Research Project Research Rubric

Research Project Research Rubric

Research Project Research Rubric


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WWII UnitName: ____________________________________ #_____ Date: _________________<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Project</strong>Standards:The students will identify how major leaders influenced the WWII era.The students will differentiate between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers.The students will analyze changes in power during WWII.The students will locate nonfiction reference materials.The students will evaluate the relevancy of information found in nonfiction referencematerials.Over the course of two class periods, you will be researching the events that led to thebeginning of WWII using a variety of relevant nonfiction reference materials. Relevantnonfiction reference materials available include World Book Encyclopedias, computer-basedencyclopedias, and websites found through the search engine “netTrekker.” Using thesereferences, you should be able to complete the form below. Depending on the event you aredescribing, you may or may not be able to include information in each area. To be sure thatyou are fully meeting the expectations of this assignment, refer to the rubric you will be gradedwith.<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong>Criteria 0 3 5Uses appropriatenonfiction referencematerialsDoes not use anyappropriate nonfictionreference materialsUses some appropriatenonfiction referencematerialsUses all appropriatenonfiction referencematerialsDemonstrates efficientnote-takingDoes not demonstrateefficient note-takingSomewhatdemonstrates efficientnote-takingFully demonstratesefficient note-takingDetermines essentialinformation fromresourcesDoes not determineessential informationfrom resourcesSomewhat determinesessential informationfrom resourcesFully determinesessential informationfrom resourcesTotal: /15

WWII UnitName: ____________________________________ #_____ Date: _________________<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Project</strong>Note-Taking SheetMajor event:WhereeventoccurredLeader(s)involvedCountry orCountriesInvolvedAllied/AxisPowersInfluence of eventSource whereinformationwas locatedMajor event:Major event:Major event:

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