RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute


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<strong>RATOONING</strong> IN CHINA 81Table 1. Reports on yields of rice main crop (MC) and ratoon crop (RC) during the 1970s. aVariety orLocation Year hybridMaturity(d)Grain yield(t/ha)MC RC MC RCCuttingheight(cm)ReferenceNanchangJiangxi1976Shan You 2 164706.05.223.3(13)LinglingHunan1979Yang Xian 203 132627.75.016.6-20.0(10)JianglinSichuanWuchangHubeiChengduSichuanJingmenHubeiFoshanGuangdongForhanGuangdongFoshanGuangdongFoshanGuangdongZhaoquingGuangdongChengduSichuan1977197719771976197719791974197519751977Nan You 2140-150IR 29 137Shu Feng 1 115-125IR 29 120IR 24XiaojiahuoGuangerai170 b192 b154 bIR 24 157 bZhenzhuai/ 155IR 661Shu Feng 1 13050-6054605492103928569707. roundlevel5.0(11)(9)(2)(8)(7)(7)(6)(6)(20)(15)a R ecords of grain yield over 3.0 t/ha with data needed were adopted. Most of them were obtainedfrom small areas. b Complementary data from the original author, agronomist, Huang,Dao-You, Foshan Prefecture Agricultural <strong>Research</strong> institute, Guangdong Province.also expanded; in Sichuan Province, for instance, 16,000 ha were planted to ratoonrice in 1977, 18,666 ha in 1978.Important information was obtained from those studies (Table 1):1) Some varieties and hybrid rices were promising for ratooning. Theseincluded Yang Xian 203, IR24, and Shu Feng 1 and the hybrids Ai You 1,Nan You 2, and Shan You 2.2) High yield records were set. The IR24 ratoon crop yielded 8.73 t/ha;including the main crop, yield totaled as high as 17.15 t/ha in FoshanPrefecture Agricultural <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, Guangdong Province, in 1977.Ai You 4 and other varieties yielded 6.57-8.17 t/ha for the main crop and5.07-5.88 t/ha for the ratoon crop. Two crops yielded 11.66-14.20 t/ha inFujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Sichuan Provinces (12).There were two main patterns of ratooning:1. Low cutting (below 4-5 cm) height. Low cutting-height ratoon with highyielding potential (4.5-8.2) t/ha and long growth duration (about 90-100 d)can be grown only in conventional double-cropping rice areas. Verysensitive cultivation is an essential prerequisite for its success.

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