RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute

RICE RATOONING - IRRI books - International Rice Research Institute


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BREEDING AND TESTING FOR <strong>RATOONING</strong> ABILITY IN TEXAS 49main crop yielded 8.2 t and the ratoon crop 3.6 t/ha. Table 3 presents additionalevidence of the contribution a ratoon crop can make to total yield.Most of the research relative to ratooning at Beaumont consists of data fromthe annual Regional Uniform <strong>Rice</strong> Nurseries. The nurseries are primarily performancetrials of advanced breeding lines from Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas.The emphasis is on main crop yields, milling and cooking quality, disease reaction,lodging resistance, and maturity. Ratoon yields generally have been obtained only inthe early-maturing groups in Texas.Although these nurseries were not designed to study ratooning in anyfundamental way, they provide a relatively large body of data that can contributevaluable information relative to the association of ratooning ability with otherimportant agronomic characteristics and climatic factors in the Gulf coast area ofTexas and Louisiana. Some of the important associations in a breeding program forTable 2. Main and ratoon crop yields for selections in the very early group (GroupI) of the Regional Uniform <strong>Rice</strong> Nurseries, at Beaumont, Texas, 1978.SelectionYield (t/ha) aMain crop Ratoon crop Total yieldRU7802003RU7801011RU7602015RU7801004RU7603009LabellaRU7703008RU7802010RU7801001RU7703005RU7701014RU7802013RU7703012RU7801007RU7502006RU7702016Mean6.9 a6.8 ab6.6 abc6.6 abc6.4 abcd6.3 abcde6.3 abcde6.1 bcde6.1 bcde6.1 bcde5.9 cdef5.9 cdef5.8 def5.8 def5.6 ef5.3 f6.11.8 bcd1.4 def1.6 cde1.7 bcde1.0 gh2.1 b0.8 h2.0 bc1.3 efg1.3 efg1.6 cde1.2 fgh1.6 cde2.1 b2.7 a2.1 b1.68.8 a8.2 abcd8.2 abcd8.3 abc7.4 def8.4 ab7.0 ef8.1 abcd7.4 def7.4 def7.5 cdef7.0 f7.4 def7.9 bcde8.2 abcd7.4 def7.8a ln a column, values followed by a common letter are not significantly differentat the 5% level by Duncan's multiple range test.Table 3. Main and ratoon crop yields for indicated cultivars at Eagle Lake, Texas,1985.CultivarYield (t/ha) aMain crop Ratoon crop Total yieldPlant typeLemontGulfmontRexmontSkybonnetNewrexLebonnet8.7 a8.3 ab7.4 b6.0 c5.9 c4.9 d2.3 bc2.9 a1.9 cd2.8 ab2.2 c1.7 d11.0 a11.3 a9.3 b8.8 b8.2 b6.6 cSemidwarfSemidwarfSemidwarfNormalNormalNormala In a column, values followed by a common letter are not significantly differentat the 5% level by Duncan's multiple range test.

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