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General Conditions of Contract4. Documents: 4.1 General:3.4 Tenderers are advised to submit quotations based strictly on theterms and conditions and specifications contained in the TenderDocuments and not to stipulate any deviations.3.5 Tenders should always be placed in double sealed covers,superscribing ["QUOTATION DO NOT OPEN" Tender for_________________________ Project of GAIL (India) Limited duefor opening on _______________________]. The Full Name,Address and Telegraphic Address, Fax No. of the Tenderers shallbe written on the bottom left hand corner of the sealed cover.The tenders as submitted, will consist of the following:i) Complete set of Tender Documents (Original) as sold dulyfilled in and signed by the tenderer as prescribed in differentclauses of the Tender Documents.ii)iii)iv)Earnest money in the manner specified in Clause 6 hereof.Power of Attorney or a true copy thereof duly attested by aGazetted Officer in case an authorised representative hassigned the tender, as required by Clause 14 hereof.Information regarding tenderers in the proforma enclosed.v) Details of work of similar type and magnitude carried out bythe Tenderer in the proforma provided in the chart giving details of field management atsite, the tenderer proposes to have for this job.Details of construction plant and equipments available withthe tenderer for using in this work.Solvency Certificate from Scheduled Bank to prove thefinancial ability to carry out the work tendered for.Latest Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account dulyaudited.x) Details of present commitment as per proforma enclosed totender.xi)xii)xiii)Data required regarding SUB-CONTRACTOR(s)/ Supplier/Manufacturers and other technical informations the tendererwish to furnish.Provident fund registration certificateList showing all enclosures to tender.4.2 All pages are to be Initiated: All signatures in Tender Documentsshall be dated, as well as, all the pages of all sections of TenderDocuments shall be initialed at the lower right hand corner andsigned wherever required in the tender papers by the TENDERER8

General Conditions of Contractor by a person holding power of attorney authorising him to signon behalf of the tenderer before submission of tender.4.3 Rates to be in Figures and Words: The tender should quote inEnglish both in figures as well as in words the rates and amountstendered by him in the Schedule of Rates of Tender submitted bythe CONTRACTOR for each item and in such a way thatinterpolation is not possible. The amount for each item should beworked out and entered and requisite total given of all items, bothin figures and in words. The tendered amount for the work shallbe entered in the tender and duly signed by the Tenderer.If some discrepancies are found between the RATES inFIGURES and WORDS or the AMOUNT shown in the tender, thefollowing procedure shall be followed:a) When there is difference between the rates in figures andwords, the rate which corresponds to the amount worked outby the tenderer shall be taken as correct.b) When the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and wordstally but the amount is incorrect the rate quoted by thetenderer shall be taken as correct.c) When it is not possible to ascertain the correct rate by either ofabove methods, the rate quoted in words shall be taken ascorrect.4.4 Corrections and Erasures: All correction(s) and alteration(s) in theentries of tender paper shall be signed in full by the TENDERERwith date. No erasure or over writing is permissible.4.5 Signature of Tenderer:4.5.1 The TENDERER shall contain the name, residence and place ofbusiness of person or persons making the tender and shall besigned by the TENDERER with his usual signature. Partnershipfirms shall furnish the full names of all partners in the tender. Itshould be signed in the partnership's name by all the partners orby duly authorised representatives followed by the name anddesignation of the person signing. Tender by a corporation shallbe signed by an authorised representative, and a Power ofAttorney in that behalf shall accompany the tender. A copy of theconstitution of the firm with names of all partners shall befurnished.4.5.2 When a tenderer signs a tender in a language other than English,the total amount tendered should, in addition, be written in thesame language. The signature should be attested by at least onewitness.4.6 Witness: Witness and sureties shall be persons of status andproperty and their names, occupation and address shall be statedbelow their signature.4.7 Details of Experience: The tenderer should furnish, alongwith histender, details of previous experience in having successfullycompleted in the recent past works of this nature, together with thenames of Employers, location of sites and value of contract, date9

General Conditions of Contract4. Documents: 4.1 General:3.4 Tenderers are advised to submit quotations based strictly on theterms and conditions and specifications contained in the TenderDocuments and not to stipulate any deviations.3.5 Tenders should always be placed in double sealed covers,superscribing ["<strong>QUOTATION</strong> DO NOT OPEN" Tender for_________________________ Project of <strong>GAIL</strong> (<strong>India</strong>) Limited duefor opening on _______________________]. The Full Name,Address and Telegraphic Address, Fax No. of the Tenderers shallbe written on the bottom left hand corner of the sealed cover.The tenders as submitted, will consist of the following:i) Complete set of Tender Documents (Original) as sold dulyfilled in and signed by the tenderer as prescribed in differentclauses of the Tender Documents.ii)iii)iv)Earnest money in the manner specified in Clause 6 hereof.Power of Attorney or a true copy thereof duly attested by aGazetted Officer in case an authorised representative hassigned the tender, as required by Clause 14 hereof.Information regarding tenderers in the proforma enclosed.v) Details of work of similar type and magnitude carried out bythe Tenderer in the proforma provided in the chart giving details of field management atsite, the tenderer proposes to have for this job.Details of construction plant and equipments available withthe tenderer for using in this work.Solvency Certificate from Scheduled Bank to prove thefinancial ability to carry out the work tendered for.Latest Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account dulyaudited.x) Details of present commitment as per proforma enclosed totender.xi)xii)xiii)Data required regarding SUB-CONTRACTOR(s)/ Supplier/Manufacturers and other technical informations the tendererwish to furnish.Provident fund registration certificateList showing all enclosures to tender.4.2 All pages are to be Initiated: All signatures in Tender Documentsshall be dated, as well as, all the pages of all sections of TenderDocuments shall be initialed at the lower right hand corner andsigned wherever required in the tender papers by the TENDERER8

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