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NEWSAlumni celebrate 25th anniversaryCooranbong, New South WalesA reunion of all but two of its formerpresidents helped mark AvondaleAlumni Association’s 25th anniversaryat Homecoming, August 23-25.The eight joined outgoing presidentCornelius Szeszeran as Joan Patrick—wife of first president, the late DrArthur Patrick—cut a cake in commemoration.Mr Szeszeran describedDr Barry Hill, Lyn Ashby, Dr GlynnLitster, Dr Owen Hughes, Pas<strong>to</strong>r CalvynTownend, Pas<strong>to</strong>r Roger Nixon, JennyLaredo Hilder and Pas<strong>to</strong>r DesmondHills as providing a “good grounding”for the role of president.The return of the Murdoch Lectureopened Homecoming. Speaker Dr JohnSkrzypaszek, direc<strong>to</strong>r of the Ellen GWhite Seventh-day Adventist ResearchCentre, argued heritage is not a sourceof information about the past but ofinspiration for our quest <strong>to</strong> discovermeaning and purpose. The associationdedicated the lecture <strong>to</strong> Dr Patrick, ahis<strong>to</strong>rian who also served as cura<strong>to</strong>r ofthe centre and as an honorary seniorresearch fellow at Avondale College.Citations honoured other alumni,particularly those with a link <strong>to</strong> indigenousAustralians. Pas<strong>to</strong>r Eric Daveyreceived the association’s most prestigiousaward, Alumnus of the Year, forhis 26 years of service <strong>to</strong> Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander Ministries.New associate general secretaryPas<strong>to</strong>r Davey helped establish KaralundiAboriginal Education Centre andMamarapha College.That college’s first and only principal,Pas<strong>to</strong>r Gordon Stafford, received acitation from the class of 1973. He hasserved at Mamarapha for 17 years.Classmates of Duane Vickery (1993)honoured his contribution <strong>to</strong> educationand training. The former managerfor indigenous sport and recreation inTasmania and recipient of an Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander SportsAward for program innovation, hasserved in leadership roles for theIndigenous Land Corporation and theAustralian National Training Authorityand now runs his own company.Five other alumni, one from eachof the other honour years, receivedcitations: retired minister/missionary,Pas<strong>to</strong>r Sydney S<strong>to</strong>cken (1943);retired chaplain, pas<strong>to</strong>ral educa<strong>to</strong>r andbioethics advocate, Dr Tom Ludowici(1953); late educa<strong>to</strong>r, nutritionist andbusinesswoman Robyn Stan<strong>to</strong>n (1963);retired church administra<strong>to</strong>r andminister, Pas<strong>to</strong>r Don Hosken (1983);and minister and direc<strong>to</strong>r for Adventistyouth ministries in Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, Pas<strong>to</strong>rMoe Ioane Stiles (2003).Helen Hall received the association’sAlumna of the Year award forher lifelong commitment <strong>to</strong> missionservice and the ministry of education.She founded Eden Valley Academyfor Karen refugees in northwesternThailand and has nurtured the schoolfor three decades as principal.Also honoured for her missionservice was nurse Melissa Fischer— theYoung Alumnus of the Year. Ms Fischerhas returned twice <strong>to</strong> her mother’sbirthplace in the Philippines, helpingAdventist churches run children’s clubsand health programs.The college l<strong>au</strong>nched a rebrandingof its music program at the beginningof the Homecoming concert.War and Peace, a performance of KarlJenkins’ The Armed Man: A Mass forPeace, featured all of Avondale’s musicensembles and is the first presentedby the Avondale Conserva<strong>to</strong>rium. “Thename is more inclusive and emphasisesthe cohesiveness of our program,”conserva<strong>to</strong>rium direc<strong>to</strong>r Aleta Kingsaid.—Bren<strong>to</strong>n StaceyWahroonga, New South WalesDr Danijela Schubert has been appointed as the associategeneral secretary of the South Pacific Division (SPD).Dr Schubert replaces Dr Brad Kemp in the administrativerole. Dr Kemp has been called <strong>to</strong> serve as president of theNew Zealand Pacific Union Conference.Originally from Croatia, Dr Schubert began her career ineducation. She then went on <strong>to</strong> achieve a Master of Arts inHealth Ministry, another in Theology and most recently herdoc<strong>to</strong>rate of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, US.“I have been amazed at what assignments God askedme <strong>to</strong> do,” Dr Schubert said. “And by His grace and power,I was able <strong>to</strong> do them well. So I trust this will continue.”Dr Schubert has lived and served in a number of countries.In Pakistan she was head of the religion departmen<strong>to</strong>f Pakistan Adventist Seminary from 1998-2001 and headmistressof Pakistan AdventistElementary Schoolin 2001. In Papua NewGuinea she was a lecturerin the school of theologyat Pacific AdventistUniversity from 2002 until2010, when she becamespecial assistant <strong>to</strong> SPD Dr Danijela Schubert.president Dr Barry Oliver.Dr Schubert is fluent in Croatian and English but understandsand speaks Urdu, Tok Pisin, French and Italian.Her husband, Dr Branimir Schubert, is leadership andprofessional development manager at the SPD. They havetwo adult children.—Jarrod Stackelrothrecord.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 3

EDITORIALUnderstanding usJames StandishI suppose it was an unusual job but last GC Session I wasassigned the role of chaperoning <strong>visit</strong>ors from other faithcommunities. That meant everything from ch<strong>au</strong>ffeuringguests around Atlanta, <strong>to</strong> sitting cocooned with guests in askybox high above the Georgia Dome peering down at theproceedings.During the week I was repeatedly called on <strong>to</strong> explainthe various curiosities of our Church. What <strong>visit</strong>ors foundmost perplexing was pegging us in<strong>to</strong> the right little box.Each sermon seemed <strong>to</strong> say something slightly differentabout us; each person seemed <strong>to</strong> fit in<strong>to</strong> a slightly differentcategory.Ironically, it was through the confusion experienced by<strong>visit</strong>ors, that I came <strong>to</strong> understand our Church a little better.Better, bec<strong>au</strong>se up until that time, I had thought of thevariations in our community on the old liberal–conservativecontinuum. But that continuum repeatedly failed <strong>to</strong> capturethe complexity our <strong>visit</strong>ors observed.So what matrix did I turn <strong>to</strong>? I found it helpful <strong>to</strong> breakAdventism in<strong>to</strong> three streams. For ease of use, I call thestreams: “Evangelical Adventists”, “Uniting Adventists” and“Unique Adventists”. 1Evangelical Adventists place a very strong emphasis ongrace and the centrality of the cross. They tend <strong>to</strong> focus onthe New Testament, with a particular enthusiasm for P<strong>au</strong>l’swritings. Like the broader evangelical community, they tend<strong>to</strong> oppose gay marriage and abortion (except in extremecircumstances). While they are concerned about the poor,they generally emphasise work and opportunity as the paths<strong>to</strong> ending poverty combined with private acts of charity,rather than income redistribution or government programs.Their approach <strong>to</strong> Ellen White is sometimes marked bytepid acceptance with caveats or soft scepticism.Uniting Adventists have a strong emphasis on social justice.They tend <strong>to</strong> focus on passages like Isaiah 58 and Matthew25. They often emphasise equality in society and theprotection of the environment, with government interventiongenerally viewed as a critical means <strong>to</strong> achieve socialgoals. They generally embrace Ellen White’s activism onmatters like <strong>to</strong>bacco control and ending slavery. They tend<strong>to</strong> be less enthused about the specifics of her teachings insome other areas. They generally emphasise the humanand cultural influences contributing <strong>to</strong> the Bible’s content intheir understanding of it; the creation record is a metaphor,the biblical teachings on homosexuality are a cultural artefact—nota moral truth, etc.Unique Adventists view the Old and New Testaments asa whole, and generally interpret the text literally unless it’sexplicitly symbolic (creation occurred in six literal days, Jobwas a real person, etc). Revelation 14 and Exodus 20 areamong the passages most likely <strong>to</strong> be emphasised. Theyhold the full gamut of Ellen White’s writings in a very highregard. They tend <strong>to</strong> focus particular attention on overcomingsin through the power of the indwelling Christ, they emphasiseprophecy and the soon second coming, and theyare often quite focused on diet. Sometimes the enthusiasmfor escha<strong>to</strong>logy crosses in<strong>to</strong> the realm of conspiracy andthe concern for diet may at times tend <strong>to</strong>ward extremes.Of course, this is just a rough sketch that is so succinctit can never capture the breadth or nuance. Nor does it fiteveryone or every variation.So what <strong>to</strong> make of the different streams in Adventism?Should we battle each other <strong>to</strong> the death? After all,a church where the gift of prophecy is sidelined, wherelove is defined in direct contradiction <strong>to</strong> the Bible, a churchfocused on chasing conspiracies or promoting extremes, isa church dying from the inside out. Or should we recognisethat we all have things <strong>to</strong> learn from each other, and work<strong>to</strong> identify and avoid the pitfalls within the stream withwhich we most closely align? After all, a church with Jesusas the “Author and Finisher of our faith”, with a passion for“the least of these”, a church that has “the faith of Jesusand keeps the commandments of God” sounds very muchlike the kind of church we are called by God <strong>to</strong> be. Maybe itis only by combining the strengths of the three streams wecan fully achieve the mission entrusted <strong>to</strong> us.1. After sharing this analysis with friends at the GC, I was sent a two decades oldarticle containing a similar analysis. Is there nothing new under the sun?James Standish is edi<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>RECORD</strong>.Dr Barry Oliver Senior consulting edi<strong>to</strong>rJames Standish Communication direc<strong>to</strong>rJarrod Stackelroth Associate edi<strong>to</strong>rKent Kings<strong>to</strong>n Assistant edi<strong>to</strong>rDora Amuimuia Sales & marketingTracey Bridcutt Copyedi<strong>to</strong>rLinden Chuang Assistant edi<strong>to</strong>r - digitalLoopeck Lewis Graphic<strong>RECORD</strong>adventistLetters edi<strong>to</strong>r@record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>News & Pho<strong>to</strong>s news@record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>Noticeboard ads@record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>http://record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>Mail: Adventist Media NetworkLocked bag 1115Wahroonga, NSW 2076, AustraliaPhone (02) 9847 2222Fax (02) 9847 2200SubscriptionsMailed within Australia and NZ$A43.80 $NZ73.00Other prices on applicationsubscriptions@record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>(03) 5965 6300Cover credit:“Sonia Castro attended the ValasiFly ‘n’ Build with the AMN team.”Official news magazine of the South PacificDivision Seventh-day Adventist ChurchABN 59 093 117 689Vol 118 No 20

INSIGHTWhat’s in a name?Linden ChuangOn a recent “Fly ‘n’ Build” mission trip in theremote highlands of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands,I got <strong>to</strong> tick-off a number of firsts. I saw myfirst machete-wielding two-year-old. I wrangledmy first snake outside of Australia. I also namedmy first child.His name is Elisha and, no, he’s not my son.For 13 days in August, a team from Adventist Baby Elisha and his family.Media Network (AMN) lived, played and workedwith the people of Valasi. Strong bonds were formed even in this short space oftime, so much so that one of the teachers at the school in Valasi asked us <strong>to</strong> namehis newborn baby.It’s one thing <strong>to</strong> name your own kids, but <strong>to</strong> be asked <strong>to</strong> name a child with whomyou have no real connection really was a huge honour.Elisha. The name wasn’t just selected for it’s meaning—“God is my Salvation”. Itwas chosen bec<strong>au</strong>se of the similarities between the biblical account of Elisha and thes<strong>to</strong>ry of AMN’s <strong>visit</strong> <strong>to</strong> Valasi.Elisha helped build a school (2 Kings 6:1-4). The AMN team built two classrooms/dormi<strong>to</strong>ries for a school. Elisha had <strong>to</strong> travel great distances. Our route <strong>to</strong> Valasiincluded two flights, an overnight boat ride, and a six-hour trek through rivers andup mountains. While building, Elisha had <strong>to</strong> deal with a broken axe (2 Kings 6:5-7).Yours truly busted the villagers’ axe.So, on a Sabbath afternoon in the be<strong>au</strong>tiful mountains of Guadalcanal, a babyboy was named and dedicated <strong>to</strong> the Lord.The naming of a child holds a great amount of significance. The meaning of aname, and the s<strong>to</strong>ry behind the name, can help shape the course of a person’s life,even from a very young age (see My S<strong>to</strong>ry on page 8).Giving somebody a good name is one thing, but it means little if the person fails<strong>to</strong> live out that name. Herod is a be<strong>au</strong>tiful name, meaning “song of the hero”. KingHerod, however, will go down as one of his<strong>to</strong>ry’s most iconic antiheroes. The meaningof Judas is “praised”, but unfortunately there’s not much that’s praiseworthy inthe life of Judas Iscariot.There are those, however, who turn their names in<strong>to</strong> something more. Noahmeans “peaceful”, but bec<strong>au</strong>se of the way he lived his life, he became the man who“walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). David built on his “beloved” name, and the Lordcalled him “a man after [His] own heart” (Acts 13:22).Four days after naming and dedicating baby Elisha, we left Valasi. None of theAMN team will probably ever see him again. Our hope and prayer is that in 30 yearstime, Elisha will still be the man whose “God is [his] Salvation”. Or perhaps evensomething more.“A good name is more desirable than great riches . . .” (Proverbs 22:1).HomecomingThe last two Sabbaths I haveattended homecomings. The firstwas at Sydney Adventist Hospitalfor nurses who had graduated inyears ending with “3”. This yearhas been the 110th anniversaryof the hospital. The second wasat Avondale College. I was in thegraduating class 40 years ago andit was so good <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>uch base againwith lifelong friends. Homecomingslike these definitely become moremeaningful as the years roll by.As I sat in Wahroonga andAvondale churches I glancedaround at the people who hadcome <strong>to</strong> homecoming. For someit was 70 years, 60 years, 50years, etc, years of service. Yearsof commitment <strong>to</strong> God, familyand community. And I said asilent prayer of thanks for them.Of course, I knew many of themvery well. They were my men<strong>to</strong>rs,my teachers, my colleagues,my friends. I knew the sacrificesthey had made, the contribution<strong>to</strong> community and church. And Ithought of the future.Where are the people who willstep up and carry the <strong>to</strong>rch? Willthis great heritage of faith andhope be passed on <strong>to</strong> the generations<strong>to</strong> come? I am convinced itwill. And it must. My prayers arenot only for those who have gonebefore but for all of you who willcome behind. May our God enlivenand empower you <strong>to</strong> build on thefoundation that has been stronglybuilt.Linden Chuang is assistant edi<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>RECORD</strong>—digital.Dr Barry Oliver is president of the South PacificDivision of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

NEWS IN BRIEFChurch/StateFiji’s largest denomination has establisheda clear policy of keeping clear of politics.The Methodist Church has been warnedby Fiji’s military-backed government <strong>to</strong>stay out of politics, and was in danger ofbeing deregistered. Ministers will now berequired <strong>to</strong> leave their positions if they runfor office.—ABCWhose God?A controversy in Malaysia over the properuse of the word “Allah” is back before thecourts, despite previous rulings by both thePrime Minister and the High Court, that itis the common word for “God” in the locallanguage. The Catholic Church is concernedthe issue may trigger violence.—Asia NewsWrit largeThousands of people from churches,community groups and schools, includingADRA Australia, have formed a giantmessage along Manly Beach in Sydney. Themessage of global justice was directed atTony Abbott, who has so far failed <strong>to</strong> give atimetable for when a Coalition governmentwould fulfil the Millennium DevelopmentGoals.—Micah ChallengeIllegalGermany’s commitment <strong>to</strong> human rightsand religious freedom is under question,after a homeschooling family had their fourchildren forcibly removed by a team of 20social workers, police and others. The onlyallegation against the strongly religiousparents is that they failed <strong>to</strong> send theirchildren <strong>to</strong> a registered school.—ChristianNewswireCrackdownA church meeting of 2000 people inSorong, West Papua, has ended in arrests.The meeting was called <strong>to</strong> pray for the safepassage of a group of Australian activistscurrently sailing from Cairns <strong>to</strong> West Papua<strong>to</strong> draw attention <strong>to</strong> claims of human rightsabuses in the Indonesian province.—Freedom FlotillaFashion victimsBaptist World Aid has released its firstAustralian ethical fashion report, assessingthe work practices behind 128 clothingbrands. The report, and the consumerguide released with it, shines a light onunsafe work practices, and the use offorced child labour in both the farming ofraw materials and textile production.—Baptist World Aid

NEWSMass wedding in PNGPort Moresby, Papua New GuineaMore than 50 couples signed a civil marriage certificatein a mass ceremony on August 18, facilitated by the NewBritain New Ireland Mission (NBNIM).The couples had been traditionally married but never hada wedding or official marriage certificate.The ceremony was held after a two-week family lifeevangelistic program, held at the new Takubar Sports Stadiumin July and featuring NBNIM general secretary, Pas<strong>to</strong>rPeter Leo Yambe.The celebrants were Reverend Amos Niba from the UnitedChurch, who is also the chairman of the East New BritainCouncil of Churches, NBNIM president, Pas<strong>to</strong>r Mak<strong>au</strong> Daroa,and Pas<strong>to</strong>r Bennis Ko<strong>to</strong>veke, youth direc<strong>to</strong>r of the mission.The marriages were witnessed by officers from the Officeof Community Development led by Philip Kuamin.Reverend Niba commended the NBNIM in assisting theEast New BritainCommunity DevelopmentDepartmentin encouragingyoung and old<strong>to</strong> step forward andsay their vows andsign a civil marriagecertificate.More than 50 couples marry officially.The couples,who renewed their vows and signed their allegiances <strong>to</strong>each other, were from all denominations including SeventhdayAdventist. Some were grandparents signing <strong>to</strong>getherwith their children; some parents were witnessed by theirchildren and some were new couples.—Benson ToPatiliu DiaveMarmite returns <strong>to</strong> Aussie shelvesBerkeley Vale, New South WalesAustralians are soon <strong>to</strong> be reunited with Marmite, Australia’s original yeast spread, which hasreturned <strong>to</strong> Australia and will be available on supermarket shelves from early Oc<strong>to</strong>ber.Marmite has not been available in Australia since March 2012, due <strong>to</strong> earthquake damagesustained at the Sanitarium fac<strong>to</strong>ry in Christchurch, where Marmite is produced. This resulted in aMarmite shortage, as Marmite fans horded, rationed and scraped their way through the Marmitedrought (dubbed by New Zealand media as ‘Marmageddon’). The Christchurch fac<strong>to</strong>ry has sincebeen repaired and strengthened, with Marmite returning <strong>to</strong> New Zealand in March, however productionand distribution had <strong>to</strong> be stabilised in NZ before Marmite could be sent <strong>to</strong> Australia.“It’s been great <strong>to</strong> see the interest in Marmite from Australian consumers, and we would like<strong>to</strong> thank everyone for their loyalty and patience,” said Julie Praestiin, Corporate CommunicationsManager, Sanitarium. “We’re excited <strong>to</strong> be reuniting Australians with their much-loved Marmite,and look forward <strong>to</strong> supplying this product <strong>to</strong> Australia for many years <strong>to</strong> come.”—Sharyn BradyJoin the Marmite Facebook page <strong>to</strong> stay updated ( Samoa opens doorsApia, SamoaThe Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)Samoa has l<strong>au</strong>nched a new project <strong>to</strong> counter varioussocial problems in the South Pacific Island nation.The project, called “Open the Door”, encourages parentsand children <strong>to</strong> talk about sensitive issues like domesticviolence, sexual abuse, drug use, suicide and teenagepregnancy—<strong>to</strong>pics not often discussed openly withinfamilies.“We want <strong>to</strong> show people there is another way we candeal with our problems,” said project coordina<strong>to</strong>r Su’aJulia Wallwork. “There is a way <strong>to</strong> open the door <strong>to</strong> createdialogue, <strong>to</strong> create better communication amongst families,communities and churches.”A key part of the initiative is its use of local mediaoutlets. Mrs Wallwork, who serves as ADRA liaison andAdventist Women’s Ministries direc<strong>to</strong>r in Samoa, said therehas already been a verypositive response <strong>to</strong>the message on a localradio talk show.“We’re using television,radio, evennewspapers <strong>to</strong> reach out<strong>to</strong> our community,” sheSome of the TV presenters.said. “We want ‘Openthe Door’ <strong>to</strong> becomean everyday saying that people can use if there’s a conflictanywhere, or if there’s a problem they’ll say, ‘hey, open thedoor, let’s talk about it’.”To find out more about ADRA’s work in Samoa and therest of the South Pacific, <strong>visit</strong> .—<strong>RECORD</strong> staffrecord.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 7

MY STORYCaleb RipoI was born in the villageof Nasenge, Guadalcanal. Mymother was an Adventist, but myfather was Roman Catholic. Thedifferent faiths made it hard formy six siblings and me growingup. We were confused as <strong>to</strong>whose religion <strong>to</strong> follow. Afteryears of hard work, however, mymum finally convinced my father<strong>to</strong> become an Adventist.I was named after a wellknownmissionary pioneer in the Solomon Islands.While I didn’t take notice of it at first, carrying the name of a missionarysoon made me think I was supposed <strong>to</strong> head in the same direction. Thisfeeling became clear after my baptism at 12 years of age. I wanted <strong>to</strong> be apas<strong>to</strong>r.After completing Year 6, I had <strong>to</strong> quit school bec<strong>au</strong>se I couldn’t pay thefees. While my formal education s<strong>to</strong>pped, I was still determined <strong>to</strong> becomea minister. I started performing the duties of a pas<strong>to</strong>r at our church—preaching, teaching and <strong>visit</strong>ing people—bec<strong>au</strong>se we had no pas<strong>to</strong>r. Fortraining, I would go and assist other ministers and attend all the pas<strong>to</strong>rs'and teachers’ meetings I could.My family and I moved <strong>to</strong> Valasi bec<strong>au</strong>se other pas<strong>to</strong>rs were called butweren’t willing <strong>to</strong> come. At first it was very difficult. This area of Guadalcanalis predominantly Catholic—there are no Adventists. When we arrived,the villagers were very suspicious of us and we found it hard <strong>to</strong> break downthe barriers.My wife, Jalenta, and I then decided <strong>to</strong> just be a friend <strong>to</strong> them, andeventually we were accepted. Building the school was a very big thing,bec<strong>au</strong>se if you can reach the children you can reach the parents. The trustwe had established with the local villagers allowed us <strong>to</strong> teach their childrenAdventist teachings.We’ve been in Valasi for four years. There is now another Adventist familyhere in our village. I am also having Bible studies with a young RomanCatholic teacher here at the school. My hope is that more people will come<strong>to</strong> the Adventist faith, and that Valasi will be a beacon of light for the rest ofthe region.—as <strong>to</strong>ld <strong>to</strong> Linden ChuangOPinion polLWhat type of Adventistdo you most clearly seeyourself as?UnitedEvangelicalUniqueOtherSee James Standish's edi<strong>to</strong>rial forcomplete definitions.

NEWS FEATUREVisit <strong>to</strong> Valasi by Linden ChuangSeventeen volunteers, mostly Adventist Media Network(AMN) employees, travelled <strong>to</strong> a remote area of the SolomonIslands for a fly 'n' build last month. The plan was simple—buildtwo classrooms/dormi<strong>to</strong>ries for the local school.The journey there, however, was far from straightforward.Valasi, located in the mountains of east Guadalcanal,boasts a terrific climate, spectacular views and a number ofbe<strong>au</strong>tiful little villages. To reach the high-<strong>to</strong>p haven, the teamhad <strong>to</strong> endure an overnight voyage on a noisy boat; a halfhour“hang-on-for-dear-life” truck ride; and a six-hour walk.The walk itself was a combination of traversing rivers (up<strong>to</strong> 50 times) and climbing mountains, leaving little wonderas <strong>to</strong> why only two “white” men had ever made the journeybefore, and why ADRA Solomon Islands had described theproject as the hardest fly 'n’ build ever attempted in thecountry.“The walk in was incredibly difficult,” said Pas<strong>to</strong>r LyleSouthwell, direc<strong>to</strong>r of the Discover Centre at AMN and oneof the leaders on the trip. “None of us slept well on the boatthe night before, and walking for six hours in the heat withnothing but muesli bars and coconuts <strong>to</strong> keep you goingwas really <strong>to</strong>ugh.”“It was the hardest walk of my life,” said AMN graphicdesigner Lulu Lewis. “On a few occasions, the villagers whowere helping us literally dragged me across the river. Butwhen we reached the <strong>to</strong>p it was definitely worth it.”The central village of Valasi features a few traditionalhouses, two modern buildings—a clinic and a nurses’ residence—aswell as a school. With the school being the onlyone in the area, some students walk two <strong>to</strong> three hours(one way) just <strong>to</strong> attend.During their 13-day <strong>visit</strong>, the volunteers worked with acouple of local ADRA builders <strong>to</strong> construct two new buildings<strong>to</strong> serve as both classrooms for the school, and dormi<strong>to</strong>riesfor the furthest-travelling students. Few in the grouphad any building experience, but that didn’t s<strong>to</strong>p everymember of the team from chipping in on the construction.“The team were fantastic, everyone worked well <strong>to</strong>gether,despite the lack of building experience,” said AMNBusiness Service direc<strong>to</strong>r Kalvin Dever, who served as oneof the building team leaders. “It really is amazing what youcan do with a couple of saws and some hammers and somedetermined workers.”A lack of timber prevented the buildings from being fullycompleted. There were, however, other successes. Theteam also provided medical and spiritual services <strong>to</strong> thelocal people. Nurse Claire Baldacchino—who celebrated hersecond wedding anniversary with husband Jason at Valasi—offered daily health talks and medical checks, while Pas<strong>to</strong>rSouthwell and a team of Bible workers carried out devotionsevery morning and evening.Perhaps the biggest drawcard—other than the strangelooking<strong>visit</strong>ors themselves—were the videos. Technology isnon-existent in Valasi, so car<strong>to</strong>on Bible s<strong>to</strong>ries and Beyond:the Search episodes, shown via a solar-powered projec<strong>to</strong>r,drew instant fascination (see more on page 12). “There wasobviously a language and theological barrier,” said Pas<strong>to</strong>rSouthwell, “but they loved the videos bec<strong>au</strong>se they kind ofknew the Bible s<strong>to</strong>ries, and they also loved Beyond bec<strong>au</strong>seit was stuff they’d never seen before.”Despite the team’s achievements—which includedbringing the first “white” women <strong>to</strong> the region—of greatersignificance was the opportunity <strong>to</strong> spend time with thevillagers, particularly the local Adventist school teacher andhis family.For fouryears, CalebRipo and hiswife Jalentahave beenworking <strong>to</strong>share the Adventistmessagewith thepredominatelyCatholicmountain region. Caleb admitted having a team of Adventistscome <strong>to</strong> the area would go a long way in helping hisfamily reach out <strong>to</strong> the people.See page 8 <strong>to</strong> learn more about Caleb’s work in Valasi.A documentary on the AMN team’s experience will air onHope Channel in early 2014.Linden Chuang is assistant edi<strong>to</strong>r-digital.Villagers in front of the new classroom.record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • September 21, 2013 9

A man afterGod's own heartby Dr Jessica TrevithickIlove sheep. I useD <strong>to</strong> own six of them.Frequently I would go out in<strong>to</strong> the paddock with mysheep, running my fingers through their soft, woollycoats. I liked <strong>to</strong> lay on the grass with my head restingon their bodies, looking up in<strong>to</strong> the sky, watching theclouds go by with the vibrant blue background. Thefragrance of lanolin oil from their fleece would get methinking about David the shepherd, who most likelyexperienced the same situation with his sheep.One day my sheep disappeared through a hole in thefence on my farm. I called and waited <strong>to</strong> see if they wouldreturn. I concluded that the sheep had no way of findingtheir way home. Sheep are timid, fragile and directionlessanimals, with little means of defence. They resort <strong>to</strong> runningif a shepherd is not there <strong>to</strong> protect them.I knew that I had <strong>to</strong> find my sheep quickly. After prayerand frantically running all over the paddocks and valleys, Ifound three of my sheep. With each moment, fear started10 September 21, 2013 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>

FEATURE<strong>to</strong> set in as I continued on. Then I found another one, anda few minutes later I found one more. I didn’t want <strong>to</strong> riskthat these five would scatter, so I decided <strong>to</strong> return themback <strong>to</strong> the safety of the farm.I was stressed—I knew I needed <strong>to</strong> find one more,the one that had wandered away. I prayed, I called and Isearched; the sheep knew my voice but there was no signof it. I walked over hundreds of acres, asking neighboursand anyone I encountered <strong>to</strong> contact me if they saw it. Iwanted <strong>to</strong> protect and take care of the needs of my lostsheep, but the sheep had <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> the shepherd. Sad <strong>to</strong>say, I never found the last lost sheep, and it never found itsway home.Unlike my sheep, we know that the Lord is our Shepherd,the Shepherd of His people and He will always findus. God never loses a sheep; He instead provides andbuilds a relationship with His sheep. We will never want foranything that this world has <strong>to</strong> offer when we say, the Lordis our Shepherd, He will take care of our needs.Hebrew poetry was a known genre <strong>to</strong> the writer of theJewish scriptures and provided comfortHe's the Shepherdwho not only <strong>to</strong>okcare of David, butalso takes care ofour spiritual andphysical needs.for God’s people. The original Hebrewtranslation for Psalms is Tehillium—praises.Praise for who God is. Praise for whatHe has done. Praise for His everlastinglove. Upon reading the Psalms youcan embark on a voyage of multiple andvaried scenes painted by poetic brushstrokeson verbal canvas, resonatingwith our lives.The writings of the Psalms are layered with deep meaning,calling <strong>to</strong> us in melody and song. With the melancholywords of the singer, David poured out his heart in psalms:a heart sometimes burdened with sorrow. The kinship withGod was his reward. In Acts 13:22, God says, “I have foundDavid the son of Jesse, a man after my heart.”Ordained by God and called <strong>to</strong> be a king, David <strong>to</strong>iledin the fields as a shepherd yet he unders<strong>to</strong>od the need <strong>to</strong>praise God. In Psalms, David shows picture words <strong>to</strong> hisfeelings, illustrating his intimate love of God. David thepoet knew not only the be<strong>au</strong>ty of poetry and song, buthe was also a skilled musician. David’s response <strong>to</strong> lifewas often portrayed in words and music, rejoicing in bothsadness and joy. David’s message in Psalm 23 is that youneed not surrender <strong>to</strong> helplessness but instead rely on yourShepherd.The only reason David could say "I shall not want" isbec<strong>au</strong>se he could say the Lord is my Shepherd, He will giveme direction, I will not lack, He gives me food and waterfor my soul. We may want for things, but we will neverwant for the best care, guidance and spiritual provisionwhen we say the Lord is my Shepherd.Revelation 7:17 says: “For the Lamb which is in the mids<strong>to</strong>f the throne shall feed them.” This is certainly in correlationwith Psalm 23. David’s passionate expression of hislove for God, allowed him <strong>to</strong> rise beyond his legacy as awarrior who killed giants, <strong>to</strong> a king who became a poetafter God’s own heart.The first mention of a shepherd is found in Genesis48:15: “The God before whom my fathers Abraham andIsaac walked. The God who has been my shepherd allmy life <strong>to</strong> this day." The God whose name is Yahweh roi,meaning "my" Shepherd. He's the Shepherd who not only<strong>to</strong>ok care of David, but also takes care of our spiritual andphysical needs.Many times a shepherd will search for hours for a singlelost sheep, just as I did for mine, only <strong>to</strong> find it on its back,lying helpless. He will turn the sheep over on its side, rubits legs <strong>to</strong> res<strong>to</strong>re circulation and then lift it <strong>to</strong> its feet. Afterawhile the sheep will stumble and stagger, eventually walkingsteadily and surely. This is most likely what David hadin mind when he said "he res<strong>to</strong>res my soul”, bec<strong>au</strong>se that'show our Lord treats us. We stumble and fall, we becomehelpless, and yet our Shepherd is patient, tender and helpfulin getting us back on our feet.The first scene of Psalm 23 startswith a report on who God is, and thesecond scene shows David who turns<strong>to</strong> God and talks <strong>to</strong> Him personally inthe form of a prayer. Previously, Davidhad been talking about God; now hetalks <strong>to</strong> God. He says, "you are withme" <strong>to</strong> save me from the shadow ofdeath. David reveals the importanceof having a personal relationship withGod, regardless of the severity of the circumstances. Daviddeclares that God will never leave or forsake His sheepeven in terrifying, stressful and horrific circumstances, evenwhen going through the valley of despair, and especiallywhen facing death. David was willing <strong>to</strong> lay down his life asa shepherd, just as our Shepherd was willing <strong>to</strong> lay downHis life for all in this world.Oil was always associated with anointing, and Davidwent forward from the anointing <strong>to</strong> being appointed byGod as king of Israel. Who prepares a table in which Davidarrives at? It is God Himself who provides it. David goesfrom shepherd <strong>to</strong> honoured guest. David’s declaration ofheaven is with <strong>to</strong>tal assurance—he doesn’t say, I mightdwell or I hope <strong>to</strong> dwell, but instead he says, I will dwell ina glorious, spectacular eternal kingdom, that even our sinscannot tarnish. We can only confidently state, “I will dwellin the house of the Lord", if we can state the first line likeDavid: “The Lord is my shepherd.”While David was the man after God’s heart, the hero inDavid’s s<strong>to</strong>ry is Jesus. He succeeded where David failed.Jesus was the real Man after God’s own heart; He gave Hislife in place of ours.Dr Jessica Trevithick is assistant pas<strong>to</strong>r at Para Vista church, South Australia.Comment? Go <strong>to</strong> record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>/comment record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • September 21, 2013 11

FLASHPOINTA very good yearHalf of the theology graduating class of 1973 gathered at AvondaleCollege’s Homecoming weekend from August 23-25. From left <strong>to</strong>right: Malcolm Bull, Gordon Stafford, Eric Livings<strong>to</strong>n, Warren Federow,Alan Walshe, Ray Roennfeldt, Barry Gane, P<strong>au</strong>l Lee, Aaron Jeffries,Barry Oliver, David Robertson, John Wells and Peter Harrison (whoactually delayed his graduation until 1980, but was with the class formost of the four-year course). Of the 28 graduates in the class, 23(including those who have died) became ordained ministers and havegiven a lifetime of service <strong>to</strong> the Adventist Church.—Barry OliverBeyond reachThere are no traces of technology in Valasi, located in the mountainsof east Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. So when a team from AdventistMedia Network (AMN) brought a projec<strong>to</strong>r and episodes of Beyond:the Search <strong>to</strong> the region, the local people were completely captivated.“They had never seen moving pictures before,” said Discovery Centredirec<strong>to</strong>r Pas<strong>to</strong>r Lyle Southwell. “For some, it was their first glimpse in<strong>to</strong>the world outside of their villages.” Even with a limited grasp of English,the people of Valasi responded well <strong>to</strong> the videos, even l<strong>au</strong>ghingat the sight of host Pas<strong>to</strong>r Geoff Youlden waking up in a coffin.His<strong>to</strong>ric baptismThirty-seven people were baptised at Lesasa,Vanuatu, in late July, setting a record for thelargest baptism ever <strong>to</strong> take place on the islandof Pentecost. The baptismal service came atthe end of a three-week evangelistic series on“The Relationship Love of God”, presented byPas<strong>to</strong>r Titus John. Despite heavy rains, an averageof more than 2000 people attended thenightly meetings.—Adventist Media: VanuatuFeeling festiveFifty stallholders selling natural, healthy foodand handmade clothing and accessorieshelped bring a festive feel <strong>to</strong> Avondale’sMarket Day Southlake. Homecoming committeechair Ja<strong>net</strong> Rieger said the event,which closed Homecoming weekend, “providedanother opportunity for us as alumni<strong>to</strong> make connections, especially with thewider community.”—Bren<strong>to</strong>n StaceyModern day mite (see Mark 12:41-43)An It Is Written Oceania (IIWO) viewer inSydney, who is currently unemployed, recentlydonated a five-cent coin <strong>to</strong> IIWO’s “Eyes forIndia” project in response <strong>to</strong> receiving a freebooklet in the mail. IIWO operations managerP<strong>au</strong>l Kochanski was so <strong>to</strong>uched by the donationthat he challenged the rest of the AdventistMedia Network office <strong>to</strong> offer similar coin donations.Before long, five cents became $55.60.Worthy honourBonnie Roberts, a member of Glenorchy Adventist church, was recentlyinducted in<strong>to</strong> the Tasmanian Honour Roll for Women for her significantcontribution <strong>to</strong> the state of Tasmania. Mrs Roberts has served as an executivecommittee member of the state’s National Council of Women for morethan 46 years, helping <strong>to</strong> establish a tertiary school of social work and theiconic Salamanca Market in Hobart. In 2002, she was awarded the Medal ofthe Order of Australia. Mrs Roberts is also a foundation board member ofCaroline House, and with husband Noel (deceased) organised social eventsfor elderly church members for 21 years.—Julie CooperBen’s big dayPas<strong>to</strong>r Ben Tavao was ordained at Livings<strong>to</strong>n Adventist church,Western Australia, in July. Family members, friends and colleaguesgathered <strong>to</strong>gether for the special occasion, which alsorecognised Pas<strong>to</strong>r Tavao’s wife, Gabby, and the key role shehas played in her husband’s ministry and development. FormerWA Conference president, Pas<strong>to</strong>r Glenn Townend, provided theordination charge. Pas<strong>to</strong>r Tavao is pas<strong>to</strong>r of Canning<strong>to</strong>n Adventistchurch, and the new Samoan and NSPYA church plants.—SteveGoods/Newswest12 September 21, 2013 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> Send your pictures and details <strong>to</strong> news@record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>

HEALTH FEATUREwith Cathy McDonaldBe a health role modelThere’s an old saying that says you can lead a horse <strong>to</strong> water,but you can’t make it drink and it rings especially true when wetalk about healthy lifestyles. Health professionals everywherewould love nothing more than if simply telling a patient about thebenefits of healthy eating was enough <strong>to</strong> make them adopt themwhole heartedly.But, as human beings, we all know that simply knowingsomething is good for us doesn’t mean we’ll do it. Whenevaluating public health promotions, researchers have foundthat they can do a great job of raising awareness of healthychoices in the community, but troublingly, this doesn’tnecessarily lead <strong>to</strong> those healthy choices being made.So what’s the solutions? Well, if there was a simplesolution there’d be no need for this article, but there issomething every one of us can do—be a health role model.Being a health role model doesn’t mean eating only makinghealthy choices. Being a health role model means being proudof the healthy choices you do make and letting others see thebenefits you get from them.It’s been said that two things can influence ourchances of making a change, our level of knowledgeand our perceived ability <strong>to</strong> carry out the behaviour.The knowledge is out there, and by being a healthrole model we can all play our part in showing thosearound us that they <strong>to</strong>o have the ability <strong>to</strong> carry outthe behaviour.Caramelised Banana & Fresh Date PuddingPreparation time: 8 minutes Cooking time: 50 minutes Serves: 630g margarine8 slices fruit bread (<strong>to</strong>astthickness)3 bananas, thinly sliced6 fresh dates, seeded andchopped2 cups Vanilla flavouredSanitarium So Good3 eggs½ teaspoon cinnamon1 tablespoon brown sugar1. Spread margarine on both sides of bread andcut off crusts. Cut bread slices in half.3. Place one layer of bread in a 20cm base,square, ovenproof dish and arrange half bananaover the <strong>to</strong>p.4. Sprinkle with dates. Repeat layer of breadand banana5. Combine So Good, eggs and cinnamon in a jug.6. Pour milk mixture over bread.7. Sprinkle with brown sugar.8. Bake in a moderate oven, 1800C, for 45-50minutes. Serve with grilled pineapple.nutrition Information PER SERVE: Kilojoules 1345kJ, Calories 320 Cal, Protein 10g, Total fat10g, Carbohydrate 47g, Sodium 210mg, Potassium 515mg, Calcium 144mg, Iron 2.2mg, Fibre 5gCall and speak <strong>to</strong> one of our qualified nutritionists at Sanitarium Lifestyle Medicine Services on 1800 673 392(in Australia) or 0800 100 257 (in New Zealand). Alternatively, email us at<strong>au</strong>(Australia) or (New Zealand). Don’t forget <strong>to</strong> order our free cookbook, Food forHealth and Happiness, by <strong>visit</strong>ing our website<strong>au</strong> or<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • September 21, 2013 13

Chruch Growth SeriesTassie turnaroundby James StandishIf you'RE looking for aN ENJOYABLE walk, whynot try the Overland Track in Tasmania? You’ll needsome warm gear—it has been known <strong>to</strong> snow at thehigher points even in summer. And some <strong>to</strong>ugh legs—ittakes six days <strong>to</strong> walk it. But it will be worth it. LonelyPla<strong>net</strong> ranks it among the <strong>to</strong>p 10 hikes in the entire world—and the highest rated in the South Pacific. But even if youdon’t concur with Lonely Pla<strong>net</strong>’s ranking, you would nodoubt agree that Tasmania is one of the most be<strong>au</strong>tifulplaces on earth.However, it's not an easy place for the Church <strong>to</strong> grow. Inthe entire state, you can expect <strong>to</strong> find around 600 peoplein an Adventist church on any given Sabbath. That's out of apopulation of slightly more than 500,000.There are many reasons for the Church’s struggles. Due<strong>to</strong> limited employment and education opportunities, youngpeople often head <strong>to</strong> the mainland. And in the Adventistcommunity, many go <strong>to</strong> Avondale College—only <strong>to</strong> findtheir one true love from dusty, dry places or unbearably hotregions, and for inexplicable reasons, they decide <strong>to</strong> settlethere. As a result, the Church is greying. There has alsobeen less immigration <strong>to</strong> Tasmania; in Sydney and Melbournesome churches are growing due <strong>to</strong> immigration butthat's not happening in the Apple Isle.That's the environment in which Burnie Adventist churchPas<strong>to</strong>r Mark Goldsmith works. It would be easy <strong>to</strong> relax,enjoy the natural be<strong>au</strong>ty and babysit his church in<strong>to</strong> anatural extinction. But that isn’t the way Pas<strong>to</strong>r Goldsmithapproaches ministry. He believes a living Christian faith is asharing Christian faith.Last year he began his evangelistic efforts at his otherchurch in Devonport in the usual way—mass distributionof fliers. Ten thousand in all. But from those thousands ofhandbills, only six people came <strong>to</strong> his series. And none ofthem lasted the series. It was dismal by any standards.Pas<strong>to</strong>r Goldsmith noticed, however, that the people whocame with church members bec<strong>au</strong>se of the relationshipsthey had, stayed. It comes down <strong>to</strong> basics: relationships arethe key <strong>to</strong> evangelism, just as he found while working inWestern Australia.That's when he started a new approach—using a very oldtechnique. Along with his church of around 35 active members,they began knocking on doors taking a communityneeds survey. During the survey process, they met many14 September 21, 2013 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> Comment? Go <strong>to</strong> record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>/comment

people they had never talked <strong>to</strong> before. During the follow-up <strong>to</strong> the survey,they invited people <strong>to</strong> a community dinner at the church hall. The first dinnerattracted 30 people; the second 27. The evenings were very casual affairs. Nosermon. No commitments. Just simply people eating a delicious vegetarianmeal <strong>to</strong>gether and getting <strong>to</strong> know each other.At the third dinner, Pas<strong>to</strong>r Goldsmith announced he was starting an AncientMysteries prophecy seminar. He also announced other programs the churchwas offering based on the survey responses—including vegetarian cookingclasses, marriage enrichment, quit smoking and the Beyond DVD series. Whenhe started the Ancient Mysteries series, 10 precious souls from the dinnersattended. Two dinners = 10 attendees; 10,000 fliers = 6 attendees. Apparentlyrelationships work.And an added bonus? Bec<strong>au</strong>se the dinners were held in the church hall,there was no need <strong>to</strong> hire a neutral venue. An upshot, the budget was in therange of 15 per cent of the public program—primarily the cost of the food at thedinners and nibbles at the seminars. "It pays <strong>to</strong> invest in good food and tastynibbles rather than expensive public venues and mass distribution of fliers,"Pas<strong>to</strong>r Goldsmith observes. "At the Sabbath morning service after our first AncientMysteries seminar, we had five of the folk attend and they really enjoyedthe love and fellowship <strong>to</strong>gether with the message from the Bible."“Of course, no-one likes knocking on doors—and neither do I. But we can’tsit in our bunkers and expect people <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> us. We have <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> them.Get <strong>to</strong> know them. Meet their needs. And only then invite them <strong>to</strong> follow Jesus.That's what our approach is all about. And, yes, the numbers aren’t spectacular.But remember, our church only has around 35 active members. It's my hopethat through this process of relationship building, we can grow the church 10per cent per year. Not bec<strong>au</strong>se I want growth for growth’s sake, but bec<strong>au</strong>se Iwant souls brought <strong>to</strong> Jesus; the ultimate relationship.”Pas<strong>to</strong>r Goldsmith also acknowledges the dedicated Burnie church members.“It has been interesting <strong>to</strong> note that although all members are not knockingon the doors, when it comes <strong>to</strong> the community dinners, the Ancient Mysteriesseminars, vegetarian cooking classes and the other community needs offered,the church pulls <strong>to</strong>gether and as a combined effort we are more united, andthe spirit of love continues <strong>to</strong> grow," he says. "I praise God for my active churchmembers bec<strong>au</strong>se without their dedication and love, we cannot grow.”James Standish is edi<strong>to</strong>r of <strong>RECORD</strong>.The secret of church growthIf there is one thing Adventists like <strong>to</strong> write about, it's how <strong>to</strong> grow theChurch. I know this, bec<strong>au</strong>se we receive an extraordinary number of articleson one variation of this question or another. The problem is that most ofthe pieces are based on a theory, rather than practice. Now, don't get mewrong, I can waffle on with the best of them about who should do whatand how. But when thinking about tackling the knotty question of churchgrowth, we've decided <strong>to</strong> focus on pieces by people who don't think theyknow how <strong>to</strong> grow the Church, they are actually doing it. After all, churchgrowth isn't about numbers; it's about souls. And how best <strong>to</strong> employ thetime and talents entrusted <strong>to</strong> our community in spreading the good news isfar <strong>to</strong>o important a question <strong>to</strong> leave <strong>to</strong> armchair experts. So over the nextfew months, we'll be featuring s<strong>to</strong>ries of men and women with runs on theboard. And if you know a s<strong>to</strong>ry we should include in our series, just send italong. No theory please. We are looking for results.Opening HiswordGary WebsterCloning Christ: life-changing portraitsfrom Patmos (Part 6: The Emperor)Last study we gazed at the life-changingportrait of Christ as God’s Lamb. Nowwe view His portrait as Emperor or King.In Revelation we discover in Jesus theultimate King and Emperor.Read Revelation 19:16; 15:3; 17:14.King of loveJesus our King is no self-centred<strong>au</strong><strong>to</strong>cratic monarch. He rules out of Hislove for His subjects, from a love that ledHim as King <strong>to</strong> sacrifice His own life forus. Thus He is pictured as the Lion-LambKing.Read Revelation 1:5; 5:5,6; 17:14.King of redemptionThe death of Jesus has done more thandemonstrate His love for us. When Chris<strong>to</strong>ur Lion-Lamb King died, His deathconquered Satan, redeemed us, settingus free for God from sin and Satan’styrannical rule and bringing <strong>to</strong> us thepower <strong>to</strong> overcome him.Read Matthew 27:37; Colossians 2:15;Revelation 1:5; 5:9; 12:5,9,10; John 12:31-33.King of end-time deliveranceChrist our King does more than redeemand free us from sin. He will come asecond time as a conquering King <strong>to</strong>deliver us from our end-time enemies.He puts down His enemies <strong>to</strong> rescue Hisbeloved friends—His bride.Read Revelation 19:11-21.King of the kings of the earthOne glorious picture remains: Jesus ourKing sets up His kingdom on this rebelpla<strong>net</strong> and from His throne flows life forall. Our King will live with His subjects onearth for eternity. But we are more thansubjects. The death of our King has madeus kings who reign with Him forever. Whatlove is this?Read Revelation 22:1,3.Decide right now <strong>to</strong> reign with Christeternally, by accepting His saving deathand allowing Him <strong>to</strong> be King and Lord ofevery area of your life <strong>to</strong>day.Pas<strong>to</strong>r Gary Webster is direc<strong>to</strong>r of the Institute ofPublic Evangelism.record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • September 21, 2013 15

Crackingthecompassioncodeby Anthony MacPhersonIt’s a paradox. The more the early SeventhdayAdventist Church prepared for the imminent returnof Jesus, the more it made a difference in the world.Typically, churches focused on the end of the worldexist for themselves. But Adventists did more than convertpeople and build churches. They built schools, hospitals,medical clinics, started up food businesses, publishinghouses and engaged the community.ActivismThere was an activism in early Adventism and a deep,holistic philosophy behind it. In an age of reforms the tiny,but rapidly growing Adventist Church was often at the forefron<strong>to</strong>f reform. Adventists opposed slavery. They workedin the southern states of America, often amid danger andopposition, <strong>to</strong> help advance the recently freed black population.They became leaders in the dynamic arena of healthreform and advocates of the temperance movement. Theytackled the complex issue of education reform, and spokeout on matters as diverse as dress reform, opposition <strong>to</strong>gambling and religious liberty.This dynamic reforming element appealed <strong>to</strong> peoplewanting <strong>to</strong> change the world. It contrasted with the laterfundamentalist withdrawal from engaging society that happenedin conservative American Protestantism after the1920s and in Adventism after the death of Ellen White. Indeed,Ellen White was usually at the forefront of this broadvision of reform, constantly pushing the Adventist Churchin<strong>to</strong> new areas and challenging it <strong>to</strong> express a unique voice.I suspect that behind the rapid pace and constant introductionof new reforms in the early Adventist Church wasa specific Divine purpose. God wanted <strong>to</strong> place in<strong>to</strong> thesmall, embryonic Adventist Church a particular philosophicalDNA which, once established, would reproduce itself asthe Church spread across the world in<strong>to</strong> new environmentsdesperately in need of gospel witness and transformation.This DNA centres around a holistic concern for the res<strong>to</strong>rationof the <strong>to</strong>tal person (social, mental, physical, relational,emotional, spiritual, moral) based in the power of theGospel. Jesus wants <strong>to</strong> open up the fullness of His vic<strong>to</strong>ryagainst sin, selfishness, suffering and Satan <strong>to</strong> all nationsbefore He returns. While this DNA sometimes parallelselements of secular reforms or progressive legislation,our motives and methods are <strong>to</strong> uniquely reflect Christ’sministry. That's a personal work in harmony with God's law,motivated by grace that mobilises churches and individualmembers <strong>to</strong> embody God's love. 1Denaturing the DNAWhen this DNA deteriorates the Church s<strong>to</strong>ps making ahealing difference in the world. If the DNA is neglected webecome dull reflections of our consumerist culture, insteadof the living counter-cultural anticipation of Jesus’ kingdomthat God intends. At other times fanaticism cripples thisDNA and makes us narrow, sectarian and extreme. Healthreform turns in<strong>to</strong> health deform. Or we love the latest propheticspeculation more than our neighbour. Either way theChurch becomes irrelevant, trivial and incapable of retainingor inspiring its youth.16 September 21, 2013 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>

FEATURERecovering the DNAWhenever this DNA is recovered the Church is reenergised.The Gospel is seen, heard and felt. Advent hopeintrudes in<strong>to</strong> present pain. The emergence of organisationssuch as ADRA and programs like S<strong>to</strong>rmCo and CompleteHealth Improvement Program (CHIP) are examples of thisDNA re-expressing itself. All seek <strong>to</strong> bring God’s love <strong>to</strong>some damaged element of humanity. One gets a sense ofthe gracious scope and res<strong>to</strong>rative balance of this DNA byreading Ellen White's book Ministry of Healing.A humbling and hopeful his<strong>to</strong>ryIf we are honest the subsequenthis<strong>to</strong>ry of the Adventist Church revealsa mixed obedience <strong>to</strong> this DNA. Let’snot be naïve or triumphalist. The goodand the bad in our his<strong>to</strong>ry is importantfor us <strong>to</strong> see. We need <strong>to</strong> be challengedby both our faithfulness andour failures.Greater rediscoveryWe have never lost this DNA. Thisis why good things are happening inso many churches. ADRA continues <strong>to</strong> be a vital part of ourwider ministry. 2 And yet God’s Spirit wants <strong>to</strong> do so muchmore. I offer two suggestions of how a continued rekindlingof our God-given DNA might impact our churches and ourworld. These are just examples. God calls us <strong>to</strong> much more.I’ve deliberately picked one example you’ll instantly warm<strong>to</strong> (the fight against slavery) and—just <strong>to</strong> make it hard onmyself—I've picked one you’ll possibly cringe at (yes, I’vepicked dress reform).SlaveryThe early Adventists opposed the horrors of slavery,even <strong>to</strong> the point of advocating civil disobedience. It wassomething of absolute importance. Unfortunately, slavery’scurse is still with us. Among its worse forms are bondedand forced labour of children and the hideous sex slavetrade. Just as early Adventists joined in the wider 19th centurymovement <strong>to</strong> abolish slavery, we should also join in thecurrent movement <strong>to</strong> end modern slavery. I realise someAdventists are already making such efforts. But what hasbeen missing is the wider realisation that this is in our DNA.It's not some foreign add on. We must care about this. AndI believe many young Adventists are longing <strong>to</strong> make a differencein this area.Dress reformWhat of dress reform? I deliberately picked this bec<strong>au</strong>seit appears impossible <strong>to</strong> rehabilitate. It conjures up imagesof overzealous guardians harassing sparsely clad youngladies. And, yet, originally dress reform was as much a way<strong>to</strong> counter the physically damaging effects of fashion onwomen as it was <strong>to</strong> encourage modesty. I believe the issueof fashion, self-image and mental wellbeing is more pressingnow than in the 19th century. Every moment youngEither way theChurch becomesirrelevant, trivialand incapableof retaining orinspiring its youth.people are bombarded with images of pho<strong>to</strong>shopped andairbrushed be<strong>au</strong>ty. Even worse, the cosmetically enhanced,surgically altered and bo<strong>to</strong>xed celebrity has become acultural icon. Even secular commenta<strong>to</strong>rs are deeply concerned.We speak now of the "sexualisation of children"and of the "pornification of culture". Perversity is beingnormalised. This is the suffocating air we all now breatheand choke on.Young girls, in particular, bear the damaging psychologicalprospect of internalising this demoralising environment.They have <strong>to</strong> resist immense pressure <strong>to</strong> cave in <strong>to</strong> voyeuristicfashion trends and adopt dis<strong>to</strong>rtedideas of body image. Young men areunconsciously trained in a subtle misogyny.Guess what? This is what dressreform is now about! Granted, weprobably need a new name. Unfortunately,our natural traditionalism risksthinking in terms of a list of rules andregulations and not the transformativephilosophy and values behind ourstandards. When this happens themisplaced goal is gaining conformity instead of helpingyoung women cultivate inner resilience and a protectivemoral integrity.Refinding our voiceThe Church must re-express its full spiritual genome.How? We must remember what's encoded in our past andembody it in <strong>to</strong>day’s environment! We must again helppeople made in God’s image find freedom from literalslavery by supporting modern anti-slavery efforts. And findfull freedom from spiritual slavery by encountering JesusHimself. Contrary <strong>to</strong> the forces that would dis<strong>to</strong>rt a youngperson’s body image, we must unmask the preda<strong>to</strong>ry powersby teaching young people <strong>to</strong> think critically in a Christcentred,biblical fashion. They should know they are beingpreyed on and manipulated. Let’s provoke godly revolt andholy rebellion! We can cultivate an environment wherewomen and men model the confidence, self-respect andspiritual strength that resists demeaning fashion and revealsa relevant alternative. Young girls and guys are most powerfullyinfluenced and informally men<strong>to</strong>red by being able <strong>to</strong>observe dynamic Christians (think intergenerational activityand community!). My prayer is that God unleashes yet againthis reforming impulse; that new expressions of this DNAdeep in the genome of church are seen, heard and felt by abroken world.1. We are not <strong>to</strong> be a "religious right" or like liberal churches of the left that <strong>to</strong>oreadily baptise secular c<strong>au</strong>ses (some even in tension with Scripture) and confuse theChurch's mission with political advocacy. The world does not set our agenda. Thathonour belongs <strong>to</strong> Matthew 28:18-20 and Revelation 14:6-12.2. Great good would come if more churches explored ADRA’s local community projects(such as social inclusion programs which assist refugees, prisoners, indigenouspeople, create community gardens or youth resiliency programs and the like).Anthony MacPherson is pas<strong>to</strong>r of Plenty Valley and Croydon churches, Vic.Comment? Go <strong>to</strong> record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>/commentrecord.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • September 21, 2013 17

<strong>RECORD</strong> REWINDMarian de BergLay Pas<strong>to</strong>ral Assistantand Youth Bible WorkerEquipping youfor active ministry and outreachEncouraging you<strong>to</strong> work <strong>to</strong>getherEmpowering youin your area of giftsEngaging youin fulfilling service2 - 21 Feb 2014Call 03 9871 7555www.<strong>au</strong><strong>au</strong>Christ of the narrow wayFeatured atthe White Estateat the GeneralConference ofSeventh-day Adventistsin SilverSpring, Maryland,US, "Christ ofthe narrow way"was produced by the artist Elfred Lee. As a two-year-old son of missionaryparents serving in the Philippines, Lee's family were taken as Japaneseprisoners-of-war and rescued by United States paratroopers in 1945 in adaring mission.The mural depicts the first vision Ellen White received in late 1844. Shewrites: “I was <strong>visit</strong>ing a dear sister in Christ in Portland [Maine]. Five of us,all women, were kneeling quietly at the family altar. While we were praying,the power of God came upon me as I had never felt it before. I seemed <strong>to</strong>be surrounded with light, and seemed <strong>to</strong> be rising higher and higher fromthe earth. I turned <strong>to</strong> look for the advent people in the world, but could notfind them, when a voice said <strong>to</strong> me, ‘Look again, and look a little higher’.At this I raised my eyes, and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up highabove the world. On this path the advent people were travelling <strong>to</strong> the Citywhich was at the farther end of the path . . .”In the mural, Christ our Saviour is the central Figure and main theme, thecentre of all life, doctrine, hope, belief and his<strong>to</strong>ry. Ellen White saw that aslong as the travellers kept their eyes on Christ, they were safe and secureon the path. The narrow way that leads <strong>to</strong> the Holy City portrays peopleof all races and cultures. In the painting 144 people are pictured on thepathway—one-thousandth of the number in Revelation 7 (the 144,000). Thisdepicts a worldwide movement with a common faith in God and love for thetruth.Any movement with an aim <strong>to</strong> reach the entire world has specific waysof getting the message out. One method involved ships. J N Andrews sailed<strong>to</strong> Europe as the first denominationally-sponsored missionary. The Pitcairn(Pitcairn and the South Sea Islands), the Morning Star (Mississippi region ofthe USA) and the Luzeiros (South America) all were important vessels used<strong>to</strong> spread the Gospel.The mural features buildings such as the four Australian notables ofSunnyside, College Hall at Avondale College, the Sydney Sanitarium andHospital and the Sanitarium Health Food Company and the Granose truck.We also see several Sanitariums (Western Health Reform Institute, BattleCreek Sanitarium, Loma Linda Sanitarium and Skodsborg Sanitarium). DimeTabernacle, Elmshaven, Battle Creek College, Madison College and the newGeneral Conference Headquarters are also depicted.Our pioneers were well featured with people like William Miller, theWhite family, Joseph Bates, Annie and Uriah Smith, Stephen Haskell, J NAndrews, J H Kellogg, Kate Lindsay, Arthur Daniells and H M S Richards <strong>to</strong>name just a few.Looking at this special mural we are reminded anew of Ellen White’sstatement: “We have nothing <strong>to</strong> fear for the future, except as we shall forgetthe way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past his<strong>to</strong>ry.”Marian de Berg is administrative assistant at the EG White/SDA Research Centre.

CATCHTHENEWS!WatchInFocusnews fromanywhere,anytime!View<strong>au</strong>as seen on

LETTERSLETTERSNote: Views inletters do not necessarilyrepresent thoseof the edi<strong>to</strong>rs orthe denomination.Letters should be lessthan 250 words, andwriters must includetheir name, addressand phone number.All letters are edited<strong>to</strong> meet space andliterary requirements,but the <strong>au</strong>thor’soriginal meaning willnot be changed. Notall letters receivedare published. SeePage 4 for contactdetails.Don't sufferJohn Stehn, QldWhile the articles ondomestic violence (<strong>RECORD</strong>,August 17) are vital, they appear<strong>to</strong> intimate that womendo not physically abuse men(female verbal abuse being theonly example mentioned inErna Johnson's article).Now this is certainly not thecase, for example, “Womenare not only fully capable ofhitting, biting, kicking, punchingor employing weaponsagainst their male partners,but they frequently engage inthese forms of abuse" (Minaker& Snider, 2006). Thereis also a vast difference inhow the incidents of abuse arereported: “. . . studies showthat there are two sets of dataregarding domestic violence.The first set establishes thatmen and women can beequally abused in intimaterelationships (Dut<strong>to</strong>n, Nicholls& Spidel, 2005); by contrast,the second set shows thatwhen it comes <strong>to</strong> reportingtheir abuses, women are farmore likely <strong>to</strong> report domesticviolence than men”.Let's break the silence! Ifyou are a man who is sufferingabuse of any sort fromyour female partner seek help.You do not need <strong>to</strong> suffer insilence.PAINFUL REALITYHelen Threlfo, via websiteThank you for addressing[domestic violence] with suchhonesty. I read the August 17<strong>RECORD</strong> cover <strong>to</strong> cover andthe whole magazine was a collectionof articles that examinedthe painful reality of abusein our families, in our communitiesand in our Church.It's only by shining the ligh<strong>to</strong>f Christ in<strong>to</strong> the darkness ofour hearts we can be healed.A step furtherJanine Pye, QldThank you James Fletcherfor a very well-written letter("Pas<strong>to</strong>r's thoughts", July 20).It confirms my thoughts on"Conspiracy Adventism" (Feature,June 15).I would like <strong>to</strong> go one stepfurther and suggest that churchmembers make a strong commitment<strong>to</strong> support their localchurch and church pas<strong>to</strong>r.These pas<strong>to</strong>rs and theirfamilies do a great job andit is so discouraging weekafter week <strong>to</strong> have so manymembers missing from thepews bec<strong>au</strong>se they are <strong>visit</strong>inganother church <strong>to</strong> hear a <strong>visit</strong>ingpas<strong>to</strong>r.We have access <strong>to</strong> so muchmedia, podcasts, CDs, DVDs,etc, that we can still listen <strong>to</strong>these pas<strong>to</strong>r's sermons in ourown time.God has an important workfor each of us. I believe thatincludes working alongside ourlocal pas<strong>to</strong>r supporting andencouraging him/her in theirwork.Each of us needs <strong>to</strong> make acommitment <strong>to</strong> worship whereGod would have us and ourfamily <strong>to</strong> be. Our children areour first mission field so we doneed <strong>to</strong> include them in ourworship decisions.God has a work for each ofus. Let us work <strong>to</strong>gether forJesus.VOICE YOUR SUPPORTBryn Jones, via websiteThank you for an excellentfeature, "To vote or not <strong>to</strong>vote?" (September 7).I have been dwelling on this<strong>to</strong>pic for some time since NewZealand voted in a change forthe definition of marriage andallowing same-sex marriage.Aware of the counselagainst voting and unaware ofthe counsel in favour of voting,I saw that it was commonsense that on certain <strong>to</strong>pics,Christians have a responsibility<strong>to</strong> vote and show their supportfor important issues.A familiar quotation says:"Evil triumphs when good menand women do nothing."I believe people acrossNew Zealand should vote forthose politicians who said no<strong>to</strong> changing the definition ofmarriage; [and support] thatmarriage is between one manand one woman. This is fundamentalfor the good of society.Furthermore, what hasadded <strong>to</strong> this musing on the<strong>to</strong>pic of voting, is the possibilityof Dr Ben Carson runningfor president at the next USelections. If God shows him <strong>to</strong>do so, Christians around thecountry should voice their supportfor the values he standsfor.RELIGION VS POLITICSJasmina Kukolja, viaFacebookI don't think we should mixreligion and politics. There arelots of things happening in theChurch and when I get the RE-CORD on Sabbath I don't want<strong>to</strong> think about world events.The Church or I, as anindividual, have little say. Wehave a greater vision and taskbefore us.We should pray for ourleaders and for better communityoutcomes, but we shouldtake the example of Jesus whoin His day saw lots of injusticesbut instead focused onthe heart bec<strong>au</strong>se it all startsthere.20 September 21, 2013 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>

NOTICE BOARDanniversarIESKelly, David andKath (nee Miller)celebrated their50th weddinganniversary at Forster, NSW withfamily. On 31.3.1963, they weremarried by Pas<strong>to</strong>r Jack Mahon atStanborough Park Church,Watford, UK. Their children,Deborah, John and Karen, andtheir families, including ninegrandchildren, had a greatweekend <strong>to</strong>gether. It was the firsttime in years that they hadmanaged <strong>to</strong> all get <strong>to</strong>gether.Ward, Walter(Wally) and Phoebe(nee Savige),celebrated their60th wedding anniversary withthree generations of their familyand friends in Albury on 21.4.13.They were married by Pas<strong>to</strong>r ASedgmann in the Moe church on6.4.1953.Lawrence LandersweddingSAmos—Beneke.Malcolm Amos,son of Pas<strong>to</strong>rKevin and GlendaAmos (Newcastle, NSW), andIrene Beneke, d<strong>au</strong>ghter of Careland Elizabeth Beneke (SouthAfrica), were married 31.7. 13 atWater’s Edge Resort, AirlieBeach. Irene first met Malcolm in2007, while she was a teaching atWoosong University in Daejeon,South Korea. Malcolm t<strong>au</strong>ghtEnglish at a private Kindergartenin Daejeon during that year. Theyplan <strong>to</strong> set up their home inSouth Korea.Jeff ParkerKent—Harris. Thomas Kent andBarbara Harris were married21.7.13 at Ballina church, NSW. Itwas a be<strong>au</strong>tiful sunny day for alovely wedding.Eric GreenwellWong—L<strong>au</strong>. Jason Wong, sonof Agnes Wong Nichols, andSuzan L<strong>au</strong>, d<strong>au</strong>ghter of ChungHei L<strong>au</strong> and Cheung Lin So,were married 7.7.13 at Wantirnachurch. They met at Gateway Citychurch where they are activelyinvolved. Jason studied at LilydaleAcademy while Suzan was a PRexecutive in Hong Kong, but shecame <strong>to</strong> Melbourne <strong>to</strong> serve asa Bible worker. They plan <strong>to</strong> livein Melbourne and be involved inministry at Gateway.Wee Fong ChooRankin—Trow.Ian ManuelRankin (Gympie,NSW) and RomaMary Trow (Maroochydore) weremarried at Maroochydore in fron<strong>to</strong>f family and friends on 21.7.13. Itwas a very happy occasion.John RabbasTierney—Cameron. JacobMatthew Tierney, son of GarryRonald Tierney and Julie AnnLadlow, and Elyse LouiseCameron, d<strong>au</strong>ghter of P<strong>au</strong>lUrquhart Cameron and SharynMargaret Whyte, were married24.3.13 at Emerald Lake Park,Emerald, Vic. They live inTarneit, Vic, where Jacob is acivil engineer and Elyse teachesphysical education at GilsonCollege.Andrew KapusiobituarIESBrand, Yvonne Valima (nee Jean-Louis), born 1.4.1929 in Narrogin,WA; died 24.6.13 in RossmoyneAdventist Residential Care. InJune 1947, she married Vick,who predeceased her in 1997.She is survived by her d<strong>au</strong>ghters,Zelie Wells (Perth), Vicki Brand(Bussel<strong>to</strong>n) and Janine Gurdon(Perth); and her sister, ZelieFarmer (Perth). Music wasYvonne’s life. She t<strong>au</strong>ght pianofor 53 years before developingAlzheimer’s disease. She passedher teacher’s exam at the age of19, followed by the AMusA andfinally her LMusA in 1966.Richard ReynoldsBateman, Joan Myrtle,born 18.12.1929 inCarlisle, WA; died1.8.13 in Wodonga,Vic. On 7.4.1949, she marriedFrank Bateman, whopredeceased her. She is survivedby Graeme (Wodonga), Alwyn(Thurgoona, NSW), Vicki(Kellyville); seven grandchildren;and three great-grandchildren.Joan now rests beside Frank, herhusband of 62 years. She wasdedicated <strong>to</strong> Jesus and herfamily, and was a truly wondroushomemaker.Harold HarkerGould, Delma Mavis (neeStanley), born 4.11.1922 in Nietta,Tas; died 21.7.13 in Forest Hill,Vic. On 29.11.1948, she marriedSydney Gould, who predeceasedher. She is survived by theirchildren, Cordell (Bayswater)and Glenys Elliott (LowerTemples<strong>to</strong>we). Del was a highlyesteemed Bible worker whoassisted in many evangelisticcampaigns. She was a faithful,kind and gentle woman who willbe missed.Tony CampbellDuffy, John Edgar,born 27.12.1928 inStrathfield, NSW; died18.7.13 in Adelaide, SA.On 16.1.1950, he married JoyDuffy. He is survived by his wife;and Peter Duffy (Whyalla), TimDuffy (Adelaide), Ruth Baillie(Nhulunbuy, NT) and JonathanDuffy (Columbia, USA). John wasa dedicated church schoolteacher for 27 years in Australia,PNG and the Cook Islands. Healso served as elder at manydifferent churches and inretirement served for seven yearsas a volunteer pas<strong>to</strong>r. He will besadly missed.Nigel AcklandHowell, Nola Fay (nee Holland),born 28.1.1938 in Opunake,New Zealand; died 2.1.13, in theMayo Private Hospital, Taree,NSW, after a long battle withcancer. In 1961, she married GlenHowell. She is survived by herhusband; children, Bren<strong>to</strong>n andwife, Lynne, Cherie, and Jenny-Lee and husband, Ian Harrod;grandd<strong>au</strong>ghters, Charlie, Remyand Billie; and her siblings, Dawnand John Hawkins, Brian andJune Hamil<strong>to</strong>n, and Clive CarmenHolland. Nola completed hersecondary education at LongburnMissionary College, New Zealand,and then her nursing trainingat the Sydney Sanitarium andHospital, Wahroonga. Shegraduated in 1959, then pursueda career in nursing for most ofher working life.Graham StewartHunter, Vida (nee Nevell);born 9.7.1942 in Pine Hill,Nurse Conley’s Nursing Homein Cooranbong, NSW; died3.7.13 in Sydney AdventistHospital. On 16.12.1962, shemarried Bevan in the old villagechurch at Cooranbong. She issurvived by her husband; andher three children, Deanne(Cooranbong), Calvin and hiswife, Wendy (Bonnells Bay),and Leanne (Cooranbong); hertwo grandchildren, Jasmineand Caleb; her older halfbrotherand sister, Raymondand Elizabeth; and her siblingsand their spouses, Thomas,Beverley Es<strong>au</strong>, Ellen Kooyman,Clive and Phillip. Vida had amild, pleasant personality. Shewas never heard <strong>to</strong> be critical orsay an unkind word of anyone.Everyone was welcome in herhome. She was one of God’schildren. In the midst of poorhealth she retained a strongfaith and was so looking forward<strong>to</strong> the resurrection morning.Her favourite hymn, sung at herfuneral, was “Take the world butgive me Jesus”. She was buriedon what would have been her71st birthday.Aaron JeffriesJohns<strong>to</strong>n, Floris Jane(nee Roder), born27.10.1921 in Lismore,NSW; died 7.6.13 inAls<strong>to</strong>nville. On 13.12.1955, shemarried Pas<strong>to</strong>r Ian Johns<strong>to</strong>n atLismore church. She waspredeceased by her sister, OliveDowns. She is survived by herhusband; her children and theirpartners, Dorrilyn and PrajanRajbhandari and Andrew andMonique Johns<strong>to</strong>n; grandchildren,Chloe, Liam and Phoebe; andsiblings, Dawn Eckman and NoelRoder. Floris was baptised whenshe was 18 at Lismore. The focusof her life was her love for Jesusand her desire <strong>to</strong> support herhusband in his ministry. She diedin full assurance that soon shewould see Jesus’ face at Hiscoming.L<strong>au</strong>rie McMurtry, Beth McMurtry,Tim Kings<strong>to</strong>nLillioja, Harry, born 25.1.1925 inTallinn, Es<strong>to</strong>nia; died 3.7.13 inthe Bayside Aged Care Facility,NSW. On 14.1.1947, he marriedIlma Scarfe. He is survivedvolunteersBuilder needed <strong>to</strong> helpcollect data and design a planthat will assist in completinga new church building. Willonly require 2 or 3 days atKaturasele Village in ChoiseulIsland (Solomon Islands).Please email your expressionof interest <strong>to</strong> .record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 21

NOTICE BOARDby his wife (Cooranbong); sixchildren and their spouses:Brenda and David Bruster, Eileenand Lindsay Hiscox, StephenLillioja, Vaino and Sue Lillioja,Yvette and Andy Bettini, andMeldon and Cindy Lillioja; 14grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren.Harry was also amuch-loved brother of Helmut(deceased) and Virve Will(Ro<strong>to</strong>rua). Harry held severalchurch offices and was a manof diverse abilities. He wasenergetic, an adventurer andhad a strong faith in Jesus.Over a period of time he madea number of violins and was acompetent violinist. He was asuccessful literature evangelistfor 15 years and a respectedsales rep for Sanitarium for 25years. He lived life <strong>to</strong> the full,positions vacantwas a devoted husband andfather.Roger Nixon, Stephen LilliojaLynch, Rose Edith, born11.7.1916 in Bloemfontein, SouthAfrica; died 30.3.13 in Perth,WA. She was baptised in 1970after attending an evangelisticprogram in Melville Town Hall,Perth, run by Pas<strong>to</strong>r LyndonSchick. She became a memberof Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Park church beforereturning <strong>to</strong> South Africa in the‘80s. Rose returned <strong>to</strong> Perthin 1996, living in Carlisle andlater Bentley where she was amember of Belmont church. Rosewas an enthusiastic member andloved singing. She did volunteerwork with Red Cross in herretirement. She was a dedicatedChristian with a strong faith inGod and enjoyed a firm, lastingfriendship with Lorraine and LeeThomson, whom she first met atthe Melville mission in 1970. Sheis survived by her niece, Connie(South Africa).Lyndon SchickChurch pas<strong>to</strong>r—Norfolk Island. The Seventh-day Adventist Church (Greater Sydney Conference)Limited is seeking suitable applicants for the position of church pas<strong>to</strong>r, Norfolk Island. Based on NorfolkIsland, the role involves pas<strong>to</strong>ral care of the church and ministry <strong>to</strong> the local community. The positionis for commencement in January 2014, subject <strong>to</strong> negotiation. This position requires a commitment <strong>to</strong>the teachings, values and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pas<strong>to</strong>ral ministry experience ispreferable. For more information, or <strong>to</strong> apply, please contact Pas<strong>to</strong>r Adrian Raethel (02) 8876 5288 oremail . Applications close September 27, 2013.Held hostage by the pay (and work hours) of your current employer? Is it worth the <strong>to</strong>ll it’staking on your health and family? Consider joining a church employer that offers:competitive remuneration packagesflexible work hourshealth and wellbeing programsopportunities <strong>to</strong> serve the community here and overseasdiverse career choicesparticipation in God’s mission on this earthWe’re looking for committed Adventists with a strong work ethic who are more focused oncontributing and serving than complaining. Life is short. Make it count.Find more reasons <strong>to</strong> join us and sign up for job updates atSales representative (12-month contract)—Sanitarium (Perth, WA). Sanitarium is seekinga highly motivated person <strong>to</strong> join our sales team based in Perth. This job provides an excellen<strong>to</strong>pportunity for candidates who want a challenging and satisfying role and one that also offers thescope <strong>to</strong> develop a career in the FMCG industry. This position will be on a 12-month contract basis.If you are comfortable with handling responsibility, taking ownership of tasks, can deliver exceptionalcus<strong>to</strong>mer service, are motivated and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment whilst maintainingattention <strong>to</strong> detail and if you would like <strong>to</strong> become part of a sales team that is dedicated <strong>to</strong> growingthe company’s business then this position is for you. You will provided with a company vehicle(current driver’s licence required). Previous sales experience would be an advantage along withcomputer literacy with Microsoft products. Apply online at .Applications close Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 4, 2013.Church youth leader—Bishopdale Church (Christchurch, NZ). We are a vibrant, growing churchthat is committed <strong>to</strong> our young people! As a result we are currently seeking a passionate person wholoves Jesus and young people <strong>to</strong> work full-time as our youth leader in 2014. The successful applicantwill receive a salary, subsidised accommodation, men<strong>to</strong>ring and support from church leaders and achance <strong>to</strong> explore our stunning part of the world. Could God be calling you <strong>to</strong> grow young disciples viaan adventure in service in be<strong>au</strong>tiful New Zealand? For more information and <strong>to</strong> apply<strong>visit</strong> . Applications close Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 21, 2013.Sign up for job updates and find more vacantpositions at Madden, Jean Stirling (neeWoodward), born 10.8.1921 inCharleville Qld; died 4.6.13 inYallambee Retirement Village,Millmerran, Qld. She marriedArthur, who predeceased herin 2004. She is survived by herson, Ken, and d<strong>au</strong>ghter-in-law,Margaret Madden (Hillcrest,Brisbane) and her d<strong>au</strong>ghter,Irene, and son-in-law, MalcolmHain (Millmerran Qld); hergrandchildren, Letitia, Lynelle,David, Robin, Brendon, Warrenand Rebecca; and 10 greatgrandchildren.Jean served inthe armed services. She lived forsome time in Stanthorpe, Qld,and then in Warwick, where shewas a foundation member andthe first treasurer of the Warwickchurch. Jean loved her children,and adored her grandchildrenand great-grandchildren.Don Bryant, Keith MillerNobbs, Stephen Enoch, born18.4.1932; died 4.7.13 in NorfolkIsland, aged 81. He is survivedby his d<strong>au</strong>ghter, Lyn (YarrawongaPark, NSW), son, John (NorfolkIsland); five brothers, Les, Alex,Roy, Ken and Joe (all from NorfolkIsland); four grandchildren;and four great-grandchildren.Stephen had been ill for someyears, and was recently hospitalisedafter a nasty fall. He passedaway quietly in the Norfolk Islandhospital. He was a keen supporterof the Norfolk Island church,and rested his trust in Jesus duringhis declining months.Mike BrowningRoberts, Gwen, born 27.7.1917in Dural, NSW; died 20.6.13in Bethany Aged Care, PortMacquarie. On 19.7.1941, shemarried David, with whom shespent 65 wonderful years until hispassing in 2006. Although Gwendid not have any children of herown, she loved <strong>to</strong> be around andinteract with children. Her greatsense of humour, along with herkindness and love, enabled her<strong>to</strong> relate <strong>to</strong> all ages. She wasa much-loved member of thePort Macquarie and W<strong>au</strong>chopechurches. Gwen’s outlook on lifewas <strong>to</strong> be happy and content,always seeking <strong>to</strong> live a life ofkindness and love <strong>to</strong>ward others.Gwen was laid <strong>to</strong> rest by the sideof her husband where she awaitsthe sound of the trumpet.Danny Milenkov, Joseph MaticicUriah St JusteSanburg, Audrey (Ave) Avian(nee Cutmore), born in 1927 inPomona, Qld; died 13.7.13 in theAdventist Retirement Village,Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Point, Qld. She and Raywere married for 66 years. Sheis survived by her husband; theirchildren and spouses, Wendyand Alan S<strong>au</strong>lt, Rhonda andRon Webb, John and MelissaSanburg; grandchildren, Stephen,Leisa, Connie, Jordan, Jenae,Brantan, Rachel and Jacob; andnine great-grandchildren. Afterattending a mission organised22 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong>

NOTICE BOARDby Pas<strong>to</strong>r Russell Kranz in 1962,Avian, her mother and d<strong>au</strong>ghterwere baptised in<strong>to</strong> the AdventistChurch—an his<strong>to</strong>rical day whenthree generations of womenwere <strong>to</strong>gether in the font. Avianremained at South Brisbanechurch from 1962—2008, servingin many capacities. She played akey role in bringing her husband<strong>to</strong> Jesus 15 years ago.Keith Grolimund, John SanburgStan<strong>to</strong>n, RobynDenise, born16.10.1943 inLeichardt, NSW; died28.7.13 in Hobart, Tas. On7.1.1964, she married RossStan<strong>to</strong>n in Wahroonga church.She is survived by her husband;Philip and Karelle Stan<strong>to</strong>n(Ringwood, Vic); and grandsonsAlec and Stewart, Edrei MarkStan<strong>to</strong>n and grandson Flynn, andKylie Stan<strong>to</strong>n. She graduatedfrom Avondale from secretarial,then primary teaching in 1963.She was gifted as a teacher,business manager, artist,musician, writer and presenter ofthe TV series on “Better Living”for Sanitarium and ‘Focus onLiving’. Her Christian devotionand commitment were reflectedfor almost fifty years in teaching,music and organisation in theRosny and Margate Churches inTasmania. She also served manyyears on executive committeesat the Conference and SouthPacific Division.Harley Stan<strong>to</strong>nThompson, Alleyne James, born10.12.1933 in Collaroy, NSW; died21.11.12 at home in Duranbah. On5.5.1955, he married Beryl Borgasat Cooranbong. He is survivedby his brothers, Gary (SunshineCoast, Qld) and Des (Als<strong>to</strong>nville,NSW); his children, Bruce (Mick,Toron<strong>to</strong>, NSW), Peter (Terranora,NSW) and Jennifer (Duranbah);and grandchildren, Keely Boyd,Nicky, Amy, Andrew, Ben andEdward.Warren PriceThompson, Beryl (nee Borgas),born 13.8.1925 in Cairns, Qld;died 16.7.13 at home nearMullumbimby, NSW. In 1955, shemarried Alleyne Thompson, whopredeceased her in 2012. Beryl issurvived by her brother, WarrenBorgas (Euroa, Vic), her children,Bruce (Mick) and Julie (Toron<strong>to</strong>,NSW), Peter (Terranora) andJennifer (Duranbah, NSW);grandchildren Keely Boyd,Nicky, Amy, Andrew, Ben andEdward; and her beloved greatgrandchild,Hunter. Beryl diedtrusting in the saving grace ofChrist.John LangThomson, Shirley Boyd(nee Price), born 6.3.1924 inFremantle, WA; died 17.7.13 inAdventist Retirement Village,Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Point, Qld. On 15.8.1946,she married Pas<strong>to</strong>r AlecThomson. She is survived byher husband; their d<strong>au</strong>ghters,Michelle Cherry (Toowoomba)and Claire Karafilis (Aberdeen,NSW); and six grandchildren.Shirley and Alec shared almost67 years of marriage <strong>to</strong>gether, 23of which were spent in isolatedplaces in the Gilbert and EllisIslands, and PNG. The staff at thehospital were greatly impressedby her trust in God, and the lovethat she and Alec shared as hefaithfully <strong>visit</strong>ed her each day.Another saint is sleeping awaitingthe call of the Lifegiver.Bob PossinghamVan Eysden, Maria Lena, born1.8.1920 in Velson, Netherlands;died 24.6.13 in Ulvers<strong>to</strong>ne, Tas.She was predeceased by herhusband, Cornelis, in 1981 andher d<strong>au</strong>ghter, Dorothy, in 2004.She is survived by her son,Casey; and grandchildren, Scott,Stuart, Anthony, Valena, Adamand Ashleigh. Lena was one ofGod’s faithful and lived what shebelieved. In her heart she longedfor the second coming of Jesus.She was greatly loved and will besadly missed.David PearceWilliams, Haydn Benjamin, born20.7.11 in Ipswich, Qld; died26.6.13 at home in Flags<strong>to</strong>neCreek. Affectionately called“Little Man” or “Chuckle Head”,Hadyn lived his life with courageand determination despite havingcerebral palsy from birth. He issurvived by his parents, Shannonand Ben; his sister, Taylor; hisgrandparents, Pat and Greg; hisgreat-grandparents, June andDon Jull and Myra Wegener;and numerous <strong>au</strong>nts, uncles andcousins. He is remembered forbeing the gift only God can give,only living 23 months and sixdays, never speaking a word but<strong>to</strong>uching hundreds of people’slives around the world, teachingsomething new every day, beinga leader, not backing down fromwhat he believed and setting anexample <strong>to</strong> everyone of how Godtruly wants each of us <strong>to</strong> live.Jenny KingAdvertisementsGrey Nomads 2014 Camp.The North New South WalesConference’s annual GreyNomads Camp will be held from9—17 May, 2014, at the AdventistConvention Centre, Stuarts Point,NSW. The event is open <strong>to</strong> greynomads from across Australia(and beyond), and is an excellen<strong>to</strong>pportunity for retirees <strong>to</strong> meetand fellowship <strong>to</strong>gether. Moredetails available soon. For moreinformation, contact DebbieHead via (02) 4944 3220 or.90th year celebration. Formermembers and pas<strong>to</strong>rs of Boolaroochurch are invited <strong>to</strong> join ina day of worship and praise onOc<strong>to</strong>ber 26, 2013. Memorabilia(especially pre-1956) is sought.Please RSVP by email <strong>to</strong> bySeptember 30.Back <strong>to</strong> Collie—celebrating50 years. Saturday, Oc<strong>to</strong>ber19, 2013. Cnr Steere andWittnoom streets, Collie, WA.10am—7.30pm. WorshippingGod in prayer, praise, offerings,song, thanksgiving and fellowship.Bring your memories <strong>to</strong>share. Speaker: Pas<strong>to</strong>r RobertKingdon. Music: Spectrum.Bus <strong>to</strong>ur: bookings ($10 p.p.)essential. Call Robyn Miller (08)9734 2237, 0427 827 646 oremail .Requesting with thanks all foods,savoury and sweet, but fingerfoods only. “Picnic in the Park”with Spectrum at the WishingWell/Rotunda, Forrest St, Collie,5.45pm—7.30pm. Bring your ownpicnic tea and drinks, fold-upchairs, picnic rugs. Inquiries:Pas<strong>to</strong>r Mark Ellmoos, phone0400 550 116 or email orphone Derek and Raewyn Jones,(08) 97343394 or email .Law firm in Melbourne:McMahon Fearnley Lawyers PtyLtd. Areas of law include the saleand purchase of property, litigation,commercial transactions(including shareholder and partnershipagreements, franchisingand leasing), wills, estates andprobate applications. Adventistlawyers include Lloyd McMahonand Michael Brady. Please call(03) 9670 0966 or email .Margate Church, Tasmania—80th Anniversary, encompassingKaoota, Middle<strong>to</strong>n, Glen Huon,Bruny. 30th November, 2013.Past members, ministers, friendscome, celebrate 80 years atMargate’s special combinedprogram commencing 9.45am.Fellowship lunch. Pho<strong>to</strong>s,memorabillia, confirmation:contact Jea<strong>net</strong>te Southwell,Phone (03) 6227 2128, 0437531 056 or email .Reduced price quality satellitekits for Adventist television andradio. Full instructions for easyDIY installation, pho<strong>to</strong>s, technicalsupport. $235 + freight. Australiaonly (02) 6361 3636.Projec<strong>to</strong>rs, screens, wirelessmicrophones, amplifiers,speakers, etc. Lower prices forAdventist institutions. Australiaonly. Contact Trish, or (02) 6361 3636.Finally . . .“In our age, the road<strong>to</strong> holiness necessarilypasses through theworld of action.”—Dag HammarskjöldNext <strong>RECORD</strong> Oct 5Note: Neither the edi<strong>to</strong>r, Adventist Media Network, nor the SeventhdayAdventist Church is responsible for the quality of goods or servicesadvertised. Publication does not indicate endorsement of a product orservice. Advertisements approved by the edi<strong>to</strong>r will be inserted at thefollowing rates: first 30 words or less, $A68 +GST; each additional word,$A2.26 +GST. For your advertisement <strong>to</strong> appear, payment must be enclosed.Classified advertisements in <strong>RECORD</strong> are available <strong>to</strong> Seventh-day Adventistmembers, churches and institutions only. See masthead (page 4) for contactdetails.record.<strong>net</strong>.<strong>au</strong> • SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 23


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