CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide


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To correct the error, change the return type of factorial from void to int in itsprototype.To move the cursor to the line containing the next error, type F4 or from the Searchmenu, click Next Location. The cursor is now positioned at the debug_printfstatement which is missing a terminating semicolonadd the semicolon to the end of theline. Using F4 again indicates that we have corrected all errors:Pressing F4 again wraps around and moves the cursor to the first error, and you canuse Shift+F4 or Previous Location in the Search menu to move back through errors.Now that the errors are corrected, compile the project again. The build log still showsthat we have a problem.Notice that fact.c has not been recompiled because it was compiled correctly be<strong>for</strong>eand is up to date. The remaining error is a linkage error. Double click on fact.c inthe Project Explorer to open it <strong>for</strong> editing and change the two occurrences of fact tofactorial. Recompile the project—this time, the project compiles correctly:Exploring projectsNow that the project has no errors and builds correctly, we can turn our attention touncovering exactly how our application fits in memory and how to navigate around it.Using Project Explorer featuresThe Project Explorer is the central focus <strong>for</strong> arranging your source code into projects,and it's a good place to show ancillary in<strong>for</strong>mation gathered when CrossStudio buildsyour applications. This section will cover the features that the Project Explorer offers togive you an overview of your project.22 Chapter 2 CrossStudio Tutorial

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