Registration forms - St. Mary's Central High School

Registration forms - St. Mary's Central High School

Registration forms - St. Mary's Central High School


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PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET FROM THE PACKET<strong>St</strong>udent # 1 Name<strong>St</strong>udent # 2Name<strong>St</strong>udent # 3 NameGr.Gr.Gr.Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> 2012-13Welcome Back <strong>St</strong>udents and Parents!We hope you have been enjoying the months of summer. This checklist is to help youthrough the registration process. Please be sure to fill out all attached <strong>forms</strong> and return theentire packet before you leave today. We are here to help you, so please feel free to ask anyquestions along the way.Parents & <strong>St</strong>udents: Please Complete The Following Forms In This Packet___ <strong>St</strong>udent Handbook Signature Page___ Code of Conduct Signature Page___ Computer/Technology Users Agreement And Parent Permission Form___ Field Trip Liability Waiver___ Substance Abuse Free <strong>School</strong> Contractual Covenant___ Administrating Medication___ Model /Interactive Video Release Agreement___ Communication/Emergency Medical Form<strong>St</strong>udents: Don’t Forget To Pick Up___ Planners___ Locker Number___ <strong>St</strong>udent ID Cards___ Lunch Plan (Separate Payment $3.00 per meal)___ Lunch Photo ID/Finger Print Scan (For all new students)Parents: <strong>St</strong>op In The Library To Finalize Tuition Forms And Payment___ 2012-13 Tuition Information Sheet___ Authorization Agreement For Automatic Payment (Optional)___Co-Curricular Participation FeeOther Forms Of Interest:____ Application For Free And Reduced-Price Meals____ Parents Of Seniors Only (2013 Diplomas)

2012-13 STUDENT HANDBOOK SIGNATURE PAGEDear Parent(s) / Guardian and <strong>St</strong>udent(s):It is important that you and your child read and review the contents of this handbook. It containsnotices or rights that you and your child have under the law. Please sign and return this page toindicate that you have read and reviewed the handbook with your child.I understand and consent to the responsibilities in the <strong>School</strong>’s student behavior policies as outlinedin this handbook. I also understand and agree that my child(ren):,shall be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the discipline policy atschool and at school-sponsored and school-related activities, including school-sponsored travel, andfor any school-related misconduct, regardless of time or location. I understand that any student whoviolates the rules established by the ND <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Activities Association is subject to suspensionfrom participation as described in those rules. I further understand that any student who violates theschool’s rules of behavior shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including referral forcriminal prosecution for violations of law.Regarding student records, I understand that certain information about my child is considereddirectory information. Directory information includes: a student’s name, address, telephone number,date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, attendance, awardsreceived in school, and most recent previous school attended. In addition, federal law requires localeducational agencies receiving Federal money to provide military recruiters, upon request, with threedirectory information categories—names, addresses and telephone listing. Directory informationmay be released by the <strong>School</strong> to anyone who requests it unless I object in writing to the release ofany or all of this information within ten school days of the time this handbook was issued to mychild. I have marked through those types of directory information listed above that I wish the <strong>School</strong>to withhold.Signature of parent/guardianDateSignature of student #1DateSignature of student #2DateSignature of student #3Date

2012-13 CODE OF CONDUCT AND SPORTSMANSHIPCO-CURRICULAR PARTICIPATION POLICYPhilosophyAt <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Mary's</strong>, our goal is to provide all students an opportunity to participate in our co-curricular program.Emphasis at the lower level should be on participation and learning of the skills and not on winning and losing.As an individual progresses in the program and masters the skills, winning and losing will become a bigger partof the activity. It is our hope that the students involved in co-curricular activities enjoy themselves and becomemore enriched young people because of the experience. The co-curricular participants will be ladies andgentlemen, showing proper attitude and conduct at all times.Game Day AttireOn days of competition team members are to follow SMCHS dress code.Co-Curricular Activities Covered By This Policy1. All athletic teams2. All co-op athletes3. Saintiques4. Cheerleaders5. Music (competitive and co-curricular groups)6. Drama/speech teams7. Academic i.e. Science Olympiad, Math meets, etc.Training RulesEach individual coach will set up policies for his/her participants with approval of the athletic director. Inaddition, these rules apply:The use or possession of tobacco, alcohol or any controlled substance as defined by North Dakota law isprohibited. Any violation will result in a 6-week suspension for the first offense and a period of 18 weeks forany subsequent offense. The athletic director and the administration will carry out an investigation.<strong>St</strong>udents may request a hearing in writing within three days of the offense.Association or attendance at a place where alcohol or drugs are being used will result in a two-weeksuspension from activities starting from the time the administrative team is informed. The second offensewill result in a three-week suspension and a third offense could mean suspension from the activity. Astudent is considered “in attendance” or “by association” if he/she is there. The amount of time present isnot a consideration.The SMCHS Substance Abuse Free <strong>School</strong> Policy is followed in all situations. (Pages 10-12, <strong>St</strong>udent Handbook)Conduct In <strong>School</strong>Proper conduct in school is essential because of the participant's visibility in the peer community. Unbecomingconduct will result in a suspension from the activity, determined on a case-by-case basis. It is expected theparticipant should be a model for all other students.Attendance and Absence1. Absence from school by an individual will result in loss of practice or game for that day. He or she must bein school all day unless for a medical appointment or other excused family matters.2. A student absent from any classes the day following a school night activity risk missing the next scheduledevent.<strong>School</strong> Trips1. The school dress code will be in effect for all trips.2. At all times, students are expected to act like ladies and gentlemen.3. All participates must ride to the activity in school related transportation. To promote a sense of team unity,students are encouraged to ride home with the team, but may ride home with their parents if permitted bythe activity's head coach or advisor.Cutting PolicyIf at all possible, no cutting will be done at the freshman and sophomore level. However, cutting may benecessary at the junior and senior level.

Eligibility Requirements1. North Dakota <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Activities Associationa. <strong>St</strong>udents are not eligible if they do not earn credits in four subjects the preceding semester.b. <strong>St</strong>udents are not eligible if they do not maintain a passing average in four subjects during the presentsemester.2. <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Mary's</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>a. In order to participate in co-curricular activities, a student must balance time between his/her academicrequirements and co-curricular’s. Each student should maintain a grade point average (GPA), whichcorrelates with his or her ability and potential. Each student is assigned an eligibility (EGPA)determined by class load, potential, and past performance. This EGPA must be achieved by thestudent in order to participate in co-curricular activities and goes beyond the minimum requirements ofthe NDHSAA.b. Formula: Accumulative GPA minus .3 = EGPAc. Other factors1. The maximum EGPA any student will have to maintain is 3.3.2. The student is issued the EGPA's at the beginning of the co-curricular activity’s season. If he/shewishes to negotiate a lower EGPA, it must be done at that time, not after being determinedineligible.3. <strong>St</strong>udents are checked at midterm of the first grading period to ensure that fall participants areincluded in the process. After that, he or she is checked at the end of each established gradingperiod.If a student is failing a class yet has achieved his/her EGPA, he/she will be eligible for the week afterthe grade run. However, the student must achieve a passing grade in that class at the next graderun in order to stay eligible.If a student fails to make the EGPA, then he/she is ineligible for the following week. A grade check isrun at the end of that week to determine eligibility for the following week. This is done until thestudent achieves his/her EGPA.Co-Curricular Event ExpectationsAll students are encouraged to attend as many co-curricular events as they can in order to support andencourage fellow classmates. While all are encouraged to support the event with as much enthusiasm as possible,it should be kept in mind that we respect our opponent, the game officials, our own players and coaches.Permission to hang posters should be obtained from the principal. At no time are cheers, posters or spontaneousreactions to contain profanity, profane innuendo, sexual connotations or a denigration of our opponent. When inattendance at co-curricular events that is held outside of SMCHS, students must still follow all rules, procedures andregulations as set by the school.Co-Curricular Participation AgreementAs a member of <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Activities Program, I am representing <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong>. Participation in school activities is a privilege which is earned. I will be expected to conduct myself in amanner consistent with the high expectations set forth by <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, my advisor/coach, and theNorth Dakota <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Activities Association.<strong>School</strong> activity participants are expected to live up to the Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship. Any violation of thisCode shall result in an indefinite suspension, the length of which shall be determined by the Administrative Team.Because each individual and each violation is different, each infraction will be dealt with on its own merit.Ih a v eread the Code of Conduct, and I understand my obligation, and agree to abide by the rules set forth by the <strong>St</strong>.Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the coaches/advisors, and the North Dakota <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Activities Association.Signed(<strong>St</strong>udent #1)(Date)Signed(<strong>St</strong>udent #2)(Date)Signed(<strong>St</strong>udent #3)(Date)I have read this Code of Conduct and understand the responsibilities my son/daughter has assumed as a memberof the extracurricular program at <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Signed(Parent)(Date)

2012-13 COMPUTER/TECHNOLOGY USERSAGREEMENT AND PARENT PERMISSION FORMI understand and will abide by the <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Technology usepolicy. I must adhere to all rules of courtesy, etiquette, and laws regarding access andcopying information as prescribed by either Federal. <strong>St</strong>ate, Local Law or the <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong>. I understand that my user privileges will be revoked for an undetermined and indefiniteperiod of time should I violate any of the terms of this policy.<strong>St</strong>udent # 1 SignatureDate<strong>St</strong>udent # 2 SignatureDate<strong>St</strong>udent # 3 SignatureDateAs the parent or legal of the student(s) signing above, I grant permission for my son(s) or daughter(s)to use the telecommunication system, including the Internet and SENDIT and associated hardwareand software components. While the <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> will take precautions to restrictaccess to controversial material, it is impossible to fully eliminate all access. I will not hold theschool responsible for materials acquired on the Network.Parent/Guardian SignatureDate**************************************************************************I hereby request that my son(s)/daughter(s)2012-13 <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Field Trip Release of Liability Waiverbe allowed to participate in field trip activities during the 2012-13 school year.I, ,agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, executors, and personal representatives, to hold harmlessand defend <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the Diocese of Bismarck, its officers, directors, agents,employees, or representatives associated with the field trip from any and all liability claims, loss ordamage arising from or in connection with my participation in the field trip.<strong>St</strong>udent #1 Signature:<strong>St</strong>udent #2 Signature:Date:Date:<strong>St</strong>udent #3 Signature:Parent Signature:Date:Date:

2012-13 <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> SubstanceAbuse Free <strong>School</strong> Contractual CovenantWe, the undersigned, acknowledge the conditions set forth in the SMCHS Substance Abuse Freeschool policy. We further agree that we will abide by the stipulations set forth by the policy, asinterpreted by the school board and administration.Parent SignatureDate<strong>St</strong>udent # 1 SignatureDate<strong>St</strong>udent # 2 SignatureDate<strong>St</strong>udent # 3 SignatureDate***************************************************************************2012-13 <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Administrating MedicationAdministration of prescribed or other medication during the school day:1. Any medication, which is prescribed by a physician to be administrated at school, should bebrought to the Main Office. The medication must be accompanied by a signed request fromthe parent or guardian and include the specific instructions for its administration.2. Pain reliever (Tylenol) or any other over-the-counter medications (cough, cold, sore throattablets, etc) will not be available or administered by office personnel.Parent SignatureDate

<strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>1025 North 2nd <strong>St</strong>reetBismarck, ND 58501701-223-4113I hereby give my consent to <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in Bismarck, North Dakota,to use my name, portrait or picture, or image (motion or still) for editorial or advertisingpurposes, for purposes of trade, for use over the Interactive Video Network, or for anylawful purpose whatsoever. Such consent is granted freely, and without obligationexpressed or implied, for payment or any other consideration from <strong>St</strong>. Mary’s <strong>Central</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<strong>St</strong>udent # 1 PRINTED Full Name<strong>St</strong>udent # 1 Signature<strong>St</strong>udent # 2 PRINTED Full Name<strong>St</strong>udent # 2 Signature<strong>St</strong>udent # 3 PRINTED Full Name<strong>St</strong>udent # 3 Signature<strong>St</strong>udent(s) AddressTelephone NumberPersons under the age of 18 MUST HAVE the consent of a parent or guardian.The undersigned, being the parent(s)/guardian of the minor(s) listed above, doeshereby consent to and agree to be bound by the above release.Parents(s)/Guardian PRINTED Full NameParent(s)/Guardian SignatureParents(s)/Guardian Address Parent(s)/Guardian Telephone #Date:Comments or Release Specifications:

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