Benders'dictionary of nutrition and food technology

Benders'dictionary of nutrition and food technology

Benders'dictionary of nutrition and food technology


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248hyperthyroidism See thyrotoxicosis.hypertonic A solution more concentrated than the body fluids;see isotonic.hypervitaminosis Overdosage with vitamins, leading to toxiceffects. A problem with high levels <strong>of</strong> intake <strong>of</strong> vitamins a, d, b 6<strong>and</strong> niacin, normally at levels <strong>of</strong> intake from supplements considerablyhigher than might be obtained from <strong>food</strong>s, althoughhypervitaminosis A <strong>and</strong> D may result from (enriched) <strong>food</strong>s.See also hormesis; hypercalcaemia; reference intakes; ul.hypobaric storage Of fruits <strong>and</strong> vegetables, storage below atmosphericpressure to enhance loss <strong>of</strong> CO 2 <strong>and</strong> ethylene, so slowingripening.See also packaging, modified atmosphere.hypocalcaemia Low blood calcium, leading to tetany (uncontrollabletwitching <strong>of</strong> muscles) if severe; may be due to underactivity<strong>of</strong> the parathyroid gl<strong>and</strong>, kidney failure or vitamin ddeficiency.hypochlorhydria Partial deficiency <strong>of</strong> hydrochloric acid secretionin the gastric juice.See also achlorhydria; anaemia, pernicious; gastricsecretion.hypogeusia Diminished sense <strong>of</strong> taste. An early sign <strong>of</strong> marginalzinc deficiency, <strong>and</strong> potentially useful as an index <strong>of</strong> zinc status.See also dysgeusia; gustin; parageusia.hypoglycaemia Abnormally low blood glucose; (normal is3.5–5.5 mmol/L); may result in loss <strong>of</strong> consciousness, hypoglycaemiccoma.hypoglycaemic agents Three groups <strong>of</strong> compounds are used asoral hypoglycaemic agents for treatment <strong>of</strong> non-insulindependentdiabetes mellitus: the sulphonylureas (chlorpropamide,glibenclamide, glicazide, glimepiride, glipizide, gliquidone,tolazamide, tolbutamide) act to enhance secretion <strong>of</strong>insulin; buformin, metformin <strong>and</strong> phenformin are biguanidesthat act to decrease gluconeogenesis <strong>and</strong> increase peripheralutilisation <strong>of</strong> glucose; thiazolidinediones activate the PPAR γreceptor, so decreasing insulin resistance, modifying adipocytedifferentiation <strong>and</strong> decreasing leptin secretion.hypokalaemia Abnormally low plasma potassium.hypophosphataemia Abnormally low plasma phosphate.hypoproteinaemia Abnormally low total plasma proteinconcentration.hyposite Little used word, from Greek, for low-energy <strong>food</strong>.hypothermia Low body temperature (normal is around 37 °C).Occurs among elderly people far more readily than in younger

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