CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide


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- General utilitiesThe header file defines a number of types, macros, and functions of generalutility.Typesdiv_tldiv_tlldiv_tStructure containing quotient and remainder after division ofintsStructure containing quotient and remainder after division oflongsStructure containing quotient and remainder after division oflong longsString to number conversionsatoiatolatollstrtolstrtollstrtoulstrtoullConvert string to intConvert string to longConvert string to long longConvert string to longConvert string to long longConvert string to unsigned longConvert string to unsigned long longNumber to string conversionsitoaltoalltoautoaultoaultoaConvert int to stringConvert long to stringConvert long long to stringConvert unsigned to stringConvert unsigned long to stringConvert unsigned long long to stringInteger arithmetic functionsdivldivlldivDivide two ints returning quotient and remainderDivide two longs returning quotient and remainderDivide two long longs returning quotient and remainderChapter 28 - General utilities295

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