EZ-SET® Torsion Spring System Assembly Installation ... - Clopay

EZ-SET® Torsion Spring System Assembly Installation ... - Clopay EZ-SET® Torsion Spring System Assembly Installation ... - Clopay

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EZ-SET ® Torsion Spring SystemAssembly Installation InstructionsEZ-SET ® Torsion SpringSystem AssemblyInstallation InstructionsThese instructions are to be used in conjunctionwith your standard installation manual. Followthe manual up through “Assembling & Installingthe Track” — except leave a minimum of 1 /2" perside between track and door, and just loosely(temporarily) attach 3 /8"-16 x 3 /4" carriage boltin flag bracket.Please read and understand these instructionscompletely before proceeding with the installationof the EZ-SET ® Torsion Spring System.Carefully follow these instructions to avoidpersonal injury or property damage.Tools Needed• 3 /8" Medium duty reversible power drill• 3 /8" Open end wrench• 3 /16" Hex wrench• 1 /8" Drill bit• 1 /4" Insert bit (included)In the interest of safety this symbol meansWARNING or CAUTION. Personal injuryand/or property damage may occur unlessinstructions are followed carefully.Use these instructions for the EZ-SET ® TorsionSpring System only. (If you have regulartorsion springs, extension springs, or theEZ-SET® Extension Spring System see the standardInstallation Manual.)All references to left hand and right hand are made assumingthat you are inside the garage looking out.

<strong>EZ</strong>-SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong><strong>Assembly</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> Instructions<strong>EZ</strong>-SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong><strong>System</strong> <strong>Assembly</strong><strong>Installation</strong> InstructionsThese instructions are to be used in conjunctionwith your standard installation manual. Followthe manual up through “Assembling & Installingthe Track” — except leave a minimum of 1 /2" perside between track and door, and just loosely(temporarily) attach 3 /8"-16 x 3 /4" carriage boltin flag bracket.Please read and understand these instructionscompletely before proceeding with the installationof the <strong>EZ</strong>-SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong>.Carefully follow these instructions to avoidpersonal injury or property damage.Tools Needed• 3 /8" Medium duty reversible power drill• 3 /8" Open end wrench• 3 /16" Hex wrench• 1 /8" Drill bit• 1 /4" Insert bit (included)In the interest of safety this symbol meansWARNING or CAUTION. Personal injuryand/or property damage may occur unlessinstructions are followed carefully.Use these instructions for the <strong>EZ</strong>-SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong><strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong> only. (If you have regulartorsion springs, extension springs, or the<strong>EZ</strong>-SET® Extension <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong> see the standard<strong>Installation</strong> Manual.)All references to left hand and right hand are made assumingthat you are inside the garage looking out.

Installing The <strong>EZ</strong>-SET ®<strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong>FlagBracketJambStep 1Attach the bracket to the flag bracket and thehorizontal angle with a 3 /8"-16 x 3 /4" carriage boltand 3 /8" flange nut. (FIG. 1, VIEW A) Be sure toorient the carriage bolt and flange nut as shown inFigure 1, Views A and B. Remove and reattach theexisting 3 /8"-16 carriage bolt as required. The bracketshould be up against the jamb and the flag bracket.If your door is 2" thick the carriage bolt should befastened through the slot in the flag bracket furthestfrom the jamb. If your door is 1 3 /8" thick the carriagebolt should be fastened in the slot closest to thejamb. If you have double track low headroom, seeFigure 2 for carriage bolt mounting locations. Dothis for both the left and right sides.NOTE: Before installing 5 /16" lag screws, it isimportant to drill 3 /16" pilot holes where the lagscrews are to be attached.Use two 5 /16" x 1 5 /8" lag screws to connect the bracketssecurely to the jamb or the header.(FIG. 1, VIEW B) Install the lag screws in theslots closest to the flag bracket if possible.Before proceeding to Step 2, make sure thecarriage bolt(s) and the lag screws are fastenedsecurely and the bracket is seated against thejamb and the flag bracket. Do this for both the leftand right sides. Solid attachment is critical sincethese brackets will be under strong spring tension.15" RadiusTrack SlotsExisting3/8" FlangeNutFig. 1BracketHorizontalAngleView A2" thick door (Left Side Shown)12" Radius Track, using Slots 1 and 415” RADIUS TRACK, USES TOP TWO SLOTSJamb3/8" – 16 x 3 /4"CarriageBoltLag ScrewView b2" thick door (Left Side Shown)12" Radius Track, using Slot 1BracketLag ScrewNOTE: If your torsion tube is one full-lengthpiece skip to Step 3.Insert carriage bolts fromopposite side similarto Figure 1BBracketLow HeadroomStarter AngleFig. 2FlagBracketHorizontalTracksdouble track low head room(left side shown)

Slide the spring(s), drums, winding unit(s), andend bearing support (if supplied) onto the torsiontube as shown in Figures 6 and 7. Alignmentmay be required before the tube will pass throughspring spacer inside the spring.Left Side <strong>Torsion</strong><strong>Spring</strong> (L-GREEN)<strong>Torsion</strong>TubeRight HandDrum (Black)If you have one spring see Figure 6 for the configurationof the components on the torsion tube.The spring with "L-GREEN" stenciled on it andgreen components MUST be put on the left sideof the tube. Make sure the end bearing support isoriented so that the bearing is facing toward theright drum.If you have two springs see Figure 7 for theconfiguration of the components on the torsiontube. The spring with "L-GREEN" stenciled on itand green components MUST be put on the leftside of the tube and the spring with "R-ORANGE"stenciled on it and orange components MUST beput on the right side of the tube. The torsion tubecoupler will be located between the two springs ifso equipped.The drums should be oriented so that the slots arefacing away from the winding unit(s) and the endbearing support (if supplied) as shown in Figure8, Views A and B. The drums are designated asleft side and right side by the letters “L” and “R”respectively found near the cable slot.Left SideDrum (Red)Fig. 6Left Side <strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong>(L-GREEN)Left Side Drum(Red)Left Side Winding Unit(Green Label)Fig. 7Left Side WindingUnit (GreenLabel)SetConeOne <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong><strong>Torsion</strong>TubeTwo <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong>EndBearingSupportRight Side WindingUnit (Orange Label)Right SideDrum (Black)Right Side<strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong>(R-ORANGE)Letter “L”Cable SlotLeft Side Drum(Marked with Red Paint)View ALeft side shownLeft Side WindingUnitCable SlotLetter “R”Right Side WindingUnitRight Side Drum(Marked with Black Paint)Fig. 8View BRight Side Shown

Step 4Carefully lift up the torsion tube and componentsand place the ends of the tube in the cradle ofeach bracket. Pull the tube away from the bracketto slide the drum in between the bracket legs, andengage the winding unit rails in the bracket slot.(FIG. 10, VIEW A) Push the winding unit rails intothe bracket until the unit bottoms out.BracketWinding UnitBearingIf you have a door with two springs, go to the rightside and repeat the procedure for installing thewinding unit in the bracket.If you have a door with only one spring, go to theright side and install the end bearing support. Theend bearing support is installed in the same manneras the winding unit. Pull the tube back just farenough to place the drum between the legs of thebracket. Do not pull the tube further than neededto move the end bearing support and drum intoplace, as damage may occur to a unit that is engagedon the other side. Line up theend bearing support rails (making sure that theorientation feature is facing away from the bracket)and push it into the bracket until itbottoms out. (FIG. 10, VIEW B)Center the tube as equally as possible betweenthe brackets, so that an equal amount of the tubeis extending from each side.Step 5 (Doors over 10' wide only)NOTE: Before installing 1 /4" lag screws, it isimportant to drill 1 /8" pilot holes where the lagscrews are to be attached.Snap the center support onto the center of thetorsion tube (or coupler if present). Fasten thesupport with two 1 /4" x 1" lag screws to the headerabove the center of the door. The lag screwsshould be located at opposite corners of thecenter support as shown in Figure 11. Positionand shim the mounting location as required tomake the tube straight. Check the distance fromthe top of the door and the wall or header to thetube along the length of the door to make sure thetube is straight and level.End BearingSupportView bSingle spring – Right side shownFig. 10Header or WoodAnchor pad<strong>Torsion</strong>TubeFig. 11BearingRailsRailsView ALeft Side ShownOrientation FeaturesLagScrewsBracketNOTE: The drums and torsion tube are removedfrom Figure 10, View A and Figure 10, View Bfor clarity.Center Support(Required on doorsover 10' wide only)<strong>Torsion</strong>TubeCoupler

Step 6Install the included 1 /4" insert bit (or a 7 /16" socket)in a medium duty drill: 1000-2500 RPM, (2-4 AMP)variable-speed and reversible. Set the drill toFORWARD (clockwise as you point the drill awayfrom you). Keep this drill and a 3 /16" hex key handyfor Steps 8 and 9.ClockwiseWindingDirectionIf the stripe on each spring is not facing towardyou as shown in Figure 12, engage the drill with the1/4" insert bit (or 7 /16" socket) into drive shaft of thewinding unit to rotate the spring until the stripe isfacing you. (FIG. 12)NOTE: The 1 /4" insert bit shown in Figure 12is secured in a drill chuck, but the drill is notshown.IMPORTANT!Step 7Holding the tube in place, measure and adjustthe length of the spring to match the length yourecorded in Figure 5.NOTE: THIS LENGTH SHOULD NOT BE LESS THANTHE RECORDED LENGTH AND SHOULD NOTEXCEED LENGTH BY MORE THAN 1/2"Fig. 12External SetScrewsSet Cone<strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong><strong>Torsion</strong>TubeView Aset cone shown withsquare head set screwsDO NOT OVERSTRETCH SPRING(S) beforetightening set screws. Overstretching thesprings could cause the loss of spring tensionand possibly allow the door to fall. The lengthof the spring on the shaft should NOT exceedthe relaxed spring length recorded in Step 3on page 4 of the <strong>EZ</strong> - SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong><strong>System</strong> Instructions by more than 1/2" max.NOTE: Be sure to hold the tube in position afteryou have tightened the spring set screws. Anysliding of the tube from this point on will affectthe length of the springs.Fig. 13Internal SetScrews<strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong>View Bset cone shown withinternal set screwsSet Cone<strong>Torsion</strong>TubeTighten both set screws in the set cone to the torsiontube. Use a 3 /8" wrench if the springs are suppliedwith square head set screws as shownin Figure 13, View A. Use a 3 /16" hex wrench if suppliedwith internal set screws as shown in Figure 13,View B. CAUTION: When resistance is encounteredwhile tightening the set screw, the screw has madecontact with the tube. Set screws should be turnedfrom 3 /4 to one full turn after they have madecontact with the tube. Additional turns may damagethe tube.If you have a door with two springs, repeat theabove procedure for the right side spring.

Step 8NOTE: Be careful not to shift the tube left orright during this step as this will disturb thegap set in the spring(s).Letter “L”Drum SlotSet ScrewLocationStarting with the left side, pull the lift cable up fromthe safety bottom bracket behind the rollers andinside of the jamb brackets. Bring it between thelegs of the bracket and behind the drum and insertthe cable lug into the drum slot. (FIG. 14, VIEWSA & B) Make sure that both set screws are flush orbelow the surface of the cable grooves BEFOREsecuring the drum. Take up the cable slack byturning the drum by hand. Make sure the cable ispulled tightly into the drum grooves and the drumis against the bearing in the winding unit, thentighten the most accessible set screw in the drum(only one of two need to be tightened) using a3/16" hex wrench. CAUTION: When resistance isencountered while tightening the set screw, thescrew has made contact with the tube. Set screwsshould be turned from 3 /4 to one full turn after theyhave made contact with the tube. Additional turnsmay damage the tube. While maintaining cabletension, use the drill (turning clockwise as inFigure 12) to wind the spring 1 or 2 turns. Thespring tension will maintain the proper cable tensionwhen you let go.Drum SlotCable LugView ALeft Side ShownLetter “R”CableLugGo to the right side to secure the right side drum.Pull the cable up between the legs of the bracket,insert the cable lug in the drum slot, and take upthe cable slack by turning the drum. Before securingthe right side drum, pull the tube toward theright side to make sure there is no gap betweenthe left drum and left bearing. Slide the right drumagainst the right bearing and secure the drum.There should be 1 /16" maximum gap between thedrums and the bearings on each side. Tighten themost accessible set screw down to secure theright drum using a 3 /16" hex wrench. CAUTION:When resistance is encountered while tighteningthe set screw, the screw has made contact withthe tube. Set screws should be turned from 3 /4 toone full turn after they have made contact with thetube. Additional turns may damage the tube.Fig. 14View BRight SIde ShownNOTE: Verify that the drum marked with theletter “L” is on the left side (FIG. 14, VIEW A)and the drum marked with the letter “R” is onthe right side. (FIG. 14, VIEW B)

Step 9:Install the tube retainer as shown in Figure 15.Attach the tube retainer to the <strong>EZ</strong>-SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong><strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong> bracket with a 3 /8" - 16 x 3 /4" carriagebolt. Be sure to position the carriage boltand flange nut as shown in Figure 15. Be sure toinstall a tube retainer on both the left and rightsides of the door.NOTE: Tube retainer may be periodicallylubricated with a light household oil ifsqueaking occurs.BracketCarriageBolt andFlange NutTubeRetainerTo avoid personal injury, do not rest handor any other part of your body on the springor any part of the <strong>EZ</strong>-SET ® <strong>Torsion</strong> <strong>Spring</strong><strong>System</strong> while tensioning or untensioning thespring.During winding, operate the drill at HALFSPEED until the required number of windsis reached. If additional winding is requiredor the system has to be completely unwound,wait AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES betweenconsecutive winds/unwinds. If for any reasonthe unit begins to resist winding STOP windingat once and wait AT LEAST FIVE MINUTESbefore continuing. Failure to follow theseinstructions may result in damage to theunit, the rapid release of spring energy, orpersonal injury.To remove ALL tension from the spring,unwind (drill in reverse/counterclockwise) untilthe spring paint stripe is a singlestraight line and the lift cables are slack.Only adjust the number of spring winds whenthe door is completely closed.Fig. 15left side shown10

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