1 December 2008 Mr W Chatwin Headteacher Elmete ... - Ofsted

1 December 2008 Mr W Chatwin Headteacher Elmete ... - Ofsted 1 December 2008 Mr W Chatwin Headteacher Elmete ... - Ofsted

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a swift pace, a variety of activities and use their knowledge of pupils’ abilities and interests to capture their interest and make learning fun. Students from the Stonegate Road site have benefited from being able to access practical subjects like PE and design and technology on the Elmete Lane site. Lesson planning continues to improve and staff consistently follow the school’s requirements. Teachers make use of feedback to support pupils’ learning, giving clear guidance as to the next steps. The innovative use of book cover stickers in science has been shared with the rest of the staff. These stickers helpfully consist of feedback about the level of individual pupils’ work and give an area for improvement to ensure that they are aware of their progress and next steps. Marking also gives written guidance and is improving in quality and consistency but still needs to improve further to ensure maximum impact on pupils’ achievement. Teachers’ conclusions to lessons, where they check on and reinforce learning, are improving and pupils now take a more active part in these. There has been an increase in accreditation available to pupils this year and each subject leader is reviewing the appropriateness of the assessment arrangements and examination boards used. There is an increasing array of alternative vocational placements for students who can benefit from these, including construction courses and a hairdressing diploma. The school has successfully introduced some new areas to the curriculum such as ‘Big Themes’, which is a cross-curricular project that capitalises on teachers’ skills and interests, in order to foster more interest in the Key Stage 3 curriculum. The training of staff in the teaching of personal and thinking skills has been well received and has enhanced the curriculum. The tracking of pupils’ academic and personal progress continues to improve and curriculum and behavioural targets are evident across the school. Pupils say that they know who to talk to if they are experiencing difficulties and a secure relationship with their key worker means that pupils have someone to go to if they need help. Progress since the last visit on the areas for improvement: � Ensure that pupils achieve well by improving the quality of teaching and the curriculum– satisfactory. Leadership and management It is because of improved leadership and management that the school has taken the strides forward it has. The school has responded well to the priorities for further improvement identified at the last monitoring inspection. A fully mapped out timetable is now in place for every pupil despite some being chronic non-attenders. There has been an increased use of alternative curriculum packages for those pupils who can benefit from these. The school now has a wealth of data which is being managed well by the achievement and systems manager. This includes data on Page 4

achievement, attendance and behaviour. However, the school needs to be more discerning about the data it requires and also needs to evaluate it so that it is clear what the information is telling the school and what are the next steps the school needs to take. This said, the school is evaluating itself much more effectively than it did at the time of the 2007 inspection. Monitoring of teaching and learning is a firmly embedded practice. The school has sought the views of parents, pupils and staff to help it understand what is doing well and what needs to be improved further. Good examples of parents’ views making a difference are the improving transport arrangements and the developing system of involving parents in their children’s target setting. Staff are being enabled to have more influence on the school and senior managers are receptive to their ideas. A staff council has been formed and this also has useful links with the governing body. Staff are also taking more of a lead on other initiatives, such as behaviour change. Senior leaders are very cognisant of staff welfare. They have worked with the LA to compare data on assaults on staff with staff absence and the principal is involved in the LA’s reducing violence at work initiative. All staff are trained in ‘Team-Teach’ approaches to managing difficult behaviour and the school draws on other agencies effectively to support its work with pupils. Middle management has improved and with the data now available to them subject leaders and their link member of the senior leadership team have begun to meet regularly to review the subjects and the progress of pupils. The governing body has benefited from some recent appointments, including staff governors and a serving headteacher. Governors have a good understanding of the challenges the school faces and the gains it has made. They have benefited from the support they received from the national leader of education and are in a much better position to operate as a critical friend of the school than they were at the time of the last inspection in February 2007. Progress since the last visit on the areas for improvement: � Establish robust systems to monitor the effectiveness of the SILC and its impact on learning and achievement – satisfactory. � Make the workload of the leadership team more equitable and effective – good. External support Two of the LA’s school improvement officers are working regularly with senior managers and their work has become more focused on particular issues as the school has demonstrated its ability to stand on its own two feet. They have provided good support and they have an accurate view of where their continuing support and challenge is needed. Support has been provided for the English department by an advanced skills teacher as the school has been unable to appoint a head of English. This support is to continue. The LA has put its shoulder firmly to the wheel to help the school better meet the needs of its challenging population by recently Page 5

achievement, attendance and behaviour. However, the school needs to be more<br />

discerning about the data it requires and also needs to evaluate it so that it is clear<br />

what the information is telling the school and what are the next steps the school<br />

needs to take. This said, the school is evaluating itself much more effectively than it<br />

did at the time of the 2007 inspection. Monitoring of teaching and learning is a firmly<br />

embedded practice. The school has sought the views of parents, pupils and staff to<br />

help it understand what is doing well and what needs to be improved further. Good<br />

examples of parents’ views making a difference are the improving transport<br />

arrangements and the developing system of involving parents in their children’s<br />

target setting. Staff are being enabled to have more influence on the school and<br />

senior managers are receptive to their ideas. A staff council has been formed and<br />

this also has useful links with the governing body. Staff are also taking more of a<br />

lead on other initiatives, such as behaviour change. Senior leaders are very<br />

cognisant of staff welfare. They have worked with the LA to compare data on<br />

assaults on staff with staff absence and the principal is involved in the LA’s reducing<br />

violence at work initiative. All staff are trained in ‘Team-Teach’ approaches to<br />

managing difficult behaviour and the school draws on other agencies effectively to<br />

support its work with pupils. Middle management has improved and with the data<br />

now available to them subject leaders and their link member of the senior leadership<br />

team have begun to meet regularly to review the subjects and the progress of<br />

pupils.<br />

The governing body has benefited from some recent appointments, including staff<br />

governors and a serving headteacher. Governors have a good understanding of the<br />

challenges the school faces and the gains it has made. They have benefited from the<br />

support they received from the national leader of education and are in a much better<br />

position to operate as a critical friend of the school than they were at the time of the<br />

last inspection in February 2007.<br />

Progress since the last visit on the areas for improvement:<br />

� Establish robust systems to monitor the effectiveness of the SILC and its<br />

impact on learning and achievement – satisfactory.<br />

� Make the workload of the leadership team more equitable and effective –<br />

good.<br />

External support<br />

Two of the LA’s school improvement officers are working regularly with senior<br />

managers and their work has become more focused on particular issues as the<br />

school has demonstrated its ability to stand on its own two feet. They have provided<br />

good support and they have an accurate view of where their continuing support and<br />

challenge is needed. Support has been provided for the English department by an<br />

advanced skills teacher as the school has been unable to appoint a head of English.<br />

This support is to continue. The LA has put its shoulder firmly to the wheel to help<br />

the school better meet the needs of its challenging population by recently<br />

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