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General Conditions of Contractfor which they are intended and except for maintenancethere of provided in clause 80.1 of General Conditions ofContract) and have passed the tests on completion, theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall issue a certificate(hereinafter called Completion Certificate) in which he shallcertify the date on which the WORK have been socompleted and have passed the said tests and theEMPLOYER shall be deemed to have taken over theWORK on the date so certified. If the WORK has beendivided into various groups in the CONTRACT, theEMPLOYER shall be entitled to take over any group orgroups before the other or others and there upon theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall issue a CompletionCertificate which will, however, be for such group or groupsso taken over only. In such an event if the group /section/part so taken over is related, to the integrated system of thework, not withstanding date of grant of CompletionCertificate for group/ section/ part. The period of liability inrespect of such group/ section/ part shall extend 12 (twelve)months from the date of completion of WORK.81.2 DEFECTS AFTER TAKING OVER:In order that the CONTRACTOR could obtain aCOMPLETION CERTIFICATE he shall make good, with allpossible speed, any defect arising from the defectivematerials supplied by the CONTRACTOR or workmanshipor any act or omission of the CONTRACT or that may havebeen noticed or developed, after the works or groups of theworks has been taken over, the period allowed for carryingout such WORK will be normally one month. If any defectbe not remedied within a reasonable time, the EMPLOYERmay proceed to do the WORK at CONTRACTOR's risk andexpense and deduct from the final bill such amount as maybe decided by the EMPLOYER.If by reason of any default on the part of theCONTRACTOR a COMPLETION CERTIFICATE has notbeen issued in respect of any portion of the WORK withinone month after the date fixed by the CONTRACT for thecompletion of the WORK, the EMPLOYER shall be atliberty to use the WORK or any portion thereof in respect ofwhich a completion certificate has not been issued,provided that the WORK or the portion thereof so used asaforesaid shall be afforded reasonable opportunity forcompleting these works for the issue of CompletionCertificate.82 Guarantee/transfer ofguarantee:82.1 For works like water-proofing, acid and alkali resistingmaterials, pre-construction soil treatment against termite orany other specialized works etc. the CONTRACTOR shallinvariably engage SUB-CONTRACTORS who arespecialists in the field and firms of repute and such aSUB-CONTRACTOR shall furnish guarantees for theirworkmanship to the EMPLOYER, through theCONTRACTOR. In case such a SUB-CONTRACTOR/firm is not prepared to furnish a guarantee to theEMPLOYER, the CONTRACTOR shall give that guaranteeto the EMPLOYER directly.47

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