Issue 1 - Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel

Issue 1 - Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel

Issue 1 - Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel


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NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES #11. An Experimental investigation of the Physical Effects In a Dynamic Magnetic System. V.V. Roschin <strong>and</strong>S.M. Godin2. Torsion technologies are XXI age technologies. Acad. Anatoly E. Akimov3. On New <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> Political Authority, Alex<strong>and</strong>er V. Frolov4. Calculation on the effect of many-cavity structures by Prof. Valery F. Zolotariov5. Qu<strong>as</strong>i-Superconductive Technology for Electric Power Transmission. Prof. Dmitry S. Strebkov6. Water is the B<strong>as</strong>is of the Future Energetics. Prof. Phillip M. Kanarev7. Over-unity Patent of 1877 by Pavel Yablotchkov8. The fundamentals of the new principles of motion, P. Sherbak9. Design of an engine for free space b<strong>as</strong>ed on the pondemotor effect. Acad. Gennady F. Ignatyev.10. The Experimental Gravitonics. Spartak M. Poliakov <strong>and</strong> Oleg S. Poliakov11. The Physical System of Artificial Biofield. Dr. Alex<strong>and</strong>er M. Mishin12. Experiments on Change of the Direction <strong>and</strong> the Rate of Time.Dr. Vadim A. Chernobrov13. On Some Properties of Physical Time <strong>and</strong> Space.Prof. Dr. Albert I.Veinik14. The Causal Mechanics. Review on research work of Prof. Nickolay A. Kozyrev15. Spin (axion) field generator, Alex<strong>and</strong>er Shpilman16. On the eve of the sixth revolution in physics, Dr. Atsukovsky

An Experimental Investigationof the Physical Effects in aDynamic Magnetic SystemV. V. Roshchin <strong>and</strong> S. M. GodinInstitute of High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow, Russiae-mail: rochtchin@mail.ru, smgodin@online.ruFrom 1993 to 1999 we tried to find financial supportfor the work from different government bodies, such<strong>as</strong> the Russian Academy of Science. Unfortunatelywe failed to find serious interest to this problem fromthem.Today the project “Astra” is developing <strong>as</strong> analytic,engineering <strong>and</strong> patent work <strong>and</strong> it is a privateinitiative. At the present time we have all thedocumentation needed to produce the experimentalsetup <strong>and</strong> we have an agreement with someorganizations to produce research work into acomplex program, which also includes the medicalbiological <strong>as</strong>pects.AbstractS.M.GodinV.V. RoshchinIt w<strong>as</strong> demonstrated that a magnetic system, which isb<strong>as</strong>ed on rare-earth magnets could be used to convertdifferent forms of <strong>energy</strong>. With some critical mode theexperimental setup becomes fully energeticallyautonomous. This is accompanied with some localchanges in the weight, some decre<strong>as</strong>e in thesurrounding air temperature <strong>and</strong> creation ofconcentric “magnetic walls” around the setup.History of this projectTeam of scientists from Moscow Aviation Institute(MAI) w<strong>as</strong> created on the b<strong>as</strong>is of “Machine IndustryProjects” Institute of <strong>as</strong>sociation “Aeropromservice”in 1990 <strong>as</strong> a technical physics laboratory. The researchwork w<strong>as</strong> made to investigate electromagnetic fields<strong>and</strong> to find efficient methods of electromagnetic<strong>energy</strong> transfer. Financing w<strong>as</strong> organized by privateinvestors <strong>and</strong> the work w<strong>as</strong> produced in closecollaboration with Chair number 310 of MAI,especially Prof. PhD. L.K. Kovalev, Prof. PhD. V.V.Rybakov <strong>and</strong> PhD. K.V. Ilyshin.Also in 1990 an analysis of laboratory data onhydrodynamics of vortex structures w<strong>as</strong> published,which have special properties (Physics of NegativeViscosity Phenomena. Prof. Victor P.Starr,M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts Institute of Technology) <strong>and</strong> there w<strong>as</strong>discovered a new underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the structure ofquantum media that can be considered <strong>as</strong> the b<strong>as</strong>e ofelectromagnetic <strong>and</strong> gravitation interactions. A seriesof experiments w<strong>as</strong> produced to confirm the theory<strong>and</strong> in 1991 the Technical T<strong>as</strong>k to manufacture “Adevice for conversion of inner <strong>energy</strong> of matter” w<strong>as</strong>written. The experimental setup w<strong>as</strong> started in 1991<strong>and</strong> it continued for 2,5 years up to the middle of 1993.We could work with the setup only for a very shortperiod of time due to investor’s financial problemslead to de-installation of the device <strong>and</strong> the laboratoryw<strong>as</strong> closed in 1993. This paper is a description of theresults.IntroductionWe have experimentally investigated physical effectsin a system b<strong>as</strong>ed on rotating permanent magnets [1].Below the technology of manufacture, <strong>as</strong>sembly, <strong>and</strong>the results of testing are disclosed.Technological descriptionThe converter consists of an immobile stator <strong>and</strong> rotor,which carries fixed magnetic rollers. The magneticsystem of the converter h<strong>as</strong> about 1 m diameter. Thestator <strong>and</strong> magnetic rollers were manufactured fromseparate magnetized segments made of rare-earthmagnets (REMs) with a residual magnetization of0.85 T, a coercive force of 600 kA/m, <strong>and</strong> a specificmagnetic <strong>energy</strong> of 150 J/m. Then the magnetizedsegments were <strong>as</strong>sembled <strong>and</strong> glued together in specialmounting stage that is necessary for tolerance inpositioning of the segments. With this mounting stageit became possible to glue the elements into thecommon unit. The stator incorporated REMs with totalweight of 110 kg <strong>and</strong> the rollers contained 115 kg of thesame REM material. The elements of magnetic systemwere <strong>as</strong>sembled into a single structure on a specialplatform made of non-magnetic alloys.The platform construction includes several springs <strong>and</strong>shock absorbers to move the converter in the verticaldirection on three slides. There is an inductivetransducer to mark any changes of weight. The totalweight of the platform with the magnetic system ininitial state w<strong>as</strong> 350 kg.Page 239

Description of the observed effectsThe converter w<strong>as</strong> installed in 2.5-m-high laboratoryroom on three concrete supports at ground level. Inaddition to ordinary steel-reinforced concrete ceilingblocks, the converter environment included a st<strong>and</strong>ardelectro-generator <strong>and</strong> an electro-motor. The converterw<strong>as</strong> accelerated by means of the electric motor. Thespeed of rotation w<strong>as</strong> gradually incre<strong>as</strong>ing until theampermeter, which w<strong>as</strong> connected in series with themotor circuit showed <strong>zero</strong> input current or back currentdirection. This mode of operation corresponds to550 rpm, but the motion transducer began to indicate achange of weight beginning from 200 rpm. Then theelectric motor w<strong>as</strong> disconnected by means of specialelectro-magnetic overrunning clutch, <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ardelectrodynamic generator w<strong>as</strong> connected to the mainshaft of the converter.On some critical mode (~550 rpm), the rotordemonstrated a sharp incre<strong>as</strong>e of the rotation speed;this w<strong>as</strong> accompanied by slow-down in the rate ofchanges in weight. At this moment, first 1 kW load w<strong>as</strong>connected to the system. Immediately upon connection,the rotation speed began to decre<strong>as</strong>e. Weight changesin the system depend both on the consumed power (theload consists of ten st<strong>and</strong>ard 1kW heaters) <strong>and</strong> on thepolarization voltage applied to the system. For maximumconsumed power (7 kW), the change of weight reachedup to 35% of initial value (350 kg), which correspondsto 50% of the pure weight of the working body of theconverter. An incre<strong>as</strong>e of output power in load above7 kW led to a gradual decre<strong>as</strong>e of the rotor speed <strong>and</strong>,eventually, to the mode of operation when the systemw<strong>as</strong> leaving of the self-generation regime <strong>and</strong> the rotorspeed at decre<strong>as</strong>ing until it finally stopped. Theapplication of a high-voltage signal to the cellular ringelectrodes could control the platform weight. Theelectrodes were placed at 10 mm above the externalroller surface.Fig 1Direction of the rotor motion demonstrated certainhysteresis. For the clockwise rotation, the critical modew<strong>as</strong> observed for 550 rpm <strong>and</strong> the axial force actedagainst the gravity vector. For the counter-clockwiserotation, the critical mode w<strong>as</strong> observed for 600 rpm<strong>and</strong> the extra force w<strong>as</strong> co-directed to the gravity vector.The onset of the critical mode exhibited a scatter within50– 60 rpm. It should be noted that, probably, some othercritical resonance mode might exist, which correspondsto some high rotor speeds <strong>and</strong> a greater level of load.Starting from the general theoretical considerations, theoutput mechanical <strong>energy</strong> must nonlinearly depend onthe internal parameters of the converter magneticsystem <strong>and</strong> the rotor speed, so that the observed effectsare far from optimum. Establishment of the maximumoutput power, maximum weight variation, <strong>and</strong> theconverter <strong>energy</strong> resource is a topic of great theoretical<strong>and</strong> practical interest.Besides the phenomena described above, a number ofother interesting effects were observed in the processof experimenting with the system. In particular, theconverter operation in the dark w<strong>as</strong> accompanied bya corona discharge with a pinky-blue light emission<strong>and</strong> by ozone production. The ionization cloud w<strong>as</strong>formed around the stator <strong>and</strong> rotor <strong>and</strong> it acquired atoroidal shape. The general corona discharge showedwavy pattern corresponding to the surface of rollers:zones of incre<strong>as</strong>ed emission intensity were distributedalong the roller height in a manner similar to thatobserved for the high-voltage microwave induction<strong>energy</strong> storage in the pre-breakdown state. These zonesappeared to be yellowish-white, but the emission w<strong>as</strong>not accompanied by sounds characteristic of arcdischarge. Nor did we observe any visible erosivedamage of the stator <strong>and</strong> rotor surfaces.One more effect, which h<strong>as</strong> never been previouslyreported, is the appearance of vertical “magneticwalls” surrounding the setup. We have detected <strong>and</strong>me<strong>as</strong>ured an anomalous constant magnetic field aroundthe converter. The me<strong>as</strong>urements revealed zones ofincre<strong>as</strong>ed magnetic field strength, which have the orderof 0.05T arranged coaxially relative to the system center.The direction of the magnetic field vector on the “walls”coincided with that in the rollers. The structure of thesemagnetic zones resembles the pattern of circular waveson the <strong>water</strong> surface. No anomalous field w<strong>as</strong> detectedby the mobile magnetometer employing the Hall effectin the are<strong>as</strong> between zones.The layers of incre<strong>as</strong>ed magnetic field strengthpropagated with no attenuation to a distance of 15 mfrom the converter center <strong>and</strong> then rapidly vanished atthe boundary of this 15-m area. Each layer zone w<strong>as</strong> 5–8 cm thick <strong>and</strong> had sharp boundaries. The layers werespaced by 50–60 cm, the spacing slightly incre<strong>as</strong>ed withthe distance from the converter center. A stable patternw<strong>as</strong> also observed at height of 5 m above the setup(the me<strong>as</strong>urements were conducted in a second-floorroom above the laboratory; no tests were performed onnext floor).Another interesting phenomenon is the anomaloustemperature drops in the immediate vicinity of thePage 240

Fig 2converter. When the room temperature level of thelaboratory w<strong>as</strong> about +22 C, the temperature at theconverter surface w<strong>as</strong> 6–8 degrees lower. Similartemperature variations were detected in the verticalmagnetic “walls.” An ordinary alcohol thermometerwith a reading step of time of 1.5 min detected thetemperature changes in the walls. The temperaturevariations in the magnetic “walls” could be e<strong>as</strong>ilydetected directly by the human body: a h<strong>and</strong> inside ofthe “wall” immediately feels cold.Discussion of resultsAll the experimental results described above are veryunusual <strong>and</strong> need some theoretical rationalization.Unfortunately, attempts to explain the obtained resultswithin the existing framework of physical theoriesshowed that none of these models can explain the wholeset of experimental data. Recently, Dyatlov [2]attempted to combine the concepts of electricity <strong>and</strong>gravity by introducing the so-called electronavigation<strong>and</strong> magnetic-spin coefficients into the Heavisidegravity equations <strong>and</strong> into the Maxwell field equations.This provides the relationship between the gravitational<strong>and</strong> electrical components, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> between themagnetic <strong>and</strong> rotational components in a given medium.The <strong>as</strong>sumptions are built around a special model ofinhomogeneous physical vacuum, the so called “thevacuum domain model” [2]. It is suggested that theextra relationships are absent outside the vacuumdomain. Although it is difficult to imagine a long l<strong>as</strong>tingvacuum domain, the proposed model provides us witha satisfactory explanation (at le<strong>as</strong>t some qualitativephenomenology) of discovered emission, the systemweight changes <strong>and</strong> the conversion of <strong>energy</strong> taken fromthe surrounding medium into the rotational mechanicalmoment of the rollers. Unfortunately, the theory cannotprovide a physical pattern of the observed phenomena.ConclusionAt the present time some work into a new advancedversion of the converter are in progress at Glushko town,Scientific Industry Corporation “Energom<strong>as</strong>h”(Moscow). This experimental setup will allow us to geta new deep insight into the physics of the observedphenomena. Another goal is the creation of commercialsamples for practical application.References1. J. A. Thom<strong>as</strong>, Jr., ANTI-GRAVITY: the Dream MadeReality: the Story of John R. R. Searl (Direct InternationalScience Consortium, London, 1994), Vol. VI, Iss. 2.2. V.L. Dyatlov, Polarization Model of HeterogeneousPhysical Vacuum (Inst. of Mat. Novosibirsk, 1998).Unfortunately, attempts to explain theobtained results within the existingframework of physical theories showedthat none of these models can explain thewhole set of experimental data.Page 241

Torsion Technologies are XXIAge TechnologiesPh.D. Anatoly E. AkimovShenkursky proesd, 8-7, Moscow, 127349, RussiaPhone (095) 925-73-97During p<strong>as</strong>t three hundred years the science h<strong>as</strong> beenknown two universal long-range types of field. They aregravitational field <strong>and</strong> electromagnetic field. Thesignificance of universal long-range fields can be e<strong>as</strong>ilyproved, for example, by electromagnetic fields. Thetwentieth century showed clearly that it is difficult tofind any technical, scientific or household problem,which could not be solved with the help ofelectromagnetism. It is electric power industry, electrictransport, radio communication, computers, navigation,etc. Not a single universal long-range field h<strong>as</strong> beendiscovered for l<strong>as</strong>t three hundred years; a field that couldbo<strong>as</strong>t such an impressive sphere of practical application<strong>as</strong> it is the c<strong>as</strong>e with electromagnetism.In the early twentieth century French scientist E. Cartanpostulated the existence of torsion fields in the nature,i.e. fields generated by the angular momentum ofrotation [1]. Before the spin w<strong>as</strong> discovered, the natureof torsion field had been connected to the rotation ofhuge objects. Within the framework of such anapproach, torsion field is viewed <strong>as</strong> a manifestation ofgravitational field of rotating huge objects [2]. Later on,the spin, a quantum analog of the angular momentumof rotation, w<strong>as</strong> discovered <strong>and</strong> it became clear thattorsion field at the quantum level is generated by a spinunlike electromagnetic field generated by a charge <strong>and</strong>gravitational field generated by m<strong>as</strong>s. From thisst<strong>and</strong><strong>point</strong>, torsion field can be viewed <strong>as</strong> anindependent physical object like electromagnetic <strong>and</strong>gravitational fields. By the mid-1970s, theoreticalresearch on torsion field resulted in appearance of anindependent subdiscipline of theoretical physics namedTheory of Einstein-Cartan. Practically all expertsworking within the framework of Theory of Einstein-Cartan consider that torsion field is only a specific<strong>as</strong>pect of gravitational fields. The most prominentexperts working within the framework of this theoryare E. Fradkin, D. Gitman, V. Ponomarev, U. Obukhovfrom Russia, American R. Hammond, R. Hehl fromGermany, Italians V. De Sabbata <strong>and</strong> C. Sivaram, M.Karmeli from Israel <strong>and</strong> others.Theory of Einstein-Cartan remained a theoreticaldiscipline that did not find practical application <strong>as</strong> itproved that torsion field is weak <strong>and</strong> cannot createvisible phenomena or effects. This situation existed until80s-90s, when G. Shipov created Theory of PhysicalVacuum (TPV), which proved that the Theory ofEinstein-Cartan is a phenomenological theory, primarilybecause of its relation to the phenomenological natureof E. Cartan’s geometry. A fundamental theory of torsionfields b<strong>as</strong>ing on Ricci’s geometry w<strong>as</strong> developed inTheory of Physical Vacuum. The theory of torsion fieldin TPV does not impose any restrictions on the constantof spin-torsion interactions, i.e. torsion field can manifestintensively. We should pay attention to the fact that evenTheory of Einstein-Cartan does not impose anyrestrictions on the constant of spin-torsion interactionsregarding dynamic torsion (for radiating torsionsources). This does not prove that torsion field h<strong>as</strong>strong manifestations. It is important in this context thatthe theory does not require obligatory infinitesimalconstant of spin-torsion interactions. In this c<strong>as</strong>e theanswer to the question whether this constant is smallor big <strong>and</strong>, consequently, whether possible effects arestrong or weak can be obtained only by means of directexperimental me<strong>as</strong>urements.What is the most b<strong>as</strong>ic interpretation of the PhysicalVacuum? Let’s imagine some limited space, where theair h<strong>as</strong> been removed. Traditionally, we would say thereis nothing there, which means there is vacuum.However, according to modern underst<strong>and</strong>ing, this isphysical vacuum since this volume is not empty at all.Let us imagine now that we managed to remove allfundamental particles from this volume <strong>and</strong> to screen itso that no particles from outside can get inside. Buteven in this c<strong>as</strong>e, from the <strong>point</strong> of view of modernphysics, it is impossible to <strong>as</strong>sert that the volume isempty. The so-called virtual electron-positron pairs canappear in r<strong>and</strong>om locations of this volume of space.Material objects, electron-positron pairs, cannotappear from nowhere. They can be produced only bysubstance <strong>and</strong> if we do not register it directly in thespecified volume, from which virtual pairs arise, this isbound to be some specific substance that cannot beobserved under usual conditions. This specificsubstance w<strong>as</strong> called Physical Vacuum. Apart fromproducing electron-positron pairs, Physical Vacuummanifests itself in a number of experimentalphenomena.Physical Vacuum is known to manifest itself in the socalledLemb shift in hyperfine structure of hydrogenatom radiation <strong>and</strong> determines the so-called Kazemir’seffect. The st<strong>and</strong>ard interpretation describes PhysicalVacuum <strong>as</strong> a complex quantum dynamic object, whichmanifests itself through fluctuations.With such an approach the scientific description ofPhysical Vacuum derives from the concept of S. Winberg,A. Salam <strong>and</strong> S. Gl<strong>as</strong>how. G. Shipov’s Theory of PhysicalVacuum is b<strong>as</strong>ed on strict fundamental postulates. Thistheory provides analytical description of PhysicalVacuum on the b<strong>as</strong>is of three vacuum equations: theequation of A. Einstein, equation of Geisenberg <strong>and</strong>equation of Young-Mills, which are structural equationsof R. Weitzenbock’s geometry. G. Shipov’s Theory ofPhysical Vacuum allowed us to recognize the structureof the creation. We are an integral part of the reality,which is divided into seven hierarchical levels.The topmost level, Absolute Nothing, is a level, whichh<strong>as</strong> no strictly analytical description within theframework of the Theory of Physical Vacuum. Theproblem is to be solved by future theories. However,we believe that this level of the reality containsinformation defining the necessity of generation of thePage 23

following level of the reality that determines the way(laws) of how this generation should take place, whichdetermines properties of another level of the reality. G.Shipov called this next level of the reality <strong>as</strong> a primarytorsion field.The primary torsion field is a special form of existenceof substance, which is a quantum vortex, which doesnot possess <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> does not transmit <strong>energy</strong>.These quantum vortexes have informational interaction.As there is no quantum vortexes interaction <strong>energy</strong> inthe primary torsion field, the perturbation transfer ratein the medium of this level can only be equal to infinity.The primary torsion field also h<strong>as</strong> to contain informationdefining the necessity of generation of the followinglevel of the reality that determines the way (laws) ofhow this generation should take place, which, in turn,determines properties of another level of the reality. Thislevel of the reality is known to modern physics <strong>as</strong>Physical Vacuum. Physical Vacuum might have a lot ofcomponents <strong>and</strong> various structural elements. PhysicalVacuum, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the primary torsion field, containsring vortex structures, which do not transfer <strong>energy</strong>.Perturbation propagates instantaneously in PhysicalVacuum, i.e. its speed is equal to infinity. Properties ofPhysical Vacuum should contain information, whichdefines the mechanism of origination of specific virtualpairs rather than some r<strong>and</strong>om particles <strong>and</strong>antiparticles.Particles, which were originated from PhysicalVacuum, form the new level of hierarchy of the reality,i.e. the pl<strong>as</strong>ma. Properties of such particles <strong>as</strong> electron,proton <strong>and</strong> neutron, coupled with those of PhysicalVacuum, with which they interact, determineappearance of specific rather than r<strong>and</strong>om atomsgenerated from the specified particles. These atoms <strong>and</strong>molecules, which they form, constitute the followingthree levels of the reality depending on the state of theph<strong>as</strong>e - g<strong>as</strong>es, fluid <strong>and</strong> solids.G. Shipov called the four lower levels of this sevenlevelstructure of the reality the objective physics,which is a subject of st<strong>and</strong>ard physical schools. Theupper two levels were called the subjective physics. Anumber of theoretical experimental results prove the factthat these two levels together with the level of PhysicalVacuum are responsible not only for many physicalphenomena <strong>and</strong> processes, but also play a primary rolein human consciousness. It is possible that AbsoluteNothing is a level connected with the globalmanifestation of the Spiritual.The level of the Spiritual should be creative <strong>and</strong>volitional. Inevitability of existence of creative b<strong>as</strong>e,i.e. the Spiritual level, is determined by the fact thatthe whole vertical structure <strong>and</strong> properties of all thehorizontal levels should at first be “formulated” at thelevel of Absolute Nothing. Inevitability of somethingvolitional on the Spiritual Absolute “Nothing” level isdetermined by the fact that there should be an impulse,which would start the mechanism of creation of theabove levels of the reality. In the end it turned out thatthe Theory of Physical Vacuum, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> constructedphysical models, not only gives ground to set up physicsof consciousness, but also allows us to suppose thephysical underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the Spirit.Phenomenological models of Physical Vacuum appearedin Russia in the early 1980s <strong>and</strong> later turned out tocorrespond to the conclusions of the Theory of PhysicalVacuum. Also it w<strong>as</strong> important that these models didnot contradict to official experimental results.When models of Physical Vacuum were created it w<strong>as</strong>deemed expedient to return to the electron-positronmodel of P. Dirac, which is changed in some <strong>as</strong>pects.This approach may be considered <strong>as</strong> justified if it allowsus to formulate conclusions, which do not follow directlyfrom st<strong>and</strong>ard notions.At the same time, taking into account that physicalvacuum is a state without particles, <strong>and</strong>, proceedingfrom the model of the cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin by Ya. Frenkel <strong>and</strong>I. Ternov <strong>as</strong> ring wave packet (circulating <strong>energy</strong> flow,according to Belinfante’s terminology [6]), we shallconsider the vacuum <strong>as</strong> a system consisting of ringwave packets carrying information on the properties ofthe particles, rather than system of electron-positronpairs. It follows from the above suggestions that thetrue electro neutrality of such electron-positron vacuumwill only be possible in c<strong>as</strong>e ring wave packets ofelectron <strong>and</strong> positron are enclosed into each other, <strong>as</strong>you see on Fig.1A.PhytonPhyton structure of Physical VacuumE-field+ - +- +qmSSRSLaPolarization of Physical Vacuum+Fig.1 Diagrams of polarization states of Physical VacuumIf the spins of these enclosed ring packets appear to beopposite, such system will be self-compensated not onlywith respect to charges, but also to the cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin<strong>and</strong> magnetic moment. The system comprised by theenclosed ring wave packets, <strong>as</strong> is shown in Fig.1a, willbe referred to <strong>as</strong> a fiton. Let’s consider the mostbG-fieldLongitudial spin polarization of Physical VacuumTransverse spin polarization of Physical VacuumS RS LcdS-fieldePage 24

practically important c<strong>as</strong>es of Physical Vacuumperturbation by different external sources within theframework of the proposed model. This may help todemonstrate a fe<strong>as</strong>ibility of the suggested approach.1. Let the charge (q) to be the perturbation source. Ifvacuum h<strong>as</strong> fiton structure, the activity of the chargewill be expressed in the charge polarization of PhysicalVacuum, <strong>as</strong> it is shown on the Fig.1C. This c<strong>as</strong>e is wellknown in terms of quantum electrodynamics. Inparticular, the Lamb shift is traditionally explainedthrough the charge polarization of the electron-positronPhysical Vacuum.2. Let the m<strong>as</strong>s (m) to be the perturbation source. Unlikein the previous c<strong>as</strong>e, where we face a well-knownsituation, we will come up with a hypotheticalsuggestion here. Perturbation of Physical Vacuum bythe m<strong>as</strong>s m will be expressed in symmetric oscillationsof fiton elements along the axis on the center of theobject of perturbation, <strong>as</strong> it is shown on the Fig.1D. Suchstate of Physical Vacuum can be characterized <strong>as</strong>gravitational field (G-field).If the mechanism of gravitation is really connectedwith longitudinal spin polarization of PhysicalVacuum, we will have to admit that the nature ofgravitation excludes the antigravity existence.3. Let the cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin to be the perturbation source.Presumably, the activity of the cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin on PhysicalVacuum will consist of the following. If the source h<strong>as</strong>a spin oriented in a manner shown on the Fig.1e, spinsof fitons that coincide with orientation of the source’sspin, retain their orientation. Spins of fitons that areopposite to the source’s spin are subjected to inversiondue to the activity of the source. As a result, PhysicalVacuum will change in a state of the transverse spinpolarization. This polarization state can be interpreted<strong>as</strong> a spin field (S-field), the field generated by thecl<strong>as</strong>sical spin, i.e. torsion field. The above approach issimilar to the notions about the torsion fields <strong>as</strong> acondensate of fermion pairs.The S R<strong>and</strong> S Lpolarization spin states are incontradiction with the Pauli’s exclusion. However,according to the concept of academician M. Makarov[7], the fundamental physical laws at densities close toPlanck’s ones can have other physical sense. Rejectionof Pauli’s exclusion in a specific material medium, such<strong>as</strong> Physical Vacuum, is permissible, <strong>and</strong> probably to noless extent than in the c<strong>as</strong>e with the concept of quarks.According to the above approach, we can state thatthe uniform medium, Physical Vacuum, can exist indifferent ph<strong>as</strong>es, or, to be more precise, polarizationstates, i.e. EGS states. This medium in the state ofcharge polarization manifests itself <strong>as</strong> anelectromagnetic field (E). The same medium in the stateof spin longitudinal polarization manifests itself <strong>as</strong> agravitational field (G). Finally, Physical Vacuum in thestate of the spin transverse polarization manifests itself<strong>as</strong> a spin (torsion) field (S). Thus, EGS-fields correspondto the EGS-polarization states of Physical Vacuum.In the early 1980s, A. Akimov predicted <strong>and</strong>experimentally confirmed the existence of a specialcl<strong>as</strong>s of torsion fields – electrotorsion fields [9]. In themid-1990s, the author of the Theory of PhysicalVacuum, G. Shipov, gave fundamentally strictsubstantiation of electrotorsion fields [3]. The modelof polarization states of Physical Vacuum allowed us tofind out an important circumstance. It h<strong>as</strong> already beenreported that torsion field can be registered in c<strong>as</strong>eswhen Physical Vacuum h<strong>as</strong> the state of the spintransverse polarization. However, we can formulate amore general approach b<strong>as</strong>ed on the synergeticscriteria. Presumably, torsion field can be registered inall c<strong>as</strong>es when Physical Vacuum is in non-equilibriumspin state.It is clear that the charge scission of fitons also causesspin spatial scission in c<strong>as</strong>e of the charge polarizationof Physical Vacuum, <strong>as</strong> you can see at Fig.1c. As a result,the spins appear to be non-compensated, which is anequivalent of the torsion component inelectromagnetic field.Gravitational <strong>and</strong> torsion fields manifest themselves“purely”, where<strong>as</strong> electromagnetic fields alwayscontain the torsion component, which is an importantfundamental fact. Torsion field can be observed both inelectrostatic field <strong>and</strong> in electromagnetic radiation.Inability to underst<strong>and</strong> this fact frequently resulted inthat many phenomena of psychophysics generated byelectromagnetic sources were explained withelectromagnetic phenomena. In this connection it isnecessary to mention the works of investigator DzenKanzhen, inventor Hideo Uchida, etc. Thus, HideoUchida experimentally proved [8] that the device, whichhe had designed, reacted when the generator w<strong>as</strong>switched on at the frequency of 13.0 GHz, with thedetector shielded <strong>and</strong> waveguide outlet closed by a metalblank flange. It is possible to explain this phenomenonconsidering the fact that the electromagnetic signal inthe waveguide excites a torsion signal at the samefrequency <strong>and</strong> the signal is not screened.It is noteworthy that the reaction of biolocationoperators to electromagnetic radiation is probablyconnected with the specified ability of electromagneticfield to generate the torsion component.G. Shipov’s fundamental theory of torsion field [3], whichallowed us to prove intensive manifestation of torsionfield, <strong>and</strong>, hence, provided us with an opportunity toobserve strong effects, <strong>and</strong>, consequently, to solve awide range of applied problems, played a veryimportant role in the new revolution in physics. Creationof the world’s first torsion generators in Russia in the1980s [9] w<strong>as</strong> a l<strong>and</strong>mark of the new revolution inphysics. Torsion generator is a device generating statictorsion fields <strong>and</strong> wave torsion radiation. A number oflaboratories, which have been united under theInternational Institute of Theoretical <strong>and</strong> AppliedPhysics (Russia, Moscow), which is carrying out aPage 25

considerable amount of works together with TORTECHUSA, have made more than 20 torsion generators ofdifferent design during 20 years.The developed torsion generators form two groups ofdevices. The first group includes torsion generators thatcreate static torsion fields of variable intensity <strong>and</strong>spatial configuration, with different spacing <strong>and</strong> range.The other group consists of torsion generators thatcreate wave torsion radiation of various intensity,different frequencies (with frequency range from fractionof hertz up to hundreds of gigahertz), differentfrequency spectrums, different types of modulation,different methods of sending information to differentobjects. Universal torsion generators have beendesigned, which, apart from wave torsion radiation, canalso create the static torsion fields <strong>and</strong> torsion currents.In some practical situations different types of torsiongenerators should be used simultaneously.During 20 years torsion fields <strong>and</strong> torsion generatorshave been widely used to create torsion <strong>energy</strong>sources, torsion transport, torsion metallurgy, torsionsystems of data transfer communication, torsionsystems of medical diagnostics, etc. [10].3. As torsion field is generated by the cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin, itsinfluence on some object can result only the change ofits spin state (state of nuclear or atomic spins).4. Different from the sources of electromagnetic <strong>and</strong>gravitational fields, which create fields with centralsymmetry, sources of torsion field create fields withaxial symmetry <strong>as</strong> it is shown on the Fig.2. Thespinning object establishes polarization in two spatialcones corresponding to left torsion field (S L) in onedirection <strong>and</strong> right torsion field Fig.2 (S R) in the other.Moreover, there is an area of torsion field that looks likea disk, which is perpendicular to the spin axis <strong>and</strong>p<strong>as</strong>sing through the spin center. Axial torsion fieldappears in the are<strong>as</strong> described <strong>as</strong> cones (T a), while radialtorsion field (T r) arises in the disk. Each of these torsionfields can be either right (T aR, T rR) or left (T aL, T rL).5. Different from the electrical charges, torsion chargeshaving the same sign (like cl<strong>as</strong>sical spins (S RS Ror S LS L)attract to each other, while unlike charges (S RS L) arerepelling.Fe<strong>as</strong>ibility <strong>and</strong> practical effectiveness of torsion fieldsw<strong>as</strong> experimentally proved in a number of are<strong>as</strong> ofapplication. In some are<strong>as</strong>, such <strong>as</strong> nuclear w<strong>as</strong>tessalvaging with the use of torsion technologies, there isscientific substantiation <strong>and</strong> preliminary experimentalresults. Technological experience w<strong>as</strong> gained in someare<strong>as</strong>.Peculiar features of torsion field’s properties define <strong>as</strong>ignificant efficiency of torsion technologies <strong>and</strong>simplicity of physical <strong>and</strong> technical methods, whichimplement these technologies. I will only outline theirb<strong>as</strong>ic properties. However, it is noteworthy that all theproperties of torsion fields were predicted theoretically<strong>and</strong> have been confirmed experimentally.1. The cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin or macroscopic rotation is thesource of torsion fields. Torsion field can be generatedby torsion of space or arise <strong>as</strong> a consequence ofperturbation of Physical Vacuum of a geometrical ortopological nature. It also can arise <strong>as</strong> an integralcomponent of electromagnetic field. Torsion field canhave self-generating nature.The above c<strong>as</strong>es describe torsion field generated at thelevel of matter. However, according to the Theory ofPhysical Vacuum, there are primary torsion fields thatare generated by Absolute Nothing. Similar to the initialmaterial of the matter world, i.e. the fundamentalparticles, which appear from Physical Vacuum, thePhysical Vacuum itself arises from primary torsion field.2. The tordions are quanta of the torsion field. We believethat tordions are neutrinos with <strong>energy</strong> <strong>as</strong> low <strong>as</strong> unitiesof eV. These neutrinos form a special cl<strong>as</strong>s.Fig.2 Spatial diagram of static torsion field of the spinningobject. SaR, SaL - right <strong>and</strong> left axial torsion fields.SrD - radial torsion field of the spinning object6. A stationary spinning object creates static torsionfield. If the spinning object is non-equilibrium, forexample change of angular rotational velocity,precession of m<strong>as</strong>sive objects, its nutation or the objecth<strong>as</strong> the moments of greater order, also the gradientdistribution of m<strong>as</strong>s along the spin axis, then such adynamic spinning object creates wave torsion radiation.7.Static torsion field h<strong>as</strong> a limited range r 0where theintensity of torsion field may slightly vary remainingalmost the same <strong>as</strong> you can see on the Fig.3.Conventionally by analogy with electromagnetism,though physics of processes is different here, we cancall the r 0range <strong>as</strong> a short-range zone. The r 0range doesnot limit the wave torsion radiation <strong>and</strong> its intensitydoes not depend on the distance.8. The potential of torsion fields is identically equal to<strong>zero</strong>, which proves that they are not of <strong>energy</strong> nature.This is one of the factors which explain, why torsionsignals (torsion influence) are transferredinformationally rather than energetically, i.e. withoutPage 26

transmission of <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> their speed is overlight(infinite).9. Physical Vacuum is the medium, where torsionradiation propagates. It is the holographic medium inrelation to the torsion waves. In this medium torsionwaves propagate through the ph<strong>as</strong>e pattern of thehologram. This is the second fundamental physicalfactor that explains informational rather than energeticnature of signals transfer, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> indefinitely greattransfer speed.10. The constant of spin-torsion interactions for thestatic torsion fields for the c<strong>as</strong>e of the Cartan’s spinningis less than 10 -50 , according to the existing <strong>as</strong>sessments,i.e. such fields cannot produce effects that can beobserved in reality. Theoretically, the constant of spintorsioninteractions for the wave torsion fields of theCartan’s spinning (dynamic torsion) is not limited. Alsothe torsion fields of Ricci’s or Weitzenbock’s spinninghave no restrictions on the value of the constant ofinteractions, <strong>and</strong>, hence, the intensity of manifestationof these fields is unlimited. Torsion fields with spinninggenerated <strong>as</strong> a component of electromagnetic fields(electrotorsion interaction) have the value of theconstant of interactions about 10 -3 - 10 -4 [3]. This is atheoretical value that h<strong>as</strong> been experimentallyconfirmed by professor R. Kuzmin.11. Since the constant of electrotorsion interactions(10 -3 - 10 -4 ) is slightly less than the constant ofelectromagnetic interactions (~7.3·10 -3 ), in naturalconditions such torsion influence can cause observablechanges only in objects with non-equilibrium state, forexample, ph<strong>as</strong>e transitions that attenuate theelectromagnetic connections.12. Torsion fields p<strong>as</strong>s through the natural mediumswithout any losses. This is a normal factor consideringthat neutrinos are the quanta of torsion fields.-roSrightIntensityof forsion fieldSleftFig.3 Intensity of static torsion field <strong>as</strong> function of r13. Theoretically, <strong>as</strong> it h<strong>as</strong> been <strong>point</strong>ed out above, thespeed of torsion waves is equal to infinity. Overlightspeeds are not unusual in physics. It w<strong>as</strong> presented inNewton’s theory of gravitation, <strong>and</strong> it forms the b<strong>as</strong>isof the concept of tachyons. There would be noGoldstone’s theory of spontaneous disturbance ofsymmetry without them. Overlight speeds wereexperimentally observed at first by N. Kozyrev [11], <strong>and</strong>rorlater confirmed by two other teams. Zeilinger [12]confirmed it at the quantum level. We should mentionthat Soviet physicists noticed more than a decade agothat spin perturbations in spin medium are propagatingin such a way that they cannot be screened, which inthose times had no relation to the torsion fields. It meansthat there is a possibility of under<strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong>underground telecommunications, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong>communications through any other natural medium.14. All organic <strong>and</strong> inorganic bodies consists of atoms,most of them have non-<strong>zero</strong> atomic or nuclear cl<strong>as</strong>sicalspins. Taking into account that all bodies are placed inthe magnetic field of the Earth, considering the presenceof magnetic moments of atoms <strong>and</strong> nuclei caused bythe cl<strong>as</strong>sical spins, <strong>and</strong> charges, there is a precession,which generates wave torsion radiation. Thus, allbodies have their own torsion fields (radiation).15. Since different bodies consist of different chemicalelements <strong>and</strong> different chemical compounds withdifferent stereochemistry, i.e. different spacing of atoms<strong>and</strong> chemical compounds in these bodies, each bodyh<strong>as</strong> unique torsion field (radiation), i.e. typicalfrequency <strong>and</strong> spatial-frequency torsion field.No matter how unusual properties of torsion fields mayseem, they should not only be accepted, but also exactlyobeyed, since these properties are an objective realityof nature confirmed experimentally.Many properties of torsion fields, since they have beenformulated, almost automatically allow finding aproperty, which can be used <strong>as</strong> the b<strong>as</strong>is for any specificapplication of torsion fields, according to the givenformulation.We can demonstrate peculiar properties, <strong>and</strong>, hence,manifestations of torsion fields by the followingexample. It is usual to think that physics knowseverything about mechanics. In particular, manyscientists speak about inertia, but there is no definitionof inertia. Orthodox physics not only lacks interpretationof inertia, it cannot even explain whether the forces ofinertia are internal or external with respect to movingbodies. Theory of the Physic Vacuum showed it clearlythat inertia is a manifestation of torsion fields inmechanics [13].It follows from the fact that if torsion fields can becontrolled, it is also possible to control forces of inertia<strong>and</strong>, on this b<strong>as</strong>is, make universal propulsive devices,which do not use the reactive thrust or friction.Presumably, Newton’s mechanics is b<strong>as</strong>ed on Euclideangeometry, where torsion fields derive from Ricci’sgeometry, i.e. geometry of spinning. It is, therefore, quiteobvious that Newton’s mechanics cannot be applied tosystems with spin, just <strong>as</strong> it cannot be used to describeobjects moving at relativistic speeds. In this c<strong>as</strong>e thetheory of relativity b<strong>as</strong>ed on Riemannian geometryshould be used. It is a special sort of mechanics, torsionmechanics, which should be applied to systems withPage 27

spinning rather than Newton’s mechanics. Russianphysicist-theoretician Gennady Shipov laid the b<strong>as</strong>is oftorsion mechanics. Torsion mechanics observes effectsthat are impossible from the Newton’s mechanics view;also it is impossible in the c<strong>as</strong>e with quantummechanics.The most unusual factor is the possibility to create, notonly theoretically, but also practically, systems that canbe moving by their own internal forces.remain the same. The only difference is that in thesecond c<strong>as</strong>e a torsion generator producing torsionwaves from 1 to 150 Hz influences the metal <strong>and</strong> it isplaced about one meter from the Tamman’s furnace. Thetime of influence is 15-20 minutes. As soon <strong>as</strong> meltingw<strong>as</strong> over, each furnace w<strong>as</strong> left to cool down. Theningots were removed from the crucible <strong>and</strong> sectionswere taken to study the structure of metal. The resultsof such melting procedures were given on the screen.The Fig.4 shows a picture of a device that employs theabove principle.abFig.4 Tolchin’s inertial drive (inertioid)Since the first half of the 1980s great attention w<strong>as</strong> paidto experimental <strong>and</strong> practical work aimed at changingproperties of different materials by the torsion fieldinfluence to these materials when they are in variousph<strong>as</strong>e states. An example of such work is a research oninfluence of torsion waves to metal melts.The scheme of the experiment is shown on the Fig.5. Ast<strong>and</strong>ard laboratory Tamman’s furnace w<strong>as</strong> used to meltmetals. Tamman’s furnace is a metal cylinder of 60 cmdiameter.Fig.5 Torsion field influenceThe metal furnace body is earthed, i.e. such body is theFaraday cylinder that prevents any electromagneticinfluence on molten metal. Metal in this furnace can bemelted in vacuum or in any g<strong>as</strong>. Inside Tamman’sfurnace there is a graphite-heating element that makesmetal melts when the currents is equal to 900 A.Each experiment includes two sorts of melting, a test<strong>and</strong> experimental ones. In both c<strong>as</strong>es the conditionsFig.6 a- control meltingb- melting with torsion field influenceOn the Fig.6a you can see the structure of tin after testmelting. It is clear that the dimensions of metal grainsare differing greatly. The structure of the metal is nothomogenous. These factors cause low characteristicsof metal, such <strong>as</strong> strength <strong>and</strong> ductility. On the fig.6bwe can see the structure of tin that w<strong>as</strong> influenced bytorsion field while being melted. The difference betweentwo pictures is so obvious that we can ignore anycomments. However, we would like to <strong>point</strong> out thattorsion field made metal grains almost identical withrespect to their dimension, they became bigger, <strong>and</strong> thestructure of metal became almost completely isotropic.Such metal is stronger <strong>and</strong> more ductile. The resultsyou have just seen were obtained in the late 1980s. Inthe ensuing years, a number of alloy production torsiontechnologies were developed <strong>and</strong> patented. Torsionmodes were established, which helped to reduce thesize of grains, <strong>and</strong> in some c<strong>as</strong>es they can change thecrystal lattice.Torsion technology for metallurgy w<strong>as</strong> developed inRussia [14]. It is a torsion technology of siluminproduction, silumin being a mixture of aluminum <strong>and</strong>silicon. Unlike st<strong>and</strong>ard silumin productiontechnologies, torsion technology does not requireemployment of alloying additives to incre<strong>as</strong>e the metal’sstrength. Nor does it require special chemical additivesto fix g<strong>as</strong>es in silumin. If torsion technology is used,torsion waves of a certain spectrum alone make g<strong>as</strong>bubbles out <strong>and</strong> incre<strong>as</strong>e strength by 1.3 <strong>and</strong> ductilityby 2.5 times. Simultaneous incre<strong>as</strong>e of strength <strong>and</strong>ductility by means of torsion radiation is impossiblefrom the <strong>point</strong> of view of st<strong>and</strong>ard technologies. Thesetorsion technologies were shown in the city of Tejong,South Korea, in 2000. Now you can compare the resultsof test melting made in Russia <strong>and</strong> in Korea. Fig.7<strong>as</strong>hows a section of a test silumin ingot made in Korea.There are numerous bubbles <strong>and</strong> large structures here.Page 28

On the Fig.7c there is a section of a test silumin ingotmade in Russia. This one also features numerousbubbles. Some structures are not visible here becauseof a poor photocopy.(density of the nucleus) is equal to 10 14 g/cm 3 , <strong>and</strong><strong>energy</strong> produced by burning oil is about 1 g/ cm 3 .If the <strong>energy</strong> of Physical Vacuum is large, thenincre<strong>as</strong>ing in power consumption for needs of the Earth,without mentioning the problem of heat balance, withthe help of <strong>energy</strong> of Physical Vacuum cannot affect itin any way.Recognizing that the theory gives us a possibility todevelop <strong>energy</strong> from Physical Vacuum, the problemconsists detection of physical principles which need tobe used <strong>as</strong> a b<strong>as</strong>is to make equipment capable to solvethe problem <strong>and</strong> subsequent search of technicalsolutions of appropriate commercial nature. The abovephysical principles are in the focus of a number ofresearch groups. However, now it is unknown if anyonesolved this problem. At the same time, there are a lot ofdevices, which, according to their inventors, haveefficiency greater than 100 percent [17].Fig.7Fig.7b shows a section of a silumin ingot made in Koreawith the use of torsion technology. On the Fig.7d thereis a section of a silumin ingot made in Russia also withthe help of torsion technology. Both ingots have no smallbubbles scattered throughout the ingot. However, <strong>as</strong>pecially performed deviation in the melting processcarried out under torsion influence allowed us toobserve the process of bubbles expulsion, they’rejoining together <strong>and</strong> making up large hollows. It w<strong>as</strong>due to express cooling of the metal mould done inTejong, which is not allowed in st<strong>and</strong>ard technology,that large hollows stopped short of piping, which is seenin the top right-h<strong>and</strong> ingot.Considering the pressing nature of the global <strong>energy</strong>crisis coupled with impossibility of the radical solutionof this crisis by means of the <strong>energy</strong> of the sun, wind,thermal sources etc., there are quite frequentsuggestions that the <strong>energy</strong> of Physical Vacuum shouldbe used instead. Physics-theorists have two <strong>point</strong>s ofview regarding this issue. One <strong>point</strong> of view is thestatement, that since Physical Vacuum is an object withminimum <strong>energy</strong>, the idea to use it <strong>as</strong> an <strong>energy</strong> sourcemakes no sense.The other <strong>point</strong> of view recognizes that elements ofPhysical Vacuum, oscillators, do not interacting witheach other, have <strong>energy</strong>, which is infinite. A number ofRussian physicists, including Academician Y.Zeldovich[15], <strong>point</strong>ed out that this infinite <strong>energy</strong> w<strong>as</strong> usuallyoverlooked, announced it unobservable <strong>and</strong> called it<strong>zero</strong> level making this indefinitely high level abenchmark, for example, to calculate <strong>energy</strong> of particles.J.A. Wheeler [16] is known for his estimation of <strong>energy</strong>fluctuations of Physical Vacuum, which can be viewed<strong>as</strong> the lower boundary of this <strong>energy</strong> amounting to 10 95g/cm 3 . For comparison we shall note, that nuclear <strong>energy</strong>Usually, the psychological power of school physics<strong>as</strong>serting that efficiency cannot exceed 100 percentappears to be stronger than data obtained in highereducational institutions. Any st<strong>and</strong>ard course ofthermodynamics contains strict proof that closedsystems truly can never have efficiency greater than100 percent. However, if the system h<strong>as</strong> an open type<strong>and</strong> thus can get <strong>energy</strong> from outside, such system canhave arbitrary large efficiency. Thus, if an inventor<strong>as</strong>serts that he h<strong>as</strong> designed a system with efficiencymore than 100 percent, it seems senseless to discussthe question whether it is possible or not. There areonly two questions in this matter. The first question iswhether the procedure is correct <strong>and</strong> whether theequipment complies with the requirements for definitionof a system’s efficiency. In a great number of c<strong>as</strong>esinventors declare more than 100% efficiency becauseeither the method of me<strong>as</strong>urement or equipment wereimproperly chosen or used.If efficiency of the system is me<strong>as</strong>ured correctly <strong>and</strong>efficiency is indeed more than 100 percent, thisautomatically means that the system is of an open type<strong>and</strong> this is the c<strong>as</strong>e when the second question needsan answer: what kind of <strong>energy</strong> gets into this system<strong>and</strong> through what channel? When the research findsthe channel <strong>and</strong> the kind of <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> therevealed <strong>energy</strong> is incorporated in the total system’s<strong>energy</strong> balance, its efficiency again drops below 100percent.Thus, when the me<strong>as</strong>ured efficiency of a system is morethan 100 percent, it only means that we do not knowwell how does this system work. In this connectionthere is a proposal, that it would be more logical to usethe term “effectiveness ratio” rather than efficiencywhen dealing with the open type systems. In terms ofst<strong>and</strong>ard terminology, some systems of electrostatic,magnetic, electromagnetic <strong>and</strong> thermal type are knownto have efficiency up to 500 percent. In most c<strong>as</strong>esinventors in patents declare the figure. In one patent,Page 29

for example, the device w<strong>as</strong> declared to have efficiencyof 3,000 percent. However, <strong>as</strong> a rule, independent expertevaluation does not confirm such high figures. Thismight happen if inventors conceal know-how or becausethe system is hard to produce.Russian inventors, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in CIS, focused theirattention on thermal systems with efficiency greaterthan 100 percent. Among the great number of suchsystems there are ones, whose efficiency reaches 400percent. However, there is only one design of a thermalsystem, whose m<strong>as</strong>s production variants p<strong>as</strong>sedindependent expert evaluation several years ago,proved to have efficiency more than 120 percent. Aproduction variant of a similar system with efficiencyof 150 percent w<strong>as</strong> shown l<strong>as</strong>t year in Russian.Construction of such system with efficiency up to 200percent is planned for 2001.a<strong>water</strong>56“a”483Vacuum to be shared with the object that generatestorsion field of the system, i.e. the <strong>water</strong> spiral. Thismakes the temperature of the <strong>water</strong> to rise. One couldthink that the <strong>water</strong> heats itself. Considering that <strong>energy</strong>that heats the <strong>water</strong> is caused by torsion effects, <strong>and</strong>also taking into account that this mechanism isimplemented through spiral, vortical process, <strong>and</strong> thatthe system is designed to obtain extra <strong>energy</strong>, thisthermal heating set up w<strong>as</strong> called the Torsion VortexGenerator (TVG).It follows from the above that the Torsion VortexGenerator h<strong>as</strong> two <strong>energy</strong> sources: they are electricmains supplying power to the electromotor, which isnecessary to pump the <strong>water</strong> through the system, <strong>and</strong>Physical Vacuum giving out <strong>energy</strong> to heat the <strong>water</strong>.Later, when efficiency of such systems is considerablyhigher, i.e. more <strong>energy</strong> is taken from Physical Vacuum,part of the thermal <strong>energy</strong>, taken from Physical Vacuum,might be transformed into electrical <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong>supplied to the electromotor.In this c<strong>as</strong>e the mains will not be necessary any longer<strong>and</strong> such thermal system will become completelyindependent. Such system will become an independentsource of <strong>energy</strong>.Fig.821When it happens, it will be a revolution in powerengineering in general. It’s not important whether thissystem is going to be thermal, electric, magnetic or ofany other construction.All types of systems with efficiency greater than 100percent have a main element with the spin <strong>and</strong> specificdem<strong>and</strong>s to the performances of this spin. Fig.8 showsthe general diagram of a thermal system, whoseefficiency is more than 100 percent. Water flows fromthe heat exchanger (4) into the electromotor-operated(2) pump (1). A st<strong>and</strong>ard set up would feature a <strong>water</strong>heatingelement at this stage, which is not the c<strong>as</strong>ewith this one. After the pump the <strong>water</strong> flows back intothe heat exchanger by specific pressure.Now, a st<strong>and</strong>ard system would have the <strong>water</strong> get intothe heat exchanger through its upper butt. The presentAn important direction of work connected with PhysicalVacuum <strong>and</strong> torsion fields consists on fundamental <strong>and</strong>applied medicobiological research. It w<strong>as</strong> a research ofgreat importance about the influence of static torsionfields <strong>and</strong> wave torsion radiation on various kinds ofliving organisms, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> research of integral <strong>and</strong>characteristic torsion fields inherent in various livingorganisms. The latter became possible due to creationof highly sensitive quantum systems recording torsionradiation <strong>and</strong> its frequency spectrums.A datab<strong>as</strong>e containing spectrums of torsion radiationof different tissues at various stages of different dise<strong>as</strong>es… <strong>as</strong> a result, the <strong>water</strong>, which gets into the heat exchanger hits the tube wall <strong>and</strong> adopts adownward spin movement. With certain parameters added to the <strong>water</strong> spiral, such system canhave more than 100% of efficiency.design makes the <strong>water</strong> flows into the heat exchangerlaterally. As a result, the <strong>water</strong>, which gets into the heatexchanger hits the tube wall <strong>and</strong> adopts a downwardspin movement. With certain parameters added to the<strong>water</strong> spiral, such system can have more than 100percent of efficiency.Since spiral movement generates the torsion field, whichis registered by torsion field me<strong>as</strong>urement devices, itcan serve <strong>as</strong> the grounds to consider that interaction ofthe system’s torsion field with torsion fields of spinclusters (clusters of fitons [18]) of Physical Vacuumcauses a small part of fluctuation <strong>energy</strong> of Physicalh<strong>as</strong> been collected for a long time. It gave an opportunityto make equipment to check the man’s health condition,me<strong>as</strong>uring characteristic spectrums of torsionfrequencies of specific groups of cells or tissues of anypart of a human organ <strong>and</strong> comparing them with therespective spectrums of healthy cells or cells withdifferent degrees of pathology.A system designed to diagnose a man b<strong>as</strong>ing on therecords of his torsion fields w<strong>as</strong> named <strong>as</strong> a TorsionDiagnostics system (TORDI). To underst<strong>and</strong> correctlyhow does it work, a number of things should beexplained. Van Hoven’s theory gives the followingPage 30

conclusion: in order to obtain complete informationabout any system, it should be destroyed. However,destruction of tissues of the man in order to getinformation about their state is a too high price to payfor the information about his health.However, the above Van Hoven’s criterion can besatisfied with the minimum influence, when the cellsare not destroyed <strong>and</strong> the atoms of these cells, beingprimary sources of torsion spectrums to be registered,are bring into the non-equilibrium state by means ofouter disturbing influence.In order to choose the frequency of the disturbingtorsion influence correctly, it is necessary to take intoaccount the role of <strong>water</strong> in physical <strong>and</strong> biochemicalorganization of tissues of the human organism.At the same time, it is necessary to take into accountthe resonance torsion frequencies of various humanorgans. Finally, it turns out that the signal of torsiondisturbance should be rather sophisticated consideringboth these factors. The TORDI system is a ready-to-useproduction device. Nevertheless, it is important tounderst<strong>and</strong> that the model is not the limit of scientific<strong>and</strong> technical potential incorporated in it <strong>and</strong> thatenhanced variants of the system will appear with thecourse of time.Summing up, I would like to draw your attention oncemore to the fact that work on torsion technologies isnot limited by the directions that were discussed here.Actually, <strong>as</strong> it w<strong>as</strong> <strong>point</strong>ed out in the beginning, ongoingdevelopment includes all branches of economy,industry, agriculture <strong>and</strong> medicine, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> allproblems of everyday life. Technologies that wementioned are the forerunner of the fact that themankind is on the threshold of the age of torsiontechnologies, which, we believe, will change our life inthe 21 st century more than all the scientific <strong>and</strong> technicalrevolutions of the 20 th century.Reference1. Cartan E. Compates Rendus. Akad.Sci., Paris, 1922, v.174.2. V.Melnikov, P.Pronin. Problem of gravitation constant stability<strong>and</strong> additional interactions. Itogi Nauki I Tekniki, ser. Astronomy,v.41, Gravitation <strong>and</strong> Astronomy, Moscow, VINTI, 1991.3. G.I.Shipov Theory of the Physical Vacuum. Nauka, Moscow 1997.4. I.Ternov, V.Bordovitsin. On the modern interpretation of cl<strong>as</strong>sicalspin theory of Ya.Frenkel. UFN, 1980, v.132, No.2.5. V.Bagrov, V.Bordovitsin. Cl<strong>as</strong>sical spin theory. Izvestiya VUZ,Phys.Series, 1980, No.2.6. F.I.Belinfante. On the spin augular momentum of mesons. PhysicaVI, 1939, v-6, No.9.7. M.Markov. The very early universe. Proc of the Nuttfield Workshop,Eds. G.V.Gibbson, S.W.Hawking, S.T.Siklov, Cambridge, 1988.8. Hideo Uchida.A method apparatus for detecting a fluid. PatentEngl<strong>and</strong>, No 511662, May 24, 1978.9. Anatoly Akimov. Heuristic discussion of the problem of findinglong-range interactions. EGS-concepts. CISE VENT, preprint N7A,Moscow, 1992.10. IITAP RANS, TORTECH USA, Horizonts of the Science <strong>and</strong>Technology XXI age Proc, Editor A.E.Akimov, Folium, Moscow, 2000,vol.1 (in Russian).11. N.Kozyrev, Astronomical observations by means of the physicalproperties of time. In “Flarestarse” International Symposium inByurakan, 1976,Armenian Academy of Sciences Publ., Yerevan, 1977(in Russian)12. Bouwmecster D. et.al. Nature, v.390, 11 dec, 1997.13. G.I.Shipov. Theoretical <strong>and</strong> Experimental Research of InertialM<strong>as</strong>s of Four-Dimensional Gyroscope. ITTAP RANS, preprint N10,Moscow, 2001, (in Russia).14. The way of correction of metal alloy microstructure. PatentRussian, RU 2107105, 1998.15. A.Dolgov, Yu.Zel’dovich, M.Sazshin. Cosmology of the EarlyUniverse. MGU Publ., Moscow, 1988.16. I.A.Wheeler. Einstein’s vision. Springer Verlag, 1968.17. Convegno Internazionale:Quale Fisica per 2000, Proc. Bologna,1991. see: The Manual of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Devices</strong> <strong>and</strong> Systems.Complied D.A.Kelly, D.A.K. WLFUB, Burb<strong>and</strong>, California, 1986, Publ.N1269/F-289.18. Daytlov V.L. Polarization Model of the Heterogeneous PhysicVacuum. Institute Mathematical, Sibirians Academic Science, 1998(in Russian).The Electrical VortexNon-Solenoidal FieldsSergey B. AlemanovE-mail: alemanov@inbox.ru Phone 7 (095) 323-6848A mistake w<strong>as</strong> found in the electrodynamics: it isdetected that all electrodynamics’ postulatescorresponds to the experimental facts, but vortexelectric fields h<strong>as</strong> unclosed inductive lines.When the magnet is moving, then the current ofmagnetic induction is moving together with it. Fromknown velocity of motion v <strong>and</strong> the value of magneticinduction B, it is possible to calculate the intensity E ofappearing vortex field according to electrodynamicsformula of transformation of fields E=vB.If to change the E=vB on induction D= å 0E in formulaof fields’ transformation, that will get D= å 0Bv, whereD is electric induction, B is magnetic induction, v isvelocity of motion, å 0is electric constant.Herewith the appearing electric induction is alwaystransverse to the direction of motion. It is possible toformulate the rule of origin for electric induction underthe condition of rectilinear motion: if to dispose the righth<strong>and</strong> palm so four fingers shows the motion directionof the magnetic flow (the field), connected with movingmagnet, <strong>and</strong> the vector B fells into palm, then the moved<strong>as</strong>ide big finger will indicate the direction of vector D.The given rule is like the rule for Lorenz’ force, but onthe contrary (the difference is in frame). In the first c<strong>as</strong>ethe charge moves, but the magnet rests. Here themagnet moves, but the charge, which <strong>point</strong>s thedirection for lines of force of electric induction, isimmovable. So, there it is the rule for left h<strong>and</strong>, but here,on the contrary, it is the rule for right h<strong>and</strong>. Thereby, ifthe charge moves, but the magnet is immovable, thenthe rule of left h<strong>and</strong> uses for determination of the force.But if the magnet moves, but the charge rests, then therule of right h<strong>and</strong> uses for determination of the force.Page 31

As we can see from this figure, the initial effect oflightning of the sheet reached 6-7 mg with the gradualrecovery to its common weight in 15 minutes. The usualweight is shown by the lower line of recording.In thec<strong>as</strong>e of reversible deformation the change of weight ofthe body is not observed. So, compressed rubber orcompressed steel spring shows their common weight.We should expect such result, because the entropy ofthe system doesn’t change with reversible processes(<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> with el<strong>as</strong>tic collision). That’s why decre<strong>as</strong>eof the weight of the bodies should be discovered inthe processes of a big incre<strong>as</strong>e of entropy. It appeared,that initial heating of the bodies really leads to the verysignificant decre<strong>as</strong>e of their weight.Studying of this phenomenon gave a big material, whichallows deeper underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the way, how activeproperties of time call decre<strong>as</strong>e of m<strong>as</strong>s <strong>and</strong> weight ofthe body.Fig.2The Causal Mechanicsby Kozyrev N.A.“The Nature of Stellar <strong>Energy</strong> B<strong>as</strong>ed on Analysis ofObservational Data”A conclusion about stellar energetics w<strong>as</strong> made from<strong>as</strong>tronomical observations: any given star is a machinethat transforms incoming <strong>energy</strong> into heat radiation;there is no inner source of <strong>energy</strong> inside the star. Thepossibility of using incoming <strong>energy</strong>-flow exists in allarea of space-time. It is proposed that through thepower of some active properties, time can influencethe <strong>energy</strong> of matter, <strong>and</strong> thus, time is a source of lifein our universe. The density <strong>and</strong> other parameters ofstellar matter in the mode of transformation (time-flow<strong>energy</strong> into heat <strong>energy</strong>) are calculated. It is concludedthat output-<strong>energy</strong> depends on the volume of matter. Itw<strong>as</strong> proposed that time is not simply spreading, butbeing created throughout the universe at any givenmoment <strong>and</strong> for this re<strong>as</strong>on telecommunications bymeans of time-properties can be produced <strong>as</strong>instantaneous signal instead of electromagneticmethods, which have some limited velocity.“Cause or Asymmetrical Mechanics in LinearApproximation”Review by Alex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovThis is a short review on research work of the wellknownRussian scientist Nikolai A. Kozyrev. Mostof these papers are not yet published in English.There are important practical applications for newtechnologies, which are b<strong>as</strong>ed on Kozyrev’s theory<strong>and</strong> we’ll be discussing this in our book. There is aproject to publish an English language book aboutthe time rate control technologies that will includeall Kozyrev’s papers devoted to this topic.N.A.Kozyrev calculates the qualities of stellar matterwhere it is a transformer of time-form <strong>energy</strong> into heat<strong>energy</strong>.It is concluded that the transformation involvesseveral electrodynamic processes, but, generally, anyclosed mechanical system can also produce <strong>energy</strong> if itis an <strong>as</strong>ymmetrical system. The <strong>as</strong>ymmetry formechanics according Kozyrev is a cause-effect<strong>as</strong>ymmetry <strong>and</strong> if the mechanical system includes thenon-reversible cause-effect connection it can take the<strong>energy</strong> from time-flow. (In my opinion, this is thetheoretical b<strong>as</strong>is for any kind of over-unity systems.Editor)Page 64

The notions of cause <strong>and</strong> effect are defined in the papers.N. Kozyrev postulates 5 properties of cause-effectconnections. A definition <strong>and</strong> formula for the velocityof time-flow are given. It is proposed <strong>and</strong> experimentallydemonstrated that in special c<strong>as</strong>e the time-flow canintroduce two time-paired equal <strong>and</strong> opposite forces intothe system.N. Kozyrev demonstrates through gyroscopeexperiments the fact that time-<strong>energy</strong> can be transferredto the experimental system. It is also proposed that the<strong>energy</strong> of the system can be transferred to time-<strong>energy</strong>.In other words, the time flow can be accelerated ordecelerated by means of <strong>energy</strong> exchange with a special<strong>as</strong>ymmetrical mechanical or electrodynamic system.In this paper N.A.Kozyrev describes two extreme c<strong>as</strong>esfor mechanics: there is the quantum mechanics of theatom world (microcosmos in other words) where thereare no cause-effect connections since velocity of timeis equal to <strong>zero</strong>; <strong>and</strong> if the velocity of time is equal toinfinity there are only stable cause-effect connectionsfor any process, that is cl<strong>as</strong>sical Newtonian mechanics.The real world exists for a real time velocity between<strong>zero</strong> <strong>and</strong> infinity.In this paper it w<strong>as</strong> proposed to screen time by meansof certain processes; i.e. it is possible to createcompensation of natural time-flow by correspondingphysical processes in some local space-time area.“The Way to Space”N. Kozyrev writes about the irrationality of rocketmethods for space exploration <strong>and</strong> he proposes histheory to find gravitation - time relation to buildantigravitation spacecraft. The force that would propelthe spaceship in this c<strong>as</strong>e would be produced by meansof changing of the physical properties of time. (In otherwords it is warp drive topic, which being developedby many research teams today. Editor)“On the Potential for Experimental Investigation ofthe Properties of Time”There is some potential for biological systems to usetime-flow <strong>as</strong> a source of vital <strong>energy</strong> or life <strong>energy</strong>. N.Kozyrev describes experiments with gyroscopes <strong>and</strong>Experiments with vibrational gyroscopes <strong>and</strong> weightmachines (scales) are described in the paper. Importantconclusions are made about the possibility of incre<strong>as</strong>ingvital anti-entropy processes into biological systems ifthey are interacting with the time-flow.“Causal Mechanics <strong>and</strong> the Potential for ExperimentalInvestigation of the Properties of Time”In this paper N. Kozyrev writes about the connectionbetween matter <strong>and</strong> time. He describes three causeeffectaxioms, determining the physical qualities of thevelocity of time-flow, <strong>and</strong> publishing importantexperimental data. In his experiments, the weight ofgyroscopes w<strong>as</strong> changed when they were connectedto weight machine (scales) by means of a vibrationalsystem. Weight changes were detected at about 100mg levels. These weight changes depend on frequencydue to a discrete law. So, it is one of the realdemonstrations of the discrete quantum world laws inour real world of cl<strong>as</strong>sical mechanics.“Unknown Worlds”This work is a demonstration of organic matterpossibility to get free <strong>energy</strong> for vital processes bymeans of transforming time-form <strong>energy</strong>. The “densityof time” is defined. Experimental data for me<strong>as</strong>urementof the density of time at different places on the planetis given. It is claimed that the density of time can bechanged: near any given Cause process it is thinner <strong>and</strong>near any given Effect process it is denser. N. Kozyrevwrote about the possibility of using the physicalproperties of time for biological forms oftelecommunications, i.e. for telepathy. Thistelecommunication cannot be screened <strong>and</strong> it isinstantaneous signal system.several methods how to introduce some cause-effect<strong>as</strong>ymmetry into a mechanical system. The value of thevelocity of time-flow is calculated. Se<strong>as</strong>onal changes inthe density of time produced by vital processes ofNature are detected. In this paper, functions existingbetween the density of matter <strong>and</strong> the density of timeare determined <strong>and</strong> it w<strong>as</strong> tested in experiments.Page 65

“Astronomical observations by means of physicalproperties of time”In this paper N. Kozyrev experimentally determinesvalue <strong>and</strong> sign of the time-flow; which is positive inclock-wise co-ordinate systems. The changes of densityin time are experimentally proven: In the area of entropyprocesses (dissipation, heating of matter, melting of ice,evaporation of liquids, fading of plants) the “productionof additional time” w<strong>as</strong> detected. In the area of oppositeprocesses (cooling of matter, freezing of <strong>water</strong>,crystallization) the “absorption of time” w<strong>as</strong> detected.There is a description of mechanical <strong>and</strong>electromagnetic detectors monitoring the density oftime changes.“On Time-to-Matter Influence”The paper is about N. Kozyrev’s experiments to detectthe production of additional time-flow by means ofspecial detectors in the area of dissipation <strong>and</strong>evaporation processes. It w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>sumed that the Sun isnot only a time-absorption system but also a time-flowproduction system. This small component of the timestructure is very important since it is ordered <strong>and</strong> itintroduces the anti-entropy organizing effect to anynatural process <strong>and</strong> especially in biological processes.It is proposed to use this organizing life effect toincre<strong>as</strong>e the vital processes of biological systems.“On the Possibility of Reducing M<strong>as</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Weightunder the Active Properties of Time”Experimental data were published to demonstrate theweight changes during some non-reversibledeformations or heating. The nature of time <strong>and</strong> mattertimeinteraction w<strong>as</strong> investigated in this way.___________________On New <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> PoliticalAuthorityAlex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovThe article “New <strong>energy</strong> in h<strong>and</strong>s of politicians” [1] byA. Davidov, Head of Department of Strategy Analysis<strong>and</strong> Information, Council of the Russian Federation putsforward some interesting <strong>point</strong>s. It demonstrates a greatinterest of Russian officials to the new <strong>energy</strong>technologies.Mr. Davidov thinks that the electrochemical cells are themost perspective method to produce hydrogen <strong>as</strong> a <strong>fuel</strong>.Also he wrote about real possibility of working withpl<strong>as</strong>ma, resonance effects <strong>and</strong> other <strong>fuel</strong>-less systemssince any system involved in <strong>energy</strong> exchange withenvironmental <strong>and</strong> by this way the over-unity efficiencycan be explained.Mr. Davidov also wrote about the main <strong>as</strong>pect of theautonomous <strong>energy</strong> system, which is their property toproduce power directly on dem<strong>and</strong>. It will lead to globalchanges in industrial relations, incre<strong>as</strong>e in personal <strong>and</strong>business independence, decre<strong>as</strong>e in the authority ofmediators in energetics, new kinds of business.Davidov’s conclusion is: that financial power will bereplaced by new energetics, which should become anew direct tool of economic control.I suppose the changes b<strong>as</strong>ed on autonomous energeticsshould be really a global one, but it will not lead todestruction of the world financial system because thegold equivalent can not be replaced by the KWtts-hoursfor all financial operations at the moment.It cannot be organized until the majority of <strong>energy</strong>customers use the centralized <strong>energy</strong> networks, forexample in cities <strong>and</strong> towns. But in the future thecurrency stability of any state will be connected withthe technological level of its autonomous energetics. Thereplacement of the gold equivalent in the financialsystem means an obligation to make an exchange acertain amount of KWtts-hours for the correspondingamount of money (currency). There is clear logic in thissystem since the money should be an equivalent of thework <strong>and</strong> work in physics is related with the KWttshours.It w<strong>as</strong> great to read Mr. Davidov’s statementabout some completed research work into new <strong>energy</strong><strong>and</strong> antigravitation started in the Soviet period ofRussian history. He h<strong>as</strong> promised to demonstrate theprototypes in 2 years if the financial problems wereresolved.Davidov’s forec<strong>as</strong>t <strong>and</strong> his conclusion on the change inbalance of political forces correlate with my ownconclusions of 1996, “<strong>Free</strong> <strong>energy</strong>” a written report w<strong>as</strong>made for the Russian State Duma. In a few years thenew political power may become the main force inRussia <strong>and</strong> power should be b<strong>as</strong>ed on the technologiesof <strong>fuel</strong>-less autonomous energetics.Mainly this will lead to the strengthening of regionalauthority especially in far from Moscow are<strong>as</strong> of Russia<strong>and</strong> with a low population <strong>and</strong> low-tech industry <strong>as</strong> aresult of their weak energetics. It may be also necessaryto note that the new <strong>energy</strong> technologies are the key tonew methods of space exploration. The advancedpropulsion aerospace systems are the start of civilianaccess to space, which is a new large market.Reference:1. Davidov A.V. The new <strong>energy</strong> in the h<strong>and</strong>s of politicians,“On the edge of impossible”, #6 (259), 2001, p.14.Page 66

Calculation of the Effect ofMany-Cavity Structures(Cell Structures)Comments on Professor Zolotariov’s articleby Alex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovProfessor Zolotariov V.F. gave this article to me in 1992together with the other unpublished materials onstudying <strong>and</strong> development in this direction. The articleis devoted to the discovery by V.S. Grebennikov <strong>and</strong>V.F. Zolotariov "Phenomenon of the interaction ofmany-cavity structures with the living systems",Russian priority reference on the discovery #32-OT-11170 from 3.09.1985. Works by V.S. Grebennikov areexamined in details on the site http://www.sinor.ru/~che/grebennikov.htmThis effect is an example of the interaction between deBroglie waves <strong>and</strong> biological systems. In the opinion ofProfessor Zolotariov, the group movement of the electronsin the solid body generates de Broglie waves. Cavitieswithin the body become resonators to the de Brogliewaves, <strong>and</strong> hence, source of st<strong>and</strong>ing de Broglie waves.The field is produced by the cavities situated in spacerhythmically that lead to a resonance reinforcementof the effect (Editor’s note: in this c<strong>as</strong>e we mean not arhythm in the time, but a rhythm in the space, in a similarc<strong>as</strong>e they say, that the architecture is a frozen music)"As a result, the energies of a different character appear,for example from an array of paper tubes, bee’shoneycombs <strong>and</strong> so on. The organism reacts to thedifferent energies with the result that changes inphysiologic condition can occur." (V.S. Grebennikov,"Pchelovodstvo" #12, 1984, p. 28).Professor Zolotariov supposes that since only relatednature categories can interact with themselves, so theorigin of physical mechanism of nervous impulses h<strong>as</strong> acommon nature with de Broglie material waves. It maybe presumed that these waves are the longitudinalwaves.Technical realization of the effect can be made possibleby various methods. "The walls of many-cavity structures… are usually considered <strong>as</strong> the boundaries of thepotential electron’s box. This is generally true fordielectrics <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> metals. The group movement ofelectrons leads to a system of st<strong>and</strong>ing de Broglie wavesin the potential space, which have cl<strong>as</strong>sic frequencies(B.N. Rodimov, Autofluctuational quantum mechanics,Tomsk, TGU, 1976).The cl<strong>as</strong>sic frequencies aref cl<strong>as</strong>sic= n h/4 m L 2 [1]Fig 1 V.S.Grebennikov’s flying system(photo from his book "My World")<strong>and</strong> quantum frequencies are following:f quantum= n f cl<strong>as</strong>sic[2]where n is an integer number, L is the size of potentialhole in centimeters, m is the effective m<strong>as</strong>s of theelectron".Further, Professor Zolotariov writes that the length ofthe st<strong>and</strong>ing wave is more than double L, the size of thepotential hole. An example of the calculation: for n=1<strong>and</strong> L=1cm, the frequency f will be approximately equalto 2 Hz. This is near the frequencies of consequence forthe central nervous system impulses, i.e. it is dangerousfor health. That is why work should be done withconstructive parameters that will not affect theorganism.Application of the effect for new kindtelecommunication systems is possiblebecause of its unique property since theeffect cannot be screened!Page 67

"Since the effect of cavity structures propagatesp<strong>as</strong>sively through the quantum fields in the conjugateworld (vacuum), then we should not observed <strong>as</strong>creening of the Cavity Structural Effect (CSE). Thisw<strong>as</strong> checked in experiments with iron sheets, clothe,pl<strong>as</strong>tics, cardboard, wood, brick walls. According toour theoretical conclusions we could not find anyscreening." (text by Professor Zolotariov).Further, Professor Zolotariov gives a calculation formulafor location of the wave maximums. "The regularity oflocation of de Broglie wave maximums on the distanceD from the tube structure shall be calculated with theformula:D = 2L (N+1) 2 K ,where N,K=0,1,2… L is the circumference length of thetube, N is the harmonic number of the st<strong>and</strong>ing deBroglie waves, K is the number of maximum".The conclusion of these articles w<strong>as</strong> to make an<strong>as</strong>sociation with the "golden section" <strong>and</strong> the effectstudied: "…the hologram of human memory is situatedin the vacuum field <strong>and</strong> exists in the space after thehuman death" (Maneev A.K., Movement, contradiction,development. Minsk, "Technique <strong>and</strong> Science", 1982).All this brings us to the thought that the organisminteracts with the de Broglie waves going through it.The resonance character of interaction supposes themultiplicity of lengths of the waves <strong>and</strong> frequencies,which are determined by the geometric sizes of theinteracting structures. Hence, the importance of thegeometric proportions appears, i.e. "golden section". Thatis why the appearance of the "golden section" in natureis not accidental, because the b<strong>as</strong>is of it lies in the deBroglie waves. In practice, it should be recommended toall inventors of the CSE-effect systems.Fig 2This picture from Grebennikov’s book "My World" provides us with some ide<strong>as</strong> on simplest experimentswith rolls of films (left side) <strong>and</strong> possible amazing antigravitation "warp drive" technology (right side).In 1996 Prof. Zolotarev also demonstrated similar experiments for participants of International ScientificCongress "New Ide<strong>as</strong> in Natural Science", for example, he used small fiber-optic coil suspended in gl<strong>as</strong>scontainer. The dielectrical coil can react (it is rotating) with permanent magnet or with h<strong>and</strong>s. In bothc<strong>as</strong>es the coil is operating <strong>as</strong> a kind of de Broigle’s waves detector.Power Outputcan be More than Power InputPatent of 1877 by Pavel N. Yablotchkovby Alex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovPavel N. Yablotchkov w<strong>as</strong> born in 1847 near Saratov,Russia. He graduated <strong>as</strong> a Military Engineer in 1866<strong>and</strong> spent several years in the Russian Army.Pavel N. YablotchkovPage 68

5. “KOMMASH Factory” JSCRussia, 440600, Penza, Stavskogo Str. 4. Phone/fax 7-8412-634939,633544, 634708.http://www.komm<strong>as</strong>h.itbc.ru/termovihr.htm6. Penza State UniversityPhD. Kurnosov N.E. Russia, 440017, Penza, Kr<strong>as</strong>naya Str. 40. Phone7-8412-6385797. “Termovortex Ltd”440010, Penza, Stavskogo Str. 47-8412-633916, 8412-633828Email: termovihr@sura.ru8. Samara State Aerospace Universityhttp://www.ssau.ruHeat Engines DepartmentProf. Biruk V.V. Russia, Samara, Moscow Ave. 34 – 5 – 205.Email: lukachev@ssau.ru“TS-TECHNIP”JSCRussia, 443069, Samara, Morisa Toresa Str. 67A, Phone/fax 7-8462-7-5101, 705-120, 705-160, 705-177. Email: technip@transit.samara.ruWeb site: http://www.samara.ru/~technip/about.html9. “Elita-found Ltd”Dr. Alex<strong>and</strong>er I. Osaulhttp://elita-fund.zp.ua/ Email: elite@fregat.zp/ua10. NOTEKA LtdEmail: ntk@pt.comcor.ru Phone/fax 7-095-556-950411. “Angstrom”Russia, 170017, Tver, POBox 157. Mr. Mustafiev R.I.http://www.technologies.sitek.ru/mainpart/<strong>energy</strong>/<strong>energy</strong>7.htmlhttp://www.ren-tv.com/ren-tv_news.<strong>as</strong>p?ID=801Qu<strong>as</strong>i-SuperconductiveTechnology for Electric PowerTransmissionProf. Dmitry S. StrebkovThe All-Russian Research Institute forElectrification of Agriculture (ARIEA)109456, Russia, Moscow, 1-st Veshnyakovsky, 2, VIESHPhone: 70951711920 Fax: 70951705101E-mail: viesh@dol.ruOTHER PARTICIPANTS:Dr. Aleksey Nekr<strong>as</strong>ov (Moscow, Russia) Stanislav Avramenko(Moscow, Russia)SUMMARYLow cost <strong>and</strong> low losses single-wire electric powersystem (SWEPS) h<strong>as</strong> been developed. The newtechnology of electric power transmission uses idleoperation mode of the transmission line <strong>and</strong> reactivecapacitive current for transmission of active electricpower. Three different SWEPS h<strong>as</strong> been constructed <strong>and</strong>tested: 230V, 10kV <strong>and</strong> 100kV each is of one-kilowattcapacity. Resonance mode of oscillation at the frequencyfrom 3 kHz to 30 kHz w<strong>as</strong> used to provide the mostefficient power transmission. Frequency converter <strong>and</strong>modified Tesla transformer were applied at thegenerator site to generate high frequency reactivecapacitive current. Reversal Tesla transformer <strong>and</strong>st<strong>and</strong>ard rectifier <strong>and</strong> inverter were used at theconsumer end to convert the reactive high frequencyelectric power to st<strong>and</strong>ard 50-60Hz electricity. It h<strong>as</strong>been experimentally proved that SWEPS h<strong>as</strong> qu<strong>as</strong>isuperconductivityproperties for reactive capacitivecurrent flow along the line even at high operationtemperature of the electric conductor. SWEPS h<strong>as</strong> noresistance losses for following tested conductormaterials of the line: copper, aluminum, steel, tungsten,carbon, <strong>water</strong>, <strong>and</strong> damp soil. Analysis of theoreticalcalculations <strong>and</strong> experimental study shows that SWEPScan be applied both for <strong>energy</strong> transmission fromrenewable powerful generation site to a large <strong>energy</strong>system <strong>and</strong> for transmission lines connecting differentparts of renewable <strong>energy</strong> system.DESCRIPTIONRenewable-b<strong>as</strong>ed electric grids are incre<strong>as</strong>ingly beingviewed <strong>as</strong> an attractive alternative for providing powerto rural communities. Technology options include smallhydropower, biom<strong>as</strong>s-powered generators, smallgeothermal, solar-thermal, wind turbines <strong>and</strong> hybridsystems with back-up diesel generator, which may beconnected to the local utility. Implementation ofrenewable-b<strong>as</strong>ed technologies for rural electrificationwould contribute to the social <strong>and</strong> economic growth ofthe rural communities <strong>and</strong> would serve sustainableprogress of the remote regions. Electric grids facespecific problems of non-efficient operations, includingtransmission losses <strong>and</strong> the high cost of grid extensionin remote sparsely populated are<strong>as</strong>. For example offshorewind turbine, micro-hydro or geothermalgenerator are often located far from consumers <strong>and</strong>requires costly installation of a long distancetransmission line which usually h<strong>as</strong> from 6% to 10% ofelectric losses.We propose <strong>and</strong> investigate single-wire powertransmission line systems instead of three-ph<strong>as</strong>e lines<strong>and</strong> apply steel conductor or even non-metal conductivemedia instead of traditionally used aluminum or copperconductor.The OBJECTIVE of this project is to implement theoriginal low cost <strong>and</strong> low-loss single-wire electric powersystem for renewable-b<strong>as</strong>ed electric grids. Projectprogram covers design <strong>and</strong> manufacture of 50 kWsingle-wire power transmission line. The complete setof equipment contains: audio-frequency converter,resonance generator - mono-stable multivibrator,rectifier <strong>and</strong> inverter. Transmitted electromagnetic<strong>energy</strong> h<strong>as</strong> a voltage of 5 kV to 20 kV <strong>and</strong> a frequencyof 1 kHz to 20 kHz.SWEPS operation principle is the following: In no loadoperation mode the active current <strong>and</strong> the magnetic fieldPage 325

of the line are equal to <strong>zero</strong>, while the electric fieldintensity h<strong>as</strong> its maximum value owing to reactivedisplacement current that charges the capacitance ofthe line, it is well-known, that the Ohm’s law <strong>and</strong> Joule’slaw are not applicable to displacement current, <strong>and</strong>Joule (resistive) losses are equal to <strong>zero</strong>.ACTIVITIESResonance mode of oscillation at the frequency from3 kHz to 30 kHz w<strong>as</strong> used to provide the most efficientpower transmission.Frequency converter <strong>and</strong> modified Tesla transformerwere applied at the generator site to generate highfrequency reactive capacitive current. Reversal Teslatransformer, st<strong>and</strong>ard rectifier <strong>and</strong> inverter were usedat the consumer end to convert the reactive highfrequency electric power to st<strong>and</strong>ard 50-60Hz electricity.Three different SWEPSs have been developed <strong>and</strong>tested: 230V, 10KV <strong>and</strong> 100KV, each of them havingcapacity of 1 kVA. 5 to 100micrometer diameter wiresof copper, aluminum, steel <strong>and</strong> tungsten (<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong>100 micrometer carbon wire, 10 mm pl<strong>as</strong>tic tube <strong>and</strong>0.3 micrometer thick ITO film on gl<strong>as</strong>s substrate) wereused <strong>as</strong> electric power transmission media.LEVEL OF IMPLEMENTATIONTheoretical <strong>and</strong> experimental study of parameters of thesingle-wire transmission power system h<strong>as</strong> been carriedout demonstrating its ability of efficient operation.Different kinds of electrical apparatus <strong>and</strong> applicationpossibilities have been investigated. Analysis oftheoretical calculations <strong>and</strong> experimental study showsthat SWEPS can be applied both for <strong>energy</strong> transmissionfrom renewable powerful generation site to a large<strong>energy</strong> system <strong>and</strong> for transmission lines connectingdifferent parts of renewable <strong>energy</strong> system.The patents protect the transmission method <strong>and</strong> thedevice [1-7]. The two next implementation stages are:Stage 1 (12 months): 20 kW to 50 kW 50 km single-wireelectric power system for renewable-b<strong>as</strong>ed electric grid($350 000) <strong>and</strong>Stage 2 (24 months): 1 MW qu<strong>as</strong>i-superconductive linefor wind-offshore <strong>and</strong> isl<strong>and</strong> application ($3.5M).Three different SWEPSsystems have beendeveloped <strong>and</strong> tested:230V, 10KV <strong>and</strong> 100KV,each of them havingcapacity of 1kVA.RESULTSSingle-wire electric power system for electric grid canbe applied instead of three-ph<strong>as</strong>e network. SWEPS usesone pole single-wire open-tuned circuit, capacitive <strong>and</strong>displacement current for transmission of active power.Modified step-up Tesla transformer w<strong>as</strong> applied at thegenerator site to generate high frequency reactivecapacitive current. Reversal step-down Teslatransformer or diode-capacitor block w<strong>as</strong> used at theuser’s end to convert high frequency reactive power tost<strong>and</strong>ard AC 50 Hz or DC electricity.Substantial reduction of distribution networkconstruction cost is expected to reduce consumptionof wires <strong>and</strong> accessories <strong>and</strong> application of light typepoles <strong>and</strong> structures. <strong>Energy</strong> losses in distributionnetworks are much lower compared with conventionalpower distribution lines. It h<strong>as</strong> been experimentallyproved that SWEPS h<strong>as</strong> no resistance losses withconductor media like: steel, tungsten <strong>and</strong> carbon wireshaving diameter from 5 ìm to 100 ìm, <strong>water</strong>, ITO film ongl<strong>as</strong>s substrate, damp soil etc.It makes it possible to construct electric powertransmission lines using steel conductors <strong>and</strong> evennon-conductive materials. Computer simulation ofdistributed solar power system, consisting of severalsolar power plants installed in Spain, in European partof Russia <strong>and</strong> Far E<strong>as</strong>t of Russia, connected by low losstransmission line, showed that this power systemgenerates electricity 24 hours a day 6 months a year<strong>and</strong> does not require electric accumulator or back-upgenerator during the night.References1. S. Avramenko. The Method for Electric Power Transmission<strong>and</strong> Device for its Realization. Russian Patent No. 210649dated 11.04.1995 Published in “Russian Patent Bulletin”, S. Avramenko et al. Apparatus <strong>and</strong> method for single lineelectrical transmission.European Patent No. 0639301.Priority claimed 08.05.92 (Russia). Published in EuropeanPatent Bulletin 97/36, S. Avramenko, K. Avramenko. Apparatus <strong>and</strong> Method forSingle Line Electrical Transmission. Canadian Patent No.2135299, issued: 2000/01/18, application: 1993/05/10, dateof application availability for public inspection: 1993/11/25.4. Strebkov D.S., Avramenko S.V., Nekr<strong>as</strong>ov A.I. (1999). Themethod <strong>and</strong> apparatus for electric power transmission.Russian Patent No. 2143775. Priority claimed 25.03.1999.Published in Russian Patent Bulletin No. 36 of 27.12.19995. Strebkov D.S., Avramenko S.V., Nekr<strong>as</strong>ov A.I. (1999). Themethod of power supply of electric transport <strong>and</strong>apparatus for its realization. Russian Patent No. 2136515.Priority claimed 26.08.1998. Published in Russian PatentBulletin No. 25 of 10.09.19996. Avramenko S.V. (1998). The method for electric powersupply <strong>and</strong> device for its realizations. Russian Patent No.210649. Priority claimed 11.04.1995. Published in RussianPatent Bulletin L/d.4 10.04.19987. Avramenko S.V., Stupin I.V. (1997). The apparatus fortissue coagulation. Russian Patent No. 210013. Priorityclaimed 11.04.1995. Published in Russian Patent BulletinNo. 36 of 27.12.1997Page 326

Water is the B<strong>as</strong>is of the FutureEnergeticsProf. Phillip M. KanarevThe Kuban State Agrarian University, Department oftheoretical mechanics 13, Kalinin Street, 350044 Kr<strong>as</strong>nodarE-mail: kanphil@mail.kuban.suABSTRACTThe results of the space-matter-time unity axiomimplementation during theoretical description of the<strong>water</strong> electrolysis process are shown. The experimentsconfirm the theoretical calculation of production ofadditional <strong>energy</strong> from the <strong>water</strong> during its pl<strong>as</strong>maelectrolysis. <strong>Energy</strong> consumption for hydrogenproduction is reduced tenfold. It gives the re<strong>as</strong>on tobelieve that <strong>water</strong> becomes the main source of <strong>energy</strong>for future power engineering.1. INTRODUCTIONThe results of our researches are b<strong>as</strong>ed on the mainaxiom of natural science: space - matter - time unityaxiom. Space, matter <strong>and</strong> time are the primary elementsof the universe, which cannot be separated from eachother. This thesis is clear; it requires no experimentalcheck <strong>and</strong> contains all criteria of an axiom. Let us call itthe Unity axiom [1], [2].In the new millennium, the Unity axiom acts <strong>as</strong> a judgeof trustworthiness of many physical, chemical <strong>and</strong> othertheories, which have been worked out without takinginto consideration this axiom, that is why they provedto be incomplete or erroneous.The Unity axiom makes the theories b<strong>as</strong>ed on pseudo -Euclidean geometries to become the property of history.It declares that Maxwell’s equation, Schrodinger’sequation, de Broglie’s equation, etc. are incomplete <strong>and</strong>unable to give us more information about the mattersbeing studied <strong>as</strong> they give now [1], [2].The Unity axiom states that the law of conservation ofangular momentum (moment of momentum) governs theconstancy of velocity of electromagnetic radiation,constancy of Planck’s constant, constancy of m<strong>as</strong>s <strong>and</strong>free electron charge <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the processes of radiation<strong>and</strong> absorption of the photons by the atomic electrons.It proves the lack of orbital movement of the electronsin the atoms. The electrons with the atomic nuclei bringtogether the unlike electric fields, <strong>and</strong> their likemagnetic poles limit this convergence. The electronshave the form of tori. They rotate in relation to their axesof symmetry <strong>and</strong> precess on atomic nuclei. They unitethe atoms into molecules by their unlike magnetic poles[2]. The analysis of the electromagnetic models of thephoton <strong>and</strong> the electron within the framework of theUnity axiom by means of the laws of conservation ofangular momentum <strong>and</strong> the formation of the spectra ofthe atoms <strong>and</strong> the ions leads to equality of thewavelengths l of these models to radii r of their rotation[2].λ = r(1)Thus, the Unity axiom strengthens the foundations ofexact sciences laid down by Euclid, Galileo, Newton<strong>and</strong> Planck; it restricts the mythological activities of thescientists in development of these sciences. It makesus to revise many theoretical provisions of physics,chemistry <strong>and</strong> other sciences [1], [2].The revision process takes place, <strong>and</strong> some of its resultsare given below. The detailed proofs of trustworthinessof these results can occupy hundreds of book pages,that’s why it is impossible to describe these proofs inbrief. Those, who want to possess these facts, have onlyone opportunity: they should believe them. I’d like torefer the persons, who are willing to know the proof oftrustworthiness of the facts in detail, to the publicationsof the author, or they can attend the course of hislectures.2. ATOMIC MODELS AND HYDROGENMOLECULESA hydrogen atom consists of one proton <strong>and</strong> oneelectron. The electron h<strong>as</strong> a form of a rotating hollowtorus. Its electric field h<strong>as</strong> the surface, which is similarto the surface of an apple. Magnetic field of the electron<strong>and</strong> its magnetic poles look like the magnetic field <strong>and</strong>the magnetic poles of a bar magnet, which role isperformed by the torus rotation axis. The proton h<strong>as</strong>also magnetic poles <strong>and</strong> the electric field, which isopposite in sign to the electric field of the electron [2].The structure of the hydrogen atom results from the lawof formation of the spectra of the atoms <strong>and</strong> the ions[3]:E1F = Ei − .2(2)nHere F = h ⋅νare the energies of the photons emittedor absorbed by the electron;fEi= h ⋅νis ionization<strong>energy</strong> of the atom; E1= h ⋅νis binding <strong>energy</strong> of the1electron with the atomic nucleus, which correspondsto the first <strong>energy</strong> level; n = 234 ,,... is the mainquantum number or <strong>energy</strong> level number of the electron.Binding <strong>energy</strong> Ecof the electron is calculatedaccording to the formulaE1E c= .2(3)nTaking into consideration the fact that the ionization<strong>energy</strong> E iof the hydrogen atom is equal to binding<strong>energy</strong> E 1of the electron with the nucleus, whichcorresponds to the first <strong>energy</strong> levelE i= E 1= 13.598eV, <strong>and</strong> using the formul<strong>as</strong> (2) <strong>and</strong>(3), we’ll get the energies of the photons F emitted orabsorbed by the electron <strong>and</strong> binding energies E c ofiPage 121

the electron with the atomic nucleus, which correspondto n-<strong>energy</strong> levels (Table 1).Table 1 Spectrum of hydrogen atomnearly one meter, <strong>and</strong> the distance between the proton<strong>and</strong> the electron in the hydrogen atom will be 100 metresaccording to Coulomb law (Fig. 1, e).Values n 2 3 4 5 6F (exper.) eV 10.20 12.09 12.75 13.05 13.22F (theor.) eV 10.198 12.087 12.748 13.054 13.22Ec (theor.) eV 3.40 1.51 0.85 0.54 0.38It results from the spectroscopy law (2) that during thetransition of the electron between the <strong>energy</strong> levels n<strong>and</strong> n + 1 the energies of the absorbed <strong>and</strong> emittedphotons are calculated according to the formula [2]:⎡ 1 1F = E ⎢ −⎣ n ( n + 1)1 2 2⎤⎥. (4)⎦Analysis of the mathematical model of the law offormation of the spectra of the atoms <strong>and</strong> ions (2) showsthat this model includes: <strong>energy</strong> of the photonsF = h ⋅νemitted or absorbed by the electron duringfits <strong>energy</strong> transitions; <strong>energy</strong>E = h⋅νof ionizationof the electron <strong>and</strong> the <strong>energy</strong> E1= h⋅ν, which1corresponds to the first <strong>energy</strong> level of the electron inthe atom. Since the Planck’s constant h is available inall three formul<strong>as</strong>, we should pay attention to theessence of its dimensionality [2].22 2⎛ kg ⋅ m ⎞h = mλ ν = mr ν⎜ = const.s⎟(5)⎝ ⎠iiFig. 1.Diagrams of models of the nucleus <strong>and</strong> the atom of hydrogen:a) the proton, b) deuterium nucleus, c) tritium nucleus, d) hydrogenatom, e) geometrical dimensions of the atom in the scale of the sizeof the proton (p) 1 mm, M e is magnetic moment of the electron,M p is magnetic moment of the proton, h is electron spinThe spins of the electron <strong>and</strong> the proton are equal tothe Planck’s constant. It is clear that the electron doesnot rotate round the nucleus of the atom, it precesseson the nucleus (Fig. 1) [2].Fig. 2 shows the diagrams of the hydrogen molecules.We’ll not describe their formation in details. But weshould note that the terms orthohydrogen <strong>and</strong>parahydrogen originate from the direction of vectors ofmagnetic moment of the electron, not the proton,because magnetic moment of the electron−24M e= 9,27 ⋅10J / T is by a factor of 10 2 greaterthan magnetic moment of the proton−26M p= 1,41⋅10J / T [2], [6].In modern system of me<strong>as</strong>urements this dimensionalitycorresponds to the following notions of physics <strong>and</strong>mechanics: angular momentum, moment of momentum<strong>and</strong> spin. It results from the fact that the law ofconservation of angular momentum governs theconstancy of Planck’s constant. It runs <strong>as</strong> follows: if thesum of external forces influences a rotating body is equalto <strong>zero</strong>, angular momentum h (moment of momentum,spin) of this body remains constant all the time.A lack of the orbital component of <strong>energy</strong> of the electronis the main peculiarity of the mathematical model (2) ofthe law of formation of the spectra of the atoms <strong>and</strong> theions. It draws attention to the lack of the orbitalmovement of the electron in the atom. The law offormation of the spectra of the atoms <strong>and</strong> the ions opensthe new possibilities for us in cognition of the principlesof the microworld [2].When the hydrogen atom is formed, the unlike electricfields of the electron <strong>and</strong> the proton draw them together,<strong>and</strong> the like magnetic poles restrict this rapprochement(Fig. 1, d). If the scale is chosen that the size of the protonis equal to one millimetre, the size of the electron will bePage 122Fig. 2.Diagram of the hydrogen molecule H 2: a), b) – orthohydrogen;c) – parahydrogenThe analysis of the diagrams of the atom (Fig. 1) <strong>and</strong>the molecules (Fig. 2) of hydrogen shows that thehydrogen atom is an ideal binding link. The negativelycharged electron is situated on one end of its core, <strong>and</strong>the positively charged proton is situated on another end[2], [6].

3. MODEL OF OXYGEN ATOMThe oxygen atom consists of eight electrons. They havedifferent binding energies with the nucleus <strong>and</strong> differentenergies of ionization [7], [8]. The greater the <strong>energy</strong> ofionization, the nearer the electron is situated to theatomic nucleus. Let us number the electrons inaccordance with their distance from the atomic nucleus(Table 2). As it is clear, the eight electron of the oxygenatom h<strong>as</strong> the le<strong>as</strong>t <strong>energy</strong> of ionization. It means that itis situated at the largest distance from the nucleus <strong>and</strong>it is the main valency electron of the oxygen atom. Fig. 3shows the diagram of the oxygen atom. Its eighth <strong>and</strong>seventh electrons are situated nearer to the surface ofthe atom then others, that’s why they are its mainvalency electrons [2].Table 2 <strong>Energy</strong> of ionization of electrons in oxygen atomNumber of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8electron<strong>Energy</strong> of 871.39 739.32 138.12 113.90 77.41 54.93 35.12 13.62ionization, eVIonization <strong>energy</strong> of the eighth electron of oxygen atomis equal to E i= 13. 618eV<strong>and</strong> its binding <strong>energy</strong> withthe atomic nucleus corresponding to the first <strong>energy</strong>level is equal to E1= 13.752eV.The calculation of<strong>energy</strong> indices of this electron according to the formula(1) gives the following results (Table 3) [2].Diagrams of models of oxygen nucleus <strong>and</strong> atom: a)diagram of the nucleus of oxygen atom (view to theplane of the nucleus); b) view to the nucleus from theface (arrow A); c) diagram of the model of the atom; 1-8- the numbers of the electrons; N – the nucleus of theatom; r – radii of the electrons; R1 , R2,R3....R8- radii of<strong>energy</strong> levels.Fig. 3.<strong>Energy</strong> of ionization of the seventh electron of theoxygen atom is E i= 35. 116eV, <strong>and</strong> <strong>energy</strong> of itsbinding the nucleus, which corresponds the first <strong>energy</strong>level, is E = 83.98 .1eVTable 3 Spectrum of the 8th electron of oxygen atomValue n 2 34 5 6F (exper.) eV 10.18 12.09 12.76 13.07 13.24F (theor.) eV 10.16 12.09 12.76 13.07 13.24Ec (theor.) eV 3.44 1.53 0.86 0.55 0.38We’d like to draw the attention of the reader to the large divergences between the experimental data ofspectroscopy concerning the seventh potential of excitation, which are available in reference books [7] <strong>and</strong> [8].We have considered the data available in the reference book to be reliable [7].Taking this fact into consideration, we’ll have the following for the seventh electron of oxygen atom (Table 4)Table 4. Spectrum of the 7th electron of oxygen atomQuantum number n 2 34 5 6F (exper.) eV 14.12 25.83 29.81 31.73 32.88F (theor.) eV 14.12 25.79 29.87 31.76 32.78Ex (theor.) eV 21.00 9.33 5.25 3.36 2.33Page 123

When analysing the structure of the atom or themolecule, one should bear in mind that binding energiesof the electrons with the atomic nuclei are incre<strong>as</strong>ed <strong>as</strong>they get nearer to the nuclei. The electron, which is themost remote from the nucleus, h<strong>as</strong> the le<strong>as</strong>t value. It isthe eighth electron in the oxygen atom (Fig. 3, Table 3).The seventh electron of this atom (Table 4) h<strong>as</strong> greaterbinding <strong>energy</strong> with the nucleus. It means that it issituated deeper in its cell. When we use the term «cell»,we imagine a volume of a cone form with the apex atthe atomic nucleus <strong>and</strong> the b<strong>as</strong>e, which is equal to thering size of the electron [2].When the photons are absorbed, binding <strong>energy</strong> of theelectron with the nucleus is reduced, <strong>and</strong> it goes onrotating <strong>and</strong> precessing on the nucleus, <strong>and</strong> it movesaway from it <strong>and</strong> gets nearer to the surface of the atom.When the electron emits the photons, its binding <strong>energy</strong>with the atomic nucleus is incre<strong>as</strong>ed, <strong>and</strong> it gets deeperinto its cell [2].Activity of the electron in the chemicalreactions is determined by its binding <strong>energy</strong> with theatomic nucleus. If this <strong>energy</strong> is decre<strong>as</strong>ing, the chemicalactivity of the electron <strong>and</strong> its atom is incre<strong>as</strong>ing [1],[2].Page 1244. MODEL OF WATER MOLECULEFig. 4 shows the model of <strong>water</strong> molecule. The electronsof two hydrogen atoms are connected with the eighthelectron <strong>and</strong> the seventh electron of the oxygen atom.Let us call hydrogen atom, which h<strong>as</strong> been attached tothe cell of the eighth electron of the oxygen atom, thefirst H’, <strong>and</strong> let us call the atom, which is attached tothe cell of the seventh electron of the oxygen atom, thesecond H’’ hydrogen atom in <strong>water</strong> molecule. We’ll givethe same names to the protons <strong>and</strong> the electrons ofhydrogen atoms (Fig, 4) [2].Fig.41, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - number of the electrons of the oxygenatom; N is the nucleus of the oxygen atom, P denotesthe nuclei of the hydrogen atoms (the protons); e1<strong>and</strong>e2 are the numbers of the electrons of the hydrogenatoms.Binding energies of the 7th electron <strong>and</strong> the 8th electronof the oxygen atom with its nuclei, which correspond totheir various <strong>energy</strong> levels, are shown in Fig. 4. Bindingenergies of the electron of the first hydrogen atom withits proton are given there too. Later on we’ll show howto use these energies to calculate the <strong>energy</strong> of <strong>water</strong>electrolysis process. Now let us analyse low voltageprocess of <strong>water</strong> electrolysis, which h<strong>as</strong> been used inindustry to produce hydrogen for a long time [2], [6],[15].5. LOW VOLTAGE ELECTROLYSIS OF WATERUsually the solutions NaOH or KOH are used in lowvoltage electrolysis of <strong>water</strong>, that’s why it is desirableto know binding energies of alkali metals with ion OH.The eleventh electron of sodium atom (Na) h<strong>as</strong> the le<strong>as</strong>tbinding energies with the nucleus, that’s why it is themain valency electron of this atom (Table 5). Ionization<strong>energy</strong> of the eleventh electron of sodium atom is equalto E i= 5, 139eV, <strong>and</strong> the <strong>energy</strong>, which correspondsto the first <strong>energy</strong> level, is equal toE 13, 086eV1 `= .Binding energies Ecof the eleventh electron with theatomic nucleus are near to binding energies of atom Nawith ion OH.Table 5 Spectrum of the 11th electron of sodium atomQuantum number n 2 3 4 5 6F (exper.) eV - 3.68 4.31 4.62 4.78F (theor.) eV - 3.68 4.32 4.62 4.77Ec (theor.) eV 3.27 1.45 0.82 0.52 0.36Table 5 shows the theoretical F(theor.) <strong>and</strong> experimentalF(exper.) values of energies of the photons emitted <strong>and</strong>absorbed by this electron <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> energies of itsbinding E c(theor) with the atomic nucleus calculatedaccording to formul<strong>as</strong> (2) <strong>and</strong> (3). Let us pay attentionto the fact that the second <strong>energy</strong> level of this electronis a fictitious one.Low voltage process of <strong>water</strong> electrolysis takes placewhen voltage is 1.6-2.3 V <strong>and</strong> strength of current ishundreds of amperes. Large strength of current proveslarge consumption of the electrons. As the eighthelectron of the oxygen atom is situated at the largerdistance from its nucleus than other electrons, the protonof the hydrogen atom connected with this electron isthe first to come nearer to the cathode <strong>and</strong> to get theelectron e kfrom it (Fig. 5, a). When each of two <strong>water</strong>molecules gets the electron e k, their surface electronsare united <strong>and</strong> form a cluster, which consists of two<strong>water</strong> molecules (Fig. 5, a, b) connected by two electronse k, emitted by the cathode. As it is clear, there is theorthohydrogen molecule in the chain of the protons <strong>and</strong>the electrons, which connect two <strong>water</strong> molecules. Asthe electrons, which have arrived from the cathode, havep<strong>as</strong>sed the free state ph<strong>as</strong>e, the hydrogen molecule

of electricity are spent for the formation of one hydrogenmole in this c<strong>as</strong>e:2 F = 2⋅96485= 192980 or192980/ 3600 = 53.60À ⋅h/ molIf electrolysis takes place when voltage is applied tothe electrodes, the <strong>energy</strong>E = I ⋅V= 53 .6⋅1.70= 91.12watt-hours will be spent for obtaining one hydrogenmole, <strong>and</strong> the <strong>energy</strong>Fig. 5. Diagram of formation of the orthohydrogen moleculefusion in this chain is accompanied by the rele<strong>as</strong>e of<strong>energy</strong>. Fusion <strong>energy</strong> of one mole of the hydrogenmolecule is equal to 436 kJ. Let us convert kJ into eV inreference to one molecule [2].436⋅1000= 4.53eV23 − 19(6)6.02⋅10⋅1.6⋅10The amount of this <strong>energy</strong> is shown on the right-h<strong>and</strong>side from the hydrogen molecule situated in the clusterchain (Fig. 5). On the left-h<strong>and</strong> side the binding energies1.51eV of the hydrogen atoms with the oxygen atomsin <strong>water</strong> molecules are shown (Table 1).The fusion <strong>energy</strong> 4.53eV of the hydrogen moleculesredistributes the binding energies in the cluster chainin such a way that the binding energies of 1.51eV ofthe hydrogen atoms with the oxygen atoms in <strong>water</strong>molecules become equal to <strong>zero</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the orthohydrogenmolecule is separated from the cluster chain (Fig. 5, c)[2].Thus, the difference between the fusion <strong>energy</strong> 4.53eVof the hydrogen molecule <strong>and</strong> the total binding <strong>energy</strong>(1.51+1.51)=3.02eV is equal to (4.53-3.02)=1.51eV. This<strong>energy</strong> is spent for electrolytic heating of solution. When1 m 3 of hydrogen is rele<strong>as</strong>ed,231000⋅1.51⋅6.02⋅10⋅1.6⋅1022.4⋅1000−19= 4058kJThe following chemical reaction will take place nearthe cathode22−−H2O+ 2e⇒ H + 2OH+ 1.51eV.Fig. 5 shows that two electrons ekemitted by thecathode are spent to form one hydrogen molecule. Inaccordance with Faraday’s law, two faraday-coulombs(7)(8)3E m= ( 1000 / 22.4) ⋅91.12= 4.10kWt⋅h/ m ,3or 4.10⋅ 3600 = 14760kJ/ m will be spent forobtaining one cubic metre. It is natural that quantity ofheat <strong>energy</strong> of 4058 kJ (7) is a part of total <strong>energy</strong> of14760 kJ spent for production of one cubic metre ofhydrogen.In alkali solution, the hydroxyl ions OH − have thenegative charge <strong>and</strong> they contact with the anode by itssurface electron connected with the eighth electron ofthe oxygen atom (Fig. 5) <strong>and</strong> transfer excessive electronsto it. Then four ions OH − interact with each other to formtwo <strong>water</strong> molecules <strong>and</strong> the oxygen molecule [2], [6].42 2+−−OH → 2HO + O + 4e143kJ/ molOne cubic metre of hydrogen produced during <strong>water</strong>electrolysis is 44.64 moles. At the same time, 22.32moles of molecular oxygen O 2are rele<strong>as</strong>ed. Fusion<strong>energy</strong> of oxygen molecules will be equal to143.0⋅22.32=3191.76 kJ.If we add this value to <strong>energy</strong> 4058.0 kJ of cluster fusionof hydrogen molecules, we’ll get the total amount ofrele<strong>as</strong>ed heat <strong>energy</strong> of 4058.0 + 3191.76= 7249.76 kJ.If we take into account that <strong>energy</strong> of 14760 kJ isconsumed to produce one cubic metre of hydrogen, we’llget index K Tof heat <strong>energy</strong> efficiency of this process.(9)7249.76KT= = 0.49(10)14760.0One cubic metre of hydrogen weighs 90 g. <strong>Energy</strong>content of one gram of hydrogen is equal to 142 kJ.When this hydrogen is burned, <strong>energy</strong> of 90×142=12780kJ is rele<strong>as</strong>ed. The total index K 0of <strong>energy</strong> efficiency ofthe process is the following:K = (4058 + 3191.76 + 12780) /14760 1.36 (11)0=It should be noted that the actual <strong>energy</strong> expenses forhydrogen production in low voltage <strong>water</strong> electrolysisgive this value. One cubic metre of hydrogen containsPage 125

1000/22.4=44.64 moles of molecular hydrogen. Duringits fusion, <strong>energy</strong> is rele<strong>as</strong>ed:3H + H → H + (436⋅44.64) = 19463.0kJ/ . (12)2mModern electrolyzers spend nearly 4 kWh of electric<strong>energy</strong> or (3600x4)=14400 kJ in order to produce onecubic metre of hydrogen. Taking into consideration<strong>energy</strong> (19463.0) of fusion of one cubic metre of hydrogen<strong>and</strong> <strong>energy</strong> (14400) spent for its production, we’ll find<strong>water</strong> electrolysis process efficiency index:19463.0K = = 1.35 (13)14400Thus, when low voltage process of <strong>water</strong> electrolysistakes place, the theoretical index of <strong>energy</strong> efficiencyof this process is more than 100% [2].6. PLASMA ELECTROLYSIS OF WATERThere are several patents of pl<strong>as</strong>ma-electrolytic devicesfor production of heat <strong>energy</strong>, hydrogen <strong>and</strong> oxygen from<strong>water</strong> with the heat <strong>energy</strong> efficiency index more than100% [9], [10], [11], [12], [14].The essence of the pl<strong>as</strong>ma - electrolytic process is inthe fact that current density at the cathode is dozenstimes greater than current density at the anode duringthis process. As a result, a flow of positive ions of metal,which is directed to the cathode, is formed in thesolution. Due to the kinetic <strong>energy</strong> of these ions a partof hydrogen atoms is separated from <strong>water</strong> molecules<strong>and</strong> they form pl<strong>as</strong>ma of atomic hydrogen with thetemperature 5000-10000 0 (Fig. 6). In this c<strong>as</strong>e, strengthof current reduces considerably. A value of voltage canbe specified, but in any c<strong>as</strong>e it will be greater than atthe low voltage electrolysis. In this c<strong>as</strong>e, Faraday’s lawfails to operate, <strong>and</strong> the <strong>energy</strong> calculation can be b<strong>as</strong>edonly on binding energies of the electrons <strong>and</strong> energiesof fusion of atoms <strong>and</strong> molecules.Fig. 6 shows a diagram of separation of the hydrogenatoms from eight electrons of the oxygen atoms of two<strong>water</strong> molecules. The following reaction takes placenear the cathode in this c<strong>as</strong>e− −−H O + 2e⇒ H + H + 2OH⇒ H + 2OH4. 53eV. (14)22 2+1 .51 2 = 3.02eV<strong>Energy</strong> of ⋅ is spent for the separationof two hydrogen atoms H from two <strong>water</strong> molecules.Index K Tof heat <strong>energy</strong> efficiency of this process willbe equal toK T(15)= 4 .53/(2x1.51)= 1.50The results of the experimental test of thesetheoretical calculations are given in Table 6. Thepreliminary tests have shown that the values of heatcapacity of the solution C do not differ greatly from thevalues of heat capacity of <strong>water</strong>; therefore, thisparameter h<strong>as</strong> been taken the same <strong>as</strong> for <strong>water</strong>: C =4.19 kJ/(kg degree). Figs 7, 8 <strong>and</strong> 9 show the diagramsof pl<strong>as</strong>ma- electrolytic reactors, which we have used inour research.Fig. 7.Diagram of the pl<strong>as</strong>ma - electrolytic reactor (patent No. 2157862):1 - housing of the reactor, 2 - lid of the reactor, 3 - anode, 4 -cathode (outlet pipe), 5 - (inlet pipe), 6 <strong>and</strong> 7 - bushingsFig. 6.Diagram of fusion of the hydrogen molecules during <strong>water</strong>electrolysis: a), b) - <strong>water</strong> molecules; c), d) - hydrogen atoms; e)orthohydrogen moleculeFig. 8.Diagram of a model of the pl<strong>as</strong>ma - electrolytic reactor (patent No.2157427): 1 - housing, 5 - lid, 9 - anode, 10 - cathode, 13 - magnetPage 126

Table 6Indices 1 2 3Average1 - m<strong>as</strong>s of the solution before the reaction m 1, grams 1200 1195 1200 11982 - m<strong>as</strong>s of the solution after the reaction m 2, grams 1180 1180 1180 11803 - m<strong>as</strong>s difference, inlet <strong>and</strong> outlet, ∆m = m 1- m 2, grams 20 15 20 18.34 - reactor inlet temperature t 1, degrees 21 21 21 215 - reactor outlet temperature t 2, degrees 85 85 85 856 - temperature difference ∆t = t 2- t 1, degrees 64 64 64 647 - duration of the experiment, τ ,s 279 307 282 2898 - number of rotations of the electric power disc during the 39.5 44.5 41.5 41.8experiment n, rot9 - electric <strong>energy</strong> consumption according to the electric 237 267 249 251power meter readings, E1 = n⋅3600/600kJ. Note: 600rotations of the electric power meter correspond to 1 kW hof electric power10 - readings of voltmeter V, volts 196 200 199 198.311 - ammeter readings, amperes 3.66 3.30 3.58 3.5112 - electric <strong>energy</strong> consumption according to the readings 220.1 202.6 200.9 201.2of the voltmeter <strong>and</strong> the ammeter, E 2= I ⋅V⋅τ, kJ13 -<strong>energy</strong> to heat the solution, E3 = C1⋅ m1⋅∆t, kJ 322.0 320.4 322.0 321.514 - <strong>energy</strong> consumed to form the vapours, E 4= C 2⋅∆m, kJ 45.4 34.0 45.4 41.615 - total <strong>energy</strong> for heating <strong>and</strong> vapours E0= E3+ E4, kJ 367.4 354.5 367.4 363.116 - COP of the reactor according to the electric power meter 1.55 1.33 1.47 1.45K1= E / Ereadings0 117 - COP of the reactor according to the voltmeter <strong>and</strong> ammeter 1.87 1.75 1.85 1.82K2= E / Ereadings0 2necessary to spend 1.51 eV of <strong>energy</strong>. Then(0.85·2)=1.72 eV of <strong>energy</strong> will be rele<strong>as</strong>ed duringfurther fusion of two hydrogen atoms. Then 4.53 eV of<strong>energy</strong> will be rele<strong>as</strong>ed during fusion of a hydrogenmolecule. The total amount of <strong>energy</strong> will be1.72+4.53=6.25eV in the process of fusion of twohydrogen atoms <strong>and</strong> a hydrogen molecule. Thefollowing reaction will take place near the cathode:2HO ⇒ 2OH2+ H+ H−−+ 2e⇒ H + H + 2OH+ 2⋅0.86eV⇒−−⇒ H + 2OH+ 1.72eV+ 4.53eV⇒ H + 2OH+ 6.25eV2−++(16)where H + is the proton.2Fig. 9.Diagram of a model of two chamber pl<strong>as</strong>ma- electrolytic reactor(patent No. 2157861):1 - housing; 4 - lower lid; 5- upper lid; 10 <strong>and</strong> 14 - anodes; 11 <strong>and</strong>15 – cathodesLet us consider one more variant of formation of thehydrogen molecules from the destroyed <strong>water</strong> molecule.Fig. 10 a, b, c shows that in order to separate the protonof the hydrogen atom from the <strong>water</strong> molecule, it isIn this c<strong>as</strong>e the index of heat <strong>energy</strong> efficiency will beequal to:K= 6.25/3.02=2.07, (17)The results of the experimental check of this theoreticalcalculation are given in Table 7.Let us present the second variant of the calculation onthe experiment (Table 7) but at this c<strong>as</strong>e we are notusing the theoretical results of <strong>energy</strong> consumption forPage 127

hydrogen production, but the experimental ones. One cubic metre of hydrogen contains 1000/22.4=44.64 moles ofmolecular hydrogen or 89.28 moles of atomic hydrogen. During the fusion of one hydrogen atom, 0.86 eV of <strong>energy</strong>is rele<strong>as</strong>ed. During the fusion of 89.28 moles of the hydrogen atoms will be rele<strong>as</strong>ed.H + e → H + 0.86⋅89.28⋅1.602⋅10⋅6.023⋅10= 7322.3kJ/ m+ −−19233(18)Table 7Indices 1 2 3 Average1 - m<strong>as</strong>s of the solution, which h<strong>as</strong> p<strong>as</strong>sed through the 1200 1230 1160 1197reactor m, gram2 - temperature of solution, reactor input t 1, degrees 20 20 20 203 - temperature of the solution, reactor output t 2, degrees 31.0 30.5 31.0 30.84 - temperature difference ∆t=t 2-t 1, degrees 11.0 10.5 11.0 10.85 - durability of the experiment ∆τ ,s 300 300 300 3006 - number of rotations of the disc of counter during theexperiment n, rotations 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.447 - electric power consumption according to the reading 26.64 26.64 26.64 26.64of the counter E 1=n 3600/600 kJNote: 600 rotations of the counter correspond to 1 kWhof electric power8 – voltmeter data, V 40 40 40 409 – ammeter data, A 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.8010 - electric power consumption according to indices of 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.60voltmeter <strong>and</strong> ammeters, E 2=I V∆τ∆τ , kJ11 - power to heat the solution, E 3=Cm∆τ∆τ, kJ 55.31 54.11 53.46 54.2912 - reactor efficiency index according tocounter K 1=E 3/E 12.08 2.03 2.01 2.04If we add the energies of fusion of the atoms <strong>and</strong> themolecules of hydrogen, we will get(7322.3+19463.0)=26785.3 kJ. In order to produce onecubic metre of hydrogen employing the existingtechnology, it is necessary to spend (4.0x3600)=14400kJ. Index K of heat <strong>energy</strong> efficiency of this process ofelectrolysis will be (Table 7)K = (26785.3/14400)= 1.86. (20)It is clear, the results of two methods of calculation (16),(17) <strong>and</strong> (18), (19) <strong>and</strong> (20) will give the values of indicesof <strong>energy</strong> efficiency of electrolytic process, which areclose to the experimental data (Table 7).Fig. 10.Diagram of fusion of the atom <strong>and</strong> the molecule of hydrogen in<strong>water</strong> electrolysis process: a), b) - <strong>water</strong> molecule; c), d) -hydrogen atoms, e) - orhtohydrogen moleculeFurther fusion of one cubic metre of the hydrogenmolecules will add some <strong>energy</strong>:H =3+ H → H2+ 436⋅44.6419463.0kJ/ m (19)7. COLD NUCLEAR FUSIONEarlier we have found out that fusion of the atoms <strong>and</strong>the molecules of hydrogen are the main source ofadditional <strong>energy</strong> for c<strong>as</strong>e of usual <strong>and</strong> pl<strong>as</strong>maelectrolysis of light <strong>water</strong> [1], [2].During consideration of the model of the electron [1],[2], we have found out that it can exist in a free stateonly when it h<strong>as</strong> a definite electromagnetic m<strong>as</strong>s. BeingPage 128

combined with the atomic nucleus, it emits a part of<strong>energy</strong> in the form of the photons, <strong>and</strong> itselectromagnetic m<strong>as</strong>s is reduced. But stability of itscondition does not become worse, because the <strong>energy</strong>carried away by the photon is compensated by binding<strong>energy</strong> of the electron with the atomic nucleus [1], [2].If the ambient temperature incre<strong>as</strong>es the electron beginsto absorb the thermal photons to p<strong>as</strong>s onto higher<strong>energy</strong> levels of the atom <strong>and</strong> to reduce the bindingwith it. When the electron becomes free, it interactswith the atom only if the ambient temperature isreduced. As this temperature is reduced, it will emitthe photons <strong>and</strong> it will change its <strong>energy</strong> level to thelower one [2].If the electron is in the free state due to an accidentalexternal influence on the atom <strong>and</strong> the environment h<strong>as</strong>no photons, which are necessary for it to restore itsm<strong>as</strong>s, it begins to form the photons from theenvironment (the ether) immediately <strong>and</strong> to absorbthem. The electron acquires the stable free state onlyafter it restores its constants: m<strong>as</strong>s, charge, <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong>magnetic moment [1], [2].Thus, if an interchange of the free state <strong>and</strong> bindingstate with the atom takes place due to the accidentalinfluences on the atom, the electron restores itselectromagnetic m<strong>as</strong>s every time due to absorbing ofthe ether.Many researchers think that the atomic nucleus fusionprocess is a source of additional <strong>energy</strong> during heavy<strong>water</strong> electrolysis. We have analysed this hypothesis<strong>and</strong> have determined that there is a possibility offormation of helium from the nuclei of deuterium <strong>and</strong>tritium. In this c<strong>as</strong>e the predicted process of theconversion of the neutrons into the protons can begenerated by gamma radiation, but it is not convertedinto heat <strong>energy</strong>. In this c<strong>as</strong>e the thermal photons aregenerated by means of formation process of heliumatoms <strong>and</strong> not by its nuclei. The calculation shows that47352 kJ of heat <strong>energy</strong> can be rele<strong>as</strong>ed during theformation of one mole of the helium atoms. This <strong>energy</strong>is enough to evaporate 18 liters of <strong>water</strong>.It means that the accurate me<strong>as</strong>urements of quality ofhelium should be carried out. As it is supposed, heliumis formed during electrolysis of heavy <strong>water</strong>. If thecalculation results <strong>and</strong> experimental ones are the same,it will be necessary to intensify helium formationprocess [2].8. PLASMA-ELECTROLYTIC GENERATOR OFGASESThe new theory of <strong>water</strong> electrolysis predicts thepossibility of significant reduction of <strong>energy</strong>consumption for production of hydrogen from <strong>water</strong>. Forexample, let us pay attention to the structure oforthohydron, its diagram is shown at Fig. 2, b. Thisstructure is formed when the hydrogen atoms of two<strong>water</strong> molecules get nearer to each other (Fig. 10).In this c<strong>as</strong>e each of two <strong>water</strong> molecules transfers oneproton <strong>and</strong> one electron to a hydrogen molecule, <strong>and</strong>the hydrogen molecule is formed without the electronsemitted by the cathode, i.e. without direct expenses ofelectric <strong>energy</strong> for this process (Fig. 10, c). In this c<strong>as</strong>eelectric <strong>energy</strong> is spent only for the separation of theformed hydrogen molecule. Two <strong>water</strong> moleculesconnected in such a way form the simplest cluster.When <strong>water</strong> molecules are converted into a vaporousstate, the bonds between the clusters are broken, <strong>and</strong>we have an opportunity to find <strong>energy</strong> of these bondsbetween <strong>water</strong> molecules in the cluster at thetemperature of 20°C. We use vapour formation <strong>energy</strong>of 2595.2 kJ/kg for this purpose. Let us convert this<strong>energy</strong> into electron-volts per one molecule2595.2⋅1000E C= = 0.485eV.23 − 19(21)6.02⋅10⋅1.6⋅10⋅55.56On the Fig. 11 the value of this <strong>energy</strong> is given to theright of the hydrogen molecule situated in a clusterchain. Binding energies of 1.27 eV between hydrogenatoms <strong>and</strong> the eighth electrons of the oxygen atoms areshown in the left-h<strong>and</strong> side. Before the cluster w<strong>as</strong>formed, these energies were equal to 1.51 eV. When thecluster w<strong>as</strong> formed, a part of this <strong>energy</strong> w<strong>as</strong>redistributed for the formation of the bond between theprotons of two <strong>water</strong> molecules with <strong>energy</strong> of 0.485eV. That’s why binding energies 1.51 eV were reduced,<strong>and</strong> they became equal to (1.51⋅2-0.485)/2=1.27 eV.Now let us determine the temperature of pl<strong>as</strong>ma, atwhich these bonds will be broken. The temperature ofpl<strong>as</strong>ma related with the photons, which are emitted <strong>and</strong>absorbed by the electrons of the atoms during their<strong>energy</strong> transitions. In order to break the bond with<strong>energy</strong> of 1.27 eV, the electron should absorb one or acollection of the photons with <strong>energy</strong> ofE c= mc2 = 1. 27eV.When this bond is broken, the temperature can bedetermined approximately. For this purpose, let us usethe dependence of kinetic <strong>energy</strong> of molecule movementof ideal g<strong>as</strong> on the temperature.If we equate <strong>energy</strong> E cto the <strong>energy</strong> of thermalmovement of the ideal g<strong>as</strong> molecules, we’ll getE c= 3 ⋅ k ⋅T, (22)where−23k = 1.38⋅10J / K is Boltzmann constant; Tis Kelvin temperature.We’d like to draw your attention to the fact that thedependence (22) is the dependence of binding <strong>energy</strong>of the hydrogen atom with the <strong>water</strong> molecule on thetemperature when this bond is broken. Temperature T caccording to Celcium scale, which is required to breakPage 129

the bond with <strong>energy</strong> of 1.27 eV, is determined accordingto the formulaTCEc1.27⋅1.602⋅10−T=233⋅k 3⋅1.38⋅10=−−19− 273 = 4637.00C(23)Fig. 12Dependence of hydrogen output W (liters) on voltage V of powersupply sourceFig. 11Diagram of formation of the second model of orthohydrogenmolecule: a) <strong>and</strong> b) diagrams of <strong>water</strong> molecule; c) orthohydrogenIt is known that pl<strong>as</strong>ma of atomic hydrogen h<strong>as</strong> atemperature of 5000 - 10000 0 C [15]. It means thatintensity of the process of separation of the hydrogenmolecules from the clusters of <strong>water</strong> depends on thetemperature of atomic hydrogen pl<strong>as</strong>ma. When thistemperature incre<strong>as</strong>es, intensity of hydrogen rele<strong>as</strong>eshould incre<strong>as</strong>e too. The temperature of pl<strong>as</strong>ma dependsmainly on voltage between the electrodes. If the voltagebecome higher, so the temperature of pl<strong>as</strong>ma is greater.Fig. 12 shows the dependence of hydrogen outputintensity on voltage in supply mains of the pl<strong>as</strong>maelectrolyticreactor.Let us pay attention to the fact that theoreticaldependence of binding <strong>energy</strong> E c=f(T) on thetemperature, at which this bond is broken, <strong>and</strong> theexperimental dependence of the volume of hydrogenbeing obtained W=f(V) on voltage are linear. It provesthe existence of the bond between these phenomena.Thus, if it is possible to create the conditions when theclusters of two <strong>and</strong> more <strong>water</strong> molecules contact theatomic hydrogen pl<strong>as</strong>ma, which temperature is 5000-10000 0 C, the <strong>energy</strong> of this pl<strong>as</strong>ma is enough to breakthe bond with energies of 1.27 eV.As pl<strong>as</strong>ma is formed from atomic hydrogen, the processof synthesis of the molecules of hydrogen from its atomstakes place partially <strong>as</strong> well. It provides this smallincre<strong>as</strong>e (222.6-180.9)=41.7 kJ, Table 8) of thermal<strong>energy</strong>, which is registered in the experiment. But themajority of the hydrogen molecules are formedaccording to the diagram shown in Fig. 10, i.e. withoutthe consumption of the electron emitted by the cathode.Table 8 Experimental resultsIndices 1 2 3 Average1 – duration of the experiment τ, s 300 300 300 3002 – input of <strong>energy</strong> E 1, kJ 157.8 144,0 132,0 144,63 – <strong>energy</strong> of hot <strong>water</strong> E 2, kJ 209.97 190,20 180,50 193,564 – output of g<strong>as</strong> mixture, liters 136.13 145,62 137,87 139,875 – output of hydrogen, liters 108.90 116,50 110,30 111,906 – output <strong>energy</strong> of hydrogen E 3, kJ 1392.74 1488,82 1409,63 1430,047 – output common <strong>energy</strong> E 4, kJ 1602.71 1679,02 1590,131619,958 – heat COP of the reactor K 1= E 2/ E 11.33 1,32 1,37 1,349 – common COP of the reactor K 2= E 4/ E 110.16 11,66 12,05 11,2910 – electric <strong>energy</strong> consumption to produce 0.40 0,34 0,33 0,36one cubic meter of hydrogen, kWh/m 3Specialists know that the reduction of <strong>energy</strong> expenses by obtaining one cubic meter of hydrogen from4 kWh/m 3 to 0.40 kWh/m 3 means complete solution of the <strong>energy</strong> problem [2].Page 130

High temperature of pl<strong>as</strong>ma forms the conditions, underwhich several various processes take place near thecathode. Firstly, <strong>water</strong> is boiled <strong>and</strong> evaporated. At thesame time, a part of the molecules is destroyed, <strong>and</strong>atomic hydrogen is rele<strong>as</strong>ed, another part of themolecules forms the orthohydrogen molecules. A partof <strong>water</strong> molecules is destroyed completely, <strong>and</strong> oxygenis rele<strong>as</strong>ed with hydrogen near the cathode. A part ofhydrogen is combined with oxygen to form <strong>water</strong> again.Thus, <strong>water</strong> steam, hydrogen, oxygen <strong>and</strong> partiallyozone are rele<strong>as</strong>ed at the same time. If steam iscondensed, a mixture of the g<strong>as</strong>es is rele<strong>as</strong>ed. In theaverage modes of the operation of the reactor, themixture of g<strong>as</strong>es, which are formed near the cathode,contains 80% of hydrogen <strong>and</strong> 20% of oxygen. It isnecessary to reduce the concentration of oxygen in thismixture. The new theory of <strong>water</strong> electrolysis opens theways to solve this t<strong>as</strong>k.Pl<strong>as</strong>ma electrolysis of <strong>water</strong> reduces <strong>energy</strong> expensesfor production of hydrogen from <strong>water</strong> by an order ofmagnitude greater, <strong>and</strong> it becomes a competitive sourceof <strong>energy</strong>. In Table 8 the results of one of suchexperiments obtained by us together with D.V. Korneevare given.9. FUEL CELL EFFICIENCYFuel cells are considered to be one of the mostprospective consumers of hydrogen. But efficiency ofthe process of the reaction between hydrogen <strong>and</strong>oxygen in a <strong>fuel</strong> element <strong>and</strong> the formation of electricpower are studied insufficiently. The data of one of the<strong>fuel</strong> cells are given in the report [16]. At hydrogenconsumption of 2 kg per hour it generates 30 kWh ofelectric power. As one cubic meter of g<strong>as</strong>eous hydrogenweighs 90g, 2 kg of liquid hydrogen contain 22.2 m 3 ofg<strong>as</strong>eous hydrogen. If we take into consideration that inorder to produce 1 m 3 of hydrogen the best industrialelectrolyzers consume 4 kWh <strong>and</strong> <strong>as</strong>sume the <strong>energy</strong>value <strong>as</strong> 100%, we will get <strong>energy</strong> efficiency of the <strong>fuel</strong>cell30⋅100= 33.8% . (24)22.2 ⋅4The source of information [17] reports that efficiency of<strong>fuel</strong> cells of the third generation with solid electrolyte isnear 50% <strong>and</strong> use of the technology in <strong>fuel</strong> cells allowsto incre<strong>as</strong>e efficiency of electric power up to 75%; takinginto consideration heat generated by them, efficiency isincre<strong>as</strong>ed by 90% or 95%. Efficiency of <strong>fuel</strong> cells dependson efficiency of use of electric properties of the hydrogenitself. If quantity of the electrons, which belong to theatoms of hydrogen <strong>and</strong> take part in the formation ofelectric power of the <strong>fuel</strong> cell, is taken into consideration,efficiency of physical <strong>and</strong> chemical process of this cellis less that 1%. Let us make a calculation for the <strong>fuel</strong>cell, which is described in the report [6]. This <strong>fuel</strong> cellgenerates 30 kW of electric power when 2 kg (22.2 m 3 )of liquid hydrogen is consumed per hour. As the mole ofg<strong>as</strong>eous hydrogen is equal to 22.4 litres, it is necessaryto consume 22222.22/22.4=992.06 moles of molecularhydrogen for the production of 30kW of electric power.If we take into account this value <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> Faraday’snumber F = 96485 kl/mole <strong>and</strong> the number of theelectrons in the hydrogen molecule, we will get the totalnumber of coulombs of electricity in 992.06 moles ofmolecular hydrogen 992.06×2×96485=191437818.2.These are potential possibilities of 22.2 m 3 of molecularhydrogen. In what way are these possibilities used bymodern <strong>fuel</strong> cells? The <strong>fuel</strong> cell being consideredoperates at voltage of 100V; that’s why when 30 kW aregenerated, current of 30000/100=300 amperes per hourcirculates in its electric circuit. 3600 coulombs ofelectricity are consumed at 1 ampere per hour <strong>and</strong>1080000.0 coulombs are consumed at 300 amperes perhour. If we <strong>as</strong>sume that potential quantity of coulombsof electricity, which 22.2m 3 of hydrogen contain(191437818.2 coulombs) is 100%, actual quantity ofcoulombs of electricity generated by the <strong>fuel</strong> cell is1080000.0⋅100= 0.57%191437818.2(25)The given calculations show that <strong>energy</strong> possibilitiesof hydrogen in <strong>fuel</strong> elements are used only by 0.6%. Ifthis index is incre<strong>as</strong>ed tenfold, it will mean the globalpriority of hydrogen energetics in all fields of humanactivity [18].10. CONCLUSIONThere are the <strong>water</strong> pl<strong>as</strong>ma electrolysis modes when<strong>energy</strong> expenses for hydrogen production are reducedtenfold minimum, <strong>and</strong> it becomes the main source of<strong>energy</strong> in future. Potential possibilities of modern <strong>fuel</strong>elements are used only by 0.6%. There is a re<strong>as</strong>on tobelieve that this index will be improved greatly in thenearest future. Theoretical <strong>and</strong> experimental informationobtained by us shows that the ways of the guaranteedsolution of the future <strong>energy</strong> problems have been found.REFERENCES1. Ph.M. Kanarev. Crisis of Theoretical Physics. The thirdedition. Kr<strong>as</strong>nodar, 1998. 200 pages.2. Ph.M. Kanarev. Water <strong>as</strong> a New <strong>Energy</strong> Source. The thirdedition. Kr<strong>as</strong>nodar, 2001, 200 pages.3. Ph.M. Kanarev. The Analytical Theory of Spectroscopy.Kr<strong>as</strong>nodar, 1993. 88 pages.4. Kanarev Ph.M. The Source of Excess <strong>Energy</strong> from Water.Infinite <strong>Energy</strong>.V.5.<strong>Issue</strong> 25. P. 52-58.5. Kanarev Ph.M. Model of the Electron. «Apeiron», volume 7.No. 3-4. Pages 184-193.6. L. Poling. General chemistry. M.: Mir, 1974.7. A.R. Striganova, G. A. Odintsova. Tables of special lines.M.: Nauka. 1977.Page 131

8. A.N. Zaidel et al. Tables of Special Lines. M.: Nauka, 1997.9. Ph.M. Kanarev. Device for Production of Thermal <strong>Energy</strong>,Hydrogen <strong>and</strong> Oxygen. Patent No. 215742710. Ph.M. Kanarev, V.V. Podobedov. Device for Production ofThermal <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> Steam-G<strong>as</strong> Mixture. Patent No.215786211. Ph.M. Kanarev, E.D. Zykov, V.V. Podobedov. Device forProduction of Thermal <strong>Energy</strong> of Hydrogen <strong>and</strong> Oxygen.Patent No. 2157861.12. Ohmori <strong>and</strong> Mizuno. Strong Excess <strong>Energy</strong> Evolution, NewElement Production, <strong>and</strong> Electromagnetic Wave <strong>and</strong>/orNeutron Emission in Light Water Electrolysis with aTungsten Cathode. Infinite <strong>Energy</strong>. 1998. V.4, <strong>Issue</strong> 20, p.14-17.13. Kanarev Ph.M. Protocol of Control Experiment for thePl<strong>as</strong>ma-Electrolysis Reactor N 3. Infinite <strong>Energy</strong>. 1998. V.4, pag. 31-32.14. Harold L. Fox. Cold Nuclear Fusion: Essence, Problems,Influence of the World. View from USA. Production group‘SVITAX» M., 1993, 180 pages.15. Short Chemical Encyclopaedia. Volume 1. M.: SovetskayaEntsiclopedia. 1961.16. Soo Seddon. Fuel cell Conference Report. Institute ofInternational Research Conference on Fuel Cell Vehicle,Held on February 22, 1999. Infinite <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Issue</strong> 25, 1999.P. 35-38.17. V.S. Lavrus. Sources of <strong>Energy</strong>. K.: Nit, 1997. 112 pages.(http://y<strong>and</strong>ex.ru/y<strong>and</strong>btm)18. Arthur C. Clarke. 2001: The Coming Age of HydrogenPower. «Infinite <strong>Energy</strong>». Volume 4, <strong>Issue</strong> 22. Pag. 15-16.Nikola Tesla <strong>and</strong> InstantaneousElectric CommunicationVladimir I. KorobeynikovRussia, E-mail: elen@mail.infos.ruNikola Tesla (1856-1943), an outst<strong>and</strong>ing inventor, w<strong>as</strong><strong>and</strong> still remains one of the most mysterious persons inthe history of electrophysics. Where<strong>as</strong> the mostscientists were moving together in direction ofmicroparticles investigations, <strong>as</strong> the b<strong>as</strong>is of matterstructure <strong>and</strong> of nature itself, he w<strong>as</strong> going in oppositedirection. He had a keen interest in the investigation ofelectric charge of the Earth <strong>as</strong> a whole. He w<strong>as</strong> lookingfor the ways to influence on it, to control its state <strong>and</strong>methods of its regulation.Therefore, exactly, the most of his searches,experiments, the purpose of constructions <strong>and</strong>buildings, created according to his conceptions, causeperplexity <strong>and</strong> misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of scientists even innowadays.The most mysterious of his main experiments weremade in USA after 1904. After Nikola Tesla death in1943, all his diaries <strong>and</strong> records over a period from 1904year had mysteriously disappeared. Probably they werestolen (it w<strong>as</strong> known, what to take). Lost records could“c<strong>as</strong>t light” on one of the most “strange” of his buildingsmade in the form of the enough tall tower, on the top ofwhich a specially created toroidal transformer w<strong>as</strong>placed. This transformer could create there a hugeelectric potential up to the billion volts.Nikola Tesla switched on this tower-device, whatcaused the fright <strong>and</strong> even panic in mind of people fromnearby settlements. Of course! Because of very highelectric potential there began air ionization, whichspread very high to the atmosphere accompanying bythe effect of color play. Such luminous, color-playing skycaused even a horror of people, who knew nothing aboutthe experiment made <strong>and</strong> its goals. They did not guessthat Tesla by means of the electric charge, created ofthe tower, w<strong>as</strong> influencing on the electric charge of theEarth <strong>as</strong> a whole (about 600000 Coulomb). There w<strong>as</strong> aglobal scale in Nikola Tesla’s investigations.There is no <strong>point</strong> in detailed analysis of the fact thatthe potential of the tower top influenced on the Earthcharge. Interaction of charges-balls with the distortionof field lines, distortion-distribution of charge on theirsurfaces, induced charge, is beautifully described evenin school physics textbooks. In Nikola Teslainvestigations the Earth had the role of one of thecharged balls. It w<strong>as</strong> possible by changing of chargeon the tower to deform electric charge distribution onthe whole Earth surface at once. This deformation(electric currents) could be fixed at once in every <strong>point</strong>of the Earth surface. It is alluring to use this effect fordata transfer telecommunication, both on the Earth, <strong>and</strong>in space.After such introduction the question “How does thesystem of instantaneous electric communication for anydistance look like <strong>and</strong> work?” is still opened. First ofall, the readers need to know, that such instantaneouscommunication is possible in principle. The provingtheoretical calculations, are rather difficult for popularinterpretation. Some part of readers can take it on trust,<strong>and</strong> those who are most interested in can apply to worksof Oleinik V.P. (quantum physics) the professor from KievPolytechnic University. At the minimum there are twonecessary works: Oleinik V.P. “F<strong>as</strong>ter-than-light transferof a signal in electrodynamics. Instantaneous actionat-a-distancein modern physics” (Nova SciencePublishers. Inc. New York. 1999) <strong>and</strong> Oleinik V.P. “Latestdevelopment of quantum electrodynamics: selforganizingelectron, f<strong>as</strong>ter-than-light signals, dynamicalheterogeneity of time.” (Physical vacuum <strong>and</strong> nature.4. 3-17. 2000).“PC” magazine h<strong>as</strong> devoted rather big article“Computers <strong>and</strong> teleportation” to V.P. Oleinik works,concerning instantaneous electric communication (“PC”#6, 2000). Note, that the author of the given article h<strong>as</strong>also found the possibility of instantaneous electriccommunication, but by means of materialistic methods,absolutely different from Oleinik’s ones, what is mostPage 132

"Since the effect of cavity structures propagatesp<strong>as</strong>sively through the quantum fields in the conjugateworld (vacuum), then we should not observed <strong>as</strong>creening of the Cavity Structural Effect (CSE). Thisw<strong>as</strong> checked in experiments with iron sheets, clothe,pl<strong>as</strong>tics, cardboard, wood, brick walls. According toour theoretical conclusions we could not find anyscreening." (text by Professor Zolotariov).Further, Professor Zolotariov gives a calculation formulafor location of the wave maximums. "The regularity oflocation of de Broglie wave maximums on the distanceD from the tube structure shall be calculated with theformula:D = 2L (N+1) 2 K ,where N,K=0,1,2… L is the circumference length of thetube, N is the harmonic number of the st<strong>and</strong>ing deBroglie waves, K is the number of maximum".The conclusion of these articles w<strong>as</strong> to make an<strong>as</strong>sociation with the "golden section" <strong>and</strong> the effectstudied: "…the hologram of human memory is situatedin the vacuum field <strong>and</strong> exists in the space after thehuman death" (Maneev A.K., Movement, contradiction,development. Minsk, "Technique <strong>and</strong> Science", 1982).All this brings us to the thought that the organisminteracts with the de Broglie waves going through it.The resonance character of interaction supposes themultiplicity of lengths of the waves <strong>and</strong> frequencies,which are determined by the geometric sizes of theinteracting structures. Hence, the importance of thegeometric proportions appears, i.e. "golden section". Thatis why the appearance of the "golden section" in natureis not accidental, because the b<strong>as</strong>is of it lies in the deBroglie waves. In practice, it should be recommended toall inventors of the CSE-effect systems.Fig 2This picture from Grebennikov’s book "My World" provides us with some ide<strong>as</strong> on simplest experimentswith rolls of films (left side) <strong>and</strong> possible amazing antigravitation "warp drive" technology (right side).In 1996 Prof. Zolotarev also demonstrated similar experiments for participants of International ScientificCongress "New Ide<strong>as</strong> in Natural Science", for example, he used small fiber-optic coil suspended in gl<strong>as</strong>scontainer. The dielectrical coil can react (it is rotating) with permanent magnet or with h<strong>and</strong>s. In bothc<strong>as</strong>es the coil is operating <strong>as</strong> a kind of de Broigle’s waves detector.Power Outputcan be More than Power InputPatent of 1877 by Pavel N. Yablotchkovby Alex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovPavel N. Yablotchkov w<strong>as</strong> born in 1847 near Saratov,Russia. He graduated <strong>as</strong> a Military Engineer in 1866<strong>and</strong> spent several years in the Russian Army.Pavel N. YablotchkovPage 68

In 1872 he came to Moscow <strong>and</strong> started his activitiesin electrotechnical field. From 1875 he worked in Pariswith well-known Louis Breget <strong>and</strong> his first patent inFrance # 110479 of November 29, 1875 w<strong>as</strong> aboutelectromagnetic transformer. Then he patented <strong>and</strong>developed a lighting system (the famous Yablotchkov’selectrical c<strong>and</strong>le). In 1876 he patented newelectromagnetic transformer for industral application,France # 115793 of November 30, 1876.The most interesting patent claim on over-unity byPavel N. Yablotchkov is known <strong>as</strong> France patent#120684, October 11, 1877, “The system of distribution<strong>and</strong> amplification of electrical currents by means ofatmosphere electricity…» The patent describes specialcapacitors connected in series with the load, toincre<strong>as</strong>e output current by means of ionization.Experiments were produced together with well-knownphisicists (such <strong>as</strong> Dr. M<strong>as</strong>kar, Dr. Varren-Delaru <strong>and</strong>others) <strong>and</strong> they confirmed 200% efficiency of thecircuit. Let’s try to explain the method. Fig.1 is <strong>as</strong>chematic drawing from Yablotchkov’s patent. TheLeyden jar is not a symmetrical capacitor, i.e. it isdifferent in principle from a two-plate flat capacitor.The inner electrode of the jar should be connected toa high voltage source <strong>and</strong> in this c<strong>as</strong>e the changes ofThe other known fact is that great ionization of air isobserved when the converter is in operation. So, theelectrostatics machine can produce pulses of very highvoltage (potential difference) but it can’t be used <strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>ource of powerful current. We should use some methodto incre<strong>as</strong>e the current in the circuit <strong>and</strong> Yablotchkov’stechnology is quite a good idea for this. A large surfaceof external electrode of the Leyden jar can solve theproblem. Maximum strong ionization allows us to getoutput current several times stronger than the weakcurrent from the electrostatic machine.Fig.1In the opposite c<strong>as</strong>e it does not work <strong>and</strong> if you connecta high voltage source to the external electrode nopotential changes will be detected on the innerelectrode. Connection to ground or to a special plate(that is covered by many needles to incre<strong>as</strong>e airionization) is necessary to collect the maximumelectrons on the plate surface or to return the maximumelectrons from the plate surface when changes ofpotential in the external electrode are produced bymeans of electrical induction in the Leyden jar.As a conclusion I should note one more suppositionabout the secrets of the well-known Swiss M-Lconverter (Methernitha). The main elements of thedesign are Leyden jar capacitors, which have theexternal surface, made of perforated metal.Swiss M-L converter (Linden- Methernitha)Page 69

ple<strong>as</strong>ant t<strong>as</strong>tes. Most of the changes were found to beinthe flavour <strong>and</strong> t<strong>as</strong>te components, which were minorsubstances in the product. For example estersconcentration changes during the treatment. At thesame time the content of major components, such <strong>as</strong>sugars, organic acids, particularly, heavy organic acids,<strong>and</strong> especially ethanol remain constant. It seems logicalfrom kinetic <strong>point</strong> of view, when simple processes, likeesterification, are preferable with respect to manystages reactions, <strong>and</strong> reactions with high activationenergies, which can go at hard conditions. Also, it seemslogical that magnetic treatment may influence onelectrical state of colloid species. Thus magnetictreatment can be considered <strong>as</strong> mild, selective in thecomparison with many other physical methods.Nevertheless, the changes lead to acceptableenergetical <strong>and</strong> nutritious value of the product. Dat<strong>as</strong>how that difficult problems, such tartar removal, canbe solved by MBW treatment.References1. Amaldi E. et al in: Preprint CERN, Report 63 13. Search of DirakMagnetic Pole, 1970.2. Devons S. Search for Magnetic Monopole, Sci., Progr. (No.204),601 (1963).3. GOST (National St<strong>and</strong>ard) 5363 67. Vodka. Metody ispytaniy(Testing Methods).4. Kishkovsky Z.N., Skurikhin I.M., Khimiyavina (Wine Chemistry),Moscow: VO “Agropromizdat”, 1988, 253 p. (in Russian)5. Lurle A.A. Sorbenty i khromatograficheskie nositely (H<strong>and</strong>bookon Sorbents <strong>and</strong> Chromatographic Supporters), Moscow,Khimiya, 1972, 320 p.(in Russian)6. Shakhparonov I.M. in: Sharovaya molniya v laboratorii (BallLighting in the Laboratory) / Collection of Articles. Moscow:Khimiya, 1994, 400 p.7. Svoistva konstrukzionnykh materialov na osnove ugleroda (TheProperties of Constructional Materials B<strong>as</strong>ed on Carbon) /H<strong>and</strong>book/ Nagorny V.G., Kotosonov A.S., Ostrovsky V.S.,Dymov B.K., Lutkov A.I., Anufriev Yu.P., Barabanov V.N.,Belgorodsky V.D., Kuteinikov A.F., Virgelev Yu.S., Sokker G.A.Moscow, Metallurgy, 1975, P. 73 77 (in Russian)8. Valuiko G.G., Zinchenko V.I., Mekhuzla N.A. Stabilizatsiyavina(Wine Stabilization), Moscow: “Agropromizdat”, 1987, 160 p.(in Russian).The Fundamentalsof the New Principle ofMotionBy The Group Studying Inertialess Natural Processes (GSINP)123430, Moscow, Mitinskaya Str., 40-1-244 Email: gibip@mail.ruP. SherbakThe concepts of active <strong>and</strong> p<strong>as</strong>sive interaction betweenthe moving object <strong>and</strong> the space form the b<strong>as</strong>is of thenew principle of motion.So <strong>as</strong> to be more underst<strong>and</strong>able, let’s consider what isthe old principle of motion. For this we will use theconcept of a moving object <strong>and</strong> the space in which theobject is moving. Naturally, material objects <strong>and</strong> thespace can’t interact between each other directly,because the space is the philosophical category. In thisc<strong>as</strong>e we can underst<strong>and</strong> physical essence of naturalphenomena e<strong>as</strong>ily. In our view, the material objectsinteract with some fundamental <strong>energy</strong> of space (FAM),which fills all space with a different density. Thus the<strong>energy</strong> (FAM) is inalienably connected with the space.One of the first names of this <strong>energy</strong> is “ether” in theearly scientific works. So, for the simplicity we willaccept that the object <strong>and</strong> the space interact betweeneach other.Thus, all existing methods of motion which have beeninvented by mankind till the present time are b<strong>as</strong>ed onactivity of the material object that means the oneexpends some <strong>energy</strong> to produce the motion, <strong>and</strong> atthe same time space is p<strong>as</strong>sive, it means that spacedoes not need to spent any <strong>energy</strong> to move the object.And so in common c<strong>as</strong>e space tries to keep the objectin the former state interfering with acceleratedmovements of the object (in accordance with the 1 st ,the 2 nd <strong>and</strong> the 3 rd Newton’s laws).It should be noticed that such method of motion (forthe speed, which is much less than the speed of light)takes place both in animate <strong>and</strong> inanimate natures. Inthis c<strong>as</strong>e the level of <strong>energy</strong> of motion <strong>and</strong> reaction ofspace (or an environment) are not very high.Incidentally, the <strong>energy</strong> of object can be of differenttypes: electrical, chemical, biochemical, mechanical etc.The common consequence of this type of motion isexistence of the inertia. The cl<strong>as</strong>sical physics can’tanswer the question: “what is inertia?» The samesituation is applied to the concept of m<strong>as</strong>s, which isclosely connected with inertia. The cl<strong>as</strong>sical physicssays that the m<strong>as</strong>s is a me<strong>as</strong>ure of inertia.There is the new principle of motion of material object:the object is p<strong>as</strong>sive <strong>and</strong> space is active. In this c<strong>as</strong>eit’s more favorably for space in the <strong>energy</strong> <strong>as</strong>pect tomove the p<strong>as</strong>sive object <strong>and</strong> to spent some power thento keep the object in the present place in the formerstate of immobility (in accordance with the 1 st , the 2 nd<strong>and</strong> the 3 rd Newton’s laws). And so we should introducethe 4 th law of Newton’s mechanics. It says that thereare the systems of coordinates in which the body ismoving not rectilinearly with acceleration when thisbody is in the state of immobility.The b<strong>as</strong>ic <strong>and</strong> the main differences of the offeredprinciple of motion from the existing methods at theend of the XX century are the following:1) The absence of inertia of motion;2) There are no limits for the speed of motion;3) The absence of “<strong>fuel</strong> reserves” “on board” of themoving material object.Page 288

At the present moment in aerospace it’s technicallypossible to realize only the jet propulsion or use theinertial forces (for an example Tolchins’ or Savelkaevs’inertial machines). But they are non-efficient <strong>and</strong> slowmethods. (We’ll pay no attention to exotic methods ofpropulsion: the space sail-ship b<strong>as</strong>ed on the Sun-windetc., because they are not promising enough.) The jetpropulsion unit or inertial machines need on-board<strong>energy</strong> source, which is limited. That is a problem foraerospace systems.The first simple <strong>and</strong> rough illustration of the newprinciple of motion is a small experiment. Let’s take apiece of soap <strong>and</strong> press it in the palms strongly.Incidentally, if the pressure of the palms is even, thesoap will be left in the state of immobility. If the pressureis not even the soap will slip out of h<strong>and</strong>s with a highspeed. It is most important to underst<strong>and</strong> that the soapwill not spend any <strong>energy</strong>. We can press <strong>and</strong> press it <strong>as</strong>long <strong>as</strong> we wish, <strong>and</strong> the soap will keep slipping out.The aerodynamic (hydrodynamic) force is the analogousexample. It’s a reaction of environment (the space)on the shape of a moving wing. The appearance of ararefaction above the wing creates the lifting capacity.It should be noted that environment creates the forceitself <strong>and</strong> the wing doesn’t expend any <strong>energy</strong> exceptfor the translation motion.The third example is an appearance of the buoyancy in<strong>water</strong>. It’s also a reaction of environment (the space)that depends on the density of an object’s matter.Time is a Mystery of theUniverse• Time is reversible (because b<strong>as</strong>ic equations inphysics do not change with change of sign oftime).• Time is essentially irreversible (because allhuman experience is an evidence that the futurediffers from the p<strong>as</strong>t, <strong>and</strong> that a movie, whichw<strong>as</strong> started counter, is not realistic).• Time can be described mathematically <strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>calar variable quantity, which changes equallyin all <strong>point</strong>s of three-dimensional physical space.• Time can be described <strong>as</strong> one of directions infour-dimensional variety, which is called spacetime,at that this direction, generally speaking,is own for every physical system.Dr. Lavrenty S. ShikhobalovSt.Petersburg, Russia lavr@niimm.spb.suMilleniums p<strong>as</strong>s, but we still do not know, what is time.We hardly have another such notion, which h<strong>as</strong> sodifferent <strong>and</strong> even alternative conceptions. Here aresome widespread conceptions of time:• There is no time; it is a subjective sensation.• Time is an objective reality, which is a form ofmatter existence <strong>as</strong> space.• Time is only a comfortable method to describethe motion of bodies <strong>and</strong> processes, which takeplace in the World.• Time is a cause of motion of bodies <strong>and</strong> p<strong>as</strong>singprocesses.• Time is absolute, it does not depend on anything<strong>and</strong> it is similar for all systems.• Time is relative, it is own for every system.• Time is a me<strong>as</strong>ure of strictly periodic (cyclic)processes, which are realized in stationarysystems only.• Time is a me<strong>as</strong>ure of changeability of systems;time does not p<strong>as</strong>s in stationary systems.In general, the situation about the problem of time nowis similar to the situation some centuries ago. It is wellillustrated by the words, which are attributed toAugustine Blessed. They sound like this: “While I donot think about time, I know that time exists, but whenI begin to think about it, I stop underst<strong>and</strong>ing, what itis.” Situation related with the notion of time iscomplicated by the circumstance that this notion iswidely used by representatives of various fields ofknowledge (biologists, geologists, historians,philologists, <strong>and</strong> psychologists). With this many authorsput their own sense in the notion of time. Often they donot want to take the trouble of explanation, what dothey underst<strong>and</strong> under the term of “time”.Let’s consider some b<strong>as</strong>ic theses concerning time,which were b<strong>as</strong>ed on achievements of philosophy <strong>and</strong>physics, sciences, where problem of time is investigatedmost deeply <strong>and</strong> in full. The most of known conceptionsof time can be kept within two principally differentconceptions of time, those are relational <strong>and</strong> substantial.These conceptions differ in interpretation of relation oftime <strong>and</strong> physical matter (substance <strong>and</strong> physical fieldsbelong to physical matter). According to relationalconception there are no time itself in nature, <strong>and</strong> timeis only a relation or system of relations between physicalevents. In other words, time is a specific manifestationPage 289

The force is also incre<strong>as</strong>es with the approaching to thewalls of the cylinder (Fig. 2). We can always find a <strong>point</strong>of minimum gravity force inside the cylinder.force in staticXforce in dynamicspaper w<strong>as</strong> twisted into a cylinder with internal <strong>and</strong>external diameters of 20/30 cm accordingly <strong>and</strong> heightof 21 cm. The entire unit w<strong>as</strong> put on a metal disk withdiameter of 40 cm <strong>and</strong> aligned by a stainless steel ropewith diameter of 3 mm. The centrifuge is situated onthe axis of a 3 kW electrical motor rotating at 2860 rpm.YX - rotation per minuteFig.2.distanceDuring the experiment it w<strong>as</strong> established that theincre<strong>as</strong>ing of gravity forces takes place around therotating centrifuge. When the centrifuge is on, the m<strong>as</strong>sbegins to be attracted to the side of rotating centrifuge.CONCLUSIONSWith the horizontal location of axis of the centrifugethere is a tendency towards acceleration to both wallsof the centrifuge. We can notice a small shift in thecenter of gravitational equilibrium depending on thedirection of rotation of the centrifuge (Fig. 2). Probablythis happens due to the slow emission of ether by theEarth.With the vertical location of axis of the centrifuge thedirection of attraction of the m<strong>as</strong>s depends on thedirection of rotation of the centrifuge <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> on theposition of the arm of rotating scales in regard to theforce field of the Earth. With this the m<strong>as</strong>s also isattracted to the both walls (Fig. 3).The centrifuge w<strong>as</strong> made for this experiment (Fig. 1).For the clear experiment we should avoid theelectromagnetic radiation possible with rotation. Wecould do it by using appropriate materials for thecentrifuge like paper <strong>and</strong> wood. There were nomovements of the comp<strong>as</strong>s during the experiments. TheFig.3.Disturbances of the air appear with rotation of thecentrifuge. To prevent them from affecting theexperiment we should make a wooden box. Thepolyethylene reservoir with diameter of 16 cm w<strong>as</strong>placed inside the cylinder of the centrifuge to isolatethe m<strong>as</strong>s from disturbed air.A pendulum in the form of beam with the weights onits ends is suspended on the rope. The upper end of therope made with 4-thread fishing-line with diameter of0,15 mm. It is attached to the ceiling of the second floor<strong>and</strong> it h<strong>as</strong> a length of 5 meters. To achieve a stableequilibrium of the pendulum we should split the upperend of the rope on 1 sm. The beam, on which the m<strong>as</strong>sw<strong>as</strong> attached, w<strong>as</strong> made with a hollow aluminium tubeof 8 mm diameter <strong>and</strong> 1,20 m length. The m<strong>as</strong>s placedin the centrifuge w<strong>as</strong> made of lead <strong>and</strong> h<strong>as</strong> a weightof 3 kg.Editor’s note: The theory is well known but this simpleexperiment is a good illustration.Design of an Engine for <strong>Free</strong>Space B<strong>as</strong>ed on the PondemotorEffectAcademician Gennady F. IgnatyevKurchatov Str., 9 b, aprt. 70, Kr<strong>as</strong>noyarsk, 660041, Russiatel: 7-3912-452476; 7-3912-494803This engine is b<strong>as</strong>ed on the pondemotor effect, whichis the principle of the creation of propulsive force bymeans of the interaction between electric <strong>and</strong> magneticfields. The interaction between electric <strong>and</strong> magneticfields produces <strong>energy</strong>-flux, determined by the Poyntingvector [1,2]:P = ExH, F = P / c,P = mcPeculiarities of Poynting’s vector are:1.Violation of the principle of composition of fields:∑P = P if )( i2. Poynting’s vector changes with double-frequencyfor flat polarized electromagnetic field:/ E0 sinωt/, / H sin 0 ωt / 2P sin 0ωt3. Poynting’s vector is constant for circular polarizedelectromagnetic field: /P/=const2Page 110

Let’s consider three types of interaction - electric,magnetic <strong>and</strong> gravitational - from one <strong>point</strong> of view. Itallows us to draw an analogy between gravitationalfield <strong>and</strong> Poynting’s vector.~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~h=l/2h=2πS/λwhere h is the operating length, V is volume, l is length,S is square, M is magnetic charge, λ is wave-length,q is electric charge, W is bulk of <strong>energy</strong>.Electric exciting of the space is initial (primary)interaction. It h<strong>as</strong> flat polarization <strong>and</strong> maximuminteraction with free space. A magnetic exciter isproduced by closing of the electric exciter or from acouple of parallel electric exciters with an opposite feed.A composition of three electric exciters or two magneticexciters with opposite feed can be used <strong>as</strong> gravitationalexciters. In the l<strong>as</strong>t c<strong>as</strong>e, the exciter is polarized involume <strong>and</strong> in some c<strong>as</strong>e it can be rotating to form thetoroid. In the first c<strong>as</strong>e space is excited by electric <strong>and</strong>magnetic fields. In the second c<strong>as</strong>e, only magnetic fieldexcites the space. In the third c<strong>as</strong>e both electric <strong>and</strong>magnetic fields are “closed with themselves” <strong>and</strong>electromagnetic <strong>energy</strong> is concentrated in the volumeof space. Only Poynting’s vector exists <strong>and</strong> it definesthe energetic condition of the volume.The main interesting <strong>as</strong>pect is the circular polarizationof the magnetic field. There are two methods: two equal2h=4πS/λ2F E = k(q 1 1 · q)/r 22F H = k 2(M 1 · M 2)/rF P = k 3(W 1 · W 2)/r2components of the field are 90 degrees ph<strong>as</strong>e shifted inwave zone, or electromagnetic dipole gives us thecircular polarization [3]. The electromagnetic dipole atthe first half of the period creates an electric field, atthe next half of the period it creates the magnetic field,that corresponds to 90 degrees ph<strong>as</strong>e shift.We are interested in the zone nearby the exciter becausethe force of pondemotor action lies here. In the oppositewave zone, the electric component h<strong>as</strong> no magneticcomponent in the same ph<strong>as</strong>e (sinph<strong>as</strong>e) <strong>and</strong> themagnetic component h<strong>as</strong> no sinph<strong>as</strong>e electriccomponent here. The sinph<strong>as</strong>e components have notformed here yet. Then we offer to make thesecomponents artificially, by the excitation of space withtwo crossed electromagnetic dipoles which are fed bycurrents with 90 degrees ph<strong>as</strong>e shift.There are a lot of versions for disposition <strong>and</strong> feed ofexciters, <strong>and</strong> in one particular c<strong>as</strong>e it is radial <strong>and</strong>circular disposition, which correspond to feed <strong>and</strong> steph=2π/N (the analogy of feed to form the triangle <strong>and</strong>star electric circuit).We can draw an analogy with the movement of liquidor g<strong>as</strong> with absolutely resilient properties <strong>and</strong> deal withmoving ether under the action of electromagnetic field.Then we can say that the electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic fieldsact on the ether with force F=P/c, forcing ether to move.But the <strong>energy</strong>-flux, which is produced by one fragmentof the exciter, compensates the incoming <strong>and</strong> outgoingquantity of ether. We should make some <strong>as</strong>ymmetricalconstruction for discompensation of these fluxes.The second fragment of the exciter will provide thesecond pair of forces with different geometry, differentoperational frequency <strong>and</strong> different direction of rotation.For example, if we take two fragments with differentdiameters which are superposed at a distance h fromFig. 1Photo of Ignatyev’s experimental setup. Maximum size is about 4 m.Page 111

each other, but they have equal Poynting vector P, <strong>and</strong>place them coaxially then ether will move<strong>as</strong>ymmetrically according to law of conservation of thequantity of the motion, <strong>and</strong> the result for it is thepropulsion force Ft.At the present time the third model of the fragment ofthe engine w<strong>as</strong> built <strong>and</strong> its main technical parameterswere me<strong>as</strong>ured. So, on the frequency of 80 kHz weme<strong>as</strong>ured that the electric intensity is E=10 5 V/m, thetotal electric intensity is E=10 6 V/m, the magneticintensity is H=2 x 10 4 A/m, the Poynting’s vector isP=10 10 Joule/(m 2 x s), the propulsion force is F=60 N(about 6 kg-force) if the input power to one LC circuitof the system is about 10 kW. The system is shown onthe photo.In the near future will start experiments on enginesb<strong>as</strong>ed on the “pondemotor effect”: me<strong>as</strong>urement ofrotation moment, interaction between the exciter <strong>and</strong>its mirror reflection from the Earth surface <strong>and</strong> so on.We started to design a fragment of the engine withradius R=40 m, which will create P=10 14 Joule/(m 2 x s)<strong>and</strong> F t=3 x10 4 N (about 3 tons).References1. Acad. Tamm, The principles of the electric theory, Moscow,Leningrad, 1949.2. N. Kal<strong>as</strong>hnikov, G. Phrantov, V. Gordienko. The foundations of thetheory of electromagnetic dipole <strong>and</strong> possibility of its application inelectro prospecting, Lvov, 1977.3. The pondemotor action of electromagnetic field, edited by Dr.R.V. Alitov, Moscow, 1975.Propulsion From RelativityEffect of Inertial ForceTakuya IshizakaMidori 3-4-3-205Utsunomiya Tochigi, JapanZip 321-0165Amateur-institute for General Relativity , Japanese branch officeMany scientists challenged to get propulsion frominertial force. No one succeeded. Here we show thepossibility of propulsion system by the effect ofrelativity of inertial force. Activity matter may be agravitational wave or “space-time”. We named it“space-time propeller”. If we success to show thatthe system will work, then we will get a propulsionfrom electric power.The system consists of a turntable <strong>and</strong> 2 wheels. Wheelswere set on the edge of this turntable. We call it “spacetime propeller “. Proper time at <strong>point</strong> P in wheels willbe delayed by rotation of turntable <strong>and</strong> wheels. Thisdelay depends on the position in the wheels. Delaydescribes <strong>as</strong> follows, if we neglect the effect of ownm<strong>as</strong>s of wheels. We do not need to think about m<strong>as</strong>s ofthe turntable. The “τ ” is proper time on P. The “ t “ isthe time at the inertia system fixed on the center of aturntable.γ =dτ = γ dt (1)11− r 2 ω 2− R2 Ω 2− r 2 Ω 2 cos ϕ 222rRωΩ sinϕ+c 2 c 2 c 2 c 2 (2)In general the “inertial force field in the acceleratedcoordinate system” is in inverse proportion to propertime of each <strong>point</strong>.inertial force field = − dx µ(3)dτIn the c<strong>as</strong>e of the space-time propeller, the sum ofinertial forces on each <strong>point</strong> of wheels is not equal to<strong>zero</strong>.It means that all the sum of inertial forces in wheels isnever canceled. It is a “relativity effect”. We call thisphenomenon the “inertial force deviation”.Non-compensated inertial force ==∫Volumeof allWheeldxµ− dm ≠ 0dτThe new propulsion force is just a non-compensatedinertial force. If we put plus spin on the turntable <strong>and</strong>minus spin on wheels, we can get directed propulsion.How many propulsion we can get? We can get 70,000N propulsion under the following condition. Theradius of the turntable <strong>and</strong> wheels is 1m; lineardensity of wheels is 10Kg/m, frequency of rotation ofturntable <strong>and</strong> wheels is 16,000 Hz.The idea of the space-time propeller includes 2problems. The first one is that we used a rigid body inabove discussion. But any terms will not be divergentunder the condition that λ in (2) is real. Therefore wecan avoid the physical failure in above discussion. Thesecond one is that active matter is unknown. Accordingto above discussion, we can’t explain <strong>energy</strong>momentumconservation.We should find an active matter to explain the <strong>energy</strong>momentumexchange mechanism. It is natural to thinkthat the active matter is the gravitational wave. It meansthat the space-time propeller “kicks” the space timelike the propeller kicks the air.To explain that active matter is a gravitational wave,we need to know the structure of space-time inside of(4)Page 112

The Experimental GravitonicsSpartak M. Poliakov, Ph.D., <strong>and</strong> Oleg S. PoliakovRussia, 141120, Moscow area,Friazino, 60-let SSSR str., 1-167.Now we can suppose that the XXI century will be thecentury of Gravitation, like the XX century w<strong>as</strong> thecentury of Electricity <strong>and</strong> Atomic <strong>energy</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the IXXw<strong>as</strong> the century of steam engine.This thought started to take more <strong>and</strong> more minds ofengineers <strong>and</strong> scientists <strong>and</strong> to move them to activityin this direction. In a general sense all “gravitationresearch program” h<strong>as</strong> three main goals: a) real systemfor communication by means of gravitation waves; b)real gravitation propulsion drives for space ships; c) realtransformations of the space gravitation <strong>energy</strong> inelectrical <strong>energy</strong>.So, to work in this new area of science the minimumreal equations are necessary to describe the physicalmechanics of the processes.We clarified this question <strong>and</strong> now we can state:Gravitation is the problem, which can be solved inthe limits of non-linear mechanics in the c<strong>as</strong>e of curvelinearmotion... <strong>and</strong> nothing more!In a general view this problem could be solved byDalamber but he did not completely solve the equationof motion for material <strong>point</strong> in 4-dimensional space.We used another way <strong>and</strong> found new, approximate,analytical equations, which connect the gravitation ofmacro-object with rotation <strong>and</strong> magnetism withgravitation. The equations were checked in series ofexperiments, from mechanical to quantum <strong>and</strong> theyproved their validity.Short Review of the Approximate Dynamic Theoryof the Gravitation SourceNext dynamical equations are obtained for process ofgeneration of the gravitation power by differentmethods:1. Process of magnetisation –demagnetisation of theferromagnetic material:1=αBHVW =αddt2B V=µα1 d( BHV ) =α dtB VµW r2where W is gravitation <strong>energy</strong> of magnetisedferromagnetic; B is magnetic induction; H is intensityof the magnetic field; V is volume; α = 1/137 is finestructure constant; W ris the power of gravitationradiation.2. Another method is the rotation of the gyroscope:23/ 2 mW = 2kγ0ωrW r= 2kγ0ddt( ω3/ 2mrIn comparison with “Theory of Field” by L<strong>and</strong>au <strong>and</strong>Livtshitz, the value of gravitation power, which isradiated by spherical gyroscope:2 4 6m r ωW r=590cwhere W is gravitation <strong>energy</strong>, K is parameter of form,γ 0is absolute world gravitation constant that is equalto the fine structure constant, ϖ is frequency of rotationof the gyroscope, m is m<strong>as</strong>s of the gyroscope, r is radiusof the gyroscope, W ris radiated gravitational power, cis speed of light in vacuum.3. The precession of the gyroscopeW = ξ ,⎡⎛dL ⎞⎤[ L Ω] = ξ ⎥ ⎦2)⎢⎜⎟⎣⎝dt ⎠where ξ is gravitational-mechanical ratio:ξ4γ0m 3 1/ =r ω= 2WE kThe radiated gravitation power isW r4γ0md ⎛ 1 ⎞= ⎜ [ L,Ω31/ 2]⎟r dt ⎝ω⎠where L is the moment of quantity of motion ofgyroscope, Ω is the frequency of the precession.4. The precession of magnetisationdMdt= −γwhere the <strong>energy</strong>αγ8πγ[ M , H ] − [ M [ M H] − ( M H )M08πγτ fr( M H ) = ∆Wτ rfMMis gravitation <strong>energy</strong> which is re-radiated in the directionM during the process of the non-linear ferromagneticresonance; M is magnetisation; M 0is saturationmagnetisation; γ is gyromagnetic ratio; τ ris the time ofthe relaxation of the ferromagnetic; f is the frequency ofthe Larmor precession.0Page 232

5. The equation of the gravitation detector90r± ∆ω = α∆W1/ 2 2ω mwhere ∆ω is the reaction of the gyroscope (i.e. changeof its own frequency of the rotation); α is the parameterof connection with external impulse of gravitationalradiation; ∆W is impulse of gravitational radiation.Experimental verification of the equationsThe Magneto-striction equation:<strong>and</strong> experiments Fig.1 (for Ni <strong>and</strong> Fe) allow us to state:the gravitation nature of the magnetostrictionphenomenon is a compression of the matter in its owngravitation field.Gravitation-optical effects can beproducedon a laboratory table!a) Gravitational curvature (the deviation) of a l<strong>as</strong>erbeam can be described by the formulaλ =ikαHdµ= σ HdµS( BH ) dH dHS22θg∆l=gradφ1,4 ⋅10=2c( BH )−5Sgradz( BH )GaussB·10 3 Niλ·10 -6 B·10 3 Gauss1220 22B=f(H)1010 20Fe84λ·10 -68016064λ calculated-10-20128λ calculatedλ experimental- 4- 820 1λ experimental -30-402 3 4 5 H·10 3 oersted4- 10- 120 1 2 3 4 5 H·10 3 oerstedFig 1which is proved by the experiment, Fig. 2.b) Gravitational shift of the l<strong>as</strong>er beam frequency isdescribed by the formula:∆υ1,4 ⋅10± =υ−5( BH )∆lgradSz( BH )that w<strong>as</strong> also proved in the experiments.c) Also some calculation w<strong>as</strong> made by the author tofind the quadratic gravitation-optical effect describedby the formula:∆υ± =υ12⎡1,4⋅10⎢⎣−5( BH )∆lgradSz⎤⎥⎦( BH )2d) Real operating system of the gravitation propulsiondrive w<strong>as</strong> created <strong>and</strong> tested. From results of this workthe speed of propagation for gravitation wave w<strong>as</strong>calculated <strong>as</strong> 9 x 10 20 [cm/sec]Fig.2Page 233

Fig.3 is the photo of the system. Its weight is equal to32 kg, the vertical size is about 600 cm <strong>and</strong> diameter isabout 370 cm. Consumed power is about 650 Wt.Authors created the long-term program of the researchwork named <strong>as</strong> “Poisk-1”. Also the POISK –2 programw<strong>as</strong> created. It includes research into the gravitationalspectrums of the solid body, medico-biological research,gravitational <strong>as</strong>tronomy, earth <strong>and</strong> sun diagnostics,research into the interaction between gravitationalradiation <strong>and</strong> matter, influence on the crystallinestructure, influence on radioactive decay <strong>and</strong> manyother topics.The main results were published in our book“Introduction in Experimental Gravitonics”, 1991,published in Russian. It w<strong>as</strong> described why the “lightbarrier” is penetrable <strong>and</strong> the <strong>energy</strong> relations <strong>and</strong> themechanism of “C-barrier” penetration were shown.Authors created <strong>and</strong> developed the microstructuremodels of the photon <strong>and</strong> electron. The “uniquants”put forward <strong>as</strong> the elements of the inner structure ofelectron <strong>and</strong> photon. The authors determined the“uniquanta parameters”, described linear polarisationfor photon, circularity polarised non-rotating photon <strong>and</strong>the circularity polarised rotating photon. Spin, magneticmoment of a uniquantum, gravitational m<strong>as</strong>s, equivalentcharge <strong>and</strong> radius of a uniquantum are postulated.Tangential velocity of uniquantum rotation, uniquantummagnetic field, gravitational constant of theuniquantum, gravitational field of the uniquantum aredescribed.There is “Quadruple generator of directed gravitationalradiation” known <strong>as</strong> “Yoilka” (Fig.3). It can produce <strong>as</strong>wing of m<strong>as</strong>s or swing of gyroscopes, precession ofm<strong>as</strong>ses <strong>and</strong> precession of gyroscopes w<strong>as</strong> studied byFig.3 Four gyroscopes of the “Yoilka”the authors. Experimental verification of newgravitational equations <strong>and</strong> research into the effects ofshock rotation <strong>and</strong> effect of shock braking of the rotatinggyroscope w<strong>as</strong> produced. The authors reported theexperimental results on creation of the propulsion force<strong>and</strong> explained the mathematical model of the generatorsin their laboratory.To make the experimental verification of the naturalrelation between magnetism <strong>and</strong> gravitation,corollaries from the microstructure model of electron,gravitational interpretation of magnetostriction wereproposed. In the experiment some change of thetrajectory of optical l<strong>as</strong>er beam w<strong>as</strong> obtained after thatthis beam p<strong>as</strong>sed through the magnetostrictionsubstance. Also the authors proved some calculationsfrom their experiments with homogeneouslymagnetisedferromagnetic material, which were knownbefore <strong>as</strong> “gravitational frequency shift” of optical beam.Antigravitational WingD.V. Ponomarev <strong>and</strong> R.V. ShibekoCorrespondence address: Shibeko R.V.,Lenina Ave. 27, State Technical University,Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 681013, RussiaOne of the main barriers for humankind on the way tothe development of cosmic space is gravity. Usingmodern rocket-space technologies we should spent alot of efforts to overcome the forces of gravitation.Present spacecraft consume a lot of <strong>fuel</strong>, that’s why nowthe development of cosmic space is very expensive <strong>and</strong>non-effective.Humankind h<strong>as</strong> come close to the problem of control ofgravitation, <strong>and</strong> now it is not a scientific fant<strong>as</strong>y, butworking hypotheses. A lot of natural phenomena arelaid in the b<strong>as</strong>is of these hypotheses <strong>and</strong> character ofthem is really an antigravitational one. Serious scientificworks, theoretical <strong>and</strong> experimental researches aredevoted to the problem of antigravitation; internationalscientific conferences on antigravitational research areheld regularly. But the nature of antigravitationalphenomena is still unknown; there w<strong>as</strong> no theory toanswer all these questions.Actually in April 2001 researchers of Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University offered to publicattention a theoretical explanation of nature ofantigravitational phenomena, which have hugeopportunities to become a b<strong>as</strong>is for further studying ofantigravitation. Potential model of antigravitationalinteraction of the bodies by Dmitry V. Ponomariov <strong>and</strong>Roman V. Shibeko is b<strong>as</strong>ed on the general theory ofrelativity by Albert Einstein <strong>and</strong> fully complies theframes of relativist kinematics, i.e. it is not in contrarywith the modern theory of gravitation <strong>and</strong> laws ofconservation. That’s why it is headily spreading <strong>and</strong> itfinds more support in various regions of Russia <strong>and</strong>abroad.Page 234

The Physical System ofArtificial BiofieldExperimental Research ofEtherAlex<strong>and</strong>er M. MishinDoctor, RASHead research <strong>as</strong>sistantAcademician of International Meg<strong>as</strong>cience Academy197373, Saint Petersburg, Planernaya str., 79-208Tel: (812) 343 9614E-mail: samish@mail.ruIntroductionIt is a mistake to suppose that the experimentsdescribed in this article could be planned <strong>and</strong> madewithout a clear idea about the real properties of a singleuniversal matter. The empirical model ofmultidimensional stereo dynamics <strong>and</strong> laminated on theph<strong>as</strong>es ether w<strong>as</strong> created continuously by the authorin his works [1-5] on the b<strong>as</strong>e of results of naturalobservations <strong>and</strong> laboratory experiments, which werechecked repeatedly on their validity. The analogousmodels of “many level” arrangement of the Universe<strong>and</strong> parallel matter world were proposed independentlyby American <strong>and</strong> English scientists from 1957. Adistinguishing feature of our research is theexperimental confirmation of the stated scientifictheses.The world ether <strong>as</strong> a superfluid, quantum threedimensionalenvironment h<strong>as</strong> spin non-linear propertiesdue to the revolution of the Universe <strong>as</strong> a whole. If the<strong>energy</strong> of revolution of ether body is enough to create arelatively weak magnetic field, than in the scale of theUniverse the process of revolution produces a vortex(spiral) cl<strong>as</strong>sical substance. The big <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> stabilityof the elementary particles <strong>and</strong> atoms define the visualimage <strong>and</strong> main properties of the Nature around us. Butin the same time they creates the circumstances to limitour knowledge about the real laws of the Universe. Asa result the predominant scientific paradigm became ahostage of the concept of the solid-state matter.The academic physics had studied the substance <strong>and</strong>the relating fields sufficiently in detail. We cannot saythe same about ether. The re<strong>as</strong>on is that it constantlyslips away from attention of the scientists <strong>and</strong> consistsin its superfluid properties. The modern experimentalphysics is able to record only the processes where thevisible work is performed, but the superfluidenvironment cannot perform this work if we observethe work in usual rate of time.The way out of this difficult situation w<strong>as</strong> suggestedby the studies on the superfluid turbulence. It turnedout, that the macroscopic ether <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the usualsuperfluid liquid (for example, the helium-II) in theprocess of any translation (motion) transfers into theturbulent condition, i.e. there is no movement withoutrotations of ether. The next principle step w<strong>as</strong> madewhen the material properties were found in ether vortexof any size. In this c<strong>as</strong>e ether is able to perform somework at the interaction with the usual substance dueto the vortical viscosity. But of cause this process inconditions of superfluidity h<strong>as</strong> some limits. That is whythe force of interaction of ether macroflow with thephysical body (the “fifth” physical force [2]) in everynew experiment is decre<strong>as</strong>ing according to theexponent law. The author called this phenomenon <strong>as</strong>the law of ether adaptation, or the <strong>energy</strong>-informationbarrier [3].To study a new kind of interaction the concept ofphysical systems with the artificial biofield w<strong>as</strong>developed [2-5]. Under this field we mean a speciallyorganized stereodynamic ether structures of differentsize vortexes, which fill up all specter up to themacroscopic scale. The question is: does the timeconstant of ether adaptation depend on the size of theinteracting vortexes? That is why to incre<strong>as</strong>e the timeof observance of the new physical force to few hours acreation of the material system is required, <strong>and</strong> thissystem will be able to generate ether vortexes, whichare close to the sizes of this system (the analogue isthe “chakra” of biosystem).Editors: The “chakra” is an active zone of humanorganism.Device with an artificial biofield is a multi-dimensionalphysical system in sense of ether. If we compare thetime of its active interaction with the time of existenceof biosystem, it will be appropriate to introduce a termfor the viable technical system (ether robot).We will call the physical system a viable by definition(multidimensional) if it is able to realize the consistentof auto oscillation processes with vortical-wave natureduring the defined period of time simultaneously indifferent ph<strong>as</strong>e conditions (subspaces, layers) of ether.The most important features of such system are itsspace-time vortical-wave (qu<strong>as</strong>imaterial) wide-b<strong>and</strong> ofoscillations <strong>and</strong> the limited time of the functioningPage 146

existence, which is defined by the conditions of creationof <strong>energy</strong>-informational barrier. To provide the autooscillation condition the source of <strong>energy</strong>, the oscillatingcircuit (pendulum) of any nature, amplifying process(negative viscosity) <strong>and</strong> the channel of positivefeedback (negentropy) are required. It seems to bestrange but our merely empirical concept of a viablesystem h<strong>as</strong> a certain relation with the theorized ide<strong>as</strong>of Dr. I.L. Gerlovin [7].Experiment results of the device, which h<strong>as</strong> anartificial biofield(ABD – artificial biofield device)The modified electromechanical autogenerator, meetingthe above-mentioned requirements w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>sembled toperform the tests. You can see its principle scheme atFig.1.Since the physical processes are slowed in the usingsubspace of ether, to coordinate the work of the solid<strong>and</strong> ether subsystems we should choose an autooscillation frequency over the range of 1-7 Hz. (In thec<strong>as</strong>e under consideration ether subsystem cannot existwithout solid subsystem). With the ordinary sizes <strong>and</strong>position in space of the ABD elements, the positive signin the additional channel of the feedback is achievedautomatically, <strong>and</strong> non-conventional disturbances ofether (vortex-waves) are “oscillated” by the simpletransistor amplifier 5 together with electromagneticsignal that is the established experimental fact.This new physical process plays a key role in functioningof the multidimensional technical system providing thecreation of the “ether twin” <strong>as</strong> a kind of artificial biofield,which h<strong>as</strong> the vortical-wave qu<strong>as</strong>imaterial nature. Thespace-time specter of ether movements that we use islimited by the scale, comparable with the sizes of ABD.At that the cross-shaped diagram of receptivity about3 0 – 5 0 in width is developing in space on the 0,7 level.As a main direction we take the longitudinal movementsof pendulum, <strong>and</strong> <strong>as</strong> a side (orthogonal) direction wetake the cross movement. The external disturbance ofether both natural <strong>and</strong> man-caused origin, which areclose to the artificial biofield by their specter, affectsthe pendulum mechanically through the vorticalviscosity, <strong>and</strong> through the structure of artificial biofieldit affects the ph<strong>as</strong>e correlations of the electrical signalschanging the amplitude of the generated swings. Theaverage vital cycle of ABD is equal to 3-7 hours, but itis known, what we should do with the device to recoverits sensibility to the next session of observations.Fig.1There are: 1 – m<strong>as</strong>s (bob) of the pendulum, which isvacillating in the flat of the drawing in the indicateddirections; 2 – steel spring; 3 – solenoid, which swingsthe pendulum; 4 – solenoid, which accepts swings ofthe pendulum (feedback); 5 – electronic amplifier; 6,7 –pigtails, which transfer the electrical oscillations <strong>and</strong>non-conventional emitter, situated on the pendulum,accordingly; 8 – device, which receives the nonconventionalemitter; 9 – vortical-wave disturbance ofether in the orthogonal directions. Electrical signal fromthe amplifier 5 through the rectifier <strong>and</strong> filter goes tothe self-recording micro amperemeter to record theelectric amplitude of the oscillations.Analysis of work of the given device relates to the theoryof ether circuits <strong>and</strong> systems or ABD theory, whichprinciples are creating yet now. As results from the Fig.1, the multidimensional device is a usual auto oscillationelectromechanical system (positions 1-5), which issupplemented with the circuit of special ether units(positions 6-8). The non-conventional emitter 7, spatialchannel 9 <strong>and</strong> reception facility (antenna) 8 provide selfexcitationof the wide-b<strong>and</strong> auto oscillations of ether.… to coordinate the work of the solid<strong>and</strong> ether subsystems we shouldchoose an auto oscillation frequencyover the range of 1 - 7 Hz.At the active (viable) conditions ABD provides therecording of intensity of turbulent disturbances(“temperature”) of ether, anisotropy properties (thedirection of the spin polarization) <strong>and</strong> flows of ether(wind).The most evident application of ABD is the experimentalstudy of the macroscopic properties of ether <strong>and</strong><strong>as</strong>trophysical observations (at that the ABD itself isstudied). Unfortunately, the features of ether arerecorded indirectly <strong>and</strong> they cannot be evaluatedmetrologically <strong>as</strong> yet.The test features of ABD were established accordingto its reaction on the change of ether viscosity. Forthis purpose the following laboratory experiments weremade:1. ABD w<strong>as</strong> situated near the window in the clearweather expecting that in 1 hour after it w<strong>as</strong> turned onit will be placed on the direct sunlight (through thePage 147

Fig. 2gl<strong>as</strong>s). At the first experiment the pendulum stoppedimmediately when getting into the sunbeam. At thesecond experiment the reduction of the amplitude w<strong>as</strong>recorded on the oscillogram. At the third time the devicereacted but with a very small result (about the noiselevel).2. A jar with ice w<strong>as</strong> put near ABD (on the neighboringtable), working permanently during approximately anhour. The pendulum stopped after few seconds <strong>and</strong> inthe repeated experiments we could see the same results<strong>as</strong> with the sunlight experiment.3. On one of the orthogonal directions (position 9 on theFig. 1) we put an inc<strong>and</strong>escent lamp with a power of100 wt on a distance of 0,5 m from ABD (the lamp canbe situated above the pendulum). With the switchingon the lamp for 10 minutes the amplitude of pendulumPage 148

swings diminished for 20% <strong>and</strong> then returned to theprevious level. At the following switchings (the periodof 1 hour) the reaction of the device decre<strong>as</strong>ed accordingto the “linear” law up to the level of noises after thethird switching on.From the results of these experiments it follows, thatthe process of producing the <strong>energy</strong>-informationalbarrier is subjected to the “triad law” [3,5]. ABD withthe permanent conditions “remembers” any laboratoryexperiment up to one-month period.The fragments of the oscillogram of ether processes areshown on the Fig. 2, where we showed Moscow discretetime in hours, date of experiment, in c<strong>as</strong>e of spaceselective me<strong>as</strong>urements we showed the geodesicazimuth β under which the main axis of sensibility ofthe ABD w<strong>as</strong> put (if it is immovable). On the diagram acircle is the location of the Sun disk on the time axis inthe moment of matching with the axis of sensibility ofABD (clear circle means the Sun ahead on the main axis;the dark circle means the Sun behind, under the Earth;half dark circle means the Sun in the orthogonaldirection).The vertical lines with the corresponding signaturesshow the calculated position on the time axis of themain cosmic marks, a short horizontal line indicates theorthogonal direction. We me<strong>as</strong>ured only the localhorizontal component of the external disturbances ofthe on-earth layer of ether, i.e. the direct <strong>as</strong>cend α’=βon the Saint Petersburg latitude. Dr. Alex<strong>and</strong>ra A.Shpitalnaya presented general <strong>as</strong>trophysical data to theauthor.At the first diagram, Fig. 2, the adaptation process(creation of the <strong>energy</strong>-informational barrier) is shown<strong>as</strong> a reaction of ABD to the graduated non-conventionalsignal of man-caused origin. (Showed by dot line). Inthe present c<strong>as</strong>e the adaptation constant of time is equalto approximately 3 hours. For the natural processes thistime (vital cycle) can be much more due to the naturaldynamics of the spectral structure of ether disturbances.Oscillogram 2 demonstrates the incre<strong>as</strong>ing of <strong>energy</strong>dense of ether 20 hours later. It is known, that at thistime we can observe the maximum of electrical field ofthe Earth. Irregularity of the line can be explained bythe change of the flows <strong>and</strong> anisotropy properties ofether when the device is rotating together with theEarth <strong>and</strong> this device h<strong>as</strong> a sufficiently narrow diagramof the sensibility.Oscillogram 3 recorded the gravitational anisotropy ofthe Sun. The curve a is the first switching on of ABD inthe new conditions; the curve b is data of the next dayshowing the adaptive lost of receptivity <strong>and</strong> in the sametime the more accurate direction to the source ofgravitation.Diagram 4 demonstrates the effect of the powerful etherflow to the orthogonal channel of ABD in the directionfollowing the orbital movement of the Earth <strong>and</strong>practically matching with the direction of galactic orbitof the Sun.The record 5 defines the anisotropy <strong>and</strong> ether wind forthe direction of the absolute movement of the Sun tothe Leo constellation.On the oscillogram 6 the result relates to the movementof the Sun along the galactic orbit to the Cygnusconstellation, recording on the main channel of ABD.On the oscillograms 7 <strong>and</strong> 9 the signals are recorded onthe orthogonal <strong>and</strong> main channels, which wereaccepted from the directions close to the cosmologicvector potential by Dr. Baurov [8]. For the first signal(December) the direct <strong>as</strong>cend α’= 283 0 , for the second(May) the α’= 290 0 . It is interesting that the magneticanisotropy h<strong>as</strong> no difference from the other directionsduring the observation of ABD <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> on the resultsof human sensor perception. That is why from our <strong>point</strong>of view the cosmological vector potential is a commonether flow caused by rotation <strong>and</strong> translation motion ofthe Universe. We also have the re<strong>as</strong>ons to <strong>as</strong>sert that inether flows both the longitudinal magnetic fields <strong>and</strong>the cross magnetic fields can appear.The main feature of the oscillogram 8 is that the directionof absolute movement of Galaxy to the Hydraconstellation, the center of Galaxy (CG), the Sun wererecorded, but there are no signals from the Leoconstellation. On the records 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 there are no signalsfrom the Sun <strong>and</strong> from the Hydra constellation. This isan evidence of occ<strong>as</strong>ionally character of the recordedether processes subjected to adaptation, that requirecollecting <strong>and</strong> processing the information of the samekind to enhance the reliability. The diagram 10 showsthat the convergence of few anisotropy directions in thespace (Leo constellation, Sun <strong>and</strong> CG) can enlarge thesensitivity of ABD. (The vertical scale of the diagram10 w<strong>as</strong> reduced in two times).The evidence of existence of the gravitational anisotropyalso can be the oscillogram II recorded near 9:00 p.m.in the moment of non-equilibrium state of electrical fieldof the Earth. There w<strong>as</strong> got a double image of the Moon,where the first signal corresponds to the real direction<strong>and</strong> the second (“ether echo”) can be related to the“inductive “ properties of ether. The unique oscillogram13 fixes the active ether processes in the Moonneighborhood in 40 hours after the new moon ph<strong>as</strong>e.The observed oscillations of the signal are much morehigh in reality because the powerful filter of lowfrequencies is situated at the entry of the recorder.Oscillogram 12 proves the property of good resolutionof ABD, which can separately record the relatively closelocated angle directions of ether anisotropy (Leo <strong>and</strong>Hydra constellations). We can note inexact match of thecalculated directions with the real ones that is usualfor a separate session of observations.On the l<strong>as</strong>t record 14 the vortical-wave disturbances ofether by the Hakutake comet were recorded. At thePage 149

previous days the oscillations of signal had such a highintensity that the recorder pinned (“ether storm”). Upto March 25, 1996 the comet showed a significantangular speed <strong>and</strong> disturbances of ether became usual,<strong>as</strong> on the given diagram. The signal is extended in timebecause the comet moved in direction of the Earth’srevolution. Astrophysical observations by means of ABD<strong>and</strong> laboratory experiments allowed establishing of thefollowing physical regularities <strong>and</strong> properties of ether:… vortex of ether h<strong>as</strong> materialproperties independently from the size.1. ABD made the record of ether winds (spaceanisotropy) for a various directions independentlythat violate the laws of vector composition of thespace movements <strong>and</strong> additivity.2. The form of recorded signals proves that etherprocesses are macroscopically quantified,(especially on the oscillograms 5-9).3. During the orbital movement the Galaxy, the Sun,planets <strong>and</strong> their satellites are affected not only bythe co-directional ether winds, but also by theturbulence of the other spectral compositions.4. At the surface of the Earth ether wind exists fromthe E<strong>as</strong>t to the West (planetary magnetic field) <strong>as</strong>well <strong>as</strong> the wind from the North-E<strong>as</strong>t to the South-West (electrical telluric current) <strong>and</strong> the wind fromthe West to the e<strong>as</strong>t (super-rotation of the surfaceatmosphere). It is known that the magnetic field ofthe Earth moves towards the West at the speed of0,3 0 in a year.5. “The <strong>energy</strong> density (the “temperature”) of ether iscorrelated with the electrical field of the Earth(minimum at 6:00 a.m. <strong>and</strong> maximum at 9:00 p.m.according to Moscow time). The short-term <strong>energy</strong>spl<strong>as</strong>hes cause the storm phenomena in theatmosphere. During the month the <strong>energy</strong> of etheris growing <strong>and</strong> decline at the New Moon ph<strong>as</strong>e.6. The vortical viscosity of ether in horizontal plane isseveral times more than in vertical plane. It createsan original “wave channel” near the surface of theEarth to disturb ether <strong>and</strong> that indicate theanisotropy of near-earth space.7. Disturbed in the local size, ether behaves <strong>as</strong> an areaof incre<strong>as</strong>ed temperature, which is affected by thegravity. The “watt-less” space heterogeneity, whichis residual from the dissipation of the qu<strong>as</strong>isubstance, can be monitored up to half a day,staying stationary in spite of movement of the Earth<strong>and</strong> ether wind, which blows from the all sides. Thisis the evidence, that the residual heterogeneitybelongs to the “solid” subspace, which revolutestogether with the Earth.8. The <strong>energy</strong>-informational barrier can be overcomemost effectively in the intellectually newPage 150experiment. For example, by the forcing with a nonconvenientradiation in the first experiment we fixedthe change of speed of the cl<strong>as</strong>sical physicalprocess (for example, the photoluminescence) about15 times (!).9. Unusual vortical-wave disturbances of ether appearfor any changes of mechanical, thermodynamic orelectromagnetic condition of the substance(physical body), but when the <strong>energy</strong>-informationalbarrier is created this disturbances turn into somespecial radiation. The <strong>energy</strong> of this radiation iscomparable with the neutrino flow.ConclusionResults of experiments given in the article can be placedin the limits of our model of stereodynamicallymultidimensional, stratified on subspaces of ether <strong>and</strong>in the same time they are b<strong>as</strong>is of the model. The fullmatch of readings of ABD <strong>and</strong> sensor control finallyproves the objective reality of the studied phenomena<strong>and</strong> relevancy of the parapsychology <strong>as</strong> a science.Though the interpretation of recorded ABD signalssometimes can be complicated due to the simultaneouswork of two orthogonal channels, at any c<strong>as</strong>e theoscillograms on the Fig. 2 demonstrate the uniquepossibilities of multidimensional physical device, whichis not studied yet completely. However the mostimportant is the regular evidence of superfluidity ofether, <strong>and</strong> its turbulent spectrum covers all thinkablesizes of the Universe. We had convinced one more time,that vortex of ether h<strong>as</strong> material propertiesindependently from the size, <strong>and</strong> also the nonequilibriumether-dynamic macro-processes producethe force of viscose interaction with the physical bodies,<strong>and</strong> the force is decre<strong>as</strong>ing in exponent law. The timeconstant of this interaction can be significantlyincre<strong>as</strong>ed by means of special informational algorithmsthose can be introduced in the structure of the artificialbiofield of the technical system, which is created onthe principle of functioning of biosystems. We shouldnote, that the real physical pattern of the Universe looksmuch more complex because the mechanics of ether isinseparable from its electrodynamics (electromagnetismof the parallel worlds).It is impossible to illustrate all the results of 17 years ofthe physical experiments in this small article. At firstI’d like to show that the world around us is verycomplex, <strong>and</strong> modern science should avoid the primitiveide<strong>as</strong>. The author is not alone in his search: the theoryof multidimensional Universe w<strong>as</strong> constructed by Dr.Gerlovin [7], the auto-oscillation model of themicroworld w<strong>as</strong> supposed by Dr. Rodimov [9], <strong>and</strong> thehierarchy of the interacting forms of Nature w<strong>as</strong>researched by Dr. Bubenkov [10]. If we take inconsideration the foreign publications, there are a lotof theoretical research works on the topic, but mainlythey are half valid. To establish the principally newknowledge we need corresponding experimentalmethodology <strong>and</strong> laboratory techniques, which c<strong>and</strong>emonstrate <strong>and</strong> study the discovered phenomena.The

theory of multidimensional physical systems gives adirect way to the practice, showing the principles ofconstruction of non-conventional systems <strong>and</strong>technologies <strong>and</strong> it allows joining of the paraphysics<strong>and</strong> parapsychology with the academic science. Thistheory supposes studying of the multidimensionalphysical phenomena, which should become a b<strong>as</strong>is ofa new direction of science that is named <strong>as</strong> “the theoryof cat<strong>as</strong>trophe”. It is beyond doubt that the superfluidproperties of ether lie in the b<strong>as</strong>e of inertia phenomenon<strong>and</strong> principle of relativity.Further development of the physical principles of a newnatural science will require a lot of time <strong>and</strong> efforts ofthe scientists of various specialties, while in the thirdmillenium a strict theory will be constructed by meansof application of mathematical methods for it. It will besimilar to Feinman lectures on physics by its depth <strong>and</strong>seeming completeness.The author is thankful to the member of StateAstronomical Observatory of RAS in Pulkovo Dr.Alex<strong>and</strong>ra A. Shpitalnaya for her attention to the work<strong>and</strong> for her consultations on <strong>as</strong>trophysics.References1. Mishin A.M. On new properties of physical vacuum, gravitationfield <strong>and</strong> m<strong>as</strong>s. Department of Defense, USSR, 1988.-44p.2. Mishin A.M. On macroscopic mechanics of the physicalvacuum. The book of collected articles, “Development ofcl<strong>as</strong>sical methods in natural science”. Series “Researchproblems of the Universe”, issue 17. SPb: RAS, 1994, p. 94-99.3. Mishin A.M. Results of experiment on recording of ether wind.The book of collected articles “New ide<strong>as</strong> in natural science”.Series “Research problems of the Universe”, issue 18. SPb: RAS,1995, p. 24-33.4. Mishin A.M. Ether model <strong>as</strong> result of the new empiricalconception. “New ide<strong>as</strong> in natural science” (Proceedings ofInternational Conference), part 1 “Physics”. St. Petersburg:RAS, 1996, p. 95-104.5. Mishin A.M. Multidimensional physical systems. Magazine“Initiative” – SPb: published in “Mechanobr”, 1997, #3, p. 7-20.6. Donnely R.D. Superfluid turbulence// In the world of science.Russian edition.-1989, #1.-p. 46-54.7. Gerlovin I.L. Principles of unified theory of all interactions inthe substance. –L.: Energoatomizdat, 1990,- 432 p.8. Baurov U.A. Structure of physical space <strong>and</strong> new method of<strong>energy</strong> making. –M: published in “Krechet”, 1998.-240p.9. Rodimov B.N. Auto-oscillation quantum mechanics. –Tomsk:TSU, 1976.10. Bubenkov V.V. General scale-discrete periodicity of physicalstructures of the Universe. The book of collected articles “Newide<strong>as</strong> in natural science”. Series “Research problems of theUniverse”, issue 18. SPb: RAS, 1995, p. 276-293.The Main Principle ofEtherodynamicsAlex<strong>and</strong>er M. MishinExperimental research work by Dr. Mishin leads to<strong>as</strong>trophysical discovery: The Center of the Universeis determined now. A unique gaging equipment w<strong>as</strong>made by the author. This is the so called “device withan artificial biofield”, which reacts to the strength ofthe ether wind.Empirical studying of physical principles of the Universediscovers new sides of superfine, superfluid threedimensionalmatter. All things existing in the materialWorld were created from this matter. Our predecessorshave been called this matter “ether” (it means “fire” inGreece) from the ancient times. They understood thatit is a physical essence, which is very mysterious <strong>and</strong>incognizable in principle. In fact, the vortex-wavedisturbances of ether are material, i.e. they contain<strong>energy</strong>, how we underst<strong>and</strong> it, <strong>and</strong> thus they areobservable. They occupy a space-time spectrum from<strong>zero</strong> to the Universal scales. A particular interval of thisspectrum is given to the known material particles,which constitute the dense physical World. We areconnected with this World energetically. The simplestether vortexes (<strong>as</strong> in common superfluid liquid) lookslike torus, vortex threads, solitary waves, but the longliving elementary particles are the peculiarstereodynamically multidimensional auto-oscillatingsystems. Their main <strong>energy</strong> properties were describedby V.I. Ilin [1]. Now the experimental methodology <strong>and</strong>devices, which allow us to observe <strong>and</strong> study thevortex-wave forms of ether (not belonging to our realWorld) are developed [2-5].We should note that the properties of free ether areprincipally different from the properties of ether, whichis a form of steady real matter studied by the officialscience. In the earth laboratories the laws of cl<strong>as</strong>sicphysics, which describe the processes in matter, areperformed at 96% on average [6]. In the limits of Galaxythe laws of free <strong>and</strong> bound ether act together <strong>and</strong>dynamics of the entire Universe is subjected only to thelaws of free ether since the common matter <strong>and</strong> antimatterconstitute the insignificant part of its volume.At the same time special observations <strong>and</strong> experimentsshow that in real Nature the well-known elementaryparticles are accompanied by the topological multitudeof other vortex-wave structures of free ether (topologicalharmonies look like the famous toy Matryoshka), whichare situated conditionally in solid, fluid, g<strong>as</strong>eous,pl<strong>as</strong>mic qu<strong>as</strong>imaterial state <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in the fifthparticular state. This state w<strong>as</strong> recently opened byAmerican scientists <strong>and</strong> w<strong>as</strong> called “fermion g<strong>as</strong>”. Themain laws of multidimensional etherodynamics weregiven in my previous articles [2-5,7,8]. However, thevortex-wave processes in free ether have uniqueproperties unknown in the material World. The givenarticle is devoted to the consideration of thesePage 151

7. The notion of physical substance-time, whichis the cause of growth of m<strong>as</strong>s <strong>and</strong> <strong>energy</strong> ofheavenly bodies, is introduced.8. The supposition on nature of gravitationalinteraction of heavenly bodies due to physicalsubstance-time is made.References1. Brawn D., M<strong>as</strong>set A. Inaccessible Earth. M.: “Mir”, 1984.2. Kirillov I.V. Incre<strong>as</strong>e in volume of rocks is one of the re<strong>as</strong>onsof tectonic deformations. AS USSR, …Geologist, #1, 1963.3. Kirillov I.V. Evidences in favor of expansion of the Earthby means of reconstruction of preoceanic earth’s crust onspherical models according to paleomagnetic data. VIMeeting on planetology. Theses of reports, issue 1, L.: 1968.4. Kirillov I.V. On possible direction of development processof the Earth. Astronomical bulletin. Volume VII, #2, 1973.5. Kozyrev N.A., N<strong>as</strong>onov V.V. On some properties of timefound by means of <strong>as</strong>tronomical observations. CollectionProblems of research of the Universe. Volume IX, M-L.:1980.6. Smirnov L.C., Lubina J.N. On possibility of studying ofchange in gravity together with geological time. Reportsof AS USSR. 187, #4, 1964.7. Yarkovsky I.O. Universal gravitation <strong>as</strong> a result of formationof ponderable matter inside of heavenly bodies. M.: 1889.8. K.A. Bjerknes. Vorlesungen über HydrodinamischeFernkräfte. Leipzig, 1900-1902.9. Encyklopedia Astronomie, Hubblova Konstanta.Vydavatel’stvo OBZOR, Bratislava, 1987.Experiments on Change of theDirection <strong>and</strong> the Rate of TimeDr. Vadim A. Chernobrov111553 Moscow, Nagatinskaya 19A “KOSMOPOISK”Professor N.A.Kozyrev, Russia, who wrote some paperson causal or <strong>as</strong>ymmetrical mechanics, made the firstexperimental study into the physical properties of Time.Experiments managing the direction <strong>and</strong> rate of Timewere made. Since 1967 in Moscow Aviation Institutesome research works were made under the direction ofProfessor Felix Yu. Zigel (up to his death in 1988) onUFOs, which had some technical forms. According tothe work on State Budget topic “Preliminary researcheson abnormal phenomena in the atmosphere” a lot ofimportant information w<strong>as</strong> collected on this phenomena.The information w<strong>as</strong> used to determine connectionsbetween the cause <strong>and</strong> effect, <strong>and</strong> some physicalprocesses were determined by authentic c<strong>as</strong>es of traces<strong>and</strong> fragments, cinema <strong>and</strong> photos, <strong>and</strong> telemeterimages of UFOs from 1987 up to the present time. Thereis data about influences of some parts of these objects<strong>and</strong> their body (surface of device) on the rate <strong>and</strong>direction of Time. To confirm this l<strong>as</strong>t statement a seriesof experiments w<strong>as</strong> made with 4 types of laboratorysystems (<strong>and</strong> in the present time one more system fornew experiments is developed).In experiments on deceleration <strong>and</strong> acceleration ofphysical Time in a small closed area of space (madesince 1988) the effect of electromagnetic fieldinfluence on space-time continuum w<strong>as</strong> tested. Theexperimental system used to investigate such kinds ofeffects consists of a set of electromagnets connected inseries <strong>and</strong> in parallel <strong>and</strong> they are installed on sphericalsurfaces. In various experiments from 3 to 5Electromagnetic Working Surfaces (EWS) were used.All EWS layers of various diameters were installedinside each other (similarly to a Russian doll“matrioshka”). The maximum EWS size w<strong>as</strong> aboutmeter, the minimum EWS diameter (internal) w<strong>as</strong> 115mm, which is the quite sufficient to allow experimentswith some control equipment, detectors <strong>and</strong> animals(various kinds of insects <strong>and</strong> laboratory mouse) toinvestigate the so called effects of converging sphericalelectromagnetic waves.The me<strong>as</strong>urements of Time rate were made by all knownmodern means of me<strong>as</strong>urement: all kinds of electronic,quartz, mechanical, nuclear clocks were used; <strong>as</strong> well<strong>as</strong> the specially produced duplicated quartz generators(to compare frequencies of st<strong>and</strong>ard heat-shieldedgenerators); fiber-optic line diodes <strong>and</strong> other ways weretested. Though some kinds of me<strong>as</strong>uring devices, forexample, quartz clock, can be influenced by otherphysical factors, the duplication method ofme<strong>as</strong>urement allowed us to reduce the error ofme<strong>as</strong>urement. Thus a change in the rate of Time w<strong>as</strong>produced (Professor Kozyrev named this “density ofTime”). We can write t/t E, where “t E” is the normal Timeof the Earth space <strong>and</strong> “t” is the local Time inside ofthe experimental system. This change in the rate w<strong>as</strong>detected <strong>as</strong> several seconds per hour, but in oneexperiment the deceleration of the Time w<strong>as</strong> me<strong>as</strong>ured<strong>as</strong> minus 4 minutes per 8 hours (minus 30 sec per hour)due to some incompletely understood re<strong>as</strong>ons. Slowingdown of the rate of Time up to minus 1,5 sec per hour<strong>and</strong> acceleration up to plus 0,5 sec per hour w<strong>as</strong>produced <strong>and</strong> explained. If we accept the usual EarthTime <strong>as</strong> t E=+1 it will become clear that we investigateda change in the speed of Time through a very smallrange: + 0,99 < t/t E< + 1,01. So, the tested subjects<strong>and</strong> animals at any mode of operations (slowing downor acceleration) were moved into the Future f<strong>as</strong>ter orslower that those in normal space.Through experiment it w<strong>as</strong> established that theprocesses of slowing down <strong>and</strong> acceleration of Timeare absolutely different. The slowing down of Time w<strong>as</strong>smoother <strong>and</strong> steadier than acceleration, which showedsharp jumps. The mode of acceleration is unstable <strong>and</strong>it depends on some external factors. In particular, theinstability of Time acceleration is connected to theperiod of day or night <strong>and</strong> also the Moon ph<strong>as</strong>e, probablyto other re<strong>as</strong>ons. One of the re<strong>as</strong>ons is human presencenear the Time Machine. Even small external effects, forexample mechanical vibration, can produce a greatresult <strong>and</strong> change the value of the effect.Page 52

the process of movement in Time itself but is theresult of the difference of the Time rate value invarious parts of a body (a biological system). Inside ofthe laboratory setup it w<strong>as</strong> also discovered that Timecould be changed with some inertia. Are<strong>as</strong> of spacehaving different Time rates have vague borders. Withsufficient difference in Time rate the human can see anarea with a different Time rate <strong>as</strong> some white mist.Higher the difference – the mist is denser, that can beused <strong>as</strong> an alarm signal for biological systems. It ispossible to consider Time-travel <strong>as</strong> possible <strong>and</strong> (afterexperiments with mice) there are re<strong>as</strong>ons to suppose itwill be safe for travelers if they follow certain rules. Itis especially necessary to emph<strong>as</strong>ize: the trips throughTime (due to new discovered properties of Time) can’taffect the P<strong>as</strong>t <strong>and</strong> they can’t change our p<strong>as</strong>t history.All the so-called paradoxes for traveler in Time (forexample when “he meets himself in the P<strong>as</strong>t” or “hekills his gr<strong>and</strong>father in his childhood “) have clearsolutions in 3-dimensional Time.Fig.1 Dr. Chernobrov <strong>and</strong> his Time MachineDespite small size of change of Time, evensuch a small acceleration can be called “tripsin the Future” but the slowing down less than- 1 hour per hour cannot be considered <strong>as</strong>“trip in P<strong>as</strong>t”. Physics of Future Time isdifferent in principle to Physics of P<strong>as</strong>t Time.Present Time is the transition or conversion of a multialternativeFuture Time in the unchangeable P<strong>as</strong>t Time.So, flight to the P<strong>as</strong>t Time (at the “negative densityt/t E”) <strong>and</strong> flight to the Future Time should be different.It can be compared with moves of an ant along a tree:from any <strong>point</strong> of a tree (from the Present Time) there isonly one way down (to the P<strong>as</strong>t Time) <strong>and</strong> there areseveral ways upwards (in the Future Time). However,for different possible ways to the Future there aredoubtless <strong>and</strong> most probable variants, also there areimpossible <strong>and</strong> almost possible variants. Themovement to the Future will be especially unstable<strong>and</strong> power-intensive if the Future Variant is close tothe impossible version. According to the suggested“law of the top of a tree “, the return move is possibleonly if the traveler in Time does not interfere withoccurring events <strong>and</strong> his way to the P<strong>as</strong>t remainedunchanged, otherwise the traveler will return to otherparallel Present Time of History on another branch ofthe tree. The penetration into the Future from the Presentis hindered by the choice of a branch, but the returnmove from any variant of the Future Time to the PresentTime is possible regardless <strong>as</strong> to the behavior of thetraveler.Experiments proved that the Person <strong>and</strong> Time have avery strong influence on each other. The effect of theoperator on experiment is detected, but it h<strong>as</strong> not beeninvestigated completely yet. It w<strong>as</strong> found also thatharmful effect on biological systems is not related toIt is possible to consider <strong>as</strong> a proven fact that Time h<strong>as</strong>more than one dimension, i.e. O. Bartini’s theoreticalcalculations are confirmed by these experiments: Timeh<strong>as</strong> 3 dimensions. Hence our Earth world can beconsidered <strong>as</strong> a 6-dimensional object: length, width,height, age or date of the Time, variant of a History orerosion of Time, densitsy or rate of Time. The conceptof “the Arrow of Time” <strong>as</strong> fourth dimension (moment ofTime) is a particular c<strong>as</strong>e of the concept of sixthdimension (rate of Time) that leads to the physicalconcepts of gravitation <strong>and</strong> <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> they aresimultaneously connected. Concepts of the “ Einstein-Rosen bridges” known since 1916 or “worm-holes”introduced into science by John Willer in the 50’s, aretravels in 5th <strong>and</strong> 6th dimensions, i.e. the “cl<strong>as</strong>sical”Time travels, which were described by H. Wells.Fig.2Plans for future experimentsPage 53

On Some Properties of PhysicalTime <strong>and</strong> Spacequantums of the same name) <strong>and</strong> in a UNIVERSAL way(between quantums of the different names). In theelectron, for example, universal interaction forcebetween portions of the electrical <strong>and</strong> thermalsubstances is equal to 4x10 -25 N [1, p.412; 3, p.352].General Theory (GT)Prof. Dr. Albert I. VeinikInstitute of Physics <strong>and</strong> Technics, Belarus Academy of Sciences 4Jodinskaya str., Academy City, 220141, Minsk, BelarusThe Universe is Substantial MaterialA new paradigm for theory is proposed. According tothis paradigm, heterogeneous SIMPLE substances -chronal (Greek “chronos” - time), metrical (Greek“metron” - me<strong>as</strong>ure, size), rotational, vibrational,thermal, electrical, magnetic <strong>and</strong> others are initialelements of the Universe Temple. Each such sort ofsubstance h<strong>as</strong> its own specific properties <strong>and</strong> thesubstance p<strong>as</strong>ses these properties to the object if theobject includes this substance. If the object does nothave the substance, it doesn’t have the properties,which correspond to this substance. Photons, forexample, do not include an electrical substance(charge) so photons have no special electrical properties<strong>as</strong> it h<strong>as</strong> no such sort of reaction.More than 10 years were spent from 1950 to find <strong>as</strong>pecial thermal substance (or vermical in German dieWarme means the heat) <strong>and</strong> to explain all thermalphenomena by means of this substance. The factualexistence of special particles - “satlons» w<strong>as</strong> provedby experiments [1, p.274].It w<strong>as</strong> discovered that all simple substances for themacro-world level have continuous properties; for microworldlevel they are discrete, portion, or quantum; <strong>and</strong>at a more subtle level (in nano-world) the substanceh<strong>as</strong> force properties. The example is the so-calledgravitational <strong>and</strong> electrostatic field (nanofield).Quantum (minimum portion) sizes of chronal, metrical,rotational <strong>and</strong> magnetic substances are unknown. ThePlank constant can be considered <strong>as</strong> vibrationsubstance quantum, <strong>and</strong> <strong>as</strong> electrical substancequantum we can consider the electron charge. Quantumof vermical substance (vermiant) w<strong>as</strong> detected by manymethods. Experiments into heat flow <strong>and</strong> electriccurrent using the Franz-Videman law, give the result:3.87x10 -23 [J/K] [1, p.410; 2, p.177].The so-called element particle is a group of simplesubstances, which interact in a SPECIFIC way (betweenEach simple substance is defined into four quantitativeMEASURES: quantity <strong>and</strong> quality (structure) forsubstance, <strong>and</strong> quantity <strong>and</strong> quality (method) forbehaviour (in the common sense) of substance. Thesubstance is primary <strong>and</strong> its behaviour is secondary,so quantity of behaviour is a function of all quantities ofthe substance. The differential calculation for thisfunction results in the equation for the first fundamentallaw, or principle of GT, which is a well-known <strong>energy</strong>conservation law [ 1,2,3,4 ].In the same way equations are obtained mathematicallyfor the other six principles of GT. This is a completesystem of equations <strong>and</strong> these equations are essential<strong>and</strong> sufficient for the study of phenomenon at theelemental level. The role of quantity for the substancebelongs to the thermodynamical factor of extensivity(extensor) or generalised charge (m<strong>as</strong>s, quantity ofthermal substance, electric charge <strong>and</strong> so on); the roleof quality me<strong>as</strong>ure for substance belongs to specificcapacity <strong>and</strong> conductivity; the role of UNIVERSALme<strong>as</strong>ure of quantity for the behaviour of any substanceis played by <strong>energy</strong>; the role of the me<strong>as</strong>ure ofbehavioural quality is played by thermodynamical factorof extensivity, or generalised potential, or intensial(square of velocity, absolute temperature, electricalpotential <strong>and</strong> so on).The second principle of GT is the conservation law ofquantity; the third principle is the law of condition,which is a description of the total connection betweennature phenomena; the fourth principle is the law ofmutuality, which determines the symmetry of mutualinfluence between phenomena; the fifth law is the lawof transfer of substance; the sixth law is the law ofentrainment, which describes a symmetry of mutualentrainment between flows of different substances; theseventh law is a dissipation law, or screening law, orplus- <strong>and</strong> minus-friction law, which joins all thelaws above <strong>and</strong> it makes all these lawsincontradictable. Also the seventh law defines the<strong>energy</strong> balance in the object [1,2,3,4].The second, third, fourth <strong>and</strong> seventh laws are new.These laws are proved experimentally from different<strong>as</strong>pects. Onzanger formulated the fifth <strong>and</strong> sixth laws.Heat is Not a Chaotic Motion of ParticlesSo, among the seven laws above there is no secondthermodynamics principle, which includes entropy, <strong>and</strong>heat death of the Universe. There are no suchprohibitions in GT, so more than 20 types of operatingdevices were created. <strong>Devices</strong> transform heat from amonothermical source (air, <strong>water</strong>, earth) into electricalPage 349

<strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> demonstrate efficiency of more than 100%this is a violation of Clausius second law [1, p.447, 470].“t” announced by broadc<strong>as</strong>ting, are different inprinciple.ac1QQ2H3Duration of “t” is a symbolic description, which is notpresent in Nature. Man for rational organization ofsociety invented it. Symbolic time “t” “flows” or“moves” strictly even, with CONSTANT VELOCITYfrom the p<strong>as</strong>t to the future, <strong>and</strong> there is some specialtime service to me<strong>as</strong>ure it.b54Ax1aCBb32Figure 1This is the picture of the simplest thermo-ph<strong>as</strong>e second typeperpetual mobile: in this closed vessel the Thompson-Kelvinequation is violated since liquid is evaporating both in convexmeniscus ( a ) <strong>and</strong> concave meniscus( b ); in a closed circuit (c) oftwo pipes 2 <strong>and</strong> 4 the liquid evaporation takes place from theconcave menisci of some capillary-porous body 1 ( in this place theheat Q is absorbing ) <strong>and</strong> in the flat meniscus 3 the steam condenses( in this place the heat Q is radiated). A temperature difference iscreated that produces electromotive force EMF 0.5 mkV in thedifferential thermopair 5. The intensity of the perpetual circulationof steam <strong>and</strong> liquid in the pipes <strong>and</strong> electric output of the thermopairis defined by H, i.e. by the curvature of menisci.R.Clausius of 1865, when he unsuccessfully provedCarno theorem introduced the entropy in science.A.A.Guhman devoted his paper to this gross mistake[5,p.79; 6, p.140]. From properties of the entropyClauseus came to a conclusion about the unidirectionaldevelopment of the Universe <strong>and</strong> about the heat deathof the Universe. In 1872 Boltzmann explained the senseof the entropy through the statistical mechanics method,which used ACCIDENT <strong>and</strong> probability notions. Thisexplanation made the problem more tangled, since heatis considered <strong>as</strong> a chaotic motion of particles. WhenBoltzmann realized his mistake <strong>and</strong> the scientificconsequences of it, he committed suicide. N.Wiener <strong>and</strong>K.Shannon made the question more complex by theapplication of entropy to information theory [1, p.406].Page 350On Some Properties of TimeChronal (notion, which is connected with time) <strong>and</strong>metrical (notion, which is connected with space) arenew simple <strong>and</strong> exotic phenomena, which explain a lotof questions. According to Newton time is the “me<strong>as</strong>ureof duration”, for example, duration of some processesor some events. All simple phenomena shouldcorrespond to seven principles of GT, so by means ofsimple phenomena it is possible to control time (<strong>and</strong>space) in the same way, used to control the other simplephenomena - rotational, vibrational, thermal, electrical<strong>and</strong> magnetic, taking into consideration the specificsof each phenomenon.It is important to note: real physical time “υ” whichis defined by chronal phenomenon <strong>and</strong> our ordinary timec+Figure 2Diagrams of simple thermoelectric (b) <strong>and</strong> thermoelectromechanical(c) second type perpetual mobile. According to Volt law in an opencircuit (a) that is consisting of three (or more) different types ofconductors A,B,C the total sum potential difference is equal to <strong>zero</strong>.In a closed circuit (b) this law is violated by virtue of the non-equalchange of thermodynamical properties of conductors 1,2,3 in thearea of the contact “x”. So, the total electromotive force EMF is notequal to <strong>zero</strong> ( in circuit Cu-Bi-Al-Cu-Te-Al-Cu the EMF is equal to10 mkV). The wooden ball is re-charges <strong>and</strong> oscillates between theends of the circuit eternally (c).Time “υ” really exists in Nature <strong>as</strong> the chronal propertyof some given object (body), from the bacillus to thestar; it can “flow” or “move” with any ALTERNATINGVELOCITY, from <strong>zero</strong> to infinity.So, in principle it is impossible to control the “motion”of symbolic unexisting time “t”. To control the velocityof “motion” for real time “υ” it is enough to properlyselect values for the equations. It is necessary tosubstitute the value “τ” in the equations. “τ” is a chronalintensitet (or chronal); it is inversely proportional tovalue “υ”. If chronal “τ” incre<strong>as</strong>es, the rate of allprocesses in the body incre<strong>as</strong>es also.It is interesting to note: some known physical lawsinclude real time “υ”, but some laws use symbolic time“t”, <strong>and</strong> this leads to serious mistakes. In Newton’ssecond law the denominator of acceleration formulauses real time square (dυ 2 ). So, for two bodies collisionexperiment when there is a 10-fold difference in the rateof time, the forces of action are 100 times more than thereaction force. So, Newton’s third law; the conservationof motion (<strong>and</strong> momentum) is violated by this. Somenoncompensated force is created that allows movement“by means of inner forces” ( so call reactionless motion).According to the third principle of GT (law of state) this_

process can be created by many methods: for example,a ball moving on the inner side of the ring surfacechanges its velocity. Another example is a flywheel,which is rotating, <strong>and</strong> velocity of the rim from one sideis added to the velocity of motion at this <strong>point</strong> on theplanet’s surface, but from the other side of the flywheelthe velocity of the rim is subtracted from the velocity ofplanet rotation. For different velocities the ball <strong>and</strong> partsof the rim have different chronal values, so the ballpresses on the ring differently; also the rim presses onthe axis differently. Some non-compensated force iscreated <strong>as</strong> a result. Remember N.A. Kozyrev’sexperiments, which included rotating gyroscopes, [1,p.444]. According to the third principle of GT more than30 operating devices were created, which proved thetheoretical conclusions [1, p.413,428].The existence of chronal difference in such sort ofdevices leads to chronal substance flow (fifth principleof GT) that allows the use of devices <strong>as</strong> effective chronalradiation generators. By means of such generators it ispossible to stimulate or to suppress the vital activity ofmicro-organisms, to accelerate sugar-spirittransformation, wine ageing, to incre<strong>as</strong>e thegerminating power of seeds, to incre<strong>as</strong>e the velocity ofplants development by 2-3 times, to incre<strong>as</strong>e theproductivity of plants by 1.5 times. In an experiment onaluminium c<strong>as</strong>ting, which had been irradiated in thehardening process, it demonstrated an incre<strong>as</strong>e of thecohesion limit up to 11%, yield limit up to 46%, <strong>and</strong>lengthening decre<strong>as</strong>ed up to 6%. See the monograph[7] about chronal properties for substances.Another example: All known physical laws of <strong>energy</strong>transfer - Fourier’s thermal conductivity, Fick’s diffusion,Ohm’s electro-conductivity, Maxwell’s equations <strong>and</strong>so on, included symbolic time t, that allows us tocompare the productivity of different technical devicesin practice. This <strong>point</strong> of view is the re<strong>as</strong>on for theprinciple mistake of Einstein’s relativity theory. Fromthis theory the conclusion about the variability of thevelocity of time w<strong>as</strong> made on the b<strong>as</strong>is of the analysisof Maxwell’s equations <strong>and</strong> the well-known Lorentz’stransformation, those include symbolic time t “moving”with constant velocity.On some properties of the spaceSpace is a simple metrical substance, which providesthe objects including itself with sizes <strong>and</strong> m<strong>as</strong>s, so wecan see <strong>and</strong> sense those objects since we are living ina chronal-metrical world [1, p.247]. All other substanceshave no specific metrical properties (sizes <strong>and</strong> m<strong>as</strong>s)so they are invisible <strong>and</strong> insensible - they are “smeared”inside of space volume, which is CONTINUOUSextended media. This media is created of portions ofthe metrical substance (by metriant).In absolute vacuum conditions, named <strong>as</strong> paren, allsubstances, metrical also, exists in the absolute reststate. This is the absolute p<strong>as</strong>sivity state since the<strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> intencitial value is equal to <strong>zero</strong> (first <strong>and</strong>third principles of GT). Also paren is an unlimited sourceof substance. If <strong>energy</strong> input takes place, differentquantums of substances are activated <strong>and</strong> particles <strong>and</strong>objects are created in interaction. Some excitedmetriants are the parts of the created objects. Othermetriants are not included in the object, remaining inabsolute p<strong>as</strong>sivity state of paren, so they are invisible,insensible <strong>and</strong> they cannot be me<strong>as</strong>ured. This is thescheme for space <strong>and</strong> objects existing in space.According to the second principle of GT, sizes ofmetriants conform to the conservation law, so they areequal to volume (m<strong>as</strong>s) <strong>and</strong> it is impossible to compressor decompress space. In other words, space h<strong>as</strong> solidbody properties - “hardness”, <strong>and</strong> it is confirmed bytransverse mechanism for electromagnetic wavespropagation in a vacuum. Motion of metrical mediumtakes place by means of flow p<strong>as</strong>sive metriants of parenaround active metriants, it doesn’t violate thecontinuous quality of space. In the beginning of themotion active metriants force p<strong>as</strong>sive metriants to move<strong>and</strong> it demonstrates the inertia phenomenon. For even<strong>and</strong> rectilinear motion the scheme doesn’t change, <strong>and</strong>inertia is not demonstrated (Newton’s mechanics firstlaw). In another c<strong>as</strong>e, for rotation of the body, activemetriants make p<strong>as</strong>sive metriants move to centre, soinertia force (centrifugal force in real sense) is directedfrom the centre to the periphery.All intencitials (<strong>and</strong> also the differences of intencitials,<strong>and</strong> therefore the velocities of the processes) are equalto <strong>zero</strong> in the paren. So, anabsolute vacuum is anabsolute system, which also includes ordinary coordinates.But for <strong>zero</strong>-velocity w=x/υ=0 some smalltransferences x are possible since υ is equal to infinity.There is no friction in the paren but motion of activemetriants is connected with some insignificantresistance (the seventh principle of GT). The force ofresistance (<strong>and</strong> inertia) should depend on the bodycomposition, size, configuration <strong>and</strong> so on, that is provedby experiment [1, p.401].To control space, in principle it is necessary to cover anordinary body with an out-of-metrical envelope(insulation). In this c<strong>as</strong>e inside of the envelop the bodyh<strong>as</strong> ordinary metrical properties but outside of theenvelop this body h<strong>as</strong> <strong>zero</strong> size <strong>and</strong> m<strong>as</strong>s. This bodycan move through the walls. Since thought is a materialobject, this body can be directed in space by means ofthought (teleportation effect). But we have no suchenvelop yet...On so called “Fundamentals of Modern NaturalSciences”.The relativity theory, quantum mechanics theory <strong>and</strong>theory of information are considered to be suchfundamentals. All physics textbooks write that it isimpossible in any way to change the VELOCITY ofatomic radioactive decay, which is used fordetermination an objects age <strong>and</strong> the date of someevent. Meanwhile the author incre<strong>as</strong>ed the velocity forThorium (Th) decay up to 6% [1, p.347].Page 351

The VELOCITY of light in a vacuum is constantaccording to the relativity theory, but in our experimentsthe deviation w<strong>as</strong> detected for helium-argon l<strong>as</strong>er beamin non-homogeneous chronal radiation area, which w<strong>as</strong>produced by means of 1.9 Kg gyro-motor. The l<strong>as</strong>er beamlength w<strong>as</strong> equal to 28 meters, detector w<strong>as</strong> aphotoelement. Photoelement output signal w<strong>as</strong>changed from 42mV to 39.6mV.1 2 3 4 5 6ω _ ω _ ω _ω _98lFigure 3Scheme for experiment to curve a l<strong>as</strong>er beam by means ofnonhomogeneous chronal field: 1 - l<strong>as</strong>er, 2,3,8,9 - gyromotors rotatingwith frequency w; 4 - metal tube; 5 -l<strong>as</strong>er beam; 6 - photodetector; 7- digital voltmeter; length is equal to 28 m.7Figure 6 Device for chronal influence to light l<strong>as</strong>er beam.There are some interesting <strong>as</strong>pects in relativityprinciple: sizes of object decre<strong>as</strong>es <strong>and</strong> m<strong>as</strong>s of theobject incre<strong>as</strong>es if the velocity of the observer incre<strong>as</strong>es.For example, length of your bed is equal to 2 meters<strong>and</strong> 20 Kg m<strong>as</strong>s, but some observers moving in differentrockets with different velocities <strong>and</strong> looking on the bedwill note different sizes <strong>and</strong> m<strong>as</strong>ses in the samemoment...Figure 4The scheme of intensity change dJ=J 0-J 1for light flow that isreceived by photodetector, when the centre of the beam is deviatedfrom <strong>point</strong> x 0to x 1: x 0is the position of the detector; J 0is the intensityof the centre of the beam; J 1is the intensity for some distance x 1from the centre.Figure 7This is the design of a reactionless drive including un-evenly movingballs placed in the ring. This device violates Newton’s third law<strong>and</strong> conservation law of motion. 1 is electromotor, 2 is ring forf<strong>as</strong>tening the motor; 3 is the axis of the motor; 4 is the metal drive,which h<strong>as</strong> 8 radial holes for working balls of 8 mm diameter; 5 areworking balls; 6 is top <strong>and</strong> regulator of eccentricity d; 7 is a ballbearing45x68x12 mm. The uncompensated inner force is directedto the eccentricity d side. In this side the velocity of balls is at aminimum. The force ( if eccentricity is equal to 0.7 mm <strong>and</strong> frequencyof rotation is equal to 21000 rmp) is equal to 14x10 -5 N.Figure 5Curve of change of voltmeter data, in the centre t he data∆ϕ= 42 mV. For position 1 gyro-motors are on, for position 2 gyromotorsare off.Page 352Figure 8Two paired motors are rotating in opposite directions tocompensate the torque.

generating all so call anomalous phenomena: UFO,poltergeists, parapsychological ...[1].The World of light forces is true in principle, so the darkforces are the re<strong>as</strong>on for our scientific declaration aboutthe invariability of some velocities <strong>and</strong> CHANCE <strong>as</strong> aproperty of Nature.What is the goal? The goal is to divert human attentionfrom the underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the following: in the days ofthe creation of the Earth, its chronal <strong>and</strong> rates of allprocesses, including the speed of light <strong>and</strong> atom decayrate were millions, billions of times higher than today.So, the billions years of evolution is a mistake.Also the goal of the falsehoods is to inspire false beliefabout the CHANCE b<strong>as</strong>is for Nature. In reality, theprobability <strong>and</strong> CHANCE are CALCULATIONMETHODS we use in the situation, when we can not orwe don’t wish to study the phenomenon in all itscomplexity.In Nature there is no CHANCE,everything is determined <strong>and</strong> all isessential.Figure 9Gyro-motor that produce non-compensated inner forceof about 100x10 -5 N.In the fundamentals of the quantum mechanics <strong>and</strong>theory of information the CHANCE principle isaccepted, <strong>and</strong> probability of some event is a quantitativeexpression for it. Usually in conventional physicsCHANCE is considered <strong>as</strong> objective properties ofNature. Below we will consider it in detail.Non-occ<strong>as</strong>ional chancesIn the process of the comparison of experimentalresults, some thought is coming about falsehood.Somebody h<strong>as</strong> led us to believe in a wrong notionabout the Universe, Nature <strong>and</strong> Humans. There is thequestion: who <strong>and</strong> why created this falsehood, <strong>and</strong>what is the real goal?From the factual existence of chronal <strong>and</strong> metricalphenomena unknown before, the factual existence ofinvisible out-of-chronal/out-of-metrical world follows.This world is living out of time <strong>and</strong> space, withoutchronal <strong>and</strong> metrical substances.More exactly, this world (called <strong>as</strong> spiritual world) isparallel to our visible chronal-metrical world <strong>and</strong> it isSo, ide<strong>as</strong> about accidental organisation of life fromthe lifeless matter, about primary matter <strong>and</strong>secondary spirit... lead to a false conclusion: theUniverse w<strong>as</strong> not created, God <strong>and</strong> soul do not exist,the Devil also does not exist, then we have nothing toafraid of. This wrong conclusion makes Human beingsequal to animals, <strong>and</strong> allows them to live like animals.This false idea makes mankind free of any moralresponsibility because nothing exists after death.References1. Veinik A.I. Thermodynamics of real processes.Minsk: Science <strong>and</strong> techniques, 1991. – 576 p.2. Veinik A.I. Thermodynamics. 3-d edition. Minsk:High school, 1968. – 464 p.3. Veinik A.I. Thermodynamical pair. Minsk: Science<strong>and</strong> techniques, 1973. – 384 p.4. Veinik A.I. Thermodynamics of irreversibleprocesses. Minsk: Science <strong>and</strong> tech. 1966, 360 p.5. Gukhman A.A. On principles of thermodynamics.Alma-Ata: edition of Academy of science of KazakhSSR, 1947. – 106 p.6. Veinik A.I. Technical thermodynamics <strong>and</strong>principles of thermal conductivity. M.:Metallurgisdat, 1956.– 448 p.7. Veinik A.I., Komlik S.F. Complex definition ofchronophysical properties of materials. Minsk:Science <strong>and</strong> techniques, 1992.Page 353

As we can see from this figure, the initial effect oflightning of the sheet reached 6-7 mg with the gradualrecovery to its common weight in 15 minutes. The usualweight is shown by the lower line of recording.In thec<strong>as</strong>e of reversible deformation the change of weight ofthe body is not observed. So, compressed rubber orcompressed steel spring shows their common weight.We should expect such result, because the entropy ofthe system doesn’t change with reversible processes(<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> with el<strong>as</strong>tic collision). That’s why decre<strong>as</strong>eof the weight of the bodies should be discovered inthe processes of a big incre<strong>as</strong>e of entropy. It appeared,that initial heating of the bodies really leads to the verysignificant decre<strong>as</strong>e of their weight.Studying of this phenomenon gave a big material, whichallows deeper underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the way, how activeproperties of time call decre<strong>as</strong>e of m<strong>as</strong>s <strong>and</strong> weight ofthe body.Fig.2The Causal Mechanicsby Kozyrev N.A.“The Nature of Stellar <strong>Energy</strong> B<strong>as</strong>ed on Analysis ofObservational Data”A conclusion about stellar energetics w<strong>as</strong> made from<strong>as</strong>tronomical observations: any given star is a machinethat transforms incoming <strong>energy</strong> into heat radiation;there is no inner source of <strong>energy</strong> inside the star. Thepossibility of using incoming <strong>energy</strong>-flow exists in allarea of space-time. It is proposed that through thepower of some active properties, time can influencethe <strong>energy</strong> of matter, <strong>and</strong> thus, time is a source of lifein our universe. The density <strong>and</strong> other parameters ofstellar matter in the mode of transformation (time-flow<strong>energy</strong> into heat <strong>energy</strong>) are calculated. It is concludedthat output-<strong>energy</strong> depends on the volume of matter. Itw<strong>as</strong> proposed that time is not simply spreading, butbeing created throughout the universe at any givenmoment <strong>and</strong> for this re<strong>as</strong>on telecommunications bymeans of time-properties can be produced <strong>as</strong>instantaneous signal instead of electromagneticmethods, which have some limited velocity.“Cause or Asymmetrical Mechanics in LinearApproximation”Review by Alex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovThis is a short review on research work of the wellknownRussian scientist Nikolai A. Kozyrev. Mostof these papers are not yet published in English.There are important practical applications for newtechnologies, which are b<strong>as</strong>ed on Kozyrev’s theory<strong>and</strong> we’ll be discussing this in our book. There is aproject to publish an English language book aboutthe time rate control technologies that will includeall Kozyrev’s papers devoted to this topic.N.A.Kozyrev calculates the qualities of stellar matterwhere it is a transformer of time-form <strong>energy</strong> into heat<strong>energy</strong>.It is concluded that the transformation involvesseveral electrodynamic processes, but, generally, anyclosed mechanical system can also produce <strong>energy</strong> if itis an <strong>as</strong>ymmetrical system. The <strong>as</strong>ymmetry formechanics according Kozyrev is a cause-effect<strong>as</strong>ymmetry <strong>and</strong> if the mechanical system includes thenon-reversible cause-effect connection it can take the<strong>energy</strong> from time-flow. (In my opinion, this is thetheoretical b<strong>as</strong>is for any kind of over-unity systems.Editor)Page 64

The notions of cause <strong>and</strong> effect are defined in the papers.N. Kozyrev postulates 5 properties of cause-effectconnections. A definition <strong>and</strong> formula for the velocityof time-flow are given. It is proposed <strong>and</strong> experimentallydemonstrated that in special c<strong>as</strong>e the time-flow canintroduce two time-paired equal <strong>and</strong> opposite forces intothe system.N. Kozyrev demonstrates through gyroscopeexperiments the fact that time-<strong>energy</strong> can be transferredto the experimental system. It is also proposed that the<strong>energy</strong> of the system can be transferred to time-<strong>energy</strong>.In other words, the time flow can be accelerated ordecelerated by means of <strong>energy</strong> exchange with a special<strong>as</strong>ymmetrical mechanical or electrodynamic system.In this paper N.A.Kozyrev describes two extreme c<strong>as</strong>esfor mechanics: there is the quantum mechanics of theatom world (microcosmos in other words) where thereare no cause-effect connections since velocity of timeis equal to <strong>zero</strong>; <strong>and</strong> if the velocity of time is equal toinfinity there are only stable cause-effect connectionsfor any process, that is cl<strong>as</strong>sical Newtonian mechanics.The real world exists for a real time velocity between<strong>zero</strong> <strong>and</strong> infinity.In this paper it w<strong>as</strong> proposed to screen time by meansof certain processes; i.e. it is possible to createcompensation of natural time-flow by correspondingphysical processes in some local space-time area.“The Way to Space”N. Kozyrev writes about the irrationality of rocketmethods for space exploration <strong>and</strong> he proposes histheory to find gravitation - time relation to buildantigravitation spacecraft. The force that would propelthe spaceship in this c<strong>as</strong>e would be produced by meansof changing of the physical properties of time. (In otherwords it is warp drive topic, which being developedby many research teams today. Editor)“On the Potential for Experimental Investigation ofthe Properties of Time”There is some potential for biological systems to usetime-flow <strong>as</strong> a source of vital <strong>energy</strong> or life <strong>energy</strong>. N.Kozyrev describes experiments with gyroscopes <strong>and</strong>Experiments with vibrational gyroscopes <strong>and</strong> weightmachines (scales) are described in the paper. Importantconclusions are made about the possibility of incre<strong>as</strong>ingvital anti-entropy processes into biological systems ifthey are interacting with the time-flow.“Causal Mechanics <strong>and</strong> the Potential for ExperimentalInvestigation of the Properties of Time”In this paper N. Kozyrev writes about the connectionbetween matter <strong>and</strong> time. He describes three causeeffectaxioms, determining the physical qualities of thevelocity of time-flow, <strong>and</strong> publishing importantexperimental data. In his experiments, the weight ofgyroscopes w<strong>as</strong> changed when they were connectedto weight machine (scales) by means of a vibrationalsystem. Weight changes were detected at about 100mg levels. These weight changes depend on frequencydue to a discrete law. So, it is one of the realdemonstrations of the discrete quantum world laws inour real world of cl<strong>as</strong>sical mechanics.“Unknown Worlds”This work is a demonstration of organic matterpossibility to get free <strong>energy</strong> for vital processes bymeans of transforming time-form <strong>energy</strong>. The “densityof time” is defined. Experimental data for me<strong>as</strong>urementof the density of time at different places on the planetis given. It is claimed that the density of time can bechanged: near any given Cause process it is thinner <strong>and</strong>near any given Effect process it is denser. N. Kozyrevwrote about the possibility of using the physicalproperties of time for biological forms oftelecommunications, i.e. for telepathy. Thistelecommunication cannot be screened <strong>and</strong> it isinstantaneous signal system.several methods how to introduce some cause-effect<strong>as</strong>ymmetry into a mechanical system. The value of thevelocity of time-flow is calculated. Se<strong>as</strong>onal changes inthe density of time produced by vital processes ofNature are detected. In this paper, functions existingbetween the density of matter <strong>and</strong> the density of timeare determined <strong>and</strong> it w<strong>as</strong> tested in experiments.Page 65

“Astronomical observations by means of physicalproperties of time”In this paper N. Kozyrev experimentally determinesvalue <strong>and</strong> sign of the time-flow; which is positive inclock-wise co-ordinate systems. The changes of densityin time are experimentally proven: In the area of entropyprocesses (dissipation, heating of matter, melting of ice,evaporation of liquids, fading of plants) the “productionof additional time” w<strong>as</strong> detected. In the area of oppositeprocesses (cooling of matter, freezing of <strong>water</strong>,crystallization) the “absorption of time” w<strong>as</strong> detected.There is a description of mechanical <strong>and</strong>electromagnetic detectors monitoring the density oftime changes.“On Time-to-Matter Influence”The paper is about N. Kozyrev’s experiments to detectthe production of additional time-flow by means ofspecial detectors in the area of dissipation <strong>and</strong>evaporation processes. It w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>sumed that the Sun isnot only a time-absorption system but also a time-flowproduction system. This small component of the timestructure is very important since it is ordered <strong>and</strong> itintroduces the anti-entropy organizing effect to anynatural process <strong>and</strong> especially in biological processes.It is proposed to use this organizing life effect toincre<strong>as</strong>e the vital processes of biological systems.“On the Possibility of Reducing M<strong>as</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Weightunder the Active Properties of Time”Experimental data were published to demonstrate theweight changes during some non-reversibledeformations or heating. The nature of time <strong>and</strong> mattertimeinteraction w<strong>as</strong> investigated in this way.___________________On New <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> PoliticalAuthorityAlex<strong>and</strong>er V. FrolovThe article “New <strong>energy</strong> in h<strong>and</strong>s of politicians” [1] byA. Davidov, Head of Department of Strategy Analysis<strong>and</strong> Information, Council of the Russian Federation putsforward some interesting <strong>point</strong>s. It demonstrates a greatinterest of Russian officials to the new <strong>energy</strong>technologies.Mr. Davidov thinks that the electrochemical cells are themost perspective method to produce hydrogen <strong>as</strong> a <strong>fuel</strong>.Also he wrote about real possibility of working withpl<strong>as</strong>ma, resonance effects <strong>and</strong> other <strong>fuel</strong>-less systemssince any system involved in <strong>energy</strong> exchange withenvironmental <strong>and</strong> by this way the over-unity efficiencycan be explained.Mr. Davidov also wrote about the main <strong>as</strong>pect of theautonomous <strong>energy</strong> system, which is their property toproduce power directly on dem<strong>and</strong>. It will lead to globalchanges in industrial relations, incre<strong>as</strong>e in personal <strong>and</strong>business independence, decre<strong>as</strong>e in the authority ofmediators in energetics, new kinds of business.Davidov’s conclusion is: that financial power will bereplaced by new energetics, which should become anew direct tool of economic control.I suppose the changes b<strong>as</strong>ed on autonomous energeticsshould be really a global one, but it will not lead todestruction of the world financial system because thegold equivalent can not be replaced by the KWtts-hoursfor all financial operations at the moment.It cannot be organized until the majority of <strong>energy</strong>customers use the centralized <strong>energy</strong> networks, forexample in cities <strong>and</strong> towns. But in the future thecurrency stability of any state will be connected withthe technological level of its autonomous energetics. Thereplacement of the gold equivalent in the financialsystem means an obligation to make an exchange acertain amount of KWtts-hours for the correspondingamount of money (currency). There is clear logic in thissystem since the money should be an equivalent of thework <strong>and</strong> work in physics is related with the KWttshours.It w<strong>as</strong> great to read Mr. Davidov’s statementabout some completed research work into new <strong>energy</strong><strong>and</strong> antigravitation started in the Soviet period ofRussian history. He h<strong>as</strong> promised to demonstrate theprototypes in 2 years if the financial problems wereresolved.Davidov’s forec<strong>as</strong>t <strong>and</strong> his conclusion on the change inbalance of political forces correlate with my ownconclusions of 1996, “<strong>Free</strong> <strong>energy</strong>” a written report w<strong>as</strong>made for the Russian State Duma. In a few years thenew political power may become the main force inRussia <strong>and</strong> power should be b<strong>as</strong>ed on the technologiesof <strong>fuel</strong>-less autonomous energetics.Mainly this will lead to the strengthening of regionalauthority especially in far from Moscow are<strong>as</strong> of Russia<strong>and</strong> with a low population <strong>and</strong> low-tech industry <strong>as</strong> aresult of their weak energetics. It may be also necessaryto note that the new <strong>energy</strong> technologies are the key tonew methods of space exploration. The advancedpropulsion aerospace systems are the start of civilianaccess to space, which is a new large market.Reference:1. Davidov A.V. The new <strong>energy</strong> in the h<strong>and</strong>s of politicians,“On the edge of impossible”, #6 (259), 2001, p.14.Page 66

Spin (Axion)-Field GeneratorAlex<strong>and</strong>er A. Shpilmansah@kaznet.kzThe generator consists of a rotating hollow cylinder(ring) which is made of ferrite-magnetic material withthe axis of rotation coinciding with the cylinder’s mainsymmetry axis. Four (wedge-like) permanent magnetsinserted into the cylinder. The magnets are magnetizedperpendicularly to their own plane. The cylinder cantake the form of either a flat ring or a tube. It is possibleto produce the cylinder’s rotation by different methods(by means of some motor), but it is necessary to takeinto account that external EM-fields <strong>and</strong> the materialsof the motor can significantly affect the properties ofthe “spin-field”. One of the possible variants is:1. Ferrite ring 20x12x6 mm2. Ferrite-barium magnets3. The rotation axis.interaction between the field <strong>and</strong> spins of electrons <strong>and</strong>nucle<strong>as</strong>es of matter. Thus, the effective control of spinorientation in material objects is possible, <strong>and</strong> this isa completely new method for the control of itsphysical <strong>and</strong> chemical properties. This theoreticalhypothesis w<strong>as</strong> confirmed experimentally. Interestingresults were achieved when producing effects inbiological objects, which were radiated by the “spinfield”.Some parameters of this radiation can call someincre<strong>as</strong>e of “vital <strong>energy</strong> of plants” <strong>and</strong> someimprovement of immune system of animals.Ordinary detectors cannot detect the «spin-field». Insome c<strong>as</strong>es (with the special illumination) the “spinfield”can be seen without use of any instruments.Perhaps the oxygen atoms of the air change its spinstate <strong>and</strong> in this c<strong>as</strong>e we can see some visible radiation.The “spin-field” produced by the generator describedabove is concentrated in two opposite beamspropagating along the rotation axis at a distance of tensmeters. These beams can have four different attributesdepending on the mutual orientation of their magneticinduction vector <strong>and</strong> the direction of rotation. The beamthat propagates along axis 3 is the most harmless forhuman beings. Nevertheless, it is unsafe to bepositioned in the area of this beam for more than severalminutes.When the rotation is stopped, the intensity of the“spin-field” decre<strong>as</strong>es exponentially up to someconstant value <strong>and</strong> it will exist in the same area ofspace for several weeks, i.e. the “spin-field” (<strong>and</strong> it’sinfluence on the objects) can remain even when thegenerator is turned off.The ring should rotate counter-clockwise at the rate ofseveral thous<strong>and</strong>s rpm. The magnets inserted into thecylinder should create a magnetic field H directedagainst the direction of rotation. All other elementsshould be made of non-magnetic materials. The motorcan be removed at a distance of about ten radiuses ofthe cylinder (ring) in perpendicular direction to the axisin order to prevent the interference. The attachment <strong>and</strong>equipment elements are not shown because they don’taffect the radiation in the c<strong>as</strong>e of fulfillment of the abovementionedrequirements. Nevertheless, it isrecommended that the following materials be used forthem: silver, cadmium, aluminum, wood, rubber glue.The experiments with the active “spin-field” generatorsrevealed the following results:The “spin-field” does not interact with the crystal latticeof matter. Thus, it h<strong>as</strong> strong penetration ability (itpropagates through both ferroconcrete <strong>and</strong> even lead).Isotropic substances that could screen the “spin-field”were not found in the experiments. Some delay in thepropagation of the field can be produced only by zinc<strong>and</strong> steel, because they themselves become inducedsources of the “spin-field”. B<strong>as</strong>ically, the interaction ofthe “spin-field” <strong>and</strong> also some transfer of <strong>energy</strong> of spinwaves were observed for the c<strong>as</strong>es of resonancePage 306

this movement their m<strong>as</strong>ses incre<strong>as</strong>e according to (11).This incre<strong>as</strong>e takes place because the m<strong>as</strong>s of the fieldof particle, which is called “gravito-inert m<strong>as</strong>s”,incre<strong>as</strong>es. With a top speed (v=c) an antiparticleappears from it. But antiparticle is the same formation<strong>as</strong> a common particle, but its spins are opposite tospines of common particles. Gravito-inert m<strong>as</strong>s is am<strong>as</strong>s of magnetic field of particle. Kinetic <strong>energy</strong> of2vmagnetic field is equal to mgi <strong>and</strong> when it becomes2equal to m gc 2 , then a new antiparticle will form fromthis magnetic field, i.e. with <strong>energy</strong> of m giv 2 =2m gc 2 .References1. S. Kadyrov. Analysis of some fundamentalquestions of natural science in the light of theoryof a single field. Bishkek: Ilim, 1996, p.89.2. S. Kadyrov. Unified theory of field <strong>and</strong> questionsof cosmology <strong>and</strong> elementary particles. Frunze:Ilim, 1989.3. S. Kadyrov. General physical theory <strong>and</strong> solutionof fundamental problems of natural science.Bishkek: Sham, 2000.On the Eve of the SixthRevolution in PhysicsDr. V.A. AtsukovskyDugina st., 6-14, Gukovsky town, Moscow region140187, RussiaCondition of modern theoretical physics <strong>and</strong> the waysof its developmentMethodological crisis in modern theoretical physics.Modern physics achieved outst<strong>and</strong>ing results in thefield of cognition of laws of nature <strong>and</strong> in many appliedfields. The twentieth century is characterized with suchgreat achievements <strong>as</strong> splitting of nucleus <strong>and</strong> creationof atomic <strong>energy</strong> on this b<strong>as</strong>e, creation of quantumgenerators, discovery of <strong>as</strong>tronomic objects withunexpected properties, research of properties of“elementary particles” of the matter <strong>and</strong> many others.Absolutely new directions of natural science appeared,which not only solved many theoretical problems, butalso put them to serve the all mankind.However, in spite of this, it becomes more evident, thatin some fundamental fields of natural science, first ofall in theoretical physics, some contradictions appeared<strong>and</strong> they keep on accumulating. They are nicely named<strong>as</strong> ““divergences”, which have the fundamentalcharacter <strong>and</strong> which are the serious hindrance of furtherdevelopment of fundamental <strong>and</strong> applied science.The numerous attempts to combine the b<strong>as</strong>icfundamental interactions on the b<strong>as</strong>e of conceptionsexisting in modern physics turned out to be practicallyunsuccessful. The amount of opened “elementaryparticles” of matter does not correlate with the fulluncertainty of their structure. <strong>Energy</strong> of radiation of thestars including the Sun is not explained because itsradiation shall wear out long ago taking intoconsideration the time. Even in such a developed field<strong>as</strong> electrodynamics we have the whole cl<strong>as</strong>ses ofproblems, which cannot be solved in the frames ofexisting theory. For example with the movement of twosimilar charges a paradox appears: quiet similar chargesshould repel from each other by the law of Coulomb,but they attract each other because they are thecurrents. If they are still immovable in relation to eachother, then why do they attracting in the movement?In spite of many public appearances, statements <strong>and</strong>popular <strong>and</strong> special articles having the aim to provethe greatness of modern physics <strong>and</strong> great possibilities,which are waiting for the mankind in relation with itsachievements, we should state that there is no anythingsimilar in reality. There are a series of contradictions,so called “paradoxes” in physics; some of its thesesbecame discrepant with the theses of dialecticalmaterialism. For example, the idea of “Big explosion” isin contradiction to the thesis of dialectical materialismabout the absence of origin, birth or creation of theUniverse. But some theorists suppose that dialecticalmaterialism should be corrected because some partsof it are in contradiction with the universally recognizedtheories in physics, for example with the relativitytheory.In the applied physics different promises do not realizenevertheless. Many years p<strong>as</strong>sed from the momentwhen the “stable pl<strong>as</strong>ma” w<strong>as</strong> created <strong>and</strong> existed for0,01 second. Since then the numerous units wereconstructed to get a thermonuclear <strong>energy</strong>, whichshould provide the mankind with the <strong>energy</strong>. Howeverthe units exist, institutes <strong>and</strong> plants were built for thispurpose, conferences <strong>and</strong> meetings are hold, awards<strong>and</strong> academic degrees are given... The only problem is:we have no thermonuclear <strong>energy</strong> itself, <strong>and</strong> nobodyknows if it will ever appear.We have spoken a lot <strong>and</strong> for a long time about STR –scientific <strong>and</strong> technical revolution, about achievementsof science; the nuclear weapon <strong>and</strong> nuclear power werecreated, the flights into the close space were organized,the numerous materials were developed, computers ofhigh complexity, robots <strong>and</strong> other things were created,<strong>and</strong> so on. However with all this we should state thatthe quantity of new discoveries decre<strong>as</strong>es <strong>and</strong>development h<strong>as</strong> a quantitative character, <strong>and</strong> evenwith the studying of “elementary particles” of thePage 36

substance we do not use qualitatively new ways butsimply incre<strong>as</strong>e the power of atom-sm<strong>as</strong>her blindlybelieving that the new <strong>energy</strong> level may give ussomething new, though we have nothing qualitativelynew from it.The presence of “paradoxes”, absence of qualitativelynew ide<strong>as</strong> means that the ide<strong>as</strong> existing in the naturalscience are known already, <strong>and</strong> the natural science <strong>and</strong>theoretical physics in particular are in a deep crisis.Fundamental researches became unimaginablyexpensive <strong>and</strong> the results became poor. It is the second<strong>as</strong>pect of crisis in natural science, i.e. economic <strong>as</strong>pect.But the main feature of crisis is that the theory <strong>and</strong>methodology of the modern fundamental scienceappears less useful to help the applied sciences insolving of the problems, which are set by practice. Itmeans that the methods of modern fundamental sciencebecame a real hindrance in development of productionforces, in usage of nature by the man <strong>and</strong> therefore, indevelopment of the society itself.Similar difficulties, which appeared in the most of fieldsof natural science, are not objective difficulties ofdevelopment of cognitive activity of the man <strong>as</strong> weusually consider them. Misunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of the essenceof processes, preference of phenomenology, i.e. externaldescription of the internal mechanism of internalessence of phenomena inevitably generates all thisdifficulties <strong>and</strong> disorders in the modern physical patternof the world. This pattern is far from the unified physicalpattern of the world.As we know, the modern methodology of theoreticalphysics is mainly b<strong>as</strong>ed on the postulated ways. Thescheme is the following. If we take <strong>as</strong> a b<strong>as</strong>is of analysisthe results of the limited quantity of experiments, thenwe can formulate some contradiction of facts with theexisting theories. Further we set the postulates, whichare hypothetical statements that they shouldcorrespond to the nature, <strong>as</strong> the author believes. Onthe b<strong>as</strong>e of the postulates the new theory is created,which gives some corollaries. And then these corollariesare compared with the results of new experiments. Ifthe results of these experiments correspond to thepredicted ones, then it is considered that the theorygot an experimental confirmation <strong>and</strong> it is true, <strong>and</strong>therefore the postulates set in its b<strong>as</strong>e are also true.However with all this we miss, that every finite total offacts can be predicted by various theories <strong>and</strong> thesetheories often mutually exclude each other. Thus somefact can prove two different theories.It is interesting to note, for example, that all“experimental confirmations” of special <strong>and</strong> generaltheory of relativity by A. Einstein can have differentinterpretation. Thus STR – special theory of relativity,which rejects the existence of the ether in nature <strong>as</strong> aprinciple uses <strong>as</strong> a main instrument the transformationsby Lorenz. Lorenz derived it in 1904 for the c<strong>as</strong>e ofmovement of charges in ether, i.e. the year beforeEinstein created his theory of relativity. That is why thecoincidence of experiment’s results with thecalculations on STR can mean the “confirmation” ofLorenz’s theory, which is contrary to STR. But we canhave other interpretations of the same results. Besides,in every experiment there are unaccounted facts, whichare thrown away illegally, if the results of experimentsare adjusting to the agreed scheme.Regarding this the formation history of the specialtheory of relativity is significant. If in 1880-81 <strong>and</strong> 1886-87 A. Maikelson <strong>and</strong> E. Morly really didn’t get thepositive result in their search of “ether wind”, then in1901-1905 E. Morly in his new experiment (byMaikelson’s advise) got the speed of ether wind equalto 3 km per second. And in 1921-1925 D.K. Miller madea me<strong>as</strong>urement of ether wind on the mountain MountWilson (1800 km above sea level). Here he got a valueof the wind speed equal to 10 km per second. It isinteresting that A. Maikelson himself later in 1929together with F. Piece <strong>and</strong> F. Pirson repeated thisexperiment <strong>and</strong> got the wind speed on the same placeequal to 6 km per second (conditions of the experimentwere changed). But up to that time the STR had quitesolid positions in science <strong>and</strong> the leading physicistsrejected all the received positive results on ether wind.These results are not recognized until now.The theory of relativity itself brings the variety of formsof matter movement to the space-time distortions,which in principle do not allow underst<strong>and</strong>ing the realessence of phenomena. The conclusions of theory ofrelativity are applied much more far outside theconditions of its initial experiments <strong>and</strong> its philosophicconclusions bring us to very sad thoughts.The situation is not better with the second principle ofmodern theoretical physics, i.e. quantum mechanics,which w<strong>as</strong> the origin of the quantum theory of field.Quantum mechanics propagates the structure-lessessence of particles <strong>and</strong> absence of any re<strong>as</strong>ons for theparticles to have their features, i.e. presence of magneticmoment, charge, spin <strong>and</strong> so on.The particles are considered to be the <strong>point</strong>s, i.e. theyare non-dimensional. But though this circumstanceleads to the <strong>energy</strong> paradox, this fact does not confuseanybody. Nobody prejudice the initial planetary modelof atom, developed by Reserford in 1911, <strong>and</strong> in view ofits limited nature led to the various contradictions,though its success at first w<strong>as</strong> indisputable.Instead of studying the particular structures <strong>and</strong>mechanisms of interaction finally all w<strong>as</strong> brought to theexternal, superficial description, which led toconsideration of the probabilistic <strong>as</strong>sessments of theprocesses.It came to the situation when some mechanism inphenomena of microworld became an impossible fact.Also the cause-<strong>and</strong>-effect relationship in the phenomenaof microworld became to be rejected, that imposed theprincipal limits on the cognitive properties of the man.Page 37

“Common” mathematical dependencies in the theoryof relativity <strong>and</strong> quantum mechanics got the status ofabsolute truth <strong>and</strong> all new theories are checked on thecompliance with them. These theories are thrown awayif they do not comply.However we should remember the trivial fact that everyphysical phenomenon h<strong>as</strong> numerous sides <strong>and</strong> features<strong>and</strong> to describe a simple phenomenon we should haveinfinite quantity of equations. And in no circumstanceswe can consider that the equations we are working withdescribes the phenomena conpletely, whether these areShredinger’s equations of microworld phenomena,equations of Maxwell for the electromagnetic field orthe “law” of gravity by Newton. It means thatimprovement of the fundamental laws <strong>and</strong> improvementof their mathematical description should be a generalc<strong>as</strong>e. Also the aureole of impeccability of some initialformul<strong>as</strong> today should be dismissed.Today many people know that the theory of relativity<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the quantum mechanics in its modernstatement leads the scientists from attempts to learnthe internal essence of phenomena. It replaces theessence with the external, superficial description b<strong>as</strong>edon some particular postulates <strong>and</strong> <strong>as</strong>sumptions. Thatis why we shouldn’t be surprised that such an approachappears to be less productive. Narrowness of thedirections of researches resulting from such amethodology d<strong>as</strong> not allow us to discover thefundamental processes in nature, which re<strong>as</strong>onablyleads to the situation when many substantial factors inexperiments <strong>and</strong> theoretical researches appears to beunaccounted <strong>and</strong> many useful possibilities appears tobe untapped. The phenomenological method, whichtook root in the science today, shows its feebleness.The given situation in the theoretical physics is theevidence of a deep methodological crisis in thetheoretical physics. Accumulation of contradictions,dissociation <strong>and</strong> differentiation of its directions,superficiality of descriptions of phenomena, amisunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of fundamental essence of thephenomena leads to the loss of the leading role at thesetting <strong>and</strong> making of the applied researches. And wehave no re<strong>as</strong>on to suppose that this crisis can be solvedby the same ways, which are used now by thetheoretical physics or by creation of “crazy ide<strong>as</strong>”according to Niles Borh recommendations (whennobody will be able to underst<strong>and</strong> something).To find a way out from this deadlock, to solve theaccumulated contradictions <strong>and</strong> move further infundamental <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in applied researches we shouldremember, that the method different from thephenomenological, i.e. dynamic one always have beenexisting in science. This method makes us to find theinternal mechanism of the phenomena, to investigatethe structure of material formations <strong>and</strong> interactions onthe fundamental levels of material organization. Withthe dynamic approach every structure is implied toconsist of parts <strong>and</strong> every part consists of the smallerones. The phenomenon is just a movement of these parts<strong>and</strong> their interaction in some particular c<strong>as</strong>e. Theexplanation of phenomenon <strong>as</strong> a whole by dynamicapproach is led to observation of cause-<strong>and</strong>-effectrelationship between the elements of phenomenon.Description of the external sides of phenomenon bydynamic approach is only an effect but not the maincause of phenomenon <strong>as</strong> it follows from phenomenology.The dynamic approach implies the possibility of creationof the obvious models on the all levels of matterorganization.The dynamic approach in natural science alwaysjustified itself. The main way of development of naturalscience w<strong>as</strong> a stepwise extension in the structure ofmatter, transfer to more fundamental levels of itsorganization. Transfer on the new level always meantthe radical turn from the common conceptions, that isan ordinary revolution in physics <strong>and</strong> provide the wayout of the crisis.The history demonstrates us examples of effectivenessof the dynamic approach to the solution of accumulatedcontradictions. When the quantity of various moleculesbecame huge, atoms were set in the consideration. Andwhen the kinds of atom became huge, than the conceptof “elementary particles” appeared, which constitutethe atoms.With this the structures of higher levels of matterorganization became clear. It appeared that materialformations of the higher hierarchic levels of materialorganization are different from each other in the set ofelements, which are the material formations of the lowerhierarchic levels. And these lower formations, forexample atoms or “elementary particles” at first h<strong>as</strong>been provided with the simplest, the most essentialattributes, it reflected in their names: atom(“indivisible”), “elementary particles”, i.e. the simplestparticles. And the crisis h<strong>as</strong> been solved well.Disclosure of the structures, underst<strong>and</strong>ing of theinternal mechanism gave a chance to the directedactions. The directed researches were made, the newmethods appeared, <strong>and</strong> incre<strong>as</strong>e of variety of the higherlevel didn’t frighten anybody, because the re<strong>as</strong>ons wereclear.Absolutely new perspectives of theoretical <strong>and</strong> appliedresearches <strong>and</strong> adaptations were opened. The nextrevolution in physics showed its new possibilities tothe whole world. These new possibilities immediatelybecame the property of applied scientists <strong>and</strong> servedto mankind.Thus in VI-IV centuries B.C. took place the transition ofnatural science from the nature in a whole to thesubstances, i.e. earth (solidity), <strong>water</strong> (liquid), air (g<strong>as</strong>)<strong>and</strong> fire (<strong>energy</strong>). This gave the development ofphilosophy.In XII-XIII centuries A.D. different substances were setinto consideration, this gave the development ofpharmacology.Page 38

In XVI century the idea of molecule (small m<strong>as</strong>s) w<strong>as</strong>introduced <strong>and</strong> mechanics appeared.At the end of XVIII century a concept of atom w<strong>as</strong>introduced, <strong>and</strong> chemistry <strong>and</strong> electricity appeared.At the end of XIX- beginning of XX century an idea of“elementary particles” w<strong>as</strong> introduced, <strong>and</strong> itstimulated the development of nuclear power.May be today we must take into consideration the factthat the number of “elementary particles” constitutesfrom 200 to 2000 (it depends on calculation), that theyall can transmutate one into another, <strong>and</strong> we can applythe same method <strong>and</strong> introduce into our considerationthe new, more “elementary” particle, new “brick” ofthe Universe. Then we will found that all so called“elementary particles” of the substance are the complexformations built from these “bricks”. Thereby welegalize the building material for the “elementaryparticles” <strong>and</strong> a possibility to analyze the structure ofthese non-elementary particles of the substanceappeared. This particle should be called “amer”,because it w<strong>as</strong> called in such a way by Democrit. In hisopinion the amer is a part of an atom <strong>and</strong> is indivisibleparticle of matter, <strong>and</strong> the <strong>as</strong>sembly of amers is ether.Ether is a medium, which fills all the world space <strong>and</strong>it is a building material for all kinds of substance. Itprovides all kind of interactions with its movementsincluding the nuclear interactions, electromagnetic <strong>and</strong>gravitational <strong>and</strong> although some unknown ones.Just so we should do the next, sixth revolution inphysics, which should give the new possibilities tothe mankind to coexist with the nature <strong>as</strong> its part.The EtherodynamicsIt is experimentally proved that the physical vacuumcan generate the “elementary particles” of thesubstance. It makes us to believe that the componentsof such particles, its “bricks” are already exest in thephysical vacuum. Therefore the uniformity of physicalvacuum matter <strong>and</strong> the matter of “elementary particles”of the substance is presented. But the “elementaryparticles” of the substance is the b<strong>as</strong>e of the atomstructure – their nuclears <strong>and</strong> electron shells <strong>and</strong> theatom is the b<strong>as</strong>e of molecular structure in the substance,<strong>and</strong> the substance itself is the b<strong>as</strong>e structure for allbodies up to the stars <strong>and</strong> galaxies. Thus we can statethe uniformity of essence of all material formations,which approves the idea of monism in the Universe onpractice.With the selection of model of the physical vacuum themost important is to determine the general physicalinvariants, i.e. the categories, which are permanent withall the transformations of material structures. The roleof general physical invariants can be played only bythe categories, which are absolutely general <strong>and</strong> theirdetermination should be made from the analysis of theexperimental data but not from the postulates. A simpleanalysis shows that the absolutely general categoriesare the matter, space <strong>and</strong> time, because in all realprocesses the matter takes part <strong>and</strong> these processestake place in the space <strong>and</strong> time. It means themovement of matter. And all these mean that fourcategories, i.e. movement, matter, space <strong>and</strong> timeshould be considered to be initial <strong>and</strong> general physicalinvariants in all constructions <strong>and</strong> argumentation. Theyshould not be changed with any circumstances <strong>and</strong> theyshould be the arguments but not the functions whenwe are considering some physical dependence of thevalues from each other.General physical invariants appears <strong>as</strong> the initial values<strong>and</strong> they initially have a range of properties, which are:presence in all structures <strong>and</strong> phenomena; primaryposition; conservation for any transformations;unlimited divisibility; additivity, linearity <strong>and</strong>unboundedness. The enumerated properties result inthe following:- movement <strong>and</strong> its components, i.e. matter, space<strong>and</strong> time could not be ever created <strong>and</strong> can not bedestroyed anyway;- the real physical space is linear (Euclidean);- the real physical time is linear <strong>and</strong> unilateral;- there are no preferable scales, <strong>and</strong> that’s why on allthe levels of matter organization the same physical lawsare acting, in particular there are no special laws forthe microworld.The result is that the physical vacuum is filled with themedium, which properties can be defined on the b<strong>as</strong>isof analogy with the common microscopic mediums.Isotropy of space, small resistance to the movement ofbodies together with the high specific <strong>energy</strong> lead tothe one conclusion that ether, i.e. the medium, whichfills the world space is a g<strong>as</strong> with the commonproperties of a real viscose coercible g<strong>as</strong>.As far <strong>as</strong> on all the levels of matter organization thesame physical laws are acting <strong>and</strong> ether is a commong<strong>as</strong>, then its parameters can be defined on the b<strong>as</strong>e ofanalysis of known physical non-equilibrium processesby mathematical tool of the common g<strong>as</strong> mechanics.In the b<strong>as</strong>e of calculation we should set thecorresponding etherodynamic models of well-knownphysical processes <strong>and</strong> interactions. To calculate theparameters of ether we took the <strong>energy</strong> content ofelectrical field of the proton <strong>and</strong> a strong nuclearinteraction of proton <strong>and</strong> neutron in the deuterium <strong>as</strong>initial ones. Principally we can take any other initialparameters.As the author showed in his papers, the only form ofg<strong>as</strong> movement, which provides the localization ofcoercible g<strong>as</strong> in the limited volume, is a toroidal vorticalmovement. With this the steadiness of toroid essentiallyincre<strong>as</strong>es if it h<strong>as</strong> also a circular movement of the toroid.Page 39

The received spiral vortical toroid of the coercible etheris identified with the proton, i.e. the main part of themicroworld.Neutron is different from the proton only with the factthat on its surface the gradient boundary layer iscreated, which prevents the penetration of circularmovement to the internal medium <strong>and</strong> it is considered<strong>as</strong> absence of electrical charge of the neutron. That’swhy the <strong>energy</strong> of circular movement of ether aroundthe proton is the <strong>energy</strong> of its electrical field.Comparison of an expression for the <strong>energy</strong> ofmechanical circular movement with the knownexpression for the <strong>energy</strong> of its electrical field leads usto a conclusion that the electrical charge is thecirculation of quantity of orbital movement of ether’sdensity on surface of the proton. With this the dielectricQualitative definition of the main properties of etherProperties of the real world Properties of etherThe macroworldInvariants of all physical phenomena – Invariants of ether –matter, space, time, movementmatter, space, time, movementIsotropy of the features of substance <strong>and</strong> fields in Natural filling of space by ether without any vacuum orthe space dislocationsSmall resistance to the movement of bodies Small density <strong>and</strong> viscosityHigh speed of spreading of the interactions High el<strong>as</strong>ticityMicroworldMutual transformation of all elementary particles Possibility to form the various structures of the substanceCondition of mutual transformations of the stable Elements of ether should provide a possibility of mutual“elementary particles” is the mutual impacts with impacts with keeping of mechanical parameters of thekeeping of mechanical parameters of the movement, which are <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> impulsemovement, which are <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> impulseKeeping of the matter in the boundaries of stable Presence of the forms of movement, which provide the“elementary particles” of the substance keeping of ether <strong>as</strong> a component of material formationsDifference in the specific densities of “elementaryCoercibility of ether in the wide limitsparticles” of the substanceConclusion: Ether is g<strong>as</strong>eous substance with the properties of real g<strong>as</strong>Page 40Parameter Value UnitEther <strong>as</strong> a wholeDensity ρ e= 8,85x10 -12 Kg m -3Pressure P>1,3x10 36 H m -2Specific <strong>energy</strong> content w>l,3x10 36 J/m -3Temperature T 4,3 x 10 23 m c -1Speed of the second sound V 2=c=3 x 10 8 m c -1Coefficient of temperature conductivity à≈4 x 10 9 m 2 c -1Coefficient of thermal conductivity k t≈1,2 x 10 89 kg m s -3 °Ê -1Kinematical viscosity χ≈4x10 9 m 2 s -1Dynamic viscosity η≈3,5 x 10 -2 Kg m -1 s -1Adiabatic index 1-1,4 -Thermal capacity for constant pressure C p>1,4 x 10 91 m 2 s -2 °K -1Thermal capacity with the constant volume C v>10 91 m 2 s -2 °K -1Amer (the element of ether)M<strong>as</strong>s m a< 1,5x10 -114 KgDiameter d a 5,8x10 102 m -3Medium length of the free path λ a< 7,4x10 -15 mMedium speed of the thermal movement u à=5,4x10 23 m s -1

permittivity of vacuum appears to be the m<strong>as</strong>s densityof ether. The me<strong>as</strong>ure “Farads per meter” correspondsto the me<strong>as</strong>ure “kg per m 3 ” which allows us to definethe density of ether in near-Earth space, which is equalto 8,85.10 -12 kg per m 3 .Strong nuclear interaction is an interaction of nucleonsthrough their general gradient boundary layer. Thepressure of ether in this layer decre<strong>as</strong>es due to the highgradient of speeds <strong>and</strong> the external ether push thenucleons to each other. Since the <strong>energy</strong> of protonneutronbond in the deuteron constitutes 2,2245 MeV,the distance on which the interaction decre<strong>as</strong>es to <strong>zero</strong>is equal to 1 Fermi <strong>and</strong> the square of the cross-sectionof nucleons is equal to 2x10 -30 m 2 , then the pressure inether will be not less than 2x10 32 kg/m 2 . But accordingto the refined data the pressure constitutes not lessthan 1,3.10 36 kg/m 2 , accordingly its <strong>energy</strong> content isequal to 1,3.10 36 J/ m 3 . The other parameters of etherare defined by the common formul<strong>as</strong> of g<strong>as</strong> mechanics.The parameters of ether in the near-Earth space <strong>and</strong>the parameters of amer (its molecule) are shown in thetable below.As we know, nucleons have the highest <strong>energy</strong> ofinteraction when they are components of alphaparticles. In this c<strong>as</strong>e the <strong>energy</strong> is equal to 7,1 MeV.We can simply explain it in etherodynamic of the alphaparticle: every nucleon is connected with the othersthrough two surfaces, in comparison with the deuteronit immediately gives 2,2245x2=5,225 MeV, the otherpart of <strong>energy</strong> is additionally gathered due to thedeformation of proton’s vortexes <strong>and</strong> extending of thesquare of their connection since ether push them to eachother. Also part of the <strong>energy</strong> is derived from thecommon flows of ether inside <strong>and</strong> outside the alphaparticle. You can see it clear on the model.From this we can immediately receive the advisabilityof construction of the atomic nucleus on the b<strong>as</strong>e ofalpha particles (even-even nucleuses), i.e. nucleusesof helium, beryllium, carbon, oxygen, neon, <strong>and</strong>magnesium up to zinc. We can naturally explain thechanges in <strong>energy</strong> during incre<strong>as</strong>ing of the quantity ofnucleons in the nucleuses (considering theirdeformation) that is so called “magic nucleus”, whichare the b<strong>as</strong>ic structures for all isotopes of oxygen,calcium, ruthenium, gadolinium <strong>and</strong> so on. From thestructure of nucleuses we can get the naturalexplanation of their spins, form co-efficient, magneticmoments <strong>and</strong> so on. Thus etherodynamic modelingappeared to be very productive.Consideration of the properties of proton allows makinga conclusion on its three possible states: <strong>as</strong> a protonitself, <strong>as</strong> a neutron or an atom of the oxygen. In the firstc<strong>as</strong>e the toroidal <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> the circular movements ofether exceed the bounds of the body of proton <strong>and</strong> thespiral flows of ether are formed around it. They havethe same spiral factor <strong>as</strong> the body of proton. These flowsare considered to be the magnetic field (toroidalmovement) <strong>and</strong> electrical field (circular movement). Itshould be mentioned that Bio-Savar law can describeIn the second c<strong>as</strong>e the toroidal movement exceeds thebounds of the body of proton <strong>and</strong> circular motion islocalized in the bounds of gradient boundary layer thatis why the magnetic moment remains existing <strong>and</strong> theelectrical charge is absent. In the third c<strong>as</strong>e there isthe circular movement around toroid <strong>and</strong> toroidal flowsare locked not though the body of proton like in the firstc<strong>as</strong>e but outside of the body. This leads to the changeof sign of the spiral movement to the opposite sign. Thisis considered to be the electrical field, which h<strong>as</strong> a signof charge opposite to the proton c<strong>as</strong>e. This adjoinedvortex is the electron shell of the atom.Thus we can get the vortex model of atom <strong>and</strong> on thisb<strong>as</strong>e we can construct the models of electron shells forany atom or molecule, with this all quantum correlationsremain valid <strong>and</strong> they get a simple interpretation. Inparticular, the psi-function have the sense of the m<strong>as</strong>sdensity but it is not the “density of probability ofappearance of the electron” that Eddington knew in1940.The corpuscular-wave dualism gets the naturalexplanation, because the structure of photon appearedto be similar to the known “Karman’s track”, whichconsists of linear vortexes situated <strong>as</strong> a checkerboardpattern with regard to each other. Here the length ofwave is the distance between centers of co-directedvortexes of one range <strong>and</strong> the m<strong>as</strong>s is the m<strong>as</strong>s of everyvortex. As to speak about the de Broglie waves, thentheir formation with the movement of particles can beexplained only <strong>as</strong> a result of particle’s movement in themedium, but not in an empty space.If the strong nuclear interaction is the result of decre<strong>as</strong>eof the pressure in the gradient field of the speeds ofether flows between the nucleons, then the weaknuclear interaction is the result of p<strong>as</strong>sing of the surfacewave along the body of nucleons. If the crests of thewaves from two nucleons are p<strong>as</strong>sing though the mutualboundary layer, then the nucleons slide apart <strong>and</strong> theforces of strong interaction become weaker. Beginningfrom some distance the forces of repulsive circularmovement (that is the electrical field) become strongenough to destroy the nuclear. The waves can becreated by the external impact of other particles(induced radioactivity) or they can be a result ofdevelopment of the oscillations in the complex nuclei(natural radioactivity).Finally, the gravitational interaction <strong>as</strong> the most generalone can be explained only on the b<strong>as</strong>e of the mostgeneral kind of the movement of ether, i.e. by means ofthe thermo-diffusion. When ether is flowing in thegradient area on surfaces of the particles of any body,the temperature of ether decre<strong>as</strong>es <strong>and</strong> around everybody the zone of lower temperature of ether is forming.Since the g<strong>as</strong> pressure is proportional to thetemperature, then around every body a zone of lowerpressure is forming. The gradient of this pressurestipulates the mutual attraction of the bodies <strong>as</strong> well<strong>as</strong> absorption of the surrounding ether by the bodies.Due to this process the m<strong>as</strong>s of all the bodies isPage 41

incre<strong>as</strong>ing constantly. We are the first who analyticallygot the law of gravity of the m<strong>as</strong>ses from the knownequation of thermal conductivity. Appeared that on therelatively small distances (in the bounds of the SunSystem) the law of gravity by Newton remains valid,but on the larger distances the sudden decre<strong>as</strong>e goeson (Gauss integral), which naturally solves the famousZelinger’s paradox of gravity.As a conclusion we should note that in the bounds of <strong>as</strong>table galaxy of a spiral kind there is the circulation ofether. Ether moves from the periphery of the galaxy toits center (nucleus) by two spiral branches. Thisbecomes apparent <strong>as</strong> a weak magnetic field (8-10 microGauss). In the nucleus of the galaxy there is the impactof two strings <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> there is formation of the spiraltoroidal circles (protons). Then the protons form theadjoined vortexes around themselves (electron shells)<strong>and</strong> from the proton- hydrogen g<strong>as</strong> the stars are forming,which are moving to the periphery by the samebranches. There they dissolve in ether at the peripherysince the protons will loose their <strong>energy</strong> <strong>and</strong> stabilitydue to the viscosity. Ether which have got the freedomwill return to the nucleus of the galaxy <strong>and</strong> this processis going on in our galaxy for hundreds milliard years<strong>and</strong> it will keep going until the new center of vortexformation will begin to concentrate ether. Then the newgalaxy will appear <strong>and</strong> our galaxy will disappear. But itwill not happen soon <strong>and</strong> we have enough time tounderst<strong>and</strong> that we should return to the concept of etherin modern science.Experimental Demonstrationof Cosmic Influence on the Earth Lifein N.A. Kozyrev’s Researches(“On the Influence of Time on Matter”)Editor’s note: this article represents a part of the bigscientific conception “World models in the new scientificprogress”. On applying of this conception a greatnumber of practical technical devices have been created(<strong>as</strong> an example of such device we offer the description ofuniversal electrical bio-heater, which w<strong>as</strong> created by thegroup of researchers from Bishkek, Kyrgyz ScienceTechnical Center “<strong>Energy</strong>” during the work on ceramicelectroconvector).We have to note that the position of our editorialboard concerning “time” <strong>and</strong> Kozyrev’s work is notin a good correlation with the authors’ one.Nicolay Alex<strong>and</strong>rovich Kozyrev scientifically <strong>and</strong>experimentally discovered the action of relations’interconnection, which w<strong>as</strong> falsely named <strong>as</strong> time. Timecannot cause action because it is absolute <strong>and</strong> doesPage 42Alex<strong>and</strong>ra L. BelyaevaBishkek, 720075, Russia 8 th Location, 46, apt.80Tel.: 7-996-31-41-25-79E-mail: artem_belyaev@mail.ruInternet: www.newphysics.h1.runot have any physical sense (Samat Kadyrov.Monograph “Theory of unified field”).Author’s note: relations’ interconnection is aninteraction of structurally similar objects. It is anuclear resonant gain-frequency process: in <strong>as</strong>tationary electric field, which is modeled bysystematic organization, there is a development ofsimilar to structural one, in-focus rays of powerfulregular coherent radiations. These coherent radiationsare determined by properties of chemical componentsof interrelated substances.According to N.A. Kozyrev, it is ought to expect notidentical density of relations’ interconnection in space.Some processes decre<strong>as</strong>e density; others on the contraryincre<strong>as</strong>e density of relations’ interconnection. Action ofthe incre<strong>as</strong>ed density is weakened according to the lawof reversed squared distances; it is shielded by a solidmatter, at thickness about 5cm, <strong>and</strong> is reflected by amirror, according to the familiar optics law. The actionof the decre<strong>as</strong>ed density on a detector is shielded, butdoes not reflected by a mirror. Properties of a mattercan be changed under the influence of relations’interconnection. In this sense there is a big advantagein changes of electric current conductivity of resistor,which is brought into Witson bridge <strong>and</strong> is located nearsome process. For instance, in order to incre<strong>as</strong>e densityit is useful to realize the process of evaporation of avolatile liquid; <strong>and</strong> for density decre<strong>as</strong>e the process ofcooling of a warmed-up agent can be realized. Due tothese processes, change of conductor resistance isactually realized with opposite signs. Incre<strong>as</strong>e of densityof the conductor with positive temperature coefficientleads to decre<strong>as</strong>e of its resistance. At negativetemperature coefficient there is an effect of the oppositesign, in the direction of changes, caused by temperaturechanges. Such correspondence to fall in temperatureshould be observed at changes of other properties of amatter, because disorder in a matter structure isreduced along with fall in temperature. The researcheshave shown the following results at the resistor, whichw<strong>as</strong> situated near processes of acetone evaporation oncotton wool <strong>and</strong> of solution of sugar in <strong>water</strong>. The

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