LDA - Louisiana Dental Association

LDA - Louisiana Dental Association LDA - Louisiana Dental Association


LDAlast pageDavid AustinLDA Web Site DisclaimerWho Should Not Access The Web Site:Do not access the Web site if you are taking medications,such as but not excluding: rhzatriptan methysercide,phenwelzine sulfate, trancycleypromine, itraknazole,or Doan’s Little Liver Pills. Accessing the Web site whileon medications such as these can cause, but may not:headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, ringing in the ears,joyfulness, and menopause.Possible Side Effects:Side effects noted during use of Web site include,eyestrain, mouse allergy, severe hunger, computer upgradeyearning, digital nervousness, pet neglect, and constipation.Some slight paresthesia has been noted in the extremities,including the buttocks. If you experience sleepiness,you should evaluate your ability to perform complextasks, such as driving or operating heavy machinery,performing neurosurgery at home, or writing a letterto Paris Hilton. Tell your doctor if you develop a rashor itching as this could be a sign of allergy.In very rare cases, heaviness in your chest causingpressure and difficult breathing and/or tightness in theupper extremities, including thethroat, can occur if you shoulduse your desktop computerwhile lying in bed with it onyour chest. It would be bestto use a smaller computer suchas, but not limited to, a laptopor notebook. However, sleepingwith your computer is highlydiscouraged, as this could causeproblems, such as but notincluding, nagging spouse, bedon fire, divorce, and generallystupid comments made byfamily, friends andneighbors.Women Who Are Pregnant:No contraindications are known for pregnant womento access the Web site. If you are not sure you are pregnantbut would like to know, this Web site will be of nobenefit to determine these results.Additional Information:Non-members can access the Web site, but onlymembers can log-in and receive maximum utilizationbenefit. Smoking is discouraged while accessing the Website, as the LDA office can be harmed by second-handsmoke. Also, accessing the Web site while in the showeror bath is strictly prohibited, because we can see whatyou are doing and our office staff could be shocked.We would also strongly discourage you from accessingthe Web site while skydiving, because this makes ushold our breath.Contact Your Doctor Immediately:If any of the above symptoms as mentioned do notgo away in a short time, or if you experience swelling ofyour hands, legs, face, lips, eyes, throat, or continuingdreams of Bill Gates.Go See Your Doctor Like Right NowDude:If your heartbeat and breathing should cease,however, this is most probably an indication that youhave wandered off of the LDA Web site and have foundsomething you shouldn’t be looking at. Be careful andsurf the web with caution. t40 LDA Journal

<strong>LDA</strong>last pageDavid Austin<strong>LDA</strong> Web Site DisclaimerWho Should Not Access The Web Site:Do not access the Web site if you are taking medications,such as but not excluding: rhzatriptan methysercide,phenwelzine sulfate, trancycleypromine, itraknazole,or Doan’s Little Liver Pills. Accessing the Web site whileon medications such as these can cause, but may not:headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, ringing in the ears,joyfulness, and menopause.Possible Side Effects:Side effects noted during use of Web site include,eyestrain, mouse allergy, severe hunger, computer upgradeyearning, digital nervousness, pet neglect, and constipation.Some slight paresthesia has been noted in the extremities,including the buttocks. If you experience sleepiness,you should evaluate your ability to perform complextasks, such as driving or operating heavy machinery,performing neurosurgery at home, or writing a letterto Paris Hilton. Tell your doctor if you develop a rashor itching as this could be a sign of allergy.In very rare cases, heaviness in your chest causingpressure and difficult breathing and/or tightness in theupper extremities, including thethroat, can occur if you shoulduse your desktop computerwhile lying in bed with it onyour chest. It would be bestto use a smaller computer suchas, but not limited to, a laptopor notebook. However, sleepingwith your computer is highlydiscouraged, as this could causeproblems, such as but notincluding, nagging spouse, bedon fire, divorce, and generallystupid comments made byfamily, friends andneighbors.Women Who Are Pregnant:No contraindications are known for pregnant womento access the Web site. If you are not sure you are pregnantbut would like to know, this Web site will be of nobenefit to determine these results.Additional Information:Non-members can access the Web site, but onlymembers can log-in and receive maximum utilizationbenefit. Smoking is discouraged while accessing the Website, as the <strong>LDA</strong> office can be harmed by second-handsmoke. Also, accessing the Web site while in the showeror bath is strictly prohibited, because we can see whatyou are doing and our office staff could be shocked.We would also strongly discourage you from accessingthe Web site while skydiving, because this makes ushold our breath.Contact Your Doctor Immediately:If any of the above symptoms as mentioned do notgo away in a short time, or if you experience swelling ofyour hands, legs, face, lips, eyes, throat, or continuingdreams of Bill Gates.Go See Your Doctor Like Right NowDude:If your heartbeat and breathing should cease,however, this is most probably an indication that youhave wandered off of the <strong>LDA</strong> Web site and have foundsomething you shouldn’t be looking at. Be careful andsurf the web with caution. t40 <strong>LDA</strong> Journal

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