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General Conditions of Contractof commencement and completion of work, delays if any, reasonsof delay and other details alongwith documentary evidence(s).4.8 Liability of Government of India: It is expressly understood andagreed by and between Bidder or/Contractor and M/s GAIL(India) Limited, and that M/s GAIL (India) Ltd., is entering intothis agreement solely on its own behalf and not on behalf of anyother person or entity. In particular, it is expressly understoodand agreed that the Government of India is not a party to thisagreement and has no liabilities, obligations or rights hereunder.It is expressly understood and agreed that M/s GAIL (India) an independent legal entity with power and authority to enterinto contracts solely on its own behalf under the applicable Lawsof India and general principles of Contract Law. TheBidder/Contractor expressly agrees, acknowledges andunderstands that M/s GAIL (India) Ltd. is not an agent,representative or delegate of the Government of India. It isfurther understood and agreed that the Government of India isnot and shall not be liable for any acts, omissions, commissions,breaches or other wrongs arising out of the contract.Accordingly, Bidder/Contractor hereby expressly waives,releases and foregoes any and all actions or claims, includingcross claims, impleader claims or counter claims against theGovernment of India arising out of this contract and covenantsnot to sue to Government of India as to any manner, claim,cause of action or thing whatsoever arising of or under thisagreement.5. Transfer of TenderDocuments:5.1 Transfer of Tender Documents purchased by one intendingtenderer to another is not permissible.6. Earnest Money: 6.1 The bidder must pay Earnest Money as given in the letter /noticeinviting tenders and attach the official receipt with the tender failingwhich the tender is liable to be rejected and representatives ofsuch tenderers will not be allowed to attend the tender opening.Earnest Money can be paid in Demand Drafts or Bank Guaranteeor Banker’s Cheque or Letter of Credit from any Indian scheduledbank or a branch of an International bank situated in India andregistered with Reserve Bank of India as scheduled foreignbank. However, other than the Nationalised Indian Banks, thebanks whose BGs are furnished, must be commercial bankshaving net worth in excess of Rs. 100 crores and a declarationto this effect should be made by such commercial bank either inthe bank guarantee itself or separately on a letter head.The bid guarantee shall be submitted in the prescribed format .Note: The Bank Guarantee so furnished by the tenderer shall be inthe proforma prescribed by the EMPLOYER. No interest shall bepaid by the EMPLOYER on the Earnest Money deposited by thetenderer. The Bank Guarantee furnished in lieu of Earnest Moneyshall be kept valid for a period of "SIX MONTHS" from the date ofopening of tender.(TWO MONTHS beyond the bid validity).The Earnest Money deposited by successful tenderer shall beforfeited if the Contractor fails to furnish the requisite ContractPerformance Security as per clause 24 hereof and /or fails to startwork within a period of 15 days or fails to execute theAGREEMENT within 15 days of the receipt by him of theNotification of Acceptance of Tender.10

General Conditions of ContractNote: The Earnest Money of the unsuccessful bidder will bereturned by EMPLOYER/CONSULTANT, directly to thetenderer (s), within a reasonable period of time but not later than30 days after the expiration of the period of bid validityprescribed by EMPLOYER.7 Validity: 7.1 Tender submitted by tenderers shall remain valid for acceptancefor a period of "4 MONTHS" from the date of opening of thetender. The tenderers shall not be entitled during the said periodof 4 months, without the consent in writing of the EMPLOYER, torevoke or cancel his tender or to vary the tender given or any termthereof. In case of tender revoking or canceling his tender orvarying any term in regard thereof without the consent ofEMPLOYER in writing, the EMPLOYER shall forfeit EarnestMoney paid by him alongwith tender.8 Addenda/Corrigenda 8.1 Addenda/ Corrigenda to the Tender Documents will be issued induplicate prior to the date of opening of the tenders to clarifydocuments or to reflect modification in design or CONTRACTterms.8.2 Each addenda/ corrigendum issued will be issued in duplicate toeach person or organisation to whom set of Tender Documentshas been issued. Recipient will retain tenderer's copy of eachAddendum/Corrigendum and attach original copy duly signedalong with his offer. All Addenda/Corrigenda issued shall becomepart of Tender Documents.9 Right of Employer toAccept or Reject Tender:9.1 The right to accept the tender will rest with the EMPLOYER. TheEMPLOYER, however, does not bind himself to accept the lowesttender, and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all thetenders received without assigning any reason whatsoever. At theoption of the Employer, the work for which the tender had beeninvited, may be awarded to one Contractor or split between morethan one bidders, in which case the award will be made for onlythat part of the work, in respect of which the bid has beenaccepted. The quoted rates should hold good for sucheventualities.Tenders in which any of the particulars and prescribed informationare missing or are incomplete in any respect and/or theprescribed conditions are not fulfilled are liable to be rejected.The Tender containing uncalled for remarks or any additionalconditions are liable to be rejected.Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited andtenders submitted by the Tenderers who resort to canvassing willbe liable to rejection.10 Time Schedule 10.1 The WORK shall be executed strictly as per the TIME SCHEDULEspecified in TENDER/CONTRACT Document. The period ofconstruction given in Time Schedule includes the time required formobilisation as well as testing, rectifications if any, retesting andcompletion in all respects to the entire satisfaction of theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE.11

General Conditions of Contractof commencement and completion of work, delays if any, reasonsof delay and other details alongwith documentary evidence(s).4.8 Liability of Government of <strong>India</strong>: It is expressly understood andagreed by and between Bidder or/Contractor and M/s <strong>GAIL</strong>(<strong>India</strong>) Limited, and that M/s <strong>GAIL</strong> (<strong>India</strong>) Ltd., is entering intothis agreement solely on its own behalf and not on behalf of anyother person or entity. In particular, it is expressly understoodand agreed that the Government of <strong>India</strong> is not a party to thisagreement and has no liabilities, obligations or rights hereunder.It is expressly understood and agreed that M/s <strong>GAIL</strong> (<strong>India</strong>) an independent legal entity with power and authority to enterinto contracts solely on its own behalf under the applicable Lawsof <strong>India</strong> and general principles of Contract Law. TheBidder/Contractor expressly agrees, acknowledges andunderstands that M/s <strong>GAIL</strong> (<strong>India</strong>) Ltd. is not an agent,representative or delegate of the Government of <strong>India</strong>. It isfurther understood and agreed that the Government of <strong>India</strong> isnot and shall not be liable for any acts, omissions, commissions,breaches or other wrongs arising out of the contract.Accordingly, Bidder/Contractor hereby expressly waives,releases and foregoes any and all actions or claims, includingcross claims, impleader claims or counter claims against theGovernment of <strong>India</strong> arising out of this contract and covenantsnot to sue to Government of <strong>India</strong> as to any manner, claim,cause of action or thing whatsoever arising of or under thisagreement.5. Transfer of TenderDocuments:5.1 Transfer of Tender Documents purchased by one intendingtenderer to another is not permissible.6. Earnest Money: 6.1 The bidder must pay Earnest Money as given in the letter /noticeinviting tenders and attach the official receipt with the tender failingwhich the tender is liable to be rejected and representatives ofsuch tenderers will not be allowed to attend the tender opening.Earnest Money can be paid in Demand Drafts or Bank Guaranteeor Banker’s Cheque or Letter of Credit from any <strong>India</strong>n scheduledbank or a branch of an International bank situated in <strong>India</strong> andregistered with Reserve Bank of <strong>India</strong> as scheduled foreignbank. However, other than the Nationalised <strong>India</strong>n Banks, thebanks whose BGs are furnished, must be commercial bankshaving net worth in excess of Rs. 100 crores and a declarationto this effect should be made by such commercial bank either inthe bank guarantee itself or separately on a letter head.The bid guarantee shall be submitted in the prescribed format .Note: The Bank Guarantee so furnished by the tenderer shall be inthe proforma prescribed by the EMPLOYER. No interest shall bepaid by the EMPLOYER on the Earnest Money deposited by thetenderer. The Bank Guarantee furnished in lieu of Earnest Moneyshall be kept valid for a period of "SIX MONTHS" from the date ofopening of tender.(TWO MONTHS beyond the bid validity).The Earnest Money deposited by successful tenderer shall beforfeited if the Contractor fails to furnish the requisite ContractPerformance Security as per clause 24 hereof and /or fails to startwork within a period of 15 days or fails to execute theAGREEMENT within 15 days of the receipt by him of theNotification of Acceptance of Tender.10

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