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General Conditions of Contractcommence execution of work at site(s), in accordance with theagreed Time Schedule of Completion of Work. "MOBILISATION"shall be considered to have been achieved, if the CONTRACTORis able to establish infrastructure as per Time Schedule, where sowarranted in accordance with agreed schedule of workimplementation to the satisfaction of ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE/EMPLOYER.1.1.32 "COMMISSIONING" shall mean pressing into service of thesystem including the plant(s), equipment(s), vessel(s), pipeline,machinery(ies), or any other section or sub-section ofinstallation(s) pertaining to the work of the CONTRACTOR aftersuccessful testing and trial runs of the same."COMMISSIONING" can be either for a completed system or apart of system of a combination of systems or sub-systems andcan be performed in any sequence as desired by EMPLOYER andin a manner established to be made suited according to availabilityof pre-requisites. Any such readjustments made by EMPLOYERin performance of "COMMISSIONING" activity will not beconstrued to be violating CONTRACT provisions andCONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have provided for the same.SECTION-II GENERAL INFORMATION2. General Information 2.1 a) Location of Site: The proposed location of Project site is definedin the Special Conditions of Contract.b) Access by Road: CONTRACTOR, if necessary, shall buildother temporary access roads to the actual site of construction forhis own work at his own cost. The CONTRACTOR shall berequired to permit the use of the roads so constructed by him forvehicles of any other parties who may be engaged on the projectsite. The CONTRACTOR shall also facilitate the construction ofthe permanent roads should the construction there of start whilehe is engaged on this work. He shall make allowance in histender for any inconvenience he anticipates on such account.Non-availability of access roads, railway siding and railwaywagons for the use of the CONTRACTOR shall in no casecondone any delay in the execution of WORK nor be the cause forany claim for compensation against the EMPLOYER.2.2 Scope of Work: The scope of WORK is defined in the TechnicalPart of the tender document. The CONTRACTOR shall provideall necessary materials, equipment, labour etc. for the executionand maintenance of the WORK till completion unless otherwisementioned in the Tender Document.2.3 Water Supply: Contractor will have to make his own arrangementsfor supply of water to his labour camps and for works. All pumpinginstallations, pipe net work and distribution system will have to becarried out by the Contractor at his own risk and cost.Alternatively the Employer at his discretion may endeavour toprovide water to the Contractor at the Employer's source of supply4

General Conditions of Contractprovided the Contractor makes his own arrangement for the watermeter which shall be in custody of the Employer and other pipenet works from source of supply and such distribution pipenetwork shall have prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge so asnot to interfere with the layout and progress of the otherconstruction works. In such case, the rate for water shall bededucted from the running account bills.However, the Employer does not guarantee the supply of waterand this does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility inmaking his own arrangement and for the timely completion of thevarious works as stipulated.2.4 Power Supply:2.4.1 Subject to availability, EMPLOYER will supply power at 400/440 Vat only one point at the nearest sub-station, from where theCONTRACTOR will make his own arrangement for temporarydistribution. The point of supply will not be more than 500 m awayfrom the CONTRACTOR'S premises. All the works will be doneas per the applicable regulations and passed by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. The temporary line will be removedforthwith after the completion of work or if there is any hindrancecaused to the other works due to the alignment of these lines, theCONTRACTOR will re-route or remove the temporary lines at hisown cost. The CONTRACTOR at his cost will also providesuitable electric meters, fuses, switches, etc. for purposes ofpayment to the EMPLOYER which should be in the custody andcontrol of the EMPLOYER. The cost of power supply shall bepayable to the EMPLOYER every month for Construction Workspower which would be deducted from the running account bills.The EMPLOYER shall not, however, guarantee the supply ofelectricity nor have any liability in respect thereof. No claim forcompensation for any failure or short supply of electricity will beadmissible.2.4.2 It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to provide andmaintain the complete installation on the load side of the supplywith due regard to safety requirement at site. All cabling,equipment, installations etc. shall comply in all respects with thelatest statutory requirements and safety provisions i.e., as per theCentral/State Electricity Acts and Rules etc. The CONTRACTORwill ensure that his equipment and Electrical Wiring etc., areinstalled, modified, maintained by a licensedElectrician/Supervisor. A test certificate is to be produced to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE for his approval, before power is madeavailable.2.4.3 At all times, IEA regulations shall be followed failing which theEMPLOYER has a right to disconnect the power supply withoutany reference to the CONTRACTOR. No claim shall beentertained for such disconnection by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. Power supply will be reconnected onlyafter production of fresh certificate from authorized electricalsupervisors.2.4.4 The EMPLOYER is not liable for any loss or damage to theCONTRACTOR's equipment as a result of variation in voltage orfrequency or interruption in power supply or other loss to theCONTRACTOR arising therefrom.5

General Conditions of Contractcommence execution of work at site(s), in accordance with theagreed Time Schedule of Completion of Work. "MOBILISATION"shall be considered to have been achieved, if the CONTRACTORis able to establish infrastructure as per Time Schedule, where sowarranted in accordance with agreed schedule of workimplementation to the satisfaction of ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE/EMPLOYER.1.1.32 "COMMISSIONING" shall mean pressing into service of thesystem including the plant(s), equipment(s), vessel(s), pipeline,machinery(ies), or any other section or sub-section ofinstallation(s) pertaining to the work of the CONTRACTOR aftersuccessful testing and trial runs of the same."COMMISSIONING" can be either for a completed system or apart of system of a combination of systems or sub-systems andcan be performed in any sequence as desired by EMPLOYER andin a manner established to be made suited according to availabilityof pre-requisites. Any such readjustments made by EMPLOYERin performance of "COMMISSIONING" activity will not beconstrued to be violating CONTRACT provisions andCONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have provided for the same.SECTION-II GENERAL IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION2. General Information 2.1 a) Location of Site: The proposed location of Project site is definedin the Special Conditions of Contract.b) Access by Road: CONTRACTOR, if necessary, shall buildother temporary access roads to the actual site of construction forhis own work at his own cost. The CONTRACTOR shall berequired to permit the use of the roads so constructed by him forvehicles of any other parties who may be engaged on the projectsite. The CONTRACTOR shall also facilitate the construction ofthe permanent roads should the construction there of start whilehe is engaged on this work. He shall make allowance in histender for any inconvenience he anticipates on such account.Non-availability of access roads, railway siding and railwaywagons for the use of the CONTRACTOR shall in no casecondone any delay in the execution of WORK nor be the cause forany claim for compensation against the EMPLOYER.2.2 Scope of Work: The scope of WORK is defined in the TechnicalPart of the tender document. The CONTRACTOR shall provideall necessary materials, equipment, labour etc. for the executionand maintenance of the WORK till completion unless otherwisementioned in the Tender Document.2.3 Water Supply: Contractor will have to make his own arrangementsfor supply of water to his labour camps and for works. All pumpinginstallations, pipe net work and distribution system will have to becarried out by the Contractor at his own risk and cost.Alternatively the Employer at his discretion may endeavour toprovide water to the Contractor at the Employer's source of supply4

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