CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide


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•If the search will be carried out in the root folders sub-folders, set the Look insubfolders option.•The output of the search results can go into two separate panes. If the outputshould go into the second pane, select Output to pane 2 option.•Click Find button.Regular expressionsThe editor can search and replace test using regular expressions. A regular expressionis a string that uses special characters to describe and reference patterns of text. Theregular expression system used by the editor is modelled on Perls regexp language. Formore in<strong>for</strong>mation on regular expressions, see Mastering Regular Expressions, Jeffrey E FFreidl, ISBN 0596002890.Summary of special charactersThe following table summarizes the special characters that the CrossStudio editorsupports.Characters Meaning\d Match a numeric character.\D Match a non-numeric character.\s Match a whitespace character.\S Match a non-whitespace character.\w Match a word character.\W Match a non-word character.[c]\cMatch set of characters, e.g. [ch] matches characters c or h. A rangecan be specified using the - character, e.g. [0-27-9] matches ifcharacter is 0, 1, 2, 7 8 or 9. A range can be negated using the ^character, e.g. [^a-z] matches if character is anything other than alower case alphabetic character.The literal character c. For example to match the character * youwould use \*.\a Match ASCII bell character.\f Match ASCII <strong>for</strong>m feed character.\n Match ASCII line feed character.Chapter 8Regular expressions83

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