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General Conditions of Contract88.4 ROUNDING-OFF OF AMOUNTS:In calculating the amount of each item due to theCONTRACTOR in every certificate prepared for payment, sumof less than 50 paise shall be omitted and the total amount oneach certificate shall be rounded off to the nearest rupees, i.e.,sum of less than 50 paise shall be omitted and sums of 50paise and more upto one rupee shall be reckoned as onerupee.89 Lumpsum in tender: 89.1 The payment against any Lumpsum item shall be made onlyon completion of that item as per the provision of theCONTRACT after certification by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.90 Running account paymentsto be regarded as advance:91 Notice of claims foradditional payments:90.1 All running account payments shall be regarded as paymentby way of advance against the final payment only and not aspayments for WORK actually done and completed and shallnot preclude the requiring of bad, unsound and imperfect orunskilled work to be removed and taken away andreconstructed or re-erected or be considered as an admissionof the due performance of the CONTRACT, or any partthereof, in this respect, or of the accurring of any claim by theCONTRACTOR, nor shall it conclude, determine or affect inany way the powers of the EMPLOYER under theseconditions or any of them as to the final settlement andadjustment of the accounts or otherwise, or in any other wayvary or affect the CONTRACT. The final bill shall be submittedby the CONTRACTOR within one month of the date ofphysical completion of the WORK, otherwise, theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE's certificate of the measurement andof total amount payable for the WORK accordingly shall befinal and binding on all parties91.1 Should the CONTRACTOR consider that he is entitled to anyextra payment for any extra/additional WORKS or MATERIALchange in original SPECIFICATIONS carried out by him inrespect of WORK he shall forthwith give notice in writing to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE that he claims extra payment. Suchnotice shall be given to the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE uponwhich CONTRACTOR bases such claims and such noticeshall contain full particulars of the nature of such claim with fulldetails of amount claimed. Irrespective of any provision in theCONTRACT to the contrary, the CONTRACTOR mustintimate his intention to lodge claim on the EMPLOYER within10 (ten) days of the commencement of happening of the eventand quantify the claim within 30 (thirty) days, failing which theCONTRACTOR will lose his right to claim anycompensation/reimbursement/damages etc. or refer thematter to arbitration. Failure on the part of CONTRACTOR toput forward any claim without the necessary particulars asabove within the time above specified shall be an absolutewaiver thereof. No omission by EMPLOYER to reject any suchclaim and no delay in dealing therewith shall be waiver byEMPLOYER of any of this rights in respect thereof.91.2 ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall review such claims within areasonably period of time and cause to discharge these in amanner considered appropriate after due deliberationsthereon. However, CONTRACTOR shall be obliged to carry53

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