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General Conditions of Contractefficient and timely reinstatement. The CONTRACTORshall also be responsible for the maintenance of all existingsurvey marks, boundary marks, distance marks and centerline marks, either existing or supplied and fixed by theCONTRACTOR. The work shall be set out to thesatisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The approvalthere of joining with the CONTRACTOR by theENGINEER- IN-CHARGE in setting out the work, shall notrelieve the CONTRACTOR of any of his responsibility.63.3 Before beginning the Works, the CONTRACTOR shall athis own cost, provide all necessary reference and levelposts, pegs, bamboos, flags, ranging rods, strings andother materials for proper layout of the works in accordancewith the schemes for bearing marks acceptable to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The center, longitudinal or facelines and cross lines shall be marked by means of smallmasonry pillars. Each pillar shall have distinct mark at thecentre to enable theodolite to be set over it. No work shallbe started until all these points are checked and approvedby the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE in writing but suchapproval shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any of hisresponsibilities. The CONTRACTOR shall also provide alllabour, material and other facilities, as necessary, for theproper checking of layout and inspection of the pointsduring construction.63.4 Pillars bearing geodetic marks located at the sites of unitsof WORKS under construction should be protected andfenced by the CONTRACTOR.63.5 On completion of WORK, the CONTRACTOR must submitthe geodetic documents according to which the WORK wascarried out.64 Responsibility for level andalignment:65 Materials to be supplied bycontractor:64.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be entirely and exclusivelyresponsible for the horizontal and vertical alignment, thelevels and correctness of every part of the WORK and shallrectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein, suchrectifications shall be carried out by the CONTRACTOR, athis own cost, when instructions are issued to that effect bythe ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE.65.1 The CONTRACTOR shall procure and provide within theVALUE OF CONTRACT the whole of the materialsrequired for the construction including steels, cement andother building materials, tools, tackles, construction plantand equipment for the completion and maintenance of theWORK except the materials which will be issued by theEMPLOYER and shall make his own arrangement forprocuring such materials and for the transport thereof. TheEMPLOYER may give necessary recommendation to therespective authority if so desired by the CONTRACTOR butassumes no further responsibility of any nature. TheEMPLOYER will insist on the procurement of materialswhich bear ISI stamp and/or which are supplied by reputedsuppliers.38

General Conditions of Contract65.2 The CONTRACTOR shall properly store all materials eitherissued to him or brought by him to the SITE to preventdamages due to rain, wind, direct exposure to sun, etc. asalso from theft, pilferage, etc. for proper and speedyexecution of his works. The CONTRACTOR shall maintainsufficient stocks of all materials required by him.65.3 No material shall be despatched from the CONTRACTOR'sstores before obtaining the approval in writing of theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.66 Stores supplied by theemployer:66.1 If the SPECIFICATION of the WORK provides for the useof any material of special description to be supplied fromthe EMPLOYER's stores or it is required that theCONTRACTOR shall use certain stores to be provided bythe ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, such materials and stores,and price to be charged there for as hereinafter mentionedbeing so far as practicable for the convenience of theCONTRACTOR, but not so as in any way to control themeaning or effect of the CONTRACT, the CONTRACTORshall be bound to purchase and shall be supplied suchmaterials and stores as are from time to time required to beused by him for the purpose of the CONTRACT only. Thesums due from the CONTRACTOR for the value ofmaterials supplied by the EMPLOYER will be recoveredfrom the running account bill on the basis of the actualconsumption of materials in the works covered and forwhich the running account bill has been prepared. After thecompletion of the WORK, however, the CONTRACTORhas to account for the full quantity of materials supplied tohim as per relevant clauses in this document.66.2 The value of the stores/materials as may be supplied to theCONTRACTOR by the EMPLOYER will be debited to theCONTRACTOR's account at the rates shown in theschedule of materials and if they are not entered in theschedule, they will be debited at cost price, which for thepurpose of the CONTRACT shall include the cost ofcarriage and all other expenses whatsoever such asnormal storage supervision charges which shall have beenincurred in obtaining the same at the EMPLOYER's stores.All materials so supplied to the CONTRACTOR shallremain the absolute property of the EMPLOYER and shallnot be removed on any account from the SITE of theWORK, and shall be at all times open for inspection to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. Any such materials remainingunused at the time of the completion or termination of theCONTRACT shall be returned to the EMPLOYER's storesor at a place as directed by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE inperfectly good condition at CONTRACTOR's cost.67 Conditions for issue ofmaterials:67.1 i) Materials specified as to be issued by theEMPLOYER will be supplied to the CONTRACTORby the EMPLOYER form his stores. It shall beresponsibility of the CONTRACTOR to take deliveryof the materials and arrange for its loading, transportand unloading at the SITE of WORK at his own cost.The materials shall be issued between the workinghours and as per the rules of the EMPLOYER asframed from time to time.39

General Conditions of Contractefficient and timely reinstatement. The CONTRACTORshall also be responsible for the maintenance of all existingsurvey marks, boundary marks, distance marks and centerline marks, either existing or supplied and fixed by theCONTRACTOR. The work shall be set out to thesatisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The approvalthere of joining with the CONTRACTOR by theENGINEER- IN-CHARGE in setting out the work, shall notrelieve the CONTRACTOR of any of his responsibility.63.3 Before beginning the Works, the CONTRACTOR shall athis own cost, provide all necessary reference and levelposts, pegs, bamboos, flags, ranging rods, strings andother materials for proper layout of the works in accordancewith the schemes for bearing marks acceptable to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The center, longitudinal or facelines and cross lines shall be marked by means of smallmasonry pillars. Each pillar shall have distinct mark at thecentre to enable theodolite to be set over it. No work shallbe started until all these points are checked and approvedby the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE in writing but suchapproval shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any of hisresponsibilities. The CONTRACTOR shall also provide alllabour, material and other facilities, as necessary, for theproper checking of layout and inspection of the pointsduring construction.63.4 Pillars bearing geodetic marks located at the sites of unitsof WORKS under construction should be protected andfenced by the CONTRACTOR.63.5 On completion of WORK, the CONTRACTOR must submitthe geodetic documents according to which the WORK wascarried out.64 Responsibility for level andalignment:65 Materials to be supplied bycontractor:64.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be entirely and exclusivelyresponsible for the horizontal and vertical alignment, thelevels and correctness of every part of the WORK and shallrectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein, suchrectifications shall be carried out by the CONTRACTOR, athis own cost, when instructions are issued to that effect bythe ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE.65.1 The CONTRACTOR shall procure and provide within theVALUE OF CONTRACT the whole of the materialsrequired for the construction including steels, cement andother building materials, tools, tackles, construction plantand equipment for the completion and maintenance of theWORK except the materials which will be issued by theEMPLOYER and shall make his own arrangement forprocuring such materials and for the transport thereof. TheEMPLOYER may give necessary recommendation to therespective authority if so desired by the CONTRACTOR butassumes no further responsibility of any nature. TheEMPLOYER will insist on the procurement of materialswhich bear ISI stamp and/or which are supplied by reputedsuppliers.38

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