CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide

CrossWorks for ARM User Guide


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The Macros menuMacros menu commandsMenu command Keystroke DescriptionPlay Recording Ctrl+Shift+P Plays the last recorded keyboard macro.Start Recording Ctrl+Shift+R Starts recording a keyboard macro.Pause/ResumeRecordingStop RecordingCancelRecordingInsert Hard TabDeclare Or Castto typeInsert keywordCtrl+Q, TabTemporarily pauses a recording a keyboard macro. If alreadypaused, recommences recording of the keyboard macro.Stops recording a keyboard macro and saves it. Note that whenrecording has commenced, the keystroke to stop recording thekeyboard macro is Ctrl+Shift+R.Cancels recording without changing the current keyboard macro.Inserts a tab character into the document even if the documentslanguage settings inserts tabs as spaces.If there is a selection, parentheses are placed around the selectionand that expression is cast to type. If there is no selection, type isinserted into the document.Inserts keyword into the document, followed by a space.Edit Selection menuThe Edit > Selection menu provides commands to operate on the selection.180 Chapter 16 CrossStudio menu summary

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