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General Conditions of Contract2.4.5 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the Electrical equipmentinstalled by him are such that average power factors does not fallbelow 0.90 at his premises. In case power factor falls below 0.90in any month, he will reimburse to the EMPLOYER at the penalrate determined by the EMPLOYER for all units consumed duringthe month.2.4.6 The power supply required for CONTRACTOR's colony near theplant site will be determined by the EMPLOYER and shall be asper State Electricity Board's Rules and other statutory provisionsapplicable for such installations from time to time. In case ofpower supply to CONTRACTOR's colony, the power will be madeavailable at a single point and the CONTRACTOR shall make hisown arrangement at his own cost for distribution to the occupantsof the colony as per Electricity Rules and Acts. The site andcolony shall be sufficiently illuminated to avoid accidents.2.4.7 The CONTRACTOR will have to provide and install his own lightsand power meters which will be governed as per Central/StateGovernment Electricity Rules. The metres shall be sealed by theEMPLOYER.2.4.8 In case of damage of any of the EMPLOYER’s equipment onaccount of fault, intentional or unintentional on the part of theCONTRACTOR, the EMPLOYER reserves the right to recover thecost of such damage from the CONTRACTOR's bill. Cost of HRCFuses replaced at the EMPLOYER's terminals due to any fault inthe CONTRACTOR's installation shall be to CONTRACTOR'saccount at the rates decided by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.2.4.9 Only motors upto 3 HP will be allowed to be started direct on line.For motors above 3 HP and upto 100 HP a suitable Startingdevice approved by the ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE shall beprovided by the CONTRACTOR. For motors above 100 HPslipring induction motors with suitable starting devices as approvedby the ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE shall be provided by theCONTRACTOR.2.4.10 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure at his cost that all electrical linesand equipment and all installations are approved by the StateElectricity Inspector before power can be supplied to theEMPLOYER.2.4.11 The total requirement of power shall be indicated by the tendereralongwith his tender.2.5 Land for Contractor’s Field Office, Godown and Workshop: TheEMPLOYER will, at his own discretion and convenience and forthe duration of the execution of the work make available near thesite, land for construction of CONTRACTOR's Temporary FieldOffice, godowns workshops and assembly yard required for theexecution of the CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR shall at hisown cost construct all these temporary buildings and providesuitable water supply and sanitary arrangement and get the sameapproved by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.On completion of the works undertaken by the CONTRACTOR,he shall remove all temporary works erected by him and have theSITE cleaned as directed by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. If the6

General Conditions of ContractCONTRACTOR shall fail to comply with these requirements, theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE may at he expenses of theCONTRACTOR remove such surplus, and rubbish materials anddispose off the same as he deems fit and get the site cleared asaforesaid; and CONTRACTOR shall forthwith pay the amount ofall expenses so incurred and shall have no claim in respect of anysuch surplus materials disposed off as aforesaid. But theEMPLOYER reserves the right to ask the CONTRACTOR anytime during the pendency of the CONTRACT to vacate the land bygiving 7 days notice on security reasons or on national interest orotherwise. Rent may be charged for the land so occupied fromcontractor by the Employer.The CONTRACTOR shall put up temporary structures as requiredby them for their office, fabrication shop and construction storesonly in the area allocated to them on the project site by theEMPLOYER or his authorised representative. No teastalls/canteens should be put up or allowed to be put up by anyCONTRACTOR in the allotted land or complex area withoutwritten permission of the EMPLOYER.No unauthorised buildings, constructions or structures should beput up by the CONTRACTOR anywhere on the project site.For uninterrupted fabrication work, the CONTRACTOR shall putup temporary covered structures at his cost within Area in thelocation allocated to them in the project site by the EMPLOYER orhis authorised representative.No person except for authorised watchman shall be allowed tostay in the plant area/CONTRACTOR's area after completion ofthe day's job without prior written permission fromENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.2.6 Land for Residential Accommodation:-:No Land shall be madeavailable for residential accommodation for staff and labour ofCONTRACTOR.SECTION-III GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS3. Submission of Tender: 3.1 TENDER must be submitted without making any additions,alterations, and as per details given in other clauses hereunder.The requisite details shall be filled in by the TENDERER at spaceprovided under “Submission of Tender at the beginning of GCC ofTender Document. The rate shall be filled only in the schedulegiven in this Tender Document.3.2 Addenda/Corrigenda to this Tender Document, if issued, must besigned, submitted alongwith the Tender Document. the tenderershould write clearly the revised quantities in Schedule of Rates ofTender Document and should price the WORK based on revisedquantities when amendments of quantities are issued in addenda.3.3 Covering letter alongwith its enclosures accompanying the TenderDocument and all further correspondence shall be submitted induplicate.7

General Conditions of Contract2.4.5 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the Electrical equipmentinstalled by him are such that average power factors does not fallbelow 0.90 at his premises. In case power factor falls below 0.90in any month, he will reimburse to the EMPLOYER at the penalrate determined by the EMPLOYER for all units consumed duringthe month.2.4.6 The power supply required for CONTRACTOR's colony near theplant site will be determined by the EMPLOYER and shall be asper State Electricity Board's Rules and other statutory provisionsapplicable for such installations from time to time. In case ofpower supply to CONTRACTOR's colony, the power will be madeavailable at a single point and the CONTRACTOR shall make hisown arrangement at his own cost for distribution to the occupantsof the colony as per Electricity Rules and Acts. The site andcolony shall be sufficiently illuminated to avoid accidents.2.4.7 The CONTRACTOR will have to provide and install his own lightsand power meters which will be governed as per Central/StateGovernment Electricity Rules. The metres shall be sealed by theEMPLOYER.2.4.8 In case of damage of any of the EMPLOYER’s equipment onaccount of fault, intentional or unintentional on the part of theCONTRACTOR, the EMPLOYER reserves the right to recover thecost of such damage from the CONTRACTOR's bill. Cost of HRCFuses replaced at the EMPLOYER's terminals due to any fault inthe CONTRACTOR's installation shall be to CONTRACTOR'saccount at the rates decided by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.2.4.9 Only motors upto 3 HP will be allowed to be started direct on line.For motors above 3 HP and upto 100 HP a suitable Startingdevice approved by the ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE shall beprovided by the CONTRACTOR. For motors above 100 HPslipring induction motors with suitable starting devices as approvedby the ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE shall be provided by theCONTRACTOR.2.4.10 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure at his cost that all electrical linesand equipment and all installations are approved by the StateElectricity Inspector before power can be supplied to theEMPLOYER.2.4.11 The total requirement of power shall be indicated by the tendereralongwith his tender.2.5 Land for Contractor’s Field Office, Godown and Workshop: TheEMPLOYER will, at his own discretion and convenience and forthe duration of the execution of the work make available near thesite, land for construction of CONTRACTOR's Temporary FieldOffice, godowns workshops and assembly yard required for theexecution of the CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR shall at hisown cost construct all these temporary buildings and providesuitable water supply and sanitary arrangement and get the sameapproved by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.On completion of the works undertaken by the CONTRACTOR,he shall remove all temporary works erected by him and have theSITE cleaned as directed by ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. If the6

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