special aids, tools, tackles and testing equipment and appliances. Such construction equipment etc. shall besubject to examination by the owner and approval for the same. Any discrepancies pointed out by the <strong>GAIL</strong> shall beimmediately got rectified, repaired or the equipment replaced altogether, by the CONTRACTOR.30. The accessing of <strong>GAIL</strong>#s facilities shall be allowed to authorized person from CONTRACTOR#S side with theprior intimation to <strong>GAIL</strong>#s Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) Further; the authorized person has to enter the timing ofaccessing <strong>GAIL</strong>#s facility in the log-book at the facilities with the security posted at the location. At <strong>GAIL</strong>#s pipelinelocations, having gas installation in operation, smoking & any types of hot-jobs involving welding; spark, ignition, etcare strictly prohibited. Access shall be governed by the safety and security stipulation as applicable for Hydro-Carboninstallation and followed in such installation.31. Within the <strong>GAIL</strong>#s premises, the representative of the CONTRACTOR shall take care for not tampering with the<strong>GAIL</strong>#s installed equipment for pipeline, power supply, SCADA & Telecom etc. purpose. Suitable arrangements forpower shall be made available by the CONTRACTOR for operating machines, instruments and tools, as required forcarrying out the job.32. All faults shall be intimated to the CONTRACTOR#S supervisor/ authorized person by either <strong>GAIL</strong>#s networkmanagement center or the Engineer-In-charge as indicated through telephonic communication, e-mail and through fax.For this the CONTRACTOR shall provide <strong>GAIL</strong> with the contact numbers (both land line and Mobile) & e-mailaddress if any immediately after award of contract.33. The locations of repeater/cable route are indicated on the alignment sheet to be supplied by <strong>GAIL</strong> after award ofcontract to a successful bidder, however bidder is advised to visit the sites and ascertain the conditions/route underwhich the work shall be actually performed.34. It is advisable that Bidders must visit site to familiarize themselves with all constraints, restrictions, accessrequirements and available infrastructure. CONTRACTOR shall not be eligible for any adjustment in cost and time, onaccount of any lack of data regarding above. Contractor shall visit the OFC route and satisfy himself before quoting therates.35. The As-built drawings of OFC route & OFC OTDR test reports shall be given to the CONTRACTOR after theaward of job. Also contractor shall carry out the OTDR testing of all sections and the information collected thereinshall be considered as the reference only for carrying out the rectification during contract period. Any changes found inthe As-built with respect to the site condition shall not become a reason for the delay in execution of the job & anyextra claim by the CONTRACTOR.36. While executing the job at site by the CONTRACTOR, penalty claimed against any damage caused to theinfrastructure of <strong>GAIL</strong> & other parties shall be borne by the Contractor.37. Bidders are advised to submit their quotations strictly based on the terms, conditions and specifications in thetender document and not to stipulate any deviations.38. There shall be pipeline route for the contractor to repair OFC on per cut basis and the particulars of pipeline routeper section are as per the jurisdiction plan. The repair cost is to be quoted in SOR-B.39. If the contractor is working in Pipeline and there is a cut in non-pipeline route ,then EIC along with NMC shalldecide the which one shall be attended first and the time of working the contractor in pipeline section shall not beattributed in monthly down time.40. Period of Contract

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