Benders'dictionary of nutrition and food technology

Benders'dictionary of nutrition and food technology

Benders'dictionary of nutrition and food technology


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469tetraenoic acid fatty acid with four double bonds, e.g. arachidonicacid.tetramine poisoning Paralysis similar to that caused by curare,caused by a toxin in the salivary gl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the red whelk,Neptunea antiqua (distinct from the edible whelk Buccinumundatum).tetrodontin poisoning Caused by a toxin, tetrodotoxin, in fish <strong>of</strong>the Tetrodontidae family (puffer fish) <strong>and</strong> amphibia <strong>of</strong> the Salam<strong>and</strong>ridaefamily. Occurs in Japan from Japanese puffer fish orfugu (Fuga rubripes), eaten for its gustatory <strong>and</strong> tactile pleasuresince traces <strong>of</strong> the poison cause a tingling sensation in theextremities (larger doses cause respiratory failure). The toxin isacquired via the <strong>food</strong> chain from bacteria in the coral reef,rather than synthesised by the fish. Lethal dose 10 µg/kg bodyweight.tetrodotoxin See tetrodontin poisoning.tewfikose Name given to a sugar isolated from a sample <strong>of</strong> buffalomilk obtained from Egypt in 1892, later found to be an artefact;named after Tewfik Bey Pasha, Governor <strong>of</strong> Egypt.Texatrein TM ,Texgran TM Textured vegetable proteins.texture Combination <strong>of</strong> physical properties perceived by senses<strong>of</strong> kinaesthesis (muscle–nerve endings), touch (including mouthfeel),sight <strong>and</strong> hearing. Physical properties may include shape,size, number <strong>and</strong> conformation <strong>of</strong> constituent structuralelements.The texture pr<strong>of</strong>ile is an organoleptic analysis <strong>of</strong> the complex<strong>of</strong> <strong>food</strong> in terms <strong>of</strong> mechanical <strong>and</strong> geometrical characteristics,fat <strong>and</strong> moisture content, including the order in which theyappear from the first bite to complete mastication.textured vegetable protein Spun or extruded vegetable protein,usually made to simulate meat.T g See glass transition temperature.TGS Trichlorogalactosucrose, see sucralose.thaumatin The intensely sweet protein <strong>of</strong> the African fruit,Thaumatococus danielli, 1600 times as sweet as sucrose. Calledkatemfe in Sierra Leone <strong>and</strong> miracle fruit in the Sudan (not thesame as miracle berry).theaflavins Reddish-orange pigments formed in tea during fermentation;responsible for the colour <strong>of</strong> tea extracts <strong>and</strong> part <strong>of</strong>the astringent flavour.theanine γ-N-Ethylglutamine, the major free amino acid in tea,1–2% dry weight <strong>of</strong> leaf.thearubigen Poorly characterised red-brown complex <strong>of</strong> catechinderivatives in black tea.theine Alternative name for caffeine, when found in tea.

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